John McTernan: The Labour Party brand has been poisoned by Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership

  • čas přidán 18. 06. 2020
  • The former political secretary to Tony Blair has strongly criticised Jeremy Corbyn’s role in the Labour Party’s disastrous general election loss in December 2019.
    Speaking with talkRADIO’s Ian Collins, John McTernan said: “The Labour Party needs to confront head on the fact that the manifesto in 2017, 2019, and actually in 2015 was too left wing for the British people.
    “It’s got to confront the fact that the Labour Party brand has been tainted, probably poisoned by the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.”
    It comes after a damning report into Labour’s historic election defeat, which concluded that a mixture of “toxic culture”, Mr Corbyn’s leadership and organisational failures were to blame.
    Mr McTernan added that he was more optimistic about the party’s prospects under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, saying he brings “competence and an ability to unsettle Boris Johnson”.

Komentáře • 192

  • @Sergio-ig1xd
    @Sergio-ig1xd Před 4 lety +22

    @4.30 "Kier can do it"...…. NO HE CAN'T

  • @trevorbrennand2856
    @trevorbrennand2856 Před 4 lety +18

    The more I hear of these politions the more I resent paying them out of my taxes

  • @PrincipledUncertainty
    @PrincipledUncertainty Před 4 lety +23

    Tell yourself that, if you like, but we have Critical "Theorists" and their unwitting minions, dismantling our civilisation around us.

  • @hurstmitchell6392
    @hurstmitchell6392 Před 4 lety +11

    Perhaps the Labour Party could do something really revolutionary and put white English working class at the top of their concerns instead of the bottom! Dumping them on welfare and actively encouraging single parents is not the answer should you ever bother to ask a sane person.

  • @johneastwood3039
    @johneastwood3039 Před 4 lety +26

    Why is nobody talking about Starmer being the man responsible for Labours 2nd referendum position. That was one of the main reasons Labour lost the working class so badly.

    • @darengardner6219
      @darengardner6219 Před 4 lety +3

      Correct . Only these idiots could put a man in charge who was at least jointly responsible for their biggest hammering in 85 years . They learnt nothing .

    • @jameselliott8203
      @jameselliott8203 Před 4 lety +2

      Great point and not forgetting Corbyn agreed with this this just to "unite the party" I'll never vote for them ,dont be let down by labour !

  • @chrispage7587
    @chrispage7587 Před 4 lety +6

    Conservatives may lose me but labour will never gain me I will just stop voting

  • @Thedownliner2015
    @Thedownliner2015 Před 4 lety +8

    I would say Blair had a bigger contribution to the poisoning of the party.

    • @ejh1100
      @ejh1100 Před 4 lety +2

      He certainly poisoned the UK

    • @CG-or1re
      @CG-or1re Před rokem

      3 election victories, clearly the public hated him

  • @desaintpierre1
    @desaintpierre1 Před 4 lety +3

    If Cameron had just expelled the Brexiteers from the conservative party, and not had the referendum.... i.e. the people should not be allowed to hear or debate a variety of views and opinions on a topic if I say so. When was it that having less democracy or not allowing the people to have a say in the direction of their country became a good thing? The problem is when people don't accept the outcome of democracy not democracy itself. Sums Labour up really...

  • @Th3_Gael
    @Th3_Gael Před 4 lety +3

    Labour will never see another vote from me.

  • @dannychurch7223
    @dannychurch7223 Před 4 lety +4

    The mans a returner. They haven’t learned anything.

  • @TheSto400
    @TheSto400 Před 4 lety +4

    "blairism seen as frighteningly similar to the conservatives" yeah...or rather conservatives seem frightenly similar to blairism perhaps..

  • @lindastone6868
    @lindastone6868 Před 4 lety +4

    I think the celeb peds and the groomers will have put the kybosh on Starmer's dreams of power.

    • @lasttango7522
      @lasttango7522 Před 4 lety

      Yeah you are right For most undecided friends of mine. Its the events of the past 2 weeks that have put the nail in the coffin for Labour. They have now seen them for the anti British hypocrites they are. Did anyone hear Starmer condem the vandalism and violence in London.? No too busy pandering to the hard left. Its like he is scared of something. Or is it Antifa.

  • @annharold5822
    @annharold5822 Před 4 lety +3

    Blair destroyed the Labour Party and I doubt they can ever recover.

    • @muttley8818
      @muttley8818 Před 4 lety

      How can a Labour leader who won elections destroy them. You don't need to look that far in the past. Things started going downhill when Corbyn and Momentum got involved.

  • @esclad
    @esclad Před 4 lety +2

    So extreme they never de-selected him; since 1983...

