Judge expresses frustration over Parental Alienation

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Healthy parents teach their children independence and self-reliance. But alienating parents foster dependency and vulnerability in their children. Alienators need to be needed.
    Healthy parents love their children more than they need their children. But alienators need their children more than they love their children. In younger children alienators sow seeds of fear. In older children they sow seeds of hatred. This ensures the child's undivided love.
    Healthy parents teach a child that the world is full of imperfect people who sometimes make mistakes and sometimes disappoint us. But alienators teach a child to see the world in black and white; people are either all-good or all-bad. Any real mistakes an "all-bad" person makes become the entirety of who they are.
    Alienators are masters of manipulation, and there are two main subtypes.
    Alienators with narcissistic traits (mostly men) are control freaks. They see themselves as perfect and anyone who dares to oppose them as inferior. They speak with charisma and conviction.
    Alienators with borderline traits (mostly women) are sympathy freaks. They see themselves as victims and anyone who dares to oppose them as abusers. They speak with passion and drama.
    Regardless of the subtype, alienators are very convincing. Most people are duped. And by most people I mean friends, family members, teachers, coaches, counselors, custody evaluators, guardians ad litem, and, of course, their own children.
    The end result of all this manipulation is that the child aligns themself almost completely with the alienating parent. There are many reasons for this, and comparisons have been made to Stockholm syndrome/trauma bonding, but I believe a better analogy is that of cults. Whenever the child agrees with, or sympathizes with, or shows devotion to the alienator, then the alienator lavishes them with affection and makes them feel like a million dollars. But if the child ever falters in their devotion, then the alienator responds with the opposite extreme. This is exactly how cult leaders are able to manipulate adults over a period of months. Now imagine a vulnerable child, who has no escape, being conditioned like this their entire life.
    The psychopathology underlying parental alienation has been referred to as pathological enmeshment, since the child's personality is basically subsumed by that of the alienator. It has also been called the gatekeeper phenomenon, since the alienator becomes the gatekeeper of the child's heart and mind. Whatever the alienator likes, the child reflexively likes; whatever the alienator hates, the child reflexively hates.
    All of this happens long before the divorce, long before the actual alienation. And then, at the time of divorce, when the alienator feels rejected by their spouse, and the alienator fears they might lose the undivided devotion of their children, the actual alienation takes place surprisingly quickly. The gatekeeper simply closes the gate.
    This is also why the mental health and legal professionals often get parental alienation cases wrong. They cannot imagine why a child would suddenly reject a normal, loving parent. They fail to recognize that what looks like a warm, close relationship between the child and the favored parent is actually a longstanding form of co-dependency. It's a folie à deux. It's emotional incest.
    "Just listen to my child!" the alienator cries to the court. "They'll tell you how inferior/abusive the other parent is!" But it is no longer the child who speaks.
    Alienated children grow up hating half of who they are. They are prone to a host of psychosocial problems later in life.
    This is why Parental Alienation is NOT a child custody issue.
    It's a child PROTECTION issue.

Komentáře • 857

  • @davidk7739
    @davidk7739  Před 2 lety +123

    Healthy parents teach their children independence and self-reliance. But alienating parents foster dependency and vulnerability in their children. Alienators need to be needed.
    Healthy parents love their children more than they need their children. But alienators need their children more than they love their children. In younger children alienators sow seeds of fear. In older children they sow seeds of hatred. This ensures the child's undivided love.
    Healthy parents teach a child that the world is full of imperfect people who sometimes make mistakes and sometimes disappoint us. But alienators teach a child to see the world in black and white; people are either all-good or all-bad. Any real mistakes an "all-bad" person makes become the entirety of who they are.
    Alienators are masters of manipulation, and there are two main subtypes.
    Alienators with narcissistic traits (mostly men) are control freaks. They see themselves as perfect and anyone who dares to oppose them as inferior. They speak with charisma and conviction.
    Alienators with borderline traits (mostly women) are sympathy freaks. They see themselves as victims and anyone who dares to oppose them as abusers. They speak with passion and drama.
    Regardless of the subtype, alienators are very convincing. Most people are duped. And by most people I mean friends, family members, teachers, coaches, counselors, custody evaluators, guardians ad litem, and, of course, their own children.
    The end result of all this manipulation is that the child aligns themself almost completely with the alienating parent. There are many reasons for this, and comparisons have been made to Stockholm syndrome/trauma bonding, but I believe a better analogy is that of cults. Whenever the child agrees with, or sympathizes with, or shows devotion to the alienator, then the alienator lavishes them with affection and makes them feel like a million dollars. But if the child ever falters in their devotion, then the alienator responds with the opposite extreme. This is exactly how cult leaders are able to manipulate adults over a period of months. Now imagine a vulnerable child, who has no escape, being conditioned like this their entire life.
    The psychopathology underlying parental alienation has been referred to as pathological enmeshment, since the child's personality is basically subsumed by that of the alienator. It has also been called the gatekeeper phenomenon, since the alienator becomes the gatekeeper of the child's heart and mind. Whatever the alienator likes, the child reflexively likes; whatever the alienator hates, the child reflexively hates.
    All of this happens long before the divorce, long before the actual alienation. And then, at the time of divorce, when the alienator feels rejected by their spouse, and the alienator fears they might lose the undivided devotion of their children, the actual alienation takes place surprisingly quickly. The gatekeeper simply closes the gate.
    This is also why the mental health and legal professionals often get parental alienation cases wrong. They cannot imagine why a child would suddenly reject a normal, loving parent. They fail to recognize that what looks like a warm, close relationship between the child and the favored parent is actually a longstanding form of co-dependency. It's a folie à deux. It's emotional incest.
    "Just listen to my child!" the alienator cries to the court. "They'll tell you how inferior/abusive the other parent is!" But it is no longer the child who speaks.
    Alienated children grow up hating half of who they are. They are prone to a host of psychosocial problems later in life.
    This is why Parental Alienation is NOT a child custody issue.
    It's a child PROTECTION issue.

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato Před 2 lety

      Fuck. Off
      this lady accused kids of LYING.

    • @officerfarva3666
      @officerfarva3666 Před 2 lety +7

      I don’t know the whole story of this particular case... There can be more to the story we haven’t heard. However I am myself a victim, as a mother, of parental alienation. The court granted my abusive ex more custodial time and ever since my ex has been gatekeeping, withholding visitation, degrading me to my kids etc. My oldest has become violent toward me for no reason and extremely disrespectful (mimicking the behavior or his dad.) This alienation has been going on for years and the court didn’t care about any evidence I supplied proving this abuse. They claimed I didn’t supply an “efficient amount” so they just dismissed it altogether.

    • @fathersplight6334
      @fathersplight6334 Před 2 lety +4

      Yes I agree, well said.

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před rokem +5

      What goes around comes around, and everything done in the dark will come to light.
      I sincerely pray for every alienated parent both Father and Mother 🙏🏼😞

    • @dayday4532
      @dayday4532 Před rokem +1

      Perfectly said.

  • @GordonPavilion
    @GordonPavilion Před 2 lety +145

    Revenge and retribution, using children, should be a criminal offence.

    • @user-xk1wz3hz9o
      @user-xk1wz3hz9o Před rokem +9

      Yep but the only way they will ever pass this law if people report them to corruption every time it arises. Ill die a happy woman when they bring out a law making it a major crime. And every professional caught aiding it sacked on the spot.

    • @jamesyoung187
      @jamesyoung187 Před 11 měsíci +6

      It is child abuse and should be handled at least as severely.

    • @user-xk1wz3hz9o
      @user-xk1wz3hz9o Před 11 měsíci

      Couldn't agree more but living in a system more interested in protecting these filth than actually taking them off The streets. Drug dealers running the playgrounds And law obiding citizens living in fear. Children forced into vunrability but nothing they can do been fighting this 20 years now and yet again we still living under thier power.

    • @ektran4205
      @ektran4205 Před 9 měsíci +6

      it will never be criminalized because its mostly done to the fathers by the mothers

    • @tegannottelling
      @tegannottelling Před 9 měsíci +3

      @@ektran4205 As someone who worked in the family court for years it's done by both parents. I saw women doing it and I saw men doing it , in about equal measure. If I had to place a bet on which side tipped the scales, you are right, I would likely put it down to women being the culprits. One of the federal magistrates put it this way. You cant shield your child from a shitty parent. they have to learn for themselves a parent is shitty. They will learn and eventually at about 14 vote with their feet. Its not the job of the court to protect the child from shitty parents its the job of the court to protect them from abusive or neglectful ones. While parental alienation is the passive aggressive abuse style favoured by women, men tend to me more outright in their abuse styles but again I noticed it personally from both sides unless we are talking domestic violence, but again, if I had to place bets, men would tip the scales. Likely why women get away with it more.
      Therefore it is TOTALLY unhelpful placing a gender bias on any wrong doing on either side of the parental equation.
      While you may have personal experience with one or the other, it is again unhelpful to draw conclusions that it will never be criminalised due to gender. And in Australia, in the court I worked for, A magistrate sent a woman, the only person ever to go to prison over this issue and the resulting contravention of orders at the time, to prison.

  • @hud86
    @hud86 Před 11 měsíci +45

    I miss my son. My wife's been calling me aggressive and toxic since he was one year old. The best moments of my life have been spending time showing our son the world. I pray I can see him again one day. A piece of my soul is missing without him

    • @NICKI814
      @NICKI814 Před 11 měsíci

      its all about money :( sorry for your situation. im 43 and still a slave :(
      I owe 24k on a child who was born because her mom literally took the condom instead of in the trash , she placed it in her vagina and got pregnant. I reported it and judge didn't do anything's and just said, *knowing my daughter mom admitting this action* i have to pay child suppor and manipulated and threatened me to sign the 3rd party civil child support voluntarily contract, ! I lost my freedom as an American by the constitution!. i never saw because her mom, grandma and two uncles moved all the time all over the states Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas just to make sure i get screwed in life. her excuses of moving are, "i was raped, people are after me, people are after us, we lost out home, we lost our jobs etc etc etc etc non stop excuses. I had a good career, and own place 2 bedroom one br for my daughter. They knew i was about to get custody so they take off! Yet, I still have to pay ?? why? i filed attempt of courts and surprise surprise they don't show up and get away with it. No warrants issued etc.
      I never had a passport, i can't get a fishing, hunting , drivers license, no tax refunds, no car, house, bank account nothing! they also took my stimulus checks too! THE IRS SAID, IF YOU DON'T GET A CHECK IN MAIL PUT IT ON YOUR TAX REFUND AS A REBATE.. GUESS WHAT? DIDN'T GET IT! CHILD SUPPORT TOOK IT SIGH why??? all because the child support is corrupted ! They don't care about the best interest of the child and it's all about the money.

    • @osmanyhernandez2613
      @osmanyhernandez2613 Před 5 měsíci +1

      i feel your pain i havent seen my 2 daughters in 2 years finally got an Attorney for custody. good luck to you..

    • @sarwarbaig2077
      @sarwarbaig2077 Před 4 měsíci +1

      I haven't seen my daughter in 8 months.

