Sizing Up Circumcision

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • This week Maria and Liz have their most awkward discussion about the debate over male circumcision. Most of European men aren't, most of American men are. Is it necessary? Why do we still do this?
    Fan Mail: Cheflifechief on IG defends sandwiches
    Googles: (Maria) What else can I do with pumpkin puree? (Liz) What's the difference between a cold, the flu and covid?
    Let's Get Personal: Where are some unusual places you have been?
    Topic: Circumcision
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Komentáře • 101

  • @kyo4423
    @kyo4423 Před 2 lety +8

    It's a sickening procedure. imagine mutilating a part of a baby's body, a part that plays a HUGE rule in sexuality,intimacy, attachment, thinking it's somehow natural or good. it's been shown and studied that these men who have had their foreskin forecefully removed do not attach to their partner in the same way noncircumcised men do(different hormonal profile during sex, lower oxytocin, lower amounts of pleasure).
    if people are so bent on destroying children's bodies then how about ear procedures or toe cuttings? What if I'd like my baby to be one-handed instead of two-handed? Fucking psycho shit, man. Adults can decide to mutilate their body however they want but doing this to a's beyond sickening.
    i don't believe in Hell but I sure wish there was one for who do this sort of thing. To think doctors get paid extra if they go ahea with the procedure and that many women and mothers go along with this garbage.

    • @TheMadJestyr
      @TheMadJestyr Před rokem

      "It's been shown and studied that these men who have had their foreskin forecefully removed do not attach to their partner in the same way noncircumcised men do"
      That is a load of bullshit.

  • @cerealkay6835
    @cerealkay6835 Před 2 lety +13

    Yeah, this should not be decided for children on their behalf. They should absolutely not be forced. That's where this is wrong.
    Let them decide when they are old enough. I can't imagine the feeling matters worth a damn to anyone, it's the theft of bodily autonomy that can never be taken back.
    Just a cursory investigation shows that issues with foreskins are virtually non-existent in terms of population so that's an utterly spurious argument.
    Furthermore adult circumcision is not unusual and apparently heals promptly so that argument is also overblown. Frankly it sounds like justification to impose a choice upon someone else.

    • @EricAnderson58
      @EricAnderson58 Před 2 lety +3

      not just the irrecoverable theft, the trauma is an insane thing to do to a healthy child. Jesus & the Unabomber

  • @busTedOaS
    @busTedOaS Před 2 lety +8

    When in doubt, I usually side with "if this bodily feature was a problem, it would probably evolved away"

  • @tulmar4548
    @tulmar4548 Před 2 lety +17

    I think culture has something to do with circumcision, also for the US with its pay to play healthcare its more probable to push an extra procedure and pass it off as essential for male reproductive health for a few thousand bucks than say the UK system . Health issues side if things, I'm uncut and never had any issues , hygene is essential , but that's essential for everyone. I am personally against circumcision unless there is a pressing health issue that needs to be addressed. We could equate male circumcision to removing the labia minora ( which serve the same purpose for the vagina as the foreskin does for the penis ) also a form of female circumcision without removing the clitoris. And then the question could be asked , would you want that done to you as a baby and lose your clitoral sensitivity. I think the answer would be a very very firm no. Also if we remove the foreskin for health reasons wouldn't it be just as valid an argument for the removal of the labia minora.

    • @Lxx-tc4xc
      @Lxx-tc4xc Před 2 lety +1

      You are the first person I have met who has concluded, as I did decades ago, that the labia minora are a functional analogue of the male foreskin. Like the male foreskin, the labia minora are very sensitive, and cuddle and envelope the place where reproduce and urinate. Explicit photos on the internet reveal that there are bold women who are not porn models, who are not daunted by revealing their labia.

    • @renny3816
      @renny3816 Před rokem +1

      The clitoral hood is a similar structure to the foreskin, but nobody advocates cutting that off.

  • @xcheshirecat
    @xcheshirecat Před 2 lety +11

    It's funny how only countries that practice circumcision find issues when not circumcised 🤣

    • @renny3816
      @renny3816 Před rokem +1

      Right? It’s so ridiculous. I’ve never had issues with my foreskin and I’m an American.

