The Anniversary of Romneycare

  • čas přidán 11. 04. 2012
  • Join the Truth Team:
    April 12th is the anniversary of Romneycare.
    This video shows how Mitt Romney embraced Massachusetts health care reform as a ticket to national fame and glory. And it shows how he attacked Massachusetts health care reform after the passing of the Affordable Care Act.
    Featuring interviews from architects and advocates of both Romneycare and the Affordable Care Act.

Komentáře • 63

  • @sahuma
    @sahuma Před 12 lety +2

    Love the video, I don't know how Mitt Romney can think he can pull off such a drastic about face.

  • @bernlin2000
    @bernlin2000 Před 12 lety +3

    It's a shame that Romney has distanced himself from his own health care plan: it's actually a good bill that should be celebrated.

  • @elint6
    @elint6 Před 12 lety +1

    Air this nationally!!!

  • @brndell
    @brndell Před 12 lety +1

    Outstanding video, only 3 minutes and it speaks volumes.

  • @H3rb3rtW3hn3r
    @H3rb3rtW3hn3r Před 12 lety +1

    The question 'Don't I matter?' can be answered. Here in Germany we have the term 'Stimmvieh' ('Voting Meat).
    That's what you matter to politicians like Mr. Romney.

  • @princeword
    @princeword Před 12 lety +1

    The Joker once said: "Can't we all just..get along"?

  • @mynameismatt2010
    @mynameismatt2010 Před 12 lety +1

    The difference, as i see it, is that on a state level this type of healthcare is a good thing, but on a national level it is wildly unconstitutional. The purpose of a federal system was to have a small conservative federal government with jurisdiction over the state governments which had many more responsibilities to the people directly. It's better to have more liberal state leaders if we have more conservative federal leaders, that's how the system works.

  • @kersidaruvala
    @kersidaruvala Před 12 lety +2

    That's Romney's hypocrisy at it's worst

    @MrANAGHEEL Před 12 lety +1

    Excellent. Sharing..

  • @HasanSIM14
    @HasanSIM14 Před 12 lety +1

    The ending was incredible. Unfortunately you don't matter to Romney.

  • @TriangularDuck
    @TriangularDuck Před 12 lety +1

    @Anrainerstaat I guess you turned the ad off after the first minute and a half before it actually got to the point.

  • @johnosahon
    @johnosahon Před 12 lety +1

    YES YES, it is ON.

  • @ColinMBurns
    @ColinMBurns Před 12 lety +1

    Keep it classy, Mitt.

  • @n00bsauce1987
    @n00bsauce1987 Před 12 lety +1

    A very classy ad from the Obama Administration. There is no need to mud sling if you can both agree on an issue. We are all trying to help the American people so you should be happy over your accomplishments.

  • @ikuyasu
    @ikuyasu Před 12 lety +1

    This makes Romney look more qualified for the presient.

  • @NASSAfellow
    @NASSAfellow Před 12 lety

    P.S. I hope Romney is watching this. As well as every American.

  • @cherryman
    @cherryman Před 12 lety

    John Green sent me here.

  • @doodelay
    @doodelay Před 11 lety

    Of course he doesn't remember. Haven't you heard lady, he's suffering from a severe case of stage 3 Romnesia

  • @yarnpower
    @yarnpower Před 12 lety

    There is no clearer example of a Republican candidate going back on his core values and long-held beliefs than Romney going against the Affordable Care Act after championing Romneycare. It is like that woman in the video asking 'don't we matter' of Romney. Evidently the suffering and pain of all those without health insurance didn't really mean as much to him as his own political ambitions.

  • @khaderach19
    @khaderach19 Před 12 lety +1

    HAHAHA. This just shows what a major tool Romney is.

  • @MrSquaky
    @MrSquaky Před 11 lety


  • @pitz182
    @pitz182 Před 12 lety

    This is the sad reality of having parties... they purposely go against the other party.

  • @Kandimann
    @Kandimann Před 12 lety

    Wow... Happy birthday Romneycare, you care to respond?

  • @Notecrusher
    @Notecrusher Před 12 lety

    @hicksticks2001 No. Mitt has never said he intended Mass Health Care to be implemented state by state. He hoped it would be a *national* model and that it would be his personal ticket to the presidency. That was before Obama and the Dems designed a similar plan. Then Romney switched positions and started saying he would repeal it if he became president - illustrating why he lacks any credibility whatsoever.

