Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer Defend 'Killing Eve' Finale

  • čas přidán 11. 04. 2022
  • Graeme O'Neil takes a look at Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer's explanation for the "Killing Eve" series finale that has angered a lot of fans.
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  • @Rhiaanon
    @Rhiaanon Před 2 lety +689

    The issue I have with season 4 is V and Eve should have been together from the start. Episode 8 of season 3 showed them working through so much. The writers acted like that never happened and then attempted to gaslight fans with the nonsense they have been saying. Eve and Villanelle are alive and together in the books. I do thank Jodie and Sandra for giving life to these characters! Also, the kiss scene was absolutely beautiful!

    • @gracet9
      @gracet9 Před 2 lety +72

      Exactly, this is what I’ve been saying. They were so close at the end of season 3 and then they’re suddenly hostile towards each other at the beginning of season 4 with no explanation given. The whole of season 4 was a mess, the only bit I enjoyed was in episode 8 where E and V finally get together and even that was ruined 15 minutes later. I’m so angry, they deserved better.

    • @aleksisuuronen5969
      @aleksisuuronen5969 Před 2 lety +12

      @@gracet9 every of their problem was squashed by roadtrip. They even did the Dexters and made a psychopath into welll, maybe they aren't so psychopath afterall which is super bs. The whole season was a goddamn mess with the filler new killer girl that gave nothing to the plot. The jumping does Eve want Vilanelle in prison, be with her, be as far as her as possibly (same with Vilanelle but she atleast had some motivation written, it's still frustrsting for audience). And to be frank I didn't even get any romantic (other than forced) feeling betweem them two, it also seemed Vilanelle was only woman Eve was attracted to and ok but you made her screw a guy the start of the season and she had a husband so somethinf would make it a bit more seeming like she is bi but that's quite whatever. Eve was a total moron the whole season, she just went into the cabin to kill Lars, not really knowing nothing about the guy, she at the time tought Carolyne was the head of 12 and kills Lars but not her?? Woman who also headscrewed with her. Konstantin had the dumbest death for the sake of having one (I guess no man can survive in this series), the daughter phonecall was dumb making it like reminding that Konstantin is a bad person but is Vilanelle then good? (the daughter call also gave up that Konstantin is going to die). Granted I watched the last episode after work at night really hazy but ok so they killed the kitchen people so was this the brilliant twelve meeting plan to pass of as an catering for a wedding.. what (because Vilanelle did nothing else than killes them and was like now it' done). I'm pretty sure head of international assasin group can make a super secret meeting place with guards and without having to cook or there being boat full of drunk people who do whatever. People to interrupt and for accident listen in. And how didn't no one recognize Vilannelle who is their star-assasin and looked by multiple agencies, raised by them since kid. If I catched that boat thing right (not watching again). The whole season didn't make any sense and was a total mess. Also what makes that Eve doesn't get shot as soon as she surfaces, which is why they propably had to end there for not more plot-armor.

    • @gracet9
      @gracet9 Před 2 lety +6

      @@aleksisuuronen5969 You’re absolutely right. The whole season was a mess from start to finish.

    • @lauragrillo27
      @lauragrillo27 Před 2 lety +1

      Yes. Well put

    • @shanv91
      @shanv91 Před 2 lety +7

      I literally hated how they seemed so close in the season 3 finale and then just…walk away and take 7 episodes to finally not be pissed at each other (even though they should’ve been together in 4x01 honestly). And then they jam in so much in ep 8. Thank god for the kissing scene it was the only good part :/

  • @tsuumee4545
    @tsuumee4545 Před 2 lety +285

    I feel so awful for Eve. She has nothing. The love of her life protected her in the end and she could do nothing but reach out and watch her die. I think this is the deeper meaning to the cards scene. Eve's "future" card read death. Not physically, but figuratively; she died when Villanelle did. They either have their happy ending or physically die together. There is no excuse for that ending. I'm sorry that they did this to you, Eve.

    • @lovemeh7899
      @lovemeh7899 Před 2 lety +20

      It sucks because thats not even what the card meant it means new beginnings something ends and, there’s a new beginning. People view it as an negative card but honestly if you ever get a reading and your going thru a tough time that card is your reassurance. Anyways still dont enjoy this finale I literally binged this season and I laughed occasionally for Villianelles lines. But simply thats villianelle for you. Also did it feel like there was way too much filler in this or?

    • @julimoreno173
      @julimoreno173 Před 2 lety +2

      @@lovemeh7899 rRight, bad tarot reader sorry.

    • @nikikaidoxa
      @nikikaidoxa Před 2 lety +4

      I totally agree with those. I was scared they will kill Eve -- featuring the future card literally -- but it certainly was the end for her and starting something new. And V... her card also became true with them getting together at last. She got what she wanted before the end came... And honestly... They couldn't have ended it with them having happily ever after. They just couldn't. As Eve said -- they would consume each other before they got old. And perhaps the little time they had was their happy ending.
      But all in all -- this season kinda sucked. They should have give them at least half the season to rule on the screen 😛

    • @MrAdryan1603
      @MrAdryan1603 Před 2 lety

      @@lovemeh7899 Right? I hate that the death card always has that same BS meaning in movies and shows

    • @cristinasheehan5687
      @cristinasheehan5687 Před 2 lety +1

      In tarot reading death upright is a new beginning. Eve is finally free of Villanelle, Carolyn thinks she’s dead and she has a chance to start over. Villanelle lives on in her,

  • @lgracchus7557
    @lgracchus7557 Před 2 lety +399

    I 100% agree that the rush of 4x08 contributed to the insulting ending. From the perspective of a queer woman it is also SO frustrating that yet another couple has had the - get together/reunite and be happy for 10 minutes on screen and then one is murdered. Literally, the shooting in the back has been done multiple times. It's hurtful and lazy for writers to keep doing this. Of course queer characters can die, but give the audience some time to see them happy! For queer characters, it's basically a death sentence to get into a relationship. I have to add that Jodie and Sandra did a fantastic job throughout and it breaks my heart for Jodie. She's done so many interviews over the years saying how special Villanelle is to her only to have her stupidly shot in the back in the last 2 minutes. You deserved better, Jodie.

    • @yatinghsu8817
      @yatinghsu8817 Před 2 lety +5

      totally agree with you.

    • @Mtnsunshine
      @Mtnsunshine Před 2 lety +5


    • @sfinnera1
      @sfinnera1 Před 2 lety +6

      The best stories end in tragedy tho.. also i mean she was a psychopath 😆

    • @tisme1105
      @tisme1105 Před 2 lety +18

      I'm not a queer woman but rather a straight man but have to say it would have been much better to have them together for most of the final season to at least see them happy together and explore the dynamic of a stable(ish) relationship.
      Read at one point they might go out in a Thelma and Louise style jump off a cliff together - I'd have much preferred that if one of them had to die to be honest.

    • @laurac2556
      @laurac2556 Před 2 lety +7

      @@tisme1105 I completely agree with this! Thank you for pointing it out!
      If they had spent the season exploring their relationship and how it does or doesn't work, I would be sad that Villanelle died, but not insulted like I am with this botched ending.

  • @roxanneanders8326
    @roxanneanders8326 Před 2 lety +252

    The main reason this ending sucks is not because “everyone deserves a happy ending”
    It’s the fact that the writing this season started off on the wrong foot and never had proper focus in the main storyline or continuity with the characterization shown in season 3, so this ending just added even more fuel to the fire.
    This season wasted so much time showing us the same old cat and mouse game we had already seen 1000 times throughout the show instead of focusing on developing a new dynamic between Eve and Villanelle based on their discussion at the end of season 3. Why waste time with Villanelle going through her “good” stage when she already struggled with that that path in season 3?? Why waste time on Eve with new co-workers that are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things? Why was her characterization all over the place this season with pushing Villanelle away even though she had accepted her in season 3??Why waste time on introducing new characters like Pam and trying to give them development if we will never see them again??? Why did all the fight/kill scenes seem so anticlimactic (ie Villnelle’s death, Helene’s death, etc.)??
    It was just a lot of nonsense after nonsense, when all they had to do was start the season with Villanelle and Eve already working together, showcasing the “good” side of Villanelle and the “bad” side of Eve during certain instances to express the balance of their dynamic and what they learned during all this time.
    It may not have made it an awesome season, but it would have at least kept continuity of the story and characters.

    • @laurarantez
      @laurarantez Před 2 lety +6


    • @mariantonelladelfinidolphi3371
      @mariantonelladelfinidolphi3371 Před 2 lety +7

      interesting analysis! sometimes I think the authors did all they could to make the fandom hate the show and forget all about it. I personally find it quite insulting.

    • @ari4511
      @ari4511 Před 2 lety +15

      Agree with everything, except for the Helene's death part..god, that was possibly the only climactic kill scene and one of the sexiest/hottest one given it was practically angry sex between V and Eve 🤣😏

    • @roxanneanders8326
      @roxanneanders8326 Před 2 lety +6

      @@ari4511 Fair lol
      Tbh I liked the death scene for the way it portrayed Villanelle and Eve. I agree that it gave a certain angry sex vibe between them that was enjoyable to watch since Eve was shook while Villanelle aggressively did the kill
      The anticlimatic feeling came from the fact that Helene was easy to kill after all the build up they had given her as a threatening and skilled agent. I just felt that Villanelle killed her off too easily for someone that was of such high rank. It should have been more of a fight. Or at least involve more strategy to make it more interesting.
      But that’s the same issue I have with Villanelle’s easy kills of “the 12” on the boat lol They remained a faceless subplot to Villaneve until the very end lmao

    • @laural2691
      @laural2691 Před 2 lety

      @@ari4511 I agree I loved that scene!