    • @frankc8311
      @frankc8311 Před rokem

      Rate in US is 57%.

    • @xcheshirecat
      @xcheshirecat Před rokem

      @@frankc8311 yeah what's your point ?

    • @frankc8311
      @frankc8311 Před rokem

      @@xcheshirecat the point is that perceived norm is overstate “ advantages” to fit in. Would you please tell me another part of the body millighed as the foreskin?

  • @lylecosmopolite
    @lylecosmopolite Před 2 lety +4

    The circumcision conversation begins at 42:00.
    The USA is the only first world nation where routine infant circumcision (RIC) is the norm, for reasons having nothing to do with religion. Before 1950 (1980), RIC was common in the UK middle and upper classes, (Australia, New Zealand, Canada). The rate in the UK / Canada / Australia / New Zealand is now 0% / 30% / 10% / 0%. Circumcision in Canada is a thing mainly in Alberta and Ontario.
    Yet the USA has much higher rates of STDs than any European nation has.
    USA is tied with Portugal for the highest HIV+ rate in the first world.
    Why these perverse correlations? My hunch is that circumcised men are more reluctant to use condoms.
    The USA infant circumcision rate is 55% of boys born in maternity wards. This fact is based on an annual questionnaire drawn up by HHS, that every USA hospital has to complete.
    But the %age of boys circumcised after the neonatal period and in a pediatrician's office, has risen over time, and this is a procedure that HHS does not count. The upshot is that the %age of American infant boys who are circumcised is unknown. HHS also does not count boys who undergo a bris.
    The effect of circumcision on sexual function is not known, because the data on sexual dysfunction is obtained by asking subjects "Do you suffer from ED? PE? etc."
    The effect of circumcision on male sexual pleasure cannot be determined when nearly all circumcised males were cut well before their sexual debut.
    We can learn something about the effect of circumcision on female sexual pleasure by interviewing women who've been in intimate relationships with both kinds of men. This was the case for very few women before the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s. Some women have revealed in social media that they find penetrative sex more satisfying when their partner has his foreskin. Other women described penetration with a circumcised man as follows: "he tends to thrust too fast, too hard and too deep."
    Finally, there is no way -- at present -- of reducing a sexual experience to a file of digital data. I look forward to the day when data of that nature is carefully ananlysed.
    It is weirdly true that before WW2, some people advocated circumcision because they were of the opinion that male masturbation was one or more of highly immoral, psychologically damaging, and bad for overall health. These people also believed that circumcision reduced the likelihood that a young male would masturbate. These beliefs faded away 1920-40, a time when, paradoxically, the circumcision rate in the English speaking countries rose instead of declining.
    Only 4% of boys are born retractable. The median age of first complete retraction is 10. It is normal for male to not achieve full retractability until age 18-19. But these facts were not appreciated in the USA until the late 20th century. Before then, an unretractable foreskin in childhood was seen as a health hazard, to be eliminated by amputating the foreskin. That most cases of phimosis can be treated without surgery, was not known until the 1990s. The AAP's 2012 report on the advisability of routine infant circumcision, said that there was no compelling evidence that uncircumcised men have poorer penile hygiene in ways that cannot be eliminated by teaching boys to retract their foreskins when washing themselves..

    • @lylecosmopolite
      @lylecosmopolite Před 2 lety

      Circumcised men:
      * Enjoy masturbation and handjobs less;
      * lack the most sensitive penile nerve endings;
      * have a penis that ages more quickly, a fact that is telling starting around age 40.
      Quite a few women who've been with both kinds, say that penetration by an intact partner gives them more pleasure.

    • @lylecosmopolite
      @lylecosmopolite Před 2 lety +1

      In the USA, RIC is a minority choice west of the continental divide, among Latinos, native Americans born on reservations, Christian Scientists, Amish. Not circumcising has made a fair amount of headway among crunchy parents.
      In Washington state and Nevada, only 10% of boys are circumcised in maternity wards. In West Virginia, the rate is 90%. Very diverse cities like Chicago and New York have lower circumcision rates.
      The leading male actor in the southern California adult film industry, is an intact Frenchman named Manuel Ferrara. His foreskin has not impeded his career one bit.

