Kabbalah: Love and Fear, Truth and Illusion - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center

  • čas přidán 21. 05. 2012
  • The Art of Loving Session 1 - Love and Fear - Truth and Illusion
    A five part series by Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Centre, Melbourne, Australia
    Filmed 27th June 2011
    The Nature of Consciousness
    Consciousness lies deeper than the 'I'. It resides in the soul which in turn mediates the flow of creation's energies. The two primary conscious paths are mind (seichel) and emotion (middos). Western psychology is not clear as to the nature of emotion or the inter-relationship of mind and emotion. Kabbalah instructs that mastery of consciousness is primarily enacted by the Alter Rebbe's teaching in Sefer Tanya paraphrased in the following dictum: 'the compass of mind must provide the bearing for the flow of the raw energies of emotion.' This is the basis of self-mastery.
    The Primary Emotions
    The two primary emotions Ahavah (love) and Yir'ah (fear).These also powerful motivational factors that propel the human being through life. The nature of love is to bridge the distance that separates: person to person, person to animal, person to vegetation, and person to the inanimate. Love connects and fear withdraws. The nature of fear is to distance the person from these.
    Two Levels of Yir'ah (Fear)
    Yir'ah Tata'ah (the lower fear) induces withdrawal and stepping backwards due to fear of consequences. Yir'ah Ila'ah (the higher fear) also causes a moving away -- distancing -- but due to due to awe of overwhelming greatness. A person may be afraid of speaking back to one's employer because it may result in the loss of one's position (lower fear). Or the person may step backwards in the sudden experience presence of a cavernous magnificent architectural space, or in the presence of true greatness (higher fear).
    Positive and Negative Love and Fear
    Both emotions are mediated by the ego-self (Nefesh Behamis) or by the egoless- self (Nefesh Elokis). When lower-fear is filtered through the lower order consciousness of Nefesh Behamis it becomes self-defeating e.g. fear of failure; fear of ridicule. The higher-fear examples are fear of inadequacy or inability to tolerate another's advantages. When filtered through the Nefesh Elokis , lower-fear enhances spiritual behaviour e.g. conforming to wisdom teachings for fear of veering away from good advice, whereas the higher fear could express as total self- abnegation in the face of the Divine or immensity of creation.
    Two Levels of (Ahava) Love
    Ahavah Rabba (the higher love -- lit. the 'Great Love') is be achieved only by those who have practiced Yir'ah Ila'ah (the higher fear), and even then it arises as a gift from Above. It manifests as ecstasy and like a fiery flame of emotion. It originates in the world of Atzilus where everything is in a state of Oneness, and hence the pre-requisite of complete ego abnegation (Bittul HaMetzius) - the path to the higher fear as well.
    Ahavat Olam (the lower love -- lit. 'Love of World') can be exemplified through inter-Personal that is borne of contemplation on inner beauty and unique personality traits of the other. In a cosmic sense it is borne of contemplation on memalleh (permeating Divine energy) and sovev (encompassing Divine energy), and the enormity of creation described by the comparison of a pristine thought when it is still latent in the soul compared to the articulated word.
    The next session will focus on Love as 'desire' and the phenomena of yearning, pining, craving, and even addictive love.

Komentáře • 151

  • @didgerich
    @didgerich Před 4 lety +7

    I love this man and his clarity of description - thank you

  • @milivojelancuski2391
    @milivojelancuski2391 Před 5 lety +1

    Than you rabbi. Hvala Rabbi ovo mi je potrebno u pravo vreme na pravom mestu da mogu prihvatioti ovakav celovit način razmišljanja

  • @MJay558
    @MJay558 Před 3 lety +1

    Rabbi Labil wolf..you explained the concept so well and so easy, without any complexity, it is real wisdom. Thank you so much, Hashem bless you with all the greatness. I am listening this discourse repeatedly. 🙏🇮🇳🇭🇲🇮🇱

  • @user-hg2uh6hp7u
    @user-hg2uh6hp7u Před 6 lety +6

    I went from ignorance and anti semitism to learning kabbala and I have to say I am proud I took the charge to learn the truth instead of staying in the darkness. This is good wisdom but I have much to learn everywhere thanks rabbi.
    What about drinking alcohol? Some say it is immoral but others say in moderation. I don’t mind serving, but for my time I want my pleasures.