  • @oddn
    @oddn Před 2 lety +110

    It's not that she died. It's the terrible way in which it was executed. The whole of Series 4 (with the exception of the V and E scenes in episode 8, just highlighting how much better S4 would've been if they'd brought them together sooner) was awfully written and none of the loose plot ends were tied. We're left with so many unanswered questions. And that montage of Villanelle casually killing all 12 of The Twelve?!?! Dreadful. And so anticlimactic. That, and the V/E relationship was the driving engine of the whole show and the conclusion totally SUCKED.

    • @thegunner5363
      @thegunner5363 Před 2 lety +2

      I said this many times and I will say this once again: Phoebe Waller-Bridge should have been the one writing the script for the whole series. Season one was a masterpiece and every killing scene was perfectly executed, there was not a single scene that was irrelevant to the whole story. And now we are left with a rushed ending, multiple plot holes and ridiculous scenes where V single handedly murders the Twelve. How on earth this Laura woman wrote the script and thought it was actually good and fans would be happy with it?!

  • @thisishowitallends9321
    @thisishowitallends9321 Před 2 lety +94

    They could’ve made it work for 4 seasons if writing was thought through and any good. But it was a complete shit in the last one. I felt the same about finale as you did - after watching the first 4 episodes I didn’t care anymore if they all will die for how truly stupid everything was. No following up from the previous season including their personal growth they reached by the bridge scene, no sense in their actions, etc. for some god damn reason Eve seemed completely mad and hateful towards Vi, who went to the useless Christian camp of all places just to slaughter some more people and abandon it after 2 episodes. Was she the same person, who couldn’t kill because of her mother in 3x05? I don’t think so. And then this 12 thing being dragged out the entire time just to be resolved in 2 minutes followed up with cheaply made sticker “The End” to tell the audience to fuck off. Such a disgrace.

  • @alexiamar
    @alexiamar Před 2 lety +193

    I have a problem with this ending not only because it was so rushed like the whole season but because they killed one of the best characters in series in the last couple of years Villanelle...for me yes they could have done a good ending like the books..Villanelle could fake her death and then go and find Eve or they could kill both of them and be together let me tell you and I speak for a lot of fans YES we have a big problem that they killed Villanelle...

    • @santinacrolla4971
      @santinacrolla4971 Před 2 lety +27

      Thanks for saying this! So this is how it should have been: Them from the start, working together to take down the twelve. (Like what?! Why not build or even pretend the bridge scene didn’t happen?!! It was the climax from the season prior?! 🤬) Carolyn could be a joker as in should they trust her or not? Imagine how epic it would have been to have everyone think V was dead, even Eve, but to then show them like written in the book! Basically the reuniting scene when Eve realized she isn’t, and we would have realized with her!! 😭😭❤️ I would have cried like a baby for all the right reasons! Like they could have really hit us hard with did she or did she not! Then it turned out that Carolyn helped them all along to fake her death. And gave them new identities! Now THAT would have been a good roller coaster! Just as effectively as an ending for shock but also a tribute to the fans that has followed this show. And most importantly to the characters!

    • @victry1nolan319
      @victry1nolan319 Před 2 lety +5


    • @alexiamar
      @alexiamar Před 2 lety +6

      @@santinacrolla4971 Yes that would have been an epic ending...also they could have Villanelle kill for good reasons like she did in Cuba so she will still be in her character and in her nature and also Eve could still be something like an agent but instead she will help Villanelle find the victims like all those woman from the Cuba episode...that would have been more unexpected ending and more fitting to the characters and storyline...

    • @mariantonelladelfinidolphi3371
      @mariantonelladelfinidolphi3371 Před 2 lety +4

      @@alexiamar or they could have them live together as normal people (as in the book) to underline the message that feeling loved is what really saves people....instead of wasting two episodes with all that (fake) religious crap. It's really difficult to understand what they were at, first by showing Villanelle as Jesus in drag and then making her more and more similar to the Jesus of traditional Christian iconography (when she gets arrested, she is dressed like a man and her hair is like Jesus's hair, like you see in paintings). And what about the blood wings whe she gets shot? To be forgiven, the authors should release a special Easter episode showing Jesus Villanelle resurrection! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @alexiamar
      @alexiamar Před 2 lety

      @@mariantonelladelfinidolphi3371 The religion thing in a show like this was a strech it didn't feel true with the storytelling and the characters and all season 4 was like that except some moments and then poof Villanelle dies become some angel of death with the bloody wing's...I mean no words...

  • @xmcampos1
    @xmcampos1 Před 2 lety +178

    I didn’t have an issue with V dying from a narrative perspective. My main issue were the last 5 minutes of the finale- it did feel rushed, I can only attribute it to lazy writing and poor execution (no pun intended). The way V took care of the 12 was bizarre, I was so confused, like how did she know they were in that room and not infiltrating the wedding? Was their plan to just hang out in the boat after killing a bunch of people there? How was she able to kill all of them? And V/E dialogue in the deck was odd. Otherwise, I loved all the moments E and V spent together

    • @taylorbanaszak4105
      @taylorbanaszak4105 Před 2 lety +9

      Agree completely. I guess the most powerful folks in the world don’t have security..

    • @MYOB00
      @MYOB00 Před 2 lety +11

      @@taylorbanaszak4105 And she walked in completely unarmed apparently...

    • @xmcampos1
      @xmcampos1 Před 2 lety +6

      @@MYOB00 and the 12 just waited in line, watching her killing other members

    • @phoebehmtan
      @phoebehmtan Před 2 lety

      she saw through the binoculars that she took from eve. she spotted the guy with a earpiece and speaking and wearing service clothes. and she just saw that exact same guy when she walked through the kitchen guarding the door

    • @jennifersarrubbo376
      @jennifersarrubbo376 Před 2 lety +1

      YESSSS, it was as if the writers were like “I’m tired so let’s just leave this here, I just don’t feel like writing anymore”!

  • @halcroj
    @halcroj Před 2 lety +93

    Rushed? Perhaps so. The main trouble was that all the previous episodes were so meandering and a little questionable. Villanelle as a Christian for example - how and why? What was the purpose of that in the plot of the season? Pam? Why? Her only real purpose seemed to be as Konstantine's killer. What were Yusef and Eve doing and under what umbrella? Who was funding them. Why did Carolyn have to defect to get information as to who killed Kenny? And who did kill Kenny anyway? Was it Villanelle? Is that why Carolyn had her killed? I suspect so. Remember Villanelle said "He (Konstantine) doesn''t kill people. He gets other people to do it for him".That was during a series of hits that were for him, not the 12. The hit on the accountant and his wife were to keep Konstantine's theft of money hidden. Too many questions unanswered.

    • @Void-Realm
      @Void-Realm Před 2 lety +15

      In the end no one killed Kenny. Kenny got scared and fell. Carolyn just wanted to find answers where there wasn't any and it was an excuse to go after the 12. That's what made it so much more stupid.

    • @HopskotchBunny
      @HopskotchBunny Před 2 lety +1

      Although, what was the information in the letter that Pam delivered to Carolyn? Pam verbally told Carolyn that Konstantine Loved her, but she reacted to something she read in the letter. If Konstantine waited until he was dead to reveal that Villanelle killed Kenny, that might have made sense. Was the comment Carolyn made to Villanelle, “You owe me a dare” in reference to their previous truth or dare game also actually foreshadowing “you owe me” in that in that she was going to have her killed for killing Kenny?

    • @janetkiefer8265
      @janetkiefer8265 Před 2 lety +5

      @@HopskotchBunny Carolyn said, "I owe you a dare." Villanelle had given Carolyn the dare in Cuba. I think Kenny really did just fall over the roof but Carolyn needed someone other than herself to blame and going after the 12 was her way back into MI6. Nothing made sense at the end since they didn't wrap up all the loose ends and fill in the gaps, like what was in the letter. We are left with too many unanswered questions. And in the books, Villanelle survives. So why couldn't they still do that on the show? I would have been okay with them escaping and being on the run for the rest of their lives. They could at least have given them more time together before fate eventually caught up. And if Helene didn't know who the top level of the 12 was, she certainly wouldn't have received an invitation to the meeting. That made no sense at all. Season 4 just wasn't well put together so the ending really was adding salt to the wound. We deserved better. If you read the comments on the Killing Eve Facebook page, they are taking an absolute bashing for this ending. I hope they do a follow up movie showing Carolyn helping Villanelle fake her death, rather than being the one to order it. The set up is there for that narrative but the show ends before it could be revealed.

    • @MYOB00
      @MYOB00 Před 2 lety +2

      @@janetkiefer8265 Yeah Carolyn said "You can't go back to MI6 empty-handed" so decided to give them Villanelle? Weren't the 12 enough to get? She could have let Eve and V get away with new identities while she took credit for the 12. Now she's just another pointless villain when it could have been so much better all round...

  • @smokerscough2907
    @smokerscough2907 Před 2 lety +107

    Ha, they didn’t defend shit. They’re contractually obligated to go along with the narrative that Laura Neal put in place. Their body language, lack of promoting the finale and various behind the scenes photos proves that there was no agreement with this ending. It was terrible and an insult to good writing.

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety +16

      very true, they didn't advertise at all

    • @bawteach
      @bawteach Před 2 lety +19

      Exactly! I viewed the Variety virtual event the day after the premier. My lord but Jodie was just … defeated? Not the enthusiastic Jodie we are accustomed to in interviews. Jodie and Sandra only released 1 photo of themselves on their respective IG accounts with reference to the 4th season. We’ve also seen them discuss the improvisation they did in their scenes together. The Helene kill? Sandra stated that wasn’t the lines. The chemistry they have was off the charts. Jodie & Kim improvised their good bye. Heck, even Konstantin got a decent “goodbye”. I don’t buy Laura Neal saying Villanelle didn’t change from her inherent narcissistic self. IF the first sniper bullet killed them both ( As s physics teacher, no way the bullet didn’t penetrate Eve in that embrace.) There is no way the last shots in the Thames hit Villanelle as kill shots. Water is too dense. Drag your hand through water! Just lazy writing, absurd plot lines. Jodie and Sandra acted their tails off as usual.

