Book of Revelation: Pergamum & the Nicolaitans

  • čas přidán 30. 12. 2014
  • Book of Revelation
    On this episode of the book of Revelation, we are discussing the sin of the church of Pergamum, which was tolerating the Nicolaitans. The Nicolaitans represented the clergy class, which made a distinction over the laity (i.e. "laitans" or the common people). On this episode of revelation we discuss the implications in modern society of the system of Nicolaitans.

Komentáře • 12

  • @devieanderson7754
    @devieanderson7754 Před 7 lety +13

    What a blessing...There are so many who are teaching this falsely...I may not have known but I knew they were not correct...This, my spirit bears witness...I am so thankful...Have been seeking the TRUTH in this doctrine...God have mercy..

  • @muddyfalcon
    @muddyfalcon Před 8 lety +12

    This is awesome, dude, God is GOOD !!!

  • @greenhouse114
    @greenhouse114 Před 7 lety +21

    This is a message that one would never hear in a mainstream corporate church setting, for it exposes their contrived monopoly over many of those who profess Christ. The hierarchical church is the franchise of Nicolaitans; the biblical model is a congregational one wherein Christ is Head of the Body of believers, and each member is coequal in God's eyes, but with differing talents and roles, just as the body has different parts that perform varying important functions. Thank you for delivering a liberating message that is capable of changing one's world view, as it did mine a few years ago.

  • @patriciaspell2569
    @patriciaspell2569 Před 8 lety +15

    This helped me so much. I am doing a study on the Nicolaitans and if they are the beginnings of the Catholic Church. I am really beginning to believe they are.

  • @stevenzechmeister8700
    @stevenzechmeister8700 Před 8 lety +3

    thank you so much for these truths.

  • @GavinFinley153
    @GavinFinley153 Před 7 lety +16

    Ever since Rome took over the church at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. there have been hierarchical religious systems covering and riding herd on the covenant people of God. This is what Jesus called "the practices of the Nicolaitans". The Greek word "Nico" means conquer. And the Greek work "laitan" means "of the people" or laity. So the meaning of the name Nicolaitan refers to a "conquering of the laity".
    Jesus said He hated it. See Revelation 2:6 and 2:15. Yes, Jesus says He hates it. And He states this not just once, but twice!
    Revelation 2:6 (KJV)
    But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
    Revelation 2:15 (KJV)
    So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
    It is by this oppressive system of control from the top of human pyramid systems that the Holy Spirit is quenched. This age old pattern of actors on a stage and their audience in pews is keeping Christian church-goers locked out of the proceedings. They are forced to be passive observers of a performance and essentially kept out of the loop. How can the Holy Spirit have free reign under those constraints?
    This is not the way of the early church. Nor is it the way of the suffering church today in places abroad. Nor is it the true Biblical pattern of a congregational gathering under Christ our Messiah.
    Real congregational gatherings before our Messiah are open and free ranging under the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. This is how God is manifest in our meetings. The word "manifest" means the hand that dances. So under the divine pattern for congregational services the hand of God is going from one person to the other like a conductor with an orchestra in which anyone might be called upon to contribute.
    I saw this wonderful dancing hand of God at work at meetings in Melbourne, Australia during charismatic renewal of the early 1970's. It was a glorious flow of messages, music that moved to congregational singing in the Spirit, the gifts, and interpretations all of which went from person to person. Some of the most magnificent praise and worship I have ever heard. Afterwards I saw people from the streets who had never known God personally get gloriously filled with the Holy Spirit.
    All this happened for a brief period of time. Then as the renewal was taken over by men and by mammon these glorious Holy Spirit directed congregational meetings faded away and disappeared. I have not seen anything like it in all my life. And I have not seen it since.
    Shall we see it again? O yes, most definitely. But here in the West, probably not in any major way until people come into the great awakenings that will occur in the end-time drama.
    This is what our Apostle Paul had to say on the matter.
    A Call to Orderly Worship
    26 Well, my brothers and sisters, let’s summarize. When you meet together, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in tongues, and another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must strengthen all of you.
    - 1Corinthians 14:26
    New Living Translation

  • @YosefTesfay
    @YosefTesfay Před 8 lety +2


  • @tonygutierrez4651
    @tonygutierrez4651 Před 6 lety +1

    Hey awesome work! Could I ask where I could find the video's background music? I find it very easy to study to..

