How Good Can The Average Male Be At Weightlifting? | Advice For Masters Weightlifters

  • čas přidán 20. 06. 2021
  • If you think we were talking about you regards the weightlifting thing or having dog poo genetics.. we weren't. It's okay bro. Come on let's get an ice cream.

Komentáře • 115

  • @DredFulProductions
    @DredFulProductions Před 3 lety +136

    I often find myself going down the rabbit hole of pondering what my genetic limit is, what I could have already achieved had I started 10 years earlier.. But honestly even if I never achieve respectable numbers I still had a bunch of fun training and that really is what matters the most for me. I never really had a passion for anything like I do for weightlifting. I admit I will be disappointed if I never achieve even a 100kg snatch but goddamn did I have a good time trying! Not to sound like a broken record but sometimes it's not about the destination. It's about the journey.

  • @magumi3748
    @magumi3748 Před 3 lety +26

    As a master lifter, I discovered that it takes long even if you are fairly strong to begin with. I started lifting weights after a long hiatus at the age of 36, first to get healthy, then to get fit and strong, and ended up as a powerlifter with a 695 kg total @ 89 kg five years later, 70 kg above the national record in my category at that time. When I took up weightlifting, I thought I would be clean and jerking 140 kg before long, with my 245 kg squat and 105 kg strict press. Boy, I could not be more wrong even if I tried. I found out that before I could even hope to learn decent technique, I would have to completely rework my poor mobility and movement patterns, and address the spine (and some other smaller injuries) that have been lurking in the background the whole time. In the process, I had to swallow my pride and let all my former strength levels fall where they may. Four more years later, thanks to my amazing coach, I am finally getting to a point, when I can start pushing the strength again, slowly and cautiously to stay healthy and to be able to continue. Naturally, I have a secret goal that I would like to reach, even if not as ambitious as that 120/150 figure, but I would not mind too much if I did not reach it. I learned and improved a lot, even if I am weaker than I used to be - I am much more athletic, explosive and powerful, I've learned how to move better and how to use my body, I've learned many lessons about humility and patience... weightlifting has been good for me. :)

    • @kmolnardaniel
      @kmolnardaniel Před rokem +1

      Amazing comment and advice.
      I never did any meaningful sport before 30, and when I started lifting I wanted to do it properly.
      It’s been 2-3 years and I feel I’m getting there, but it will still be years of hard work to adopt the flexibility and other stuff to get at a comfortable level.
      But I think it really pays off.

    • @christopherascherl2411
      @christopherascherl2411 Před rokem +1

      I did power cleans, snatches and jerks as well as other weightlifting in high school training for American football. 3 years ago (age 38) I started weightlifting again because my wife enjoys it and 2 years ago I started doing cleans and snatches. My initial goals were 315lb (143kg) clean and 225 (102kg) snatch. I'm not as strong as you with a 200kg squat but I thought they were pretty reasonable goals. The clean is going pretty well; I needed to do some mobility work around the front rack position but I think I can my goal in less than two years. The snatch has been rough; I took 6 months off the snatch to work on mobility and stability in the catch position because I wasn't able to catch the bar with any depth and just started doing the full lift again so hopefully it goes better now.

  • @tuptugen
    @tuptugen Před 3 lety +26

    I started when I was 27 in 2017 and got to a 100kg in the snatch 472 days later (yeah i counted). I was terrible at CJ and got to 100kg after almost exactly a year since i started. I found my coach right away but i live in a different city so we saw each other about 10 times in that span. At the end of 2019 i got to 117kg snatch and 140kg CJ. My biggest flaw is the pull i am like...the weakest :D I think 120/150 is doable for me but i am in no rush. I am 31 now, can snatch 110 fairly consistently and 135kg CJ too. Everything above is always just a cherry on top. At this stage it is about longevity. I want to do this sport for a long time. In 2020 i was nursing some back issues so it was a reminder that i have to take it easy, stop chasing numbers and just work, stay healthy and improve at a good pace. I was a work horse although my number didnt show it. I can definitely recommend getting a good coach and a training plan, at the end of 2018 i was at 101 snatch and 112kg CJ. I asked my trainer if i will make the national championship roster and he said that if i follow a structured plan, then yes. I said yes and got my first plan from him. After three months in February 2019 i did 105 snatch and 120kg in competition. Made all the difference. I was severely undertrained. I hover around 85kg btw.