    • @lylecosmopolite
      @lylecosmopolite Před 2 lety +1

      Infants are often circumcised without anesthesia, and never get post-op pain killers.
      After the first birthday, a boy always gets general anesthesia. After age 6 or so, pain killers are always an option.
      The problem with circumcision later in life is not the surgical pain, but the pain arising from unwanted erections.

  • @MovieswithLove
    @MovieswithLove Před rokem +2

    The thing I wish was discussed is the fact that circumcising a baby at a young age changes the brain’s Chemistry development. It can cause anger issues, emotional mistrust, depression, feeling like a part of you is missing, and even the fact that first intimate experience is a piece being cut off from the body painfully. Men have even committed suicide over the psychological damage of circumcision but of course that’s not gonna be dominantly promoted. People don’t care about men’s mental health much. Circumcision can get done any point, cutting on a defenseless child is nonsensical and awful. You can risk robbing an entire child’s lifetime by making a decision to intimately damage him.

  • @lucasgrey9794
    @lucasgrey9794 Před 2 lety +10

    Appallingly ignorant arguments coming from Maria. Imagine subjecting 99% of male babies to this procedure just because less than 1% MIGHT have issues. Babies can't be given anesthesia by the way.

  • @CriticalRelativist
    @CriticalRelativist Před 2 lety +11

    I hear you two trying so hard to make the case that the POTENTIAL of a problem way down the line is a good enough reason to permanently remove a CURRENTLY healthy body part from a child's body. Excuse me please if you could make a SINGLE recommendation of a comparable body part in which that logic holds. Just one. How about the baby toe.... how about the ear lobe... how about the labia minora... how about ANY other body part besides the foreskin. The truth is, you won't make that argument because it's a DUMB argument, but you don't value the foreskin enough to understand how dumb it is. I have a foreskin and I would not remove it unless I had to. It provides value to me. It was never up to my parents to decide what value it should have to me. If they had circumcised me that would have been a serious overstepping of their role as parents. Healthy sensitive functional body parts belong to the body's owner. That fucking simple.

    • @pauloesperon7697
      @pauloesperon7697 Před 2 lety +2

      I can't believe how people that consider themselves progressives would find arguments in favor of circumcision on a baby. Ignorant beyond belief.

    • @alexanderdullforce7556
      @alexanderdullforce7556 Před 2 lety

      Hahaha such outrage! I doubt most dudes care either way. I sure don't.

    • @mad5161
      @mad5161 Před rokem

      ​@@alexanderdullforce7556most of those who were cut as babies or grew up in a society or culture where dick skin is seen as gross, disgusting, unhygienic, germ carrier, etc. And where the surgically modified penis is seemed as "this is how a penis looks" will have huge difficulty in appreciating dick skin value over any other body part.
      While people like me who grew up in a society and culture where most penises are intact and we know how much it benefits us in masturbation and sex(for women as well) will find this surgery pretty barbaric, gruesome, loss of sexuality, etc. So we will obviously question your necessity for chopping off dick skin on a child who can't give consent.
      We are absolutely pretty angry for people chopping off a part of baby dicks for stupid reasons🤬

    • @spacefan123
      @spacefan123 Před 24 dny

      I restored my foreskin (expanded the skin so that it covers the glans) and the difference sexually is enormous. Circumcised men don't have a clue what they are missing. Now, if I could only get back all the tens of thousands of nerve-endings that were stolen from me at birth.

  • @jKLa
    @jKLa Před 2 lety +4

    As for circumcision and sensitivity I don't think that is usually a problem for most guys but studies have indeed found that it desensitizes the male part. According to W.H.O., an estimated 37% of men globally are circumcised, more then half of them Muslim. I think circumcision in the US is mostly done for reasons of social control. The sex selective violation of male's body autonomy while in this case respecting women's, is part of the point.

