The Story of the Affordable Care Act: From an Unmet Promise to the Law of the Land

  • čas přidán 21. 03. 2012
  • Learn how the Affordable Care Act benefits you:
    March 23rd, 2012 is the Affordable Care Act's two year anniversary.
    This video shows the road to health reform and how the president delivered affordable health care for all Americans.
    The new law is making health care work better for all of us, even if you already have insurance. It puts the health of your family first-ensuring access to free preventive care and protecting consumers from insurance company abuses.
    It also provides:
    Benefits for all Americans:
    -32 million: Number of Americans who will access affordable health coverage thanks to President Obama's health care law.
    Benefits for young people:
    -2.5 million: Number of young people who have been able to stay on their parents' health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act
    Benefits for seniors:
    -The Affordable Care Act is making Medicare stronger, and helps you save on the services you already rely on.
    Learn how the Affordable Care Act benefits you:

Komentáře • 119

  • @doodelay
    @doodelay Před 11 lety +1

    That's right. Give us more positive TV ads, we need more, we have to remind America the beauty of this presidency.

  • @MissMTurner
    @MissMTurner Před 12 lety

    I am Obamacare.
    When I was diagnosed last summer with 3lbs of tumors in my uterus at age 34, I didn't know what I was going to do. But because of the ACA I was able to get PCIP insurance and surgery.
    Now, six months after my surgery I'm healthy. Thank you President Obama!

    @VERONICAVERY Před 12 lety

    TODAY is a BIG day for Ashle!!! It is a BIG day for ALL Americans; the 2nd anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. If you aren't sick today--- keep living!!! You could easily be SICK tomorrow (or tonight!!!) searching desperately for affordable health care. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA for being a THOUGHTFUL, STRATEGIC and COMPASSIONATE leader!!! Because of your leadership my daughter has health insurance!!! YOU are appreciated and we support YOU 1000%!!!

  • @DivineHabits
    @DivineHabits Před 12 lety

    To those who dislike this video, and the faces of hope you see in this video, you should get your heads examined. This is a beautiful thing, a promise kept by President Barack Obama. Give the guy his due, he has done wonders under extreme difficulties.

  • @Roc28210
    @Roc28210 Před 12 lety

    Glad we have someone who cares in office. Don't believe the negative crap that people says about this.. Health Care is a very serious issue..

  • @musicwriteslife
    @musicwriteslife Před 12 lety

    I am so glad I now have this security of health care when I become an adult. I was 13 and worried that my prexisting condition would not allow me to reccieve health care when I was older. This act lifted a great load from my shoulders and I am so glad it passed. Thank you President Obama for making a teenagers life become less stressful.

  • @brinkfan
    @brinkfan Před 12 lety +1

    Finally he is standing up on his record as far as healthcare goes! This is one area I had a problem with him... I remember the way he allowed republicans to define to the american people what the affordable care act is. I was for Hillary who might have been a little more brash... good to see Obama is standing up and letting people know this is the right thing. I', signing this historic bill because its helpful for you and our healthcare system.

  • @OcelotPwns
    @OcelotPwns Před 12 lety

    i still wish we could have a public option, but this is a huge step forward.

  • @sabz423
    @sabz423 Před 12 lety

    Am I the only one who bawled my frickin' eyes out watching this?

  • @josh1973Q
    @josh1973Q Před 12 lety

    Wonderful !!!

  • @TheSiggen94
    @TheSiggen94 Před 12 lety

    One of the problems is also that insurancecompanies are based on profit, often not to ensure that people are getting sufficient healthcare. US spends today more than any other countries in the world on healthcare. This is a complicated problem, but Obama is bringing us in the right direction!

  • @colden12
    @colden12 Před 12 lety

    As a cancer survivor, I stand with all of Americans with pre-existing conditions and thank you Mr. President.

  • @ashkoimiriai22
    @ashkoimiriai22 Před 12 lety

    Glad he did a reform, especially for those with pre-existing conditions and keep from being dropped once you get sick. Those are very important. But Private Insurance is still expensive for those with low-paying jobs or no job. It helped for those with insurance through their jobs to be more affordable. But, my uncle lost his job, and received a letter from the government that he needs to purchase private insurance, or he can be penalized; The penalty could be a fine or even jail time.