  • @NASSAfellow
    @NASSAfellow Před 12 lety


  • @nealb6
    @nealb6 Před 12 lety

    I'm still trying to understand "retro retiring" 3 years back. Huh?

  • @mesaeddie
    @mesaeddie Před 12 lety

    Romney the man who put the Flop in Flip Flop .

  • @angfucious
    @angfucious Před 12 lety

    That's exactly it. We don't matter.

  • @SomethingRules
    @SomethingRules Před 12 lety

    happy birthday romneycare :)

  • @msims1604
    @msims1604 Před 12 lety

    I really don't think Mitt knows how to tell the truth.

  • @Robkinggozer
    @Robkinggozer Před 12 lety


  • @7119kyle
    @7119kyle Před 12 lety +3

    defintion of contridiction: Mitt Romney XD

  • @JasperNagra
    @JasperNagra Před 12 lety

    What. A. Bellend.

  • @binstig
    @binstig Před 12 lety

    Mitt just got trolled.

    @USERACCOUNT40001 Před 12 lety

    Wow, American politics is really messed up

  • @bsartist3373
    @bsartist3373 Před 12 lety

    The modern republican party, where to be a candidate you have to disown the only decent thing you've don in your career.

  • @Geoff69420
    @Geoff69420 Před 12 lety

    So I heard Mitt Romney likes stage platforms.

  • @79xatruch
    @79xatruch Před 11 lety

    Romney will lose MA by 15 points, sooo if THAT doesn't give you a clue...

  • @PTKilowatt
    @PTKilowatt Před 12 lety

    Romney being duplicitous, hypocritical, and pandering to those who hold his financial leash?
    As a cajun friend of mine would say: "whodathunkit?"

  • @homeschoolmarm
    @homeschoolmarm Před 12 lety

    First, RomneyCare is a state program--where government involvement with healthcare needs to be. To implement this on a national level conflicts with the Constitution.
    Second, I'm sure the Obama administration went out of their way to hire Mitt's staff--so he could make this campaign film. Campaigns is all Obama is capable of doing. We're still waiting for the Presidential Leadership we were lead to believe you could provide, Mr. Obama.
    Third, Maybe Mitt Romney made a mistake?

  • @cowboys430isback
    @cowboys430isback Před 12 lety

    How could the republicans not notice his hypocritical nature?

  • @talonspoint
    @talonspoint Před 12 lety

    It was almost as unconstitutional at the state level as it is at the national level. Not that you was allow this to be posted, if other respectful comments made are any indication.

  • @nopethegeek
    @nopethegeek Před 12 lety

    Congrats to Mitt Romney on the 6th annivesary of his MA health care reform!!!! As a Massachusetts resident... THANKS MITTENS!!! :)

  • @carlitosevc
    @carlitosevc Před 12 lety

    No doubt this is Mitt Romney's biggest flip flop. Obama 2012!

  • @1805movie
    @1805movie Před 12 lety

    Mitt Romney is a total hypocrite.

  • @BCisreallybored
    @BCisreallybored Před 12 lety

    Classic America, y'all invented the hypocrite.

  • @Infinitezone344
    @Infinitezone344 Před 12 lety

    This is Great-it just shows the GOP lies, hypocrisy and deceitfulness. Obama 2012!

  • @danmills1513
    @danmills1513 Před 12 lety

    Obomney 2012!

  • @JosephNanoski
    @JosephNanoski Před 12 lety

    Awesome! Obama 2012....

  • @Anrainerstaat
    @Anrainerstaat Před 12 lety

    So, basically, this ad wants us to vote for Romney because he really wants to provide the great health care that was only lip service to Obama? ;-) Or, is this ad telling us that voting doesn't matter because both want the same thing? ;-) Obama's campaign is to much focusing on its opponent and taking too many twists and turns instead of providing a positive vision and outlook to Americans!

  • @msgambate88
    @msgambate88 Před 12 lety

    I don't get this guy romney, but he is no real threat and I am not worried about him...
    OBAMA 2012!!!!!!

  • @lunchboxboy
    @lunchboxboy Před 12 lety


  • @somecuties1
    @somecuties1 Před 12 lety

    Obama 2012!

  • @dieterdashmidt7953
    @dieterdashmidt7953 Před 12 lety

    Is Obama care any better?

  • @anrim1234
    @anrim1234 Před 12 lety

    obama 2012