    • @h.chauhsr7210
      @h.chauhsr7210 Před 2 lety +10

      A happy ending with both alive is entirely possible. They’ve laid the path towards transformation for both women over the course of 4 seasons. The next natural step is Eve and Villanelle exploring domestic life with each other. We saw some of that, with them bickering about mustard and salt on curly fries and driving around in a camper van and being nervous for their first kiss. I’m tired of the “your dark past makes death the only fitting end” narrative. That’s so tiresome and overdone. Be original and make a happy ending that is realistic. Don’t say it’s impossible because that’s exactly what happened in the book, they are alive and together and happy. They’ve simply Dexter-ed Killing Eve as I had feared. “Boooooooring!!!”

    • @lindalolli5568
      @lindalolli5568 Před 2 lety

      Well actually in interviews they stated that they discussed altogether and agreed on the finale.

    • @Void-Realm
      @Void-Realm Před 2 lety +1

      Sandra Oh was one of 4 exec producers on Season 4, a writer for the season also confirmed in a podcast that all their writing had to be agreed to by the exec producers who essentially had the final say.

  • @jlilcutie
    @jlilcutie Před 2 lety +25

    Its not like they are going to publicly bash their show but based on their prior interviews and lack of promotion, I don't think they were happy. They really gave their all with what they had to work with.

  • @llouis4007
    @llouis4007 Před 2 lety +57

    I was disappointed... but I felt the narrative of this last season was chaotic, disjointed , not enjoyable to watch so the finale continued the theme of disappointment... I blame the change in writers for taking the show in a direction that diminished the enjoyment of the show..

    • @shyn427
      @shyn427 Před 2 lety +1

      Totally agree with you

    • @elexelthemoody
      @elexelthemoody Před 2 lety +1

      Very well said!

    • @susanwinston4123
      @susanwinston4123 Před 2 lety +3

      And apparently the writers didn’t know it was the final season until half way through the season…so it makes total sense we all felt things were chaotic and disjointed…for me V dying wasn’t unexpected…
      the “finale” with the 12 felt absurd…for me, if more of the season had been devoted to just exactly who they (the 12) were…(how did they go from a bunch of kids, who quite frankly seemed more interested in having sex, and drinking; to being the nefarious power they were portrayed as..) it was kind of like having a weak Bond villain. If you don’t have a villain who is at least as interesting as V and E, then how much satisfaction is there when they are bumped off?
      I guess it’s easy to be an arm chair quarterback, but just feel it could have been done better…and I echo what most have said about both actresses shining brighter than the material…lol think I’ll go back and watch season one…

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety +2

      @@susanwinston4123 even still everything that was going on just felt very pointless and leading to nothing like villanelle becoming Christian.

    • @susanwinston4123
      @susanwinston4123 Před 2 lety

      @@non_conformist4229 agreed !

  • @stopstopstopp7480
    @stopstopstopp7480 Před 2 lety +36

    Yes i agree it's not that Villanelle died it's how bad everything was paced and chaotic throughout the fourth season... Ruined the whole thing

    • @stopstopstopp7480
      @stopstopstopp7480 Před 2 lety +7

      And Laura Neal trying to justify the whole thing is just SO insulting

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety

      @@stopstopstopp7480 fr like the tarot card that revealed Eve is destined for a death or her being connected to death in some way so I'm trying to work out how Villanelle dying was a 'rebirth' for her, that just made no sense at all

  • @brujanegra3326
    @brujanegra3326 Před 2 lety +15

    Oi, I have so many issues with the arguments being made here. First of all, the comments coming from Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer need to be taken with the understanding that they are expected to 'play along' with the choices that were made by the showrunners, writers, and producers. They can't just blast the ending, or the show, can they? Give them 5 or 10 years, let's see how their views/perspective/comments will differ.
    Second of all, to focus on just the last episode IS to ignore the terrible choices that were made during the rest of the season, which are intrinsically tied to the ending. It was the last bloody season!!! ALL the fandom wanted was to watch these two amazing actors together as much as possible, to be drenched in their dynamics, because their chemistry is so damn good! To say "they were together for most of the last episode" is kind of ridiculous, and it's the reason why the fandom was left feeling like we needed so much more.
    Third, as a queer person, representation matters, and the fact that the showrunners decided to kill off the main character a mere 10 minutes after they had finally found happiness was insulting. We are SO SICK of the "dead lesbian syndrome" and the oh-so-tired trope of burying the gays. It's not only an exhausted trope, but it's massively uncreative, but more importantly, it's insulting and incredibly damaging to the LGBTQIA+ community. And quite honestly the writers should have known better. I'm also kind of flabbergasted the host of this channel didn't even bother to mention this issue - BECAUSE IT IS THE ISSUE!
    The fourth point I'd like to make is in regards to the entire season, and not just the final episode - which is the biggest problem. Clearly the real plot in Killing Eve is the relationship that develops between Eve and Villanelle, the sub plot is The 12 - however, the writers spent (or rather, wasted) so much time on The 12 that they forgot to properly develop the real plot (the relationship) with enough substance so that the final episode didn't feel rushed and forced. Most especially insulting is how uncreatively Villanelle kills The 12, which are never revealed in the end. Who were they? What was their actual purpose or goal? Why were they so easy to kill??? We never see their faces, or find out their names - except for maybe Lars, who turned out to be such an anti-climactic and oh-so-boring character. To give us a 60 second montage of Villanelle killing a (bunch?) of faceless people felt so unsatisfactory!!!
    Fifth, why did we introduce so many new characters? What was the point of Yusuf? And Pam? Though, admittedly a wonderful character (and actress!), was Pam really that necessary to the plot? What was the point of spending two entire episodes on Villanelle and the cloister? Did we really need so much development to happen between Eve and Helen, only to kill Helen off three episodes out? And what the hell was in that letter that Konstantin gave Carolyn? If it wasn't of importance, why even bring it up? It's mind boggling!! And WHY did we need to be spoon fed, over and over again, the never ending death metaphors? I mean, treat your audience with a bit more respect!! WTF?
    Lastly, the MOST important questions to ask are: Could we not have had the same (or better) character development with a totally different script? Could they not have dealt with "The 12" while also giving Eve and Villanelle as much screen time together as possible? Could we not have learned more about The 12, who they were in a more personal way, while also developing and exploring Eve and Villanelle's complicated relationship - so that by the time we kill off Villanelle we don't feel like it came out of left field? And so that it didn't feel like we were being spoon fed the tired old trope of burying the gays.
    There are so many other issues to address, but I'll stop here... This is long enough as it is.

  • @thrasherbuffy111
    @thrasherbuffy111 Před 2 lety +32

    Absolute no excuses for that terrible, poorly written rushed finale (whole season was flat and rushed really but that’s a whole other thing). It was not needed. I repeat it was not needed. Those last two minutes completely tainted the show forever for me and I will never forgive the S4 writers for that especially Laura Neal! A complete slap in the face to the fans. WE DEMAND ANOTHER EPISODE OR AN ALTERNATIVE ENDING!

  • @evantaylor70
    @evantaylor70 Před 2 lety +20

    I think I’d rather the last season didn’t even happen I think the bridge ending was more fitting

  • @mihaelap9122
    @mihaelap9122 Před 2 lety +26

    The ending was incredibly stupid. It seemed like they wanted to rush it so that’s why they put all of the lovely, sweet scenes at the very last episode only to take them away and ruin 4 seasons of a build up. Villanelle’s death wasn’t even properly dramatic. It was almost like the arrow scene where it was quick and didn’t give enough attention the moment. So disrespectful to the fans and the complicated characters.Jodie and Sandra did such an incredible job with them. We fell in love and it was amazing. They both deserved so much better. The whole show was ruined by that ending. It left a bittersweet taste. I don’t know who the hell approved that script. Honestly this person is an idiot through and through given that they did write 10 alternative endings.

    • @MYOB00
      @MYOB00 Před 2 lety

      There were 10 alternative endings?? I wonder if they'll evern release them. I'd love to know what they were.

    • @mihaelap9122
      @mihaelap9122 Před 2 lety

      @@MYOB00 there is a speculation that there is a 9th episode because on a lot of sites, streaming services etc there is a 9th episode planned for this Sunday. It even has a name. We will see, maybe they will make the biggest most dramatic surprise in the tv show history and actually give us the ending of the book where Oxana faked her death. Tbh I feel like Carolyn’s dare that was hinted has a lot to do with Villanelle helping her to get back in the MI6 by killing the 12 and then faking her death to make Carolyn look good. We’ll see I guess 😄

    • @MYOB00
      @MYOB00 Před 2 lety +1

      ​@@mihaelap9122 oh wow.... that would be amazing if so. I don't know how she would have survived being shot like that, maybe unless they were blanks?? She wasn't wearing body armour or anything. I really bloody hope this is true!! Thanks!

  • @lalabyangelahart8563
    @lalabyangelahart8563 Před 2 lety +99

    One of the best series I have seen in a long while. Loved it, except any episode in series 4 which was disjointed, and poorly written. I felt cheated in the end, as though is was rushed into. Great acting, totally engaging over all, but I did wonder if the writer/producer or budget had changed. Great to see Vilanelles facial expressions and a nod to her accents. MIssed the glamourous outfits which so personified her character. Sad to see it go, but not if more of season 4 standards were on offer.

    • @pamorama
      @pamorama Před 2 lety

      Yes, where were the beautiful, characterful clothes?!?!

  • @ceceknightley7686
    @ceceknightley7686 Před 2 lety +19

    The show is called killing Eve and I'm sure when it started Sandrah was expected to be the lead and the star of the show. But Villanelles character surpassed the interest in Eve tenfold. Jodie Comber just stole the show. By the end the star if the show was clearly Villanelle and the finale should have considered that. I don't think anyone is particularly curious as to what Eve will do going forward without Villanelle. In Villanelle's own words to Eve "The only thing that makes you interesting is me". And it was.

