Filmmaker discovers 'no go zones' in Sweden

  • čas přidán 29. 09. 2016
  • Filmmaker Ami Horowitz on the pitfalls of the European migrant crisis.

Komentáře • 959

  • @alexanderekman9261
    @alexanderekman9261 Před 7 lety +158

    There's actually 55 no go zones here in Sweden currently

    • @mikeclarke8077
      @mikeclarke8077 Před 7 lety

      likely as many here in the USA as well.

    • @Naetheras
      @Naetheras Před 7 lety +5

      They didnt pop up over night... Thats an problem festering for decades.. Ours showed up basicly a year after the socialist party took power.
      They went from 2 No-go to over 50 in less than a year.

    • @mikeclarke8077
      @mikeclarke8077 Před 7 lety

      +Naetheras I know. Its a shame. it's going to get worse before it gets better. one day we'll have to stand together and did the world of this scum!

    • @Naetheras
      @Naetheras Před 7 lety +2

      I'm packing my shit, aint gonna live and pay over 50% of my earnings to a corrupt government that has done nothing for me throughout my entire life.
      Im leaving as soon as i can and ill be long gone before the REAL shit hits the fan..
      I will never stand for or with Sweden again for what it has done to me and my family.

    • @mikeclarke8077
      @mikeclarke8077 Před 7 lety +3

      +Naetheras I am sorry to hear it. Your country is worth fighting for but not to die for it. I hope next election these fools will be gone from the government and you can stand up and get these fuckers out. I know every cop and every soldier wants to!

  • @Pannkakaize
    @Pannkakaize Před 7 lety +262

    Iam form Sweden, i got knife robbed in Gothenburg Sweden, got 3 knife scars over my body, Thanks alot Goverment:)

    • @aleksandertamoyev8614
      @aleksandertamoyev8614 Před 7 lety +1

      Pannkakaize blev du knivhuggen

    • @Pannkakaize
      @Pannkakaize Před 7 lety +13

      Aleksander Tamoyev Ja svarttaxi i Göteborg, kom överens om 500 kr vilket var redan rätt mycket, han kör åt helt fel håll, jag undrar vad fan han håller på med.
      Han stannar och går ut, öppnar dörren til mig o trycker fram en kniv, jag får panik och försöker fly o han skär mig på armen, en bit på axlen och ett skärhugg vid bröstet.
      lyckas dock fly ifrån och få hjälp

    • @Greksallad
      @Greksallad Před 7 lety

      Rätt åt dig, hornazist. Han borde släpat dig efter taxin.

    • @Pannkakaize
      @Pannkakaize Před 7 lety +13

      Happytown Hur är det rätt åt mig? är du rasist mot svenskar eller?
      Vad är en hornazist.?

    • @Pannkakaize
      @Pannkakaize Před 7 lety +14

      Happytown Om du inte kan hantera verkligheten så är det väl mest synd om dig, vi har enorma problem i Sverige, tack vare vår regering som haft en åt helvete för dålig invandring och integration.
      Dina person attacker påvisar ju bara okunnighet så vet inte hur du tänker.
      Mitt fel att jag tog svarttaxi? var den ända som var där för tillfället och jag tar 90 procent av fallen vanlig taxi men eftersom de är så jävla dyra och lurar folk så tog jag en svarttaxi, ja jag hade oturen att få en kriminell fitta som förare men kom inte och säg att de kriminella är till 80 procent invandrare.
      Nej jag tänker inte be om ursäkt för det är sant, Sverige hade varit mycket bättre utan massinvandringen som hände senaste 8 åren, en normal invandring som vi hade innan hade varit ljusår bättre,
      Varför ska vi ta hit lycko sökare som dessutom ljuger om att de är ensamkommande barn ?
      Var är barnen och kvinnorna ?
      Hur ska de få pension ?
      Vilka ska betala välfärden för dessa blodsugare?
      10 procent av de som kommer till Sverige är ifrån Syrien, Vakna!

  • @TheJawaah
    @TheJawaah Před 7 lety +465

    As a swede, I couldn't agree more with what Mr Horowitz is saying

    • @ColinZeal01
      @ColinZeal01 Před 7 lety +45

      That's racist.
      Just kidding. Horowitz says just like it is. We Swedes can't because we would be labeled as racist by the establishment, the better people.

    • @frustratedcanadian928
      @frustratedcanadian928 Před 7 lety +6

      Go on your Facebook your Twitter
      Have your friends pass it on
      Work together rush these places with masses of swed people force them out only way you get your country back your government will help its people or have him thrown out of office

    • @frustratedcanadian928
      @frustratedcanadian928 Před 7 lety +3

      Fuck what they think it's racist for them not to respect Sweden's

    • @Steven84629
      @Steven84629 Před 7 lety +2

      TheJawaah What's it like being 1/20 people in your country with that opinion?

