(Episode 5) Mormon Sexual Repression - New Understanding

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • www.iamanexmorm...

Komentáře • 130

  • @solgabert
    @solgabert Před 13 lety

    Thanks! :)

  • @glenheleman702
    @glenheleman702 Před 3 lety

    What a great couple. I love how open they are with each other. I wish them all the luck

  • @tacojohn9
    @tacojohn9 Před 13 lety

    You guys are awesome. I think these videos will save relationships and build bonds between couples. Thanks for sticking your necks out there and being honest with the all of us.

  • @1stshelly
    @1stshelly Před 13 lety

    excellent points stu and Kerri. Very true that within the mindset of mormonism many of their made up stumbling blocks, will destroy you, your family, and your relationships, whereas for normal people it is incomprehensible that these so called "transgressions" are even an issue. From drinking coffee, to choosing; to wear your own underwear, or a different religion/not, these things are huge issues for the believer who then project the fear,guilt, and dissapointment onto the "dissident"

  • @PrintedTruth
    @PrintedTruth Před 13 lety +1

    Thank you for your videos. They are always so well done.

  • @ginac7235
    @ginac7235 Před 6 lety +2

    Great series, thank you! And this couple is simply adorable , love their smiles!

  • @Nagaraboshi
    @Nagaraboshi Před 12 lety


    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @KerriBodie The scriptures remind us multiple times and warn that even members will be fooled, not strong enough spiritually, even the wise because their hearts will fail them etc. The story of the ten virgins where 5 that were unprepared and not ready were never represented as the world, but as the members of the Church. Having few people leave the Church doesn't shake my testimony. Even if only half the membership of 14 million were active it still fulfills Biblical prophecy.

  • @Moonflower52
    @Moonflower52 Před 9 lety +4

    I read some of the comments.....funny the ones who protest the most are what pure and never touched themselves....funny...we as humans will have desires and if you touch yourself you go to hell....I am glad you two were able to talk this out and are still in love....good for you.....being honest is hard for the ones who think they do no wrong.....this is the sad part....thank you for coming out and talking about this...

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 12 lety

    @slyer72 Thank you for commenting! I think this topic deserves much discussion. Based on your reasoning, the wife looking at pornography would mean that the husband isn't good enough too right? Even if they both enjoy watching it? Together? Even if both of them feel like their sex lives have improved because of this change?

  • @80zboy
    @80zboy Před 13 lety

    Thank-you for your kind comments. It was a difficult decision to make this video and be so open...but it has been rewarding. - Stu

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 13 lety

    @814mandapanda Anything can be an addiction depending on your brains reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. The topic of "porn" is often brought up as a "dirty" topic and therefore it is easy to avoid open dialogue about this subject. Luckily we live in a society that is continually being educated and access to information will continue to increase. I look forward to new research into this area that will help us both reconcile our differing beliefs and facts.

  • @lareinag
    @lareinag Před 11 lety +2

    I love this couple! they're honest & real about what they've been through. You guys are very brave!

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 13 lety

    @MrTayseh Yes, seriously.
    Also, just because you smoke doesn't mean you are a bad person. Just because you drink doesn't make you a bad person. Just because you wear revealing clothes doesn't make you a bad person. True story :)

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    I personally know these people and it's amazing how two-faced they can become.
    They are NOTHING like they are trying to portary themselves to be, trust me.

  • @Keisuke42
    @Keisuke42 Před 10 lety +7

    My heroes. Respect.

  • @FrenicX
    @FrenicX Před 12 lety

    I applaud their efforts, I see them as explorers of freedom now that they have removed the psychological walls that imprisoned them. Sounds like they have a lot of fun too.

  • @Demon640
    @Demon640 Před 11 lety +3

    you guys are spreading truth, keep up the good work!

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 13 lety

    @peaceliberty4all This isn't just an issue in LDS teachings, you are right :)

  • @michaeld36
    @michaeld36 Před 12 lety +1

    you guys are adorable, thanks for sharing your story

  • @TSCon23
    @TSCon23 Před 12 lety

    Matt. 5:28, So does this mean she does not care if he is cheating on her?

