Emotional Intelligence or Behaviorial Control? (part 1)

  • čas přidán 17. 03. 2010
  • In this presentation, Daniel Goleman talks about shaping behavior by establishing a measurement system that enable the evaluation of people based upon their "Emotional Intelligence", or what he terms "Managing Emotions via 'Competence Modeling'", essentially linking the concept of 'competence' to a predetermined suite of behavioral responses. Hence, only those who can keep their Amygdala under wraps, controlling their human instincts, will be the ones considered "competent". When we suppress our human instincts, what boundaries or constraints are their on our actions? Empathy is essential for keeping us from destroying each other, but this emotion would be surpressed under Goleman's "competency" model. In this scenario, what's the difference between human and machine, other than machines can repeat functions faster and without error? Do we want the people at Google and other key infrastructure companies acting like machines and not humans... is that where Goleman is taking us?
  • Věda a technologie

Komentáře • 36

  • @dianinda5782
    @dianinda5782 Před 9 lety +1

    I'm reviewing brain functions for my NP psych certification boards and this is such a lovely and highly practical summation. I'm so grateful to have found it. I'm also noting that inherent in this presentation is the huge potential of primary care and prevention - there are a lot of social determinants that could be modified to unleash a lot of intellect and creativity. So much of this video I had to stop and process the "a HA" and "Holy crap" as patterns I have observed in patients, but could only dimly articulate became more understandable. Thank you! I'll be a better NP (and a better psych nurse) for having this information.

  • @4EMF
    @4EMF Před 12 lety

    "... emotional repertoires that were learned unconsciously in childhood." Granted, but I would like to add that new neural-memory pathways of fear can be built through brain trauma later in life. PTSD, TBI, etc, all apply. Thank you for your learned remarks - very much appreciated.

  • @Ducky1138
    @Ducky1138 Před 13 lety

    Found this video trying to understand why I nearly ran out on my Calculus instructor. If my gpa dropped by another 0.1 I wouldnt be able to get into my university. I tried arguing that I hadn't made a mistake on a test question, then he responded that he'd also missed other questions I'd made mistakes on, "so I'd be glad to remove more points from your exam. :D "
    I was OUT OF THERE!!! I immediately started sweating, could only turn my back and grab my things to head for the door.

  • @carlangas74
    @carlangas74 Před 11 lety

    I agree with you. Our brain is a CPU that works upon programming. The key here is to learn to choose our own programming, and not become alienated.

  • @balasubrahmanyamkovvali
    @balasubrahmanyamkovvali Před 11 lety

    Thank you for uploading this interesting video by Daniel Goleman-Dr.Balu.

  • @adanjunior
    @adanjunior Před 11 lety

    Good, I love it because it's part of psychology process in our brain, the way people behave and also could be genetic factors.

  • @Raspsaysthewaffle
    @Raspsaysthewaffle Před 10 lety +2

    Very complex biology and psychology explained simply in an engaging way. Fantastic!

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 13 lety

    @Norgard11n: He is trying to program his listeners to eliminate human emotion from their behavior, so that they can make so-called logical decision, no matter who they harm. Emotions keep humans empathetic, and therefore keep us from harming each other. He wants to eliminate the constraint, so humans will agree to turn on each other.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @kain: I completely understand what Goedel's solution to Einstein's Field Equations does to almost every aspect of science that humans have developed. Perhaps this is why his proof has been so widely ignored?
    In summary, Goedlel showed that differences in time, as observed and perceived by humans, is really spatial changes. So, yesterday is different than today is like Chicago is different than Los Angeles.
    Yes, this changes all of our understanding of Free Will, Cause n Effect, and so on.

  • @carlangas74
    @carlangas74 Před 11 lety

    Hey globalbeehive, thanks for the feedback and for the videos. About your comment, I think that we can't avoid these intrusions from corporations and media (mind control is an old human business), unless we seclude ourselves. I just look for knowing more about myself and my thinking processes so that I can learn how to become more aware of my own thoughts and, at the same time, be more aware of these external data manipulation trying to program my mind. The more I know about me, the better.

  • @socint74
    @socint74 Před 11 lety

    I liked the comment in your introduction " keeping your amygdala under wraps" which is impossible.He exploits the illusion that to
    rationalise to constrain impulsive behavioral response to emotion arousal amounts to repression of the emotion function itself.. The concept of "emotional intelligence" is sheer humbug. It is the natural reflection by an individual on the consequences of previous reactions which "educates" us in new modes of response which best serve our interests..

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @socint74: Excellent comment, especiall the following....
    "I must say I was not attempting to define "emotional intelligence" There is no such thing."

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 12 lety

    @Dominateus1 He's placing a positive societal value on suppressing the brain's naturally behavior, and he is doing this in order to achieve a specific agenda. People who want to be seen in that positive light by society will now try to behave in that way, contrary to nature. I'd call that programming.

  • @socint74
    @socint74 Před 11 lety

    Thanks for your comment. I must say I was not attempting to define "emotional intelligence"
    There is no such thing. Goleman has developed this plausible theory which enables him and his kin to make big bucks lecturing on life coaching and sales skills. But his theories are not borne out (see your own comments on empathy etc.) and, in particular,
    like Damassio and other contemporaries he cannot distinguish emotion per se from thoughts feelings and behavior induced by emotional arousal.

