Destiny and Kyle argue about balance (Part 1/2) - Starcraft 2

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Destiny and Kyle argue about balance
    Destiny's live stream:

Komentáře • 407

  • @LQT7
    @LQT7 Před 13 lety +8

    "Then you're wrong! Because I'm right!"

  • @DomClancy
    @DomClancy Před 10 lety +8

    Ketroc's style of play is so illustrative of Destiny's argument.

  • @RotGtIE
    @RotGtIE Před 13 lety +4

    Take a drink every time Destiny picks out a detail to discuss and Kyle tells him he can't argue that.

  • @MatteeTheRogue
    @MatteeTheRogue Před 12 lety +3

    It sounds like Kyle's theory is to just ignore it because it's too hard to balance. That's what I hear.

  • @drakedovahik7083
    @drakedovahik7083 Před 9 lety +5

    4 years ago and look, you can now inject hatcheries multiple times!

  • @Quote3232
    @Quote3232 Před 13 lety +2

    "Well you're wrong and I'm right!"
    best argument ever

  • @attention_shopping
    @attention_shopping Před 10 lety +13

    Kyle isn't listening at all, or at least isn't understanding what Destiny is saying.
    But regardless good ideas from both people, despite misunderstandings

  • @ze444
    @ze444 Před 5 měsíci +1

    this is still one of my favorite SC2 related videos of all time because Destiny was completely correct, Terran was fundamentally better for almost all of WOL in ways that were fundamentally unfair, Marine/Marauders/Medivacs with stim (backed up soon after by siege tanks) was unbelievably strong, crazy mobility, can heal, high DPS, difficult to break siege. 2 rax terran had no business being as good as it was. Look at how good even just stim/concussive shell was compared to Zealot Charge for less minerals/gas total

  • @Gyozomroka
    @Gyozomroka Před 13 lety +1

    They're both making a lot of sense... I definitely think the map size is a huge part of the game balance

  • @manyu3001
    @manyu3001 Před 12 lety +1

    -words of wisdom
    from destiny

  • @NexusDoug
    @NexusDoug Před 12 lety +1

    8:00, terran has a ton of early game aggressive options or buildorders they can choose from. The most diversity in early game aggression comes from Terran. Two rax, hellions, banshees, the list goes on. The thing is, if Zerg doesnt scout the right build fast enough perfectly - then we don't prepare for it in time and we die. If Zerg does scout the right build order then we make lots of units to defend it, and we get behind because we made units instead of drones, but Terran is fine.

  • @narutoshippudenclara
    @narutoshippudenclara Před 12 lety +1

    hmmm, something kyle said made me think of an interesting fix: What if terran had seperate supply counts, as in you can only have up to 75 mech supply and 75 bio supply ect. The numbers could be reworked but I think its an interesting idea

  • @NexusDoug
    @NexusDoug Před 12 lety

    The reason zerg is behind once we make units that early to defend is because we cannot be aggressive with those units - addressing 8:40, "Zerg has no options". We have like one option - a baneling roach bust but thats it. Say lings for example - if terran forced lings, now we are behind because we cant do anything with those lings because terran just makes walls. And i'm not even talking about the possibilities of if Terran block scouts early on - then it becomes a guessing game for Zerg.

  • @nickyboy909
    @nickyboy909 Před 13 lety

    @mographzach that argument only works if you're floating everything (mineral, gas, larva)

  • @hollowryder
    @hollowryder Před 12 lety

    the reason terran harras is so good is because they build the slowest. they are the slowest moving race in the game so they need the harras to stay on par with the other races macro.

  • @ShawnVerzilli
    @ShawnVerzilli Před 13 lety

    @Annulable You have the Spore Crawlers..... If you go Lair and delay Roach or Metabolic Boost you'll be able to have Lair complete as the cloaked banshees arrive. Also, maybe at 10 sec to the Banshee Build time

  • @LeblueLegume
    @LeblueLegume Před 12 lety

    Zerg has zergling runbys and Terran has hellion runbys. Both cost only minerals, are fast and can win a game if the defender isn't prepared, but only hellions are over powered according to Destiny. Also this vid is over a year and a half old. The conversation they are having is different than the conversation we should be having now.

  • @Bobby.Kristensen
    @Bobby.Kristensen Před 12 lety

    @Augenmann2 No, you pay 50 minerals, but you get 50 minerals MORE than now.