  • @turnereddie
    @turnereddie Před 4 lety +397

    I didn't even know this was against the law. My mother poisoned me against my father for most of my life. Only to find much later in my life it was all lies and that my father was a kind gentle man:/

    • @ragnarlothbrok6240
      @ragnarlothbrok6240 Před 3 lety +28

      I have had both of my children alienated and poisoned against me by an ex wife that had an affair and wanted sole custody in order to hurt me. It has absolutely destroyed me over the years. She alienated my son 3 years ago...and now finally my daughter this past weekend. I am now on the very edge of suicide.

    • @tacosdecabeza
      @tacosdecabeza Před 3 lety +29

      @@ragnarlothbrok6240 Don't do it man. Not worth it. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS

    • @spoonspoon3826
      @spoonspoon3826 Před 3 lety +16

      @@ragnarlothbrok6240 it is TEMPORARY, STAY ON IT💯

    • @ragnarlothbrok6240
      @ragnarlothbrok6240 Před 3 lety +35

      @@tacosdecabeza Thank you stranger. My employer saw how much I was struggling with this and gave me 6 weeks off paid to re-center myself and prepare for court. I didn't even know that was a thing but am grateful for it. My parents are both retired, and while not wealthy, dipped into their 401k's to help me fight for my daughter. I didn't realize how many people actually gave a crap about me in real life until this past month. I'll have you know I'm doing better, meditating, and found an attorney that is really confident about my case. Even comments from strangers made an impact when you find yourself in a well that deep and dark. Thank you for caring.

    • @ragnarlothbrok6240
      @ragnarlothbrok6240 Před 3 lety +16

      @@spoonspoon3826 My previous response applies equally to you. Thank you for even taking time to say that. Little things like this added up to enough to pull me back from the void.

  • @rickperalta1921
    @rickperalta1921 Před 5 lety +214

    We need MORE judges like this!

    • @jpgillain
      @jpgillain Před 4 lety +2

      I agree.

    • @joshuaknight311
      @joshuaknight311 Před 3 lety +4

      @@Gabriel-dn4gg what I hope you're joking you have no clue what you're talking about

    • @joshuaknight311
      @joshuaknight311 Před 3 lety

      @@Gabriel-dn4gg and she written it

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato Před 2 lety +1

      no we don't. this cunt actually accused kids of lying when they didn't want to see their father because "you should have a relationship with your (abusive) father"

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato Před 2 lety

      you want proof?

  • @mohammadwasilliterate8037
    @mohammadwasilliterate8037 Před 4 lety +63

    From what I have seen it is usually the mothers, I seen a woman nail my friend over and over despite getting very high child support, in the end he was left with 22% of his salary in hand, same as welfare, so he quit, she got nothing and screamed at him, he laughed and did military reserve work tax and child support free and got welfare to boot, these women that drive men into a corner often get bitten.

    • @leeannsampson6050
      @leeannsampson6050 Před 3 lety +12

      Money should never change hands when it comes to child support. There should be a list of supplies or a bill to be paid such as medical, electric, ect. The parent that has custody should never receive money. Cloths, food, whatever should be provided, not money. I have seen both men and women abuse the use of child support money. The children receive none of it most of the time. Parents that hold primary custody should have to provide receipts proving that the child support was in fact used on their children! So many parents misuse child support money.

    • @DC-qk8ue
      @DC-qk8ue Před 3 lety +6

      @@leeannsampson6050 agreed! Both parents should go 50-50 on costs.

    • @leeannsampson6050
      @leeannsampson6050 Před 3 lety +7

      @@DC-qk8ue absolutely! Men are not second class parents either, although most good fathers are treated that way. All because someone wants to use their children against the other in psychological warfare. That should be considered child abuse. It will all keep happening until the courts implement harsher punishment for the one's abusing the system. Not all moms and dads are bad, but the majority are! The children should be the only focus! And yes, all parents should contribute 50/50 for their children.

    • @stacys8729
      @stacys8729 Před 3 lety +7

      Unless the father is absolutely unfit, like multiple recent drug charges or something - EVERY in the family court should start with 50-50 custody. Every single one. There is no reason for the courts to automatically put the kids with the mother, then tell the fathers they have to somehow prove that the mother shouldn't have majority custody. Absolute madness - Should ALWAYS start with 50-50.

  • @blacklily35
    @blacklily35 Před 3 lety +32

    Wish this judge heard my case. My mom literally kidnapped us and moved us across the country as soon as they said she had custody. I couldn't see my dad for 6 years

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

    • @TheThinkingMathematician
      @TheThinkingMathematician Před 8 měsíci +1


  • @AnthonyWrightEsq
    @AnthonyWrightEsq Před 5 lety +258

    Very bad parents alienate their children from other loved ones. It should be deemed child abuse and subject to criminal sanctions, including jail time. It’s one of the worser offenses that get slap-on-the hand treatment. Judges and their orders have no teeth if true punishment does not back them up.

    • @chrispleasantable
      @chrispleasantable Před 4 lety +1

      Kate Gosselin did that with her 8 children

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety +5

      They kept on trying to put things on me each time failed . However he didn't even pass a psych test I came in all black and blue and he got the kids. Courts and child protective services are so curpt my x did so many illegal things and they turned a. Blind eye. I'm still charged with nothing at all. He is and he has my three . Courts need a real person very haul huge one because now there literally letting these kids be abused in plane site and knowing

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +6

      @@robinklein5776 since covid everything has changed.
      We have the power now.
      Keep researching and feel good knowing they will go to jail for what they did.
      The corrupt judges know the gig is up and now they are either resigning or changing their tune.
      First evil demons plot together against us and then once exposed and threatened by the truth, they begin to turn on each other.
      No evil schemers ever prosper.
      They keep lying and get caught in their lies.
      Ultimately they caused so much damage but do even worse to themselves.
      And most importantly they will face the ultimate Judge when it's their time to meet their Maker.

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ariloves10 I so hope so. What's gone on with me was insane :(

    • @katrinamenzies9398
      @katrinamenzies9398 Před 3 lety +2

      @@ariloves10 I hope so too my ex has destroyed my relationship with my two daughters I am so broken

  • @jamesa9004
    @jamesa9004 Před 4 lety +136

    When I tried to bring up parental alienation in my custody battle many years ago, the judge said it didn't exist. Now, years later, 2 of the 3 children will have no contact with thier father. No good reason. Just currupt family courts. Such is life with modern marriages.

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety +4

      I got told the same

    • @ladyyoyo7297
      @ladyyoyo7297 Před 4 lety +1

      I don’t know how this is happening...my ex and I don’t have a good relationship. His biggest issue is having to pay child support. My kids have cell phones and they can communicate with their dad at any time. If he decides to use his visitation he emails me. He has the court review my finance every 3 years. Not sure the disconnect between different cases. Hope everything works out for you!

    • @adaouate
      @adaouate Před 3 lety +3

      I am an alienated father in Court right now. who was your judge?

    • @broeheem2804
      @broeheem2804 Před 3 lety +8

      @@ladyyoyo7297 Why should the father's connection with his children be reduced to "visitation" while you get to enjoy raising them? Why do you think you're more of a parent than him? Start there.

    • @Mulberry2000
      @Mulberry2000 Před 2 lety +4

      My three oldest hate me now, they started to drop off one by one. The 2 youngest are ok for now but links with them are tenuous at best. Bascially being a father means nothing and the links to one's children can be easliy broken.

  • @stellabella5269
    @stellabella5269 Před 7 lety +168

    Put the Mother in jail already! 😠

    • @cate533
      @cate533 Před 6 lety +2


    • @patriciapetit766
      @patriciapetit766 Před 6 lety +3

      Amen. I dealt with this for years now have no relationship with the kids they are so rude and disrespectful. I even got so tired since they are of age and have nothing to do with me. I am a strong person but tonight I actually told God that I'm tired and I don't want to be a part of this world any more. I actually want to go on the other side even if I don't get into heaven. This stuff is so sickening

    • @jamesbascombe8274
      @jamesbascombe8274 Před 6 lety +6

      Patricia Petit hang in there. As long as you did your best that is all u can do. The divorce courts are for women 90% of the time.

    • @jamesbascombe8274
      @jamesbascombe8274 Před 6 lety +3

      Stella Bella if that had been a man doing that he would have been in jail the first time.

    • @mikehager4897
      @mikehager4897 Před 3 měsíci

      What she did was jail three kids because they didn't follow her insane order to love their father.

  • @nicmart
    @nicmart Před 6 lety +46

    My ex used false sexual and other allegations to take my daughter from me. I’ve just filed a pro se case, loaded with evidence, to try to get her back.

    • @nicmart
      @nicmart Před 6 lety +7

      I’ve filed a pro-se contempt petition that will be heard in May. I have very solid evidence, but I know the odds are stacked against me given her expensive lawyer and the fate of men in family courts.

    • @stevenmarcinkowski8577
      @stevenmarcinkowski8577 Před 6 lety +6

      Nicolas Martin keep your head up bro and keep your cool

    • @paulnoland8701
      @paulnoland8701 Před 6 lety +2

      Nicolas Martin, did everything work out for you?

    • @miekaash6831
      @miekaash6831 Před 3 lety

      How did it turn out??

    • @nicmart
      @nicmart Před 3 lety +4

      @@miekaash6831 I ran it by an attorney who told me that most of my key points would be challenged as heresa, so I haven't seen my daughter in 5 years, and my ex fully alienated her from me. Life goes on.

  • @raccuia1
    @raccuia1 Před 6 lety +53

    Evil narcissism is prevalent in all it's ingloriousness both overtly and covertly in society. It, along with sociopathy and psychopathy are the biggest unaddressed, misunderstood, not spoken about destructive matters in human existence ( in my view).

    • @janedoe-qt1vv
      @janedoe-qt1vv Před 6 lety +10

      Agreed. People don't even realize how dangerous a Narcissist can be. They think it just means someone who is vain. It is far more malignant, it tears families apart, ruins lives, drives good people to suicide, and it's pretty much impossible to oppose. Narcissists never think they are Narcissists....Narcissists will try to convince their victims that the victim is the one who is the Narcissist, and will try to paint it to everyone else how it is they, the Narcissist, who is the victim. A Narcissist will steal from you and accuse you of stealing from them. A Narc can convince anyone, sometimes even their own victims, that day is actually night, black is actually white, up is actually down. They are entitled, exploitative, and take zero accountability for any of their diabolical actions, yet if you chip a teacup in the kitchen sink they'll endlessly scream for the death penalty for you. Narcissists are tearing my own family apart...as we speak.

    • @Theblackbumblebee
      @Theblackbumblebee Před 6 lety +1

      joseph raccuia
      I needed you 15 yrs ago, thanks for your post

    • @firstinlastout
      @firstinlastout Před 5 lety +1

      God's wrath will handle. Have faith in your LORD Jesus Christ. There is only one judge in this world, and that is God. God will judge, no one else has the authority to do it. And he will come. The end times are near people. Strengthen your relationship with your heavenly father, believe In Christ the LORD who sacrificed himself for us and our wickedness. Your faith will sustain you, remember that God is in complete control, because he is. And you see tremendous grace fall upon you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Your faith will sustain you while these parental alienation atrocities occur in America. It's an epidemic, and it will come to an end.

