Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions
Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions
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Eugene Church Service 4/4
Eugene, Oregon Seminar on the 'Outpouring of the Holy Spirit' Part 4
(Sermon starts at 1:34)
zhlédnutí: 221


The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit David Leone 3/4
zhlédnutí 193Před 2 měsíci
Eugene, Oregon Seminar on the 'Outpouring of the Holy Spirit' Part 3 Donate: PART 2:
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit David Leone 2/4
zhlédnutí 241Před 2 měsíci
Eugene, Oregon Seminar... "The Out-pouring of the Holy Spirit" Pt. 2 (sermon starts at 32:45) Donate: PART 2:
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit David Leone 1/4
zhlédnutí 317Před 2 měsíci
Eugene, Oregon Seminar on the 'Outpouring of the Holy Spirit' Part 1 (Sermon starts at 7:35) Donate: PART 2:
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Copy of Revelation: Church of Laodiceans(Wretched)
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  • @traviseurbin9729
    @traviseurbin9729 Před hodinou

    Hi David. I need to make contact with you if possible, please. I can’t seem to find any email anywhere that I might be able to reach out to you. Can you direct me where to go?

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 Před 7 dny

    Christ Jesus truly said at His Last Supper, "Do this ALL of you in REMEMBRANCE of ME." (ref. Mark 14:22 / Luke 2:18-20 / 1 Corin. 11:23-25)... Logically speaking, it was just a METAPHOR or SYMBOLISM which means to "BELIEVE" and to have "FAITH" in HIM (Christ Jesus) through God's GRACE when Christ said, "Whoever EATS MY Flesh and DRINKS MY Blood has Eternal Life." (ref. John 6:54)... If that was a literal FLESH and literal BLOOD of Christ Jesus through the R.C.C. Doctrine of TRANSUBSTANTIATION, then, Christ Jesus himself had VIOLATED the Scripture, the Prohibition from Drinking Literal BLOOD of Animals and Humans including Eating Literal Human Flesh. (ref. Leviticus 17:13-15). Christ clearly said, "I did not come to abolish/destroy the LAW but to Fulfill." (ref. Matt. 5:17)... Will Christ teach that LITERALLY?... NOPE. Aside from that, if TRANSUBSTANTIATIONP is TRUE, why does during the R.C.C. Mass, the Priest/Bishop/Pope was the only one drinking from the Cup of Wine that was Miraculously turned into Literal Blood of Christ?... it should be for all the R.C.C. Congregation/Parishioners to drink from One Cup... Christ clearly said, "Drink from "MY CUP" (singular), logically from ONE CUP only... (ref. Matt.20:23)... Will the Miraculous Blood of Christ be contaminated by the SALIVAS of the Parishioners drinking from ONE CUP?... Obviously, God will not allow it to happen even to contaminate the CUP (Container/holder/vessel) that holds the Literal BLOOD of Christ Jesus if the Transubstantiation is TRUE... However, when the Pandemic arises, it proves, that TRANSUBSTANTIATION is not TRUE... Even if you ask just 100 priests to line up and drink from ONE CUP, the last half of the priests will voluntarily sure not drink from ONE CUP... Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically and Logically speaking Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen...

  • @BardouSia
    @BardouSia Před 7 dny

    Jesus tried to teach people about pantheism. But people was not ready and was like: ,,We make a monotheist religion out of this teachings." If u wanna be like Jesus and not just a groupie, u have to be pantheist. Christ are within and around us and everything and nothing.

  • @romandaigle455
    @romandaigle455 Před 14 dny

    Great video

  • @johnm939
    @johnm939 Před 15 dny

    Powerful message. Thank you. God bless 🙏

  • @vincentflores4725
    @vincentflores4725 Před 17 dny

    Thank you David God bless

  • @invokingvajras
    @invokingvajras Před 21 dnem

    The video doesn't highlight Christian persecution. It's just slander of Buddhism calling it "idolatry," etc. I take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha forever. Remember friends, there is no sin in defending the right Dharma. Those who reject the Lord Buddha's teachings are destined for the hell realms.

