REBUTTING “American Gospel” on Catholic salvation

  • čas přidán 13. 03. 2022
  • In this rebuttal Trent examines clips from the documentary “American Gospel” and shows how they distort and fail to refute the authentic Catholic view of salvation and the Gospel.
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  • @fatovatuvei1620
    @fatovatuvei1620 Před 2 lety +306

    i'm a protestant myself, and i did find a lot of inconsistencies within the documentary. Trent, you did a good job with this rebuttal. God bless you mate

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Před 2 lety +30

      Consider Catholicism….check out his book Why We Are Catholic by Trent Horn

    • @apubakeralpuffdaddy392
      @apubakeralpuffdaddy392 Před 2 lety +1

      @@johnyang1420 Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety +10

      Thank you for being willing to listen :) Keep searching my brother. God bless.

    • @LauraBeeDannon
      @LauraBeeDannon Před 2 lety +4

      We can help with that. 😉RCIA in your future.

    • @daniellennox8804
      @daniellennox8804 Před 2 lety

      Which Protestant denomination do you belong to, Fato?

  • @daniellennox8804
    @daniellennox8804 Před 2 lety +73

    16:02 Trent makes a great point here. Protestants who believe in “once saved, always saved” will say, “you’ll keep committing sins after becoming a Christian but there are some sins that a Christian won’t commit. If they did, it shows they weren’t a true Christian”
    That statement proves they do believe in mortal and venial sins.

    • @amartinez589
      @amartinez589 Před 2 lety +2

      I don't know what venial sins are, but a Christian will not live in sin, regardless of its serious or small. A Christian will not habitually lie, not even white lies, or sneak into a movie theater without feeling a real guilt and need to repent. People can be in the church and put on a good show, but the true Christian that is justified simply desires God and to glorify Him. We can't read others hearts, so if someone is doing well outwardly we may think they are actually doing well. But if that person is serving for other reasons with no remorse over sin, not seeking accountability, no talk about struggles, that person is one who does not see themselves as God does and does not recognize the desperate need for God in all things. A Christian will desire Gods word and seek Him in prayer, not fruitless repetition of prayer but real communion with God. If you believe that Jesus is God, His life death and resurrection, you recognize what God did for you a worthless sinner, and you are running from the person you used to be, you can know you are saved. Otherwise what are you believing about God, that He may save you if you've been good enough? That salvation is dependent on your walk? God makes the man, we take His hand and walk forward in His grace. We stumble and we beg that He lift us up. But the Christian does not make a mockery of the faith. Our sins they are many, His mercy is more.

    • @daniellennox8804
      @daniellennox8804 Před 2 lety +23

      @@amartinez589 venial sins are those which damage our relationship with God. Mortal sins are those which sever our relationship with God.
      Christians can be saved at one point then later on, by their own free choice, throw away the gift of salvation through mortal sin.

    • @amartinez589
      @amartinez589 Před 2 lety +2

      @@daniellennox8804 if that’s the belief than our salvation is more dependent on us but God is the one who saves. When the Spirit of God falls upon a man, can it be cast out? If a man is born again can He be born again and again and again or unborn? We don’t know who God calls, but there are several places in the Bible that speak of God calling and choosing. If we desire Him above all else, if we mourn over our sin and rejoice in what He accomplished, we may stumble but we will not falter in our faith. He will raise us up in the manner that He ascended, by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. Not because of what we did but because of what He gave and enabled us to do in the power of the Spirit.

    • @daniellennox8804
      @daniellennox8804 Před 2 lety +6

      @@amartinez589 to be born again is to be baptised, “water and spirit” John 3:5. I assume you don’t agree that this passage refers to baptism but this is how Christians have always understood this passage.
      In John 15, Jesus makes it clear that we need to abide in him - we are the branches, He is the vine. “If anyone does not abide in me, he will be cast away like a branch, and whither, and be cast away into the fire and burned”.
      In Romans 11:22, Paul builds on the parable of the vine and says, “Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise fyou too will be cut off.”
      For someone to be cut off implies they were previously attached to the vine (Christ).

    • @amartinez589
      @amartinez589 Před 2 lety

      @@daniellennox8804 what do Catholics believe about the thief on the cross? Is he in heaven? I don’t know how Catholics can say they are for baptism when the literal word means immersion and yet all they do is sprinkle or splash. In the old covenant inferior priests sprinkled the altar, in the new covenant Jesus emptied Himself at the cross. Jesus was immersed and the eunuch was immersed. Where does scripture support sprinkling. Christians should indeed be baptized but I believe the scripture supports salvation by faith, Jesus is the living water, His Spirit indwells us by faith. I believe people can have death bed conversions and they will see God. Don’t Catholics also believe remote people who never heard the gospel can be saved? They’re not being baptized… The branches thing, that may be a stretch to imply that Paul is connecting people who were once in Christ. Perhaps they thought they were, but it even says that God cannot revoke what He has given. Jesus said He will not let any of His sheep go. We’re talking about almighty God. If He saves a person can they really get out of His grip? In the same chapter He speaks of the remnant of 7000. Would He allowed it to only be 6999? If He says He is calling a person, can anyone thwart God?

  • @KSTrekker
    @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +247

    I'm a recent convert to Catholicism and I wondered why my Baptist dad was trying to push this video "American Gospel" on me. Now I see why. I'm still in RCIA and I was able to rebuke their wrong teachings about the Catholic Church. We don't "earn" our salvation. I was raised "once saved, always saved". I've never really believed that. Jimmy Akins said when referring to the verse in the Bible " one can pluck you out of my hand." Suppose you're going down the highway at 80 MPH. No one can pluck you out of that car. But you can open the door and get out on your own accord. God does not drag us into heaven when we have shown no desire by our lifestyle or outward expression of our faith that we don't want to be with Him. Of course, Evangelical Protestants love to say that a person who has turned against God and his teachings "was never truly saved to begin with." So you're saying that sin can separate us from God? I thought you couldn't lose your salvation? Did they just not say the sinner's prayer just right, or didn't really mean it?
    This idea of "once saved, always saved" appeared in Protestant circles around the time of Calvinism. Even Martin Luther did not believe in this concept. When people cherry pick verses that appear to say that God's grace is eternal, there are no works that need to be done, and salvation is assured - they're only looking at one side of the promise; God's half. We still have to be faithful in accepting that grace, repenting of our sins, and following Christ's teachings to the best of our abilities.
    There's a reason that Christ said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matt 7: 13-14. Ever notice why there's only one way into the nave through the narthex at a Catholic Church? It's to remind us of this narrow gate to heaven. Now look at most any Protestant church - see how many doors lead into the sanctuary/auditorium? Coincidence? I think not.

    • @allopez8563
      @allopez8563 Před 2 lety +4

      I agree mostly, but I think Luther believed in saved always saved not to the degree of Calvin who plain infers there are people born into condemnation.
      But there are statements atributted to Luther that have him say that it didn't really matter if someone sinned and one that "counseled" a friend of his to sin since he was already justified by faith.

    • @ericsonofjohn9384
      @ericsonofjohn9384 Před 2 lety +4

      Besides the gate point, this really spoke to me.

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +6

      @@ericsonofjohn9384 - I'm probably off-base on my analogy of Protestant vs Catholic doors. As a convert to Catholicism, I just find all the aspects of the faith intriguing, including the design of churches and cathedrals. Catholics chose form over function.

    • @l21n18
      @l21n18 Před 2 lety +1

      @@allopez8563 but a person could apostasize

    • @l21n18
      @l21n18 Před 2 lety

      @@KSTrekker not really

  • @tomloewen3572
    @tomloewen3572 Před 2 lety +135

    What a great review! I remember being guilt ridden that I couldn't remember when I prayed the sinners prayer to become a Christian. My mom told me that I was 5 years old when it happened. While I am grateful for my parents love of Christ and their dogged persistence to live a life of charity and their demonstration that Christ loved me, it took my grandchildren to introduce me to the Catholic Church. However, it was the Eucharist that drew me in. Since I have become Catholic a year ago at age 69, I realize that unfortunately my parents honestly misunderstood the Catholic position regarding Grace and many other Catholic doctrines. I love scripture even more than ever before. But best of all my love for Jesus has grown exponentially. Still happy that my parents loved Jesus and "worked" hard at their salvation and faith. I am happy they introduced me to the Church, even the Protestant Churches I grew up in where I still have many friends. I just wish that 500 year old reformation wall between the two was never erected.

    • @flippintobyland7257
      @flippintobyland7257 Před 2 lety watch this. May explain your sinners prayer.

    • @intedominesperavi6036
      @intedominesperavi6036 Před 2 lety +9

      It was the Eucharist (together with the Theology of the Body) for me as well.

    • @lilwaynesworld0
      @lilwaynesworld0 Před 2 lety

      @@flippintobyland7257 You mean an American protestant invention in the 1800s by American tent revivalist that replaced baptism the sacrament the church instituted at entrance into the church prior to American evangelicalism. Where is the sinners prayer in the Bible? Keep looking its not there nor is it anywhere in early church history.

    • @flippintobyland7257
      @flippintobyland7257 Před 2 lety

      @@lilwaynesworld0 you obviously didn’t watch the link bud , I do not affirm the sinners prayer.

    • @intedominesperavi6036
      @intedominesperavi6036 Před 2 lety

      @@ozsportscardcollector4720 Weren't you baptised at the Dutch Reformed?

  • @MrsYasha1984
    @MrsYasha1984 Před 2 lety +51

    Those semantics hurt my head...
    I know I was baptised as an infant. And then, through life, culture and insufficient catechism fell away from the faith.
    I know how deep I've fallen. There is no way, that in my state of deep depression and addictive behaviour I was saved.
    Now that I'm back in the faith, my whole being feels different. And that is a grace.
    But I had lost it. And I have found my way back by trying to get my life in order, and stopped sinning so much. And then I started to see God's Truth more clearly.
    And with regular sacraments, it got even more clear.
    Faith is important. But to try not to sin is also very important. And that is work! It is connected, we can't separate it. To argue if it is the fruit or part of the root... does it really matter?
    But we have to try. It's part of the deal, and part of our salvation so our soul can get Christs peace even now in life.

    • @anthonypuccetti8779
      @anthonypuccetti8779 Před 2 lety +7

      What he said isn't semantics, Catholic doctrine and protestant doctrine contradict each other. Protestantism is heretical.
      "To argue if it is the fruit or part of the root... does it really matter?"
      The root of what? Church doctrine does matter. The catechism says: "Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life." (CCC 2010)

    • @michaelibach9063
      @michaelibach9063 Před 2 lety +4

      Here’s the kicker, God allowed you to wander, experience the horrors of sin and then brought you back. Now you can testify to the power of the sacraments.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @Solideogloria00
    @Solideogloria00 Před 2 lety +67

    Min 32, that is clearly the Calvinistic “gospel”, which is no good news at all. You have a sharp eye Trent. Brotherly love from a Protestant who admires you.

  • @bethpulliam803
    @bethpulliam803 Před 2 lety +87

    As a convert from Protestantism to Catholicism, this clarified so many things for me that I did not know how to articulate. Thank you so much!!!

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety +1

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @josephclemencemasha2832
      @josephclemencemasha2832 Před rokem +12

      @@purpleduck3494 We don't worship the pope or The virgin Mary and we certainly don't offer sacrifices to them .

    • @Catholic101A.
      @Catholic101A. Před rokem +9

      @@purpleduck3494 hey there just want to point out Jeremiah 7:18 is not about Mary our mother, this passage mentions the the goddess of fertility Astarte there is a reference in 1 Sam 31:10 to her I took these verses out from the didache Bible footnotes. But here is one of many Bible verses referring to Mary our Queen of Heaven Rev.12:1 she's wearing a crown 👑 😉 God bless.

    • @wheatandtares-xk4lp
      @wheatandtares-xk4lp Před rokem +3

      ​​@@purpleduck3494You know you're talking about God's mom right? And Jeremiah is referring to pagan goddess worship. Mary mother of God wasn't even created yet. And Paul in the epistles calls himself the Father of his spiritual children in the churches he planted.