    • @TheJawaah
      @TheJawaah Před 7 lety +2

      It's very sad that people are so brainwashed, but can you do

  • @mattrowlands5751
    @mattrowlands5751 Před 7 lety +92

    I guess people would rather be told happy lies, rather than know the depressing truth.

    • @eivindludviksen6478
      @eivindludviksen6478 Před 7 lety +9

      It's not lies, man. I suggest you do your own research Gandalf and don't listen to mainstream Swedish media, they're feeding you lies. I live in Norway and we can see it all clearly, your government and media has fucked you hard.

    • @maxcederholm5718
      @maxcederholm5718 Před 7 lety

      There are people spreading lies in all countries.

    • @mattrowlands5751
      @mattrowlands5751 Před 7 lety +2

      ***** Well, it isn't a lie because i have seen it.

    • @gentleslapper6689
      @gentleslapper6689 Před 7 lety

      hoyah hayoh what about depressing lies?

    • @pontusm
      @pontusm Před 7 lety

      OOooooo shit wher do i go to get Money to be normal human. i will never lisen to SD lies and right wing war lovers. i trust mainstream Swedish media more when lies from rasist fascist news outlet crap lies

  • @plesnererik
    @plesnererik Před 7 lety +52

    There are 56 no-go zones, not 30-40. There are 186 "problematic areas" which is the stage before no-go zone. In few years the Swedish can count the safe zones, not the no-go-zones.

    • @realperson6713
      @realperson6713 Před rokem

      Hello mr Erik. Glad to send you this message. I'm someone with it's own resources, searching the web on information about the countries I'm considering living the next few years of my life, doing my remote job as im doing already. Im from a Christian country, and grew up as a Christian, despite being an atheist nowadays. Id like to know if possible if you're swedish, if you live in Sweden, and what's your opinion pb the issues treated in this video 5 years later. Thank you

    • @elektrotomasz
      @elektrotomasz Před 10 měsíci +1

      ​@@realperson6713Today in Sweeden living is worse than in past. There are more no-go zones and problematic areas.
      I don't live in Sweeden, but I've been 3 times in last year.

  • @Nero0
    @Nero0 Před 7 lety +202

    I live in the-country-formerly-known-as-Sweden, and this is true.
    #SWEXIT #FreeTheNipple

    • @mediascala
      @mediascala Před 7 lety +21

      People's Republic of North Somalia

    • @adorablydeplorable7580
      @adorablydeplorable7580 Před 7 lety +2

      I hear Malmo is nice this time of year.
      Sorry, I do feel for you. Wish you all the best.

    • @schitzangrins3204
      @schitzangrins3204 Před 7 lety +2

      Drunken Rooster It wouldn't be the end if they rounded their sorry asses up and BOOTED THEM THE F*CK OUT!! And slay those that fight.

    • @madromeo7693
      @madromeo7693 Před 7 lety +1

      do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @GeorgeWeedBush
      @GeorgeWeedBush Před 7 lety

      It's all turned upside down. What fucking disease it this in people's brains!?!

  • @efcpl
    @efcpl Před 7 lety +46

    Well start to act Sweden before its to late. Absolutely incredible that you can destroy a full functioning happy nation in just 20 years time without there were any economic or military crises.

    • @nordict9026
      @nordict9026 Před 7 lety

      efcpl yeah i want to move out of sweden

    • @utube2679
      @utube2679 Před 7 lety +4

      no stay and fight for your country coward

    • @utube2679
      @utube2679 Před 7 lety +1

      yeah aint islamisation wonderful ,better get rid of your government quick by force if need be because they sound like the problem to me

    • @MrKillah101
      @MrKillah101 Před 7 lety +2

      more like 3 years lol

    • @p12anjacobmlgnoscoper86
      @p12anjacobmlgnoscoper86 Před 7 lety

      America is allready destroyed.