  • @nickwysoczanskyj785
    @nickwysoczanskyj785 Před 3 lety +17

    As a 41 year old, rake thin guy , with a background of riding bikes up and down mountains - and all of the broken bits that comes with that. I’m not one of nature’s strength athletes. Never was, and nor will I ever be! I was 60kg when I started WL , 543 days ago - now I’m 72kg. And my fucked shoulder works again. And I have no more lower back issues. And my ruined knees - they’re not ruined anymore! And there’s a movement skill I’m working on - which is what floated my boat with riding bikes. Will I always be objectively shit? Yes. But I’m also objectively less shit now, than I was after stopping riding, and before finding WL. I’m actually a healthy weight for my height, for a kick off. I have no delusions of grandeur - I’m just staving off falling apart... 🏋️‍♂️😂

    • @dalehall-bowden1083
      @dalehall-bowden1083 Před 3 lety +3

      Awesome outcome. Way more people should be just measuring themselves against the old version of themself and being happy with progress.

    • @nickwysoczanskyj785
      @nickwysoczanskyj785 Před 3 lety

      @@dalehall-bowden1083: Thanks, dude. That’s really kind of you to say! And I completely agree, with you on that. I think that it’s wrong, that people are often told that, because they can’t excel at something that they enjoy - the world tells them to stop “wasting” their time. If you are getting something out of an activity - whatever it is: then it’s worth doing. Especially if it’s making you a better version of yourself. 👍😊

    • @johnsontan345
      @johnsontan345 Před 3 lety +1

      That's inspiring man, I'm 20, but I always wanna be lifting weights, feeling skinny and frail sucks.

    • @nickwysoczanskyj785
      @nickwysoczanskyj785 Před 3 lety

      @@johnsontan345: Go for it dude! I’d done a bit of weightlifting in my teens, for GPP when I played rugby - but I was only 85kg at my heaviest. Then I was ill when I was 18, at about 80kg: I was ill, my weight dropped dramatically over a few weeks to 60kg - I never managed to really regain weight. I got back up to about 65kg and my weight just plateaued. And it stayed around the 65-67kg range through my twenties - riding bikes a lot probably contributed to my continued leanness. I’m about 180cm - so weightlifting has probably gotten me to the healthiest weight I’ve been in my whole adult lift. I find the movement’s fun to do - it’s stimulating my appetite, and slowly I’ve put some weight back on, and kept it on. Give it a go! 👍😊

    • @ruddfitnesscoaching1260
      @ruddfitnesscoaching1260 Před 2 lety +1

      Ha, ha brilliant!
      Me too, definitely a ‘dogshit’ lifter. A Masters swimmer and triathlete with shocking mobility from too much endurance. Started lifting as part of my MSc in S&C, I’ll never even get close to the numbers they talk about, but i love the process of learning something new that’s so technical! And yes i hurt less, making strength gains and still running/swimming!

  • @congoose100
    @congoose100 Před 3 lety +8

    As an older, non-talented master (44), I don't even ask that question. Almost 10 years in and I'd be over the moon with a 100/120. I'm working hard to that goal and it will happen eventually. Hopefully that will be enough to apply for the Visa. I also appreciated your back and forth with Seb. He may not be seeing the 99.8% of folks struggling.

  • @fyrlundh
    @fyrlundh Před 3 lety +26

    Started out at age 32 and worked up to 125/150 at age 35!