  • @lindadavis8003
    @lindadavis8003 Před 27 dny

    Loved this study. Listened to it twice, also it out in my journal. I am going to read my journal notes as well. I love how you give the Hebrew And Greek words as well..Bless you richly my brother. Praying for your health and ministry. ❤😊🎉 Looking for my next study to start. Linda Davis

  • @nikosgogas
    @nikosgogas Před 28 dny

    Thank you brother. The study was a refreshing to my soul.

  • @petewiggins3562
    @petewiggins3562 Před měsícem

    The claim is that the Eucharist is non-biblical. Very little Scripture is used to back up the claim. There is a whole lot of speculation and misinformation about Catholic practice and belief. All Scripture passages come from the King James Version. Jesus said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil" (Jn 5:17). What does the Eucharist fulfill in the Law and prophets? Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. (Gen 14:18-20) Bread and wine are offer in thanksgiving for Abram's defeat of the warring kingdoms in Canaan. The Passover in Egypt. (Ex 12:1-20). This is still being celebrated today Thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end (Deut 8:2-3, 14-16). God gave the Israelites, bread from heaven, as they journeyed through the desert. Three elements of the Eucharist: manna, bread from heaven' bread and wine offered in thanksgiving to God; the Passover, the commemoration that comprises the Lord's Supper. The fulfilment: Jesus said, "I am that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you (Jn 6:48-51, 53). To the Jews it sounded like cannibalism, so the left Jesus' company. Jesus makes this happen when He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me." Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you" (Lk 22:19-20). Thereby Jesus gave the apostles the authority to call upon Him and the Holy Spirit in order to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood. Only Jesus has power. He gives the apostles authority, not power. The earliest Christians continued daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart (Acts 2:46, see v42). Paul gives us the essential of the "breaking of the bread:" The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread (1 Cor 10:16-17). Transubstaniation is described, though the word is not used. Paul further elaborates: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body (1 Cor 11:23-29). Straight from the Bible, no side bars, no wordy 'explanations.' The Eucharist and Transubstantiation are indeed Biblical.

    • @OmegaOfApostasy
      @OmegaOfApostasy Před měsícem

      You’re not even using the Bible to defend your position you’re just using tradition.

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    22:28 we are either at war with God or with self

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    20:00 experiences are for us to be closer to God in sanctification

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    4:00 all men have lust for worship and have false enchanted view. God will cut it short

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    2:34 when God breaks up the leaven binding in Daniel 2 where the kingdoms is of this world are worshiping man not God.

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    I keep watching this unable to take notes. Please dont be discouraged. I didn't get to watch live. Praying 🙏 for the ministry as so many do need these teachings especially the professional Christians or experienced ones who take so much of God's grace for granted.

    • @samanthawright4210
      @samanthawright4210 Před 15 dny

      I agree! I have suspicion, they will not be appreciated until later when there is a more wide heartfelt desire for the word.

  • @traviseurbin9729
    @traviseurbin9729 Před měsícem

    Brother David, I am never fortunate to catch you when you’re teaching goes live. Nonetheless I always seek them out. Don’t worry about whether or not somebody is there to listen. Speak to the wind, speak to yourself. God has promised that his word will not come back to him void. Just keep teaching.

  • @soulsaver3066
    @soulsaver3066 Před měsícem

    wht is the daily?

  • @vinny4034
    @vinny4034 Před měsícem

    You jumped at the manifestation at 1:43:55, scary stuff!

  • @samanthawright4210
    @samanthawright4210 Před měsícem

    Just a question or maybe observation… the imparted / imputed righteousness is that a daily thing we have to ask for? I’m thinking of a quote where the word “appropriate “ daily is used to how those living in last days are able to stand. Is there anytime when that is no longer necessary? ( except of course at Christ’s return)

    • @OmegaOfApostasy
      @OmegaOfApostasy Před měsícem

      Trust in Christ unto the end is what I know to teach. Assurance of salvation is faith in Christ’s standing before the Father. The fight of faith is very real. God is not quick to cast us off because of our human weakness and He makes up for the unavoidable spots in our travel stained garments in the pilgrim’s journey. There is no need to despair when we see moments of doubt and failure. We have a strong Advocate against the enemy’s accusations. The enemy knows that if he is able to remove the shield of faith, his fiery darts of accusation will overwhelm our trust in Him. Fight on and encourage yourself in His promises!