  • @alexreid-wh9gq
    @alexreid-wh9gq Před 4 lety +1

    The entire Labour Lot are poison! Think goal for Britain is to become like the Eastern Bloc in 1947! Perfection achieved! A right bunch of assholes. Starmer & Co., just the same.

  • @pointblankracer6274
    @pointblankracer6274 Před 4 lety +5

    We knew Corbyn was a Communist but low and behold Boris turns out to be one too.

    • @leewetherelt5685
      @leewetherelt5685 Před 4 lety

      by being a little bit righ ,a little bit left ,the conservatives have pushed labour to the extremes and therefore unelectable to the majority.

    • @leewetherelt5685
      @leewetherelt5685 Před 4 lety

      @@murphoithegameguy3924 please explain ,so I can counter your claim .

    • @darengardner6219
      @darengardner6219 Před 4 lety

      Low and behold youre talking shite .

    • @paulnewman3282
      @paulnewman3282 Před 4 lety


  • @narinderpal61
    @narinderpal61 Před 4 lety +1

    Get ready to lose another GE Keir.

  • @ChemicalOly
    @ChemicalOly Před 4 lety +1

    The Tories always agree with labours narrative but disagree on what to do about it. They're ideologically empty and don't actually conserve anything!

  • @patriciabutler8248
    @patriciabutler8248 Před 4 lety

    Keir Starmer may or may not appear to unsettle Boris , but he does little or nothing for the British people in general. He has a past track record of letting people down when was head of CPS. We have long memories!

  • @watchflexwatchflex5956

    Labour are totally out of touch with the working class.That is the problem

  • @Bennett2142
    @Bennett2142 Před 4 lety +4

    "He pandered to the extremists in his party" - They wanted to leave the European Union, how is that extreme you swivel eyed loon?
    Surely purging your party of the radical left is far more important then right wingers who want to leave the EU for economic reasons and for sovereignty.
    That is why Cameron didn't expel them, he knew if he did he would lose most of the ground support the Tories would have, the centrists in the Tory party have always been on the extreme side of the question as they sided with centrists in other parties with the radical left, if anything the PRO EU Tories should have been purged for being closely aligned with the communists who want to remain in the EU.

    • @joycejnn
      @joycejnn Před 4 lety

      The Tories were losing support and members to UKIP that is why Cameron out the referendum in the Tory manifesto , to gain votes

    • @joycejnn
      @joycejnn Před 4 lety

      So the moody of the country was that they wanted to leave the EU

    • @idiocracyisnowadocumentary8834
      @idiocracyisnowadocumentary8834 Před 4 lety +1

      Corbyn played the room as it was dealt , he looked at the current labour base and found, they were pro EU, they were Climate Change activists , LGBT rights etc , if he went against this core base , who else was going to vote for him the right? it's where they get these stupid ideas from in the first place , you have ask, well it's from multiple sources, it's all very contrived, the old left battled against all for years , but they lost that battle a long time ago, as regards the right , some of the most confused easily led people you can find, who constantly vote against their own interests , because they believe a certain narrative and packs of lies , Eg. Margaret Thatcher viewed as such a patriot , she campaigned with Heath , to get us into Europe , she gave political power away , She then turned the Sovereignty of the UK , over to the global markets , allowing the more affluent of the world , to buy the country , from beneath a mainly poor working class, she then unleashed the international bond markets , upon the populace , similar battles were being fought all over Europe

    • @idiocracyisnowadocumentary8834
      @idiocracyisnowadocumentary8834 Před 4 lety

      In the aftermath of World War II, immigrants began to arrive more and more frequently from Maghreb countries; first from Algeria, then from Morocco. Trucks
      chartered by large companies (especially in the automobile and construction industry) came by the hundreds to recruit immigrants on the spot. From 1962 to
      1974, nearly two million additional immigrants arrived to France of whom 550,000 were recruited by the National Immigration Service (ONI), a state-run agency, yet controlled under the table by big business. Since then, the wave has continued to grow. François-Laurent Balssa notes that when a workforce shortage in one sector occurs, out of the two possible choices one must either raise the salary, or one must reach out to foreign labor. Usually it was the latter option that was favored by the National Council of French Employers (CNPF) and as of 1998 by its successor, the Movement of Enterprises (MEDEF).