  • @Ihatenightlights
    @Ihatenightlights Před 2 lety +9

    I am from England but now live in America, I am uncircumcised and very happy with my foreskin! as someone who has Eczema all over my body, washing can be difficult at times and I have had yeast infections but it was hardly a big deal and very easily treated. I do think the less sensitivity thing is bullshit. but the two points I'd like to add are. Trans women, if you turn out to be a trans woman and may want to have gender reassignment surgery then the more skin the you have for them to work with the better. Also I have heard that circumcised men can't satisfy women as well men with foreskins can, which makes sense to me, since extra skin means extra girth, and it is how nature designed them to work together.

    • @renny3816
      @renny3816 Před rokem

      I believe men are more sensitive when they have foreskin. The foreskin has Meissners corpuscles, just like our fingers and lips. When a man is cut, that’s removed.

  • @vjhicks8533
    @vjhicks8533 Před 2 lety +3

    Adult males can certainly get circumcised. You don’t have to do it to babies. All these supposed issues with infections and such with foreskins are non issues in Europe. Because they know how to deal with foreskins! Since SOOO many Americans were circumcised for so long the American medical community has no idea about simply treatments for foreskin issues. So they simply say “we’ll I don’t know… get rid of the foreskin!”

    • @rayonensb7945
      @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety

      Only Americans & jews & Canadians to some
      Degree circumcises babies the rest of the world’s circumcision happens on adolescence & older !!

  • @Lxx-tc4xc
    @Lxx-tc4xc Před 2 lety +4

    I am a boomer from the Rust Belt. I have foreskin because I came into this world in a European maternity ward. I felt very odd using a public rest room until I discovered that I could slide my foreskin back and thus look circumcised. I did not lose my fear of using an American locker room until my 30s. My foreskin shame resulted in my remaining a virgin until my late 30s, when I met a woman who had substantial experience with both kinds of men, and so did not object to a partner having foreskin.

    • @rayonensb7945
      @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety +1

      Damn it’s not that serious 😂 I’m also an uncut American & i never had any shame or felt any type of way for being uncut lol AlPHA males bruh 💯

    • @lylecosmopolite
      @lylecosmopolite Před 2 lety +1

      @@rayonensb7945 In what decade were you born?
      Growing up in the USA, how many boys and girls near you in age knew what the word "circumcision" means?
      How often did you see foreskin in a locker room?

    • @rayonensb7945
      @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety

      @@lylecosmopolite born in the 80’s in NYC I’m pretty sure there was cut & uncut guys around me nobody cared at least where i was around me I noticed that’s mostly a white American thing

    • @lylecosmopolite
      @lylecosmopolite Před 2 lety

      @@rayonensb7945 How much time did you spend in locker rooms? New York city and Chicago have a lot of foreigners and second generation Americans, who have much lower circ rates than Americans who can trace their ancestry back to the 19th century.
      I have had social media accounts for 15 years. During that time, the American demographic that is most hostile to the male foreskin is... the African-Americans. Intactivists are mostly white.
      What I was afraid of as a boy was not "Ewww you're uncircumcised" but "Why does your dick look so weird? How will you ever get a blowjob?"

    • @lylecosmopolite
      @lylecosmopolite Před rokem

      @@rayonensb7945 I was the only uncut male in my family of origin. My mother told me nothing until I was 19; when she revealed that she found circumcision distasteful
      My father went to his grave have said nothing to me about foreskin and its removal.

  • @EricAnderson58
    @EricAnderson58 Před 2 lety +2

    When medically necessary an adult gets full anesthesia (local or general), and perfect pain manangement during recovery, as they can report pain level (they wanted the surgery out of necessity and are fully cognizant of what is happening throughout). Please avoid the 'recite a fear, torture a child' trap. Mesmerization is no defense in the law. Not cutting a healthy child is never a mistake. Cutting a healthy child is always a mistake. Without consent the procedure on a healty child is absolute battery. from Jesus & the Unabomber. Please join us.

  • @coloniousjay8128
    @coloniousjay8128 Před 2 lety +1

    You two are awesome!! I'm so glad I found yall!

  • @lightonstillwaters6789

    Anyone ever see Europa, Europa?
    It was set during WW2 and tells the experiences of a young Jewish man who looks Nordic but is circumsized, and his trials passing as a non-Jew.
    Post WW2, circumsion became endorsed and prescribed by the American medical community, with hygiene being the stated reason, but other factors being probable influences.
    Regardless, careful and thorough washing makes circumsion an unnecesssary medical procedure, especially for newborns.