  • @TRUTHDrops
    @TRUTHDrops Před měsícem

    You dedicate so much to this work David, at this point I don't think it would look strange if you turned on the tip feature. I know you don't ask for donations but perhaps some may wish to give a tip (donation from time to time as this can be very fulfilling to others and there is nothing wrong with showing gratitude to your teacher. Especially with some of the frustrating attacks that happen that cause re recording and hours of work.

  • @doginventer
    @doginventer Před měsícem

    Cut short again, but again in righteousness :) Y’ barekka Yahuah, v’ yishmareka.

  • @jeremiahduran7238
    @jeremiahduran7238 Před měsícem

    I am requesting prayers for my situation (every predicament I am in right now), and that God lead the way and that my surrender to my Lord be full. I must lay all trust in Jesus who will fight for me!

  • @carolmaplesden916
    @carolmaplesden916 Před měsícem

    I don't get it because it sounds like you are discribing church people not christians

    • @OmegaOfApostasy
      @OmegaOfApostasy Před měsícem

      Please elaborate

    • @carolmaplesden916
      @carolmaplesden916 Před měsícem

      @@OmegaOfApostasy If you do not know the difference it's because you chose to not know Plenty of people knows the difference

  • @shintanglestudio9643
    @shintanglestudio9643 Před měsícem

    Please direct me to find the video you did about Tyre

    • @doginventer
      @doginventer Před měsícem

      Revelation: Church of Thyatira (purple) - Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions [1.25.33] Revelation: Church of Thyatira (purple) Pt. 2 - Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions [1.59.37] Revelation: Church of Thyatira (purple) Pt. 3 - Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions [1.36.54] Revelation: Church of Thyatira (purple) Pt. 4 - - Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions [1.32.35]

  • @vincentflores4725
    @vincentflores4725 Před měsícem

    Thank you David 🙏

  • @vincentflores4725
    @vincentflores4725 Před měsícem

    Paryers go out to you dear friend I love your teaching they mean a lot to me thank you so much😊Thank you God for David 🙏

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    Minutes 30:00 - 37:00 is the hardest part to hear as the imagery is so precise with the reality of spirit of religiosity. 32:20 how they contaminate the vulnerable 😢 33:57 they live in a bubble of hypocrisy not being exposed to God. 34:40 God can expose the false narratives and destroy it for truth

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    27:35 Christ is the cornerstone and Satan's mortar is leaven has bound the world together 30:30 the wine is the selfish intoxicating pride like narcissism

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    20:30 just shall live by faith. False religion is focused on self righteousness

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    10:40 false righteousness for our demise

  • @soulsaver3066
    @soulsaver3066 Před měsícem

    i’m watching!!

  • @vol.9543
    @vol.9543 Před měsícem

    Just finished the other vid and when you got on the part of gluten intolerance and compared it with Satan I was relating because I had severe food allergies when I came into Christ, born again. It was maddening, vicious and for years of struggle. I feel you were broken hearted when it didn’t record cause that was some good stuff. 🍰 😈

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    31:22 this is so true as I have seen this in SO MANY CHURCHES

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    😢 another I cant get through without waterworks as everyday experiences are so overwhelming and the teachings are so timely. Interesting I feel work always gets in the way of understanding how life and the spiritual life works.

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    16:24 God's people should be in the habit of being corrected and disciplined canceled spanked reproved by God 💯❣️

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    4:50 cutting short work of Righteousness 7:45 we need to learn from the warnings Christ gave the disciples

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    0:50 we need to learn and pray for understanding the scriptures for atonement.

  • @vincentflores4725
    @vincentflores4725 Před měsícem

    Thank you brother David and I will pray for you and the ministry your do a great service for all thank be to God ❤

  • @freedom1me
    @freedom1me Před měsícem

    thank you

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    43:01 not in your ministry but I personally argued with another pastor's wife about this as she was clearly saying it was okay to sin and just keep asking for repentance. So common nowadays.