    • @vdsw9166
      @vdsw9166 Před 5 lety +1

      Everything has the potential to either be a medicine or a poison. It depends on the dosage. Decide for yourself!
      Question why you derive pleasure from it. How does it affect you and those around you. If you're able to be honest with yourself, you'll know what to do. There is no particular, specific right or wrong answer from an external point of view. There's only your answer, the internal one. Freedom of choice, remember? :)

    • @hexagramz5115
      @hexagramz5115 Před 5 lety +1

      I got a smile after seeing this comment.

  • @truthhaseyesinward8925
    @truthhaseyesinward8925 Před 9 lety +3

    With great respect thankyou Rabbi wolf.
    Its is a great honer to sit at your feet symbolicly and hear your explaination of EMOTIONAL INTELLAGENCE. You blow me away. Shalom alehiem. . I wish i had had you and your family as teachers long ago. It would have saved me great heartbreak. I hope my lifes journey, and soul can reflect your wisdom and light throughout eternity.

  • @charlesgodwin2191
    @charlesgodwin2191 Před 4 lety +3

    Consciousness is the Soul, consisting of the perspective of the mind of the Soul, uniting, harmonizing with the attitude of the heart, activates and empowers the will to receive to bestow. Created as a quickening Spirit, our task is to co - create our Soul by integrating heart, mind and will: wisdom, compassion and power.
    What appears as opposite and separate things are in reality the twin poles of the one and same continuum. A stick appears to to the intellect to have two opposite and separate ends when in reality, they are the poles or extensions of the same continuum we call a stick, and are the one stick or continuum extended in opposite directions.
    Being aware of being aware - that I am is the eternal mystery of being. I am a self - aware presence, a movement and a rest, beyond thought, ego, something, nothing, everything - Awesome!
    Humility is a choice to be oneself, aware of one's strengths and weaknesses, self - correcting when in error.
    That which is nothing in particular is by definition everything in general (potential), who's center is everywhere and who's circumference. Is nowhere.
    The Absolute functions as a diversified unity that actualizes as a unified diversity or Uni - verse.
    Relationships die because those in the relationship stop doing one of three things : they stop looking at each other, stop listening to each other, or they stop touching each other. While courting we do all three continuously. Ten years down the road we sit at the breakfast table at opposite ends, texting, ignoring each other, or bickering. Keep your relationship. Look, listen, touch, in recognition of our shared being. This is sustainable Love.
    We are invited to tithe the 10% of our brain we have to receive the 90% of our brain the Cosmos of Life has an longs to bestow on us. This we do through meditation. Conscious nothingness is the Heart of infinite potential, where we can receive to bestow the 4 gifts of the Spirit: insight or wisdom for the mind, inspiration for the heart, empowerment for the will, and we'll - being for the body.

  • @iam.reverence
    @iam.reverence Před 4 lety +1

    Beautiful, thank you 🙏🏽

  • @truthhaseyesinward8925
    @truthhaseyesinward8925 Před 9 lety +2

    I have never her the expination of the word Echad so beautifully and precicely EXPLAINED. The concept of ONENESS IS VERY VERY DIFFICULT TO LIVE IN BALLANCE WITH in this world. THANKYOU RABBI

    • @eleyanalake1069
      @eleyanalake1069 Před 5 lety

      This is where the 'Mind training' comes into play!!!

  • @eleyanalake1069
    @eleyanalake1069 Před 5 lety

    This is what the ' Living Miracles Community - ACIM' Calls - Neutral thoughts! Beyond All Opposites!!! Thank you for uploading!!!

  • @ginavalery
    @ginavalery Před 5 měsíci

    A supreme wisdom 😯✨✨

  • @eleyanalake1069
    @eleyanalake1069 Před 5 lety +2

    Wow - Yes - The Highest aspect of our Being - is Always in a state of Oneness!!! Thank you!