    • @idiocracyisnowadocumentary8834
      @idiocracyisnowadocumentary8834 Před 4 lety

      At the beginning, immigration was a phenomenon linked to big business. It still continues to be that way. Those who clamor for always more immigration are big companies. This immigration is in accordance with the very spirit of capitalism, which aims at the erasure of borders (« laissez faire, laissez passer »). “While obeying the logic of social dumping, Balssa continues, a “low cost” labor market has thus been created with the “undocumented” and the “low-skilled,” functioning as stopgap “jack of all trades.” Thus, big business has reached its hand to the far-left, the former aiming at dismantling of the welfare state, considered to be too costly, the latter killing off the nation-state considered to be too archaic.” This is the reason why the French Communist Part (PCF) and the French Trade Union (CGT) (which have radically changed since then) had, until 1981, battled against the liberal principle of open borders, in the name of the defense of the working class interests.

  • @jeffovery9054
    @jeffovery9054 Před 4 lety

    Soon as he said former political secretary to Blair,,off button!

  • @peterg957
    @peterg957 Před 4 lety +5

    The Looney ( Labour ) Party are a complete bunch of tossers..

  • @ejh1100
    @ejh1100 Před 4 lety

    What he's saying..McTernan that is...Liebour used the wrong kind of lies..

  • @keithlawton7821
    @keithlawton7821 Před 4 lety


  • @01parmy
    @01parmy Před 4 lety +1

    McTernan hates the fact we had a referendum , typical elitist politico - i bet he`s seething and that makes me happy :)

  • @molly555
    @molly555 Před 4 lety +5

    and khan is out off touch, if there was a vote today labour would be gone for good

  • @1960Reem
    @1960Reem Před 4 lety +1

    JC is my honest leader and hero

  • @damienabbott9805
    @damienabbott9805 Před 4 lety

    It’s McTernan who represents everything that is wrong with the Labour Party, not Jeremy Corbyn!!!

  • @misfit2022
    @misfit2022 Před 4 lety

    No it is the ideology rather than just one person. This ideology has been there since they were called the ILP

  • @ScotisticDad
    @ScotisticDad Před 3 lety

    Says Corbyn is out of touch but still continues to say the British people shouldn't have been allowed a vote on Brexit.
    Aye, very good.

  • @huntingdon4305
    @huntingdon4305 Před 4 lety

    This guy needs to refer to rule 1 on Brexit.

  • @Bluenose7
    @Bluenose7 Před 4 lety

    I was a labour supporter all of my working life until Tony Blair wormed his way into power. I always perceived him as a disingenuous, arrogant man whom didn’t actually know what he stood for. His sucking up to the EU commission was the final straw for me. Gordon Brown then subsequently cemented my new found aversion to what Labour had become, one where the traditional working men & women were only a means to an end. Blair’s new Labour were only interested in attaining power, once there they quickly forgot about the people who enabled them to power, preferring to suck up to the US & EU, spend money like it was going out of fashion and then create stealth taxes to pay for it. The losers being the very people that had given him his chance in the first place. Now we have had Corbyn leading Labour’s failed charge towards power, ably hampered by the insidious Momentum group. A total and utter disastrous attempt to fool the country that Labour had changed for the better. The far left activists that now appear to rule the roost within Labour need to understand that the largely silent majority will never accept their brand of politics. Their ideology is are far to decisive and destructive for the majority of people in this country. The last GE was proof of that with Labour’s performance bordering on the ridiculous, it must also be acknowledged that the far right activists are no better. The Unions too have become more interested in making money than representing their members. The large Unions are now no different than big business with the hierarchy taking big salaries and expenses that do not reflect the minimal effort they put in for it. When was the last time that a Union Official actually made anything more than a token appearance just before a company laid off workers or closed its doors entirely, it makes you wonder where all the subs they receive each month actually go. I’m afraid that Labour have a very long and winding road to travel to get anywhere near regaining the opportunity to govern in the UK again.

  • @sharonrothwell5174
    @sharonrothwell5174 Před 4 lety

    Yeh right. It's absolutely disgusting what they did to him. His mother was at cable street.
    He's stood against racism all his life.
    Anti semitic?? Tell Jewish voice for Labour that. They'll tear you to pieces. Never heard such shit and propaganda. Go and watch undercover cameras in The Lobby!! Ffs

  • @humbug1
    @humbug1 Před 4 lety

    "Brexit was not democracy" this guy is critical of Labour for not being in touch with the public, this guy is no different... I'm never voting Labour again.

  • @luxfer7794
    @luxfer7794 Před 4 lety

    Aye god forbid they ever become a working class party

  • @joebidenhairsnifferandfing3756

    Go woke go broke

  • @Wonega
    @Wonega Před 4 lety

    Labour are divided into two groups communists and libralists, both ideologys are to blame in this report but each side will use this as proof they are right and the other are wrong. Labour party haven't hit rock bottom yet, this report warns this.
    Credit where it's due, it's a pretty honest report.