    • @firstinlastout
      @firstinlastout Před 5 lety +1

      @@janedoe-qt1vv I feel for you Jane Doe. All I can say, if you don't have a relationship with Christ Jesus, your savior. Now is the time to do so. Everything will make perfect sense afterwards. God bless you and I pray that you no longer suffer from these atrocities these alienators do to our children and to us.

    • @909lynn1
      @909lynn1 Před 5 lety

      @@firstinlastout you are right! The natural man (or woman) wants to be mad though and its hard to control,,,but you are right.

  • @Rooster003
    @Rooster003 Před rokem +20

    A parent who decides to leave the state with the kids and make it extremely difficult and costly for the other parent to have visitations with their children should be immediately placed in this category and treated exactly the same. This is of course parents in good standing.

    • @JustAmyKay
      @JustAmyKay Před 10 měsíci +1

      Happened to my brother

    • @michaelbrooks742
      @michaelbrooks742 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Context matters. It's not so black and white. Sometimes, it's necessary to get away from violent abusers.

    • @sandradee1579
      @sandradee1579 Před 9 měsíci

      In every State divorce decree relative to visitation is no parent takes the children out of State without other parent consent let alone permanent move & the non custodial parent would have to agree to that?

  • @zerreyes3469
    @zerreyes3469 Před 9 lety +92

    On behalf of all victims esp. fathers of the family courts system. Thank You judge...sincerely

    • @captainswan3079
      @captainswan3079 Před 4 lety +4

      Both sexes do it. Stop!

    • @supriimacy_7056
      @supriimacy_7056 Před 3 lety +10

      @@captainswan3079 y'all do it more to the point it's literally a term coined " malicious mother syndrome" not to mention y'all get custody 80% of the time so you can stfu about that. This mostly impacts men.

    • @ofon2000
      @ofon2000 Před 3 lety

      @@supriimacy_7056 You are right...it happens to men much more often, but it still does happen to women. I'm currently having it done to me by my ex wife...or was...I will see as we are having mediation and possibly a court hearing after

    • @Mulberry2000
      @Mulberry2000 Před 2 lety

      @@captainswan3079 It depends on what you mean? If one parent tries to tell the kids what is going, it can be used as a form of parent alienation even if it is not. A parent will not name the father in the household, meaning the very name of the father is taboo. So by an act of silence parent alienation can be formed, esp. if the kids start to hate their father one by one.

    • @MediaWebCrawler
      @MediaWebCrawler Před 2 lety +3

      @@captainswan3079 it's truly disgusting to me that when an issues that disproportionately effects men is raised that there are so many people, like yourself, who's first thought and action is to deplatform the issue and say, "STOP TALKING, IT HAPPENS TO WOMEN TOO SO YOUR INPUT IS INVALID".
      How would you react if you saw a woman talking about how she was drugged in a bar, brought to her assailants place a raped one night, how this was not only a horrific and traumatic experience for her but is an issue that needs action against.. and the first comment was some guy saying, "stop it! Women do this to men too!" Would you react the same way you want people in these comments to react to you? Is the statement true in both cases? Yes. It's happens both ways. But how fucking dare you disingenuously try and gaslight people into believing an issue is less important, or less valid by acting like because it _can_ and (rarely) does happen both ways that the overwhelming majority of perpetuation should be overlooked in favor of pretending that these disgusting acts are equally committed because you can't handle the idea that something so inarguably heinous can stem from the branch of humanity you portray to be exclusively victimized and oppressed..
      Guess what? There are issues, different yet equally serious issues that uniquely effect men as well as women! Why the fuck is it so socially unacceptable, so taboo to acknowledge that each sex has issues that are overwhelmingly, if not exclusively applicable to one or the other if the other is men? I am just.. so done playing out this faux bullshit where everyone is fully aware of the hypocrisies, the double standards, the feigned ignorance and maliciously disingenuous just appease to this demented idea that men are incapable of facing gender specific social, personal and legal issues and only able to fucking _cause_ them for fear of being labeled a sexist or an incel or the like.. for fuck sake, being a Men's Rights Advocate is considered a _derogatory term._ let that sink in..
      I am for equality. Actual, honest equality. And I am fucking _eager_ to sit at the table with my fellow human beings of _all_ race, gender, orientation, belief, ANY subset of person as fucking EQUALS.. but we are just.. ever increasingly so godamn far away from that.. I can only hope that we can get to that starting pointer before we've all fucking killed eachother..

  • @stevenanjoul
    @stevenanjoul Před 3 lety +15

    Why would anyone but an alienating mother give this a thumbs down. You should be ashamed of yourself!!

    • @richardbobby4992
      @richardbobby4992 Před 4 měsíci

      This judge is the abusive b*tch who incarcerated three kids because they refused to eat lunch with their PoS father.

    • @mikehager4897
      @mikehager4897 Před 3 měsíci

      People who can see and think. This criminal judge threatened, belittled and imprisoned these kids for saying they didn't want to see their father. The children would finally be freed and this judge sanctioned and punished.

    • @cobaltgoldgoblin
      @cobaltgoldgoblin Před měsícem

      Tjudged regularly use reference to alienation to throw out all rights of the mother and all prior case history and place thousands of children forever into abusive households of the father. Happens every day all across America and it's a pretense used to destroy mothers and drive them insane

  • @c.1211
    @c.1211 Před 4 lety +115

    We need judges like this in California, seriously!

    • @nothingbutthetruth2145
      @nothingbutthetruth2145 Před 3 lety +3

      And in the UK

    • @natalata1435
      @natalata1435 Před 3 lety +1


    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +6

      Someone has to stand up and fight.
      The law was written in such a way that it is not in the best interest of the system to end a case.
      They are getting paid to keep cases open.
      Child advocate attorneys that win these County contracts get paid a monthly stipend for every child/case on the books.
      The biggest offender is

    • @drewkarey2578
      @drewkarey2578 Před 3 lety +2

      & in Pennsylvania!!

    • @Questionablexfun
      @Questionablexfun Před 2 lety +2

      @@ariloves10 hmm message me if you can. Very Interesting stuff

  • @aaronmichelson5510
    @aaronmichelson5510 Před 3 lety +15

    I have about a dozen father clients who discuss the problem with parental alienation in therapy. Some are new fathers - others are fathers of middle aged adults. It's really sad because of how hurt they have been by our biased legal system; but even more sad to know that their children will not be able to grow up with the benefit of having a good father. Parental alienation is child abuse.

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

  • @pinkkfloydd
    @pinkkfloydd Před rokem +7

    Some people hate their exes more than they love their kids.

  • @c.1211
    @c.1211 Před 5 lety +76

    Yes, I'm going thru this. I haven't seen my 2 boys since march of this year. It really sucks.😞.

    • @brandonpugh649
      @brandonpugh649 Před 3 lety +5

      Have you seen them since making this comment!? Im in a similar situation as well... except its been 7-8 yrs although i pay 873$ month in child support... im going to court holding her in contempt in just a few days

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 3 lety +6

      @@brandonpugh649 I haven't seen them yet. Its been 3 years plus. My ex does give me updates on my boys thru txt. I do give child support but Im not in the system. My ex said that she doesnt want to get the courts involved when it comes to child support, which is surprising. Be cool in court, your day will come, watch and see.👍✌

    • @dkbeard3810
      @dkbeard3810 Před 3 lety +5

      I'm standing with you! I haven't seen my girls in over a year. Just hang in there.....its coming to an end!

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 3 lety +6

      @@dkbeard3810 thats good to hear! I appreciate it. You hang in there also, our time will come!👍

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 3 lety +1

      @Tyler Lopes thats good that you get some facetime with your son. Your son will have those moments of facetime recorded in his memory. I went thru that with my now 20 year old. He realizes that his mother did wrong. I told him not to hate his mom for alienating me from him, but to understand female nature. We spend lots of time together.
      As for my other babies mom, I still dont see them, but at least she gives me updates on them. I know shes realizing now, that alienating me from my 5 and 7 year old is not good for them. And oh yeah, I keep paper trail on payments.
      Hang in there my bro, your time WILL come when you least expect it. So get ready for good times with your son, mark my word on that! Stay strong my bro!✌

  • @ryno9508
    @ryno9508 Před 5 lety +84

    It usually comes back on the mother when the kids reach adulthood if they start asking questions and have any sense

    • @rbrow1001
      @rbrow1001 Před 4 lety +16

      Ry No sadly, by the time that child is an adult and sees the truth, they are one psychologically messed up adult.

    • @ixxgxx
      @ixxgxx Před 4 lety +2

      Never healed

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety +1

      I hope mine reach out as.

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety

      @@ixxgxx how can a parent heal without there child. You cabt

    • @ixxgxx
      @ixxgxx Před 4 lety

      Robin Klein if you are looking for healing through your child there is something deeper going on and anyone that seeks to lean on their kids for their own recovery needs to see an ARNP fast.

  • @mrnobody5381
    @mrnobody5381 Před 5 lety +142

    No the most devastating issue is the family court system itself.

    • @boostedbeast3359
      @boostedbeast3359 Před 5 lety +12

      Being biase is the issue, pretty much who's the best lier wins.

    • @ernestonavajr.6814
      @ernestonavajr.6814 Před 4 lety +3

      You aren't lying

    • @mrnobody5381
      @mrnobody5381 Před 4 lety +10

      @Twoleggedkumulava After my divorce, i ceased having relationships with women. No girlfriends, etc. I do date but once i hit the pussy a few times i am gone. Been doing that for over a decade now. I own my own house in an area that it is hard to even find a house to own. Have just about every toy i ever wanted. Doing well, the only thing i do waste money on is an attorney, as every other year my ex sues me and it costs me 5 to 10 k. My ex is remarried and the husband she married does not mind wasting all his money on her whims. He has no toys, a house full of kids and now a very fat wife. I feel sorry for him, but really wish he would stop funding the fishing adventures.

    • @onyx9857
      @onyx9857 Před 3 lety +3

      So go study law for many years, work in family law for decades then get elected a judge and CHANGE the system yourself.

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +4

      @@onyx9857 what a delusional joke.
      Once your in the system that long you become part of the problem.
      Dishonorable Judge Joseph Pulido called a recess at trial so they could all get their paychecks on a Friday.
      Then after recess he called another recess until Monday morning.
      No. They don't change the system.
      They are bought and paid for. Sold out for a paycheck.
      They know exactly what they are doing and they will all pay for hurting the innocent children.
      Disgraceful these elected officials put in a place of authority to protect the children and are doing the opposite by putting them in harms way all to keep the case open and keep getting paid.
      Karma is all I can say, and she is here.

  • @busacct5830
    @busacct5830 Před 4 lety +24

    Yea went through this myself, to this day I trust no person in the court to do the right thing...

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +2

      You got that right.
      They are all on the take.
      Every last one.
      Sold out for very little.

