Quran In Context - Gnostic Crucifixion Of Christ

  • čas přidán 1. 07. 2023
  • In this entry in the Quran In Context series, we examine the Quran's account of Christ's Crucifixion and demonstrate that the Quranic narrative is heavily influenced by Gnostic accounts, for example, what we find in the Gnostic text known as the Apocalypse of Peter.

Komentáře • 99

  • @NameN0tFound
    @NameN0tFound Před rokem +75

    It’s amazing looking back at Islam after studying ancient heresies.

    • @ananonymouseuser2571
      @ananonymouseuser2571 Před rokem +14

      It's amazing looking at modern heresies, particularly Protestant ones, and seeing the similarities with ancient ones, as well.

    • @JordanX767
      @JordanX767 Před rokem

      Islam IS Christian heresy. And Muhammad idolizing. Muhammad isn’t necessary in God’s almighty divine plan.

    • @loksterization
      @loksterization Před 8 měsíci +4

      Islam is the biggest heresy of them all.

    • @system171
      @system171 Před 3 měsíci

      ​@@loksterization and Roman catholics. Not orthodox.

    • @makeytgreatagain6256
      @makeytgreatagain6256 Před 15 dny

      Protestantism is far worse than Roman Catholicism

  • @rustybayonette6641
    @rustybayonette6641 Před rokem +21

    Very informing content. I had never stopped to think how the Quran's account of Jesus may have been influenced heavily by early Christian heresies.

  • @coastalrecon5523
    @coastalrecon5523 Před rokem +20

    I came across this fascinating study that delved into what psychics claimed to have witnessed during Jesus' crucifixion. According to some of them, Jesus had a look-alike who took his spot, and this imposter was apparently drugged to play the part. It's interesting that in all these accounts we hear about Jesus being filled with virtue and kindness, but suddenly, during the crucifixion, he's portrayed as deceitful and almost elated with his trickery. Goes to show you what kind of spirit recites these alternate histories.

  • @StFrancis9
    @StFrancis9 Před rokem +16

    I think it is also interesting how to the gnostics’ versions have the Spiritual Jesus laughing at his enemies/blind. The real Jesus Christ would be sad for them, not laughing at pulling a trick on them.

    • @Cthuski
      @Cthuski Před rokem +2

      Gnostic texts are the only instances I've ever found where "Jesus" is depicted as laughing. He does so in the Gospel of Judas as well.

  • @Jeem196
    @Jeem196 Před rokem +35

    It is blatantly clear that Islam has "borrowed" extreme Gnostic and Neoplatonic philosophy. Great video as usual. I especially enjoyed the series on the Ark of the Covenant ☦

  • @hi_hello00
    @hi_hello00 Před rokem +24

    Excellent video, more on gnostic influences in the quran could be a good idea

    • @jakewilliam15
      @jakewilliam15 Před rokem

      not gnostic but a really good one. dhu al qarnayn. the two horned one.
      Only 1 person in history. Alexander the great. pre islam saudia arabia even had coins bearing his image, as the two horned one. if you read the pre-islamic syriac legends about him, youll find the stories are identical. setting place of sun, gog and magog, building a wall.
      romance of alexander. Before we found out he was a pagan, the FIRST 20 tasfir written all say dhu al qarnayn was alexander the great. because its blatantly true

    • @Ac-ip5hd
      @Ac-ip5hd Před 10 měsíci

      Yes. Devestating to traditionalist Islam, and important with the perennialism use of Sufism and today's neognosticism and ecumenism.

  • @Eraugnis
    @Eraugnis Před rokem +18


    • @alkhenjakehassan1121
      @alkhenjakehassan1121 Před rokem


    • @thefakebriskeh
      @thefakebriskeh Před rokem

      @@alkhenjakehassan1121 the door is thataway, twitch frog

    • @alkhenjakehassan1121
      @alkhenjakehassan1121 Před rokem

      @@thefakebriskeh Resorting to lying and masquerading to get attention, how low really. I'm starting feel bad for you people. Sadge

    • @OrthodoxShahada
      @OrthodoxShahada  Před rokem +9

      @@alkhenjakehassan1121 Explain where I lied.