  • @MaajiCalebZonkwa
    @MaajiCalebZonkwa Před 12 lety

    That is the President who has the people in his heart and SOUL.

  • @cassquervo123
    @cassquervo123 Před 12 lety

    It's definitely more than what I had at 26. Though it was approved, it has been fought from the day it was approved by those that would not like to see any good come from the Obama camp. When we can start looking at the big picture and not act like gangsters fighting over turf and bragging rights this country will actually make progress.

  • @HotMike
    @HotMike Před 12 lety

    Health care for all Americans...check!

  • @InnuendOwO
    @InnuendOwO Před 12 lety

    Glad to see we've got a president finally willing to fix things instead of delay the collapse of it.

  • @Roc28210
    @Roc28210 Před 12 lety

    Most of the people who want it gone have no idea, what they would replace it with..

  • @ryansebrasky6402
    @ryansebrasky6402 Před 12 lety

    I'm doing everything I can to help the president by sharing all of this information with my friends on Face Book. I've always been a fan of the Mr. Obama. I really appreciate what he's done for me.

  • @kraal42
    @kraal42 Před 12 lety


  • @barker00429
    @barker00429 Před 12 lety

    I am so glad this health care act passed and became the law of the land, my husband is a diabetic and insurance even life insurance was not available for him no he can get the help that he needed this makes me very happy indeed, protect the health care act. I am praying that the courts strikes down the republicans

  • @rebecaha
    @rebecaha Před 12 lety

    We need to end corruption in the medical field, stop drug companies from paying doctors for prescribing unnecessary drugs to their patients, and stop; doctors from performing unnecessary procedures. The only way to do this is to pay doctors a salary wage.

  • @CR67
    @CR67 Před 12 lety

    Complete Lives System, per Whitehouse Advisor Dr. Zeke Emanuel, those over forty and under fourteen will get the pain pill, not the operation.

  • @heatherzinha
    @heatherzinha Před 12 lety

    we'd be interested in seeing that letter. that part of the act isn't going into law until 2014.

  • @benfeinblum
    @benfeinblum Před 12 lety

    He has done such a better job than he is getting credit for!

  • @heatherzinha
    @heatherzinha Před 12 lety

    it will actually be made far more affordable, especially for those who can't pay. the people in the lowest income levels, who can't afford insurance, and don't get routine, preventive care, are our sickest, most costly friends, family and neighbors. making sure that they can be seen routinely, and given the care they need before something serious develops will save billions over time. for example, every $1 spent on prenatal care saves $11, just during the first year of the baby's life.

  • @ranela0318
    @ranela0318 Před 12 lety

    I don't have insurance, maybe I can get one now...

  • @Darksideofthespoon69
    @Darksideofthespoon69 Před 12 lety

    Private health insurance is a JOKE. HAve you have independent health insurance??? The premiums are ridiculous and the insurance itself doesn't cover a NUMBER of things that you might need treatment for. I dropped mine and have looked into others and to no avail. I was paying $150/month for insurance and if I had an ER visit (national average $750 per visit) it paid $200????? If I needed medications other than antibiotics it would only pay 20%???? I am a victim of private insurance. We need this

  • @cassquervo123
    @cassquervo123 Před 12 lety

    I have been reading plenty of negative comments on this plan. Maybe people simply don't understand. Is there possibly a visual explanation for those that don't read that often or that well that will answer more of the simple questions? Something like a flow chart that shows how the unemployed or uninsured are cared for and how the taxpayers dollars are used with a contrast veiw of the current process for the same people and how this affects America's financial bottom line.

  • @TheMusketITuckedIt204
    @TheMusketITuckedIt204 Před 12 lety

    President Obama, putting people's interest above corporate profits; finally a leader who has good moral fiber.

  • @TUCBAMA49
    @TUCBAMA49 Před 12 lety

    You know, we hear politicians say lofty words all the time and we don't believe them - we know they are just saying what we want to hear - right? For once I have a President who I think says what he means and means what he says!
    Thank you President Obama - the ACA will save so many lives!

  • @jrodg46
    @jrodg46 Před 12 lety

    God bless Pres. Obama, Joe Biden and all the "good guys," who govern for the sake of the people ( the 99% ) : I'll love Pres. O forever , for everything good that he stands for and does. He's an inspiration for our youth, a fighter for our seniors, and he presents the best possible image an American President could show the world .