    • @the_son_of_man
      @the_son_of_man Před rokem

      ​@@wheatandtares-xk4lpgod doesn't have a mom... That's just ret@rded lol

  • @tess3390
    @tess3390 Před 2 lety +44

    What’s annoying too about this doc is that they portray Coptic Orthodox Egyptians as martyrs for the faith when if they actually knew their theology they wouldn’t consider them to be true Christians at all.

    • @takmaps
      @takmaps Před 2 lety +2

      It's pure idiocy. They operate under "Rome bad" ideology that's why they always say "Rome Teaches..."

    • @apubakeralpuffdaddy392
      @apubakeralpuffdaddy392 Před 2 lety

      How so?

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety +11

      Good point. I grew up Eastern Orthodox and it blew my mind to hear the anti Catholic stuff Protestants would say in front of me… totally ignorant of the fact that I was in total agreement with the teaching they were mocking! It’s hatred of Rome specifically. It’s so sad.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety

      @@apubakeralpuffdaddy392 I think OP means that these documentary makers would not include them as Christians because they believe the same doctrine of justification as Catholics

    • @apubakeralpuffdaddy392
      @apubakeralpuffdaddy392 Před 2 lety

      @@stefanielozinski Coptic Christians are being martyred by Jihadis in Egypt. God please protect the Coptics. But I don't understand-why is Coptic Christianity not true Christianity? Catholic - Orthodox - Coptic basically agree on all the issues, except papal authority, though there are different nuanced emphases.

  • @ArchetypeGotoh
    @ArchetypeGotoh Před 2 lety +38

    I know they intend this documentary thing to be encouraging, but I'm getting exactly the opposite from them. "You can't keep the law, it only exists as a mirror of your failures, its impossible to be perfect/like God, you can't keep the Commandments"... are we sure these folks are Christians? How are these comments distinguishable from atheistic despair? Their conclusion is "God loves you anyway", where the Atheist may conclude "God doesn't exist regardless", but neither seems compatible with Jesus in Matthew 5:16, where you "let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." If God only gave impossible commands, then God's word is ineffective and wasted, where the alternative seems to be that God's Word accomplishes the mission He intends for it.
    Edit: it's also interesting, now that I've gotten deeper into the video; it seems like these folks can't "preach the Gospel" without attacking Catholicism. It seems to me that if they had the truth, they ought to be able to share it without reference to what they think is a mistaken idea. Ask a Catholic what the Gospel is and they won't tell you about Buddha or Mohommad or Confucius or... but talk to a protestant and you'll get a full anti-Catholic tirade alongside their bible-alone idea

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +18

      I'm glad someone else saw it for what it was, depressing and the worst representation of the Gospel I've seen. "You can live up to God's law, so why even try?" I'll just sit here in my comfy theater seat and have an usher bring me my grape juice and cracker to celebrate (yep, they use the word celebrate) the Lord's Supper. I was a Baptist for 40 years until I went to funeral Mass for my Mother-in-law and I had never seen such reverence, holiness, and respect for the Word of God and the Eucharist. The Catholic Church tells you to pick up your cross, confess your sins, and do your best to imitate the life of Christ every day!

    • @andrewpatton5114
      @andrewpatton5114 Před 2 lety +5

      And that is why the Scriptures refer to preachers of antinomianism as "unto every good work, reprobate." The antinomians actually boast in their unrighteousness- rather than thanking God for bringing sinners to repentance, they accuse those who actually live as God commands of being hypocrites who thereby deny the Gospel.

    • @matthewhoffman3911
      @matthewhoffman3911 Před 2 lety +3

      Yeah, I was definitely getting the vibe of "it's hopeless to even try being good, just give up and be a sinner." Also the strange idea that God's commands aren't really commands, that they exist solely to make us feel unworthy, etc. They entirely miss out on the whole concept of Baptismal Regeneration and doubt that God really can make us pleasing to Him, not only "forensically," but actually. The reason we cannot be justified by the law, as such, is because the law in and of itself cannot give us the "tools" to keep it while we are still in an unregenerate state. So the documentary isn't *entirely* wrong on the point of the law not being able to justify us. But when the grace of God urges one to repentance, and one receives the grace of Justification in Baptism, our sins are forgiven and the Holy Spirit renews our mind with sanctifying grace, which in turn gives us the ability to keep God's law. And we have the promise that every time we are tempted the Holy Spirit will give us a way out of the temptation. So by remaining in God's grace we can keep the law, at least in regard to mortal sins.

    • @andrewpatton5114
      @andrewpatton5114 Před 2 lety +2

      @@matthewhoffman3911 And the strange thing is that Way of the Master does call sinners to repent, warning that those who profess Christ with their lips but continue to live in sin will not be saved.

  • @johnsix.51-69
    @johnsix.51-69 Před 2 lety +84

    I find it funny when protestants say, "Biblical Christianity." I follow up with, "Which bible canon were Christians reading before the councils or Rome, Hippo and Carthage?

    • @Mygoalwogel
      @Mygoalwogel Před 2 lety +6

      The Tawahedo Canon, the Peshitta Canon, the Greco-Russian Canon, The Papal Canon, and the Protestant Canon all differ. They all share the homologoumena books and all have discrepancies among antilegomena books.
      So we can dismiss the exaggerated claim that some one council magically created one definitive canon one day.
      Homologoumena has always been accepted by Assyrian Church of the East, Miaphysites, Palamists, Protestants, and Papists from the time of the Apostles until today. Even the Popes don't fret that Byzantine Catholics chant the portions of their longer canon in their Holy Liturgy. Antilogoumena books do not present a challenge to Anglican or Lutheran protestants because they don't contradict their doctrines anywhere.

    • @CountCulture27
      @CountCulture27 Před 2 lety +4

      Sigh. We all read the same Bible. Who put it together is way less important than what’s in it. The selling of indulgences is one of the main reasons Protestants are even here….we’ll, minus the whole King Henry VIII idiocy. The fact that the Catholic Church put the Bible together doesn’t really matter in the larger scheme. I believe the Bible is God inspired so it could’ve been put together by any Christian and would hold the same weight.

    • @johnsix.51-69
      @johnsix.51-69 Před 2 lety

      @@CountCulture27 When protestants can't refute my comment they say exactly what you say, "it doesn't matter who canonized the scriptures." Protestants are here because of indulgences you're right. To indulge in the tithes of their ignorant lay people. That's why there are so many denominations. If you protestants all claim to have the promise of John 16:13 then why do you all disagree with each other? Is the Holy Spirit of truth confused and is building thousands of churches with different beliefs everywhere? Since you probably read the other guy's comment then why don't you read from the canons of the eastern apostolic churches? You say any Christian could have put the canon together and holds the same weight. The Ethiopians have 81 books. Go read from their bible.

    • @johnsix.51-69
      @johnsix.51-69 Před 2 lety +11

      @@Mygoalwogel Yeah I've seen this comment before I don't know if on Facebook or on CZcams. You seem to think that I'm ignorant of the eastern catholic rites and their liturgies. My original comment was aimed at protestants and their canon, but since you want to bring up the eastern apostolic churches then we can. Here are some more "exaggerated claims." This will be broken up in sections since there is a limit of characters per comment.
      Liturgy in the Fourth Century
      Before the late 4th Century, each city-church had its own, local "canon" of the Bible, and these local canons differed from city-church to city-church -- some local canons including books which are currently excluded from our present Bible (such as 1 Clement to the Corinthians, or the Epistle of Barnabas, or the Book of Enoch, etc.), and some local canons excluding books which are currently included in our present Bible (such as the Epistle of James, and Hebrews, and 2 Peter, and 2 & 3 John, Jude, and Revelation). The reason that city-churches had different local canons is because city-churches had different local Liturgies -- that is, the Liturgy (form of worship) in the city-church of Rome was different from the Liturgy (form of worship) in the city-Church of Corinth, or the city-church of Ephesus, or Antioch, or Jerusalem, etc. This included the yearly Liturgical calendar, with different city-churches celebrating different local feast days on any given date.
      Since the feast days differed, so did the corresponding readings for those feast days; and since there were only so many Liturgical readings (from so many canonical books) that a city-church could have in a given year, this limited the number of books in the local canon of that city-church.
      As the Church entered the 4th Century, there was no such thing as one, universal "Bible"
      (one universal Scriptural canon, which the entire, universal Church shared in common).

    • @johnsix.51-69
      @johnsix.51-69 Před 2 lety +11

      @@Mygoalwogel Arian Heresy
      When the Arian heresy ripped the Church apart (pitting bishop against bishop, and city-church against city-church), this created an enormous problem, since you had different bishops (Arian vs. Catholic) quoting from different books (or sets of books) in defense of either Arianism or Catholic Trinitarianism. Needless to say, this complicated and prolonged the controversy, and made Arianism much harder to defeat. Well, by the year 382, when the Arian heresy was finally defeated, Pope St. Damasus of Rome (who had been the librarian for the church of Rome prior to becoming Pope) took it upon himself to correct this problem, and to guarantee that it would not happen again, by initiating steps for the formation of a universal canon of Scripture which all city-churches would hold in common, which would eliminate any book which even implied Arianism (or other condemned heresies).
      Forth Century North Africa Councils
      To "start the ball rolling" on this, Pope Damasus promoted a Biblical canon which was a synthesis of the canon of the city-church of Rome and that of the city-church of Alexandria --the two leading city-churches of the universal Church. Damasus then turned this proposed canon over to the bishops of North Africa for analysis and debate. And he did this for four reasons:
      • North Africa was not part of the theology schools of either Alexandria or Antioch, which were the two intellectual factions that had caused the Arian controversy.
      • North Africa had the most bishops per capita of anywhere in the universal Church at the time, so they would reflect a good sample of universal opinion among the bishops.
      • The North African Church had a traditional custom of meeting in council (either at Carthage or at Hippo) every two years, which would give them the ability to hash things out effectively; and
      • Many of the North African bishops were renowned scholars, such as St. Augustine of Hippo, who participated in the debate and helped to formulate the canon.
      So, at both the councils of Hippo (393) and at Carthage (397), the North African bishops worked out the final canon of the both the Old and New Testaments for the universal Church. This is the present canon of the Catholic Church, which the North Africans then submitted to Rome for final ratification. Now, we're not sure when this final ratification was given, but we do know that, by A.D. 405, Pope St. Innocent I was promoting the so-called "canon of Carthage" (397) throughout the Western Church. Rome would also have sent rescripts of its decison (final ratification of the Carthaginian canon) to Alexandria, the 2nd See of the universal Church and the primate in the East, with the expectation that Alexandria (as Eastern primate) would disseminate it throughout the East.
      However, while Alexandria apparently (as it always did) followed the lead of Rome and accepted the Carthaginian canon, there was a major problem in the other Eastern patriarchate of Antioch (which represented the other half of the Eastern Church at the time), given that Antioch, at the time, was torn by internal schism, with two (and sometimes three) Catholic bishops all claiming to be the rightful Patriarch of Antioch! So, because of this, the canon of Carthage was never initially implemented or effectively accepted throughout the Patriarchate of Antioch; and since Constantinople (the Eastern imperial capital) was the Liturgical dependant of Antioch (the Byzantine Rite being a modified form of the Antiochian Rite), Constantinople never initally implemented the canon of Carthage either. And, because of this, well into the 8th Century, you have Byzantine and Antiochian fathers, such as St. John Damascene, recognizing books like 1 Clement to the Corinthians or the Book of Enoch as canonical works!

  • @schinzo19
    @schinzo19 Před 2 lety +60

    Wow.. been Protestant my whole life and these explanations are making a lot of sense Trent. Just starting my journey of investigating into what Catholics have to say but just wanted to say thanks for your tone and approach in your videos. God bless you brother.

    • @JR-yb8jp
      @JR-yb8jp Před rokem

      Don’t forget that Satan can deceive even the very elect. You are being deceived.

    • @maxonmendel5757
      @maxonmendel5757 Před rokem +1

      Zach, update after 10 months?

    • @maxonmendel5757
      @maxonmendel5757 Před rokem

      @@JR-yb8jp Troll. Zwingli was the devil himself. learn church history.