    • @hakanbjrnson124
      @hakanbjrnson124 Před rokem +1

      This is encouraging. I've started lifting at 30 and wanted to know what I could realistically achieve. Within less than 6 gym sessions, I knew this was something I want to push myself in. Quit alcohol months before I even started. Sorted my diet out (mainly making sure I'm eating enough protein, total calories etc). Immediately quit going to metal gigs when the only one I've been to since starting at the gym knocked my recovery for six. Early to bed, early to rise. Planning visits to family & friends in order to minimise time away. Want to throw myself as fully into it as I possibly can and needed to check my expectations are realistic.

  • @Scott-zh5ip
    @Scott-zh5ip Před 3 lety +8

    As a masters lifter 6 months into WL and at 80/110 this is super encouraging! More stuff for new masters, pitfalls and advice would be great! Awesome stuff as always guys

  • @thomaswhelan9858
    @thomaswhelan9858 Před 3 lety +1

    Solid advice. Humble, pragmatic and always based on a scientific approach. Only discovered your channel a few weeks back but a lot of great nuggets. Your discussion on being psychologically ready either in pre-empting or managing injury is very relevant. As a 47 year who has been physically active throughout adult life, I’ve dipped in and out of strength /powerlifting based training interspersed with mountain biking, squash and other recreational sports. Picked up a few shoulder injuries from mountain biking and have some rotator cuff problem from too much benching exacerbated by not enough pull movements (which I’m working on rebalancing). Always had a fascination with the snatch lift but never had the mobility to properly attempt. Over the past 12-14 months I’ve been working on mobility from the ankles up and can now work up to an overhead squat of 40kg (current back squat is 140) so a lot of mobility and stability work still to do. I’m also 47 so working through mild injuries is becoming a ‘fact of life’, over the past year I’ve had a knee flare up, strained tendons in the shoulder/clavicle region and recently some right hip issues. Still have aspirations to learn the snatch / c&j technique properly but 100/130 is a pipe dream for me (let alone 120/150) … thanks for the videos lads, very inspiring and motivating. Keep up the great work!

  • @0223eoin
    @0223eoin Před 3 lety +26

    105/130 male master checking in. Time to think about identifying as junior female.

  • @teatowel11
    @teatowel11 Před 3 lety +2

    I love this honesty!
    You never know what you are capable of until you put in the work for a year or two but the reality is that not everyone is capable of great lifts.
    It's not just about hard work.
    Being able to snatch over 100kg though is still a cool feat of strength even if it's not near competitive.

  • @lukasstirnemann980
    @lukasstirnemann980 Před 3 lety +14

    Currently 43 years old. Started lifting at 35, with the empty bar. Started competing 4 years ago now at 120 and 142. I truly enjoy the process and still hoping for another PR!

  • @Promania123
    @Promania123 Před 3 lety +13

    I started WL at 27. I had never done a snatch or a C&J up until then. 1+ year later I have snatched 107.5kg and C&J 130kg. I'm quite happy with it but I am aiming for that 120/150!

    • @WeightliftingHouse
      @WeightliftingHouse Před 3 lety +4

      You are the type of athlete who will go beyond the 120/150 level. It's a great checkpoint to hit and be proud of, but those are pretty decent numbers to hit in a year.

    • @Daantjer
      @Daantjer Před rokem +1

      Great progress! What's your weight?

  • @albupavel
    @albupavel Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you for the response. Its important to know these things(at least for me) for when i set goals and expectations. i would love to get to 100kg snatch and 140kg c&j and i see that there's hope for that :))

  • @Lavabug
    @Lavabug Před 3 lety +11

    I made it to 100/115 with no coach and not regularly training the lifts, in my 30's now with very minor injuries. Below average 100kg male with a 180/150 back/front squat. Power cleaning 100kg is still hard so speed and timing is my greatest handicap. Wish I started in my late teens/early 20's but at least I can mog normies in the gym with 100kg push presses.