  • @zackunderscorefalcon
    @zackunderscorefalcon Před 13 lety

    I kinda agree with Destiny's argument. No unit that does splash damage should be gas free.
    Even Banelings, cheap as they are, cost gas. Just add a 25 or 50 (subject to balance) amount of gas cost to the Hellion, and call it a day.

  • @DarkCT
    @DarkCT Před 12 lety +1

    i love how his biggest contention back then was "if a protoss or zerg loses an army, they are screwed, but terran can make so many more sacrifices." 15 Warpgates just looked at me and said "wut? need Zealot?"

  • @Sapreme
    @Sapreme Před 12 lety

    Remember when Hellion's Blueflame icon was actually a red flame icon, but it did +10 damage?
    Good times.

  • @elvebrothergenju
    @elvebrothergenju Před 12 lety

    Yeah and Terran have big fucking monstrous power houses too. Terran can also mass produce Marines and Vikings with Reactors, I was able to produce non-stop off of 2 bases with 5 Barracks, 4 Reactors and a Tech lab as well as 2 Starports with Tech labs, making, Viking, Medivacs, Marauders, and Marines. 8 Marines at a time, Mules fund the shit out of everything.

  • @BlauNate
    @BlauNate Před 13 lety

    @MrKelerman you also have to put into the fact that when protoss loses an army all the units because of warpgates will be in that battle and either dead or low on health while all your units that you built will be either on the walk path over or rallied to your ramp and zerg one can be true that is the 300 food push but it's not always true if no one was maxed that larva that you say they have would have already been a unit trying to build already

  • @wangchungman14
    @wangchungman14 Před 12 lety

    i agree, most pros now don't use hellions to harass as much as to hold creep back, also, when hellions first come to attack zerg and terran loses them, it is a small mineral loss, but a lot of the terran fire power is lost, especially with zerg's ability to create units, and so if the zerg counter attacks, it can cause a lot of damage, esp since most pros now expand off the hellion push, meaning less terran units

  • @whutbrush
    @whutbrush Před 13 lety

    @Natalthpie : Kyle's response to Destiny's points of balance, is that it can't be balanced. His response to the concerns about how cheap Hellions are, is that more marines would be worse for the game. He deflects the concerns by saying it can't be fixed, or by suggesting that erasing the early game will balance it.
    The early game is important, and fun, but Terran can flat-out win by going early Hellion, proxy 'Racks, or 2 cloaked Banshees for virtually no cost. The problem is race, not maps.

  • @MightyLemur
    @MightyLemur Před 11 lety

    Hellions make the sound of a car - the sound of fuel being burned.

  • @Lucky466
    @Lucky466 Před 13 lety

    ***By diamond i meant my diamond level friend which i practice against off race/on race

  • @omarjuul
    @omarjuul Před 13 lety

    @ohAlanho I'm not saying that's not OP, neither is Kyle.
    It's just that balancing those things ain't as easy as Destiny explains it to be. Kyle doesn't say he disagrees with the "terran is OP" thing.

  • @kibateo
    @kibateo Před 12 lety

    i cant believe kyle didnt say something along these lines.
    Zerg can make 3 units at the same time,
    Protoss can speed up their production of their units with chrono
    but Terran has to make 1 unit at normal time one at a time.
    something like this
    Protoss chrono can be used to improved econ, tech, or army.
    Zerg have queens to make like 8 units at once making their macro insane so they can replace a lost army instantly
    BUT TERRAN's tech is normal time and cant speed up their army production

  • @Lucky466
    @Lucky466 Před 13 lety

    @MasivB the fact that you think 8 zerglings cost 400 minerals was the icing on the cake for your post :)

  • @hepotitus
    @hepotitus Před 13 lety

    I feel like adding 25 gas to hellions would make for a better balance. Bringing in 4 hellions for early harass could set you behind in your tech, even if only for a minute. Dropping stim fro +50 to +40% dmg would also be slightly better without damaging the usefulness of the units. I also hate the ability to salvage bunkers but I don't know how to get around that one

  • @darkstrike055
    @darkstrike055 Před 13 lety

    I don't think adding 25 gas to the cost of hellions would be the end of them, they are still very fast and GREAT for harass/drops.
    I would also say Marines are just a tad too good because all the early game tech they get + stim makes them SO cost effective so I would suggest, instead of adding 30 seconds to stim research, Stim increases attack speed by 40%, down from 50% and Combat Shields require a factory. that's all i would do to *nerf* T

  • @MrKelerman
    @MrKelerman Před 13 lety

    @Icanhaswinzplox But of course i'm talking about gateway units, the other ones u can easily chronoboost as I said. But terran can also mass marines and marauders (+ medivacs, and/or hellions) easily because of the reactors (and because marauders dont take so much time to train). However, they don't have chronoboost so the expensive units like siege tank or thor take pretty long to rebuild...