    • @schinzo19
      @schinzo19 Před rokem +6

      @@maxonmendel5757Sure! A lot of the anxiety about being in the “right church” has subsided. God has really helped me to trust that his grace is perfect and that if im walking in his spirit I will end up in the right place. I have gained a lot of respect and mutual affection for Catholics I now interact with. I am reading a lot and am finding Gavin Ortland a good source of the Protestant angle. I enjoy how him and Trent interact often. God bless brother

    • @davidestate
      @davidestate Před rokem +2

      Thanks your for looking .. that could be the Holy Ghost redirecting you back home.

  • @TheFifthofFive
    @TheFifthofFive Před 2 lety +17

    It was this very issue that made me question Protestantism and become Catholic. In my Baptist church there was an assistant pastor that I looked up to spoke well, had a good marriage and their children were well behaved and seemed wiser than their years. But it turned out that he was having an affair with a 14-year-old girl from the church. The facts about the case were just awful. This leads me to really question what happens when I Christian sins.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      And the sodomy and rape of children and the cover ups and the installation by the Catholic church of the god Molech whom children was sacrificed to and them calling themselves 'father' when only God is the Father and many Saints being intercessors and not Jesus only etc. That doesn't make you want to leave this false church?
      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @TheFifthofFive
      @TheFifthofFive Před 2 lety +2

      @@purpleduck3494 I am sorry did my comment trigger you?

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Před 2 měsíci

      Remember, Jesus said that 'many will seek to enter heaven,' but will not be able to. It is not about 'Protestant versus Catholic' or about pastors sinning against God. If a person knows Christ, they are saved. It they do not know Him, they are not. Know this: if you do not know Christ in this life, neither will you know Him in the next! It is God Who should be our teacher. Christ died on a Cross so that, just by asking, we may know Him. Cursed be anyone who preaches a different gospel! Jesus Christ is the light of the world.

  • @drewd5811
    @drewd5811 Před 2 lety +103

    Former protestant here, I hate the weird dichotomies that I used to live by. The very idea of separating living a life of holy virtue is separated from my assent from intellect and will to love God with my whole heart, BODY, and soul should be a part of my Christian identity seems crazy to think about now.

    • @carriebradon2807
      @carriebradon2807 Před 2 lety +4


    • @davidjanbaz7728
      @davidjanbaz7728 Před 2 lety +2

      You were obviously confused then if that's what you believed.
      As a Protestant I agree with your statement and that's what all Protestants I know would say.

    • @drewd5811
      @drewd5811 Před 2 lety +11

      @@davidjanbaz7728 Not confused. Evangelical groups and traditional protestant groups tend to follow Lutheran or Calvinist Works vs Faith type argumentation. You even find such simplistic discussions from the program that Trent is rebutting.

    • @apubakeralpuffdaddy392
      @apubakeralpuffdaddy392 Před 2 lety +6

      @@davidjanbaz7728 Except that you Protestants are all heart & all strength, God bless you for that, but you don't develop your minds, and your souls are empty. Start reading the Church Fathers, and books by St. Francis de Sales, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Teresa of the Little Flower. Then you'll understand what it means to love God with all your heart, strength, mind, & soul.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety +1

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @noahsolomon1550
    @noahsolomon1550 Před 2 lety +43

    As a convert to eastern orthodoxy, I loved your rebuttal to American gospel and its evangelical fundamentalism. Pls to all those in the comments pls don't slander the orthodox church. God bless

    • @crossbearer6453
      @crossbearer6453 Před 2 lety +8

      To be fair I’ve seen a lot of Orthodox slander Catholics but in wrong on all sides

  • @michaelanderson6484
    @michaelanderson6484 Před rokem +30

    I'm not a Catholic, and therefore have some disagreement with you, Trent, but I love how you bring up salvation as a process, rather than a moment or single act. It makes so much more sense this way! Bless you, Trent, for all you do!

  • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
    @ToxicallyMasculinelol Před 2 lety +42

    Wow, that was honestly painful to watch. The people in this documentary have some slick, silver tongues. Not to mention the floaty music that plays while they preach the devil's favorite lies, music that sounds intentionally orchestrated to evoke divinity and tug on the heartstrings. They almost manage to make themselves sound righteous and holy for not only refusing to hold themselves to Christ's laws, but simultaneously misleading others into this toxic doctrine of selfish, undisciplined cynicism. I want to weep for all the people who watch this and are misled by it. I'll pray that the Spirit of Truth will give them a sign that will lead them to the actual Church.
    It's crazy how many of the videos you rebut are just truly painful to sit through. Not like I'm personally bothered by what they say, (I would have merely laughed at this a couple years ago, back when I was an atheist) but I feel that impulse to correct them, to stop them from pushing someone else off a cliff. I often want to reach through the screen and shake them, but I'm almost completely helpless to do anything about it lol. All I can do is hope to God that my understanding is wrong, and that God will forgive and save everybody. Unfortunately I don't have any good reason to think that's the case. Instead it sounds exactly like something the devil would want us to think.

    • @child_of_weakness7600
      @child_of_weakness7600 Před 2 lety +7

      For your encouragement, I used to see this documentary as an accurate representation of catholicism......but I haven't lately. Imputed righteousness had always been strange to me, but I thought there was no alternative without works based salvation. Aha little did I know catholicism is a religion of grace not works

    • @andrewpatton5114
      @andrewpatton5114 Před 2 lety

      @YAJUN YUAN We do not do as you say we should, because we affirm that actual grace is present in those who are not in a state of sanctifying grace (i.e. in mortal or original sin). If it were not so, no one could ever repent unless God first justified him, but that is absurd, because that would mean justification precedes faith, that there are those who are unrepentant but nevertheless justified. No, God plainly states that He will not "acquit the guilty." "Behold, I stand at the door and knock," says the Lord. If He did not knock, no one would ever be aroused from his stupor to let Him in, but it is not until we let Him in that, "I will come in and dine with him."

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Před 2 lety +1

      @YAJUN YUAN I think a problem arises when you interpret "grace" as meaning something that would have been given to you no matter what. Grace could just mean something is given to you even though you don't deserve it.
      Let's say I'm an artist who sells my paintings. They're worth $5,000. But someone comes along who respects and honors me, who gives me gestures of gratitude, who treats others with charity and is more interested in the wellbeing of others than in his own pleasure. And he offers to buy my painting, but he only has $1,000.
      Not enough to afford my painting, but it's the best he can do, and it's a gesture of his love and sincerity. I can either reject him outright, or I can show him grace and give him my painting even though he does not merit it.
      Does my giving him the painting mean that he did nothing, that I would have given my painting to anyone for $1,000? Of course not. I was only willing to show him grace because of those works and behaviors I described.
      God could work in exactly the same way. I'm not saying God _must_ work in that way, but how else do you make sense of the repeated affirmations in the Bible that baptism saves, that repentance is necessary for salvation, that sin detaches us in some way? How do you make sense of the _repeated_ warnings from Jesus and the Apostles not to behave badly, not to wander astray?
      The only way any of that makes sense is if God indeed expects something of us. Just because he expects something of us, doesn't mean those of us who do what he expects actually _deserve_ his infinite gift. Nothing we tiny, pathetic humans can achieve is worth even one iota of what eternal life and the beatific vision are worth. So of course nothing we do could ever merit God's grace.
      But just because everything we do pales in comparison to God, doesn't mean he doesn't expect something from us. He expects us to at least try to imitate him in love, faith, and grace.
      And of course, this makes sense of faith too. Atheists frequently point out how incoherent Christianity is by saying "faith is a work." They often don't realize that sola fide is a novel, protestant doctrine, not a traditional Christian doctrine.
      They're absolutely right though. There is simply no way to conceive of faith as anything but a work _except_ to propose 5 points Calvinism - that's exactly _why_ the 5 points emerged. Protestants pretty quickly realized that the whole concept of sola fide is incoherent, because the very act of having faith is a work, perhaps the most difficult and most important work of all.
      So, the only way to salvage their bankrupt presupposition was to conclude that free will does not exist. That faith is not a work because we don't even choose to have faith, we are simply forced to have faith. It's irresistible and impossible to lose. Never mind the 1500 years of acknowledgement that people doubt, that people lose faith, that almost everybody who has ever believed has struggled with doubt and wavered at times.
      Only the Catholic/Orthodox position (and that of a few protestant denominations) is even logically coherent. Only when you understand faith as assent, as affirmation, as an act of the will, can you make sense of grace.
      Why should merely having faith merit grace when no other work does? Surely if we don't deserve grace merely for being charitable, for giving up our possessions and following Christ, then we don't deserve grace merely for believing in Christ.
      As far as I can tell, there is no protestant explanation for this. Because James clearly tells us that we are saved by works and not by faith alone. Only by ignoring that passage (or removing it from scripture, as Luther tried to do) can you conclude that faith is not a work.
      That is completely consistent with Paul's letters, which seem to indicate that nothing we do makes us deserving of grace, but that we get it anyway - through baptism. We may lose it and regain it as a consequence of failing to keep our side of the covenant, and later repenting. How can we violate the covenant? Of course, by losing faith, but also by failing to heed Jesus Christ's other commandments, such as the one American protestants struggle with the most - sell all your possessions, give to the poor, and follow me.

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +3

      What bothered me most, and this coming from a former Baptist who used to share most of their views regarding the Gospel, is how smug and condescending they were. Hey man! Us Catholics had the Bible written down and handed to you! You think you're going to school us on what it truly means? I also thought I understood scripture as a Protestant, but since my conversion, I have a whole new appreciation and deeper understanding of God's Word.

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +3

      @YAJUN YUAN - The Parable of the Prodigal Son. I had always heard this parable as a Protestant and thought it was about a son that went astray. As a Catholic, it's now obvious to me that Jesus is speaking of someone who was saved, then loses their salvation, only to regain their salvation when they returned home to the father.

  • @thepalegalilean
    @thepalegalilean Před 2 lety +50

    I am glad that the film 'American Gospel' makes ut clear that this is an 'American' Gospel, and not the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    They make it very clear we can dismiss their garbage movie.

    • @jaybird1596
      @jaybird1596 Před 2 lety +7

      The “American Gospel” is the prosperity gospel…it’s what the documentary is refuting, not advocating for. You’d know that if you didn’t outright dismiss what you prima facie concluded was garbage.

    • @thepalegalilean
      @thepalegalilean Před 2 lety +9

      Regardless of that their own gospel is no less Protestant.
      Whether it is the prosperity gospel or not, garbage is still garbage. Getting a different variety of garbage doesn't stop us from being garbage.

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Před 2 lety +3

      @@jaybird1596 The irony is that it's the American protestant movement (of which the filmmakers are representative) that spawned the prosperity gospel in the first place, and a variety of other unholy abominations. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, adventism, unitarian universalism, too many others to count, plus a wide variety of bizarre millenarian cults that overlap with UFO cults. So we have a heretical sect scolding its own offspring for wandering too far from its own wayward corruption of the truth.
      As for Evangelicalism, its history spins completely out of control when it gets to America. Not that it was wholly stable to begin with, as all protestant sects are prone to splintering by their very nature of 1) accepting only their own subjective interpretation of the scripture as authority, and 2) not being the Church that Jesus built, so therefore not guaranteed any institutional guidance from the Holy Spirit. But things have gotten completely out of control in America, with many Evangelicals noting the movement is changing more rapidly in the last 10 years than it changed in the prior 200 years. And that distinctly American error is being exported across the world at startling rates now. So although it originated in the braindead American protestant milieu, it's now a global phenomenon, basically a pandemic.

    • @jaybird1596
      @jaybird1596 Před 2 lety +2

      @@ToxicallyMasculinelol Sounds dangerously close to an ad hominem (guilt by association). That kind of rhetoric does nothing to move these kinds of conversations forward charitably. Maybe that isn’t your goal.