  • @TibiaOTarena
    @TibiaOTarena Před 7 lety +236

    This is propaganda according to our propaganda... xD

    • @GriggzorGaming
      @GriggzorGaming Před 7 lety +5


    • @PKPolisen
      @PKPolisen Před 7 lety +10

      haha, true

    • @erikeriksson3299
      @erikeriksson3299 Před 7 lety +5

      Another exampel of how the far right trolls are spreading propaganda! There are 63 report of rapes in Sweden per 100 000 inhabitants. That is twice as high as in USA and three times of european averege. The thing is that comparing statistict on report of rapes between countries is like comparing apples with pears. Countries differ in how to report rapes, differenes in dark figure anf the definition of rape.First, in Sweden rapes are reported different from other contries. If one and the same women has been raped an number of occasion one rape is counted for every occasion. For exampel if a women goes to the police and says her husband have had sex with her every day for two years without her consent the police reports 730 rapes. Other countries do not report rapes like this. In USA that would only counts as one rape. If you compare statistics between countries there are some striking differenses. In Sweden the number of reported rapes where the victim know the reported perpetrator comstitutes for 45 % of the reported rapes. In USA, for example, there are only a few % of reprted rapes where the vicitim knew the perpertrator. The amount of report of rapes where the perpetrator has unknown two the victim is about the same in Sweden and USA. The far right trolls can of course not in any way explain how imigration can cause the amount of rapes commited by perpetrators unknow to the victim to increase but not effect the amount of rapes where the victim did not know the perpetrator. If immigartion has the cause of the higher Swedish statitics of reported rapes it would rather be the amount av rapes commited by perpetrator unknow to the victim that would increase. It is of course the differens in how rapes are reported, explained above, that explains the differens. Second, there are something called dark figure. The sad story is that more rapes are committed than are reported to the police. In many cases the victim does not report the rape to the police. The differens between the commited rapes and reported rapes is called dark figure. Comparing statitics between countries is very complicated because different countries has a diffent amount of dark figure. In countries with very strong feminist movement and women has a strong postion in society the dark figure is lower than in other countries, that is a higher % av raped women report the rape to the police. In Sweden the feminst movement is very strong. There has also been a alot of reforms within the legal system to encourage women to report the rape to the police. The effect is that more women report the rape to the police. That does not mean that more rapes are commited, there are just a higher % av raped women that report the rapes to the police.Third, the definition av rape is different in in diffent countries. In Sweden the definition av rape is broader that in most other countries. There are therefore more acts that is classified as rape. Because of this there are also more raport of rapes. That does not mean more rapes are commited it just mean that more acts are classified as rape.All together the differens in g how rapes are reported, the dark figure and the definition of rapes explains why where are twice as many rapes reported in Sweden compared the USA and Three times as many rapes reported in Sweden compared to european averege. The amount of rapes commited in Sweden in not high compared to other countries.

    • @erikeriksson3299
      @erikeriksson3299 Před 7 lety +2

      colin minhinnick Rape is not reported the same in all countries and there is differens in dark figure. Did you not read what I wrote? Stop spreading propaganda!

    • @1cmman
      @1cmman Před 7 lety +1

      My sister helps. She got a boy a year ago and is pregnant again now. And we are ethnic scandinavians. :)

  • @lynnchastain8224
    @lynnchastain8224 Před 5 lety +13

    This is 2 years old I can't imagine what it's like May 2019 .

  • @cohiba478
    @cohiba478 Před 7 lety +45

    This is outrageous, wake up people of Europe

    • @lol1232165
      @lol1232165 Před 7 lety +2

      Cohiba not "people of Europe" it's only Sweden that has this problem right now, and that's because of their immigration policy, it's completely broken.

    • @hannahr77
      @hannahr77 Před 7 lety +8

      wrong it's all over the EU

    • @yogendertanwar9735
      @yogendertanwar9735 Před 5 lety +4

      You will be destroyed soon by pigs

    • @cia5649
      @cia5649 Před 3 lety

      Есп not really no

    • @yeetingat100subs9
      @yeetingat100subs9 Před rokem

      @@hannahr77 not to this extent. Sweden has it much worse than other places.

  • @nutri-gains6535
    @nutri-gains6535 Před 2 lety +7

    I'm from Belgium and we have the same problems over here. I guess the only country in Europe without these problems is Poland because they are smart

  • @ripvanwinkle1854
    @ripvanwinkle1854 Před 6 lety +16

    "well my nose is bigger than...."
    "Don't get into that!"

  • @rattan3922
    @rattan3922 Před 7 lety +33

    Nah man f&@k this, I will turn in to a Viking and defend my country

  • @BelloBudo007
    @BelloBudo007 Před 7 lety +18

    My question is 'how can a news person in the USA not know this is going on in Sweden'? I live a very long way from Sweden, in Oceania, and I certainly know about it. I honestly have no idea why the Swedes are allowing this to happen to themselves, their family, their neighbours, their country and their culture, none at all. I do however have a reasonably good idea what all this is going to lead to, and it is violence. When your government fails you, what choice do you have.

    • @misterla9683
      @misterla9683 Před 5 lety +1

      The mainstream media does not report on something unless they gather enough evidence. They dismissed it initially because they thought it was convenient and might be fabricated.