    • @jonbank7569
      @jonbank7569 Před 3 lety +1

      Same here!

  • @21sospecial
    @21sospecial Před 3 lety +16

    I believe parents do this because they are bitter. They are mad or upset with their ex, there for, use their children like a pawn. The worst part is, you are hurting your kids. A child is not a toy, these actions have long lasting effects. Its just so sad. I always told my kids, no matter my relationship with anyone, you are to make up your own mind and opinion of them. Never base someone's character on another's opinion, form your own.

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

    • @Jeff-qs2ul
      @Jeff-qs2ul Před rokem

      A majority of it comes from laws giving the impression that women should have sole custody, and essentially make a decent living off "child" support alone. Most cases are defaulted this way at the beginning, then change after a failure to prove this action was justified. The loss of power and control over another adult is the catalyst, put in place by our politicians and "justice" system.

    • @Jeff-qs2ul
      @Jeff-qs2ul Před rokem

      @@newlin83 only way to stop it is by execution

    • @Jeff-qs2ul
      @Jeff-qs2ul Před rokem

      @@newlin83 and what's going to do that, asking them nicely? No, serious punishment is required for traitors.

  • @Yuppp2022
    @Yuppp2022 Před 4 lety +13

    My narcissistic mother has custody of my daughter and I’m trying to get her back she’s trying to keep her from having any relationship with me it’s scary she’s don’t want my daughter this is out of spite

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +2

      You said it. Spite is so ugly.
      Lowest vibration and they will ALL pay for what they did.

  • @jermarkham5114
    @jermarkham5114 Před 3 lety +24

    I’m going through something similar to this I’m fighting sooo hard in court things are starting to pay off I believe more judges now are starting to see through the bs of lying mother/fathers and rewarding both for it throughout my court process I’ve never been rude to my ex never a mean text or email I always send extra money I love my daughter and will do whatever it takes or be with her this video hits home 😢 I miss u bubba I’ll see u soon beautiful girl daddy loves u❤️

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +4

      I sincerely pray you see your daughter soon and can be happy no matter what 🙏

    • @jayweaver4394
      @jayweaver4394 Před 3 lety +2

      I'm going through it to buddy. I know exactly how you feel,and it's awful.

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +2

      Judges are not seeing through anything.
      They are in the system getting paid and are part of the problem.
      If anything they are getting their tires slashed and receiving death threats by gangster Dad's and thanks to BLM and this defund the police movement law enforcement does nothing.
      No one is safe and now the tables have turned.
      We outnumber them and they know we are in cancel culture and they are canceled.
      They know what they did, and all for money.
      Their paycheck.
      Sucks to be them.
      Guaranteed they are living in fear knowing the harm they caused innocent children.
      Best they all leave the state and go start a new life somewhere else.
      They are the walking dead and they did it to themselves.
      When will the so called educated idiots learn when you curse others you curse yourselves, and their sins are piled all the way up to heaven and their stench is fowl.

    • @CarlosGonzalez-qd6fh
      @CarlosGonzalez-qd6fh Před 2 lety +1

      I'm On The Same Boat Cause My Daughters Mother Put An Temporary Order Protection Saying I Was Stalking Her And My Girls Like Why Would I Stalk My Daughters When I Had Them All The Time And They Have Their Own Phones I Bought For Them. My Girls Lives 15 Mins Away From Me. They Go To After School Program That's Literally 4 Blocks Away From Me. I Have Court On December 3rd

    • @jermarkham5114
      @jermarkham5114 Před 2 lety +2

      @@CarlosGonzalez-qd6fh I’m honestly rooting for you brother much love from Canada 🇨🇦

  • @veronicawelsh5313
    @veronicawelsh5313 Před 3 lety +25

    i AM A MOTHER WHO HAS LOST MY DAUGHTER THROUGH THE ACTIONS OF THEIR NARCISSISTIC FATHER. This is very common for narcissistic fathers to do this.

    • @TheKobotron
      @TheKobotron Před 3 lety +5

      I’m sorry to hear that.. I’m a father lost relationship whit my 2 boys because the mother play very evil. I’m going to give you good advice leave it to the lord. Pray to him he take care.

    • @offthetrail636
      @offthetrail636 Před 2 lety +12

      Mothers do it more often

    • @mysticstrikeforce5957
      @mysticstrikeforce5957 Před 2 lety

      This is why mostly men are fighting for a change and i have to say men as women causes more divorces then men do.

    • @RunDCM
      @RunDCM Před 2 lety +4

      My wife is evil and narcissistic. It’s not gender specific. It’s horrible to do this to any parent regardless of gender.

    • @herbescobar2974
      @herbescobar2974 Před 2 lety +1

      Welcome to our world!!!!

  • @vinnywalton1050
    @vinnywalton1050 Před rokem +5

    My baby just turned 18 and she hates me and I have tried many different things to reconcile a relationship to no avail

    • @Quiintus7
      @Quiintus7 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Sorry to hear that my friend.. Forgive them for they know not what they do.. If it's any consolation children take on the voice of the alienating parent as way to survive being around that parent.

  • @theprofessor8517
    @theprofessor8517 Před 2 lety +8

    Courts allow it for money. They are EMPLOYED because moms do this. If they threw down the gauntlet they would have half the family law judges and lawyers that exist. It's INSANE.

  • @chrismanning1171
    @chrismanning1171 Před 7 lety +122

    Until you start punishing people they will keep doing it. Lock them up for a year and hit them with a fine and I beat you will see a change in the attitude of the parent. I told two different judges that my son will not talk to me, cusses me out, and tells me that I don't pay child support. And my exwife brainwashed my son.

    • @angelicadelvalle1386
      @angelicadelvalle1386 Před 6 lety

      go fuck yourself.christopher you fucking childish.

    • @patriciapetit766
      @patriciapetit766 Před 6 lety

      just put it in God's hands

    • @sankofax8082
      @sankofax8082 Před 6 lety +15

      Angelica Delvalle lol dumb bitch

    • @14598175
      @14598175 Před 5 lety +7

      Most family court judges are women, of that, roughly 3 out of 4 are on the left.
      Most child counselors are women, 8 in 10 are on the left
      CPS and schools are almost entirely on the left, even makes them engage in leftist political activism
      Psychology has been hijacked by the left, calling masculinity "toxic" (APA)
      --To say the system is broken and anti-father is such a disgusting understatement.

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety

      It falls on deaf ears doesn't it. I'm a mom going through that

  • @jamesyoung187
    @jamesyoung187 Před 11 měsíci +7

    Judges are far too lenient on parents who abuse their children in this way. This leaves life-long scars that will be with the child forever.

    • @sandradee1579
      @sandradee1579 Před 9 měsíci

      Dor is far worse & bears responsibility for neglect of the non custodial parent. They're not pro children. A tremendous amount of latitude is unfairly given to them & kids suffer. You opt for the Judge & receive fair, unbiased treatment. Dor & their lawyers are shamed at the bench.

    • @MrJstorm4
      @MrJstorm4 Před 8 měsíci

      The problem with punishing the mother in this case is that the judge would have had to have a evidentiary hearing to enter evidence of parental alienation into the record!

  • @justiceiniowa
    @justiceiniowa Před rokem +4

    My child was 13 and A straight A student when she was stolen by DHS.. Sad then they lied about several things to retain her. It's almost killed me. Part of me died.. There is no amount of money to replace my loss. Due to a powerful County Attorney who had long term issues with my family for years. Therefore, I suffered dearly. Someone needs to assist without paying 20 Grand to get her back. That's right, money was a issue so I lost her. But they can NEVER TAKE MY MEMORIES.

    • @r.d.thomas5253
      @r.d.thomas5253 Před 11 měsíci +1

      I have been fighting for my right to see my boys for 4 years which are now 17 and understand the eternal soul pain. Pure dark evil these alienating parents are!

    • @jupiter.6268
      @jupiter.6268 Před 4 měsíci


  • @RainyDayz1991
    @RainyDayz1991 Před 5 lety +4

    My son is going through this as we speak. His daughter is 3 years old & her mother is doing everything she can to end my sons relationship with his daughter. My son, was only 17 when his daughter was born; her mother was 19 or 20. Even though he was scared to death, our son was at every doctor visit, he was there when his daughter was born, he stayed in the hospital with mother and baby, and then went home with them and stayed to help take care of the baby until we told him he had to come back home. His father and I would not allow him to move in with the mother because he was only 17, still needed to graduate high school, and he had a job that he had to get back to. But he was there with mother and baby everyday after he got off work ( even though the mother lived an hour away) until around midnight when we would tell him he had to come home. When the baby was approximately 3 months old, he and the mother ended their relationship because the mother continuously argued that he should stand up to us and tell us that he was moving in with her whether we liked it or not, he would take online courses to graduate high school, and he would quit his current job and find one closer to her home. My son refused. He was still considered a minor in our state, & he knew we would not allow that to happen. She became very abusive toward my son, verbally (emotionally) & sometimes physically, every time he went to her home to spend time with his daughter; so much so that instead of spending time with his daughter, he would spend the majority of the time arguing with her mother. This is when he told the mother that he would like to pick his daughter up and spend the day with her at our home, then bring her back in the evening. She absolutely refused; telling him her and her daughter were a "package deal." That night, he came to his father and I and asked us if it were possible to hire an attorney and take her to court for joint custody of the baby. That's what we did, and he was awarded joint custody of his daughter. Now his daughter is 3 years old, and the mother still only sporadically allows him to pick his daughter up and bring her home with him. My son shows up at the appointed time every other weekend to get his daughter and most times the mother still refuses. he has called the police several times to her home, asking for the them to make her hand his daughter over, so now the mother leaves with the baby every time it is his turn to have the child. my son is in the process of taking her back to court hoping that the judge will threatened her with jail time if she doesn't abide by the custody agreement. In the meantime, the mother is telling this 3 year old little angel lies about her daddy & she has also convinced her entire family, her attorney, and a few mutual friends that she is the poor pitiful out of work single mom who only wants what's best for her daughter because her daughter is her life, & my son is a horrible father who has never been there for his child physically or financially so of course she isn't going to allow him to all the sudden be in the baby's life. What's so ridiculous about this is the fact that my son can prove that she is telling the complete opposite of the truth. he has every receipt from every child support payment that he has made since his daughter was born. He has the police officers as Witnesses to the fact that he has shown up to pick up his daughter. He has pictures of himself and the baby in the hospital when she was born. Most of all, he has every conversation through text messages printed out proving he has begged for his daughter and the mother has refused. the thing that I don't understand is that we use the term "deadbeat dad" for fathers who fail to pay child support and put those father is in jail for not handing over the money, but we don't throw the mothers in jail who refuse to hand over the child. we don't even have a term for that. Shouldn't they be called "deadbeat moms?" I am of the opinion that the mother's refusal to allow the child to have a relationship with a father who loves her and works hard to make the child believe the worst about her father, is a form of emotional and psychological child abuse. Don't we remove children from the home of an abusive parent? No jail time for the mothers who refuse to hand over the child and we allow the child to stay with a mother who is abusive and who obviously hates the dad more than she loves her child........ That's just not right.