    • @alkhenjakehassan1121
      @alkhenjakehassan1121 Před rokem

      @@OrthodoxShahada Deception number 1: naming yourself "orthodox shahada" disguising thyself in arabic to attract unsuspecting muslims.
      Deception number 2 : Cherry picking from the Qur'an, ignoring the apparent meanings and making assumptions to fit your narrative.
      Regardless of the crucifixion of Jesus which was explicitly said he wasnt and made to appear so . SURAH MAIDAH V 116 : And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'” He will say, “Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
      The Qur'an itself refutes you and it exposes your lies.
      Sajdah 2-3 : The revelation of this Book is-beyond doubt-from the Lord of all worlds. Or do they say, “He has fabricated it!”? No! It is the truth from your Lord in order for you to warn a people to whom no warner has come before you, so they may be ˹rightly˺ guided.

  • @AlQadiysAmin
    @AlQadiysAmin Před rokem +6

    What a wonderful channel. Very well presented. God bless you, bro.

  • @lordspoice5192
    @lordspoice5192 Před rokem +5

    very well made video

  • @ginoemmerich4192
    @ginoemmerich4192 Před 5 měsíci +2

    The 1st Gnostic account of the crucifixion possibly influencing Muhammad is the extant "Gospel of Basilides" found in Irenaeus: Against Heresies, book I, 24:4 (175ad). 2nd and 3rd are from the Nag Hamadi library in Egypt; "Second treatise of the great Seth" and "The Coptic apocalypse of Peter" (220ad ?). The forth comes from the time of Muhammad, "The gospel of Barnabas" (610ad). This one is not to be confused with "The epistle of Barnabas" from the end of the 1st century. This one probably influenced the most what we see in the quran (IMHO)

  • @believeme7704
    @believeme7704 Před rokem +25

    Allah deceived everyone into believing that it was Jesus who was crucified and then condemns them for having fallen for his deceit?
    Reason number 987 why Allah cannot be God

  • @kiko8u
    @kiko8u Před rokem +1

    Awesome video, Great work bro!

  • @SohoKnights
    @SohoKnights Před 11 měsíci +3

    Great teaching!

  • @YouKnowUAreRight
    @YouKnowUAreRight Před rokem +4

    Fascinating, thank you. I should read all these strange texts

  • @adamkremnica1508
    @adamkremnica1508 Před rokem +5

    Awesome Video from a new Christian!

    • @bestfans
      @bestfans Před 10 měsíci +1

      Welcome 🤗! GBU and May the intercession of our mother Marry be with you!✝️

  • @johnjlobo
    @johnjlobo Před rokem +2

    Ending was perfect...

  • @Ac-ip5hd
    @Ac-ip5hd Před rokem +2

    Excellent! Very important. There is a current use of Henry Corbin’s use of this in academia and esoteric circles for docetism that will dovetail with Islamic apostacy rates and archetypal/cosmic misconceptions of Christ.

  • @annodomini2616
    @annodomini2616 Před rokem +7

    heresy, heresy, everywhere in islam

  • @StFrancis9
    @StFrancis9 Před rokem +7

    You should do a video with GODLOGIC about this. I think this is such an insightful approach to understanding the Quran.

  • @sasa_sasa_sasa230
    @sasa_sasa_sasa230 Před rokem +7

    Just to let be known, it's not gnostic that bring that in Quran but Manicheans who had a tot of gnostic teachings and even gnostic library with gnostic gospels and their ,,prophet'' Manu was also claim that he receive revelations from angel Gabriel and that he is seal of all prophets just like hadiths said for Mohamed.

    • @alexpanagiotis4706
      @alexpanagiotis4706 Před rokem +6

      Like the founder of Mormons. It is always the sam story! An angel appears to a chosen one and reveals "messages"

    • @GodIsSalvation1
      @GodIsSalvation1 Před rokem +1

      Galatians 1:8 👈

  • @alexpanagiotis4706
    @alexpanagiotis4706 Před rokem +2

    The Ginza Rabba (Classical Mandaic: ࡂࡉࡍࡆࡀ ࡓࡁࡀ, romanized: Ginzā Rbā, lit. 'Great Treasury'), Ginza Rba, or Sidra Rabba (Classical Mandaic: ࡎࡉࡃࡓࡀ ࡓࡁࡀ, romanized: Sidrā Rbā, lit. 'Great Book'), and formerly the Codex Nasaraeus,[1] is the longest and the most important holy scripture of Mandaeism. It is also occasionally referred to as the Book of Adam.

  • @MrWhitty2000
    @MrWhitty2000 Před rokem +5

    Jesus IS The Son of Man, Son of The Almighty God and God in the flesh. EVERY knee will bow to the king one way or another.