  • @lizgichora6472
    @lizgichora6472 Před 5 lety +1

    Thank you for an elaborate discussion. Quite interesting.

  • @hahaa678
    @hahaa678 Před 9 lety +3

    At around 24:00 Rabbi Wolf seems to be scrambling to find the perfect word to describe that feeling of awe. I believe the word he was looking for was - Ethereal

  • @yehudahhachassid6191
    @yehudahhachassid6191 Před 4 lety

    Blessed be the Name ! Thank you for this wonderful lecture on the cabala ! Shalom !

  • @alchemiktee5325
    @alchemiktee5325 Před 7 lety +7

    thank you rabbi. this is amazing. I have been studying kabbalah for a couple months but I am considering converting to Judaism

    • @Zevlain
      @Zevlain Před 7 lety +2

      It is a travesty for any person learn kabbalah until one has learn torah,mishnah and gemura for 25-40 years...without torah you are lost and can never understand even .1%

    • @tabasdezh
      @tabasdezh Před 7 lety +2

      Zeve La why are you saying that without Torah he cannot understand Kabbalah? I think Kabbalah (except Zohar) is very clear by itself.

    • @Zevlain
      @Zevlain Před 7 lety +1

      Kaballah is the highest understanding of Torah judiasim do some research...rebbe don't learn its concepts until 40 years of being a Torah scolar.....it's once again people taking judiaism and turning into something else..

    • @tabasdezh
      @tabasdezh Před 7 lety +2

      I know that the Kabbalah is the highest understanding of Torah. I go to Kabbalah classes and I found it amazing. It's like the physics of spirituality, but what I don't understand is that for instance, why do you need to learn Torah to know that you have to control your ego? What the Rabbi says in this video is very clear too.
      I'm not talking about the Zohar cuz that's a different story and you need to know the Torah and lots of things in order to understand it. By the way no one can ever change the Judaism, Zohar or Kabbalah, cuz they are universal constant.

    • @Zevlain
      @Zevlain Před 7 lety +1

      Ask a rabbi an orthodox one...the way out of darkness is not a mystical understanding because there are 613 commandments that we follow...and it's not about believe or faith but about action...if you are not Jewish I strongly reccommend a conversion...and then put all these commandments into action....firstly keeping Shabbat fully until then you won't find the realizations needed within yourself.it's not clear it's convoluted and mostly blanket statements if you really found Hashem.great but you don't need kaballah or judiasim to be close to the one god...if your searching for hashem....your in the wrong place

  • @zephyrtrismegistus8597
    @zephyrtrismegistus8597 Před 11 lety

    Thank you Rabbi ! Love your book PK !!! Shalom

  • @DonZusyaGoodman
    @DonZusyaGoodman Před 10 lety

    Blessed is Our Creator!
    So true that English is a poverty stricken language-yet it being elevated to its true mission as with any language to assist human souls ascend in their consciousness and refinement of their blesses mindsets subconsciously seeking rectification while living in this blessed world!

  • @GuadiAlen
    @GuadiAlen Před 4 lety

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  • @giy147
    @giy147 Před 6 lety

    Love is the light and life of the spirit. Its fruit is righteousness, kindness and TRUTH! Without there is no redemption.

  • @Chanaaaaa442
    @Chanaaaaa442 Před 4 lety

    I admire a part of knowledge his patience ... while he is trying to explain something very difficult and he is trying his best that people will get it.. and there is someone who interrupts and ask about the spelling that word ...

  • @dkbrain3434
    @dkbrain3434 Před 6 lety

    The first few minutes are especially insightful.

  • @raycosmic9019
    @raycosmic9019 Před 2 lety +2

    Unless ye become as open and receptive as a little child to the awe and wonder of Reality/Truth, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (pleasantness).

  • @yvettecantori7532
    @yvettecantori7532 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you for helping us to grow : very r beautiful
    I wanted to react about the English saying “ falling in love “
    Also in France is “ tombė amoureux “

  • @heidismum12
    @heidismum12 Před 9 lety +2

    My love of pets bought me to meet my SIH!