  • @srose1088
    @srose1088 Před 11 měsíci

    Ive heard stories of circumcision acadents where the baby penis is mutilated and i feel like i would have so much regret if that happened due to something that wasn't really necessary or apart of my religion.

  • @jayburke9346
    @jayburke9346 Před 2 lety +1

    You don't know why the government want to have boys circumcised you really don't want to know if you 2 have not mentioned it as the boy did not consent for another thing as well. It is besides parents choice, infections, health issues, and religious concerns.

    • @rayonensb7945
      @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety

      Hey they circumcise females around the world

  • @russmanhi
    @russmanhi Před 2 lety +1

    Just a side note....Maria, PUMPKIN SOUP! I've only had it once, it was made from a post-halloween pumpkin, but OMG it was spectacular! I think the best soup I've ever had. Wish I knew how to replicate it.

    • @russmanhi
      @russmanhi Před 2 lety

      OH, I remember it was roasted before souping.

    • @jKLa
      @jKLa Před 2 lety

      Cambodian style pumpkin soup can be very good!

  • @jKLa
    @jKLa Před 2 lety

    Covid has a range of symptoms, for both vaccinated and not. Though symptoms are much milder ON AVERAGE for those vaccinated for it, mild cold like symptoms are quite common even for unvaccinated covid infected, and some cases do become severe that occur after vaccination.

  • @russmanhi
    @russmanhi Před 2 lety

    Liz, northern Pakistan does have the Western Himalayan Range. That stirs me to want to visit.

  • @UranusPanthera
    @UranusPanthera Před 2 lety

    I skipped through to get to the topic of the video but all I ended listening to was you feeling sick and what you eat lol

  • @jKLa
    @jKLa Před 2 lety +1

    The majority of African tribes traditionally circumcised long before the modern push, but it varies from tribe to tribe. I'm circumcised and it still feels kind of shocking in a weird kind of way. It like at some visceral, neurological level part of me can remember it and im shocked and in disbelief that someone would do such a thing to me, even as it's what im used to. Really hard to describe but it's also a very humbling feeling, and I think the taboos around it and the sex distinction that is entailed, is definitely part of the point. The cleanliness and STD issues are also valid though controversial reasons for it, however. controversial.

  • @rayonensb7945
    @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety

    Cultures that circumcises it’s females also say it’s very hygienic for the female to be circumcised so i guess it makes sense !!

  • @taargustaargus3756
    @taargustaargus3756 Před 2 lety +1

    Maria and Liz, we appreciate you toughing it out… at 14:30 it’s just you straight suffering through your colds for our sandwich content…

  • @TheWhisperTexan
    @TheWhisperTexan Před 2 lety +1

    All I know is that I haven't had a cold since 2019. I'm wearing my mask forever.🤨

    • @jKLa
      @jKLa Před 2 lety +1

      You'll get one again eventually, but if you wait too long it's more likely to be severe. 🧐

    • @TheWhisperTexan
      @TheWhisperTexan Před 2 lety +1

      @@jKLa Well thanks a lot Mister Sunshine. If I do get sick I'll be sure to sneeze on you 😊

    • @jKLa
      @jKLa Před 2 lety

      @@TheWhisperTexan no, please don't. I'm not saying you shouldn't be careful or should disrespect others. We should all be careful to treat others respectfully! It's just a truth about our immune systems that we overprotect them it often bites us latter on. Not pleasant, but true. Cheers! 🙂

    • @TheWhisperTexan
      @TheWhisperTexan Před 2 lety

      @@jKLa It's true I haven't been sick since 2019 but I was making a lame joke. I assure you I do understand how viruses work. Your comment was just a downer though ☹️