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

    • @curbnug3487
      @curbnug3487 Před rokem

      That statutory rape if he was 17 she was 19 and you filed that as a parents He's a minor. I'm not sure the statute limitations on that but you definitely definitely look into that. Plus go there with the census study FBI stats jail stats and educational stats. If it is the best interest of the child then they should go to the father much better ratings.

    • @bladegriggs4090
      @bladegriggs4090 Před rokem

      Oh wow!
      How are y'all doing now?

    • @themadnessoflife
      @themadnessoflife Před 9 dny

      It is truly heartbreaking to hear about the struggles your son is facing in trying to maintain a relationship with his daughter. It is a complex situation that highlights the difficulties that can arise when parents are unable to co-parent effectively. The emotional toll on both your son and his daughter is evident from the mother's refusal to adhere to the custody agreement and the negative influence she is exerting over the child's perception of her father.
      The concept of "deadbeat moms" certainly raises valid questions about the disparity in

  • @jackoneill8585
    @jackoneill8585 Před 5 lety +36

    this happend to me with my son i havent heard from him in years i mean years

    • @chrisyo4461
      @chrisyo4461 Před 4 lety +6

      For what its worth:Sorry for your lost

    • @TheAdeptusMechanicus
      @TheAdeptusMechanicus Před 4 lety +1

      Me too

    • @jackoneill8585
      @jackoneill8585 Před 4 lety +2

      @Ano Nymous yea me too.. ill prbably never hear from him again.. the mom does not seem to care

    • @quinnmorgendorffer8435
      @quinnmorgendorffer8435 Před 4 lety

      Scott should call you. What a punk.

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +2

      Please reach out to your son. Please try.
      Likely he was brainwashed.
      God speed to you.

  • @amysmolka7728
    @amysmolka7728 Před 5 lety +8

    My ex husband ruined my relationship with our 4 children. They were always extremely close to me. I never did that wicked ex thing when we separated. I even paid for him to hang out with our kids, just so they could have time with their dad. In return he did nothing but bash me to them, encouraging their dislike and disrespect of me. Their friends would tell me, and initially our kids fought him over the things he'd say about me to them. But he wore them down eventually. They all chose to live with me and he hated that, so he paid zero support or alimony and never even helped with school clothes for over 7 years. But I didn't have him in court over every little thing. Not once in those 7 years did he set foot in court. I let it go. I wanted peace for our kids most of all, more than money. Yes I struggled and sacrificed, but they were more important. He got every holiday because he was difficult and if they decided that they wanted to spend time with me on a holiday he would fight with them the entire week and punish us all. In the end, after everything, I lost them. He discussed our divorce with them. Told them lies about me. Told them I was crazy. I didn't want drugs in our home, so he said it was because I was an uptight bitch. If they did sonething wrong he would tell me to beat them and ground them and tell me that I wasn't hard enough in my punishment for not wanting to punch them out, that I was a sucker and a wimp... and then turn around and tell them that I was being too difficult and how he couldn't believe what a b**** I was for grounding them. Mind games and brainwashing tactics.
    After devoting my life to our four kids and having the beautiful bond that we all had, I can't explain how horrifying it is to not see them. They remember things that didn't even happen. It caused rifts even between them and their best friends who spent a lot of time with us. They're best friends actually still come and visit and talk to me, include me in their lives...but they don't. They don't even speak to my mother or my side of the family. That's heartbreaking too because she has been an amazing grandmother and was extremely close to them. She's very sick now and at the end of her life and they have completely disowned her as well. Just because she's a part of me. I don't understand. It is like losing all your kids. I'm a mother but it's like I'm not a mother anymore. Its ironic. He was the abusive one. He was an abusive, cheating monster and I hid so much from them. All I wanted was just for us to have peace. Our kids hated being around him so we separated, and in the end he punished me in the worst possible way for leaving him. I honestly wish he would have just killed me because going through this and living every day without my children is the worst type of torment I could ever imagine. I wouldn't wish it on any parent. And any parent who could do that to their child is the scum of the earth and should be killed or tortured. Because you don't love your children if you can hurt them that way. A child should be able to love both parents. Children, of any age, shouldn't be dragged into the middle of a divorce. Parents divorce each other but the children don't divorce the parents. I really think the laws should be different and be modified regarding this. It is a most horrendous type of abuse and it has long lasting effects. It affects the children for the rest of their lives and will affect their relationships with their own children. You can't tell me that that shouldn't be illegal. My youngest son just turned 17 and I haven't seen him in 6 months. We have shared custody of him but he said he wanted to live with his father. It was random and sudden but its his life. Well, I have recently found out that he's actually staying with his adult siblings and some of their friends. His dad was lying to me for them, even knowing that they got him on drugs now. My ex-husband hasn't answered me in over 4 months regarding our son. The court ordered that we were two keep each other informed of everything regarding our son. And he's breaking an order, but the courts don't do anything. I have a right to know where my child is and I have a right to be in their lives. Especially our youngest because he's still a minor. I was never abusive or neglectful. I was a very good mom, and a good wife. They were all honor students and very good, respectful kids until he changed them by encouraging them to be disrespectful. I worked hard to raise them well, while he did nothing but cause problems and not even help- not even buy pencils for school. Nothing. Yet the courts allow this stuff to go on. It's disgusting. And I honestly wish that I wasn't the type of mother that I was. The type who told them that he was their father and encouraged them to try to work through things when they would hate him so much and never wanted to speak to him again. The mom who tried to play mediator and smooth things over between them all. The mom who paid for their outings and for all the fun things they got to do with him and then I didn't have anything left over for us to do together. And during those same fun outings he was thrashing me, knowing I gave him money to spend time with his kids. I should have just let it go. But I wanted them to have a relationship with him too. And now looking back I wish I would have just let it go. By trying to be a good mother and trying to do the right thing, I ended up losing my kids due to a parent who didn't care about doing the right thing. My heart goes out to any of you dealing with this. I know how terrible it feels :( I pray they change the laws.

  • @TFitz
    @TFitz Před 3 lety +7

    I am alienated and a good dad

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 3 lety +2

      Yep, same here. And I m in California, worst place! Its been 3 years since ive seen my 5 and 7 year old boys. It sucks!

    • @TFitz
      @TFitz Před 3 lety +2

      @@c.1211 That's horribly sad. Prayers for you. I've been documenting my experience here for when my son is old enough.

    • @TFitz
      @TFitz Před 3 lety

      @saggin 1 absolutely wretched. The court system is reallying f'ing kids up

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 3 lety +4

      @@TFitz im also documenting it. I don't want my kids to think I neglected them. This sucks!😒

    • @TFitz
      @TFitz Před 3 lety +2

      @@c.1211 absolutely gut wrenching

  • @casper6741
    @casper6741 Před 2 lety +6

    The only thing that comes to mind when I see an active family court battle is it must be nice to afford to fight for your kids. My ex wife made it impossible by jumping states and filed abuse claims against me and despite me at that time only working at McDonald’s was made to pay $600 so I’m pretty sure she lied about my profession. This is the type of shit that makes you want your pain and memories on the ceiling of your apartment and it happens more than anyone would ever care to admit. I’ve went 10 years without seeing my kids because even now I can’t afford the lawyers, place to reside while dealing with court, filing and just court costs in general. I learned back a few years ago she replaced me as the father and my kids were young enough to be influenced. Again this shit is the equivalent of someone ripping out your nervous system and putting it through a paper shredder. The hardest thing to admit in these heart wrenching times is I’m powerless to do anything about it.

    • @Nomad
      @Nomad Před 2 lety

      My baby momma was/is training our 2 year old daughter to view her new

    • @tyronebrown5766
      @tyronebrown5766 Před rokem

      Me too , I just walked away....she can have child support

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

  • @motherofangels1710
    @motherofangels1710 Před 3 lety +5

    YESSS! If more judges knew this so so so many lives would be saved

  • @jslloffice4623
    @jslloffice4623 Před rokem +4

    My kid sister and I were victims of severe parental alienation towards our father. Our mother succeeded in turning my sister against my father but she could never persuade me to do the same. My sister stopped talking to my father around the age of 10-11. My sister drank herself to death at the age of 32 4 years ago and on her deathbed she confessed she knew she had been manipulated by our mother . It is only by the power of our LORD and savior Jesus Christ that my mother and I have a relationship. My mother will never take accountability for what she did but since I have been forgiven I must forgive as difficult as it is.

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

    • @curbnug3487
      @curbnug3487 Před rokem

      Well man you are far more forgiving than me. I see betrayers as the worst. one of the three unforgivable sins.(suicide and denying God, which happens only after you have him your heart already)
      Especially your mother and it wasn't just cheating but being so malicious and evil and calculating like that. They Supposed to give you comfort and understanding The one that would never be disappointing is that you always love you.
      How's your father hopefully you have a great relationship with him. And he's a kind understanding person, extremely kind and understanding.
      And I just read that she didn't take accountability because it didn't do everything she could to make it right. Dude your fucking playing with a nuclear bomb right there. She even made your sister carry that lie for so long that knowledge that she hurt the ones that loved her truly.
      You can forgive her in your heart not forget her as a person and stay away from her. She has to admit her sins and take accountability before she could be forgiven. 🙏 🙏. 🙏 🙏.

  • @Dobermanmomma
    @Dobermanmomma Před rokem +3

    Wow! I sure wish this information was available in the 90s. My Dad had his entire life torn apart by my Narc mother who vilified him. Once she got her way and he lost all access to both his children unfairly I became her scapegoat. MY MOM WAS THE ONE WHO DESERVED TO LOSE EVERYTHING NOT HIM. Its sickening how the law and mental health professionals were completely unaware of this type of stuff now its on CZcams. Many peoples' lives have already been ruined by ignorance in the system and many evil parents got their way. IT DOESNT TAKE A PHD TO FIGURE OUT THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE KIDS.

  • @dionst.michael1482
    @dionst.michael1482 Před rokem +2

    My ex has only encouraged a relationship with her Dad and my only little girl. And THAT is why I will always love and respect my ex partner! God bless her. I know how fortunate I can consider myself ❤

  • @stewartsquires8882
    @stewartsquires8882 Před 6 lety +10

    Make it 50-50 contact from day one,unless impractical for breastfeeding.or other mitigating factors.or at least 10-90.increasing over time.

  • @westlawn7000
    @westlawn7000 Před 5 lety +5

    God damn why couldn't I have that judge. This is exactly what I'm going through in Milwaukee Wisconsin she would be in jail already if I had that judge. I am mentally and financially drained I wish I had the money to hire that man as my attorney. Everything that he addressed is what I'm going through but with no lawyer I wasn't able to be heard. I am so mad at myself for not being able to have a lot of money.

  • @ryanalopez3078
    @ryanalopez3078 Před rokem +2

    To any alienated parents.. especially on Father's Day.. prayers UP!