  • @KuntaSlai
    @KuntaSlai Před 12 lety +2

    these two have a beautiful relationship. I want something like this one day :,)

  • @dredsdomain
    @dredsdomain Před 13 lety

    Great video, I'm in the same boat as the guy in the video. So much better now that I left the church and all religion for that matter, don't need MEN controlling my life and telling me what I can and cannot do or what I should and should not do. It's my life, it's the only one I get so I'm living it for me.

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 12 lety

    @slyer72 I don't use the Bible as a moral guide.

  • @user-oo5qy1he8v
    @user-oo5qy1he8v Před 4 lety

    1:35 that’s a big issue

  • @RobertPotrie
    @RobertPotrie Před 13 lety

    The idea in the church is to aim for perfection, for some reason we forget that we are imperfect and expect the impossible form ourselves in our mortal forms of imperfection. It is a strange thing that while we express hope for salvation we can`t seem to allow ourselves to be happy with our imperfections in our state and can`t comprehend that perfection is impossible. Yet it is expected that we be ``better`` and appear perfect because of fear of shunning and rejection as being impure. Strange...

  • @dochalliday08
    @dochalliday08 Před 11 lety +2

    This couple have made my day thank you for being so brave and honest. I feel I can look foreward to a good future and that's an amazing feeling.

  • @GiftoAll
    @GiftoAll Před 13 lety

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Are you illegal of? The law, religions, citizenship? Any of these?

  • @fathampton
    @fathampton Před 13 lety +1

    I think pornography addiction is just as damaging to non-mormon relationships as mormon ones. My wife is not a Mormon, I am not Mormon. She would be really hurt by me looking at pornography, which is the only reason I do not. I don't think that drug addiction only hurts Mormon Marriages, either. I would like to see a study comparing the effects of pornography on relationships of different kinds.

  • @MeatMutant
    @MeatMutant Před 13 lety

    Joesph Smith came up with the perfect solution to the attraction issue--polygamy!

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 12 lety

    @BachBeethovenBeatles They were very brave to speak openly and publicly about these things.

  • @GiftoAll
    @GiftoAll Před 13 lety +1

    I think the lds church stand on sexuality has ruined many women. Some lds parents make sex an unforgiveable taboo that mentally damages the girls. This taboo follows right into the marriage. It leads to a lifetime of sexual disfunction and frustration.

  • @ooohhitskaren63
    @ooohhitskaren63 Před 13 lety

    I think what you went thru is common among a lot of different religions. I knew a young couple, where he was trying not to masterbate because of their religion and it was tearing him apart. So I don't know how he's doing because they moved away.

  • @GiftoAll
    @GiftoAll Před 13 lety

    @IAMILLEGAL2 I meant to say "Thomas Monson and the members are not worthy". Obey the church so you can be happy? Will happiness in this life save you? Can your priesthood or family save you? Will works and money save you? Read the New Testament as a child. You will find that Jesus is the infinite creator. You will find a gospel that is contrary to Mormon doctrine.

  • @Sapphireia
    @Sapphireia Před 7 lety +2

    It's pretty amazing that you managed to make it through!

  • @arizonabay6
    @arizonabay6 Před 13 lety

    I think a lot of couples have these problems religious or not. Ironically I think this couples experince with the church and subsequent 'deconstruction' have made them more open and liberated than many others.

  • @dredsdomain
    @dredsdomain Před 13 lety

    @3Deditor AMEN

  • @mollymu1
    @mollymu1 Před 13 lety

    . And even unto the great and last day ,when all people ,and all kindreds,and all nations and tongues shall stand before God ,to be judged of their works ,whether they be good or whether they be evil
    If they be good , to the resurrection of everlasting life ,& if they be evil ,to the resurrection of damnation ;being on a parallel , the one on the one hand &the other on the other hand according to the mercy and the justice &the holiness which is in Christ ,who was before the world began.

  • @Sldejo
    @Sldejo Před 13 lety

    glad that you are out of LDS church, but it's still adultery of the heart...