  • @henriknordlund4680
    @henriknordlund4680 Před 7 lety +4

    Wow, so much truth in a news story. Would be wonderful to have that here in Sweden.

  • @drummist1000
    @drummist1000 Před 2 měsíci +2

    7 years ago? Hate to think how bad it is now.

  • @briankilcoyne2955
    @briankilcoyne2955 Před 7 lety +4

    visited gothenburgthis year for the first time in ten years .cant believe the change on a once fantastic city/country

  • @Christoere
    @Christoere Před 7 lety +51

    It's so heartbreaking to see what's happening in Sweden. It kills me to see whats happening there. I'm glad they have better border controls now.
    Best regards from England

    • @matthew-us9ti
      @matthew-us9ti Před 7 lety +4

      yea its disgusting whats happening all over the west with this mass non white immigration.

    • @Christoere
      @Christoere Před 7 lety +4

      colin minhinnick But understand that London is the HEART of the UK. Remove the heart of anything and what happens? Its true we still have white-dominated areas in the UK, but its OUR country.. that makes sense. This country does not want or need a heart transplant, but we are getting it.

    • @Christoere
      @Christoere Před 7 lety

      ***** Getting a bit racist there buddy..

    • @Christoere
      @Christoere Před 7 lety +2

      ***** No, but rounding people up that have been living here years and kicking them out despite doing nothing wrong, is. I'm sorry but that isn't the answer.

  • @himikotoga1733
    @himikotoga1733 Před 7 lety +2

    Jesus Christ I was trying to focus on the story, but that bald spot had me hypnotized.

  • @darkswim8686
    @darkswim8686 Před 7 lety +6

    we have "no go zones" in Michigan!!!!!

    • @dog1320
      @dog1320 Před 7 lety +2

      yeah but sweden has them all over the country

    • @SuperLefty2000
      @SuperLefty2000 Před 7 lety +2

      So does the US. No go zones in Chicago. No go zones in Detroit....

    • @dog1320
      @dog1320 Před 7 lety +3

      Alex walker Yeah, but this is Sweden we are talking about, almost every city has 1 no go zone here, a country that 10 years ago had almost 0 rapes, 0 murders, 0 gangs, and now we are 1# in rape statistics, there's people getting killed every week, gangs are getting bigger and bigger, and there's big difference in size between Sweden and Us, it's more than 3x the size

    • @darkswim8686
      @darkswim8686 Před 7 lety +1

      Dog I wish you guys could be armed like we are.

    • @godless789
      @godless789 Před 7 lety +2

      Dog 3x ?? where did you get that number?
      sweden is 20x smaller and 100x less populated than the USA.
      and we are talking about a country which had practically 0% crime rate just 10 years ago!
      now it's a capital of rape!
      that's what Soros who stands behind Hillary Clinton did to Europe. All european countries are suffering. people are one step away from overthrowing their own governments for treason and media pretend that everything is perfect!

  • @neoneoneofu
    @neoneoneofu Před 7 lety +3

    "No go zones,? "WTF? If the police is too wimpy to go there, SEND THE ARMY to clear these areas and restore the RULE OF LAW ! ! !

  • @pesthlm
    @pesthlm Před 7 lety +4

    I remember when I went through the city of Stockholm at nights
    and Sweden as whole was a most wonderful country - now I never go
    through the city at nights. Never!

  • @joshuaturner1072
    @joshuaturner1072 Před 7 lety +3

    Ami, Thanks again for the boldness. REAL JOURNALISM!

  • @Donari
    @Donari Před 7 lety +20

    and the scary part is that this isnt happening in just sweden
    whole europe except poland and something

    • @emil3458
      @emil3458 Před rokem

      This is not happening in every part of europe. Just in like 4 countries.

    • @Chaimmankoff
      @Chaimmankoff Před rokem +2

      @@emil3458 Sweden, France, Germany, UK, Belgium and others.

  • @Aeroblade09
    @Aeroblade09 Před 7 lety +5

    I am from Germany, and i visited Sweden 3 times now, I almost have to cry when I see what happens in sweden everyday :( And we are about to have the same shit here in Germany... this is so sad meeeen...

  • @hoffyc.h393
    @hoffyc.h393 Před 7 lety +9

    Welcome to Sweden, vote for SD 2018 for a better change.

  • @aabbccddeeffgg1234
    @aabbccddeeffgg1234 Před 7 lety +5

    i live in norway on the border to sweden, time to build that wall

  • @22811944
    @22811944 Před 7 lety +4

    Just back from travelling round europe ive never felt as unsafe anywhere as i have in sweden and germany big problems there open your eyes people its only getting worse

    • @maxcederholm5718
      @maxcederholm5718 Před 7 lety +1

      Total13 Why did you feel unsafe? Did something happend?