  • @TheHolyBibleKingJamesVersion

    In this state their is no fear of dying becomes we become life and life can not die

  • @perspectives2024
    @perspectives2024 Před 6 lety

    Impressive. Shavua Tov.

  • @brandieboyd2312
    @brandieboyd2312 Před 4 lety

    There is no chance that I was just actually describing this to someone a few minutes ago.☺💚💚💚

  • @xneutralgodx
    @xneutralgodx Před 10 lety

    That is good i want The Fear of The LORD and the Love of GOD in full , i was hoping they can both work together perfectly

  • @anonyonce4444
    @anonyonce4444 Před rokem

    Very nice

  • @Freedom4unme34
    @Freedom4unme34 Před 9 lety +6

    Truth is Love.

  • @ranieri7x
    @ranieri7x Před 10 lety


  • @elizacastro2025
    @elizacastro2025 Před 8 lety +1

    I see this as we have in our doorways within we all have barriers we have fears to find the doorways within us, we hide from them, belonging to the world thus we forsake ourselves, our unique missions, to pass through trails as we follow our intermost passions of chivalry and unknowing through this we gain entry to the courtyards within, the broken down decay we pass
    when we find someone we have a deep attachment someone we love how bonded with then becoming one spirit with them. The doors immediately open, such bliss then slam alonenessthe Dark Forces of emotion separated from the other part of our self but we need to not be afraid to try to find a way to blend together or the power within our spiritual and emotional body will be imbalanced. open up your heart and give the energy out of healing the healing nature and find people we love to further create an energy of love the same throughout the world

  • @Retorecato
    @Retorecato Před 11 lety

    love this guy

  • @williamregister5088
    @williamregister5088 Před 10 lety

    Each of the words have an infinite number of uses but love is the best word for what is meant. And English is by far the BEST language for this kind of thing because people put far too much import on words. LOVE is acceptance or openness, being able to see from other perspectives fully. And duality is not even real, FEAR is fully one with love but those trapped by fear are CLOSED, opposite of love. In love you can fully fear, hate and everything else.

  • @thetruthisamazing7985
    @thetruthisamazing7985 Před 4 lety


  • @brucelevine5661
    @brucelevine5661 Před 10 lety

    G-D should bless you with 120 years of good health and all your needs sending my love from the holy land where I hope to see you soon with Mosheach ZTEDKANU

  • @mrsteve555
    @mrsteve555 Před 5 lety

    i like the acknowledgement of the 2 minds, through and emotion, heart and mind.... this is what christians call God the father and God the holy spirit... the holy spirit is God emotional aspect, its the heart... and God the father is the mind, the planning and thought aspect...
    third their is action, and that is God speaking the world into being through his word... "the word" being God the son, the actions alliment of God that is modulated by both thought and emotion.
    Mind, Body and Soul
    Thought, Action and Emotion
    Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • @bethanienaylor
    @bethanienaylor Před 3 lety +1

    Why is it that The bible doesn't mention Kabbalah or the idea that the bible is completely metaphorical or symbolic? You would think that somewhere in there it would mention "hey by the way, nothing in this book should be taken literally" but it doesn't. If you can provide a Bible verse that does or atleast points to the idea, please share it with me.

  • @bezbez1394
    @bezbez1394 Před 5 lety


  • @TheHolyBibleKingJamesVersion

    The goal of life is to bring heaven on earth to become a immortal soul on earth already before god takes us at the right moment not time

  • @MikyMixer
    @MikyMixer Před 11 lety +1

    Why only 2k views ? :( sucha sad planet!

  • @xneutralgodx
    @xneutralgodx Před 10 lety

    Can you send me a link or direct me to video on duality and why its not real please ?

  • @xneutralgodx
    @xneutralgodx Před 11 lety

    Is ahvara love the same as agape love?