  • @CrassPunk99
    @CrassPunk99 Před 12 lety

    @Grhymtv this was more than a year ago. Holy shit, the metagame has completely changed, look at the date people.

  • @elvebrothergenju
    @elvebrothergenju Před 12 lety

    I don't know, Hellions are damn good control and they can cause serious economical damage, it's just that right now, they simply aren't hindering Terrans economy even if they get popped. Especially because Terran has Mules. I find it funny how Kyle doesn't want to admit that these are Macro mechanics simply because they are all very different, well Elephants, Whales and Humans are all very different too, but their still mammals.

  • @TheWhateva312
    @TheWhateva312 Před 12 lety

    @Conqrix The Reason why Terran is often seen as OP is becoz they are a very mineralheavy race and they have MULEs witch heps them mine the minerals much MUCH faster compared to gas w/o MULEs you get round about 5 times as many minerals compared to gas and w/ MULEs that changes it to round about 6-8 times (depending on MULE count)
    and i personally think that it's no excuse to say catch them unsieged i mean if i move comand my armee into the enemy i wont win...

  • @Lynkro
    @Lynkro Před 13 lety

    The problem with balance, is that they adjust the units too much rather than changing qualities/spells. Like ghost: Instead of reducing radius on EMP, they should remove or remake the spell, it's a broken spells and too big advantage against protoss. As for snipe, it can counter every tier 2 and 3 unit. Hydras are light, mutas are light, Infestors can get sniped/EMP'd, ultralisks and broodlords can get sniped. And a ghost can counter a whole army alone IF successful with a nuke. And it has cloak

  • @MiltiadesOfMarathon
    @MiltiadesOfMarathon Před 12 lety

    Prices are lower (in some instances, not all) but it still slows down how quickly zerg can accumulate workers.
    Nobody gets BCs because vikings and corruptors and voidrays exist and are much easier to get. They kill BL just as easily as BCs, (much easier in fact) its just that since T has good alternatives they get those instead. Z has ultralisks which are even more useless.
    Remember BL have the lowest damage, health and speed of any T3, by far, and can only shoot ground

  • @BlauNate
    @BlauNate Před 13 lety

    @drummerB44 to be fair a planetary fortress can defend unlike the others while your maxed and is stronger than a warp in of units or hatches larva

  • @kickthecat75
    @kickthecat75 Před 13 lety

    they needs to make bunkers like they were in brood war, make it so you cant just switch reactors, delete the hellions the vulture is a better unit because of spider mines, make it so marine murader medivac tank isnt an auto win ( for lower players because they cant easyly defend it ) make mules last just a little longer, let the command center scan be a building on its own with its own energy.... theres so much they should do

  • @PandaEatGRass
    @PandaEatGRass Před 13 lety

    Hellions shoots fire, it should require gas, unless it burns minerals.

  • @wooThaXHD
    @wooThaXHD Před 12 lety

    ok so if maps were big it would take 3 hours for a protoss deathball to get to the enemy base and when its there the enemy would have already killed all of the protoss' probes with banshees or mutalisks.

  • @timdoozy
    @timdoozy Před 12 lety

    they did, this was made over a year ago. they nerfed hellions a little bit.

  • @zaproid
    @zaproid Před 12 lety

    "Hellions cost gas, I don't think that is really fair," Firebats costed gas and look how SC turned out.....

  • @DQO07
    @DQO07 Před 11 lety +1

    On top of that hes not wrong that even today Terran can harass all day, and not cost them a thing. Hellbat drops were never a problem for me, i can hold them well, but a Banshee that comes out before i have lair, and i cant scout terran because 1 marine can stop an overlord from scouting, then how can i know a banshee is coming? So i have to place a spore, and its just out of panic, not to mention a bunker rush. Terran is overpowered, there is nothing against it.

  • @cfarm54
    @cfarm54 Před 13 lety

    There's several ways that you can punish terran/any race. Make the units cost more or put them up higher in the tech structure. WRT the terran helion drops, I would side that it is too fast to defend against.

