  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Just like land-based exercises, water aerobics and swimming can be effective strategies for improving cardio fitness, building strength, boosting your mood, easing joint pain,especially knee pain, sleeping better, and reducing your risk for diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
    In addition, water-based exercises offer some advantages you can't get on land:
    Gentler on your joints
    Offers safe and effective resistance training without putting too much stress on your body.
    Your body becomes buoyant in water.
    When in the water, your joints experience less impact, making the pool a welcoming environment for anyone with arthritis or joint injuries. Squats that may aggravate arthritic knees on land are often doable in water.
    The resistance of the water also slows down movements that can be quick and jerky on land, creating more smoothly flowing motions that are less likely to aggravate injuries.
    Combo workout: Cardio plus strength
    Because it is denser than air, water provides 12% to 14%. Even when you're doing cardio exercises like jogging in water, you're working against more resistance than if you were on land.
    Because of the resistance factor, water exercise is a double-duty workout-cardio and strength training. This may be why many studies have found increases in lean body mass in people participating in an aqua exercise program.
    Burns more calories
    The resistance you encounter in water also means that you burn more calories than you would on land.
    Works more muscles
    When you do strength training on land, you're working against gravity. So, if you're doing a biceps curl-the classic strength exercise-you're contracting your biceps as you bend your arm to lift a dumbbell, and you're continuing to work the muscle as you lower the weight again in a controlled manner, without simply dropping it.
    During this bicep curl, the opposing muscle in the back of your arm, the tricep, goes along for the ride, lengthening and then shortening, but it's not working against resistance. The work is all being done by the bicep. In the water, however, resistance comes into play, challenging the opposing muscle more.
    Aquatic exercises are particularly beneficial for overweight and older patients with osteoarthritis. The waves and buoyancy of water support the body's weight, reducing the impacts on joints and the intensity of perceived pain.
    Water cycling improves the range of motion, builds muscle strength, relieves joint pain and stiffness, and inflammation. The water's buoyancy and support of the AquaBike structure remove impact from the knee.
    How can I strengthen my knees with water?
    Treading water, front crawl, backstroke, or just kicking laps with a flutter board will not only solidify your knee joint but will give you a great cardio workout as well. Jogging in water or water aerobics are other options you can try in a pool as well.
    Walking in the pool is great for your knees . I t also helps you burn more calories, which can aid in weight loss. Winner winner! Water walking is a low-impact cardio exercise, it’s gentler on your bones and joints, making it a safer exercise option .
    Water therapy benefits also include improved cardiovascular fitness, balance, and range of motion.
    If your doctor has recommended water exercises to rehabilitate and/or strengthen your knees, it's probably one of the best things you can do to feel better.
    How long should you walk in the pool for exercise?
    “Pool-walking workouts can be as long or short as you like, but 20-45 minutes is a good length of time to get your heart rate up and in the zone that allows you to work on cardiovascular health,
    Is walking in a pool better than walking outside?
    Walking in water burns more calories than walking on dry land, resulting in a greater increase in weight loss compared to walking on dry land.
    Does walking in a pool count as exercise?
    Even the simplest pool exercise-walking forward and backward in waist-high water-improves your balance, trains the core muscles of your abdomen, increases your flexibility and boosts cardiovascular fitness. You'll also burn calories, reduce fat and lose weight at the same rate as working out on land.

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