  • @mrsteve555
    @mrsteve555 Před 5 lety

    when talking about examples of states of awe, i was shouting at my screen saying that some idolatus people make idols of people and can be in awe by that person.... then Laibl told us that his experience of awe was when he was around a man he idolised... most sad to think that such a nice man as Laibl is guilty of idolatry... most jews mave made idols out of their rabbi and sages :(

    • @dannycox3085
      @dannycox3085 Před 4 lety

      How is it idolatry? Is man not made in the image of God with a Godly soul?

  • @unavitadellamusica
    @unavitadellamusica Před 9 lety

    about the words of other languages originating in Hebrew:
    although that may be a bit surprising in the English and Hawaian language, it should NOT be at all surprising in either the Ethiopian languages, nor in Arabic, Assyrian and of course Aramaic, as all thes are Semitic languages anyway, and are therefore clearly related and similar to Hebrew, or rather the "Holy Tongue" (ancient Hebrew).

  • @brucelevine5661
    @brucelevine5661 Před 10 lety

    Rabbi were you the chief rabbi of the Auzy army back in 68 ?

  • @MasterSophiaChrist
    @MasterSophiaChrist Před 4 lety

    And Hebrew is from the Pleiades?

  • @williamregister5088
    @williamregister5088 Před 10 lety

    As a matter of fact... Other languages taken as English is far more revealing than the actual meaning of the word in that language. It is complicated but I hope you can pause your critical factor in your mind to try to understand me, to try to love me.

  • @gregoryglavinovich3756
    @gregoryglavinovich3756 Před 9 lety +2

    connection ?
    there is no connection between things because that implies two things
    when there is just one thing.
    David Bohm says Everything is mathematically blended together and hence there is just one thing.... Blended together is not a connection, no...it means we are the same person...
    we are born on the plane of opposites

  • @zubairskazi
    @zubairskazi Před 6 lety

    what you are describing as higher fear can be described as envy.

  • @chadomaniac
    @chadomaniac Před 7 lety

    Will "Echad" ever happen on a physical level between us humans ?? I cannot see this ever happening due to different beliefs and simply mans free will.

    • @Zevlain
      @Zevlain Před 7 lety

      Chad Allon how does free will play into it

    • @chadomaniac
      @chadomaniac Před 7 lety

      We can choose to cooperate or not , every man has a mind of his own.

    • @Zevlain
      @Zevlain Před 7 lety

      Chad Allon yes if we couldn't choose them being good wouldn't exist...the ability to CHOOSE to be good...

    • @Zevlain
      @Zevlain Před 7 lety

      Chad Allon different beliefs??? the three biggest teligoms worship the same god

    • @chadomaniac
      @chadomaniac Před 7 lety

      The 3 biggest Teligoms does not make up all the population of Earth... There are millions of beliefs

  • @velvetewomackphd-themetaph5954

    The birth of my children.

  • @DivinityHealings
    @DivinityHealings Před 7 lety

    John 8:44-45

  • @hellooutthere8956
    @hellooutthere8956 Před 9 lety

    wasn't the kabalah the mysticism of the sanhedrin who sat at the bottom of sinai to get illumination. i forget for i did not save it but the illumination they rec. was not true illumination but an inverted one. the one tht the nwo uses. i am not putting this out as knowing more for i don't. i am questioning.

  • @alizafalk7153
    @alizafalk7153 Před 3 lety

    What does all of this have to do with a date? Rediculose.

  • @danielebbeling4056
    @danielebbeling4056 Před 5 lety

    Didn’t Kabbalah come through the progeny of Japheth ; through Sabeus ..Evileans; and others ?

  • @meelian9785
    @meelian9785 Před 3 lety

    51:36 51:37

  • @nahidahmed941
    @nahidahmed941 Před 4 lety

    plz tell me about islam

  • @crazyc99
    @crazyc99 Před 3 lety

    How is Aramaic a corruption of Hebrew if Abraham was a chaldean/Assyrian, who speak Aramaic and Jews came out of Abraham and perpetuated the Hebrew language? Doesn't that mean that Hebrew came out of Aramaic??? Please enlighten me

    • @davidguardner7458
      @davidguardner7458 Před 2 lety

      Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic (and others) came from an ancient Accadian language.