    • @liv0003
      @liv0003 Před 8 měsíci

      Eve's character was really annoying in my opinion lol , Eve was good in season one, not brilliant like Villanelle obviously but good , after season one Eve went worse and worse every season, at season 4 she was really insufferable in my opinion and I can't stand her face on the screen anymore LOL. Villanelle was a brilliant and amazing character ( in season 1 particularly) always wonderfully played by the actress but sadly totally ruined during season 4 by a really untalented writer, season 4 was really badly written all around. I feel bad for Jody because she is really talented and totally deserves a better development and a better final season for Villanelle.

  • @elle7856
    @elle7856 Před 2 lety +35

    I really think it would've been fine with different writers, I don't think it having a fourth season was the issue. There was so much to work with this season to close it well, what they did makes no sense. I wanted Villanelle to live, but that wasn't what upset me. They should have had them together all season working through the actual story we have had up until this point, and then if she had to die, they should have had an episode about it, not two minutes. It was so disrepectful, I honestly cannot believe how bad this season was. I feel unkind saying that, but it was jsut so bad, I don't understand how no one stopped this from happening. If it was all to set up a Carolyn spinoff, I think they are going to be pretty disappointed because I don't think anyone will watch it out of principle. We got nothing this season. Phobe Waller Bridge could've written it fantastically.

    • @MYOB00
      @MYOB00 Před 2 lety +5

      Who wants a carolyn spin-off? She was a boring, annoying, contrived character and the younger one was totally abhorrent. I def wouldn't want to watch more of either of them.

    • @soniasalisbury157
      @soniasalisbury157 Před 2 lety +3

      Agree. PWB would have done a much better job. I liked Carolyn’s character throughout the show but I definitely don’t think a spin-off will work after this season. It annoys me that so many shows and movies these days are just thinking about what they can make next instead of concentrating on making the current one worth watching.

    • @jordynbrown1222
      @jordynbrown1222 Před 2 lety +1

      At this point, I’m pissed at PWB ass too for letting this shit happen !

  • @greyLeicester
    @greyLeicester Před 2 lety +72

    I knew Villanelle was a goner even before the start of season 4. It was the best way to end it and somewhat expected. Yet it felt underwhelming, rushed and it left me with lots of questions when it finally happened. It wasnt Villanelle's death per se, but the way the went about it.
    This last season was chaotic, weird, disjointed and disengaging, unfortunately. The acting was spot on as per usual

  • @cappuccann4629
    @cappuccann4629 Před 2 lety +30

    I agree with a lot of what he's saying. And now when I think about the lifespan of the show, I actually think that ending it at S3 would have been a good option. The S3 ending could have left it open to interpretation.
    S1 and S2 are such good seasons and it's a shame that the show goes downhill. I'm actually a massive fan of killing eve but didn't even bother to finish watching the S4 after about episode 3. I realised it was just a repetition of S3. They use unnecessary storylines and the writers tease you to tune in for the next episode in case the characters see each other ... Which they never did

  • @BettyBecall
    @BettyBecall Před 2 lety +21

    I wanted the two of them to work together, as a team, in all of the episodes...eleminating "the Twelve" one at a time in different countries & with interesting characters. These episodes were so disappointing. Another gripe I have is the last episode hasn't even aired for me; not available until next week, and yet the damn ending is all over the internet. It would have been nice for Villanelle to live. What was the point otherwise?

  • @LandisLL
    @LandisLL Před 2 lety +22

    One problematic aspect, besides the obvious and homophobic bury your gays trope is this...Villanelle didn't shield Eve from anything. How thw bullets cut through the water in the finale is not how bullets in water work If you know anything about ballistics you know that as soon as a bullet hits water all of its killing energy is immediately dissipated. Thus water kill shots are not a thing. They don't work at all. You cant shoot into water and kill anything. It is a made for tv and movie trope invented by people who know nothing about ballistics or guns. The only shot Villanelle took that was truly damaging would have been the one while still on the boat. Thus she would be clearly still alive but merely wounded, with one shot to the shoulder. I prefer to think of her as alive and faking her death as it makes more sense and is truer to the intent of the books.

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety +2


    • @spellbound111
      @spellbound111 Před 2 lety

      No need for your ballistics expertise, Killing Eve is a fictional romantic spy thriller and not a documentary.

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety

      @@spellbound111 no one said it was a documentary, but criticism is needed when there harmful tropes being played out and poor quality writing

    • @spellbound111
      @spellbound111 Před 2 lety

      @@non_conformist4229 Of course Killing Eve is not a documentary, nor is it factual. Thus ballistics boffin Landis Loftin showing off his knowledge regarding bullets passing through water is redundant. What are the harmful tropes that you claim are being played out?

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety

      @@spellbound111 bury your gays trope look it up. I wish show writers actually took the care and time to finish off their shows rather than rushing an ending which doesn’t make sense

  • @scenicpseudo3012
    @scenicpseudo3012 Před 2 lety +6

    Eve punished for chosing Villanelle, Villanelle dying when she just had everything she always dreamed about, Villanelle killing the Twelve (professional assassin bosses) in 10 seconds after one whole season to develop it. Eve dancing, DANCING while the love of her life is killing the people she's been tracking down for 4 seasons. Eve being left with nothing after a whole season of loneliness and three episodes of her understanding all she wants is Villanelle, and Laura Neal trying to name this a "rebirth", saying that she's always been totally normal and Villanelle just belongs to blood and destruction (is Dasha writing the show or something ?). So many wrong tones, so many unanswered questions for a finale that wasn't as geniunely surprising as Killing Eve has always been. No, this is a terrible ending, not because it's sad. Does Laura hate the characters ? Did she even watch she show ?
    I'm sorry but to me the "happily ever after" would've perfectly fit, precisely because it didn't. i mean it's a dark show about two dark women falling in love, in a world of murders, spies and conspiracy.. how could they get out of it ? THAT'S THE THINNNNG. It's a beautiful show about these two special women who found each other and fell in love even if it wasn't "right", or logical, or safe, and even if everyone kept warning them about it. But they're something elseeee fuck and killing Villanelle after all that overforeshadowing (the scorpion and the frog, "people like us aren't made for happy lives with happy endings", "whatever this is, you won't come out of it", "I know this is going to end badly") just feels like "Yeah, well. It does end badly. Shame :(" like.
    The perfect ending is them faking their death and I'll always say this loud and proud. (btw this is my canon ending for sm signs from s4 but I wrote too much already bye)

  • @nyceplayz8051
    @nyceplayz8051 Před rokem +2

    Here's the proper ending:
    They both get hit, they both go over the side, they reconnect underwater (maybe they're both hit again) before drifting away, then Carolyn says "jolly good" and we SEE MI6 take her back. THEN we see our heroes together in "paradise" somewhere in southern Europe, leaving the audience to wonder if they lived or died, but certain that whatever the case they were together. It's complex and dark enough to balance the "cheese" of giving them an ever-after, and fans would have been much happier.
    I understand the explanation for the ending they gave us, and I don't hate it, but I would have preferred my version and it did feel VERY rushed.
    Eve dying could've paid off massively if is that loss and pain were the thing to finally break Villanelle's psychosis, leaving her to live with Eve's memory, feeling fully and becoming wholly human because of it, the irony being that Eve's death was what saved the serial killer she was in love with.

  • @mellib4889
    @mellib4889 Před 2 lety +18

    To be honest I didn't have expectations going into killing eve's finale and I wouldn't mind any ending they chose what I am so upset about is that they were kept apart for all of season 4 since the show was already going downhill it just made it more painful and boring to watch.

  • @khadija4112
    @khadija4112 Před 2 lety +33

    it was disappointing and I was left with so many questions
    1. why did Carolyn kill vilannel
    2. is it because villanelle killed her son? If not, who did
    3. who killed V
    4. did eve go to find revenge for V, or does she try to find herself again???
    I feel that there are so many questions that could've been wrapped up if they had done two more episodes.

    • @Shaddlez
      @Shaddlez Před 2 lety +8

      Apparently Konstantin killed kenny according to the showrunner (i guess this is what his note said??) vilanelle was off grid in spain when kenny died so its not possible she was even involved

    • @sarahmarie4760
      @sarahmarie4760 Před 2 lety +4

      @@Shaddlez Fiona Shaw (the actress who plays Carolyn) also said in an interview it was Konstantin and he confessed in the letter but the show didn't portray that very well.

    • @annalissac
      @annalissac Před 2 lety +9

      Carolyn had V killed as a way to get back into MI6, as hinted in her conversation with Pam. She'll take credit for taking out the Twelve, including their top assassin. I also think that because she can never get her happy ending with Konstantin, she was going to be sure that Eve doesn't get one either

  • @janelukashova7119
    @janelukashova7119 Před 2 lety +8

    I feel like smth like this would be much better:
    Pam agrees to work for Carolyn, Carolyn orders her to kill Villanelle, but at the last moment Pam shots at Carolyn istead. And Eve and Villanelle run away.
    1. Pam. She had a development as a character. She realized that she is strong and can do whatever she wants, she doesnt need to prove anything to anyone amymore, she makes her own choices. She takes the job, but decides to kill the Last Twelve - Carolyn. Cause technically Carolyn is the 12.
    2. We have a couple Carolyn/Konstantin- one of them dies. And now Eve/Villanelle - one of them dies too. Like comon, this is such a lazy writing. Would be better if the older generation (C+K) did their msitakes and paid for them but E+V learned and escaped the possible drama.
    3. Wtf is this ending? Basically all these 4 season are pointless. Eve is left with nothing and 12 wins (cause again, technically Carolyn IS the 12).
    4. The whole season had some good moment and many very lazy wirting moments. Like, these characters would never behave the way they did. ...Like Eve dancing, while she knows that Villanelle is out there with the 12? Alone? In danger? In fuckin season 2 Eve RAN to save Villanelle, cause she thought she is in danger.
    5. Also the whole killing 12 scene.....🤦‍♀️ Not a bit of satisfaction. Like...THE TWELVE, their goal, wanted to see much more than just shadows and some drops of blood.
    Conclusion: Laura Neal wanted to create a "genius" writing, by killing one of the lovers - a-ha Romeo&Juliet, but instead just did a super cliche, very lazy ending.