    • @Robdutton91
      @Robdutton91 Před 10 měsíci

      Mogging the normies is all that matters

  • @jorob813
    @jorob813 Před 3 lety +10

    My only concern is that I’m better than when I started. Making slow but consistent progress along the way. Whether that’s in total or technical proficiency. I started two years ago with CrossFit. Have done a couple weightlifting programs with USAW coaches at the gym. Have never been full time or completely focused with it but I have fun. 90/114 @75 bw.

  • @francesco_pesi
    @francesco_pesi Před 3 lety +7

    Too many times when I watch your videos it's like you are talking directly to me.
    I'm 20yo 180cm
    I want 140 180 to hope to be selected for national team ( and being paid so i can keep going)
    Reached 105 125 in 14 months( this February, now i can do around 115 and 135)
    120 150 doesn't seem too far away

  • @jimmierustler5607
    @jimmierustler5607 Před 3 lety +24

    When they said "Good at Weightlifting" im pretty sure they mean competing guys, i dont think its normal to walk into a gym for the first time and get to 120/150 in a year as an average male

    • @TheUcHiHaMaD
      @TheUcHiHaMaD Před 3 lety

      Ya theyre talking about competition. Mpst guys ive seen in gyms cant even power clean their body weight.

  • @patrickmcdonagh539
    @patrickmcdonagh539 Před 3 lety +4

    Love the honesty

  • @Steve-sp4rx
    @Steve-sp4rx Před 3 lety +5

    This makes me happy, actually. 33 years old, started learning snatch/c&j in December 2020. Last month I got 100kg/125kg at 75kg bodyweight! I was already decently strong from years of powerlifting, so didn't have to work too much on building strength. I'd like to get a coach...but all that is here is crossfit gyms.

    • @caleb2159
      @caleb2159 Před rokem

      A lot of Crossfit gyms have barbell clubs that are separate memberships. Might want to look into that and see if it's an option.

  • @davidwalsh3940
    @davidwalsh3940 Před měsícem

    Started weightlifting when i was 60 and mobility is definitely whats holding me back no matter how strong i am just keep plugging at it but do get sore and fatigued every so often .

  • @dalehall-bowden1083
    @dalehall-bowden1083 Před 2 lety +2

    I started late at 34. I also don’t have the best build for weightlifting being 187cm tall. I was under 85kg to begin with and finished as under 96kg. I was fortunate with two good coaches however which helped enormously. My best competition lifts were 105/124. I didn’t train seriously beyond 39 as the rate of progress was so slow and limited by my lack of strength progression. My best front squat at that time was 127 and back squat 145kg. Maybe when the kids are more independent I’ll get back into training and find a coach that could help me improve my leg strength to push for some local master records.

  • @joblinboom9221
    @joblinboom9221 Před 3 lety +4

    I found Fitz's comments encouraging. As an average Masters lifter, I've slowly increased my Clean & Jerk to 118. Only 2 more kilos and I'm in the top 0.01%! Thanks Fitz!

    • @getstrongby4038
      @getstrongby4038 Před 3 lety

      Thats really interesting as im close to hitting a 110kg push press. Im not a weightlifter but it makes me wonder what i could jerk

    • @getstrongby4038
      @getstrongby4038 Před 3 lety

      Also well done

    • @0223eoin
      @0223eoin Před 3 lety +2

      @@getstrongby4038 probably 111kg

  • @dariomortellaro2216
    @dariomortellaro2216 Před rokem +1

    started weightlifting in march/april 2022 at 18. Last competition a few days ago i power snatched 95kg (missed 100 because my technik is awful) and clean and jerked 125kg, missed the clean at 130. During last summer i didn't train well tho because i did heavy manual labour 8 hours a day and could only do very light training. My coach has let me do basically no cleans in the last 2 months before competition because my jerk was awful so i had to catch up. That work paid off because i was able to jerk 140kg from the rack. I hope to hit 105-110kg in the snatch, 145/150kg in the clean an jerk and 160kg jerk from the blocks by the end of the year, wish me luck 🤞

  • @ericooliveira9693
    @ericooliveira9693 Před 3 lety +4

    It's a harsh answer, but it's better to have your expectations curbed off the bat than to find yourself heartbroken years down the line.