  • @ZackJustGames
    @ZackJustGames Před 12 lety

    and thats how terran get the advantage, like a protoss warping in, or a zerg insta remaxing.

  • @rednecktash
    @rednecktash Před 13 lety

    @RicercarUPSB there are a number of strategies you can win with if you aren't good enough to win with banelings

  • @bigsausage09
    @bigsausage09 Před 13 lety

    destiny is right about terran being able to replenish armies so quickly, this is why all professional TvT games take FOREVER to finish.. on average like 25 minutes each game... because theres no way either player can do sufficient damage because supply gets replaced so fast, theres no opportunities to push unless a critical mistake occurs

  • @mseab122
    @mseab122 Před 13 lety

    There is no reason hellions shouldn't cost gas, they are the only tier 1.5 unit that doesn't cost gas.

  • @jynxmars
    @jynxmars Před 13 lety

    There are always strategies to counter this or that, that's what makes the game fun. Having strengths and weaknesses and exploiting them is what it's all about.
    I really like Destiny's play and I agree that the game should keep changing, just so that new strategies keep getting pumped out and the game doesn't get boring, I would like it if the balance gets tipped a bit from one race to another, just so we are pushed to bring out new ideas.

  • @ShawnVerzilli
    @ShawnVerzilli Před 13 lety

    So what if Spore Crawler is unlocked with Spawning Pool and it gets its Detection when you get a Lair. Thoughts?

  • @MrKorrish
    @MrKorrish Před 13 lety

    @Soldier0Cross Wow, imma give you props, that was actually the first decent well mannered reply i ever received on youtube lol. Im not really in the debating mood, i dont honestly think Terran is super super op, but its to the point where they can easily win if the other player makes a wrong unit to counter them. Terran units are all around good against anything.

  • @Fortune2point0
    @Fortune2point0 Před 13 lety

    @mographzach I think he's talking about resource wise. A 1k resource army from Terran will DECIMATE a 1k resource army from either other race. Terran is too money-efficient, and on top of that, they have mules.

  • @MiltiadesOfMarathon
    @MiltiadesOfMarathon Před 12 lety

    Mutalisks are tier 2, and are terrible against anything that shoots back. They are a 100/100 unit that deals 9 damage and has 120 hit points.
    Banelings are countered by marines with excellent mirco or by marine/marauder with merely above average micro assuming you have stim and conc shells. If Terran scoots and shoots a MM ball with stim its going to be cost effective aginst any zerg T1. Sometimes its horrifically cost effective.

  • @TheWhateva312
    @TheWhateva312 Před 12 lety

    @Conqrix Plus the fact that marines only get counterd by AoE damage (Roaches die vs marines if they have stim coz of the range difference)
    So by splitting you marines you are able to make sure that ur marines cant be countered and Marines are the strongest T1 Unit in the Game i would even say the statisticlly strongest Unit in the Game and it's mineral only
    Plus the other factors (Helions are T2 fast do bonus vs light and have AoE and kost NO gas)

  • @slimmerb
    @slimmerb Před 11 lety

    Love how brilliantlly Blizzard fixed the helion harras. And with all blizzard games (WoW and sc2 in the example) the change will come, perhaps alittle later then people whould like, but the change is almost always very smooth.

  • @elvebrothergenju
    @elvebrothergenju Před 12 lety

    Idk, I agree with Destiny that Hellions should cost gas, it's not only to add ba;ance, but it just MAKES sense, Hellions are like little racecars with flamethrowers, They should be gas intensive, if anything, I'd say 50 minerals 75 Gas to make one, or something like that.

  • @YoHannahShutUp
    @YoHannahShutUp Před 13 lety

    i dont know why people complain about hellions not requiring gas when they have to get a refinery for the factory. :p

  • @FenrisWolfSC2
    @FenrisWolfSC2 Před 12 lety

    @HOnigKings just wondering, have you ever played sc2? marines shoot only ground units? rofl, helions would be SUPER expensive. Tanks, they cant move, derp, spines and canons are more useful than bunkers cause bunkers that actually are useful cost pop wel u can have as many canons and spines up as u want and still have the same size army

  • @Soldier0Cross
    @Soldier0Cross Před 13 lety

    The only thing I disagree with here is what destiny says on zerg losing their armies. The zerg playstyle runs on its ability to instantly remake armies given the mineral and hatchery count.