  • @killingeveedits8228
    @killingeveedits8228 Před 2 lety +4

    I have to know what happened in between s3 and 4 for eve to have been so salty with V and for them to be apart

  • @bencollins4343
    @bencollins4343 Před 2 lety +7

    last season made no sense, left us with unanswered questions, had no meaning for how it ended and wasn’t true to the characters and i will not be convinced otherwise

    • @spellbound111
      @spellbound111 Před 2 lety

      Looks like you need everything spelling out for you, learn how to read between the lines :)

  • @elliewoah7609
    @elliewoah7609 Před 2 lety +6

    Here is my issue. Firstly as a gay woman, I think i am pretty sick and tired of seeing lets kill one half of the queer couple troupe. I just feel all of season 4 was truly disjointed and unconnected with the previous series. I just feel so confused and left with a million questions, not even surrounding the outcome of V & Eve because that seems pretty finite. What about all the other plot lines introduced within the season? I am forever grateful to both Sandra and Jodie for bringing these characters to life and providing people with a safe space to connect with them, it is truly acting that will stand the test of time. But the 2 minute death sequence, I do not think is worthy for a character like villianelle. If she had to die, personally I think Eve should have gone with her, because its clear that Eve doesnt want to continue life without V due to the numerous times throughout all seasons she has gone to fin her. In regardless to V's death, although it wraps up the season in a shocking way, she should have gone out as she lived, daring and bold. Not as a secondary character.

  • @Void-Realm
    @Void-Realm Před 2 lety +7

    I actually would've rather had Eve die tbh over V but they should've either lived together or died together. They literally had approx 6-7 mins together in the finale it sucks. Season 4 was terrible. I think a big portion of people are upset that V died from what I've seen because there were elements of redemption etc for V and then the whole bury your gays situation. I'm upset at Villanelle dying and it being rushed. I could've forgiven the rest of the season had they both lived or something. As a lesbian I'm pissed that once again we've had to deal with queerbaiting followed by the BYG trope of women just finding happiness to then be killed without good reason.

  • @levitation25
    @levitation25 Před 6 měsíci +1

    In 2019 as part of the S2 media Sandra Oh told Entertainment Weekly, "I think the idea of living happily ever after and running away with each other, I think the happily is the only problem along with living." Sandra Oh had strong opinions about how Eve & Villanelle as a couple should not be allowed to develop and that the show should end badly for them. She was in the ear of all the showrunners as an executive producer on the show and even re-wrote the S1 ending with Phoebe Waller-Bridge. If you look at the show's treatment of Eve & Villanelle they are teased as a possible duo but continually sabotaged or kept apart. It's a very odd show that starts out as a love story and then spends series after series finding ways for them NOT to be together.

  • @AllieOk
    @AllieOk Před 2 lety +2

    I understand the point they were trying to make with this ending, but they made it so painfully obvious in the last seasons that Eve is incapable of going back to a normal life, that this ending is excessively tragic. The happiness Eve feels with Villanelle in the last episode gives us hope for her character, only to strip that away from us by taking away the reason for her happiness. She has nothing and nobody left now. My problem with the finale isn't simply the fact they killed Villanelle, but the fact they indirectly killed Eve too.
    Not to mention the amount of questions left unanswered...

    • @dux3644
      @dux3644 Před rokem

      I mean the show is called Killing Eve lol

  • @amiemcginnis9945
    @amiemcginnis9945 Před 2 lety +5

    I feel like the reason it was so rushed is because death of a loved one always seems out of nowhere and so it was trying to show us what it was like, it is unsatisfactory, you want them to love happily ever after, but they themselves said it. "We could never grow old together, wed consume each other before then.

    • @non_conformist4229
      @non_conformist4229 Před 2 lety +1

      yes but the said they wanted to end the characters, like they would be no story after, so even if V and E lived and came together we wouldn't know if they grow old or break up or whatever

    • @EliM2908
      @EliM2908 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Yeah but it’s a tv show and I don’t want to actually feel like someone I know has just died, which it does

  • @konspiracies
    @konspiracies Před 2 lety +5

    All the loose plot points from the entire Season 4 aside, what made the ending crap wasn't Villanelle dying. I watched the finale expecting one or both of them to die. Let's face it. Death would've caught up to them sooner or later. If you wanna kill off your characters, make it land emotionally. You know you effed up as a writer when nobody cries a single tear. It's drier than the Sahara right now. What's extra insulting is that the writers had one extra year to work on this season. There's really no good excuse. So yeah. We, the fans, are infuriated.
    I don't think it's fair to point fingers at Jodie or Sandra either as both of them clearly looked like they're super uncomfortable with what the ending was. They were just being nice and polite, contractually obligated to agree with the writers. I hope both of them know how beloved they are to us fans

  • @CleopatraPhilopator
    @CleopatraPhilopator Před 2 lety +4

    I also agree with the Game of Thrones ending comparison 😕
    Season 4 made no sense compared to the other seasons. We got many unanswered questions, plot lines. They never showed what tf happened between season 3 and 4, so E/V behavior wasn’t justified, also Constantine 🤣 like, how was he involved in politics?
    Technically, the pace of this season was A MESS. Like you said, since episode 1 of season 4 it was like “wtf I’m a watching? This doesn’t feel like KE…” it was until some episodes later that I finally felt the essence of KE came back, but not entirely. I wouldn’t also mind about Villanelle’s death if it was well justified.
    This season just felt slow and the beginning and then just rushed 😪 Just, bad writing.
    I also missed the iconic costumes, we only got the religious one 😅 and that drag jesus haha

  • @Viper-jk2pf
    @Viper-jk2pf Před 2 lety +5

    We were left with too many questions. Who were the 12? What was in Konstatines letter? Did he admit to killing Kenny? And on and on...

  • @HenkBartl
    @HenkBartl Před 2 lety +6

    they had one episode where eve and V had their happy time in 4 years! just then to be killed off. so yeah of course its the worst ending!

  • @shi6666
    @shi6666 Před 2 lety +4

    I don't have a problem with Villanelle's death. My issue is how poorly developed the storyline was. I will forever maintain that Eve and Villanelle should have been together from the start of the season.
    That time should have been spent defining their relationship. I truly wanted to see the natural progression of their relationship. That rushed resolution of a relationship cheated us fans out of something special.
    Characters introduced served no true purpose. Too many unanswered questions. Storyline was rushed.
    The writers had 2 years to give us a satisfying end to the most riveting show and captivating character (Villanelle) that I have seen in a long time.

  • @antmagor
    @antmagor Před 2 lety +4

    I can accept that Villanela was never going to come out of this alive. What bothers me is that there was no catharsis with the ending. I wanted to see Eve level the score between her and Caroline. I never liked Caroline but I also never hated her. But I absolutely hated her in those last 10 minutes. I would’ve set some time aside for Eve to settle the score, and I would’ve had it end with her watching V’s brothers at the Elton John concert referenced in season three.

  • @jeannes.356
    @jeannes.356 Před 2 lety +3

    I know the ending felt rushed, but that’s what happens with guns. One minute everything’s fine, the next second, tragedy strikes. I felt like if Eve didn’t convince V to go on yet another mission, V wouldn’t have died. When others decided to end that career, Eve continued. And as a side note, I realized that Eve’s very first line in the show was a horrible scream from a nightmare and her last line was a scream from her new living reality nightmare.

  • @Amy-jh6br
    @Amy-jh6br Před 2 lety +5

    This last season should’ve been more of them together and less of Caroline (there was so much of her I began to hate her even before the revelation) I think what upsets me the most if that the books don’t end like that, they shove followed that, I’m glad it is the final season bcs it almost felt repetitive. I love the show nevertheless but I do believe this last season wasn’t executed well.

  • @mandimoos
    @mandimoos Před 2 lety +6

    Hated the final, I think if they had got them together early in the season and see them trying to work together and even killing both off together may have made a difference, but yeah just hated V being killed

  • @Maria-oi8me
    @Maria-oi8me Před 2 lety +2

    OK.... I don't personally think there is a single person out there that didn't thought that Villanelle could die in the end. I mean she was an actual assassin working for an organization that didn't hesitate killing its people if necessary!!! The problem wasn't just the end! The last episode! It was the whole season! It felt totally anticlimactic, out of place, nothing to do with what killing eve was actually about, it had no continuation of how season 3 ended as all the other seasons did, the characters were acting totally weird it was like it wasn't even them anymore.... It wasn't character development what we saw it was just not them! It made us wonder if the writers ACTUALLY understood the plot, the series and especially the leading characters!!! They still left unanswered questions and all of the sudden we left eve and Villanelle who were the main thing of the show I mean the whole series is about them if not so about eve, and we were busy with Carolyn???? Why? Cause they want a series based on her? That was what that season was about? They destroyed one in a million good show for Carolyn??? Giving us this shit of an end? They wasted valuable time keeping eve and Villanelle separated when season 3 left it in a perfectly good place to have them together only for a few moments in the finale and then have Villanelle being killed? From the moment they got together it felt totally rushed, they didn't talk about anything they just kissed and then boom Villanelle sinking in a river! I'm greatly disappointed cause that show was my favorite I was on it season the very beginning, I had so many expectations from it for this season and it totally disappointed me and the whole Fandom and we don't even know why!!!

  • @SamInTheShadow
    @SamInTheShadow Před 2 lety +4

    The issue for me is killing V. When i see V i keep seeing that goofy mischief child full of weirdness trap inside of her. It's that part that has been shot in front of me. Yes the rushing might have add to the bitterness. I'll just keep the ending of the book in my head.