    • @DredFulProductions
      @DredFulProductions Před 3 lety +5

      Zack Telander said it well: "Keep your expectations low but your standards high"

  • @inky4690
    @inky4690 Před 3 lety +36

    "if you dont get to 100, 140 in at least the first 14 months, you're just not gonna be a good weightlifter"
    >me as a 55kg teenager "shit"

    • @Andrew-vl2ho
      @Andrew-vl2ho Před 3 lety

      lmaoo same dude

    • @albupavel
      @albupavel Před 3 lety +7

      They said: "unless you're 60kg or something like that" they were talking about 75kg+

    • @inky4690
      @inky4690 Před 3 lety

      @@albupavel teen :(

  • @thecrystaltide3757
    @thecrystaltide3757 Před 3 lety +4

    Ice cream time.
    We're all gonna make it lads :))

  • @rickrickrick1
    @rickrickrick1 Před 3 lety +2

    I love weightlifting but I don't have time or resources to devote to it. I've only been able to hit 90/110 off a 230kg squat/240kg deadlift. I feel like I could hit the numbers you describe one day but I can't lift anymore than I can catch and lower easily. Low ceiling in my lifting space. I can only just lock out a clean and there's 2 big holes in the ceiling above where I do olympic lifts.

  • @johnsontan345
    @johnsontan345 Před 3 lety +1

    I just gave up and did powerlifting tbh, I don't have the shoulder mobility for jerks, I still clean though. As long as I lift big weights (my own standards, not comparing to elites) and get a decent physique, i'll be happy. Though if I get to the level I desire, i'd probably want more anyway, so in the end it's really all about the journey.

  • @retardno002
    @retardno002 Před rokem +1

    Started at 31 with a 100 kg deadlift, 60 kg clean, 50 kg snatch. My goals are 140 deadlift, 100 clean, 70 snatch (I'm 70 kg myself). I think I could get there in half a year or so with 2 lift sessions a week and 5 days of accessories. Sounds like I need bigger goals but I know the better you get the harder it is to get better so I'll stick to these for now.

  • @valkyr_rl7169
    @valkyr_rl7169 Před 6 měsíci

    Been weightlifting for 1.5 years, 1 year being coached by Anton. Im almost to 100kg snatch and C&Jed 125kg yesterday.

  • @IttaiRaz
    @IttaiRaz Před 3 lety

    its shite hearing it, but your right when you said people believe they can be good at weightlifting more than other sports, when i played rugby i never ever said id be great or go pro from it, so i dunno why i expect myself to get 120/150 lol which isnt me saying i wont, but that i can tbe surprised or saddened by it

  • @hamzavanderross1235
    @hamzavanderross1235 Před 3 lety

    I feel so much better about myself with my lifetime goals of 100kg/120kg. I'm in the 99% and I'm proud.

  • @FearWarboar4135
    @FearWarboar4135 Před 3 lety +2

    Lmao I clean have been really athletic my whole life and loved lifting weights and strength training so when I found a coach I got to a 120 c&j in 3 months and here 2 years later it’s 135 XD pretty safe to say I suck

  • @xx-gb1xk
    @xx-gb1xk Před 6 měsíci

    Hey guys, love the content and education. I know this is an old video, but I've been trying olympic weightlifting for 3 months, I'm 23 years old, 5ft 7, 76kg. I came into Olympic weightlifting off the back of a powerlifting peak, where I hit a 180kg deadlift, 160kg squat and 120lg bench. I know snatch 60kg and clean and jerk 90kg. My numbers didn't improve but my technique did, I wondered if this is because I had greater strength reserves at the start of the program. Going into my new program, with a lot of adjustments. My question is around how quickly I should see strength improvements in the Olympic lifts?