    • @caleb.lindsay
      @caleb.lindsay Před 2 lety +1

      @@ToxicallyMasculinelol they irony of this absolutely must sting you in a painfully obvious way if you actually took your argument seriously. Under the same scrutiny: if Catholicism is true and anything that falsehood is derived from is guilty for being the foundation by which a false thing grows, then Catholicism is to blame for all false tangents of “the true faith”. I’ve never seen a Catholic argument that passes its own standard when applied to itself.
      Truth is discoverable *and* in concert with scripture. God manifests His truth in nature, revelation, the hearts and minds of men, etc. they are in unison and even where the fallen world is broken, the positive truth can be seen even within the negative (like an undeveloped photo). Everything points to the Almighty, and that truly is a grace.
      In my opinion, Catholicism stands more on an overt axiomatic assertion rather than what I mentioned above. To know God “is” is self evident just within regular (“natural”) revelation but to know “who God is” requires more than just nature but the two are perfectly in agreement as the Creator of both revelation and nature is the same.
      I’m in the battle to discover if the RCC is legitimate (attending mass 3 weeks now) but these kind of thoughtless arguments really do a disservice to those you want to win and yourself. It’s these kind of vacuous statements that keep people from contending with solid doctrine and argumentation. Take your argument, try to ask yourself how it applies to your position, and if you can’t pass it, don’t use it.

  • @zacharyboudreau9127
    @zacharyboudreau9127 Před 2 lety +8

    This is what happens when you don’t have the fullness of the sacraments, especially Reconciliation. Despair > rationalize > recreate goodness in your image.

    • @sffsf81
      @sffsf81 Před 2 lety

      Wrong, catholic church is a deception. How can you think the pope is a godly man? You are following an ancient babylonian religion disguised as christianity/Jesus Christ the way.

  • @bryanwong2044
    @bryanwong2044 Před 2 lety +14

    I’m so thankful for Trent and his conversion to the catholic faith because he can better understand where prots are coming from and enlighten them tactfully

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @thethinplace
    @thethinplace Před 2 lety +28

    The Catholic plan of salvation being unbiblical to Evangelical eyes, then applies to Anglicans and Lutherans and Presbyterians. Basically any non-evangelical Christian is wrong.

    • @gregorybarrett4998
      @gregorybarrett4998 Před 2 lety +2

      Of course all alternative belief systems are held to be wrong. It is the nature of a religious belief system to hold all alternative belief systems to be in error, at least in the measure that they are incompatible with with itself.

    • @thethinplace
      @thethinplace Před 2 lety +14

      The absurdity (I'm an Anglican btw) is that most of Christendom and nearly all of Church history disagrees with these people. They love the 5 Solas but they have condemned even the Lutherans. Because Lutherans do not teach "once saved always saved" and believe in the efficacy and normative requirement of Sacraments.

    • @gregorybarrett4998
      @gregorybarrett4998 Před 2 lety

      @@thethinplace Hi, Jeremy.
      It might be best to give thanks for such good as is found as an operating context for pursuing questions of difference and indeed divergence, In this way the engagement provides at least the possibility of developing a more clear understanding of whether, how much, and in what division resides. From there the further possibility may open of overcoming difficulties and removing obstacles.

    • @RestingJudge
      @RestingJudge Před 2 lety +7

      @@thethinplace I grew up Evangelical in the American south, and I never could buy into eternal security. I remember it being explained to me before my baptism and all I thought was "What a bunch of BS". I was twelve.

    • @thethinplace
      @thethinplace Před 2 lety +14

      @@RestingJudge I grew up Southern Baptist as well, and it's not even believed in practice. It always ends up in the No True Scotsman fallacy. "They were just never REALLY saved to begin with."

  • @zeldaocarina26
    @zeldaocarina26 Před 2 lety +60

    Whenever I hear about the emphasis on salvation by faith alone, I always think about how it’s just semantics. If you ask, “Is repentance necessary for salvation?” You’ll get two main answers. “Yes” from those whom believe repentance is a necessary aspect of salvation, and “no” from those whom believe repentance would be considered a work for salvation. If you flip the question to be, “Is an unrepentant person saved?”, though, most people would then be on the same page with “no.” Concise and clear language/answers are more important than theological, but confusing, language/answers.
    If an unrepentant person is not saved then, it means repentance is necessary, by definition. Not because it’s something we do for salvation, but because it means we acknowledge we need saving and act accordingly. Kind of hard to accept salvation if you either believe you don’t need it, or believe you need it and choose not to accept it haha.

    • @anthonypuccetti8779
      @anthonypuccetti8779 Před 2 lety

      Its not semantics, its a grave error from Satan that leads people to damnation. And protestants don't think of repentance as a work.

    • @MrCB555
      @MrCB555 Před rokem +3

      And the fact that even demons believe. Belief never saved them. So obviously there is a difference.

  • @annb9029
    @annb9029 Před 2 lety +23

    Thank you Trent , I hate it when folks talk about Catholic Christians with no knowledge

    • @duckymomo7935
      @duckymomo7935 Před 2 lety

      Honestly, the Marian devotion should be the sole purpose Catholicism is wrong

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @annb9029
      @annb9029 Před 2 lety +6

      I already said Mary is not God neither is the Pope , so ok Catholic Christians never worship anyone but God Jesus is lord , the we just honor the Saints and Mary is Blessed not God , already said that. , My favorite saint is John the Baptist not Mary

    • @josephclemencemasha2832
      @josephclemencemasha2832 Před rokem +6

      We don't offer sacrifices to the virgin Mary because she is just a creature ,she is not divine .We as catholics venerate her

    • @mikederp9612
      @mikederp9612 Před rokem +2

      @@duckymomo7935 tell me you dont understand early church and bible without telling me...

  • @madeleinepodesta3181
    @madeleinepodesta3181 Před 2 lety +51

    I remember watching the American Gospel at a crucial point in my conversion to Catholicism - it really discouraged me. Thanks for making this video!

    • @larryjake7783
      @larryjake7783 Před 2 lety +2

      I'm not catholic but I did go the way of orthodox Christianity

    • @JR-yb8jp
      @JR-yb8jp Před 2 lety +3

      I’m so glad I escaped Roman
      Catholicism and it’s unbiblical positions directly opposed to explicit statements in the Bible.

    • @madeleinepodesta3181
      @madeleinepodesta3181 Před 2 lety +14

      @@JR-yb8jp who compiled the bible?

    • @LauraBeeDannon
      @LauraBeeDannon Před 2 lety

      @@JR-yb8jp the bible they compiled to be read at mass?

    • @JR-yb8jp
      @JR-yb8jp Před 2 lety

      @@LauraBeeDannon the mass is a heresy. Christ said that “IT IS FINISHED”. Book of Hebrews makes it clear that there is no more need for sacrifices. Man cannot Re-sacrifice Christ at will. Just read the Bible and let it speak to you.

  • @MELOMEL95
    @MELOMEL95 Před 2 lety +20

    Oh man, it was around this time 2 years ago a former friend showed me this long trailer of American Gospel, as evidence of telling me I should leave the CC. I had to stop talking to her because it seemed like we couldn’t talk about Christ (even after i had repented) without leaving. Glad to see Trent cover this since this movie seems to misrepresent the faith.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @MrDarthtelos
      @MrDarthtelos Před 5 měsíci


  • @JerichoLeon
    @JerichoLeon Před 2 lety +8

    This is so enlightening. When I watched The American Gospel, I felt something was off with their theology... they do go from one extreme to the next and ignore what is clear in Scripture. I think their work is damaging to those who are actually not well versed in Scripture because they will bear this false dichotomy and start to impose that standard even on the clear and practical teachings in the New Testament. I hope more Protestants, especially of the Reformed kind, can get to watch this video.

  • @RJ-bq5mr
    @RJ-bq5mr Před 2 lety +27

    A Baptist friend tried to show me this video. We didn't get past the part you go over at the 20 minute mark without pausing and arguing lol. Might send him this video.

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +9

      My Baptist parents tried to slip this one in on me.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety +1

      I hope he will listen! I think you should watch the whole thing and hopefully he’ll give you the same courtesy :)

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +6

      @@stefanielozinski - it's been my experience that it's rarely a 2-way conversation. Us Catholics are expected to listen to Protestant arguments, but when we try to rebut, we're told "that's not in the Bible" or that's because you're brainwashed by 2,000 years of idol worship. The best way to try to bring Protestants back to the Church is to challenge them to research the 1st century Church and what the early Church fathers believed and practiced.
      That's what started my conversion to Catholicism after 40 years as a Baptist - researching the early church. I had a hunch that what we believed had been diluted from the truth after 2,000 years. It's like a game of telephone, where you sit in a circle and one person whispers a message into the ear of the person next to them. Then they pass the message, and so on, and so on. By the time you get all the way around the circle after just 10 people, the message isn't even close to the original. So go to the source of the message; those who received the deposit of faith, and the oral and written traditions of the Apostles.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety +6

      @@KSTrekker It’s ironic that you phrase it in those terms - I’ve heard Protestants say that our Catholic traditions are like telephone!
      I agree, though. I tend to focus a lot on Sola Scriptura when speaking to Protestants for similar reasons. I get why they are worth doing, but it bothers me how many public debates are based on “is X in the Bible”. It’s basically giving Protestants the advantage by discounting Catholic evidence for our beliefs from the word go. And then some Protestants in those debates will still bring up random Catholic teachings to discount their opponents and give them no time to explain! It’s tiresome.
      I am glad you were able to open your eyes after so much time as a Baptist. That’s amazing. It is undeniable that the Catholic Church resembles “the early Church” far more than any Protestant denomination.

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety +2

      @@stefanielozinski - so true! Your statement about how arguments dissolve into "X is in the Bible" is what has happened between my father and I. He is a Baptist Deacon and if he can't find it in his 66 books of the Bible, he's not listening. But every 3-5 years he gets mad at the church or pastor and stomps off to go find another Baptist church that agrees with him. Where is that in the Bible? Where in the Bible do we find instructions for how to start your own denomination if others don't agree with your teachings? There's zero authority, which is why I find the Catholic church refreshing.

  • @GuitarJesse7
    @GuitarJesse7 Před 2 lety +13

    I’m part of a non-denominational church, not RC, but I agree with much of your commentary and rebuttals in response to these film clips. The more I learn, the more I reject Calvinism. Ironically even Calvin himself would have rejected some of the doctrines that hyper-calvinists have developed. This was also enlightening to hear more of the accurate representation of what Roman Catholics believe. I certainly find the points you made about living a life of holiness and obedience to God’s commands to be more harmonious with what we read in scripture (OT and NT) than the idea that our works are not interconnected with our salvation. Just to clarify, I’m not saying they are the cause of our salvation, but essentially teaching people that their actions in obedience or disobedience to Christ doesn’t have an impact on their eternal relationship with God seems contrary to all the passages that talk about being disciples, finishing the race, ensuring to the end. And when we attribute our ability to cooperate with God as part of His grace and Spirit at work in our lives, then I don’t see how that is a man-centered or works based faith. The glory goes to God- in our obedience we’re not saying look how great we are, we’re just showing how worthwhile he is to be followed and how much we recognize we need him.

    • @TheMarymicheal
      @TheMarymicheal Před 2 lety

      Well said my brother.
      Hope you can work on finding covenant and the importance of church on contrary to adherence with non denomination.

  • @killianmiller6107
    @killianmiller6107 Před 2 lety +28

    It’s kind of funny to me that Protestants will cite Ephesians 2:8-9 as though Ephesians 2:10 doesn’t exist

    • @zacharynelson5731
      @zacharynelson5731 Před 2 lety +5

      It’s a pretty dead giveaway that they don’t really read what they’re quoting from

    • @toddgruber5729
      @toddgruber5729 Před 2 lety +11

      I also didn’t notice them addressing James 2:24…”see how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone”.

    • @killianmiller6107
      @killianmiller6107 Před 2 lety +1

      To be fair I think they did bring it up, but they explain it as good works being evidence of faith.