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @GiftoAll harsh and forcing. God wants us to obey so He can bless us and be happy. The Church invites us to follow Christ and live worthy so we can be prepared to meet Him. What is so hard to understand about that? If parents teach their children the wrong way and do things not accordingly God will judge them and things right again. Parents aren't perfect and try their best with what light and experience they have. Thomas S. Monson and Joseph Smith are in the same boat as everyone else.

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @GiftoAll Obedience and grace save me. Nothing else. Without grace obedience means nothing and obedience itself can't save you because it doesn't matter how many times you read the Bible or pay your tithing (for example), we all fall short in the end and need the saving power of grace. Jesus is everything. Jesus is the only way. I've read the Bible several times and I've experienced and seen everything from atheism, to non-denominational Christians, all the way to Islam and Buddhism.

  • @3DEditor
    @3DEditor Před 13 lety

    @dredsdomain Just listen to that bon jovi song, "it's my life". Rock out to it every time you feel someone is harassing you or trying to tell you how to live. It'll help solidify that feeling of freedom, assertiveness and confidence within yourself again. In the mean time, take what others say and mean with a grain of salt, because what someone else says, really doesn't have to affect you and it really shouldn't. People will have their own biased opinions, doesn't have to be a part of your life.

  • @rayleslie354
    @rayleslie354 Před 10 lety +6

    3:47, kind of a beautiful moment

  • @tpstrat14
    @tpstrat14 Před 12 lety

    Look at the Catholic church in regards to sexual repression. As a man, if you reach a certain level of hierarchy, you cannot have sex anymore? How sick. Because this is SUCH a sick way of living, unhealthy behaviors come out as a result.

  • @amisamiamiam
    @amisamiamiam Před 13 lety

    Oh, by the way, my ex wife divorced me over this very issue. She treated me like garbage, no worse than garbage, she destroyed me on so many levels, and ruined my reputation, and kept my kids from me and made it so they have very little to do with me, now 15 years later...and over what? A few minutes of pleasure. FUCK! I wonder if karma is real. I hope so. I really do.

  • @georgesquires5526
    @georgesquires5526 Před 9 lety +3

    EVEN IF YOUR HUSBAND was unable to work, you would still love, honor and support him. Right? What IS the vow Mormons pledge to each other when they wed? So many Mormons I know only love their mate when the mate is bringing in the big bucks, looking super-fine and living as human "doings" instead of human BEINGS.

  • @1stshelly
    @1stshelly Před 13 lety

    @mormonanswerman explain exactly how looking at two people having sex is equivalent to commiting adultery in your heart. This is the premise for your comment above. The premise for your comment is false making your remaining argument moot.

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    The Church has never caused or promoted *self-promoting*. Sin never was happiness and the influence of Satan is real. Depression and all those stressed emotions are consequences from sin itself. God always has His opens wide open to us, even to the worst sinner, and invites us to come unto Christ and receive peace and to make light our yoke.

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @rustysbikerepair I agree! Forget any religious organization or even the Bible on that note; no one in the right and stable mind , even society itself would allow and accept such a thing. Even on a scientific approach, studies show the addiction and complications pornography brings. I just feel even worse for the brain washing these two have succomb to.

  • @united13james
    @united13james Před 12 lety

    actually, my mormon lds social services therapist said that even in the church in the 70's and 80's therapists recommended couples to view porn together to help their sex lives...just saying

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @GiftoAll Your statement is contradictory, Sister. So which is it? The Church or the parents?
    It's imperfect and sometime stupid parents who are human too who make error and bad judgment not the Churchs. The Church speaks of love, mercy, and forgiveness. Sexual sins can be and are forgiven.

  • @RPG_Angie
    @RPG_Angie Před 12 lety

    These guys have obviously had issues that were not ONLY religion-based, but you have to admit that their religion was very unhealthy for their marriage and sense of self-worth.
    They started a new life - I think that in order to start with a clean slate, they connected all their troubles to the church they threw away. It may have not ALL been about the church, but honestly, most of it was. And even if LDS became a bit of a scapegoat for them, most of it was deserved.

  • @GetMeThere1
    @GetMeThere1 Před 12 lety

    There's nothing wrong with porn or sex--as long as there's nothing wrong with it: e.g., have responsible and healthy sex, and don't think porn is your answer to everything. Sex (doing it or watching others do it) is perfectly normal and natural. Once you get that idea, THEN you can make it a healthy part of your character and life experience, and use it to enrich your life.

