JFK Assassination Grassy Knoll Gunman (?)

  • čas přidán 22. 10. 2009
  • Pictures coutesy of mcadams.posc.mu.edu/arnold4.htm .
    Picture one shows where the "Badgeman" and S.M. Hollands supposed gunman are. In pircture 2, Holland stands were he belives the actual gunman was. Also, a blowup of the Moorman photo, showing the area were Holland belives is the gunman.

Komentáře • 141

  • @TomRoudebush
    @TomRoudebush Před 14 lety +4

    @legacyskye - yes, zapruder flinched...the frames blur just after the shots. He did a great job shooting the camera under the circumstances AND he had someone HOLDING HIM STEADY, so that made a difference. Yes, the shots were loud. Kids didn't go to the GK - open your mind....more than one shooter. The umbrella man signal where shoots began....duh...

  • @Puck2442
    @Puck2442 Před 13 lety +2

    No, the sexy part is that the bullet is flawless yet there is a photo showing fragments removed from Connoly's wrist. How can they recover fragments if the bullet is not missing any fragments?

  • @halibut1249
    @halibut1249 Před 3 lety +1

    Was there any sound to this vid?? I've heard of Badgeman but not the Holland shooter.

    • @kryoboy36
      @kryoboy36 Před 3 lety +2

      The Holland shooter is James files.

  • @fiddlefolk
    @fiddlefolk Před 11 lety +2

    people can talk all they want to about James Files. I don't know for sure if he was an actual shooter or not but you have to way in several things about his testimony. First thing is in 1987 , a father and son did find a round that is specific to a remington fireball. A .222 round with teeth marks. He also states this round is a special mercury round. Does this round penetrate or fragment? Not acquainted with this round so don't know. This weapon smokes a lot due to the short barrel.

    • @robertlyons3318
      @robertlyons3318 Před 2 lety

      The .222 was never a production round for the XP100. The XP100 was initially chambered in the .222 while being developed, but they found that the .222s muzzle flash and report were excessive. The case was shortened and the .221 Fireball was the result. I also don't believe James Files put teeth marks on a brass case. Try biting a brass cartridge case hard enough to put teeth marks on it. The XP100 as initially produced was a single shot handgun. I find it difficult to believe that someone hired to assassinate the President (who is in a moving vehicle) would use a large, unwieldy single shot handgun.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 What does "evolve futuristically" mean?

  • @magnaflowedramx4
    @magnaflowedramx4 Před 13 lety +1

    @larry1369 You are probably on the right track of thinking......and where did the bullet that missed come from? Nobody ever mentions that.

  • @duncanation
    @duncanation Před 5 lety

    You haven't upload everything 8 years

  • @magnaflowedramx4
    @magnaflowedramx4 Před 12 lety +2

    Yes ,I believe the first shot to the curb with fragments flying is a large key in solving this cover-up....also who knows anything relating to James Files who was stationed at the pickett fence ?
    The people who are in denial over this case number in the millions.

  • @grungetruck8243
    @grungetruck8243 Před 2 lety

    I see the gunman beside the tree but on clearer Mary Moorman photos I see another guy on the other side of the tree.
    Maybe the spotter.

  • @larry1369
    @larry1369 Před 11 lety

    I've also heard Daltex and Jim Braden was in the Dal Tex building. When Garrison tried to defend him Gov. Reagans' AG refused to honor the expedition request I believe the AG was Edwin Meese.

  • @duncanation
    @duncanation Před 5 lety

    R.I.P secondchance1977 (2008-2009)

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety +1

    Ok, let's take the back wound:
    -WC (CE 385): downward angle of 17.43°
    -HSCA (JFK Exhibit F-46): downward angle of 26°
    And that' is just considering the angle for the back wound...
    It would appear that proponents of conspiracy seem less confused than the LNters on that one...