  • @chrispleasantable
    @chrispleasantable Před 2 lety +2

    This Bible verse is for all narcissistic parents
    “If you have bitter envy and selfish ambition, don’t brag and deny the truth. For such wisdom doesn’t come from above, but it’s earthy, unspiritual and demonic. For wherever envy and selfish ambition exist, there is a disorder and every kind of evil practice.”- James 3:14-16

  • @kirkegaming9542
    @kirkegaming9542 Před rokem +3

    I am going through this. 7 weeks i havent seen my son. its killing me inside.

  • @savmac3844
    @savmac3844 Před 5 lety +9

    That's Judge Gorcyca from the Oakland County family court

  • @stayinginformed2843
    @stayinginformed2843 Před rokem +1

    My boys are now grown adults . When my kids were young the arguments were mostly about. If the kids want to stay at grandparents but at least bring them home 2 day a week so we could all bond. Many times was slandered and arrested I knew something was wrong. Thinking to my self I'm deliberately being left out and keeped distant from my kids. Like partner wanted kids all to there self. When they were older teens I'd ask questions they would say dad. I don't know mom will get mad saying it like they would get in trouble.
    Knowing thy were in a position they didn't want to be in broke my heart. Knowing they didn't like what was going on. A house divided will not stand. I was left in the dark and abandoned going on 3 years of basically No contact. I miss my now grow up kids so much and I cry from a place of sorrow. I'm sure they filll the same and as a family unit we all were robbed . Of that opportunity to emotionally experience the special connection of have a family.
    I loved and miss my ex now I know type with borderline personality.
    I forgave my ex a vary long time ago they are always in my heart mind also prayers

  • @Questionablexfun
    @Questionablexfun Před 2 lety +36

    I had quite the opposite experience. There were cries of parental alienation when there was zero, when abuse had been happening, and zero blood ties. Yet judges just force people & kids together that shouldn’t have any business being in the same space. Dangerous. Family law court is corrupt af.

    • @Canadianvoice
      @Canadianvoice Před rokem

      Too many people in this world don't know what Birth Control is. Lack of common sense and average intelligence.

    • @Jamedia66
      @Jamedia66 Před rokem +5

      What’s corrupt is how everything always and entirely favors women, not only in the courts, but all throughout out society. Corruption is the courts refusal to prosecute women and aid in protecting fathers’ from defamation and manipulation by children’s mothers. What you see in this video should be the norm. Yes, there are occasions where the circumstances are of the inverse and I also sympathize with the women who have been actually abused or estranged by the father’s of children, but the issue at hand is the disgusting imbalance in custodial control that is blindly handed to almost all mothers. I’ve see way too many Father’s who have been insanely screwed by mothers and the system, and it is an epidemic in our society.

    • @Mulberry2000
      @Mulberry2000 Před rokem +1

      U say that but we have no evidence of that. The alarm goes off when you say "yet judges force people & kids together". U had a kid with a person and now do not want that person have a relationship with them. Shameful.

    • @Jamedia66
      @Jamedia66 Před rokem

      @@Mulberry2000 the entire narrative about the inequities stemming from “the patriarchy” is nothing more than perpetual gaslighting projection. We literally live in a society far closer to a matriarchy than any even close to “a patriarchy”. There absolutely is evidence. There are zero laws or policies on the books which benefit men over women in any way whatsoever. On the contrary, there are countless that are literally designed to aid in “empowering women” at the behest of weakening men, hence we are now living in an upside down dystopia of identity malignancy and purposeless chaos, and it begins with the concept of the nuclear family having been vilified and nearly abandoned. No offense to you personally, but these are just facts about the world.

    • @Jamedia66
      @Jamedia66 Před rokem

      @@Mulberry2000 Okay, fair enough. Allow me then to reroute here what my intended message is. First of all, I am by NO means whatsoever a misogynist or hater of women. I love and respect women, and I do everything in my power to protect their sanctity and vulnerability because I believe that it is my duty to do so, when necessary. In many ways, I believe women are 1000 times more affective and valuable than men in many areas, yet my pride here is that the deceptive progressive agenda is misleading our society for control using ambiguous ideological frameworks and it’s resulted in a societal demise. We are way too focused in on areas such as general “equality” or “diversity”, where nuance is extremely important to coexist. Examples of these overreached include mush of our parental legal system, the ESG driven corporate professional landscape and so on. These policies have hurt our society in many more ways than they’ve helped. And like all liberal game plans, these things are promulgated unto us for alternative and hidden purposes which exist behind the scenes. So many women and men are lost and aging upward into their lives with little to now hope of ever having a family or a substantial relationship. This methodology dates back to the ancient gnostic mystics and a comely known as the Devine Feminine, which has for thousands of years effectuated as a divide and conquer methodology from the hierarchical elites. It’s meant to destroy the most productive amd cultivation concept in mankind’s history, which is our understanding of natural order across all Abrahamic faith based societies. Our national identity, eh duh was originally rooted in individualism and grass roots communities had been transformed into one of fallacious, antithetical activism and collectivist top to bottom, blinders ridden subjugation and the women’s’ suffrage movement, just like it’s sister faction in the civil rights movement, is simply a Trojan horse meant to tear us down. Thanks for listening.

  • @areyounotentertained9499
    @areyounotentertained9499 Před 3 lety +2

    Someone please share this video with Judge Christine Walzyk in Raleigh, NC. She is not knowledgeable of Parental Alienation.

  • @shirlda4458
    @shirlda4458 Před 4 lety +6

    K. M. Bennett is alienating my son and his family from my grandson as well. If you all only know what my son have to good through with the baby's mother.
    I miss my grandson so munch😭

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety

      God bless you to take action.
      You take courage!
      File a motion for Grandparents rights.
      They will grant you your rights.
      You have ALL the power.
      I sincerely pray you use it, for your Grandchildrens sake.
      God bless you with courage 🙏❤

  • @msmelpersonality7
    @msmelpersonality7 Před 2 lety +1

    Dealing with this right now with my husband and his baby momma who has 6 kids , and no baby daddy’s - he’s literally not been in his sons life for 10 years and I’ve helped him file in court to see him and she refuses to let him be a dad. My husband is really great with my kids ,hate for her and his son to miss out on him also.

  • @JoGoethe
    @JoGoethe Před 4 lety +2

    There is no punishment for making false statements about the father. Most Dads don't have the lawyer and court costs to fight false alegations. Even if the dad has enough cash to prove he is innocent there is no punishment for perjury in family court.

  • @wrenchin0178
    @wrenchin0178 Před 3 lety +13

    I could spend days about what the courts and child services and agencies have done in alienating me the father. They are just as guilty as moms. Fathers need to keep fighting for rights. Never give up

  • @RunDCM
    @RunDCM Před 2 lety +3

    My wife is alienating me against my daughter. I wish this was against the law.

  • @jfraserfisher
    @jfraserfisher Před 4 lety +6

    Yet my ex can have as much contact as he wants to the kids and he will only have them every second Friday night so him and his new girlfriend can have Saturday nights free and 'their day' on Sundays. Kids asked him for a whole weekend and were told no, as he has things to do. Breaks my heart that great fathers miss out due to vindictive women and then some men could have it all and don't want it.

    • @aprilb1920
      @aprilb1920 Před 3 lety

      Would like to hear his side.

    • @cupcakepatrice8418
      @cupcakepatrice8418 Před 2 lety

      But she’s not normal. We have more issues with the first situation where fathers want one day to be with other ppl or they leave them with grandparents

  • @mysticstrikeforce5957
    @mysticstrikeforce5957 Před 2 lety +3

    I say the judge system needs to change and actually save a kids lives and not be used for money and making parents decided to keep them not see their child. I bet if there's more stricter rules in the divorce case not many women will try to use it to gain more access from their ex husband's money.

  • @AffectionateSeaOtter
    @AffectionateSeaOtter Před 7 měsíci +1

    Judges should not be deciding custody. Period. Custody should be decided through mediation. But if that happened who is going to pay the bills for the lawyers and judges in Family Law. 💲💲💲
    Children are individuals NOT community property. Stop DROWNING their voice.

  • @sashahamlet3659
    @sashahamlet3659 Před 3 lety +1

    I pray I get a judge like this. Smh. I'm so scared of losing my children forever to a snake. Pray for me and I'll pray for you.

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +2

      God bless you and I sincerely pray we can all reunite with our children and have time with them before its too late
      In Jesus Almighty Name Amen 🙏

  • @district5198
    @district5198 Před rokem +1

    50/50 Parenting Time Legislation needs to be law. No parent should be forced into financial slavery. Father need same rights choices as mothers.

  • @whit4275
    @whit4275 Před 3 lety +8

    I put up with this from my ex for 10 years. I did everything I could to make the kids happy. Example: I had a boy & a girl & lived in a 2 bedroom apartment, ex complained about boy not having his own room. At 5years old the boy was complaining about sleeping on the couch after he slept on it for over 2 years. Every time they stayed over I gave him 3 choices. 1) sleep with me. 2) I would take the couch & 3) he could take couch. I finally bought a 3 bedroom house for them. The kids were thrilled & ex took me back to court for more child support because if I could afford a house, I could afford more support, that's what she told the judge..... Judge said no to support increase. Things were slowly going down hill after that. Kids started coming over less & less. I ended up going on social security disability because of an injury. I couldn't afford to pay child support amount. I was in a corner & judge didn't help me at all. I was forced to sign away my parental rights. Which worked out well for ex because she had her new husband adopt them. Her new husband was the reason for our divorce in first place.

    • @ariloves10
      @ariloves10 Před 3 lety +3

      I am so sorry 😞😢

    • @jimjohnson8865
      @jimjohnson8865 Před 3 lety +3

      She’ll get what’s coming to her!

    • @GentiluomoStraniero
      @GentiluomoStraniero Před rokem +1

      Wrong, Your ex was the reason for divorce in the first place. She sounds like quite a piece of work and the guy doesn't seem to be aware of the shit sandwich he took on in getting together with her. Women like this are ticking time bombs.

  • @jamesblake5176
    @jamesblake5176 Před 2 lety +1

    man i wish i had this judge. my son has been alienated from me for years and the courts continue to ignore my pleas for help. they awarded the alienators permanant guardianship, my lawyers screwed me, now i have to appeal and i havent seen my son in months because they wont bring him for visits.

  • @Jkstolz
    @Jkstolz Před 6 lety +17

    My husband got screwed when the lawyer and judge failed to verify any income. They went with her fake round number and he has paid on this amount and continues to do so, because he can't afford to live, much less pay for a lawyer to screw up for him again!!
    Thousands lost in court. Hundreds of thousands 130k and counting for someone who lied about his income and continues to take his tax returns as well! 3 years and ongoing! Because he did not have any rights but to pay for his mistake of not wearing a condom when a lady wanted to stick a nice guy with another mortgage payment, when he is the nicest man in the world! He doesn't deserve to lose everything because the Thurston county court hates men! Shame on them for not doing their jobs!
    I had no job and I was forced to pay child support!
    Washington State is a joke!
    So glad I moved 3 years ago!

    • @4lom69
      @4lom69 Před 6 lety +4

      Arizona Skywatch they do it intentionally to drain him financially so he can't afford to fight in court. I hope it gets better for your husband and yourself. Good luck.