  • @wenshengxie1927
    @wenshengxie1927 Před 8 lety

    very educational

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @kainoachristian: Let me go back into my notes and the literate and come back to you with something that might help. But realize a few things, (i) speed is a human perception, with numerous factors influencing our observations; (ii) speed is a concept developed by humans to describe observation; (iii) Goedel showed we can develop other plausible systems to explain our universe (eg non-euclideon geometry)

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @socint74 - excellent post my friend.
    I really enjoyed this... "the consequences of previous reactions which "educates" us in new modes of response which best serve our interests." But I would probably change "our interests" to "elite interests", so that the final sentences read:
    "The concept of "emotional intelligence".. is the natural reflection by an individual on the consequences of previous reactions which "educates" us in new modes of response which best serve elite interests."

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @carlangas74: Choosing our own programming is the key here. So, when we listen to corporate controlled media, or DC controlled nonprofits, or read books put out by corp controlled publishers, or attend Universities built by the military industrial complex, we are NOT "choosing" our own programming!!!

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @Hardbass9: Well, neither does time, but that does not stop social prorgammers from convincing the public of its existence. If they bombard us enough about Emotional Intelligence, especially via schooling at an early age, you can bet people will be to believe it, accept it, and base their worldview on its existence.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    In 1949, Gödel postulated a theorem that stated: In any universe described by the theory of relativity, time cannot exist. Gödel's idea was that fourth coordinate of space-time is not time, but is spatial also. In this article we'll show that on the base of elementary perception and experimental data Gödel theorem is right. With eyes one observes universe is in a continuous change. A change n gets transformed into a change n+1, the change n+1 into a change n+2 and so on. (continued in next cmt)

  • @Dominateus1
    @Dominateus1 Před 12 lety

    I found this information valuable and informative. Can't agree with the programming theories on some of the reply's. I have a problem even finding a basis for the arguments. Explaining how something works is not programming, its education.
    I will use it for good to understand the unconscious emotions I receive as a songwriter. Some will use it to kill without conscience. It's not a question of the tool, its a question of the wielder, and how this information is applied.
    So there...

  • @godlywarrior777
    @godlywarrior777 Před 11 lety

    what sort of education, experience and expertise gives you your position? what level of research into the brain and how it functions do you have or have done? since your a self proclaimed expert?

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 12 lety

    @Satori1800: Yes, this is the problem.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    Clocks measure a frequency, velocity and numerical order of change. Experimental data confirms that changes and clocks do not run time; they run in space only. Time is not a part of space. Fourth coordinate of space-time is spatial too. Space itself is timeless. Physical time, that is clocks run, is man created physical reality. Fundamental arena of the universe is timeless space. In the timeless space into which massive bodies and elementary particles move there is no past and no future.(contd)

  • @wendyjomendy
    @wendyjomendy Před 11 lety

    "You can throw cause and effect out the window?" It appears the new thing to do these days is to tell the general population everything bad is their fault while at the same time excusing bad behavior of people in authority.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 13 lety

    @burnyourcrutch: No, this guy is a pitch-man, a messenger boy for others. The message is designed to control behavior, and he so deftly strokes his ignorant audience while programming them with new behaviors. But I can assure you, while he worked on this technology, their are many others behind him who were instrumental in creating the techniques.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    Past and future belong to the inner neuronal space-time that is a result of neuronal activity of the brain.
    Gödel Theorem on Time
    Amrit S. Sorli
    Scientific Research Centre BISTRA, Ptuj, Slovenia

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @adanjunior: the issue is how society, and the masses, interpret behaviors, at least that is what I wish to stress in this video post. Goleman is attempting to convince his Google audience that displaying human emotion is a sign of unintelligence. And to an audience that strives on being seen as intelligent, this is a strong msg. Hence, the desired result is that this audience will repress human emotion, or at least stop showing any signs of them. I don't believe this is good for humanity.

  • @Dominateus1
    @Dominateus1 Před 12 lety

    @globalbeehive Yes, but you neglect to say whether or not it is good, or bad, programming. Could be either, eh?
    Programming is a fact of life. The government wants to program me, my boss wants to program me, my girlfriend wants to program me, and my educator, they all want to program me.
    Sometimes it's good, sometimes not. But programming is just a tool. It is neither good or bad, by itself. It depends on how the tool is used, as always.
    Thanks for the reply.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    In a universe where relativity exists, time can NOT exist. Einstein agreed. See the book "A World without Time".

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @kainoachristian: Godel's findings show us that there is no "chronology"... this is purely human perception. You can throw cause & effect out the window, too. Checkout these videos, they're not bad:
    Through the Wormhole Does Time Really Exist
    Nova Fabric of the cosmos The illusion of time

  • @Dominateus1
    @Dominateus1 Před 11 lety

    "He's placing a positive societal value on suppressing the brain's naturally behavior"
    Really? You sure that it is not just another program you learned earlier? Lol, we could go round and round on this one.

  • @globalbeehive
    @globalbeehive  Před 11 lety

    @Jason: Video exposes this speaker's attempt to program his audience. Put whatever value u wish on this behavior conditioning - positive, negative, whatever -that's ur decision. It's clearly underhanded & surrepticious. Speaker is attempting to sell behavior modification as an "improvement" to these Google employees, otherwise, he would have reversed his grading terminology. From my view, emotionless (empathy lacking) employees enable Google to inflict all sorts of inhuman initiatives.

  • @Hardbass9
    @Hardbass9 Před 11 lety

    emotional intelligence does not exist.