  • @coprographia
    @coprographia Před 13 lety

    this is exactly why I avoid voice chat with people I'm not familiar with

  • @ubarevilage
    @ubarevilage Před 13 lety

    @TheBabyBalooga 400 minerals worth of units in speedlings are 16 speedlings who can do the same and even kill the buildings. They are even faster offcreep than hellions. How is that fair?

  • @ADTheOnly
    @ADTheOnly Před 13 lety

    @Rainbowdash420 well then I guess we would have to take into account the spawning pool and drone and the barracks and supply depot in order to build these units i mention depot and rax because u require them to get factory. I guess it's fair if you add up all the tech costs and structure costs. Its just Helion is most cost effective for the amount of damage it can do whilst there are enemy defenses. Just my opinion though.

  • @DeltaBloodShed
    @DeltaBloodShed Před 13 lety

    It's also a vehicle. It should also require gas for it to actually move...?

  • @DQO07
    @DQO07 Před 11 lety +1

    ... You understand that hes not wrong. Terran has the most cost effective race, and its ridiculous, I play Zerg, and when play Bio-Mine, i cant win, there is just no way. Yes Zerg can make 30, yes 30 units at a time off 3 base if you are macroing properly, and terran can pump out more off of 10 barracks and 3 factories and a starport. At any time Protoss will only realistically have 10 warpgates. Thing is, even today terran is 4-0 other races in the finals of WCS, which is dumb.

  • @nintendorocks100
    @nintendorocks100 Před 13 lety

    nah i think they shoulde triple the mineral cost for hellions since they cost 50 it would equal 150

  • @nikkiinoodel
    @nikkiinoodel Před 13 lety

    @Cowboysrock95 it's pretty impossible to scout early game against a terran and get anything useful out of it.
    @ mographzach zerg is the reactive race they have to be able to spawn an army quickly, but zerg units cost money

  • @rocksparadox
    @rocksparadox Před 12 lety

    Terran has an expansion that defends itself, it costs no PSY.
    Protoss cannons fire ground and air, they cost NO PSY.
    Zerg can build spines and spores, are mobile and COST NO PSY.
    What's your point Steven ?

  • @Seikai7
    @Seikai7 Před 13 lety

    @mographzach look at the date on this video... this was before roaches had 4 range and it was hard to deal with alot of units

  • @SlasherScott1945
    @SlasherScott1945 Před 12 lety

    If you kill 5 Terran workers, they just pull out some MULES.
    If you try to attack a Terran base, they just lift off.
    If Terran get a Planetary Fortress, it is a weapon in itself.
    Tell me the Zerg/Protoss equivalents.

  • @LeblueLegume
    @LeblueLegume Před 12 lety

    And they do almost no dmg to queen and roaches. More importantly the point I was making is that both races have fast units that serve similar purposes, but Destiny and some other people feel that Hellions are the only ones that are OP. It seems hypocritical.

  • @drtony1000
    @drtony1000 Před 10 lety +6

    Lol, Destiny the prophet.

  • @aidsit
    @aidsit Před 12 lety

    they should make mules cost minerals as well

  • @selfsenter
    @selfsenter Před 13 lety

    They should give hellions either more hp or added defense and increase their cost and include gas.
    That way more terrans will use them late game.
    They already have reapers for harass

  • @MiltiadesOfMarathon
    @MiltiadesOfMarathon Před 12 lety

    Terran dont need planetary until third since they cant ever be attacked, also plantary+repair is by far the most powerful static def.
    Mules are by far the best macro mechanic, more income from 1 base than the P/Z get from 2, no punishment if you forget.
    Lift off is brilliant, it turns games around, means you always win base race and theres no way for Z to kill an early nat. Burning sucks but is more than made up for by repair. Z loses drones to make buildings and cant make drones and units

  • @icecatti
    @icecatti Před 13 lety

    I feel like Destiny needs a Kyle to argue with and bounce ideas off of. Regardless of who is right, I love the two of these guys together. I get the impression they've been through a lot.

  • @mikeleev
    @mikeleev Před 13 lety

    I think Kyle was right , with the newer maps the terran show their weaknesses.

  • @bwittenstrom
    @bwittenstrom Před 12 lety

    10:20 protoss may not have a self defending has but has warp in and zergling are the fastest unit in the game

  • @Rithulme
    @Rithulme Před 12 lety

    This is funny :)
    "terran does not get punished for losing an army"
    Zerg can insta remake a full army if their economy is good
    Protoss can warp in at 5 metres from the battle.
    Terran has to invest alot of money in production to be able to make a few units at the same time...