  • @Lndwdr
    @Lndwdr Před 2 lety +1

    I agree that we really didn’t need season 4. It would have been classy if they left the series on the iconic bridge scene in season 3.

  • @moeskeetz5473
    @moeskeetz5473 Před rokem +1

    Ok I just binge watched this series and I have to say that even though Villanelle deserved to die 100x’s over for her atrocities, I still desperately wanted her and Eve to be together in the end. Despite all the horrific things that had happened to them, A main part of their relationship was suffering just like Helene said when she told Eve what the real definition of passion was. With Nelle gone Eve has no one to suffer with. So I guess if the show wanted to be true to its title they have, effectively Killing Eve perpetually because there’s no way she’ll recover from this.

  • @angietaylor9950
    @angietaylor9950 Před 2 lety +3

    I think if instead it ended not straight away after the shot and death of Villanelle, but rather we then had a short scene where we see Eve show up like Villanelle would, out of nowhere and kill the MI6 woman who killed Villanelle. That would have given a slight twist and the satisfaction for viewers that felt it was complete.
    Plus, Eve unexpectedly seeking Villanelle styled justice, would have been really hot too. Villanelle: That's my girl!

  • @ynevermind2270
    @ynevermind2270 Před rokem +1

    As many pointed out, they should have been together the whole 4th season. We all waited for them two to be together the entire series. And only just at the very end it kinda happened und boom villanele died. I mean they brought them close multiple times and everytime one of them hesitated but still everytime it brought the viewer a glimpse of joy. We have been sorta conditioned to absolutely waiting and wanting it to happen. the moment they FINALLY gave it to us at the VERY END they gave it to us and almost immediately took it away again. Thats why it is so unsatisfying.
    BUT as they said, killing eve never wanted to be easy on the viewer. It kinda reflects the essence of the series.
    More so it feels like the message "life aint easy and it can be unbelievable unfair".
    I still didn't understood why she got killed tho. Did the red haired woman have a reason to do so?

  • @andreagonzalezvargas1808
    @andreagonzalezvargas1808 Před 2 lety +2

    Yes I think so much unsaid , so many gaps and inconclusive things. So many unnecessary characters and time that could have been spent on Eve and Villanelle or even on putting more into the story, like what happened after the bridge?! Why was Eve so mad at Villanelle that she slapped her. In which point did V decided to join the church. ? All the last seasons they connected so good and followed the line and this one was so inconclusive. It didn’t really picked up where we left it. Even with V’s death but at least with more answers and not rushed as it was. This show was destined to be the most wonderful at all times but this last season sadly didn’t accomplished that . Such wonderful actresses but such a void in the story. 🥺wish they also could have been more faithful to the book! What I wanna keep is Sandra and Jodie our queen ! She deserves an Emmy, Oscar and all the awards! ❤️

  • @miked4309
    @miked4309 Před 2 lety +2

    i think it was rushed but i get that Carolyn had to do something for MI6.
    i guess none of these people saw the finale of Dexter New Blood. you think this was bad? i hate seeing villanelle and konstintine die...they are the best.. read the books if you want a better outcome.

  • @Tomsdatter
    @Tomsdatter Před 2 lety +1

    I think you’re right. It should have ended after series 3. Serie 4 was rushed and there were too many new “personas” created for what? The old Crew of characters seemed tired and didn`t seemed so invested in their character. Mayby it was the COVID-19 break, maybe some of the actors had just moved on to new projects, mayby the actors also were a bit dissapointed with how the storyline was going. The cat mouse tale between the main characters had come to and end with serie 3. So from my point of view the only sense with serie 4 would have been much more E and V fighting the 12 together and not just one very rushed episode. I think most people had expected that serie 4 would have showen much more of the fantastic chemistry between Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh. Sometimes a showrunner should just go with what is expected from the viewers and work from that base. So many millions of viewers can`t be wrong. Beside why is it so important for a showrunner to do the opposite of what people expect?

  • @Nukeproof1333
    @Nukeproof1333 Před 20 dny

    This quote from Phoebe Waller-Bridge really sums it up for me and has always stuck with me since first reading it - ‘every moment in this show exists so that these two women end up alone in a room together. Really it would be a betrayal to the audience if they don’t come together in the end.’. Of course, we know she wrote this during her time writing season one, and yes, the writers changed each season BUT I feel like if PWB would have stayed on and wrote all four seasons that Eve and Villanelle would have ended up together somehow. Also, let's not forget that Villanelle doesn't die in the original books that the show is based on, and their author, Luke Jennings has expressed disappointment in how the series ended. All of this to say, does the show's ending seem inevitable? Sure, in many ways it does. But PWB's comment and Luke Jennings writing prove it COULD have ended in a different way and still worked.

  • @KatjaXa
    @KatjaXa Před 2 lety +1

    It's the trauma of Xena: Warrior Princess -finale all over again...

  • @drennyvision6141
    @drennyvision6141 Před rokem +2

    I wish they showed who took the shots and some ceremonial ascension to power for Carolyn. Then The End

  • @watdreamsmaycum
    @watdreamsmaycum Před 2 lety +1

    They should’ve brought back Phoebe to do the writing for the finale. Honestly, it felt rushed, no coherence, chaotic. So much hype was built around the 12 just like the Knight King (Game of thrones) and it was all gone with a blink of an eye.

  • @CAradiohead
    @CAradiohead Před rokem +1

    What was the most unbelievable was that the writers got an extra year due to covid to write season 4! It could have been so good yet it was bad from the start with Eve on a motorcycle & V in church. So not them at all! WTH happened after the bridge? Why was Eve so angry at V most of the season? An explanation would have been nice. I wish S4 picked up at the bridge with them walking towards each other, Eve finally admitting her love for V & V finally being loved by someone. Since things can't be that perfect, Eve should have been kidnapped by the 12 at that point. V was the 12's most prized assassin & Eve "ruined" her in their eyes. At the end of S3 Dasha, Paul, and the assassin V killed in the subway were gone and Konstantin & V left the 12. All that would have been the last straw for them. V would have gone after each of them one by one, finishing with a final showdown with Carolyn, until she rescued Eve. We could have learned who each of the 12 were that way instead of the origin flashbacks & the silhouettes of the last remaining members on the boat. Did the writers not read the last book? I know the show is based on the book & doesn't follow it exactly but the ending should have been based on the book's ending . There's a scene in which V & Pam are alone in the MI6 pub while Eve is with Carolyn. That would have been the perfect opportunity for V & Pam to plan faking V's death similar to how it happened in the book. Pam could have been told by Konstantin that Carolyn was behind everything & asked Pam to protect V. It would have shown V how much Konstantin cared about her and it would have given his death more meaning. I'm just as upset about his death as I am of V's. All this being said, there were some great scenes in S4 that wouldn't exist had the writers gone in a different direction. I hope that what happened to KE will serve as an example to other shows to NOT change their writers every season! I still love this show. It provided the best acting I've ever seen & the best chemistry I've ever seen and it created the best character in TV history, Villanelle! She will definitely live on forever!

  • @antonykyte8077
    @antonykyte8077 Před 2 lety +12

    I got to say I've loved this show especially season 1 and 2 after that i was mainly watching because of jodie comers brilliant acting as I think she carried the show, why do fans always get kicked in teeth in final episode what's wrong with happy endings that final episode let's give fans what they've been wanting eve and v together then we'll kickem where it hurts, as for writers does it actually work changing them every season.

  • @crosszabala1140
    @crosszabala1140 Před 2 lety +2

    You have describe what im trying to process.. Since i have watched the finale episode. The ending was so rush!
    Given the show genre and how things go? V dying at the end is true to its nature. But the finale episode isnt true to its nature and it lacks that tragic explosion that season1-season3 had been building up.
    Thou like i always kept on mentioning i like that this season gave us more V's humanity and love language. But it lacka the ending it truly deserve. 😔

  • @sarapiper385
    @sarapiper385 Před 2 lety +2

    I have just watched the last episode of killing Eve and I am truly gutted how it ended why can’t it just be a happy ending and let the girls go off together fucking shite I’m so disappointed

    • @spellbound111
      @spellbound111 Před 2 lety

      Villanelle's death is the 'killing' of Eve. That is the whole point of the title Killing Eve. You'd be better sticking to watching Disney movies where everyone lives happily ever after.

  • @LittleSkyful
    @LittleSkyful Před 2 lety +3

    Personally I think the series would be special if they would be alive in the end together. This isn't a show about moral. It was always about killing in a dark humour way. Either V or Eve aren't innocent as the others like Konstantin. So why don't let them live. Besides that season 4 was a mess. No connection to season 3. Episode 8 could be the whole season. Them working together to kill the twelve to be free.

  • @keni203
    @keni203 Před 2 lety +1

    I know the ending made us confused but if you think about it then it all makes sense. Carolyn got the letter from Konstantin which must have said Villanelle killed her son which was her mission all along so of course Carolyn was going to kill her. She knew it was true since it was Konstantin’s last wish to express his love and give her what she wanted the name of who killed her son Kenny. There was no way Carolyn was going to let Villanelle live but the show should have shown the letter to explain what it said at the end to keep audiences from being confused.

  • @eiminerinidiluzio
    @eiminerinidiluzio Před 2 lety +6

    It's not only because it's rushed. But it's pointless and stupid. Eve should live on without anything and anyone? How? Taking revange on Carolyn? She is not John Wick! There is no point in living without the other half. Especially because 3 seasons showed that they can't live without on the long way.
    And what about killing both? It wouldn't be tragic. It would be romantic and real for a heavy series like one with assassins and stuff. Ever heard of "Romeo and Julia"? It worked for them but what do I know about great literature?! Pfff
    Also why not "living happily ever after"? That's what everyone want to achieve in their lifes but life sucks so that's the reason we want to see it in our favorite shows! Stay true to the books you have your ideas from.
    Both or non and that they defend this bullshit is why the whole series didn't mean anything in the end.
    They hate their own work and wanted to see it burn. So why should we like it anymore? Throwing it away and try to forget is the only satisfying way to end with this disaster.