  • @cyberwing777
    @cyberwing777 Před 13 lety

    I believe you have located the badge man in the wrong place, I would check that.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @Chrisdrumz Me too!

  • @magnaflowedramx4
    @magnaflowedramx4 Před 13 lety +1

    @larry1369 As many peices of information that I have looked at, I cannot find anyting on where the bullet came from that hit the curb near the bridge. I've looked at a street view of google earth and the only likely place it came from was one of those buildings from the other side of the street.........so many unanswered questions.

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety

    ....that problem is actually much worse when you consider the several Single Bullet Theories.
    yeah, there are actually several of them, and all with mutually excusive elements.....

  • @fiddlefolk
    @fiddlefolk Před 12 lety

    i hear ya on that one! There is only one truth but a lot of possibilities! Thanks for playing!

  • @jaimadman
    @jaimadman Před 13 lety

    @ShadowLinkxMaster its because the school book depository isn't in the photo.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @sargoth37 That's your opinion. I really don't care what you think of me or my logic.

  • @blungo99
    @blungo99 Před 13 lety

    @ShadowLinkxMaster y, we can't see "him", because there is NOTHING there.

  • @tom6612
    @tom6612 Před 13 lety

    Oh McAdams. Never mind.
    I was under the impression this was a serious video until i saw his name.

  • @themeaningoflife38
    @themeaningoflife38 Před 14 lety

    @Humes53 Col Robert Jones told the HSCA that he sent 8-12 Intelligence agents to Dealey Plaza that day.One of those agents, James Powell was found inside the TSBD building after the shooting.So Oswald alledgedly did all this with Military Intelligence in the building.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 Strange behavior doesn't mean you're an assassin.We're in agreement about Bowers. But you leave out essential information when you neglect to add he didn't see anyone with a weapon.

  • @1000WinstonSmith
    @1000WinstonSmith Před 3 lety +1

    James Filles is the other shooter

  • @rickyfan3956
    @rickyfan3956 Před 14 lety

    @legacyskye If I thought I could catch the sorry piece of work who did it, I sure WOULD'VE run toward him!

  • @gyco7
    @gyco7 Před 13 lety

    what blows my mind about this debate, is that the bullet that went through 2 people, is a flawless bullet. the government doesnt dispute this, yet, fire a bullet into someone, have it break several types of bones, and then come out pristine? is santa clause real?

  • @jonnygye3363
    @jonnygye3363 Před 3 lety

    Ohhh look there's Elvis...

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @Chrisdrumz either country did? There would have been huge tensions abounding with the Cuban missle crisis having taken place a year earlier) But, we can only guess where he was headed and I admit it would be a guess. CT'ers I'm sure have other ideas. Ideas with no basis of fact, but ideas.

  • @legacyskye
    @legacyskye Před 14 lety

    see "Abraham Zapruder interview - 1966" on this youtube.com where he agrees with Warren Commision findings of single shooter. Zapruder never flinched if shot came from behind him.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 11 lety

    Really? That's very interesting. Tell me, how did you acquire this information? Where did you read or hear about the multiple single bullet theories because I'd like to read or hear about them too. What is the source(s) of this information?

  • @fiddlefolk
    @fiddlefolk Před 11 lety

    Fact! I didn't make it up! It was found by a groundskeeper and his son with a metal detector.

  • @tom6612
    @tom6612 Před 11 lety

    Do you listen to black op radio larry. Google it and youll find the website. It has very high quality interviews in the archive. Lots of stuff by Jim Di Eugenio. He discusses McAdams too.

  • @Chrisdrumz
    @Chrisdrumz Před 13 lety

    @LoneNutter1 A conspiracy is so much more EXCITING though.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    Which conspiracy theory is the correct one? There are dozens of them to choose from and I get soooo confused. How is it possible all the different theories can be correct simultaneously?

  • @Chrisdrumz
    @Chrisdrumz Před 13 lety

    @Humes53 You watched J.F.K. too many times.