  • @jaxonsevero1045
    @jaxonsevero1045 Před 3 lety +1

    Started weightlifting almost exactly a year ago and I’m at 105/130

  • @mellpear4773
    @mellpear4773 Před 3 lety +5

    Thanks gents for this kick in the dick

  • @timtaves8211
    @timtaves8211 Před 3 lety +1

    LOL! I'm very much the "dog shit", "OAA" athlete. I've never enjoy being insulted before. That was great.

  • @khajiitthecat1462
    @khajiitthecat1462 Před 3 lety +2

    Do you think men who begin earlier in life such as before aged 20 yrs have a better chance at overall improvement?

  • @zennappi
    @zennappi Před 3 lety +3

    Its doesnt matter if you arent strongest, cuz there is always someone weaker than you. Just stfu and put the work in and enjoy the process

  • @TheTillhammer
    @TheTillhammer Před 3 lety

    Came here expecting to feel bad after 5 years of lifting (Im 26), but ended up feeling decent after this vid.

  • @MultiOpolis
    @MultiOpolis Před 2 lety

    How can you know when they're going to do a live stream?

  • @paleo747
    @paleo747 Před rokem +1

    I guess I fit in that "average male" newbie (although "old") description, 35 years, 170cm, 82kg, some strength from powerlifting/strongman training but no experience in WL. I started a month ago, will update here next march 2024 to see if I reached that 100/120.

    • @Gry4387
      @Gry4387 Před měsícem

      so how's that ended up?

    • @paleo747
      @paleo747 Před měsícem

      Injured my shoulder around December (non-weightlifting), back then I was around 85kg snatch and 105kg clean and jerk. Life got in the way for a couple of months and I'm just starting to build up again.

  • @Nemo-nm1ef
    @Nemo-nm1ef Před rokem

    Late to the party but I’m 32, 80kg bodyweight and lifting 85/110. Been training weightlifting for 3 months. Is 120/150 within reach? And at what point do i start taking ungodly amounts of stanozolol?

  • @NoobChalanda
    @NoobChalanda Před 3 lety

    very interesting i'm 7 months in and at 95/115
    hope i can get to 105/125 in a year!
    pretty motivating stuff!

    • @SliskeBase
      @SliskeBase Před 3 lety

      I'm about 7 months and at 62.5/72.5...max back squat is about 92.5. LOL I'm so weak

    • @NoobChalanda
      @NoobChalanda Před 3 lety

      @@SliskeBase i did a lot of deadlifting and training for field sports so i probably had a good baseline...
      increasing general strength takes it's time ...

  • @rtoujr
    @rtoujr Před 15 dny

    im a masters athlete 47 yrs old and im at 271kg at the moment. but as im slowing down i cant train as hard as i did 46 or 45. i feel less explosive and are at 262 recently. is this still good and what should i do to improve from here?

  • @alexsouvall7930
    @alexsouvall7930 Před 3 lety

    I started at about 70kg bw and zero strength background at about 20 years old. Took me about 20 months to get to 100/120. And by 24 I was hitting 110/140. Never going to compete at a high level (international) but might go to the AO finals

  • @JeromeONeill
    @JeromeONeill Před 3 měsíci

    What would you have to squat to do 120/150

  • @Ahmed-vk8pv
    @Ahmed-vk8pv Před 3 lety

    As a very average 21 yo, my current achievable goal is a 250 total, and 300 is my dream total. I don't care to go beyond that because I'm not willing to make the sacrifices necessary for it. After all, I'm only competing as a hobby and not to make a living like international competitors.

  • @chaosdisciple3052
    @chaosdisciple3052 Před 3 lety +1 you're telling me there's a chance

  • @alexw5042
    @alexw5042 Před 3 lety +3

    I'm fat af and still cant snatch 100kg . :')

  • @kendrick541
    @kendrick541 Před rokem

    Genetic muck . . . A great sales pitch

  • @SmallersCY
    @SmallersCY Před 3 lety

    I snatched 100 within first 14 months, and snatched 120 within the first 4 years, so by your standards I could be a decent weightlifter. But I did not CJ 120 and 150 at those times respectively. So who knows?