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Před 2 lety +7

      @@killianmiller6107 Yeah that's the standard refrain. And when you point out that their most devout representatives rarely exhibit that particular type of "evidence of faith," they retreat to the unfalsifiable, completely extrabiblical claim that people who don't do good works or do really evil works (like televangelist extortion) must have never been "true Christians" to begin with.
      The sad part is that the doctrine has real consequences. What does it do to a person to teach them that good works are only an involuntary reaction to faith? That our free will has no control over whether we behave morally or immorally? That we are "totally depraved" and that a decent, charitable, loving atheist will be judged more harshly than a serial killer who once believed in Christ?
      When kids hear this stuff from their pastor, I think they'll tend to come to the natural conclusion that decent behavior isn't required, and that spiritual engagement is infinitely more important than our personal responsibilities. Or that, at least, spiritual thought is the only thing that really matters, and that God perceives our moral effort and charity no differently than he perceives the hustle and bustle of our ordinary, self-interested lives. I just recently read an article on the Coming Home Network (look up "A Protestant Historian Discovers the Catholic Church", it's the first result on Google) that deals extensively with that issue in Evangelicalism:
      "There was one strange irony in this highly religious and theological atmosphere. We stressed that it was faith and not works that saves. We also confessed the classic Protestant belief that all people are “totally depraved,” meaning that even their best moral efforts are intrinsically hateful to God and can merit nothing. By the time I reached high school, I put these pieces together and concluded that religious practice and moral striving were more or less irrelevant to my life. It was not that I lost my faith. On the contrary, I absorbed it thoroughly. I had accepted Christ as my Savior and been “born again.” I believed that the Bible was the Word of God. I also believed none of my religious or moral works had any value. So I quit practicing them.
      Before I began my studies in Iowa, Jill and I witnessed the birth of our first child, a son. His brother was born less than two years later, and a sister arrived before we left Iowa (we now have five children). My wife was very busy caring for these children, while I committed myself almost entirely to my studies. I see today that I spent too much time in the library and not enough time with my wife, my infant sons, and my daughter. I think that I justified this neglect by relying on my sense of mission. I had a high calling - to witness to the faith through theological study - and an intellectual view of the Christian faith and my Christian duty. For Evangelical Christians, what one believes is more important than how one lives. I was learning how to defend and promote those beliefs. What could be more important?
      Outwardly, I remained staunchly anti-Catholic. I continued to attack the Church and to defend the Reformation, but inwardly I was in psychological and spiritual agony. I found that my theology and my life’s work were founded on a lie, and that my own ethical, moral, and spiritual life were deeply lacking. I was rapidly losing my motivation to disprove Catholicism, and instead I wanted simply to learn the truth.
      Catholicism had started to seem like the most sensible interpretation of the Christian faith, but the loss of my childhood faith was shattering. I prayed for guidance. In the end, I believe it was grace that saved me. At that time, I had a wife and four children, and God finally showed me that I needed more than books in my life. Quite honestly, I also needed more than “faith alone.” I needed real help to live my life and to do battle with my sins."

    • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
      @ToxicallyMasculinelol Před 2 lety +5

      Here's a quote from another Catholic convert from evangelical fundamentalism, who spent decades shopping through all the various American denominations, Wesley Vincent, PhD. (search "A Bible-Believer Becomes Catholic by Believing the Bible" on Google):
      "From our wedding on, Paula and I had followed the advice of a number of devout Protestants and used contraception in order to get our careers and finances established. Years after having stopped using contraception, we concluded that we were infertile. Then, in 1991, Paula and I finally had a son, Sean. Paula’s labor of forty-eight hours seemed to last longer than the concurrent Desert Storm invasion. Selfishly, we had waited too long so now he is an only child who will face the responsibility and demands of our last years alone."

  • @FirstLast-po8oz
    @FirstLast-po8oz Před 2 lety +12

    Scrupulosity and a lack of the sacrament of reconciliation seems to be part of the problem here.

  • @timmleonard111
    @timmleonard111 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Thank you for making this video. I am a Protestant trying to learn more about the Catholic faith, and Trent Horn has been invaluable. I have also really enjoyed Jimmy Akin. Thank you Trent for your dedication to the Word of God and for your ministry.

  • @soystudios2778
    @soystudios2778 Před 2 lety +10

    18:42 Why do protestants always leave out Ephesians 2:10?
    Ephesians 2:8-10
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are GOD'S HANDIWORK, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS to do GOOD WORKS, which GOD PREPARED IN ADVANCE for us to do.

    • @vaseman3639
      @vaseman3639 Před 2 lety +1

      I was thinking the exact same thing. It basically fleshes out how salvation works. One time I was at youth group, and I brought up this verse to Protestants who seemed to end up agreeing with something similar to the Catholic position, although not in name. It seems there is more of fear of Catholicism than there is legitimate issue on the doctrine. It’s sad because I know how much they love Jesus, truthfully, but condemn His Church. Pray for them. God bless.

    • @ParadeTheGospel
      @ParadeTheGospel Před 2 lety +1

      Ummm. We don't? You do realize that that has nothing to do with salvation right because we just read the first part of that segment...... That we are saved for good works and that good works don't save............ It's crazy how Roman Catholics think that they won the argument because they think that we forgot the next verse. When the next verse has nothing to do with their argument........... I mean this is not even common Sense 101 this is like common sense 1. It doesn't even need an explanation but you guys are making an argument up out of thin air.

    • @ParadeTheGospel
      @ParadeTheGospel Před 2 lety

      Learn some good reading comprehension skills and you will see how you guys have no idea what you're talking about. Also check out Titus 2:11 until the end of the chapter. Some great stuff there. Obviously when you were born again you live a different life and God prepared us as Christians to do great things in His name. It literally just got done saying how The works don't save you... It's like you guys have amnesia because you think the next verse is a verse that proves works salvation. It's crazy weird and really stupid and you have to have a zero reading comprehension skills but I've seen this argument so many times it's like do people know how to read.

    • @christsavesreadromans1096
      @christsavesreadromans1096 Před 3 měsíci

      @@ParadeTheGospelIt clearly proves that one who is saved will be producing works, so lack of works is indicative of being unsaved. Either way works are required.

  • @hi2cole
    @hi2cole Před 2 lety +32

    I've been waiting for something like this. I knew they portrayed Catholicism in a very inaccurate light.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety +1

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @hi2cole
      @hi2cole Před 2 lety

      @@purpleduck3494 I can't tell if you're ignorant or don't care to understand what Catholicism is truly about. This is one of the oldest arguments the fundys have used for years. Trent Horn has already refuted this. Just because there is a pagan or false so called queen of Heaven, it doesn't refute the existence of the true queen of Heaven, Mary. I am not sure how your comment refutes Catholicism in any way. It does not follow from any premise you could make with your argument, though what you said doesn't even really appear like an argument, more like an unnecessary comment.

    • @bc4108
      @bc4108 Před 8 měsíci

      I mean they pegged Catholicism right on the nose. Ephesians 2 8-9 is misquoted in the catholic bible. It is literally taken out of context (and taken literally) to fulfill an agenda that you need to do works to go to heaven. Are works important? Absolutely. Is your salvation dependent on it? Absolutely not. The context being " εστε σεσωσμενοι" (meaning you ARE saved), verses simply "σεσωσμενοι" (meaning "have BEEN saved"). It is the same way in the Ten Commandments saying "you shall murder". If you conveniently leave out "לֹ֥֖א" beforehand (meaning "not) you could do exactly like the catholic bible does and say "Hey guys look here! The bible says to murder people!". This is wrong because CONTEXT MATTERS.

    • @jacobpotts7954
      @jacobpotts7954 Před 4 měsíci

      @@bc4108what are you talking about? I’m reading a Catholic translation of the Bible right now (New American Bible, Revised Edition) and it translates Ephesians 2:8-9 correctly, just in slightly different wording.
      “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast.“

  • @OldScrewl1928
    @OldScrewl1928 Před 2 lety +16

    James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." Doesn't matter if it is the theft of a chocolate bar or of a widow's savings, it results in damnation. There are NO small sins. Matthew 5:48, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
    Jesus gave us baptism and the eucharist only.
    Humans can never know who is saved, the process of salvation is spread over time. God, who dwells in eternity per the RC and Protestant churches, knows who the saved are from all eternity. The law:
    1. Convicts of sin
    2. Abates evil
    3. Provides for the progressive sanctification of all believers.
    Too many theologians (ies) complicate and harmfully obfusicate this. Have faith in Christ's victory and keep the law with all your effort knowing it is not your keeping of the law that saved you, Christ saved you and was the ONLY God that could. Your keeping of the law is a sign that you belong to Christ because one can only keep it with his help.

  • @terrystreets4477
    @terrystreets4477 Před 2 lety +38

    As a former Pentecostal, I was a music director for many years. I was at the church all the time, every event, at the drop of a hat. And I still had to work multiple jobs in order to make enough income to pay bills. Yet I was severely reprimanded in front of the entire church for not paying enough in tithes. I was told that God would not answer any of my prayers, because my lack of giving had placed my family under a curse.

    • @edwardmiessner6502
      @edwardmiessner6502 Před 2 lety +9

      Good thing you're out of that church. Churches that demand that people tithe 10% of their income and teach the prosperity gospel like your old church I think are exceedingly greedy

    • @sffsf81
      @sffsf81 Před 2 lety

      Tithing in malachi 3:11 is refering to food crops that you grow. Terry, people are testifying that God is calling his true children out everywhere, from every denomination. Jehovas witness, catholic, baptist, calvanist churches etc. Many people give testimony of God calling them out of church and into a true relationship with Jesus Christ.
      Pray to God from home, read the bible, strive to keep his commandments and be ready to give up everything in this world for him.

    • @sffsf81
      @sffsf81 Před 2 lety

      Church doesnt save, nor does their events, or attending the choir, or cleaning the church building, only God can.
      48However, the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: 49‘Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me, says the Lord, or where will My place of repose be?…
      1 Cor 3:16
      16 Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? 17If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.…

    • @tayh.6235
      @tayh.6235 Před 2 lety +6

      Wow, that's gross. That church had issues

    • @michaelibach9063
      @michaelibach9063 Před 2 lety +8

      I went to a oneness Pentecostal church for awhile as a Protestant. What intrigued me was that it was clearly a family thing. You had grandsons preaching while granddad and dads were siting behind the pulpit.
      It was clear nepotism, and smacked of inherited rule based solely on family linage.
      I would try to talk to the preacher about his sermons and i would get this deer caught in headlights look that made me suspect he hadn’t actually written the sermon.

  • @RainInTheSummer
    @RainInTheSummer Před 2 lety +2

    I’ve been waiting for this! Thank you Trent!

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety +1

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @jellojenna6
    @jellojenna6 Před 2 lety +40

    A really common error among Protestants (I say this as a former Protestant) is the conflation of St. Paul's use of "the Law" in Scripture with the moral law. St. Paul is talking about the Jewish, Mosaic law which has passed away, not the moral law, which is always in effect.
    Edit: when I saw the "Scripture + Tradition" image plus the picture of the rosary, I had a sudden and intense desire to defend Our Blessed Mother Mary, whom Jesus gave to us from the cross. Again, as a former Protestant, I pray that more Protestants come to realize the amazing gift that Mary is!

    • @matthewhoffman3911
      @matthewhoffman3911 Před 2 lety +7

      "All generations henceforth shall call me Blessed!" Indeed! Don't mess with Mama!
      To be fair, it can be a bit confusing at first glance, since St. Paul uses the term "law" in several different senses in various places, but when you read in context Romans and other places, it really shows a manner of Justification that is affirmed in the Council of Trent.

    • @Adam-ue2ig
      @Adam-ue2ig Před 2 lety +3

      There is no conflation....when Paul talks about law and sin it is not limited to law of Moses but he refers to all manner of sin including moral law...Romans 7 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. Paul's point is we are saved by the perfect sinless Savior Christ and that He paid the penalty for our sin...He then encourages us to live Holy Lives etc...

    • @Adam-ue2ig
      @Adam-ue2ig Před 2 lety +2

      @@matthewhoffman3911 whether the moral law or the ceremonial law, in either case we have not kept it perfectly. Are you loving your neighbor as yourself perfectly, are you currently perfect in thought word and deed? Whatever distinction you try to make...Jesus paid it all by His perfect life and perfect Spotless Sacrifice for us on the Cross and He ever lives to make intercession for us.

    • @JR-yb8jp
      @JR-yb8jp Před 2 lety +1

      She died.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      @@Adam-ue2ig You can't convince people who doesn't want Christ as Lord only. Who doesn't believe in His sufficient grace. People want to save themselves or Mary to save them or whatever saints. Anything but Jesus alone. His righteousness is not understood here and we need to pray for them. Only the Holy Spirit can move people to true salvation. Notice they never mention the Holy Spirit. Mary they call the Queen of Heaven and we know what God says about those who serve the Queen of Heaven. It's pagan. And He warns us against it. Jesus only and all works and goodness comes from Him and not us anyway. We can do nothing of our own. Bless you Adam.