  • @fiddlefolk
    @fiddlefolk Před 12 lety

    Would it have been possible for the hit teams to have had a different route of the motorcade in the initial stages of the planning but when they got to Dallas were told of the changes that had been made. I doubt if shooter's who lived in Chicago or where ever they were from got the Dallas Morning News or watched the local news. I am sure the shooters would have liked to have known this prior but could have been an oversight by the planners. Just a thought!

  • @counterfeit1148
    @counterfeit1148 Před 3 lety

    I believe the one on the right was debunked, he would have been less than 3 feet tall or much farther away on the parking lot out in the open and in the air

  • @joed6261
    @joed6261 Před 4 lety +3


    • @kryoboy36
      @kryoboy36 Před 3 lety +2

      I've been saying for years that James files is the grassy knoll shooter👍

    • @1000WinstonSmith
      @1000WinstonSmith Před 3 lety +1

      Tippit was Badge Man

    • @kryoboy36
      @kryoboy36 Před 3 lety +2

      @@1000WinstonSmith badgeman was also apparently lucien sarti...but the real shooters were james files and Charles nicoletti 👍

    • @1000WinstonSmith
      @1000WinstonSmith Před 3 lety +2

      @@kryoboy36 yes, I now believe Files was behind the fence. Much of what he said in his two interviews has been corroborated. Have you noticed that few, if any, in authority are listening to him?

    • @kryoboy36
      @kryoboy36 Před 3 lety +1

      @@1000WinstonSmith James files Wikipedia page has been updated as of 2020 with a little bit at the bottom of the page saying the f.b.i. Can now corroborate files story...he was telling the truth all along🤯👍

  • @Chrisdrumz
    @Chrisdrumz Před 13 lety

    @LoneNutter1 Same here. I was a big Garrison supporter yet even as I read "ON THE TRAIL......" I saw WAY too many inconsistencies and holes. I am now of the opinion that Jim Garrison was mildly insane and Stone just hears what he want's to hear and runs with it. I DO however believe there was more to Oswald than meets the eye. The Russian immigration,Mexican embassy etc....

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety +1

    "Could you give me an example, from the JFK assassination, where "factual evidence can have various interpretations" "
    Sure: for instance, the violent head snap to the back and left is undisputed (factual evidence), but there are contradictory interpretations for it:
    CTers say it is proof of a frontal shot
    LNTers say it is explainable by the jet effect, neuro muscular spasms, the acceleration of the limo, or whatever

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety

    ...well, first you could do your homework and verify it yourself, like I did. Check for instance the moving location of the back wound (while the point of origin and the alledege exit remain unchanged...); you can verify that Myers computer "reenactment" does'nt correlate to actual measurements; etc, etc
    You can also refer to Barry Krusch vol 3, and to D B Thomas "Hear no Evil" for more information on how those SBT contradicts themselves...

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 11 lety

    What evidence do you have of a government cover-up and what precisely were they covering-up?

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety

    ...see my response above...

  • @dansmith6748
    @dansmith6748 Před 2 lety

    This is like looking at clouds. One can make out anything they want, looking at clouds, castles, Jesus, etc, etc.. This is a lousy blow up of an already grainy poor quality B/W Polaroid photo, originaly 3 inches by 3 inches square. There are no shooters there.

  • @mikefan09
    @mikefan09 Před 13 lety

    sorry i had to go it like this youtube wont let me post the whole link as one normal link, suspicious.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 The echo logic is essential in this case. Lee Bower testified to the fact that for years he head sounds that seems to be made by the triple underpass but were coming from the front of the TSBD. You can't dismiss echos because Dealey Plaza reverberates with echos. You ask an excellent question "who would leave a weapon behind". Since we're talking about shots from the fence or knoll it would mean the weapon was carried away from the scene. So I'll ask you again, did anyone see someone

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @cobrafarmer Bunk!