  • @giorgioblume7755
    @giorgioblume7755 Před 9 lety +2

    WoW!!!You are such a very beautiful lady! And you've got a loving husband! You are just an amazing couple!!!

  • @remotalia1
    @remotalia1 Před 12 lety

    A married couple that watches porn and heightening their libido with each other is one thing... actually it's kind of awesome. There's nothing in the Bible that says you can't have crazy sex with your husband or wife. But that single guy or that girl (they do it too) that making watching porn a habit... not so great. Not very healthy. I know a few of those porn turtles and they make me sad.

  • @nephibs
    @nephibs Před 13 lety

    I am sorry that you left the church for very little in return. This new "Type" of Christianity is really sad to see unfolding - where everyone is rewriting what has been taught for hundreds of years in the scriptures to whatever fits their lifestyle. Whatever happened to people having enough strength to keep the commandments of God?

  • @spook79
    @spook79 Před 13 lety

    For anyone who wants a good chuckle on the issue of porn and masturbation look up "brother micah preaches self mutilation."

  • @moparmonster1965
    @moparmonster1965 Před 13 lety

    @nephibs The problem is that you don't understand that what Jesus taught encompasses everything that came before. It's not that the Law is unimportant, but that it was fulfilled and what Jesus taught us, love your neighbor as you love yourself and love the Lord thy God with all your heart, supercede the letter of the Law.
    Remember the joke about the Pharisees having black eyes before you worry about following each and every little detail.

  • @GiftoAll
    @GiftoAll Před 13 lety

    @IAMILLEGAL2 The church demands obedience of the members. The members force compliance of church law on the children. The church is the top of the hill and everything rolls down hill from it. The truth of the matter is the lds church is not worthy to God. Thomas Monson and the members are worthy to God. Only Jesus Christ is eternal and worthy. That is Gods truth.

  • @MrTayseh
    @MrTayseh Před 13 lety

    @chicky21688 "have sex outside of wed lock doesn't mean you're a bad person"? seriously? wooow. why don't you stay single in the first place?

  • @jasontrevorhaye
    @jasontrevorhaye Před 12 lety

    if it isnt just a lds teaching whyd u blame the problem on it an ur problem shouldnt be used as an excuse to leave the church

  • @slyer72
    @slyer72 Před 12 lety

    @iamanexmormon i don't want to get into a discussion, but i will leave you with this. You wondered if it would be ok if they watched it together to "improve their sex lives." I am assuming that you are trying to reason that God or the Bible permits this action. If you want follow the Bible, then the Bible clearly states that there are certain actions we are not to do. There are characteristics in porn that are ungodly, that are of the flesh. Watching porn is is ungodly period.

  • @SpencerMurrayStudios
    @SpencerMurrayStudios Před 12 lety

    *Whip crack*

  • @RPG_Angie
    @RPG_Angie Před 12 lety

    Exposing kids (who aren't sexually mature) to pornography is sick. How could your brain even come up with that messed up idea. There must be something wrong with you if you don't understand such basic things as sexual maturity.

  • @GoatlikePersonality
    @GoatlikePersonality Před 6 lety

    I grew up as a JW. Kind of the same horrors. I am free now. :-)

    • @dannynyman9681
      @dannynyman9681 Před 6 lety

      Goatlike Personality,
      This is great. Have you ever read, "Sex and God" by Dr. Darryl Ray? You guys (former JWs) are mentioned in there quite a bit.

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @GiftoAll What?? That didn't even make logical sense.
    God gave us agency. We are free to choose between right and wrong. Choosing the wrong brings about many consequences and we are invited to repent of our sins by the grace of Christ Jesus. God loves us. He knows us by name. We must be clean to return to him. God knows that we will never become perfect in this life, so he sent His Savior. Through the blood of the Lamb we become clean again. How hard is that? The word "demand" sounds

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @KerriBodie That commandment by the way is Biblical and accepted by all mainstream Christianity. In all respect you clearly don't understand doctrine and principles.
    Denying the Holy Ghost is openly and knowingly rejecting God. It has nothing to do with not thinking for yourself or being brainwashed. You are willfully using your agency.