  • @TheMatriarch-uf6xs
    @TheMatriarch-uf6xs Před 5 měsíci

    Gnostic texts could have been as early as 50-60 AD, but this was interesting overall

  • @JohnGeometresMaximos
    @JohnGeometresMaximos Před 9 měsíci

    Hello Qai. Please check out the Gnostic "Second Treatise of the Great Seth".

  • @alexpanagiotis4706
    @alexpanagiotis4706 Před rokem +1

    Right Ginza
    "I am the Life Who was from aforetime; (ana hu hiia ḏ-hun mn l-aqadmia)
    I am the kušṭa that was the first at the beginning. (ana hu kušṭa ḏ-hua mn qudam briša)
    I am the radiance, I am the light. (ana hu ziua, ana hu nhura)
    I am the death, I am the Life. (ana hu muta, ana hu hiia)
    I am the darkness, I am the light. (ana hu hšuka, ana hu nhura)
    I am the error, I am the truth. (ana hu ṭʿia, ana hu šrara)
    I am the destruction, I am the construction. (ana hu hbila, ana hu biniana)
    I am the (unwitting) offence, I am the purification. (ana hu mhita, ana hu asuta)
    I am the outstanding man who is older and earlier than the builder of the heavens and the earth. (ana hu gabra iatira ḏ-qašiš mn qudam ḏ-bania ʿšumia u-arqa hua)
    I have no friend as king, and there is no crown in my kingdom. (habrai b-malkia laiit u-laiit taga b-malkutai)
    There is no person who could give me information in the clouds of darkness. (u-laiit kul ʿniš br anaša ḏ-paršigna naitilia b-rpilia ḏ-hšuka)
    Book 6, paragraphs 16-17

  • @Randomuuzv
    @Randomuuzv Před 3 měsíci

    Was Jesus crucified before or after the Passover?

    • @nvbl2806
      @nvbl2806 Před měsícem

      Passover was practiced on a different in Judah compared to Israel that year. They were two distinct kingdoms at the time, some of the disciples were from Judah and thus wrote it in the way they practiced it, while others were from Israel.

  • @jakewilliam15
    @jakewilliam15 Před rokem

    Fun Facts: In the first written account of muhammeds life, Ibn Ishaq writes that the injil is the gospel of John. He even quotes from it

    • @Notreallyhereanymore
      @Notreallyhereanymore Před 8 měsíci

      Fun fact: ibn isaq was a historian, he got reports from anyone who would give them to him. His works are not seen as reliable

    • @jakewilliam15
      @jakewilliam15 Před 8 měsíci +3

      @@Notreallyhereanymore "Historians dont report history" LMBO your scholars sure quote him a lot

  • @alibrahym
    @alibrahym Před 7 dny

    mutawffika can mean to take you
    Quran 4:157
    is very very very clear about hte crucifixion
    wama qataluhu wama sabaluhu
    this denies the crucifixion and the death

  • @yohanneslong1970
    @yohanneslong1970 Před rokem +1

    Nice explaination of one of worst AO3 fanfic chapter bro👍🏽

  • @alexpanagiotis4706
    @alexpanagiotis4706 Před rokem +1

    The quran before the quran: ginza rabba"

  • @hr-zn5df
    @hr-zn5df Před 5 měsíci

    The main premise of your argument rests on the assumption that 3:55 should be translated as, "I will cause you to die". The Arabic word used is from tawafi, which means to take something fully. Are you aware that the Quran uses exactly this term in relation to Allah taking the souls of the living during their sleep, 6:60 and 39:42? To remove ambiguity, the Quran should have used the word derived from mawt (death) if Isa (peace be upon him) had died.

    • @OrthodoxShahada
      @OrthodoxShahada  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Islam defines death as separation of soul from body. What we have in Q6:60 and Q39:42 only serves to emphasize this connection to death. Moreover, in Q39:42, the context is contrasting those who die a permanent worldly death during sleep (which is reinforced using موت), with those who will have their souls placed back into their bodies thereby allowing them to awaken since their appointed time has not arrived. No matter what kind of mental gymnastics you try, these two verses do not help you get around the fact that Jesus dies in Q3:55 as per the Quran. If you want to claim that Q3:55 is talking about a bodily ascension in its totality (which is nowhere affirmed in the Quran and goes against the linguistic usage we find in the Quran related to و ف ي), then you're basically now aping Christianity, which believes Christ ascended bodily AFTER His Crucifxion, Death, and Resurrection. Check mate.