  • @raptureorbust
    @raptureorbust Před 6 lety

    @5:13 you say the word for glory is the same as the word for liver. i looked it up and came to a very different conclusion. could you help me understand your perspective on this.

  • @CityThatCannotBeCaptured
    @CityThatCannotBeCaptured Před 8 lety +26

    The Roman Catholic Church was and always will be, a political structure, a political organisation and it is evil to its very core.
    A Roman General named Constantine had a mother Helena, who was secretly Christian (secret because the Roman State religion was pagan at the time i.e. around 310 CE). Constantine rose through the ranks and became Emperor. The Roman Emperor was known as the Pontifex Maximus and the position of Emperor also automatically took the role of Chief Priest of the Roman State pagan religion. At his mother's behest, Emperor Constantine made the State religion Christianity and took all religious practices under the 'pontiff's' control. Catholicism means 'universalism'. It's a very strange thing but the Catholic priests who do not join for the purpose of having an endless, free supply of little children to rape, are driven by a very strong relationship and devotion to their Catholic mother. I have known a number of them and it is true of all. Their mother is therefore always the primary woman in their lives and they become the 'Father' - and yet in some ways they always stay a little boy. This may also shine some light on the worship of Mother Mary within Catholicism.
    Pope Francis is not 'inclusive', Catholicism has always been
    inclusive, that is its base because they want as much control over all people
    as possible. Pope Francis is a damage controller and he's doing the work of Satan brilliantly.
    Religion has a powerful effect on people; it is very easy to control people
    because they are trained into believing that anyone who questions their
    religion, is 'of the devil'. You cannot reach religious people. The Catholic
    church has always garnered loyalty to 'the' church (catholicism) and to 'the'
    faith (catholicism claims faith as it's own) so that there is no relationship with God.
    There are so many examples of how criminal, evil and 'anti-God' the
    Catholic Church is, it could not be any more obvious if God himself came and
    screamed it into a person's face - yet those people still would not listen, so total is the
    brainwashing and refusal to question the church. Mind you, generational
    memories of torture (from the Roman (Catholic) feudal system would have helped.
    Here is one tiny example amidst truckloads of evidence that Catholicism is against God:
    God's word says, 'For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of
    yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.'
    [Ephesians 2:8-9].
    However THIS is what was issued by the Catholic Church at
    the Council of Trent. The doctrine of 'ex opere operato' which means 'what is
    done by the Catholic priests at the altar', was pontificated (commanded by the pontiff)
    in the Seventh Session of the Council of Trent held on March 3, 1547. It is
    covered under Canon 8 under the ‘Canons on the Sacraments in General’ and IS
    'Canon 8 states: 'If anyone says that by the sacraments of the New Law, grace is not conferred ex opere operato, but
    that faith alone is the divine promise sufficient to obtain grace, let him be anathema' i.e.forever cursed.
    God is not religious. Religion is a political tool made by man with a political agenda and every rule and tradition of the
    Catholic church fits into a political equation i.e. PEOPLE + MONEY = POWER.
    Jesus' only message was about the Kingdom of God. To be Catholic, you have to
    play 'the emperor has no clothes' to such a degree, the person becomes totally
    brain-dead and they are more than willingly to do this in order to run with the
    pack. It all comes down to the fact that to Catholics, God does not matter and
    'the Church' is everything.
    This manipulation can also be seen in many protestant churches i.e. 'give ME your money and loyalty and God will reward you'.
    Another manipulation used in all Christian churches is peer pressure
    where, if you do not give your money and blind loyalty to 'the leaders' then
    'YOU are not as holy as US'. This is Satan at work in all his glory. Satan
    masquerades as God, that is what he does best and working this dynamic out is
    very difficult because of peer pressure. Few people have the courage to get free of this spiritual trap
    as it means standing alone. Also one has to face the difference between
    religion and God. God calls his children into direct relationship with Him and
    because of Jesus' sacrifice, we can do that.
    That is what prophets are for, to call people back into direct relationship with God.

  • @andrewlum4658
    @andrewlum4658 Před 6 lety +1

    may i know what is this preacher's name? he's awesome!!