  • @TheBeardedSandman
    @TheBeardedSandman Před 6 lety +1

    Ye have heard that it was said by them of
    old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
    But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh
    on a woman to lust after her hath committed
    adultery with her already in his heart.
    This isn't book of Mormon, this is New Testament. Porn is evil. Candy coat it however you want, it's still evil. The human body is sacred. It may be "artistic" and not secret, but it's sacred. Porn makes it anything but sacred.

    • @dannynyman9681
      @dannynyman9681 Před 6 lety

      Grow up. As Dr. Marty Klein has said: "Sexuality doesn't have to be wholesome to be healthy."

  • @slyer72
    @slyer72 Před 12 lety

    i'm sorry did i hear that right, pornography is beautiful, umm...no. Sex between two individually who love each other for their corresponding characters is beautiful. Pornography is a fake version of love. A Man shouldn't have to watch pornography period. If he is watching pornography, that means his wife isn't good enough, understand?

  • @tpstrat14
    @tpstrat14 Před 12 lety

    That's the same as saying "If you think sex is good, then why don't you let your kids have sex with you". You're way off base. Pornography is not evil. Guilt is evil. Don't spread it.

  • @peaceliberty4all
    @peaceliberty4all Před 13 lety

    I have girl friends who are not mormons who react to their husbands and BF the same way this couple is describing so I guess it has nothing to do with being a mormon. Good try though.

  • @krononomikon
    @krononomikon Před 13 lety

    That's funny, 'cause although I am anti-Mormon, the so-called "sexual repression" has nothing to do with Mormonism. Sounds like someone needs an excuse to do whatever they want, and that sounds sad to me. Sounds like we missed the point - the point is that if we have sinned, we should recognize that it is sin, so that we don't become proud and seek God for salvation - not that we should leave a church because they "make us feel guilty". Just look at the xxx church! :)

  • @DuPuieproductions
    @DuPuieproductions Před 12 lety

    Pornography is displays low class, no matter what the religion.

  • @xsavedkt
    @xsavedkt Před 13 lety

    I'm sorry, I'm not a mormon, and I don't look at pornography from a religious stand-point. But this is BS.... from a feminist perspective. Pornography is a capitalistic idea and is overly degrading to women!!! Google Gail Dines and listen to her talk on pornography!

  • @nearkolob
    @nearkolob Před 9 lety +1

    Porn harms relationships period. To say otherwise is a lie.

    • @tattoodfreeek
      @tattoodfreeek Před 8 lety +4

      +Dave M No it doesn't, the attitude towards it is what harms relationships. To think the way you do is what does harm

    • @dannynyman9681
      @dannynyman9681 Před 6 lety

      Dave M,
      Are you talking from experience?

    • @Ex-LDS
      @Ex-LDS Před 5 lety

      Danny Nyman always “ad hominem”.

    • @ash12317
      @ash12317 Před 5 lety

      @@tattoodfreeek It's science not opinion. There are plenty of people who had no problem with their spouses or themselves viewing porn and it still affected their lives and relationships.

  • @LegendaryWoke
    @LegendaryWoke Před 12 lety

    Exactly:) too much religion is not God or natural:)

  • @KingdomWithin7
    @KingdomWithin7 Před 11 lety

    The work of satin..just pure evil I tell you!

  • @BenihimeUchiha
    @BenihimeUchiha Před 11 lety

    I don't get why there has to be an anti-Mormon themed/based campaign, the church only wants self mastery. If help cant be found in it then why not look to professional help?
    I have non Mormon friends that are put off by masturbation and pornography too, so its not just our sect. heck I even said that's not worth leaving a really good relationship, but porn in a relationship is toxic, insecurities arise when only the other partner is doing it.

    @IAMILLEGAL2 Před 13 lety

    @KerriBodie That commandment by the way is Biblical and accepted by all mainstream Christianity. In all respect you clearly don't understand doctrine and principles.
    Denying the Holy Ghost is openly and knowingly rejecting God. It has nothing to do with not thinking for yourself or being brainwashed. You are willfully using your agency.