    • @jKLa
      @jKLa Před 2 lety

      @@TheWhisperTexan : ) I'm sorry to get you down, though. Cheers! 🙏

  • @You-Tube_Administrator

    How much for the 2/3 can & a half plate of pumpolate chipkin cookies? XD

  • @Lxx-tc4xc
    @Lxx-tc4xc Před 2 lety

    Every year, HHS asks each American hospital to complete a questionnaire about how many of this or that procedure were performed in each hospital during the preceding year. This is how the circumcision rate among boys born in USA maternity wards is known; the most recent figure for that rate is around 55%. HHS does not count the growing number of RICs performed in pediatricians' offices. Hence the overall circumcision rate in the present-day USA is unknown.
    Infant circumcision is often performed with no anesthesia. When anesthesia is used, it is the lidocaine that dentists use when doing an extraction or root canal. 96% of boys are born with the foreskin fused to the glans. The forcible separation of the foreskin from the glans is a pain that no grown man experiences when he undergoes circumcision. The postop pain of adult circumcision can be mitigated by pain killers, of a kind that are unsafe to administer to young children.
    If removing the foreskin of a grown man is very painful, that should clue you in to the great sexual sensitivity of the foreskin.

  • @devendrarajathevar7590

    Not talking the subject
    Just bluffing

  • @troybradley2575
    @troybradley2575 Před 2 lety

    Haven’t I been telling you to be careful be safe🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @coloniousjay8128
    @coloniousjay8128 Před 2 lety

    Liz! Have you ever heard about the story about the earl of sandwich? And yeah its cheflifechief lolz. In 1762, John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, invented the meal that changed dining forever. As the story goes, he was playing cards and did not want to leave the gaming table to eat. He asked for a serving of roast beef to be placed between two slices of bread so he could eat with his hands. I believe it was just roast beef and mustard.

  • @coloniousjay8128
    @coloniousjay8128 Před 2 lety

    Hope you are feeling better Liz!

  • @trentbritton9708
    @trentbritton9708 Před 8 měsíci

    Since CZcams doesn't provide the option to give half of a "Thumbs Up" to a video, I'll give appreciation to Liz for making an effort to discuss the inherent bias, sexism, and ignorant cultural myths of forced genital cutting... and express great disappointment in Maria for encouraging the forced genital cutting of children for the irrational beliefs of adults for whatever nonsensical reasons they can make up.

  • @coloniousjay8128
    @coloniousjay8128 Před 2 lety

    And for the punkin puree... can you buy pumpkins? All you have to do is gut the pumpkin and cut it up and roast it until its soft. Scrape the inside out of the skin and put it in a bowl. Add your seasoning and a little cream and eggs. Boom! Pumpkin pie filling. Set some aside so you can add it to a biscuit or "english muffin" if you dont want it sweet. Make it savory throw some prosciutto and spinach and make a hollandaise make a eggs Benedict. Yikes! I mean... yolks! Haha

  • @coloniousjay8128
    @coloniousjay8128 Před 2 lety

    #2nondrs brand foods!!

  • @russmanhi
    @russmanhi Před 2 lety

    As too the main topic, I've had plenty of fun (like, is the top of my skull still there?) without it. Sooo, can't imagine what more sensitivity would be like. Therefore, don't really think about it.

  • @rockcomet1658
    @rockcomet1658 Před 2 lety +1

    Actual topic starts at 42:50
    Wow, an hour long video with less than 20 min of actual content relevant to video title. Click bait at its peak...

    • @LizMiele
      @LizMiele Před 2 lety +5

      Sweetheart being unfamilar with the shows format doesn't make it click bait. Its a comedy podcast about medicine with little to no accuracy. Maybe learn what we do first before criticizing. If you look in the description or watch others you might see what we do and that we are consistent.

    • @rockcomet1658
      @rockcomet1658 Před 2 lety +1

      Dont you think covid and circumcision would have been more appropriate title for this video.
      I am not arguing with anything in the video itself, i am just saying title was misleading

    • @LizMiele
      @LizMiele Před 2 lety

      @@rockcomet1658 again if you knew our show and all our silly titles it would not be misleading. It’s a comedy podcast. Also using the word Covid anywhere on a CZcams video is like youtube death bc of misinformation crackdown

    • @pauloesperon7697
      @pauloesperon7697 Před 2 lety

      Totally. Also very ignorant comments on male genital mutilation. If this were about female genital mutilation it wouldn't be so light hearted. It is the same.
      You are making a decision on someone's body based on bogus studies.
      It is a bronze age practice.