    • @chelsm9005
      @chelsm9005 Před 6 lety +4

      Mine is going through this battle and in Canada the judges just don’t bother looking at the evidence that’s laid out . Wish we had the states justice system cause ours needs work .

    • @jdyrey9768
      @jdyrey9768 Před 5 lety +4

      Going threw the same issue!! But xwife is able to pay for trips, partying and plastic surgeries. Judges do not care in Arizona.

    • @amysmolka7728
      @amysmolka7728 Před 5 lety

      Omg, the courts did that same thing with mine. My ex-husband changed his income multiple times. During the same hearings. First he said he had been unemployed for 4 months but wasn't getting unemployment, then he said he was. He changed it when he found out that even unemployed they would calculate child support based on state minimum wage. So he lied and said that he got unemployment suddenly. They never asked for any kind of proof. When in actuality he was working and making over $80,000 a year. For 4 kids he paid nothing and they finally said he had to pay $99 a month for our son. Even with me not working due to my heart going bad. And the SOB wouldn't even pay that. They had to literally garnish his wages for $99 a month. One would think that if you have four children and you never had to pay any kind of support whatsoever for them is that you'd be glad to pay for your last child. I filed for child support because I couldn't afford it with me not working anymore. And he acted like I was trying to get one over on him. We were married for 24 years and I was entitled to alimony for the rest of my life. Because I wasn't allowed to work during our marriage. But he quit his job or so he said before he filed for divorce. And they cashed in his entire 401k and savings which I had also paid into. All in all not including support and alimony he ripped me off of well over $40,000 plus he ruined my credit by applying for things in my name and not paying for them. The court had him pay none of that back to me. I provided the court with everything required and I was fully transparent and honest. It was a waste. It just amazes me that he could just throw a number out there and they never verified it. That he could just lie like that and they disregarded any proof of him lying. They literally caught him in lies and didn't say a word about it. Those things should always be verified.

    • @kevindunne4271
      @kevindunne4271 Před 5 lety

      Arizona Sky
      If you had no job, how did you pay child support?

  • @GamingMusicTechAndLife
    @GamingMusicTechAndLife Před 6 lety +10

    This is all to common in family court...smh

    • @shellzyotube9549
      @shellzyotube9549 Před 5 lety

      Oh, i didn't do this to my ex husband with my son, i agreed staying visits, it's just the grandmother always wanted to pick fights and even told my ex to beat me up one time when my ex was picking my son up. I never stopped it or practised PAS, it's just that he rejected my son which was his son as well, i tried to have a social worker talk with him to keep the relationship between father & son, all i was told by the social worker was that my son was better not having anything to do with his father for the way his father is acting & feeling. The Grandmother was a real problem. As it is my son was rejected soon after his father contacted him when my son was 15 yrs old, again rejected by his dad.

    • @themadnessoflife
      @themadnessoflife Před 10 dny

      Family court can indeed be a complicated and often frustrating system to navigate. It's unfortunate that so many families find themselves caught up in the legal complexities and emotional turmoil of these proceedings. Hopefully, through open communication, respect for all parties involved, and a commitment to finding common ground, we can work towards more positive outcomes for everyone involved. Let's not lose hope and continue to strive for justice and resolution.

  • @checoschmidt82
    @checoschmidt82 Před 3 lety +1

    My kids arent allowed to see my parents, sister, brother, their cousins, anything that is on my family side plus I am getting alienated constantly. I am never backing down, I will fight for my kids always.

  • @ttdolla
    @ttdolla Před 2 lety +3

    I'm a father that's been going thru this FOR YEAR'S.. I live in Michigan and unfortunately this is a woman state as far as when it comes to these things.. I just want to be in my children's lives😪

  • @steveripethefustercluck.
    @steveripethefustercluck. Před 10 měsíci +1

    We are forcing children to have relationships with people that they don't want to because he have their best interest in mind
    and our financial situation as well. BTW SHE SENT THESE KIDS TO JAIL FOR NOT COMPLYING TO SEE THERE DAD

  • @tl3139
    @tl3139 Před 3 lety +2

    It is always thought that the husband HAS to be the bad parent. I've seen both of my sisters pull this crap.

  • @nathaliet.9222
    @nathaliet.9222 Před 2 lety +1

    I am going through this myself. Be aware that this is not a mother father issue. It is one dysfunctional parent who through manipulation make the other parent look evil. The system follows usually that toxic parent.
    Abusive relationships continue after the divorce. Coparentinv is key and healthy for children. Yet one parent will refuse to do so, to cooperate, demeaning parenting style, authority, outside of their time. Many mind games as well. I am a mom and I am consistently facing eroding of everything down to my visiting rights. Be mindful that this impacts everyone.

  • @MrJasonworkman
    @MrJasonworkman Před 11 měsíci

    Yes!!!!!!!! Thank god for an intelligent fair judge.!!!!!😃😃😃😃😃👍👍👍

  • @elijahwojik1327
    @elijahwojik1327 Před 2 lety +11

    Too many men are experiencing this right now. After 3 years of family courts, and the fact my ex-wife refused to let me see my kids, I finally got primary custody. My kids have literally been brainwashed by my ex-wife. My kids hate me based on countless lies told to them and their counselors says the damage my ex did is substantial. Every day is an uphill battle. They’ve run a way multiple times, afraid I’m going to do something that I’ve never done before, it’s insane! They recount situations that never happened. I try to apply logic and positive reinforcement, like how could I have done these things when I wasn’t allowed to see you for 3 years?.. Prosecution for Parental Alienation should be more severe because the damage these horrible people do to their kids is evil.

  • @lkpeay
    @lkpeay Před 5 lety +1

    No credible evidence that FATHER was/is a danger to his children but never the le$$ 4 FUCKIN YEARS of litigation was allowed...

  • @HDPersonal777
    @HDPersonal777 Před 5 měsíci

    Code 232 my dad who was a lawyer filed on my sister and I when I was 3 and she was 2. Code 232 in California was to relinquish all parental rights.

  • @patriots0416
    @patriots0416 Před 4 lety +2

    Do not ever, I mean ever hire an attorney for a child custody case. It is a complete waste of money. You, with a little diligence can do as good of a job as any attorney.

  • @benjaminscott8198
    @benjaminscott8198 Před 2 lety +1

    My ex refused to follow custody orders and I had to fight like Hell to get my son. Took several years and hurt not just me, but my son as well.
    My other ex kidnapped my daughter and left the state in violation of custody orders. It was 9yrs before we found her. She was taken from her mother by CPS and she lied and said I wasn't involved in my daughter's life. CPS never tried contacting me and TxAG Child support wouldn't/couldn't tell me anything about my daughter.
    CPS and TxAG Child support division do not talk to each other

    • @markplimsoll
      @markplimsoll Před rokem

      TX sucks, but the rest of USA has followed that lead since the Bush family moved there!
      Say NO to "child-centric" abuse allegations and judges/lawyers pimping psychology "experts," niether with appropriate training, supervision, professional guidelines, nor ACCOUNTABILITY.
      Keep Parental Alienation about DENIAL of Parental Rights by permitting police to enforce (immediate fines, tickets, & jail. Illinois = JAIL for 3rd denied visitation) all the ORDERS, even the tiny ones, in those Court documents in your glovebox which keep BOTH parents involved!
      Parental Alienation is a form of KIDNAPPING in the laws of some countries.
      Do not let Quacks profit off the results of your DENIED Parenting!
      "Why is psychology not considered a science?
      "Because psychology often does not meet the five basic requirements for a field to be considered scientifically rigorous: clearly defined terminology, quantifiability, highly controlled experimental conditions, reproducibility and, finally, predictability and testability.Aug 13, 2013
      SOURCE: Scientific American"
      In my case, after my then-wife's international abduction of our children, a secret bipolar diagnosis, adultery, blaming me etc. led to divorce, she instructed them to hide Drs.' names and school ID numbers.
      Clearly not "abuse," and currently not enforceable in todays Courts, it laid the foundational idea "dad is subhuman, perhaps dangerous" for TEN YEARS, creating SEVERE Parental Alienation (aided by Covid Lockdown and an incompetent "secret" therapist who never talked to me but called Protective Services instead! THREE investigations with all allegations, infantile and illogical, dismissed after ONE phone interview EACH!).
      You can find a scholarly article from South Africa about this "epidemic" of PA during lockdown!
      This foundation of "secrets, fear, guilt, & shame" for TEN YEARS created this SEVERE AND HATEFUL alienation, UNJUSTIFIED, in rebellious teens, now hatefull and silent even though I won all my Parental Rights (Mediated Settlement Agreement) by identifying the huge amount of Courtroom perjury.
      The teens also reject my entire side of the family, evidence that should represent fairly sure, irrefutable PROOF of illogical and unjustified Parental Alienation DELUSIONS.
      Courts prefer to pimp psychiatry, prolonging the process which depletes your wallet WITH ARBITRARY RESULTS!
      Keep psychologists AWAY from your family!!
      ___ Pseudo-science Quacks profitting from damaged families: ___
      "Dr." Amy Baker (amatuerish pamphlet "books" sold to lawyers, etc)
      "Dr." Richard Warschak, author of "Divorce Poison," (descriptive but useless!) promotes Family Bridges' 3 day (THREE DAYS!) Family Reunification retreats costing more than $15,000 USD, booked OVER A YEAR IN ADVANCE! Super-useless....
      "Dr." Childress convinces with an analysis that instinctual parent-bonding among mammals needs extraordinary influences to become damaged, and even hatefull. Yeah, it is Parental Alienation KIDNAPPING, so address the denial of Parental Rights FIRST!
      Etc. etc.
      Keep psychiatry, and above-all, any "therapists," out of the current antagonistic Family Courts!!
      Parental Alienation is KIDNAPPING.
      Let police enforce all the minutia of ORDERS in your glovebox docs!!!

  • @1979RoadFan
    @1979RoadFan Před 3 lety +1

    My brother went through this with his son about 15 years ago. He sadly lost custody of his son. My nephew turns 18 in 9 days.

  • @genaro718
    @genaro718 Před rokem +4

    I really need to put my experience in a youtube video, to help out fathers going through this. Wish me luck y'all, Trial starts next week. So far, I am winning, but it ain't over it.

    • @AD_80s
      @AD_80s Před rokem +2

      I have trial in February, how did your case go?

    • @genaro718
      @genaro718 Před rokem

      @@AD_80s Got postponed till March. I think ultimately it benefits me. Like I said, I am laps ahead; judge ruled in my favor, child custody evaluator ruled in my favor, I still have a motion to enforce still hanging over her head, kids are doing great in school, maintain a stable household, hold a great job that is family friendly... I don't see any reason why anyone should remove kids from my custody. When it comes to finances,.. it gets complicated, because she wasted (marital waste) just about all our money, and absconded with whatever was left, right before she filed for divorce, clearly violating standing court orders.. but there is still alotta money and assets on the table, and she isn't disclosing how much she has still or how much she is making from her side hussles.. Hopefully, this pisses the jury off (yes, there will be a jury) so that they give me 100%of remaining monies and assets. So I am confident, but still playing it safe.