  • @ianneilson99
    @ianneilson99 Před 12 lety

    Answer to every balance issue in the game regarding terran is MAKE IT LIKE BROOD WAR!!!

  • @Soldier0Cross
    @Soldier0Cross Před 13 lety

    @MrKorrish No worries, I partially agree with you. I beat terrans regularly though, sometimes lose. I dont think theyre really OP. But they have certain things about their race that arent right. Hellions are far too cost effective and they probably should cost gas or something. And bunker harass is terrible with its ability to not cost the terran anything. Otherwise I dont have much problem with them as a race, but I sometimes feel like I lack options as a zerg player. Mutaling, Roach Hydra.

  • @shadow3d1
    @shadow3d1 Před 12 lety

    no they arent, SCII came out late 2010, this was 2 months after release
    (i actually remember quitting SCII around this time because of the retardation that was lost temple- tanks on that cliff)

  • @LedZabbath999
    @LedZabbath999 Před 12 lety

    so what i noticed first kyle say smth like
    changing units at that piont of the game is to soon/changing units wont balance the game
    later he says little maps should be removed if the units dont get changed...
    so what remove helions from small maps?

  • @TheVapixPrototype
    @TheVapixPrototype Před 12 lety

    that's because us toss players are the most balanced race. we have some good air, we have gimmicky cheese just like terran and zerg, we have standard play that crushes cheese, we can kill all 3 races at a 50% win rate.

  • @selfsenter
    @selfsenter Před 13 lety

    meant they dont need to have a unit*******

  • @Jusseppe
    @Jusseppe Před 11 lety

    Any kind of cheese can take you to gold or higher even while offracing.

  • @Mika2123g
    @Mika2123g Před 12 lety

    @10:58 but then you're wrong, 'cause i'm right
    ^best argument ever

  • @Lucky466
    @Lucky466 Před 13 lety

    @Samurailord Its really not that far off. If one unit is doing a lot more damage than it should, it is OP. You make it sound like this game has never been patched

  • @UnlistedFusion
    @UnlistedFusion Před 12 lety

    has any of this been changed for the better

  • @LeblueLegume
    @LeblueLegume Před 12 lety

    And roaches and queens take almost no dmg from hellions. More importantly the point I was making is that terran and zerg have a fast unit that serve similar purposes. Saying one is overpowered seems hypocritical.

  • @Soldier0Cross
    @Soldier0Cross Před 13 lety

    @MrKorrish I do play zerg actually. I just dont really know what destiny means by saying that a terran can lose their army and not be at a disadvantage. If any race loses their army theyre at a loss. If anything zerg and toss have the ability to quickly rebuild their army better than terran IMO.

  • @AzNMag344
    @AzNMag344 Před 13 lety

    @MasivB also u dont have map control, losing the hellions and zerglings. reason terran is able to sacrifice units is because protoss and zerg can rebuild it so fast. for example keep injecting even though ur still maxed.terran is a micro race, if u dont micro u will get rolled over. especially marine split against baneling/fungal. kiting in tvp against protoss so zealots dont get a surround and trying to spread so u dodge storm.

  • @kibateo
    @kibateo Před 12 lety

    in other words,
    Protoss = quality
    Zerg = quantity
    Terran = economy

  • @MiltiadesOfMarathon
    @MiltiadesOfMarathon Před 12 lety

    You think roaches, lings, and banelings can beat marine/marauder with stim?

  • @selfsenter
    @selfsenter Před 13 lety

    Yeah but they need to have a unit that comes out so early and can fuck up the other player..nor zerg or toss got such a thing
    Terran have the highest hp buildings and can expand safer than both other races yet blizzerd feels the need to give them something to prevent the other two races from expanding safely

  • @TDBhCorsica
    @TDBhCorsica Před 13 lety

    4 hellions in your base = lose?
    2 banelings in your base=lose

  • @JackDeHearts
    @JackDeHearts Před 12 lety

    "A better map pool would solve some of these problems!"
    Has Kyle even played Korhal Compound or Cloud Kingdom? Those two maps are completely impossible for Zerg.

  • @Soldier0Cross
    @Soldier0Cross Před 13 lety

    @MrKorrish Theres others as well, but I dunno. I feel limited to specific builds, Id like new units. Infestors are great though and Brood Lords if we ever manage to tech to em. You play zerg I assume?

  • @heakboy
    @heakboy Před 13 lety

    Ironic how Kyle argues like Cartman from Southpark.