“I Had An Abortion”

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 1067
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

Komentáře • 53

  • @fineartbymattphilleo
    @fineartbymattphilleo Před 7 lety +44

    My heart went out to this woman as I heard her grief, shame, and remorse. I prayed that the Lord would bring comfort and assurance again. Thank you so much, Pastor John, for your scriptural encouragement. I had tears of joy as I listened to your heartfelt, godly counsel for this woman, and I couldn't keep my hands from going up in praise to our Father.
    I appreciate that you didn't gloss over her sin, but you went right to a verse in Micah that has brought me so much hope lately as I've been gripped by the wickedness of my own sin, wondering if I was cut off from the LORD. You said something like, we need to go through the guilt and find the Lord, not turn away from it.
    Exactly right.
    When I sin, there are times I can't just say a quick prayer to the Lord. I have to feel the weight of the iniquity and yet get on my knees before the LORD in prayer with my Bible open, knowing that there is a promise of hope, healing and forgiveness to cling to.
    If I seek Him with all my heart, I WILL find Him. Lamentations 3:22-33 just came to mind. Also Romans 7:24-25.
    Sister, if you're reading this, be encouraged. Let the LORD lift off the discouragement and despair, through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on your behalf. He will if you let Him. His life giving, atoning blood will never lose its power! Read Hebrews 7:24-25 and see the ongoing ministry of our faithful high priest. Love and blessings to you in Jesus name!

  • @michaellacoopman2303
    @michaellacoopman2303 Před 3 lety +13

    Had the same question, what a loving God we have.

  • @Aquariun9iteMMare
    @Aquariun9iteMMare Před 7 lety +14

    no-one could've said it more beautifully or powerfully I loved it when he said church is the one institution on earth where no-one deserves to go there.

  • @vermidian_
    @vermidian_ Před 7 lety +4

    I love that this question is not perfect, its not crafted to be clear, its more of a venting. Yet this material was used for this answer. To introduce a topic and an emotion a great many of us wrestle with. How beautiful.
    Well done, Pastor John podcast, for using something authentic, and raw, and umfiltered.

  • @arxaggelosmixail1840
    @arxaggelosmixail1840 Před 6 lety +11

    we must repent severely for such grievous sins like this. God in his greatness and omnipotence is able to forgive even these things.

  • @LalaDsouza
    @LalaDsouza Před 7 lety +11

    What a beautiful encouragement! And what a loving God we have! As long as we are in the TIMELINE of GRACE we cannot be lost forever! Praise God!

  • @marysantarelli1269
    @marysantarelli1269 Před 6 lety +5

    From experience, everything he said is 100% correct. Walking into church, praising God and courageously telling others in church about this sin (with people who usually aren't brave enough to talk with you about it,) is necessary. Pursing God, understanding the purpose of Jesus's death (and if you don't know, you need to find out *now*) and demanding He help me, were the only ways the cancerous effects of abortion were stopped in my life. God led me to a Deeper Still retreat for a weekend focused on biblically restoring my heart and relationship with God from the effects of abortion. it wasn't until after the retreat that I realized how abortion had seeped into every area of life. But let God do what he can do, even if you don't think it'll ever be different, and He'll bring you into a new life. Psalm 103, Isaiah 53.

  • @gabriellekelly3462
    @gabriellekelly3462 Před 3 lety +14

    We are the modern day worshippers of baal. They sacrificed their children to this god in ancient times. Today we get abortions in a worship of self. Self idolatry. Out of convenience. The mother's rights over the child's. 1.5 BILLION babies. It's an abomination unto the Lord and I still beg the Lord for forgiveness and will to my dying day. If you're a woman struggling with this Psalm 51 will help you.

    • @AKhardcore1
      @AKhardcore1 Před 3 lety

      Good word. Psalm 51 was what I prayed when God restored me. For an uncompromising, Biblical, God-honoring approach to the issue of abortion in America, check out Free the States. We aim to bring the gospel into conflict with the sin of child sacrifice and abolish it in Jesus' name.