  • @catpro70
    @catpro70 Před 2 lety +1

    Since the finale aired, notice that neither Sandra or Jodie has made any kind of statement about how it ended. But, even if they hated it, I believe there are contractual obligations that keep them from saying that the finale was crap. Also, gotta stay on the good side of the show-runners and studio in case of future opportunities. But, honestly, I think their silence on the subject speaks for itself.

  • @saintetienne755
    @saintetienne755 Před 2 lety +1

    Season 4 should have been a culmination of all their wrongdoings, they're all being hunted and on the run from the twelve. Both sides hunting each other in a game of survival. The ending should have saw all the main characters trying to save each other and all getting shot ... but did they survive?
    More danger, more double crossing - that would have been a much better season 4

  • @hannaandfey
    @hannaandfey Před 2 lety +1

    No she did not have to die. They should have let the fans decide how season 4 would go. Would’ve been epic!

  • @dani9635
    @dani9635 Před 2 lety +1

    It’s Killing Eve I didn’t really expect a happy ending. They changed each other for better or for worse and in the end even if it was brief they finally gave in. I just wished they would’ve shown or implied that Eve got revenge for villanelle or maybe even have a Romeo and Juliet ending.

  • @evidimitropoulou9586
    @evidimitropoulou9586 Před 8 měsíci

    Killing Eva is an otherworldly story that breaks down stereotypes and talks about love and faith in the wild world of a spy thriller. With characters on the edge of normal fighting for the right to invoke their desire for a new better start. I watched not only the characters but also the actors personality development and this involved me deeply with them. So yes of course I would like more time to watch them "mature" in a coexistence before saying the last goodbye. And this regardless of the type of finale

  • @alexaofelia2750
    @alexaofelia2750 Před rokem +1

    I think I could’ve lived with V dying if a) V and E had come together sooner and b) if it hasn’t been done in such a rushed disrespectful way. I genuinely want to know what he writers INTENDED us to feel ending with eve screaming in agony as the final shot. What was the meaning? What am I meant to take away???

  • @levitation25
    @levitation25 Před 2 lety +5

    If you watch the opening scene of Killing Eve S1 Villanelle when leaving breaks the fourth wall looking into the camera giving a look that says this show is going to be fun. She is like Fleabag. The narrator. This is her story as the director of the very first episode points out. The show had four different showrunners and over time lost track of what it started out to accomplish. They should have done just two series the story didn't suit a long-running show. What I think should have been the ending was the two leads having a relationship while taking down the twelve. Neither lead should have died.
    The show was a quirky exploration of dark traits made easier by comedy. This was changed to a more damning approach to Villanelle, she became hounded, dumbed down and pushed to redeem herself. I thought the show's avoidance of intimacy between the leads (usually through convenient violence) was very odd and telling. S1 started out by glamourising Villanelle but by the end of the show she was a watered down version of her former self.
    Villanelle was very much Phoebe Waller-Bridge's creation and none of the later writers could write Villanelle like Phoebe. After S1 it was a slow death for Villanelle she was let down by the writers who just didn't get her and couldn't bring themselves to make the impossible relationship possible. A braver writer would have been celebrated as a hero by the fans.

  • @shayec9751
    @shayec9751 Před 2 lety +2

    It was the introduction to new meaningless characters, it was the pointless faceless"Twelve" that died so quick and with not much effort. The series was based on the "twelve" so for them to not have any real meaning and die in 30 seconds was anticlimactic. It was Konstantin dying a pointless death. All of it was so rushed and boring. I re-watched the series and season 4 definitely did not follow the others. I agree with you that it was dragged on too long. They should have prepared to end it on Season 3 with them both living a happy ending. Thats closure. Seeing Villanelle float away and Eve alone screaming isn't closure.

  • @saturnzbars
    @saturnzbars Před rokem +1

    My issue with the finale is, if you read the books. They have a happy ending. Also finishing more of the story of the 12. But before the ending in the book, eve had a dream. (Which is the finale ending in the TV show) she dreams villanelle is killed under water its almost identical. But the ending of the book does make sense n I liked it. So they coulda have kept it the same as the books and then if they wanted to pick it back up again great. Killing villanelle was the worst plot.

  • @anne-ox2fj
    @anne-ox2fj Před 2 lety +2

    I cant get over for the sad ending really😭😭😭 they shoud be happy together at the end😭😭

    • @spellbound111
      @spellbound111 Před 2 lety

      Stick to watching Disney movies where everyone lives happily ever after.

  • @lady_______a4
    @lady_______a4 Před 2 lety

    Love and appreciate your POV!

  • @carolineneisha
    @carolineneisha Před 2 lety +1

    To answer your closing question, it’s both for me: the writing for the last 3 seasons has never matched the first season, and the pacing in particular has felt so off his season. They wasted to much time, left so many dangling plot lines (a situation where less would have been more), then rushed the Villaneve scenes, only to then deploy a worn out trope. And given the final scream was meant to connote relief (said the showrunner 😂), and what we get instead is a lot of grief and frustration and loss…that ending doesn’t sit well with me. Meanwhile, the end is also vastly different from the source material where things end with them taking off *together & alive*. It begs the question of why the writers made the choices they did.

  • @lizamartin4705
    @lizamartin4705 Před 2 lety +1

    Villanelle did not HAVE to die!!!!!

  • @pk4ng
    @pk4ng Před 2 lety +2

    I think the writer just didn’t treat this as a final series, it was so lacklustre and seemed to ignore all the character complexities that had been built up before it. New themes like the religious awakening and hours spent getting to know new characters who just added nothing to the existing storyline meant at the end of each episode nothing advanced, given they only had 8 episodes and an incredibly talented cast it was such a wasted opportunity. Even going into the finale there was zero anticipation or tension its as if the script and storyline even gave up on it self summed up by the boring and lazy ending on the boat. They couldn’t even write in a Tarantino style fight scene where Villanelle goes out fighting or protecting Eve from the Twelve. Perhaps a double death would’ve been more satisfying - at least it would’ve had more dramatic impact!

  • @kristintaylor
    @kristintaylor Před 2 lety +2

    Agree with what most have said. Too rushed, poorly written, too much unexplained or just completely pointless things in the season (Pam? Irinas phonecall?). It felt wrong from the very first episode and most disappointing for me was the lack of comedy we had gotten used to from previous writers. The last ten minutes was just sad. There are so many ways it could have been better. Kudos to Jodie and Sandra for being amazing despite what they were given to work with

  • @martymascarin486
    @martymascarin486 Před 2 lety

    Someone who read the books said Villanelle faked her death; no details beyond that; but much in the last episode doesn’t make sense (Konstantin’s death by Pam), the island female assassin, the 12 getting wiped out so easily??? No guards? Not armed? I always feared 1 or both of them would be lost. Too much stuff outa left field. Bummer.

  • @stephsvids9812
    @stephsvids9812 Před 2 lety

    they don’t defend it they’re just FORCED TO defend it

  • @meg4654
    @meg4654 Před 2 lety

    I was upset with the ending initially, but after thinking it over and watching this video, I think it was okay. You’re never going to please everyone, especially with a show with such a strong following and love for the characters like Killing Eve has. Yes there’s unanswered questions, but isn’t that the same with most shows? I don’t remember ever watching a series and finishing it without unanswered questions. Regardless of the ending the show is my favourite of all time, and up until the last two minutes of the finale, I think it was incredible. The only thing I worry about is whether I’ll be able to rewatch it now I know how it ends.

  • @triskut
    @triskut Před 2 lety +1

    They “Tara”ed Villanelle (Buffy-Tara)

  • @ventolininhaler1583
    @ventolininhaler1583 Před 2 lety +5

    The show as a whole lacks integrity. I loved season 1 and I could still watch it over and over again.. But it feels to me like there were too many (very) different writers involved in this project. Every lead writer seemed to have a totally different view of the main characters and their relationship. It didn't surprise me when Sandra Oh admitted in one of her interviews that the last season's plot was ofter created on the day of the shooting! This is exactly how this season felt to me. It's a shame because the Actors are absolutely genius!!

  • @subversivelysurreal3645
    @subversivelysurreal3645 Před 2 lety +1

    It was idiotic that Villanelle die for Eve, after she had made it clear that this was no way to live-and helping her ONCE AGAIN, because Eve could not imagine enjoying ‘the little things in life’, until of course she was alone with Villanelle and, idk, french fries with mustard BECAME enjoyable, but even after (I concur with you, sigh emoji, all of this)-it still has to go ON, Villanelle doing ALL of the work for her beloved Eve. It’s almost as if they decided to kill off the scruffy up from nowhere character rather than the regular educated character because…working class bullshittery. Perhaps it was subconscious. In any event, NEITHER ‘needed’ to die, and if the writers already had their head in so small a box, evidently, that they didn’t understand that I’ll tell you the truth. I watched this series despite the writing, I loved Villanelle and because of her, Eve, so much, that them being together-and let’s face it, they could have been happy together whilst still trying to extricate themselves for the entire series. One episode-puh. In fact , the finale …? Tell me something that I DID NOT know.

  • @spellbound111
    @spellbound111 Před 2 lety

    Villanelle's death is the 'killing' of Eve, hence the title Killing Eve.