    • @aschachtner31
      @aschachtner31 Před rokem

      My poor brother who lives paycheck go paycheck is 2 years and $10K in so far. Still not one visitation! No FaceTime, no unsupervised phone calls with his son and now he says he doesn’t want to see him. Broken for him 😢

  • @kye_kaspian
    @kye_kaspian Před 2 lety +1

    Anyone who is praising this judge clearly has not seen this this case. She ordered three children to juvenile jail for not spending time with their father. This judge is the worst kind of person. One of the children tried to explain that he didn't want to spend time with his father because he was violent and he witnessed him hitting his mother. This judge should be in jail. She sent three children to JAIL for not loving their father.

  • @melanie1632
    @melanie1632 Před rokem +1


  • @909lynn1
    @909lynn1 Před 5 lety +2

    10 to 15 years ago we did not realize we were victims of Parental alienation because we had never even heard of it. How I wish I could have put that B**** in jail! The things she said to her kids were horrible! Are they really going to jail for this now???

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

  • @valw9606
    @valw9606 Před 6 lety +5

    Can't wait until her sentencing.

  • @theL0VERS
    @theL0VERS Před 2 lety +1

    Both parents should be involved in their kids life because it's what's best for the children. unless a parent is abusive or a drug addict and I don't mean a casual drug user I mean a full-blown cannot stay sober for one minute addict. And the mother trying to do it and it's horrible The kids paid dearly and sometimes the other parent pays as well because it's mental abuse. Also I've seen in the comments where mothers have lost custody due to an abusive ex and there's men responding "so what women do it more often than men." that should not be the f****** response. The response should be damn that sucks for either parent and we need laws to change in this country for any parent who has been alienated.

  • @gb4354
    @gb4354 Před 7 měsíci

    That judge is actually horrible monster who screamed at and threatened three crying little children with juvie and forcibly cutting contact with one parent out, while forcing them on other parent. Guess which parent would children hate.

  • @blueberrypitbull87
    @blueberrypitbull87 Před 2 lety +3

    Mainly, the only parental alienation that is going on is the mother against the father. Men really don't pull this. It's almost always the woman. And we have feminism to blame.

  • @MrSgtrodlilem
    @MrSgtrodlilem Před 2 lety +1

    If there is an organization that keeps this judges accountable their bias judgments. Sign me up

  • @Dershizer
    @Dershizer Před rokem

    God Bless this Judge!

  • @Basstroutfishing
    @Basstroutfishing Před 9 měsíci

    The “Children’s Village” “placement” sounds very dark by itself but even more disturbing when the judge’s nuanced reference is annotated.

  • @MrMorepete
    @MrMorepete Před 4 lety +1

    Going through this right now. I told her I was taking her to court. She says she's leaving with my son somewhere where I can't find her. WTF?!?!?

    • @tyronebrown5766
      @tyronebrown5766 Před rokem

      I'm 5 years with out my kid , I pay my child support, but jail time coming soon .

  • @diaryofadreamer6970
    @diaryofadreamer6970 Před 2 lety

    We are dealing with this right now in Maine. Just filed contempt. Mother ran off with son almost 2 years ago and has been acting independently.

  • @christopherscotellaro
    @christopherscotellaro Před měsícem

    So awesome to hear this judge speaking to this issue. Bio moms can often be abhorrent in this way. Alienating children on false accusations is illegal n in Vermont can lead to libel suits fines n jail.

  • @targetedindividual7908
    @targetedindividual7908 Před 5 lety +1

    San Antonio is the sickest city to facilitate in this

  • @user-tq1bs1by2c
    @user-tq1bs1by2c Před 5 měsíci

    When this judge threw these children in "the villages" which is basically a juvenile prison she committed a crime against humanity.

  • @HappyandFreeToBeMe-mf1hd
    @HappyandFreeToBeMe-mf1hd Před 3 měsíci

    The court ordered therapists and psychiatrists do it as well. They make up lies too. Greed makes you do awful things.

  • @concious.co-parent16
    @concious.co-parent16 Před 6 měsíci

    It's not difficult to address, if they would just address it.

  • @proud-saved-republican-Female

    My God I've been alienated from my youngest daughter for 15 years now she's now 20 years old and I just pray everyday that she wants a relationship with me someday and that she can break free from her father's side of the family and see that it's okay to love both of us and they'll get over if they love her then they will still accept her I did not push to make my daughter uncomfortable I did not push and make her come with me I did not do any of those things because she was terrified when I would see her she would shake and she would say I'm scared because I think I'm going to get in trouble Mom and I'm not allowed to be upstairs in your bedroom mom I'm not allowed to go here with you Mom Mommy better not be drinking Mom like she would say these things and she was only 5 years old and then my ex-husband's mother would sit at the dinner table like when have Thanksgiving and stuff and I would have my daughter and my little girl is look at my husband's mom and say Granny am I allowed to go give my mom a hug never mind Granny I don't want to do that never mind I'm sorry that I asked to do that I don't want to give my mom a hug like she was terrified and then when she we would go to say goodbye should say Granny and she like scream it and then she starts taking she's like my love to tell my mom that I love her and I love to give my mom a hug goodbye and I can remember the last time that I saw her when she was 6 years old and she did that she was shaking so badly and I said I will see you when you're a big girl and I always love you and I will always be here for you You can call me at any time and I will drop everything for you but I'm not going to continue to make you feel scared I'm not going to put you in positions like this anymore and mommy's going to let you stay and have stability with a granny and daddy and I backed out completely in every couple years I would call and I would ask if I could talk to her and she would be like really excited at first and then my mother likes mother-in-law would come in and she would say do you want me to go take you to your mother's house is that what you want You better hope she doesn't leave you there and go go to the bar I would never do something like that and they would scare the daylights out of her like why would you guys even say that why would you even say he want to go to your mom's after I'm not seeing her for years Don't scare her don't scare her It's like it was a threat It's just it's terrible it's absolutely terrible You know what as a mother I have another daughter too but her and I never been alienated because she wouldn't stand for it I had her when I was 15 and we were like thickest thieves even though I ended up putting her with my aunt uncle to live to raise while I went to rehab and went finished my college and then when I came back and moved closer to my oldest daughter I didn't disrupt her from where she was because she had stability she had a healthy mother and father figure and I had a good relationship with her I was able to see her all the time but the youngest one I still cannot understand for the life of me why somebody would have wanted to do that to her because that's hurt her so badly he has to have her have trust issues she probably does not have any type of security like they feel safe and as a little girl myself when I was growing up I cannot imagine not having a mom and a dad that told me all the time how much they loved me Oh special I was and I know that my youngest daughter did not get that and it just breaks my heart I did go to her high school graduation last year I showed up but I sat in the very very top of the bleachers and just blended in because I didn't want to upset her and I've went to some of her recitals but I've went in and it's that quietly and not let her know that I was there and then I've written to her while I wrote to her for the first 18 years of her life and the journals and my daughter that's the oldest one took her all those journals when she did turn 18 last year so she could see that I never stopped loving her that I only wanted the best for her and I just cannot imagine wanting one parent to be absent from The child already ever make the child feel like they are not loved by another parent that breaks my heart... I just don't understand how people can do this if you love your child but the thing is I don't think that they do they only love themselves and they're so selfish and they're so vindictive in there so hateful and then we teach our children to be this way This is what our children see and they think that it's okay and then they grow up to be that way and then they grow up to be angry they go to be hateful they grow up to be to have trust issues They never feel good enough It's just really really sad divorce is a s***** thing to begin with and then have children that are drug in the middle of it have to go through losing a parent as well it's just devastating I can't say it breaks my heart enough..

    • @extrasmalldoll654
      @extrasmalldoll654 Před rokem +1

      She probably won't contact you as long as you're a Republican

    • @robinberry4957
      @robinberry4957 Před rokem

      I'm a Mother who has been spit on, hit, and in the 1 percent. Restraining order with affidavit full of lies about me, and FATHER GATHERED A MILITIA AGAINST ME!!He died. My 17 year old son FINALLY GOT TO KNOW WHO I AM. Men have been going through. Evil, selfish and bitter snakes deceived by the GOV CAUSED THE inevitable breakdown of the family unit and children that will turn to crime, unless something is done immediately. Satan has three agendas! Well, maybe more. My steel destroy that’s exactly what he did to the family. Taking the men out of society, and making them into women into to the point where men want to be women… It’s just clearly abnormal! we are living in the tribulation people invite all of you man that think you’re all alone and no females are good. I can guarantee you if I could show you all this paperwork that I’ve had for years, I have a living proof that there are a small percentage of women that go through this. I am one of them and until the other parent died about a year and a half ago, I’m finally able to develop a relationship with my 17 year old Son.

    • @robinberry4957
      @robinberry4957 Před rokem

      @@extrasmalldoll654 sad but true

  • @nikcumberbatch7653
    @nikcumberbatch7653 Před 2 lety +1

    Disgraceful to do that to your own child, my daughter has been a victim of this from her mother, despite the fact her mother was barely in her life for 10 years, having dumped her off on her parents and only seeing her here and there. Unfortunately her mum being a psychopath was able to manipulate my daughter very easily, which was shocking to me having been so close to my daughter. I believe my daughter will see the truth eventually, however she can't get her childhood back

    • @Qwertyytrwq92
      @Qwertyytrwq92 Před rokem

      Judges recive money every time they break up families- Look it up- czcams.com/users/shortspe2Xwv16SpE

  • @SafeGuardYourSoul
    @SafeGuardYourSoul Před 3 lety +1

    If you are a victim of PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome), find a paralegal online to do the paperwork and file in court. It's not hard. Just find a paralegal and give them this video and pay them to create the paperwork. No atty needed. Then, type out this man's (in this video) script. It's an affidavit. Read it in court.

  • @thruthemotions
    @thruthemotions Před 4 lety +1

    Its wrong that women do this to their baby's fathers but the real problem is the way the court is handling it

  • @cynthiaerickson3646
    @cynthiaerickson3646 Před 3 lety

    My kid's ex didn't try alienation but when they split he tried to get full custody because he wanted child support,alot per month cuz she had a great job.she wanted to do joint custody.he got really nasty,false accusations,etc.he stopped when her father,who had deep pockets, hired her a lawyer and told him that he would spend a million dollars in lawyer fees if this ex didn't get real.now,yrs later,with joint custody they get along great and co parent wonderful together..

  • @coliemort2315
    @coliemort2315 Před 5 lety +13

    Sounds to me like the parents need counseling not the children.

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 4 lety +4

      Mostly the mother.

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety

      After all done everyone needs it and should be mandatory

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety

      @@c.1211 mostly the father.

    • @c.1211
      @c.1211 Před 4 lety +5

      @@robinklein5776 mostly the feminist mother.

    • @robinklein5776
      @robinklein5776 Před 4 lety

      @@c.1211 or abused be father

  • @Amanda-cd6dm
    @Amanda-cd6dm Před rokem

    What I'm wondering is how come there's aid for dependent children in other cases but in my case my children are being removed because they are so-called dependent no Aid has been offered to me or my children