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    39:00 God wants us to understand Ecclesiastes 7: 15 40:00 what the Pharisee does

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    11:49 God will finish the work not us to deal with the Jezebels.

    • @deborahswart1718
      @deborahswart1718 Před měsícem

      AND the Achans, the Korahs, the Sauls, the sexually, perverted, Narc. Pharisees, the Simon Maguses. Don't forget them!

    • @Schquirl
      @Schquirl Před měsícem

      @@deborahswart1718 Yes! Praise God!

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    8:50 So true so many so weak and only believe in "preTrib" and won't consider differently.

  • @Jordan-zt1ky
    @Jordan-zt1ky Před měsícem

    Hi brother David, please pray for me. I feel so swept back and forth. Please keep me in prayer, the times are only getting worse. It’s hard for me hearing the still voice of our Lord. All I want is to hear it, and do whatever it takes. I’m struggling.

    • @OmegaOfApostasy
      @OmegaOfApostasy Před měsícem

      You have my prayers sister!

    • @watchmen-nehemiah4v20
      @watchmen-nehemiah4v20 Před měsícem

      Hi sister. I met a believer in a grocery store. We immediately felt that bond of Christ. He shared with me that years ago his wife had left him and He was crying out to God and said to His Father "it hurts so bad" ... He then asked me if I wanted to know what he heard back in the spirit ( not as an audible voice but he knew The answer was God ) so I said, yes! He said he heard God say "I know" God restored his marriage eventually. Praying for your peace and assurance in God. In the interim of not hearing His voice. Pray for sweet fellowship of another person who is like David in that they are in love with Jesus. Also serve others however you are led and expect God to move in the act of loving and serving others. The difficulties you are going through is actually a really REALLY good sign. Blessings and prayers to you and yours. Bryan

    • @Jordan-zt1ky
      @Jordan-zt1ky Před měsícem

      @@watchmen-nehemiah4v20 Thank you so much for your reply brother. I don’t know anyone who loves Christ.. I live in Chicago and it’s wicked here. I keep my pearls to myself.. and I’m lonely without fellowship, that’s true. I’m in this strange situation, where I want to fast.. but, I don’t want to fast wrong.. I want to read the word but, I don’t want to read it wrong.. I want to hear Gods voice.. or is it my thoughts. I feel stuck in bondage.

    • @watchmen-nehemiah4v20
      @watchmen-nehemiah4v20 Před měsícem

      @@Jordan-zt1ky Thanks sister. I will pray specific prayers. You've got a women's group within a few miles of you. Pray God direct you to the right one, Spirit led, open with their conditions and love greatly, studiers of The Word. The right group will be blessed that you are there. Fast however you can, no wrong way to fast. Do a one day water only fast or fast for a week no food before a set time each day. If you like coffee, fast coffee.. For reading, pray before you read for The Holy Spirit to help. Thank God now for Him helping guide and mold you. Believe for Him to deliver you from fears, your own thinking and any past traumas. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but The Lord delivers us from them all. Yes chicago is ungodly but this is now so everywhere. My wife and I are praying for you also. Blessings, Bryan and Kimberly

    • @Bread4Life
      @Bread4Life Před měsícem

      Have you received the Holy Spirit - are you born again? That's where our walk with Christ starts. Ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit.

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    49:10 God wants broken 💔 people for Himself 49:52 How God speaks to the prophets: matrimonial 50:39 How Christ used the Holy Spirit to communicate 1 Peter

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    44:46 How we received the Holy Spirit

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    36:27 shun Pharisee and religiosity

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    33:00 Regeneration is about everything low to be changed. 15 Psalms in the temple of 15 degrees

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    27:01 Regeneration is Holy Spirit work on us. How to validate ourselves with Christ 30:00 Titus 3:3-7 31:30 Matthew 19:27

  • @Schquirl
    @Schquirl Před měsícem

    24:00 Beauty no one sees but God creates it every spring. He makes beautiful things not always to be seen ❣️😢 His glory for us