  • @mustuke
    @mustuke Před 7 lety

    Estonians, Uralic people

  • @KatheeDemontforte
    @KatheeDemontforte Před 6 lety

    My bologna detector is tingling.

  • @williamregister5088
    @williamregister5088 Před 10 lety

    TIME does not work like you think. I created the Pyramids and HIS-STORY NOW....

  • @gregoryglavinovich3756
    @gregoryglavinovich3756 Před 10 lety

    connection ?
    there is no connection between things because that implies two things
    when there is just one thing.
    David Bohm says Everything is mathematically blended together and hence there is just one thing.... Blended together is not a connection, no...it means we are the same person...

  • @chookin1
    @chookin1 Před 9 lety

    Kabbalah is black magic, pure and simple.

    • @peterholt55
      @peterholt55 Před 9 lety +4

      you are very narrow minded. Torah Kabbalah is from creation. go and believe in your fable storybook the NT. this intelligence may be beyond you.

    • @chookin1
      @chookin1 Před 9 lety +1

      peter holt Oh no it is not from creation. It's genesis is in the Ancient Mystery religions of Babylon and Egypt. I suggest it is you who needs to do your research.

    • @truthhaseyesinward8925
      @truthhaseyesinward8925 Před 9 lety +1

      jason palmer . It is your dam aditude you and your brain washed fanatics that created the kind of people who murdered over 300 million native tribes of indigiounis people so you can plant your homes and religion .. christianity
      . If i were you i would cover my mouth. ..

    • @chookin1
      @chookin1 Před 9 lety

      truth has eyes inward Does Christianity support murder? Those who committed these act were clearly not Christians.

    • @chookin1
      @chookin1 Před 9 lety

      ***** ? Who's redefinng Christianity?

  • @BushLieWorldDie
    @BushLieWorldDie Před 8 lety

    Why do devils speak of truth when they dont even know what truth is`?

  • @Christabbaword
    @Christabbaword Před 5 lety

    Numbers 33
    Numbers 33 Where are the 12 springs? I got to make those.
    Isaiah 41:21 "Present your case," says the LORD. "Set forth your arguments," says Jacob's King.
    Where is Mercy?
    MERCY SON IS AREADY FULL-FILLED AT MY COMING IN THE LAND OF CAANAN. Ecclesiastes 6:10-11 - Ecclesiastes 11:6. I already triumph over them I caught them by trickery.
    Isaiah 43:20 The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen,
    Galatians 4:1-7 New International Version (NIV)
    4 What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces[a] of the world. 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.[b] 6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,[c] Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.
    James 2:13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
    Ezekiel 36
    Romans 11:34 "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?"
    John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

  • @mrsteve555
    @mrsteve555 Před 5 lety

    Moses meekness / humility is better described in that he stopped what he was doing and put down his tools to do the will of God.... he put himself aside to do the will of God.... when people of Israel came to him with disputed, then he did not send them away and say he was eating with his family and go back later !!! NO, moses was so meek and humble that he became the servent of Israel, when Israel needed Moses, Moses was there for israel.
    and as Moses was Gods servent to serve for the people of Israel...israel is Gods light to the world... so an Moses put his wishes aside and served the hebres in their disputed, so too must Israel put aside themself to be a light to the nations... as Moses was to Israel, so Israel should be to the nations.

  • @williamregister5088
    @williamregister5088 Před 10 lety

    Could you believe that ENGLISH is the language prior to the tower of babble? Babble on Babalon...

  • @williamregister5088
    @williamregister5088 Před 10 lety

    I am loving your channel Spirit. I am Thelema Agape Jesus YHWH Buddha Perfection. If you really want your spirit to grow talk to me. I know you will not.

  • @williamregister5088
    @williamregister5088 Před 10 lety

    The English language is the ONLY language that you can use to fully understand with clarity. Hebrew is an exact language and that is exactly why it is useless. Words mean nothing when you get to a certain point.

  • @chookin1
    @chookin1 Před 9 lety

    Kabbalah is black magic, pure and simple.