  • @deepen2011
    @deepen2011 Před 12 lety

    beautiful.. just beautiful. Obama 2012!

  • @iLuvAkeys4ever
    @iLuvAkeys4ever Před 12 lety

    What you really need is single payer. The problem with a public option is that you only get what you can afford under your plan. Under single payer you just pay what you can afford every month and get comprehensive cover. We have that here in England. I have been out of work for ten years yet I can see my doctor whenever I want visit the nurse, cheap perscription. If I am really ill just pick up the phone and an ambulance is at my door in minutea. Its far superior to a public option and cheaper

  • @itspossible08
    @itspossible08 Před 12 lety

    Please America, keep this man as President!

  • @Spanxxxy
    @Spanxxxy Před 12 lety

    A lot of people get to live long and mostly healthy lives.. others get seriously injured and/or sick. Why punish pre-existing conditions and put caps on coverage? I'm for Obamacare.

  • @superpuppy1998
    @superpuppy1998 Před 12 lety


  • @EC91Inf3kt3d93TO
    @EC91Inf3kt3d93TO Před 12 lety

    A president that actually cares about what happens to the people of the United States. GOP all they want is their pockets filled. Obama 2012. Keeping the campaign alive. First vote I'm eligible to give is going to you. I hope the Education reform passes as well. Thanks from a working class college student!

  • @looneyglenda
    @looneyglenda Před 12 lety

    he did not just kill the most wanted, but gave us new health care reform. Great job Mr. President!

  • @josepesca1
    @josepesca1 Před 12 lety

    Gracias, Merci, Thank you Mr. President. Like FDR in the 20th century you are the greatest president in 21st century.

  • @underbird
    @underbird Před 12 lety

    Welcome to Ameritopia

  • @msyedx
    @msyedx Před 12 lety

    Not Bad

  • @WorkersUnited55678
    @WorkersUnited55678 Před 12 lety +1

    Thank you my glorious Barack Obama, I love you!

  • @iTrikstr
    @iTrikstr Před 12 lety

    The election is a week before my 18th birthday. If I were able to, I would definitely vote for Obama.

  • @neilbruce123
    @neilbruce123 Před 12 lety

    It all depends on what the Supreme court does...........maybe they will punt and revisit the issue once established and look at it as a tax issue.If they strike the mandate,they have taken the concrete out of the bill.Obama 2012

  • @deepen2011
    @deepen2011 Před 12 lety

    how can you not be proud to have this man as our President? God Bless America and God Bless Obama!

  • @madmaxonliner
    @madmaxonliner Před 12 lety

    Fighting for You. . . That's what Presidents are for.

  • @andiconda3
    @andiconda3 Před 12 lety

    I think it was a small step, not a big step. We didn't even get a public option.

  • @rainbowgirl678
    @rainbowgirl678 Před 11 lety


  • @student908065
    @student908065 Před 12 lety

    Why would anyone want to become a doctor if the pay wasn't huge? Our tuition is insane, we deserve a high pay because of it.

  • @iHipHopVEVO
    @iHipHopVEVO Před 12 lety

    Reseach Ron Paul!

  • @ginnet31
    @ginnet31 Před 12 lety


  • @OG1Tipsy
    @OG1Tipsy Před 12 lety

    "fighting for you"

  • @thanmark412
    @thanmark412 Před 12 lety

    The mandate has not even been enacted yet, so there is no way that your uncle received that letter. It comes into effect in 2014. Also, The government will provide subsidies for those who cannot buy insurance, and there will be a new health insurance exchange to offer private health insurance at market (low) rates to those who are not employed at a large company. Also, medicaid will be expanded to cover those who lose coverage. Furthermore, the mandate cannot penalize anyone with jail time.

  • @hukedonfoniks
    @hukedonfoniks Před 12 lety

    Barack Obama is the only person currently running for president that is inspiring and actually seems somewhat legitimate when he speaks.