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety

    ...you have to separate the factual evidence for conspiracy, which is abundantly evident, from the conspiracy theories, which are just that, theories.
    But the fact that the factual evidence can have various interpretations does not render the evidence weaker: that is actually how science progresses. You have several, and at time conflicting, theories about the Universe, based on the same data, but nobody is saying that this proves that Science is worthless as a knowledge instrument...

  • @Caeruleo
    @Caeruleo Před 12 lety

    James Files claimed to have seen things through his scope as he was shooting that cannot be seen in real time, and can only be seen in a frame by frame examination of the Zapruder film. He was quite obviously coached for his "confession."

  • @legacyskye
    @legacyskye Před 14 lety +2

    I stood between the "gunman" and where Zapruder shot his famous footage earlier this year in Dallas. They were only about 30-35 feet apart. If someone shot a rifle and you didn't know he was there while you were filming, wouldn't you have jumped? Did Zapruder jump? Also, those people running towards the Grassy Knoll afterwards with their kids. Is that what you would do if you thought a gunman was there? Run towards them??? Get real, Amerika!

  • @timewatch12
    @timewatch12 Před 13 lety +1

    He would have survived the first shot if he had not been wearing his bade brace, this stopped him from falling down, 6 seconds, just enough time to reload and take the head shot

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @Chrisdrumz I agree! It's more interesting to speculate about the possible activities of various people who may have been connected to the case. For years I belived there was a conspiracy and have to say that the film "JFK" inspired me to do my own reading on the subject. That reading included authors who offered challenging thought to their work and didn't march to the drumbeat of CT'ers. My views have changed about the assassination and they're based on facts not speculation and innuendo.

    • @metv2363
      @metv2363 Před 2 lety

      Anyone who makes a determination on this case based on a book they've read where the profit motive of the publisher and author is always a factor is an ignorant fool. Instead of getting the information spoon-fed selectively to you from an author motivated by money and/or attention (whether it's a Gerald Posner or a Mark Lane) , go and read the actual eyewitness testimony at the National Archives and make your own conclusion.

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před 2 lety

      You make a great point!
      I have read the eyewitness testimony in conjunction with the medical, ballistic, forensic and physical evidence.
      Without question, Oswald was the lone gunman.

    • @metv2363
      @metv2363 Před 2 lety +2

      @@LoneNutter1, I don't think a truly wise person would say "without question" when arriving at conclusions about this case if one has a deep understanding of the event and the time in which it took place. Also, your selective way of assessing the evidence, by which you apparently disregard the testimony of the likes of SM Holland, Silvia Odio, and many others with an absolute conviction that they are outright wrong or perhaps even lying indicates, to me, thay you lack any obvious sense of intellectual curiosity. I know individuals who think Oswald probably did it but even they concede we will never really know what happened. That you think you know precisely what occurred in Dallas indicates, to me, that you are not to be taken seriously. As I am not one to argue for prolonged lengths with strangers online, let's end it here. See you at the Nationl Archives.

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před 2 lety

      I have a very deep understanding of the case and stand by my expression "without question".
      Have a nice day.

  • @mikefan09
    @mikefan09 Před 13 lety

    now, just to totall explode loneNutter1's idiotic theory out of the water, heres a few youtube videos to inform people and get u all started on the line of evidence im presenting with my earlier comment.
    heres the youtube video to introduce you to this j.edgar hoover memo :

  • @larry1369
    @larry1369 Před 11 lety +1

    I think what you refer to LoneNutter1 when you write of credible facts and evidence is just the govt. cover up side of the alleged evidence. I think that if you studied all of the evidence which of course we will never have you would believe a conspiracy existed at the highest level of the US Govt.. Since you apparently don't believe anything you don't see for yourself you are at a serious disadvantage for no one can replay the hit from all the different angles as there were only two films.