  • @phoult37
    @phoult37 Před 2 lety +32

    If I were a protestant and didn't have the sacraments, then I'd despair as well.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Před 2 lety +1

      Absolutely yes!!!!

    • @duckymomo7935
      @duckymomo7935 Před 2 lety +3

      We have sacraments: baptism and communion

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 2 lety

      This may help.
      Luke 22:28 “However, you are the ones who have stuck with me in my trials; 29 and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, 30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel.
      Only those who have been chosen to rule with Jesus will partake of the emblems on the anniversary of Jesus' death.
      The original meaning has been corrupted by the churches.
      (Acts 20:29, 30) I know that after my going away (ie Paul's death) oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, 30 and from AMONG YOU YOURSELVES men will rise and SPEAK TWISTED THINGS to draw away the disciples after themselves.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety

      It’s very true. The thought of sitting with my constant sin and failure WITHOUT SACRAMENTAL CONFESSION is terrifying.

    • @sffsf81
      @sffsf81 Před 2 lety +3

      @@stefanielozinski Just confess to God directly, whats wrong with you? Why you need to confess to a man.

  • @amandagauthier-parker1399
    @amandagauthier-parker1399 Před 2 lety +25

    Thank you so much! This is the explanation I've been looking for as my family converts to Catholicism and anticipates negative responses from our Protestant friends. I always appreciate how you speak the truth with charity in your arguments with those who oppose Catholicism.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @MrDarthtelos
      @MrDarthtelos Před 5 měsíci +1

      You forgot the part where they made offering to strange gods. They weren’t talking about Mary, this is taking about a pagan goddess.

  • @tbojai
    @tbojai Před 2 lety +54

    Former Protestant here. When I first saw American Gospel, I took the definition of Catholic salvation that was presented at face value.
    For anyone else searching around out there, just one piece of advice: Listen to the Catholic view on salvation from good Catholic sources before you make your mind up about it. American Gospel ended up being far afield in this area.

    • @jean-marcbrand1093
      @jean-marcbrand1093 Před 2 lety +16

      Agreed, if you don’t agree with the Catholic plan of salvation, then fine, but argue against what the church actually teaches and not a straw man version of their teachings.

    • @intedominesperavi6036
      @intedominesperavi6036 Před 2 lety +15

      Yes. Once I actually looked at what Catholics had to say about these topics, I rarely found myself disagreeing. Their view of justification was so helpful to me, since I, as a Lutheran who took the Holy Scriptures very seriously, was never really satisfied with my read on James 2.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 2 lety +1

      With respect. Roman Catholics as do their Protestant breakaways, don't seem to have a clue as to what being saved means.
      This should help.
      Matthew 24:13 But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.
      It is futuristic. No one can claim that he is saved and die as that would make no sense.
      Hope this helps.

    • @LauraBeeDannon
      @LauraBeeDannon Před 2 lety +2

      @@tongakhan230 and why is your interpretation the best way?

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 2 lety

      @@LauraBeeDannon : There is no need to 'interpret' anything.
      There is a statement Jesus made, which I quoted, which gives the tense.
      'WILL BE SAVED' is futuristic in tense.
      'Has been saved' is present.
      'Was saved' would be past.

  • @johncox2284
    @johncox2284 Před 2 lety +3

    You really nailed it on this one Trent. It's interesting that I came.across this during the season of Lent.

  • @michaelsmark
    @michaelsmark Před 2 lety +46

    Great Rebuttal. I thought Catholicism was unfairly characterized in "American Gospel". That is one of the main reasons even as a Prot that I didn't like the film.

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Před 2 lety +10

      God bless you for seeking the best arguments, even for a position you don’t agree with. Such is required in charity!

    • @56pjr
      @56pjr Před 2 lety

      Catholics are NOT Christians. Escape

    • @JR-yb8jp
      @JR-yb8jp Před 2 lety

      Huh. I thought they were too kind to the RCC. It’s a Marian cult IMO.

    • @michaelsmark
      @michaelsmark Před 2 lety +17

      @@JR-yb8jp I used to think that too. Then I talked with Catholics. I never met a Catholic that worships Mary.

    • @JR-yb8jp
      @JR-yb8jp Před 2 lety

      @@michaelsmark Then you don’t know many.

  • @1001011011010
    @1001011011010 Před 2 lety +12

    It is very frustrating seeing the twisting that Bible perverters do to the Scriptures to maintain their mere tradition of men such as "faith alone" and "Scripture alone", both of which can be very unbiblical. It is not that it is impossible to follow the commands of Jesus, so that this is really some sort of dog whistle or secret code that we can't do it. It seems clear throughout the Bible that, instead, we realize that "with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." We recognize our own lowliness and are reborn in baptism, grow into the new mind given by the Spirit, as we grow in Jesus and He grows in us. There is no need for pride, because we realize we truly are so low that we need the grace of God. There is no need for despair, because it is a process and God gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation so we can be reconciled when we stumble and we can continue to grow in the spiritual life. If we commit a minor fault, we realize our own weakness if we don't cooperate with God and get back up again: it seems best to not fret over it very much (even if we note it and avoid it in the future). In this way we grow and know our good fruit is by the grace of God, so we do not boast of ourselves.
    Let us pray for those mislead by such methods as shown in that documentary.

  • @ozsportscardcollector4720
    @ozsportscardcollector4720 Před 2 lety +25

    Thank you Trent. As someone who is making their way to the Catholic faith this was both helpful and reassuring. You make a lot of sense. Whenever I heard Protestant preachers explaining matters of theology and/or faith I often felt myself thinking .... hang on that just doesn't add up. Thank you for illustrating why it doesn't add up.

    • @Adam-ue2ig
      @Adam-ue2ig Před 2 lety


    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @susand3668
      @susand3668 Před 8 měsíci +3

      Dear@@purpleduck3494, thank you for feeding the algorithm and helping out this channel by posting your comments.

  • @mr.s.thecatechist
    @mr.s.thecatechist Před rokem

    Brother, I love your content! Please keep it coming!

  • @IM-tl7qv
    @IM-tl7qv Před 2 lety +14

    Trent, you should rebut the latest video from the channel "The Truth Hurts" by a former Jehovah's Witness making claims about the Bible (albeit using the JW translation). It seems absolutely ideal for your rebuttal series, large channel, 58K views on video, recent and great chance to defend Catholicism.

  • @thetruth4079
    @thetruth4079 Před 2 lety +16

    Good breakdown. I was wondering when a Catholic apologist was going to address the “American Gospel” doc Calvinists bashing of Catholicism

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @thetruth4079
      @thetruth4079 Před rokem +2

      @@purpleduck3494 😂😂😂 your way off of scripture.. yes I said scripture..

  • @ToxicPea
    @ToxicPea Před 2 lety +3

    Around the 23 to 28 minute mark when the documentary was on the "Catholic salvation plan diagram part" and Mr. Horn was refuting it, I was nodding my head the entire time like: "Yeah that's exactly it! What's wrong with the Catholic view? That's exactly how it works!"

  • @jorgemartinez123
    @jorgemartinez123 Před 2 lety +3


  • @toddgruber5729
    @toddgruber5729 Před 2 lety +47

    Trent, you do such a great job rebutting these with patience. I watch these and find myself getting frustrated because others don’t steel man the Catholic position, they take bits and pieces and make up other parts…then saying things like the “biblical” answer is…ugh…thanks for always working towards setting the record straight when errors are spewed.

    • @56pjr
      @56pjr Před 2 lety

      Catholics are NOT Christians. Escape

    • @essafats5728
      @essafats5728 Před 2 lety +2

      @@56pjr another ignoramus, hardened heart PROTEST-ant for the whole world too see, luv it

    • @samuelaguilar9668
      @samuelaguilar9668 Před rokem

      Roman Catholicism has a lot of errors in their teaching. I was a former Roman Catholic. Grew up in a Roman Catholic Family, Studied in a Roman Catholic School, served in a parish near in my home town. A former devout Roman Catholic.. I have witnessed Roman Catholicism's errors. Leaving Roman Catholicism is a good thing. 👍

  • @Ujasoncook9267
    @Ujasoncook9267 Před 2 lety +4

    Starting at 13:40 it struck me the sacrament of reconciliation can solve a lot of these issues protestants are despairing over.

    @NGAOPC Před 2 lety +3

    Just found this movie yesterday, so glad to see you did this - their editing to justification was clumsy and more nuanced than their indictment of the particular sins of prosperity gospel.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @chukwudinosike8944
    @chukwudinosike8944 Před 2 lety

    Thank you so much Trent. God bless you.

  • @cactoidjim1477
    @cactoidjim1477 Před 2 lety +8

    I'm starting to see that all opposition to the Church points to rejecting the priesthood.

    • @benakinjo
      @benakinjo Před 2 lety +2

      Even more concisely, it all points to rejecting the hierarchy, and namely, the papacy.

  • @ryanskol83
    @ryanskol83 Před 2 lety +18

    Thank God for the Sacraments! Especially Reconciliation.

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @AlexLopez-zh4kq
      @AlexLopez-zh4kq Před rokem

      @@purpleduck3494 No one says the Pope is the father or god lol

  • @neilanadams5173
    @neilanadams5173 Před 2 lety +9

    Rebutt these videos all day long pls. Thank you

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety +1

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @benakinjo
    @benakinjo Před 2 lety +8

    I remember watching this documentary about 2 years ago or so and really liking the first half. But then the more it went on, the more I became suspicious of it especially at the end. It might have been the thing that finally made me start studying the history and core beliefs of protestantism (which is ironically something that's never done in protestant churches) and realizing just how much of it just didn't hold any water either spiritually or intellectually.
    It's very easy to be a protestant which is why I think so many people go for it. It essentially let's you become the arbiter of your own truth. There isn't an error you won't find in protestant denominations. Everything from Jesus wasn't God, to that there is no Hell. Furthermore, there are a lot of cult-ish elements in so many denominations. I've come across more than a few who just had this empty, glazed over look in their eyes (I jokingly call them "moon-blinked", referencing the Guardians of Ga'hoole series). You know you're in for a treat when they start telling you about how God is actually a woman.

  • @freda7961
    @freda7961 Před 2 lety +8

    This documentary is so heartbreaking that it's difficult to get to the rebuttal parts of the video.

  • @ChristopherJDenis
    @ChristopherJDenis Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you Trent.

  • @manilaguy035
    @manilaguy035 Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you Trent for making this video.

  • @ScottBrown-eb7ut
    @ScottBrown-eb7ut Před 3 měsíci +1

    Amazing. As a first year accounting student it was once said “Figures don’t lie, liars figure.” I.e. the same figures can be twisted to make any point you want. Apparently people can do the same with scripture. People, including Catholics, will seek out an interpretation that supports what they want to believe. Very, very, sad!

  • @JewandGreek
    @JewandGreek Před 2 lety +5

    I'm no expert on Catholicism but I have studied Calvinism quite a bit and I saw through what they were doing in this movie. I've done a series of rebuttals to it. They misrepresented Word of Faith Theology and charismatics in general quite a bit. I would welcome a dialogue with you on this.

    • @BrianGondo
      @BrianGondo Před 2 lety

      Catholic here, have watched a lot of your videos and love them. Would love to hear a dialogue of you and Trent on this issue

  • @scottcowen4071
    @scottcowen4071 Před 2 lety +18

    Sad that protestants don't have confession, it is my favorite sacrament with out which I can't recieve the greatest sacrament

    • @jendoe9436
      @jendoe9436 Před 2 lety +6

      Just went to Confession this past weekend and even though I’m always nervous going in, I leave much calmer and with a strong desire to do better.
      NonCatholics are really missing out on one of God’s greatest graces to us.

    • @tombotting3345
      @tombotting3345 Před 2 lety +1

      I go to confession the first Saturday of every month. The easiest way to stay in a state of grace is through confession. Jesus gave us the sacrament of reconciliation because he knows humans make mistakes.

    • @duckymomo7935
      @duckymomo7935 Před 2 lety

      Yes they do, you can confess to anyone

  • @joshuadavis2294
    @joshuadavis2294 Před 2 lety +14

    Trent's out here going hard on these false teachers!