    • @anamee5290
      @anamee5290 Před 2 lety

      Why? You felt unsafe but we're you unsafe? Did something happen?

  • @freddanlindmark4895
    @freddanlindmark4895 Před 7 lety +14

    Funny.. the pictures with burning cars is from England and not sweden.

    • @robinbrimalm9558
      @robinbrimalm9558 Před 7 lety +4

      There is NO so called "no go zones" in Sweden where the police don't go. Not now and there has never been!

    • @robinbrimalm9558
      @robinbrimalm9558 Před 7 lety +2

      lonely end Yes I am. There are problem places but the police goes everywhere.

    • @Dovenpeis
      @Dovenpeis Před 7 lety +5

      ***** You are the one who are lying. The Swedish police themselves have identified close to a hundred and rapidly growing number of areas where they, the police, normally do not enter unless they have a massive number of officers in a large and coordinated operation. If a single patrol is pursuing suspects, they will routinely abort the pursuit if the suspects enter these de facto islamo-occupied territories.
      Adding to that, Swedish police authorities themselves have declared that retaking control of these islamo-occupied territories is now a priority for the Swedish police. And by that admitting the Swedish state has actually lost control over these territories to the Muslims.

  • @mdumpo
    @mdumpo Před 7 lety +11

    lol the riot picture are not even in Sweden

    • @acidrain3370
      @acidrain3370 Před 7 lety +2

      and then you woke up idiot?

    • @Chobonjwa
      @Chobonjwa Před 7 lety +7

      Only one of these clips take place in Sweden. The first one, with the refugee camp is in Greece. The riot scenes definitely aren't from Sweden, as our traffic signs don't look like that and we don't have Cyrillic letters on our signs. The one with three people having a verbal argument is taking place in Sweden though. FOX doing great investigative work as usual!

  • @desmondorr3837
    @desmondorr3837 Před 7 lety +2

    the problem with subscribing to a higher ideal,is that your good intentions get sucker punched by those who prefer the lowest common denominator,theres no point wasting hope and reason on the hopelessly unreasonable

  • @drevestedt
    @drevestedt Před 7 lety +1

    Very interesting to see this kind of report from an agency outside of Sweden.

  • @paleemperor5379
    @paleemperor5379 Před 7 lety +5

    I know we Finnish people usually give swedes a hard time (hi-diddly-ho neighborinos) but shit has gone too sad in Sweden and might go worse here too in the future, not funny anymore. Strength to you neighbours!

  • @reignofreality4270
    @reignofreality4270 Před 7 lety +3

    As others in this comment section I ,as a Swede, can confirm most of what he say is true (Sweden is getting butt-fu**ed for some reason).
    BUT - can someone confirm the footage at 1:50 to be from Sweden? It's in poor resolution and shaky but I don't recognize the street-signs or most of the vehicles. I know there are and have been tons of vehicle set on fire but even so, where would the film be from?

  • @bigredcap2004
    @bigredcap2004 Před 7 lety +7

    News man hasn't heard about the no go zones in Sweden?

    • @Slade951
      @Slade951 Před 7 lety +9

      Well some politicians and medias say that no go zone is a myth so they went in person to see if that's true.

    • @zennynequin1405
      @zennynequin1405 Před 7 lety

      He is not a news man PAID ACTOR

  • @markzem8341
    @markzem8341 Před 6 lety +2

    Swedish people! Change this Lenin Pinocio for somebody you can trust !!!

  • @lilbigbrow
    @lilbigbrow Před 7 lety +9

    That clip in 1:50 is not Sweden. What are these Americans on about?

    • @Spiff144
      @Spiff144 Před 7 lety +4

      definitely not Sweden, probably stockphoto, but what he said may be true.

    • @lilbigbrow
      @lilbigbrow Před 7 lety +2

      Elias Bullcrap

    • @Spiff144
      @Spiff144 Před 7 lety +1

      lilbigbrow I live in Sweden

    • @Spiff144
      @Spiff144 Před 7 lety +2

      ***** NO!

  • @vidderino
    @vidderino Před 7 lety +3

    My family and I are thinking strongly to emigrate to the United States. developments in Sweden is mad. The situation has been taken over by Muslims and communists ...

  • @martinskugga9406
    @martinskugga9406 Před 7 lety

    And also. I live in stockholm and have Never heard about this at home.

  • @liquidforceaxis
    @liquidforceaxis Před 7 lety +14

    Haha I live in Sweden, and this is just so wrong. Is this a fake show?