  • @972frantz
    @972frantz Před 11 lety

    ..but why such a conspiracy, if it did exist, would have to be "silly"??
    Read some History books, my friend, you'll find more conspiracies there that you ever dreamed of...

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 11 lety

    Could you give me an example, from the JFK assassination, where "factual evidence can have various interpretations"
    Have I been laboring under the false assumption that ballistics, human physiology and mechanics are interpretive sciences?

    • @metv2363
      @metv2363 Před 2 lety +2

      You have been laboring under a rather obvious case of naivete.

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před 2 lety

      That's right.
      Facts and evidence should be dismissed.
      Let's base our opinion on on the "facts" of the assassination on conjecture, assumption, innuendo and supposition.
      When the Conspiracy Addicts whittle their theories down to a manageable dozen, let me know and then we'll talk.

    • @metv2363
      @metv2363 Před 2 lety +1

      @@LoneNutter1 , have you read all the eyewitness testimony? Do you assess it as whole, or do you just pick out the statements which align with your preconceived beliefs? Do you think the witnesses like SM Holland, James Leon Simmons, Silvia and Annie Odio who go against your beliefs are lying?

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před 2 lety

      @@metv2363 "
      Witnesses" are subject to changed and fading memories.
      Additionally, "witnesses" may actually believe what they saw is what happened when in fact, it didn't.
      Therefore, legitimate investigations to a crime also look at medical, ballistic, forensic and physical evidence because they do not have fading or changed memories, they are not influence by others or popular opinion and they can be tested as new and improved scientific techniques are developed.
      I look at ALL of the evidence and have concluded, JFK was shot from above and behind by a single gunman.
      The case is closed and the killer identified.
      All the "conspiracy" baloney is a waste of time and resources.
      But you are free to believe whatever silliness you want.

    • @metv2363
      @metv2363 Před 2 lety +1

      @@LoneNutter1 You're saying physical evidence can't be manipulated? Talk about silly...

  • @Chrisdrumz
    @Chrisdrumz Před 13 lety

    @LoneNutter1 Me too,and to think at one time I was ONE of them.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 There were no bullet holes on the side or interior of the limo. There were fragment strikes to the trim around the interior of the windshield and a fragment strike to the interior of the windshield.
    Lee Bowers had the best and closest view of the fence and he did not see anyone with a weapon nor did he see anyone leave the area with one.
    Muddy footprints show where someone was standing. Muddy footprints do not mean someone fired a weapon. That's just silly thinking.

  • @kennedy147
    @kennedy147 Před 13 lety

    @Humes53 your right vietnam. LBJ had him killed

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 Are you suggesting that if someone was watching the motorcade behind a fence they're suspect?
    Did anyone see someone carrying a rifle by the fence or knoll? No. Did anyone see someone aiming a rifle at anyone from the fence or knoll? No. Did anyone see someone shoot a weapon from the fence or knoll? No. Did someone see someone running away from the fence or knoll carrying a weapon? No. Was weapon found anywhere near the fence or knoll? No. Was there any physical evidence a weapon was

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před 3 lety

      @JOSE D. LOL! There's nobody there.Not James Files. Not the Easter Bunny. Not Mother Teresa. Nobody. But it's a free country and you're welcome to believe whatever silliness you like.

    • @kryoboy36
      @kryoboy36 Před 3 lety

      @@LoneNutter1 it was James files.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety +1

    Whenever I'm feeling the need for a good laugh I take a short trip on my computer to CZcams and read all the wacko, silly, comical postings of the Conspiracy Koo-Koo birds! I had no idea there are sooooooo many funny, funny, funny, funny people!!

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @larry1369 That's an interesting opinion. But I've not seen any evidence that would lead me to believe the Cuban exiles, the CIA or the Mob had anything to do with the assassination.
    There's s smattering of interesting relationships these three groups may have had. But to extract a theory without significant supporting material (just an immense amount speculation) I think is far fetched and an exercise in guessing.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    James Files said the parade route was changed at the last minute. If this be true, how did all those people know they should be standing on Elm Street to watch the motorcade pass by? Are they part of the "conspiracy" too?