    • @mad5161
      @mad5161 Před rokem

      ​@@LizMieleat least you should put timestamps so that you don't waste people's time on the internet.

  • @gio_binoh
    @gio_binoh Před 2 lety

    I'm just glad I had a baby girl and didn't have to make that call... had she been born a boy I think I would've had him circumcised like Dad

    • @rayonensb7945
      @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety +3

      Hey you could still circumcise your girl it happens in alot of countries world wide !!

  • @mnoorbhai
    @mnoorbhai Před 2 lety

    A major difference between the paediatric care provided in Europe and that provided in the US stems from the attitudes of care providers toward newborn circumcision as a preventive health measure. In the US, the great majority of newborn boys (about 1.4 million annually) are circumcised, whereas in Europe, neonatal circumcision is rarely done. European countries consider newborn circumcision an unnecessary surgical procedure which increases the costs of operating nationalised health systems, whereas in the US, circumcision is generally considered a simple, rapid operation with medical benefits which accrue throughout life.
    Local foreskin problems and hygiene
    Phimosis, balanoposthitis, and difficulty of ensuring adequate genital hygiene in uncircumcised boys have been best described in the European literature.1-4 US anticircumcision groups claim that genital hygiene can easily be maintained as the foreskin naturally separates, but, in reality, genital hygiene in uncircumcised boys has been shown to be poor, even in British and Scandinavian middle class schoolboys.1 2
    The prevalence of true phimosis (anatomic constriction of the preputial opening, which must be distinguished from adherent foreskin) in published studies varies from 0.3% to 0.9%,5 but true phimosis requires circumcision later in life, when the procedure is more difficult, risky, and expensive.6 7 Balanoposthitis has been estimated to occur in 4% of uncircumcised boys, and incidence peaks at age 2 to 5 years.3 Although treatment can be conservative, late circumcision is often necessary for recurrent cases, and medical management requires additional physician visits and treatment.
    Cancer of the penis
    The evidence that circumcision protects against penile cancer is overwhelming. In the US, incidence of penile cancer in circumcised men is essentially zero (about one reported case every five years), but it is 2.2 per 100 000 in uncircumcised men (about 1000 cases are reported annually). On the basis of life table analysis, Kochen and McCurdy estimated that an uncircumcised man in the US has a lifetime risk of penile cancer of one in 600.8
    During the last 50 years in the US, six major series of cancer of the penis encompassing more than 1600 cases have been reported; none of these cancer patients was circumcised in infancy.9 Human papilloma virus and smegma have been implicated in the aetiology of penile cancer.10 Of the approximately 50 000 cases of cancer of the penis that have occurred in the US since the 1930s (and which resulted in about 10 000 deaths), only 10 were reported in circumcised men.9 Newborn circumcision virtually eliminates this devastating threat.
    Urinary tract infection (UTI)
    When the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision report was issued,5 data from Wiswell et alsuggested that uncircumcised male infants had an increased risk of clinically significant UTI.11 Since then, the evidence has become definitive, indicating a greater than 10-fold increased risk of UTI in uncircumcised boys compared with their circumcised counterparts in the first year of life.12-14Uncircumcised preschool boys and men are also at increased risk for UTI.15 16 UTI in infants can lead to permanent renal parenchymal damage.17 The pathophysiological basis of UTI in uncircumcised males was convincingly demonstrated by Fussellet al in electron photomicrographs showing preferential binding of uropathic fimbriated bacteria, mainlyEscherichia coli, to the sticky mucosa of the foreskin, from which point they migrate up the urethra.18A meta-analysis of the nine major studies relating UTI to circumcision showed a mean 12-fold increased risk of UTI in uncircumcised boys.14 These worldwide studies indicated that between 0.9% and 4.2% of uncircumcised infant boys have a symptomatic UTI in the first year of life.14
    UTI is particularly dangerous in the first months of life, during which 36% of uncircumcised boys with UTI were found to have bacteraemia, 3% to have meningitis, and 2% acute renal failure; moreover, 2% died.19 Further, most uncircumcised boys with UTI in the first six months of life show renal parenchymal damage,17and in 10% to 15% of those aged less than 1 year, renal scarring develops, which can result in systemic hypertension.
    Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
    A link between the foreskin and STD has long been proposed.20-24 In his classic, turn-of-the- century work on circumcision, Remondino described the protective effect of circumcision against syphilis, genital herpes, and urethritis.20 STD agents that disrupt the epithelium (syphilis, chancroid, herpes, and papilloma virus) are believed to enter through miniabrasions of the foreskin, and the warm, moist environment under the foreskin permits growth of organisms causing urethritis.25 In almost all published series, these forms of STD were more common in uncircumcised men; reports of the converse are rare. Reports from Africa beginning in the late 1980s indicated that uncircumcised, heterosexual men were from four to eight times more likely than circumcised men to contract HIV upon exposure to infected women.26-29 Multiple reports since then were summarised in 1994 by Moses et al who found that, in 22 of 30 studies, a statistically significant increase in HIV infection occurred in uncircumcised men (a mean of four times the risk of circumcised men).30 The authors felt strongly enough about these findings to recommend adult circumcision of African men to halt the raging AIDS epidemic on that continent.
    Recently Caldwell and Caldwell studied the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa where nearly 25% of the population is HIV positive as a result of heterosexual viral transmission.31 The authors concluded that lack of male circumcision was the only factor that seemed to correlate with the exceptionally high susceptibility to HIV infection.
    Discussion and conclusions
    The decision to discourage newborn circumcision in the UK and the resultant decrease in the number of circumcised males occurred before the accumulation of this evidence about the protective effect of circumcision against UTI and HIV infection. Particularly in the face of an expanding worldwide AIDS epidemic, these benefits are a powerful argument in favour of encouraging universal newborn circumcision. In an editorial comment on the epidemic spread of HIV-1 in Asia, Weniger and Brown pointed out that in those countries in which circumcision is practiced (Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines) rapid sexual transmission of HIV-1 is less likely.32 When properly done, newborn circumcision is a quick, simple procedure with a low complication rate. Morbidity and costs of circumcision are much lower for newborns than they are for older patients.6 7
    Moreover, about 70 million circumcised US males currently attest to the lack of effect of circumcision on either emotional health or sexual performance, and no objective studies indicate otherwise. As a matter of fact, evidence indicates that women in Middle America have a sexual preference for circumcised men, mainly from the standpoint of aesthetics and hygiene.33
    The multiple benefits of newborn circumcision are additive over a lifetime and include prevention of cancer of the penis, of balanoposthitis, and protection against the effects of phimosis and poor hygiene as well as prevention of UTI and STD, particularly of HIV. Protection against these diseases constitutes a substantial public health advantage and provides a strong argument in favour of instituting universal newborn circumcision in Europe. With AIDS spreading rapidly in developed Western countries in persons who practice heterosexual behaviour as well as in men who practice homosexual behaviour, implementation of universal circumcision beginning with Europe is prudent and timely.
    The Medical Editing Department, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, provided editorial assistance.

    • @PowerHaters
      @PowerHaters Před 2 lety

      My body my choice! The HIV arguments are fraudulent! UTIs can be treated with antibiotics!

    • @mnoorbhai
      @mnoorbhai Před 2 lety

      @@PowerHaters So many studies by experts all over the world , all are idiots ? you ought to be kidding ? The courts would have banned the procedure if it was not in the interest of the kid .. this my body , my choice nonsense would have died long time ago , nope , parents proxy for the health and wekfare of the kid is a powerful driver not stoppable and no courts will ever turn it upside down .

    • @PowerHaters
      @PowerHaters Před 2 lety

      @@mnoorbhai Stop spreading fake news promoting the mutilation and torture of harmless baby boys! It is no different than strapping a baby girl to a table and cutting out her labia minor! In america there is a lot of money to be made off of foreskin, it is considered a commodity.

    • @rayonensb7945
      @rayonensb7945 Před 2 lety

      @@mnoorbhai female circumcision 👍🏾👍🏾 agree good for hygiene 💯

  • @davidk.7264
    @davidk.7264 Před 2 lety

    I am cut, with no problems, thanks