  • @christopherroberts2500
    @christopherroberts2500 Před 3 lety +4

    I've asked this on Reddit, but what do you believe would be the limiting factor(s) to someone progressing beyond 120/150? I've yet to get a coach, and have only played around with S/C&J on a few occasions. Snatched 80 within my first hour (technique was horrendous though,) and cleaned 100k for a triple in the same session. Haven't attempted anything beyond empty bar technique work since. For someone who has close to a 100kg strict press, and whose B/Fsquat is 185/145, what could I realistically hope to achieve after 14 months of coach-supervised Oly lifting? I've been training for general strength for about a year now. At 6ft tall and 102kg (aesthetics ain't too bad either,) the 100/120 limit seems suspiciously low. I say this of course as a virtually, almost totally inexperienced lifter. Very curious what you guys, or any other informed lifter on the comments section think about this.

    • @wowzers3639
      @wowzers3639 Před 3 lety +1

      youre a freak dude how old are you

    • @saschakehrli2496
      @saschakehrli2496 Před 3 lety +5

      well you're obviously not average. therefore higher limit

  • @jimmyjam6197
    @jimmyjam6197 Před 2 lety +1

    We need to take a 1000 male babies chosen at random and force them to compete in weightlifting for food. Only then will we know what the average male can achieve.

  • @gagisha2437
    @gagisha2437 Před 3 lety +1

    In order to clean 150kg you need to front squat arount 170-180. And i really cant see how natural(average or not) male of 70-80kg bodyweight can front squat 170 kg after year or two.I understand someone has better genetics but that is just silly.

    • @Jay-bo1gs
      @Jay-bo1gs Před 3 lety +1

      Yeah this was pretty silly. Almost anybody can go 110/140 with non pretty technique IF they can squat 180+. Absolute strength matters, and that takes time.

  • @casparbosch5615
    @casparbosch5615 Před rokem +2

    I feel like a bodyweight snatch and a clean and jerk of 20 kg more, that would be fine for the majority of average joes.

  • @alejandromagnobarrasa9244

    Puppies are cuter than kittens but Cats are cuter than Dogs except for huskies Dalmatians and doberman pinchers, but tigers and lions are Probably equal to bears but only slightly better than wolves coyotes and foxes.

  • @anonymousmale2646
    @anonymousmale2646 Před 3 lety +2

    Why's it so hard to find these sort of answers in a powerlifting context

    • @FearWarboar4135
      @FearWarboar4135 Před 3 lety +2

      This is super easy look up strength standards by Omar Isuf, Alphadestiny, maybe even Matt Wenning there’s literally loads of content on natural potential and rates of progress for more general movements

    • @anonymousmale2646
      @anonymousmale2646 Před 3 lety

      @@FearWarboar4135 I appreciate that, thank you. I don't usually consume those channel's content and all the videos I watch seem to all say "it doesn't matter".

    • @wonderfalls2
      @wonderfalls2 Před 3 lety

      Here's one

  • @Joe.O_623
    @Joe.O_623 Před 3 lety

    Is the 120-150 in the snatch or the clean/jerk? Maybe I missed it but I didn't hear you differentiate.

    • @archerrofe9728
      @archerrofe9728 Před 3 lety +6

      120 snatch 150 clean and jerk

    • @gustabo0215
      @gustabo0215 Před 3 lety +1

      You'll almost always clean and jerk more than u snatch so people don't bother naming the lifts when talking about both maxes for both

    • @Joe.O_623
      @Joe.O_623 Před 3 lety +2

      Thank you for responding. I am 50 years old and just started down this Olympic weight lifting path 6 weeks ago. Still learning the lingo. I just recently was able to do a semi respectable snatch with light weight. Boy, I struggled piecing the movements together. I think my clean and jerk is respectable, but my snatch needs allot of work....