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @cruisersism No it didn't and no it hasn't.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 11 lety

    I understand your example. But the interpretation of the head-snap must be made on the basis of measurable science. There's no science that says the head-snap was made by a bullet fired from the front or side. The science of forensics says there was no entry wound to the front or side of JFK. Ballistic science shows all the metal fragments in the brain moving from the back to the front. Metallurgical science shows the bullet fragments composed of the same metals identifiable to one manufacturer.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    I love reading the posts from the Conspiracy Cultists.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 the rifle was hidden. They had to leave the garage undetected and on the day of the assassination they planted the rifle on the 6th floor (and they had to get LHO to leave the building too). I suppose your going to say CE399 was a planted bullet? The logistics for pulling that stunt are astronomically implausible. And the bullet casings? How did they get there? That's odd; Harold Norman was on the 5th floor of the TSBD and he heard 3 shots and 3 "hulls" hit the floor. This conspiracy

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @Chrisdrumz I've been curious about where LHO was going after he left his rooming house. I suspect he was on his way to Mexico for two reasons; 1. Mexico would not extradite him to the USA if he were charged with a crime where he could be executed 2. I suspect he would have tried to get back into USSR (they would have been crazy to take him and I doubt if they would have) or he was trying to get to Cuba. (Castro would not have taken him either. Can you imagine the reaction from the US if

    • @kryoboy36
      @kryoboy36 Před 3 lety

      Oswald was on his way to meet his cia handler.
      Didn't work out for him did it? Patsy 100%
      You really believe that what the the Warren commission told the world is the truth? 🤣🤣🤣

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před 3 lety

      @@kryoboy36 There's zero evidence Oswald was on his way to his handler.

    • @aeonicarc4632
      @aeonicarc4632 Před rokem

      How could he get to Mexico with $13 and some loose change?

    • @LoneNutter1
      @LoneNutter1 Před rokem

      @@aeonicarc4632 He was going to steal a plane from Redbird airport (now Dallas Executive) and fly into the country of Mexico which is only 350 miles from Dallas. He had experience watching pilots fly single engine aircraft when in the CAP. He'd fly at a low altitude to avoid detection and not use the radio.
      Taking off is easy...landing safely was the challenge. All he had to do was "land" (in whatever fashion) the plane in Mexico and survive. It's not an absurd theory when you take into account his plan to hijack a commercial aircraft to Cuba with the help of Marina who spoke little or no English while taking care of their daughter June.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    @migo53333 There's an excellent and logical reason for leaving/ditching or hiding a weapon after killing someone; if you're caught carrying a murder weapon how do you explain that to the authorities? LHO hid the weapon because he knew there wasn't time to disassemble the rifle and if he's carrying the thing out in the street it's going to attract attention. Are you suggesting the rifle was planted? That means someone had to break into Ruth Paine's garage undetected and they had to know where

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 11 lety

    You said there were "several Single Bullet theories" and "multiple single bullet theories". They're aren't. You're confusing the SBT with people who disagree with the theory. I'm well acquainted with those who don't agree with the SBT but their disagreement doesn't represent another SBT. I'm not surprised by your apparent confusion. Most proponents of a conspiracy theory are confused naturally.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 12 lety

    There are possibilities, probabilities and what really happened.
    I side with credible facts and evidence to determine what really happened in Dallas in '63. And it wasn't some silly conspiracy.

  • @LoneNutter1
    @LoneNutter1 Před 13 lety

    @larry1369 Go right ahead and believe whatever. As a reformed CT'er I've seen the issue from both sides. Actually, it's many sides. There's the truth as clear thinking rational people see it. And then there's the CT crowd who are all over the place with their theories, specualtion and innuendo. They don't have any facts but they base their opinion on wild ideas and overly active imaginations.