  • @GoldUsher
    @GoldUsher Před 12 lety

    The health care system in this country will be improved when the DOCTOR'S greed stops. My Dad was in a rehab center in Sarasota for 6 weeks- the center's owner/doctor saw him exactly TWICE but billed Blue Cross/Blue Sheild for a daily visit every one of those SIX WEEKS. Mom had breast surgery, her doctor saw her in the hospital & then billed for an office visit that NEVER happened. When the system stops the FRAUD billing from the doctors, the system will have a financial chance of working.

  • @heatherzinha
    @heatherzinha Před 12 lety

    be sure to carefully vet your governor and state legislators. they are the ones backing the movement to make sure you get few or no benefits.

  • @junior1984able
    @junior1984able Před 12 lety +1

    These rich Politicians do not care about YOU, yes YOU! stop electing these conservative politicians who are trying to get more for them and less for you...

  • @heatherzinha
    @heatherzinha Před 12 lety

    they'd repeal everyone's but theirs.

  • @ruthannebeirne7359
    @ruthannebeirne7359 Před 12 lety

    I just love thisPresident

  • @Artemis10able
    @Artemis10able Před 12 lety

    Healthcare is still unaffordable. I can barely afford a doctor. When will this be here for us. I have my doubts.

  • @AlanClifford76
    @AlanClifford76 Před 12 lety

    If this scheme does turn out to be unconstitutional, then I'd say you need a new constitution.

  • @zekekincer
    @zekekincer Před 12 lety

    I love you President Obama! You're the best thing that has happend to this country in a very very very long time!

  • @Meda01
    @Meda01 Před 12 lety

    I say now, in 20-30 years, the vast majority of all current and future republicans who oppose this will be as adamantly in favor of it as republican voting senior citizens are of Social Security. I'll see you in three decades and say I told you so.

  • @andynb2002
    @andynb2002 Před 12 lety

    President Obama did the right thing. The Healthcare Act is now the law of the land. Make sure it stays that way. Vote Obama in 2012!!!

  • @HusseinRonaldo2090
    @HusseinRonaldo2090 Před 12 lety

    I am so proud of this President. A promise kept! You Mr President represent in good in America - fighting for the poor! I am so ashamed they are still people out there who wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act:( SMH....How selfish can you be(?) Seriously President Obama HAS TO BE re-elected in November:)

  • @joe035
    @joe035 Před 12 lety

    DOA Dude, for a smart guy & Constitutional professor you would think he would know single payer was legal & more easily pushed then this accomadation to HMO pricks.

  • @MikeyStrong
    @MikeyStrong Před 12 lety

    How about the President do something about the Trayvon Martin travesty !!!?????

  • @dumnuts1
    @dumnuts1 Před 12 lety

    In Joe's words: "This is a big fucking deal."
    Never before has the Federal government so overstepped their boundaries and the constitution.

  • @abrar1177
    @abrar1177 Před 12 lety

    is* fighting, not if.
    And no, he's fighting against the true America, not for it.

  • @Turtlebomb11
    @Turtlebomb11 Před 12 lety

    I love Obama!!! He is the best thing that ever happened to this country!!! I'm so proud to be an American right now! If I win the lottery I'm giving it to him!!! I told a big lie!!

  • @vtalanki21
    @vtalanki21 Před 11 lety

    Nothing is free people. I don't understand how people think that insurance companies can just PAY for services without charging people. All this means is increased premiums. Trust me, the people will still be paying for it in some way or another. There's no such thing as a free lunch!!

  • @johnnytraveler1
    @johnnytraveler1 Před 12 lety

    Good grief is there a book of these talking points? The idea that government is dictating costs and coverages is laughably ridiculous. All of these new insured will have their insurance through private companies, and if the government is setting anything, it's a minimum coverage. Surely in the greatest country on earth we can afford to take care of our citizens when it comes to the most basic of needs, which is health care.

  • @dementium4ever
    @dementium4ever Před 12 lety

    Please, my American friends, vote for Obama.

  • @smittyd4801
    @smittyd4801 Před 12 lety


  • @buoyantturtle
    @buoyantturtle Před 12 lety

    PEOPLE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES! MOVE HERE, BECOME RESIDENT, VOTE OBAMA, THEN YOU CAN LEAVE IF YOU WANT! We need President Obama to STAY President Obama. I've NEVER had health insurance. I still don't, but now I know that when I do get it, I'll be safe. I want to live in a country where my safety comes first! OBAMA 2012! OBAMA FOR EVER!