  • @ben31uk
    @ben31uk Před 4 lety +1

    And they only just worked that out 🤔

  • @KennyG-qh8jc
    @KennyG-qh8jc Před 4 lety

    Typical labour still dont accept Brexit,

  • @scottthomson4522
    @scottthomson4522 Před 4 lety

    Lol cracking up not just Corbyn Blair had a bit to do with it to guy's great news

  • @proselytizingorthodoxpente8304

    Keir Starmer wins points just for not being Jeremy Corbyn. But thats not gonna win labour an election. Especially if, as shown by McTernan's own words, they still have no faith in the electorate to decide on such important questions as Brexit (what happened to the electorate are never wrong?). And would rather brand the whole issue as 'extremist'.

  • @WorksopGimp
    @WorksopGimp Před 4 lety

    Blair was the worst parasite

  • @biffgrimes.8345
    @biffgrimes.8345 Před 4 lety +2

    l was a Labour voter and would not have voted for Corbyn but Blair was the start of the rot. l don't see anything in the present Labour party as a Northerner that would make me vote for them again. The sooner we are out of the EU the better ,

  • @ya6191
    @ya6191 Před 4 lety

    it's too late

  • @talktv
    @talktv  Před 4 lety

    How do you think Labour makes a come back by the next election?

    • @gavinbissell8847
      @gavinbissell8847 Před 4 lety

      Go so far left there won't be elections at all just the purge of non-believers

    • @howdu7479
      @howdu7479 Před 4 lety

      They don't.

  • @templarknight5557
    @templarknight5557 Před 4 lety +1

    Luckily, Starmer is no different to Corbyn and Labou have already shown they didn't learn a thing from the worse defeat in 85yrs.

  • @johnrawlins6147
    @johnrawlins6147 Před 4 lety +1

    No one in there right mind would ever vote for Labour

  • @redpugie6235
    @redpugie6235 Před 4 lety +1

    I don't know why we should be getting lectured by a Tory on what the Labour Party should stand for.

    • @whynot5443
      @whynot5443 Před 4 lety

      so, nobody's allowed an opinion?

    • @muttley8818
      @muttley8818 Před 4 lety

      @@whynot5443 Labour live in a bunch of echo chambers. If you don't agree with the leadership you get shouted down. It's been that way since Corbyn took charge. Labour, as an opposition party, are dead. I voted Tory last year after voting Labour since before Corbyn took over. I'm ashamed how they've turned out. Hard left has no place in Labour. Now Brexit is done, I'd rather vote Liberal Democrat than Labour, unless the far left idiots are kicked out.

  • @yearofmars
    @yearofmars Před 4 lety

    Labour declared war on the ‘deplorable’ working class.
    They should be torn out root and stem and the ground they came from salted so that a real credible opposition can emerge.

  • @garypowell1540
    @garypowell1540 Před 4 lety +1

    The Labour Party only win by moving to the right or the Tory Party, which to be honest, at this precise moment would not be difficult in theory. However with its current crop of MP's, party membership and activists, this is not difficult, it is completely impossible with knobs on. To make matters worse the so called right of the Labour Party are allied to Blairite Globalism. A discredited and unpopular ideology allied to an even worse one, is the modern Labour Party.
    What this country needs is a government dedicated wholly to the benefit of the country which it is supposed to work for. Is this simply too much to ask?
    This country already has everything it could possibly need to do well enough to meet the needs and desires of its own people, including those who have only recently arrived.
    An established and largely long since paid for infrastructure, sound laws, a vibrant business community, a universally used language, the greatest financial base the World has ever known, at least 24 miles of water between us and any potential enemies, surrounded by enough fish to feed half of our population, great ports, great people, a great history, fantastically efficient farmers, working one of the most fertile soils known to man. Indeed you name it, this blessed country ALREADY has it, or has friends from like minded countries who would be more than happy to sell it to us.
    There is no logical reason why this country, perhaps more than any other, should not be paradise on Earth by now, and a shining beacon to the rest of it.

  • @keithlevoir608
    @keithlevoir608 Před 4 lety

    My dad who was just an ordinary working man all his life refused to vote labour had said they where all communist his mates and and me used to take the piss wish he was alive so I could say sorry he was right

  • @hickster222
    @hickster222 Před 4 lety

    The labour party is the very definition of the words 5th column.

  • @JanG-rk2fu
    @JanG-rk2fu Před 4 lety

    Corbyn loves everyone and anything not British...🇬🇧