    • @TheJawaah
      @TheJawaah Před 7 lety +22

      Vilket Sverige bor du i då? I landet där detta händer, dvs det riktiga eller sosse-sverige där inget av detta förekommer och mångkultur är det bästa som finns?

    • @dieterdienst7374
      @dieterdienst7374 Před 7 lety


    • @angelPusen2
      @angelPusen2 Před 7 lety +1

      Jeg er fra Norge, og til og med meg vet at det er flere "No go zones" i Sverige. Norsk reporter som ble truet med å bli skutt og drept og ja..

    • @liquidforceaxis
      @liquidforceaxis Před 7 lety +4

      Det finns inga no go-zones i Sverige. Och det är fakta.

    • @liquidforceaxis
      @liquidforceaxis Před 7 lety +2

      Jag bor i ett Sverige där problem förekommer, men där no go-zones är ett rent påhitt. Lär er källkritik.

  • @thetruthhurts5902
    @thetruthhurts5902 Před 7 lety +4

    this is true I live here all I can say is "Hell" the multicultural nightmare

  • @gunner2213
    @gunner2213 Před 7 lety +6

    What kind of idiot government treats it's citizens to such danger willingly? Why bring in a group of people totally different from them and then let them commit crimes while having a safe place to run to. This is just stupid. That government needs to be outed and sensible people installed.

    • @KaleidoscopeMagic
      @KaleidoscopeMagic Před 7 lety +2

      Brought you by Mr. Soros - he is the one funding/enabling the "immigration" of the middle east into Europe.

  • @iinRez
    @iinRez Před 7 lety +2

    About time the other side started catching up on current events.

  • @charlessmith263
    @charlessmith263 Před 5 lety +1

    Sometimes, trespassers, interlopers, and intruders are subject to stoning (if not badly gang-beaten) if they enter those zones and will continued to be stoned until they go far away from their property lines.

    • @charlessmith263
      @charlessmith263 Před 5 lety +1

      Stoning usually happens if those no-go zones are Islamic or Muslim.

  • @mrxexes
    @mrxexes Před 4 lety +5

    Asap Rocky got attacked in a no go zone...

  • @tblaze2secondchannel985
    @tblaze2secondchannel985 Před 7 lety +3

    This is the time where vikings need to come back from death

    • @henrilindroos3029
      @henrilindroos3029 Před 4 lety +3

      Swedish vikings were soft farmers. Norwegians were the real deal

  • @humatariq4698
    @humatariq4698 Před 5 lety +1

    why does not media cover it

  • @MrVicke03
    @MrVicke03 Před 7 lety +3

    What dafaq are they talking about? // A swede

    • @stanlewin1367
      @stanlewin1367 Před 7 lety +7

      Been living under a rock lately? This IS exactly how it is in Sweden. // A REAL swede.

    • @z3roo0
      @z3roo0 Před 7 lety +1

      Sluta vara en typisk svensk som blundar för alla problem.

  • @justicewarrior9187
    @justicewarrior9187 Před 4 lety +6

    2020 now..
    The hole country has become the middle east by now

  • @Vixinaful
    @Vixinaful Před 7 lety +2

    This is absolutely true! I'm ashamed of this country now!

    • @PeopleHealthTru
      @PeopleHealthTru Před rokem

      Sweden feminized its own men and invited Muslims because women are most attracted to masculine men.

  • @AbbeRustMojo
    @AbbeRustMojo Před 5 lety +2

    its true, we got about 100 of them, I live close to a no go zone called tynnered. It's defined as 1 of 20 a ''particularly vulnerable area'' out of the 100 no go zones. You can look these up: Begsjön, Angered, Biskopsgården. There are just 2 many to count. The worst place of them all is ''Rosengård Malmö'' look it up if you dare, it's not even Sweden anymore...

  • @alexanderaho9565
    @alexanderaho9565 Před 7 lety +11

    Swedenistan in a nutshell

  • @liisaihmemaa688
    @liisaihmemaa688 Před 7 lety +5

    give a house for muslim, he will take whole coutry

  • @pteppig
    @pteppig Před 7 lety +1

    Hundreds of "isolated incidents" - every day, by the same group

  • @hilarybenoit2926
    @hilarybenoit2926 Před 7 lety

    There is a no go zone in Belfast. Because some of the IRA, live in the city - so in the 1990's the police imposed this 'no go area for them'.

  • @juhanimatila3209
    @juhanimatila3209 Před 7 lety +5

    This is not true our Finnish propaganda media Helsingin Sanomat said so😂

  • @krejer14
    @krejer14 Před 7 lety +8

    I live in one of them. This is shit prop

  • @richasharma6501
    @richasharma6501 Před 5 lety +2

    Wake up Swedish citizens. WAKE THE HELL UP.