    • @gustabo0215
      @gustabo0215 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Joe.O_623 good luck with your weightlifting 💪

    • @PacmanLickThisGuysAs
      @PacmanLickThisGuysAs Před 9 měsíci

      The lower number and the 1st number is 99% of the time the snatch because snatch position is weaker than cj position and it's also the 1st lift in competition

  • @jocaingles8464
    @jocaingles8464 Před 3 lety +1

    If I can overhead press 100kg and DL 180kg, wouldnt it mean I could probably clean and jerk without coaching and little training? Most people can get their OHP and DL to these numbers following a simple program consistently.

    • @Scott-zh5ip
      @Scott-zh5ip Před 3 lety +4

      100kg strict press????? That's a pretty beast number for anyone esp for someone only deadlifting 180.

    • @christopherroberts2500
      @christopherroberts2500 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Scott-zh5ip Not the guy you originally replied to, but my stats are pretty much identical to Joca. 95kg strict press, 180 clean deadlift after 1 year of training. I must have genetically gifted shoulder strength or something, as I could hit 65kg for a single the first time I tried OHP.

    • @vredneckv
      @vredneckv Před 3 lety +3

      Dunno mate, most average people will struggle to OHP their body weight, let alone surpass that. Shit, there are even elite weightlifters out there barely strict pressing above their bw. The deadlift is a different beast tho as it's much more dependent on proper leverages and angles. That said, your strength numbers don't mean anything without proper form, which is crucial in weightlifting.

    • @nattybynature1262
      @nattybynature1262 Před 3 lety +2

      It's an entirely different beast coz weightlifting is not just deadlift and press; It's more of deadlift - upright row - front squat out of the hole - push press... You're essentially maneuvering that weight in four different ways in quick succession. Basically, 4 reps in 1

  • @deliciousdishes4531
    @deliciousdishes4531 Před 3 lety +1

    Man all this talk about this recently is so discouraging. I wanted to start lifting for like 2 1/2 years now but a major injury and covid stopped me and now I'm 25 fml hahahaha

    • @sikastrength
      @sikastrength  Před 3 lety +17

      You know the outcome may not matter so much. Training for 10 years and then have a look bad at what you did.
      You'll be a lot happier than if you never did it.
      We're also speaking in a general sense, don't make the shoe fit. We don't know you.
      In the end though, maybe it's the Sikastan visa we applied for along the way were the true prizes...

    • @Scott-zh5ip
      @Scott-zh5ip Před 3 lety +8

      Well I didn't start lifting AT ALL until I was 34. I am now 36, father with two busy jobs and I have a 240 deadlift, 225 squat, 140 bench, 80 snatch and 110 cnj (only been WL for 6 months). I'm 96kg and about 16% bf. Before lifting I was 90kg and a poor marathon runner, With VERY average times. Played football in my teens and I'm not on the special saucy sarms Sikastan stack (don't tell the lads though). Point is: YOUR 25! WTF YOU TALKING ABOUT GIVING UP! Mate, just start and put your mind to it. Life tries to limit you enough as it is without limiting yourself! Just start doing it and enjoy what you do. You'll be surprised what you're capable of if you commit to something.

    • @Scott-zh5ip
      @Scott-zh5ip Před 3 lety

      Edit: PB'd the ol' snatch today by 10kg, so up to a 90kg snatch now. Hoping for that Sikastan passport to arrive through the post.

  • @AB-oy1ly
    @AB-oy1ly Před 3 lety

    what he means by "coach" is a drug coach

  • @harrisonsteele2313
    @harrisonsteele2313 Před 3 lety +1

    23 y/o 110kg snatch, 140kg c&j at 115kg BW. Not going to let anyone tell me I can’t make the English or British Champs before I die.