    • @johnnylara7032
      @johnnylara7032 Před 2 lety

      May God bless Trent! I enjoy/love watching videos of Trent to learn more about Catholicism. I like/love watching rebuttal videos of his, but I don't want to enjoy the Protestant's misery & mistakes. I love them enough from my heart, to pray for them for the grace of conversion to Catholicism. Mother Mary, pray for us. Amen.

    • @joshuadavis2294
      @joshuadavis2294 Před 2 lety +1

      @@johnnylara7032 amen

  • @sbm1994
    @sbm1994 Před rokem +2

    Great video Trent! Only thing I would highlight is that while this understanding of “Faith Alone” is common to many/most Protestant denominations, especially more non-denominational/baptist theologies, Confessional Lutherans for example would reject this understanding of faith alone. As a confessional Lutheran myself, who enjoys Catholic content for its large overlap with Lutheran theology in many areas, I would agree with your distinction of mortal/venial sins and would say true faith would lead one to try to follow the commandments to the best of their ability.

  • @macroglossumstellatarum3068

    Trent. Wonderful video that not only rebuts this ridiculous documentary (never seen it, but I might watch now for a laugh) but also beautifully summarizes the Catholic view on salvation. Thanks!

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @FirstLast-po8oz
    @FirstLast-po8oz Před 2 lety +8

    "Only God is good", is so overused to rationalize failing to strive for an honorable life.

    • @heyman.712
      @heyman.712 Před 2 lety

      And we are not even talking yet about the Unitarians using this verse.

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex Před 2 lety

      @YAJUN YUAN No humans believe 'only Mary is good' or anything even remotely like it.

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex Před 2 lety +1

      ​@YAJUN YUAN In some contexts. In others, no. Besides, Mary and the angels are sinless, but this doesn't make them divine. All good is from God, but not all good is God. Created good only participates in God's goodness.

  • @billprorok8115
    @billprorok8115 Před rokem +1

    Another outstanding video. Worth watching many times. Thank you.

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack Před 7 měsíci

      Trent still falls short not realizing that it is not the will of human ability that we are made alive and new, but rather we are made alive and knew by God alone.
      Colossians 2:13 ESV
      And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,
      Ephesians 2:5 ESV
      even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved-
      Who made you alive???
      Jesus said
      John 14:15
      "If you love me, you WILL keep my commandments.
      Did he say you can keep? Is it optional? No, he said you WILL keep. Look further…
      John 14:23
      Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he WILL keep my word, and my Father WILL love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
      Christ reconciles us to the Father for this benefit. Even when we were dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ-For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is NOT YOUR own doing; it is the GIFT of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

  • @SuperFernandinho7
    @SuperFernandinho7 Před 2 lety +2

    Amazing how Protestants have watered down everything. From the Eucharist being the body and blood of Christ to it’s just a “symbol” to instead of a crucifix just a cross without Jesus to just have faith in Jesus but you don’t have to do anything else. This is why Protestantism is so appealing to people that aren’t willing to make an effort and make sacrifices.

  • @BibleLovingLutheran
    @BibleLovingLutheran Před 2 lety +50

    I've been waiting on this one. Man, I'm heartbroken. Maybe I'll be a part of the Church next year. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @robertajaycart3491
      @robertajaycart3491 Před 2 lety +5

      You won't regret it.

    • @BibleLovingLutheran
      @BibleLovingLutheran Před 2 lety

      @Roberta Jaycart thus far I've done nothing but regret it. Jesus isn't a social club. He never says I need initiation nor a class to follow Him.

    • @TrixRN
      @TrixRN Před 2 lety +8

      @@BibleLovingLutheran But look what Jesus did. He taught His disciples for 3 years so they would understand what was going to happen. Then He taught them more after His resurrection tying it all together. Paul stayed months to years teaching at the churches he started. In the first few centuries catechumens (unbaptized converts) went through class for at least 2 years & weren’t even allowed to be present at the consecration of the Eucharist until after baptism.
      The ancient faiths, Catholicism & Orthodox, have way more in common with each other than with Protestantism. They believe in regenerative baptism, real presence in the Eucharist, holy orders, sacerdotal confession…Sacraments not ordinances.
      I was Protestant for 57 yrs & converted to Catholicism 8 yrs ago. I needed the class to understand exactly what Catholics believe & if I could positively assent to it. I could & did. I love the Catholic Church. Most of all I love how the Church has brought me into an even closer & deeper relationship with Christ. I’ve said a prayer for you. God bless you 🙏❤️

    • @lukebrasting5108
      @lukebrasting5108 Před 2 lety +5

      @@TrixRN There's only one ancient Christian faith and that's Catholicism, not Eastern "Orthodoxy." There can be only one true Church, not two or more. Not trying to start an argument or anything, I just felt the need to mention it since it seemed like you were promoting "Orthodoxy" as an option or something that's acceptable when it's not.

    • @TrixRN
      @TrixRN Před 2 lety +1

      @@lukebrasting5108 No Luke. Thank you for your comment. I was making the point of the length of time it takes & has always taken to come into the Church. This was the OPs concern.
      I was pointing out that our brothers in schism still hold most of the beliefs that the Catholic Church does. They are not heretics. They have apostolic succession, 7 sacraments, a valid liturgy, & venerate our Blessed Mother as we do. All of the ancient churches hold these things.
      They are not in communion with the Pope which deprives them of the teaching authority & assurance of infallibility. They have not had a valid council since the 7th Council. We are beginning to see the deprivation of valid authority with the split between Russia & Constantinople.

  • @jd3jefferson556
    @jd3jefferson556 Před 2 lety +4

    O King of Glory, send us the Promised of the Father, the Spirit of Truth. May the Counselor Who proceeds from You, enlighten us and infuse all Truth in us as You have promised. Amen.

  • @andrewwheeler2847
    @andrewwheeler2847 Před 2 lety

    This is a great video! One of your best!

  • @sarco64
    @sarco64 Před 2 lety +2

    As a Lutheran, I think that the greatest difference between the Catholic and Lutheran understanding of justification/salvation can be summed up by the comments made between 22:00 and 22:15, where it is stated that we can merit eternal life and that God gives us eternal life for following his commands. The Lutheran understanding is that we HAVE BEEN justified by faith (Romans 5:1), which receives the gift of the great exchange whereby our sins are imputed to Christ, which He atoned for on the cross, and His perfect righteousness is imputed to us (II Corinthians 5:21), which is the only way that we can be as perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). The Lutheran understanding is that genuine faith, faith which justifies, will necessarily result in sanctification, a life-long process in which we co-operate with God's grace and grow in obedience to God's commands, but our obedience will never be perfect in this life and thus cannot be the basis for meriting eternal life.

  • @miguelmangada4117
    @miguelmangada4117 Před 11 měsíci +4

    Thank you for spreading the true gospel.

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack Před 7 měsíci

      Trent still falls short not realizing that it is not the will of human ability that we are made alive and new, but rather we are made alive and knew by God alone.
      Colossians 2:13 ESV
      And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,
      Ephesians 2:5 ESV
      even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved-
      Who made you alive???
      Jesus said
      John 14:15
      "If you love me, you WILL keep my commandments.
      Did he say you can keep? Is it optional? No, he said you WILL keep. Look further…
      John 14:23
      Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he WILL keep my word, and my Father WILL love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
      Christ reconciles us to the Father for this benefit. Even when we were dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ-For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is NOT YOUR own doing; it is the GIFT of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

  • @PolymorphicPenguin
    @PolymorphicPenguin Před 2 lety +4

    It is so reassuring to see how you can disagree with Protestants and yet not be mean and nasty about it, especially when these Protestants are being so snide and condescending about Catholicism. I'm not going to claim to know who is right and who is wrong, but it's quite thought-provoking to hear about the differences in theology.

  • @chaisomvirunhaphol2284
    @chaisomvirunhaphol2284 Před 2 lety +2

    Bought both of the books you recommend, by the way if I wanted to learn Catholic theology online, could you recommend an institution that gives sound and correct Catholic teachings? I’ve tried to search and mostly are Protestant based

    • @chukwurahsomadina2897
      @chukwurahsomadina2897 Před 2 lety +1

      Check Matt Fradd' channel 'Pints with Aquinas' another one is Catholic Answers, then Reason and Theology is also good. If you like Philosophy and Theology you check The Thomistic Institute. Then Bishop Baron's Word on Fire is also good.

  • @tonyforte1782
    @tonyforte1782 Před 2 lety

    great great video....thank you Trent

  • @irishandscottish1829
    @irishandscottish1829 Před 2 lety +5

    How do these Protestants justify their ‘always saved’ belief with the following….
    - JN 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
    They either believe and trust in the word of Our Lord or they don’t

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety

      Exactly! Most Protestants forget that God's saving grace and offer of salvation is a two way street - we have to uphold our end of the bargain. Suppose you had a moment in your youth where you called upon Jesus to save you and you accepted Him into your heart. Maybe you even followed Him in Baptism. Then suppose you you never pray to Him, profess Him before men, attend His Church, never worship Him, read His word, repent of your sins, ... nothing. Then you die. Why should God drag you into heaven, when you clearly showed zero evidence that you wanted to be with Him?

    • @YiriUbic3793
      @YiriUbic3793 Před 2 lety +1

      Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:31-46
      In these two examples the people were surprised when the Lord told them that they would be sent to the lake of fire? They believed in the Lord Jesus but their deeds were bad and that was cause for condemnation, and what about James 2:14-26?

  • @Lucian09474
    @Lucian09474 Před 2 lety +4

    I've seen that Mike Gendron he is an ex Catholic has been hanging out with lots of reformed baptists would be nice to see his material engaged with

    • @zacharynelson5731
      @zacharynelson5731 Před 2 lety +6

      I spoke with him one time. It was very obvious that he had almost no clue what the Catholic Church teaches.

  • @reformedstoic1581
    @reformedstoic1581 Před rokem +1

    Brilliant work, God bless.

  • @emmanuelkingsley2629
    @emmanuelkingsley2629 Před 2 lety

    Powerful words, Trent!

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

  • @jonathanstensberg
    @jonathanstensberg Před 2 lety +8

    Often, one of the easiest ways to break someone out of the sola fide box is to ask them first if there is anything that some one has to do to be saved, beyond mere accepting salvation through Jesus in faith. Then, ask them if they believe they must repent of their sins to be saved. Now they face the contradiction most clearly: either they must admit that people must do at least some thing to be saved, or they must reject the necessity of repentance and contradict the clear injunctions of Christ. Ultimately, most will see that they don’t actually believe in salvation by faith alone, but rather by faith plus repentance, which is a work of the human will. Thus the Protestant can take one small step outside the box of sola fide without feeling like it’s too big of a leap.

  • @diegofuentes6639
    @diegofuentes6639 Před 2 lety +8

    That's true indeed. Faith IWTHOUT WORKS IS DEAD

  • @lhinton281
    @lhinton281 Před 2 lety

    Great job Trent. It is also good to highlight that the sacraments are the Life of Christ freely given and the good works we do in Christ are Christ in us, God working in us, the Spirit empowering. In other words, all is from God and redounds to His glory and grace. Glory to Jesus Christ, glory forever!

  • @willire8811
    @willire8811 Před 2 lety +1

    Wealth… prosperity…. They didn’t miss the point. This documentary was a life saver! Helped me understand my sin and lead me to passages and scriptures that I have pondered for years that assure me of my salvation!

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety +1

      Don't let Catholics take away your joy in knowing you are saved. They want to make as if we have to work for it but any work we do is by God and His power and not of our own and even in that we cannot boast. Jesus and His righteousness saved us we have none and can never attain it. Any works we do He does through us and is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Notice they never mention the Holy Spirit either. It's from them. anyways. Never forget what God says about their queen of heaven.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.

    • @tasiaflynn3549
      @tasiaflynn3549 Před 11 měsíci

      Psalms 45:1-9 Among the ladies of your court are daughters of Kings, and on the right of your throne stand the Queen, wearing ornaments of finest gold. 10 - 17

  • @nanagaga2001
    @nanagaga2001 Před 2 lety +4

    Trent mentions "the saints in heaven" at about 22:50. When I say to Protestants that we pray to our loved ones and or saints in heaven they claim no one is heaven, these people are dead and we shouldn't be trying to communicate with the dead. What's a good response?