  • @eldermillennial8330
    @eldermillennial8330 Před rokem

    The Apocalypse of Peter is strangely very Prolife for a seemingly wholly Gnostic document, stranger given how antinatal and supportive of abortion most kinds of gnostic have tended to be

  • @paingain3452
    @paingain3452 Před 8 měsíci +1

    The verse is badly translated. There is no mention of doppelganger in the original language, but only "walakin shubiha lahum" that is "but it appeared so to them". This is more general, an illusion. The doppleganger reading of the verse is influenced from the ahadith that came centuries later and give details about whom got crucified.
    So the original position could be that the author of the Quran is refuting jews (and that only God/Jesus decided to kill Jesus like it is said in the Gospel of John) in a christian way and then later the gnostic understanding prevailed.

    • @tymon1928
      @tymon1928 Před 6 měsíci

      boy, you must have crazy flexibility with all this mental gymnastics. "Allah is refuting jews in a christian way"😆

  • @nametato6712
    @nametato6712 Před měsícem

    You are conflating the categorical definition for tawafaa with mutawafee. The Arabic word mutawafee does not fall into the categorical definition for “death”. The root word for Tawafaa is Wa-fa-ya which means to take.

    • @OrthodoxShahada
      @OrthodoxShahada  Před měsícem

      On the authority of Ibn Abbas in Sahih Bukhari he explicitly says that mutawafika is to be understood as mumituka. Go educate yourself and stop making up nonsense.

    • @nametato6712
      @nametato6712 Před měsícem

      @@OrthodoxShahada it doesn’t really matter what they say. Im saying the word doesn’t fall into the same categorical definition as “death” and because we interpret some words using the Quran, we can conclude the word can’t mean death but rather the word it’s rooted from (wa-fa-ya to take)

    • @OrthodoxShahada
      @OrthodoxShahada  Před měsícem

      @@nametato6712 Yes, it does matter what they say because they demonstrate that the word means death. These are the highest ranking scholars in Islam saying this. You are some random nobody on the internet coping.

    • @nametato6712
      @nametato6712 Před měsícem

      @@OrthodoxShahada you stole this argument from rob? You ran from reed and posted his premises online as if that was gonna do something and I’m a nobody💀🙏. Maybe if you understood linguistics, words meanings can and will change based on the context. Since we’re using the context of the whole entire Quran, we can accurately understand what Allah was saying when he uses the word mutawafee by using its rooted word (i.e take). The scholars using this word for death doesn’t matter by the way their using it is in the sense of death.

    • @OrthodoxShahada
      @OrthodoxShahada  Před měsícem

      @@nametato6712 Rob has nothing to do with what's written in Sahih Bukhari. Mutawafika means mumituka according to Islam's own scholars and tradition. You are the ones twisting the meaning of the verse. Your own sources refute you. As for reed, he's low IQ that no one is running from. Just illustrating how nonsensical his stuff is, as well as yours.

  • @system171
    @system171 Před 3 měsíci

    Let this fact cry out to other brothers of In Christianity.
    Erase false writings. Thats ever given work to jews to every followers of the Truth. Thank you.

  • @brisadelcastillo2840
    @brisadelcastillo2840 Před rokem

    God memorialized the crucifixion on day five of creation proving that it would happen and how. "THE CRUCIFIX FISH TESTIFIES" Look it up.

  • @CarlJancorda
    @CarlJancorda Před rokem


  • @paulbaysa9133
    @paulbaysa9133 Před rokem +2

    Ahmed Deedat wrote cruciFICTION now Ahmed Deedat is dead now he knows what is truth in hell🔥💥

    • @MrSofuskroghlarsen
      @MrSofuskroghlarsen Před rokem

      Be careful of implying that you know who or who isn't in hell. Only God knows.

    • @falkenauge4.0ace8
      @falkenauge4.0ace8 Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@MrSofuskroghlarsen he made jokes with the Holy Spirit that’s an unforgivable sin.

  • @johnpeter3626
    @johnpeter3626 Před 5 měsíci

    u guys are a joke. rewriting history constantly to fit in with one mad man's narrative...😅

  • @paulkickling7828
    @paulkickling7828 Před rokem +1

    There was many gnostic sects, the belief that Jesus wasn't crucified was literally ONLY ONE out of hundreds. And even then it was trying to make a wider point of why Jesus was even more of a God.