  • @aliciamaria5529
    @aliciamaria5529 Před 7 lety +2

    This is how a country PCs itself into nonexistence

  • @andreaserik6069
    @andreaserik6069 Před 7 lety +1

    I´am a swede and I want to thank all foreign journalists that trying to help exposing the truth about how it looks in Sweden. In Sweden the media is constantly trying to cover-up all the bad things that happens, and accuse the critics for rasism. The word rasism seems to be the Achilles-heel for the swedes. They do anything for not be called a racist.
    Knut Carlqvist: "Swedish media have never realized that their job is to keep an eye on the state and power. They believe that their mission is to rear the people. "

  • @judgedreddhd
    @judgedreddhd Před 7 lety +1

    Just watched you handing Don Lemon is ass on Fake News Network CNN. It makes me proud and full of courage to watch you not back down in the face of lies.

  • @nwoizaakgoldmann4519
    @nwoizaakgoldmann4519 Před 4 lety +1

    We need that guy on the letf side here in Germany. No free media anymore

  • @malinw3235
    @malinw3235 Před 7 lety

    I didn't even know that this zones excisted, and I live in Stockholm

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 Před 7 lety +1

    Ask Ezra Levant and his colleagues over at The Rebel!

  • @muER76
    @muER76 Před 3 lety +2

    2016. Imagine now

  • @BalubishTech
    @BalubishTech Před 7 lety +1

    Its 53 no go zones in Sweden.

  • @kodkodkatedra4660
    @kodkodkatedra4660 Před 5 lety +2

    Soon Sweden will cope with Afghanistan

  • @miked9807
    @miked9807 Před 7 lety +1

    the public needs to see what they want to import into the home land

  • @blackjackkittyyy4682
    @blackjackkittyyy4682 Před 7 lety +2

    I'm so sorry for what's been allowed to happen in your country. America is on the verge of being taken over as well if our corrupt leaders prevail. God Bless the West and protect us all.

  • @bigearedmouse17
    @bigearedmouse17 Před 6 lety +1

    You don't need to be a detective or an Explorer to find no go zones in Europe. Sweden, Germany, France Holland.

  • @Chris_ck85
    @Chris_ck85 Před 4 lety +2

    I live in Sweden and this is scandaluse country 💯💯💯.

  • @martinskugga9406
    @martinskugga9406 Před 7 lety

    just so you know people of the internet. The videos are not from Sweden. signs are written in another language and road signs are not red and white here.

  • @ChicagoS14T
    @ChicagoS14T Před 7 lety +1

    Sweden went to shit lately! This is terrible! And the world needs to know what is truly happening all over!

  • @adorablydeplorable7580
    @adorablydeplorable7580 Před 7 lety +2

    Come on Varney. I have heard of the no go zones.

  • @444manic
    @444manic Před 7 lety

    real news on the news wow awsome!! now thats a reporter.

  • @MrThomas0304
    @MrThomas0304 Před 3 lety +2

    Spot on, sadly also in 2020

  • @traphousezombie8003
    @traphousezombie8003 Před 4 lety


  • @smaskolan
    @smaskolan Před 7 lety

    "In 2016 there were 67 reported rapes per 100,000 people, 60 in 2015, 69
    in 2014, 63 in 2013, 66 in 2012, 69 in 2011, 64 in 2010 and 2009, 59 in
    2008 and 52 in 2007.
    Those figures show there was actually a 12 percent dip in the number of
    rapes reported in Sweden in 2015 - the year the country received a
    record 163,000 asylum applications, at the peak of the refugee crisis.
    The figures for 2016 are preliminary."

    • @winston2015
      @winston2015 Před 7 lety

      Dude, pls dont let the facts get in your way. Sweden is the rape capital of the planet. Im going there on my vacation in hopes that I get raped.

  • @tsfcancerman
    @tsfcancerman Před 3 lety +1

    No there was 50 in 2015, there was 65 in 2017.

  • @mikedehooghblackflagracephotos

    What's the big fukin' deal? Don't you people like culture? The sharing there of? Diversity makes us strong... Imagine how strong Sweden is now!

  • @alangould2907
    @alangould2907 Před 7 lety +1

    There are at least
    55 no go zones,I

  • @WhiteRussianDolls
    @WhiteRussianDolls Před 7 lety

    But the Swedish Policeforce and the Swedisj government says there are no "no-gozones"..?

  • @asherray4969
    @asherray4969 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Why did Sweden allow this? And why don’t they deport them?