  • @BUNNYBUTT1984
    @BUNNYBUTT1984 Před 12 lety


  • @a0last0request
    @a0last0request Před 12 lety

    Obama- good job

  • @acebpd
    @acebpd Před 12 lety


  • @dumnuts1
    @dumnuts1 Před 12 lety +1

    He did the right thing? That'd be a first.
    Latest poll shoes 68% of Americans thinks Obama is to blame for $5/gallon gas,'''''''''''pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

  • @vbelle6
    @vbelle6 Před 12 lety

    Elections have consequences and President signature accomplishment, delivering on his promise to sign a Health Care Bill, during his first term in office should not be dismantled by the Court because Republican controlled states oppose the bill.
    Vera Richardson

  • @HiYouCanCallMeMusic
    @HiYouCanCallMeMusic Před 12 lety

    Aaaannndddd why do people say he's the worst President????
    -GOD bless.

  • @ProfessorDaveatYork
    @ProfessorDaveatYork Před 12 lety

    Obama Cares

  • @pickandcheww
    @pickandcheww Před 12 lety

    Obama needs to win.Really really really...

  • @luvitluvitbaby
    @luvitluvitbaby Před 12 lety

    Haven't you learned anything from Dick Cheney?
    Ronald Reagan taught us all that deficits don't matter lol!

  • @iLuvAkeys4ever
    @iLuvAkeys4ever Před 12 lety

    But the reforms will help your father. Yes there is a mandate forcing people to get cover but the reforms that have been put in place help out people with low incomes or no income at all. If your father has lost his job, under the new reforms he could end up getting healthcare for free. He needs to check things out before he starts to panick. Obama is a reasonable person and you can't force somone to buy something they literally cannot afford so there has to be some provisions in the reforms.

  • @kixmgc
    @kixmgc Před 12 lety


  • @joe035
    @joe035 Před 12 lety

    That isn't Obamacare, that would have been single payer which with both majorities in the house & senate of democrats & Obama's willingness to completely discount
    Republicans should have been passed as if for no other reason it is Constittutional unlike Obamacare.

  • @renglass
    @renglass Před 12 lety

    Really Shippo? Really? Do you really read? I could not get insurance at ANY price. Now I have decent coverage. People think if you get sick you get care. Unless you are bleeding or not breathing... get out the visa card or you are screwed without insurance.

  • @MrThemr11111111
    @MrThemr11111111 Před 12 lety

    OBAMA WINS 2012

  • @ugahedges
    @ugahedges Před 12 lety

    the republicans are in the rich insurance companies pockets

  • @AndrewD624
    @AndrewD624 Před 12 lety

    shortages here we come. do the research and look up how much healthcare has increased since the federal gov got involved with medicare and medicaid, if they hadnt got involved it would be affordable and more accessible to more ppl. this is just another case of a politician wanting more power

  • @heatherzinha
    @heatherzinha Před 12 lety

    how ludicrous. how absolutely, ignorantly ludicrous. we are the ONLY "developed" country that does not think its citizens' health is a national resource.

  • @Artemis10able
    @Artemis10able Před 12 lety

    Healthcare is still unaffordable. I can barely afford a doctor. When will this be here for us. I have my doubts. It's like the system is trying to slowly euthanize the people. How many will die before this happens? I'll tell you--thousands.

  • @heatherzinha
    @heatherzinha Před 12 lety

    1. the right wing sabre-rattling against Iran has driven speculation on gas, and therefore gas prices, up. do your homework and see why. hint: geography. 2. as for "unpopular," the majority of americans support the Affordable Healthcare Act, with more every day seeing how it prevents their health insurance providers from capping coverage or excluding for pre-existing conditions, just for starters.

  • @sweatyshorts
    @sweatyshorts Před 12 lety

    With gas prices as they are and the inevitably detrimental implications they entail, touting your unpopular and unconstitutional healthcare mandate and statutes, right now, shows how incredibly out of touch and incompetent Obama is. I look forward to voting for anyone but him in November.

  • @TheSiggen94
    @TheSiggen94 Před 12 lety

    The selfishness of the republicans scares me!

  • @DxIDropIxD
    @DxIDropIxD Před 12 lety

    Sorry Obama, But I Think You Kinda A BAD President