    • @zacharynelson5731
      @zacharynelson5731 Před 2 lety +1

      Just ask them which of the early Christian’s believed that

    • @nanagaga2001
      @nanagaga2001 Před 2 lety

      @@zacharynelson5731 That would bring up tradition which they don't believe in. "If it isn't in the bible I don't believe it"

    • @zacharynelson5731
      @zacharynelson5731 Před 2 lety +2

      Then you turn that same principal back on itself and show them that it’s self refuting.
      “It’s not in the Bible, therefore it’s not true” is not stated within the Bible; so by its own logic it’s not true

    • @BrewMeister27
      @BrewMeister27 Před 2 lety +6

      Revelation 5:8 is the most explicit verse. It describes elders (people) in heaven offering the prayers of earthly Christians to God.
      "And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints"

    • @aruzsa1554
      @aruzsa1554 Před 2 lety +2

      Maybe ... "Are you alive in Christ? ... Are the Apostles/saints alive in Christ?"

  • @JustUsCrazyBoyz
    @JustUsCrazyBoyz Před 2 lety +4

    Sola Fidei is such a stupid concept. If we don't need to work out anything then why did Christ have to make commands in the first place?

  • @elitisthavoc3949
    @elitisthavoc3949 Před 2 lety +2

    We are saved, we are being saved, and we hope to be saved. The one who perseveres until the end will be saved.
    “Put falsehood and lying far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches; provide me only with the food I need; Lest, being full, I deny you, saying, “Who is the Lord?” Or, being in want, I steal, and profane the name of my God.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭30:8-9‬ ‭‬‬

  • @vaderetro264
    @vaderetro264 Před 2 lety

    Such a good video, thank you.

  • @ucheodozor4147
    @ucheodozor4147 Před 2 lety +7

    It's amazing how unguarded interpretation of scripture easily slides into outright heresy and senselessness. How exactly does one see "Therefore, be ye perfect, just thine heavenly Father is perfect" [Matthew 5, 48] and understand it to mean the exact opposite, that you're not expected to follow in humble imitation of Christ in holiness? I always wonder if people would quit Christianity if they eventually realise that believing in Christ summarily requires making sacrifices and positively being graceful and merciful towards fellow men and women everywhere on a daily basis. Hear him again: "For I have given you an example, that ye also should do [to one another] as I have done to you" John 13, 15).

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 Před 2 lety

      If we were perfect, like God is perfect... What would we be?

    • @andrewpatton5114
      @andrewpatton5114 Před 2 lety

      @@HaleStorm49 Saints. Every saint in Heaven is perfect now, though they weren't on Earth. Unless you become like them, you will never enter Heaven. It is God who raises us up to the status of sainthood, but we must accept His grace, including the chastisements that purge sinful desires from us. Neither the slightest venial sin nor attachment to sin can exist in Heaven; that is why those who die in a state of grace but with venial sins, sinful attachments and unpaid penance must go to Purgatory. There, they will receive the sanctification they did not complete on Earth. Depending on one's sins, this purification varies in duration and intensity, but in every case, it will be completed no later than the Resurrection of the Dead. Those who die without any sin or attachment to sin go straight to Heaven. It is difficult to attain such purity on Earth, but it is possible, for God has provided us all the grace needed to accomplish it, if we do not shy away from it. It often involves a great deal of suffering, but those who embrace it will be highly blessed, not only avoiding Purgatory but obtaining greater blessings in Heaven.

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 Před 2 lety

      @@andrewpatton5114 If you are perfect & like your Father in Heaven - you would not be a saint, you would be a God, no?
      An alternate translation for "perfect" in English is "complete" Be complete like your Father in heaven.
      People don't really comprehend Jesus meaning now...any better than they did then. If you read Matthew 5 & John 17 you realize that Jesus was telling people (God's children) are destined to become far greater than we can perfect & their Father.

    • @lukebrasting5108
      @lukebrasting5108 Před 2 lety +4

      @@HaleStorm49 It's called partaking in the divine nature, as Peter mentions in one of his epistles. The whole purpose of Christianity is to achieve unity with God, a doctrine known as Theosis/divinization. Look it up. God became man so that men may become gods - a famous saying of the early Christians.

    • @HaleStorm49
      @HaleStorm49 Před 2 lety

      @@lukebrasting5108 Was this for me or Andrew?
      I agree it can be found in Peter....& John, & 1 John. & Luke, & Hebrews, & Corinthians, & Psalms, & Genesis, & Colossians & Romans.
      I just don't think very many people believe/accept this doctrine. Trent did a video where he danced around the subject a bit - and explained the references in John & Psalms by interpreting them from the Jewish pov. ie those being corrected via Christ's instruction.
      Hence why it's a famous saying of the "early" Christians...and not so much today. The op referred to this phenomenon as sliding into "outright heresy & senselessness" Perhaps he was right.

  • @AveChristusRex
    @AveChristusRex Před 2 lety +4

    I get the same vibes from these people that I get from obese people that I get from obese people who refuse to adopt a diety because they just 'built different.'

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety

      We make God in our image, not the other way around. We tell ourselves, "Jesus loves me just the way I am." Instead of recognizing One Pope, they have all elevated themselves to the role of Pope.

    • @sffsf81
      @sffsf81 Před 2 lety

      @@KSTrekker Hahaha, "one pope". You catholics are decieved. The pope is not God Almighty in human form.
      How about NO POPES, only Jesus Christ and his teachings and commandments?

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker Před 2 lety

      @@sffsf81 - Even 1st century Christians had Deacons, Priests, and Bishops. The Pope is just another term for the Bishop of Rome. So what happens when you don’t agree on the interpretation of scripture? Where does it say in the Bible to just go start another church when you can’t agree?

  • @thorobreu
    @thorobreu Před 2 lety +2

    Trent your hair looks good. Also great content

  • @taramccreary8997
    @taramccreary8997 Před 8 měsíci

    I would love Trent to do a short video over scrupulosity and how it affects Christians leaving the faith or living out their faith.

  • @FirstLast-po8oz
    @FirstLast-po8oz Před 2 lety +2

    Oh goodness, when that bannana guy is who you're putting up as representative of your theology, it should be a little red flag.

  • @MrMarcodarko
    @MrMarcodarko Před 2 lety +4

    Great vid. Ray comfort makes me laugh. His arguement are juvenile

  • @happy_warrior
    @happy_warrior Před 2 lety +1

    You should do a video and/or series of videos on the *actual* Catholic “plan of salvation” you’ve discussed before: REPENT, BELIEVE, RECEIVE, REMAIN.

  • @calvinpeterson9581
    @calvinpeterson9581 Před rokem

    Truth. Thanks for this clear rebuttal.

  • @ceceroxy2227
    @ceceroxy2227 Před 2 lety +5

    Donald trump saying he is an honorable person, I cant imagine all the stuff that guy has done in his life.

    • @dorakinwarhammer2946
      @dorakinwarhammer2946 Před 2 lety +7

      No one ever said he was a saint, but he was (and will be0 the right man for the office. Compare to who we have now, who claims to be union with Christ's Church, yet has done nothing and even publicly promoted abortion.

    • @ceceroxy2227
      @ceceroxy2227 Před 2 lety +1

      @@dorakinwarhammer2946 Not for me, maybe for you. To me, he is a vladimir putin without the power, he would make himself dictator if he could, its astonishing to me people bow to this man and almost worship him, the man has probably done more immoral stuff than any of us can imagine. Really an awful human in my opinion, has absolute narcissistic personality as big as I have ever seen. Even if I agreed with his politics I could never vote for him. Give me someone like Jocko Willink a former Navy Seal, but will probably never run, give me someone with actual courage who is not a narcissist.

    • @dorakinwarhammer2946
      @dorakinwarhammer2946 Před 2 lety

      @@ceceroxy2227 No problem. You have your political team, I have mine. Jesus is King and that is all that matters.

    • @scottgun
      @scottgun Před 2 lety

      Since so much in the video being rebutted is stuff out of context, there's a really good chance the Trump clip is out of context as well.

    • @ceceroxy2227
      @ceceroxy2227 Před 2 lety

      @@dorakinwarhammer2946 I dont have a political team though. But to each his own.

  • @eduardodelgado5378
    @eduardodelgado5378 Před 2 lety +3

    Faith = Salvation + Works

    Faith - Works = Salvation + Works - Works

    Faith - Works = Salvation
    That doesn't make sense 😅

    • @caleb.lindsay
      @caleb.lindsay Před 2 lety +1

      You don’t know how math works, do you? In no conceivable world does what you did make one ounce of sense lol all you did is literally just shift + works left and think it’s the same meaning.
      “Salvation = redemption from sins + eternal life with Christ”
      “Salvation - eternal life with Christ = redemption from sins + eternal life with Christ - eternal life with Christ”
      “Salvation - eternal life with Christ = redemption from sins”

    • @MrKev1664
      @MrKev1664 Před 2 lety

      Christ be with you
      it helps to know what Faith in Jesus Christ is
      If you think it is simply believing that Christ died for our sins and rose again then that is a dead faith.
      Instead it is trusting the Son of God will keep the promise of giving the gift of eternal life made possible by his death burial and resurrections to those who repent and love him.
      for those who love him obey him and follow his teaching (John 14:21-24)
      Those who love him pick up there crosses and follow him (Matt 16:21-27)
      They have become a new creation in Christ for they abide in him. (Ron 6:4)
      God bless you

  • @Rue1008
    @Rue1008 Před 4 měsíci

    This was a truly excellent rebuttal. I watched 'American Gospel' (full length) twice and it led me on the road to Calvinism ... now I am having a big re-think ! God bless 🙏

  • @jesushernandez-eo8fq
    @jesushernandez-eo8fq Před 2 lety +1

    Great job trent as always!!... God has truly bless you and catholic answers to teach and defend the faith 🙏

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      This is what God has to say about your queen of heaven and I pray you hear Him and not your own heart for God says the heart is wicked.
      Please read Jeremiah 7:18
      18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
      God is God and Father alone and not the Pope.

    • @jesushernandez-eo8fq
      @jesushernandez-eo8fq Před 2 lety +1

      @@purpleduck3494 the word priest is mention in the bible, the pope is the spiritual father, Jesus gave peter the keys and not to your fake prosperity money hungry pastors... which its never mention in scripture. The word holy trinity is never mention in the bible yet catholics and protestants believe in the trinitarian God. I can go on with so much more

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      @@jesushernandez-eo8fq I don't believe in prosperity gospel. I believe in Jesus saving people. Once spiritually circumcised you cannot be uncircumcised. So you believe you can be unsaved all the while God paid the full price already? What portion will you be able to pay with your works? Jesus paid it all. We never say we shouldn't do work but all work comes from Him and not even from us. If you are working because it comes from you, then it's not a work done through you and is works from you. Why not give all glory to God? Why does man hold dearly onto his own righteousness which God tells us doesn't exist unless you have His righteousness? Why serve Mary when He clearly talks about this queen of heaven that He forbids anyone to worship? It's God alone. Not and Mary. God alone. It's no idols but Catholics are overwhelmed with idols. Serve God and not your church. It is false doctrine. Jesus saves. Once dead, there is no second chance. Jesus alone covers us.

    • @jesushernandez-eo8fq
      @jesushernandez-eo8fq Před 2 lety +1

      @@purpleduck3494 uncircumcised was in the old testament, your wrong about the carholic faith, you only speak when you have never been in the first place. We catholics never claim what Jesus did in the cross wasnt insufficient its not church teaching so before you speak get your facts straight... after you repent you still have attachments to particular sins otherwise you would never commit them repeatedly, we cannot do anything on our own to merit what Jesus did for us, your assumption is incorrect. Your a follower of marting luther which has been around for 500 years. Catholics are the original Christians since 2000 years ago. God doesnt make error put your pastors who dont have any theological background mis interpret the bible and like you, you twist and take the bible out of its original context. Catholics worship God alone its nearly different when you ask a person to pray for u, by asking the mother of jesus to pray for us is not idolatry, in that case every time you ask your protestant friends to pray for you, you are committing idolatry

    • @purpleduck3494
      @purpleduck3494 Před 2 lety

      @@jesushernandez-eo8fq okay. Never mind.