  • @kirstenhildebrandt8183

    "....Europe is not free because freedom begins with speaking the truth! Today in Europe it is forbidden to speak the truth!...." (Quote / Viktor Orbán in Hungary)

  • @kristofferljungberg5057
    @kristofferljungberg5057 Před 7 lety +1

    they are 50+ no go zone

  • @bruceslater7169
    @bruceslater7169 Před 6 lety +1

    Norway should build a wall around Sweden

  • @Dorkthrone111
    @Dorkthrone111 Před 7 lety +1

    HOLY SHIT this bullshit about "no go zones" in Sweden is pure fiction. I live in in one of these areas (Bredäng) and have worked in others (Tensta and Rinkrby) and let me tell you, the police go there all the time. Here are some police officers saying the same thing and explaining the origin of the myth about no go zones; the police had marked 55 areas which they viewed as especcially troubled with crime. This is not the same as no go zones, and as the police officer explains in the article I am linking, they have rather increased their presence in these areas.

  • @clinthammer965
    @clinthammer965 Před 7 lety

    Don't see this on the news much.

  • @charlessmith263
    @charlessmith263 Před 5 lety

    I am guessing that any visitor approaching into such no-go zones will be told to turn back and be refused entry. Any resistance to this turn-back will lead to very severe beatings and/or immediate arrest on the spot...not by Swedish police but by their own vigilante police who patrol those zones.
    Visitors caught sneaking in those zones will be immediately beaten and forcibly expelled, upon threat of vigilante arrest.

  • @gamingyoutubernoonan0108
    @gamingyoutubernoonan0108 Před 5 lety +1

    The difference between this video and BBC and CNN CZcams videos. The comment section is open. In CNN and BB C CZcams videos comment section closed. I just came from a BBC video on CZcams. There were around I believe 700 dislikes. And comment section closed it was a video about Sweden. I had a idea for a comment to. A comment that would roast that video BBC put on CZcams 😁😁😁 😁😁😁.

  • @dnmack1
    @dnmack1 Před 7 lety +4

    Why go all the to Sweden? Just go to Dearborn Michigan or Minnesota.

  • @Fenris77
    @Fenris77 Před 7 lety +1

    This Horowitz guy IS very brave trying to film in a no go zone.
    He was damn lucky the colonists didn't kill him. (That is what the migrants are being called)

  • @Aga-re4es
    @Aga-re4es Před 4 lety

    Wake up Europe!

  • @hawkmarine9166
    @hawkmarine9166 Před 7 lety +1

    Pakistan welcomed 3 million afghan refugees during the soviet war in 1980's.. and whole europe can't afford a couple of million refugees. Strange!!

    • @hannahr77
      @hannahr77 Před 7 lety +3

      what's strange is your stupidity

    • @napukapu
      @napukapu Před 7 lety

      Moving garbage from one dump to another is not difficult.
      Now try talking your wife into taking shit into the middle of the kitchen, now there's a problem.

  • @BAMovin
    @BAMovin Před 7 lety

    The old guy is shocked by all this & he is a reporter for Fox? What world is he living in?

  • @anicabroer3705
    @anicabroer3705 Před 7 lety +1

    I am a Swedish Viking. Yes, Viking and i´m proud of it.
    And i don´t like what is happening to my beautiful country.
    But i don´t put blame it on specifik ethnic goupes. But i do
    know that we need to do something about people that don´t
    care about the comfort of everybode in the country.
    But as we are a democracy we can´t do a lot, more then demonstrate
    and wote.

    • @anicabroer3705
      @anicabroer3705 Před 7 lety +1

      Such nonsens . You do not know anyting aboput my figths. I am not a beaten dog. I am and will always be a worrior, but i will not be a slave to what other people say i should think to prove that i am somthing or not.

  • @denniswhite7735
    @denniswhite7735 Před 7 lety

    An informed historical writer stated some time ago, "England and France are lost, AMERICA "Wake Up" While we still sleep, the list becomes longer, Sweden, Belgium, _________ .... When Will AMERICA make the list? After Hillary and Caine open the doors wider after January 1, 2017

  • @rexeightyfour6001
    @rexeightyfour6001 Před 6 lety

    Lets get the National Guard together and go into these No go zones in America,Come on im dumbfounded wtf is wrong with our government.Take this country back people open your eyes.

  • @thisthatandtheotherchan5548

    The same reason Americans and Brits ignore it.

  • @Enzolex0204
    @Enzolex0204 Před 5 měsíci +1

    All those no go zones and only 8 minutes of final footage 🧐 🤔 somethings little sus there 🤷‍♂️