  • @check7737
    @check7737 Před 2 lety

    The ending really gave me so much grief like I sacrificed my sleep to watch this show just to have that ending. They could have gave the show a happy ending and just like other people here in the comments said, they killed one of the best characters in the show, Villanelle. What was more infuriating was that, Killing Eve was supposed to have a Season 5 but it was cancelled. Villanelle and Eve could have a happy ending in season 5. I just can't really accept the ending. The writers are trying to comfort us by saying it is the right ending for Villanelle to be killed and Eve to be freed from Villanelle and I beg to disagree, Villanelle wants freedom and happiness with Eve. Now that they have already killed the 12 and possibly live a life like a normal person. One of them was killed. Villanelle doesn't deserve to die nor Eve being freed from her obsession. Villanelle deserves to experience the freedom and happiness that she dreams for. All her life, she's only killing and never experienced a genuine happiness and love. Eve on the other hand, she deserves the life with Villanelle. She may have a life without pretending to be a good person like in Season 1. Remember, her husband said he liked Eve because she was kind. Now that she shows her real self, he left her and only Villanelle have love that side of her. I just hoped their will be a remake or better yet season 5. I'm really depressed by the ending. Btw, support us for the petition of Killing Eve's season 5. Doing little things may result to bigger things to happen. Let's fight for Killing Eve's Season 5.

  • @Pnddlv
    @Pnddlv Před 2 lety

    Pls someone can tell me who ordered to kill Kenny? I really don't get it

  • @robertbartelmes7623
    @robertbartelmes7623 Před 2 lety +1

    ... unlike more than a few viewers of the BBC "Killing Eve" series, I read the three Luke Jennings Novellas upon which the series is based ... I actually applaud Sally Woodward Gentle, Lee Morris & Phoebe Waller-Bridge for NOT adhering to the Novella plots ... what we enjoyed every Sunday night was a scrumptiously fresh & surprisingly shocking story ... and even though you HAD to anticipate that Villanelle [hint: even that name is a combination of "Villan + the French word "Elle" for "She"- get it???], not Eve, would 'Bite The Bullet' in this BBC Series in the end, interestingly Jennings has this blood-thirsty Lesbian couple living Happily Every After in domestic bliss ... a true conundrum for a TV Series with main stream commercial sponsors ...

  • @himanshik3160
    @himanshik3160 Před 2 lety +1

    And then there came a point where Villanelle started to Breathe for Eve. She felt things when she was with Eve, even to extend that she felt things in her absence too ...just for Eve.
    .. i cant even start to mention the stupidest plot holes they left this season. The last two episodes obviously felt rushed and they did so just for the sake of ending the season. It was as if they wrote it keeping in mind that this was supposed to be last season so just conclude each character as fast as possible. I mean come one Constantine and V have been in the game for too long they are not THAT naive to just put themself out there in open to provide the killer an open shot to kill them. Also it was never about the 12 for the fans it was always about the two complex characters that apparently had different lives but were just the same. This season needed Phoebe. I stick with the book's ending where V faked her death so that she and E could escape the radar. Surely they could NOT have a typical cliche 'happy ending' but atleast they could have ended it at a note implying that even though there problems AREN'T fully solved they are in this TOGETHER. AND THAT THEY HAVE EACH OTHER.AND THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS. Also it was mentioned that the 12 was never just the twelve people...that it existed in cells at different levels. It is possible that V on that boat killed just one of the many cells but they could have given V and E the benefit of doubt that yes they DID it.
    They had 2 years to give us a proper season but yet WE are comming up with better plots in less than a week!!

  • @FrancesLozear
    @FrancesLozear Před 2 lety

    These Actresses are Phenomenal. The entire series was a rollercoaster ride with sprinkles of chaos and this dark twisted humor interwoven that made it different. I am glad I got to read the books first so I was semi expecting her death to be staged like in the books and they go on to have a life together....but then if you look at the show's name by killing her Soul mate basically you were 'Killing Eve' because how is she going to live a half a life when her reason for living and existing is now gone.

    • @Gwen3344
      @Gwen3344 Před 2 lety +2

      Except that metaphorical explanation of the title 'Killing Eve' is not Laura Neal's interpretation. Neal was the show runner and writer of the last episode. According to her, Villanelle's death was redemption for Eve. With Villanelle dead, Eve can now go back to her "normal" life. Eve's scream was her recognition that she was finally free, or something to that effect.
      Guess no one took the time to sit down with Laura to explain just how idiotic she was being in coming up with a conclusion that makes zero psychological sense. Or, if they told her, she just srubbornly went ahead with her ridiculous view of things. Neal seems to think she was being clever, Shakespeare-ish, even. But really, she just proved that she was the absolute wrong person for the job of running this show, and writing the finale.
      There is an article on the Decider website, ‘Killing Eve’ Series Finale: Showrunner Laura Neal Breaks Down the Deadly - and Romantic - Moments', if you want to read her take on it. (I'd leave a link, but some channels automatically delete comments with links in them.)

    • @FrancesLozear
      @FrancesLozear Před 2 lety +1

      @@Gwen3344 Thanks for sharing the interview. Laura Neal's interpretation doesn't make sense, does it.... so even if a person had to point it out to her I doubt she would get it, or want to get it. Can't wrap my head around the redemption part. Eve has grown so much after meeting Villanelle that she can't go back to old dimensions or to being her own self that's absurd she isn't a rubber band. Once you have grown and stretched as a character you have to keep growing. I wish writers would be a bit more braver and not follow the norm - Prime example being The 100 the two main queer characters have one episode of connection and the one character gets sacrificed. Solidly wish they let the ending be more like in the book like the writer intended.

  • @thomrl
    @thomrl Před 2 lety +1

    I DO NOT understand Carolyn's motive for killing Villanelle... To not go back to MI6 empty handed? She had a part getting to twelve and was close with Eve and Villanelle, they could have worked something out easily. It seemed like Villanelle and Carolyn liked and respected each other, and then Carolyn just get's her killed, really why?..
    It does feel like they could have used a bit more time to finish the story. An episode or two more. Maybe things done different through the whole season. Which was a bad season. The last episode was the best IMO, even if it made me sad to see my favorite character get killed.. She was a psychopath so I do understand that there could be lots of reasons to kill her... But I don't understand why Carolyn had her killed...

  • @gracek3976
    @gracek3976 Před 2 lety

    they should have done a 5th season and ended there and have phoebe come back to write it and do the show justice

  • @sofiagarciabroca8174
    @sofiagarciabroca8174 Před 2 lety

    Agree with what people say, that they didn't give us time to see at least a little of what kept us hooked for 4 seasons, they only gave us crumbs but we kept waiting thanks to the incredible chemistry between these two wonderful women and characters, a little more of the protagonists together "alone", without attacking each other and letting themselves be carried away by their deepest instincts, damn at least an entire chapter, nothing. So it makes it more of a bury your gays, from the mainstream, it seemed quite puritanical to me and the only time in which they gave free rein to the kiss was epic, but on the other hand there was a lot of blood even for those of us who don't love violence on fiction screen ¡We adapted! It seems to me that they did not realize that they were creating a totally reinvented female specie of 007 of the 21th c, and they blew it. Eve was hateful, for some inexplicable reasons, but anyways we still forgive her at the end... So much religious symbolism: the untouching fingers of Adam and God/Villanelle and Eve, Eve emerging from the river, like a Boticelli Venus, but in a grimace of pain, the tarot cards that should never be read literally or juxtaposed... The loose ends, so much time wasted introducing Pam, how adorably cheeky, cynical and genius Carolyn was and that she is the great traitor! Come on! Nobody believes it, and who goes after killing the 12 to the deck at least without a bulletproof vest to expose himself to being an easy target?

  • @Argeaux2
    @Argeaux2 Před 2 lety

    I've been a member of many fandoms over the decades.
    People NEVER like it when a beloved character dies, no matter how well it fits the story.
    They will criticise every aspect of the story, but they just won't admit that they want to imagine that character is still alive.
    Guess what? It's a story.
    If you want Villanelle to still be alive, she can be in your mind.
    Of COURSE she was going to die. Gunn was a loose end. So was Carolyn, for that matter.
    Villanelle was always going to come to a sticky end. How many times did they need to foreshadow that?

  • @crabbuckets7506
    @crabbuckets7506 Před 2 lety

    I don't think this ending was bad. People view media differently and we all knew it couldn't end with a happily ever after. Leaving the show with some mystery at the end is what a good story will do. To leave you with questions you won't get the answers to. Leaving the rest up to your own thoughts. I didn't expect the end scene to happen so quickly but it was perfect as eve couldn't reach villanelle and her ascending to the surface like an angel. Take it how you will but personally loved it.

  • @Gypsy_Soul7
    @Gypsy_Soul7 Před rokem

    The death of Villanelle was rushed indeed 😭😓😪. I enjoyed the character juxtaposition at the ending when Villanelle was doing her thing to the 12 downstairs while Eve really appeared to be in the moment & enjoying doing her thing upstairs…with Cameo’s “Candy” playing…that part was good.

    @NYSESTRA Před 2 lety +1

    What else would Oh and Comer say, come on. You know it’s really bad when the author has to come out and defend his writing and to tell the world Villenelle is not dead. Laura Neal should have never been the one to finish out this series. It would be so refreshing to see a lesbian “live”, be happy and ride off into the sunset for a change.

  • @camillewilliams9604
    @camillewilliams9604 Před 2 lety +1

    They wrong writers were in that room because S4 should have picked up near where S3 ended. The plot made no sense. and they spent too much time setting up for a spin-off that most of us aren’t even interested in. There is no Killing Eve withoutJodie and Sandra. VillanEve should have been together for the entirety of the season, and there should have never been so many new characters introduced that served absolutely no purpose. I understand that Villanelle has to die, but Eve should have died with her. Their relationship was beautiful the whole 6? Minutes we got to enjoy them before they were so brutally ripped apart that made absolutely no sense. And to turn Carolyn into the one who had her killed was messed up too. Kill them both or let them both live. Luke Jennings found a way to make it work so I don’t know why these writers couldn’t. Jodie and Sandra gave us their all and gifted us with the most beautiful kiss in television history and I will forever and always love VillanEve. Regardless of what the lazy writing gave us in this final season, they will live on in AO3 with all of the beautifully written fan fics that is out there so to LN I’ll say “Bye, Felicia.”