    • @juniperabbott2614
      @juniperabbott2614 Před rokem

      Thank you

  • @susan8793
    @susan8793 Před 3 lety +10

    I fought with self worth, depression, weight, and idenitity. In my childhood, my dad was very critical. Everything was about appearance to him. He constantly oogled women and made comments about their physical attributes to me, even when I was a little girl as young as 5 yo. So, I grew up thinking women were just objects for men's pleasure. I had very little sense of worth. My heart was 💔. I started battling depression in my teens and wanted to die many times. I developed a warped idea of food and eating, which of course led to an eating disorder. I let men use and abuse me. I had two abortions, one at 19, one at 20. I was a dark, broken, angry, bitter, mess, wrapped in a young woman's body and I plastered a smile on my face for public use so no-one knew the destruction inside. At 30, after going through a divorce from a narcissistic addict who cheated all the time, I was then a single mother of an 18 m/o. At that moment I reached my breaking point and realized I needed help. A friend, who truly cared, asked me why I didn't believe in God and Jesus Christ. I didn't have a good answer...it was simply that I felt I could only trust myself and I doubted there was a God when I looked at all the pain in the 🌎. Not long after our conversation, I heard the Gospel, which is the Good News that Jesus Christ came to earth 2000 years ago, fully God and fully man, to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, so that we could then be counted as God's children here on earth and then for eternity in Heaven. WHOA!! That blew me away....Jesus loves me (and you) so much that he allowed himself to be mocked, ridiculed, BEATEN, and HUNG BY SPIKES AND ROPE ON A ✝, then he was brought back to life by God the Father after three days, spoke to his many disciples and then ascended to Heaven in his glorified body!! AND, He did that as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. All we need to do is believe he is alive, repent of our sins, and pursue him in prayer and in his WORD, the HOLY Bible. Abortion is a sin because its spilling the blood of the innocent lives God created. God wants to forgive us tho and that's why He sent Jesus. Since the moment I said yes to Jesus, he has given me SO much. He healed my ❤ from all the pain and regrets of my life. No more depression or questions about my value. I'm a new creation through Him, and because I chose Him, I'm worthy of God's goodness. He gave me a new life... a new job, a new husband who loves me for me, not what I look like or what I can do for him, a new home, the $ ability to send my child to private school. He blessed me with a 4th child (2 in Heaven, 2 on earth), the college diploma I had worked for but had not received, work promotions/bonuses, and now I'm blessed to be at home and care for my elderly mother and young child. The Lord gives me peace, love, kindness, joy, patience, comfort, strength, and goodness! The Lord is our great councilor if we'll let him. I've never regretted choosing Jesus. He's waiting for you TODAY! He wants to heal you, love you, and be with you for eternity! If you don't know him, I challenge you to just ask Him... Jesus, are you real, are you alive, did you create me, is the Bible your word, etc.??? If you're sincere in your questions, he'll answer you. I pray you don't doubt when He answers you! May God bless you!!

    • @melindafolcia4630
      @melindafolcia4630 Před 3 lety +2

      Thank you for sharing your testimony. God bless you 💕

    • @susan8793
      @susan8793 Před 3 lety +1

      @@melindafolcia4630 thank you for reading it! God bless you too!!

    • @butterflyygirl
      @butterflyygirl Před 2 lety

      Thank you for writing this it gave me hope reading, Jesus is the most loving

  • @rosechen5978
    @rosechen5978 Před 7 lety +5

    Thank you pastor John! It was powerful!

  • @gracerepent3128
    @gracerepent3128 Před 7 lety +19

    it was Jesus blood who save and dog like me. Thank you Jesus

  • @jacobthornblad4684
    @jacobthornblad4684 Před 3 lety +2

    You know this brought up my very own salvation story, before I truly became a Christian I was walking in homosexuality. I knew it was wrong but I had a mindset of “I will repent later”. I think God that he saved me because I realize that I was on my way to hell, my heart was not the heart of a regenerate person.
    Well anyway after a series of terrible events and immense guilt over what I did I finally turn to the Lord and eventually gave my life to him. It took a lot for me to forgive myself, I think what really helped me was me to realize that if those series of horrible events did not happen, I probably would’ve never repented because at the time I truly thought that I was saved. Years later I now see that God used those things to get my attention, did he approve of them? Absolutely not, but in a way I’m glad they happened because I’m afraid if they didn’t I would’ve kept on going in the sinful life that I was living and deceiving myself into thinking that I was saved. So if any of you have done anything terrible obviously recognize your sin and repent of it, but also be aware of how God could’ve used that to make you turn around
    This is why Calvinism makes sense to me, because everything that happens is in the declarative will of God, and even though God hates sin And he is not the author of sin, he does use it for his glory and our good

    • @GinaU832
      @GinaU832 Před 2 lety

      What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing and God bless you always.✝️

  • @Jrage14
    @Jrage14 Před 7 lety +19

    I would only add this. Find a church where the Gospel is believed and practiced, and get plugged back in. Jesus heals through community.

  • @jesussaves1633
    @jesussaves1633 Před 7 lety +3

    Thank you so much for this. God Bless you. 🙏

  • @tunccevatalankus6562
    @tunccevatalankus6562 Před 7 lety +4

    Thank you brother for being in love with Jesus rather I thank HİM for giving us a beautiful shepherd..

  • @ciaram2696
    @ciaram2696 Před 2 lety +8

    I have had 2 abortions in my younger days and the shame and guilt is there!! I have repented many times to God in the Blood of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and have asked for his forgiveness!! I send a prayer to all women who have had abortions “ May God forgive you and give you comfort for your sins in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!” Amen 🙏❤️🙏

    • @GinaU832
      @GinaU832 Před 2 lety

      God bless you.✝️

    • @kurtgundy
      @kurtgundy Před měsícem

      The gospel is a multifaceted diamond-Jesus saves people from guilt, shame, and fear. God has forgiven you. Forgive yourself.

  • @wakingrose1956
    @wakingrose1956 Před 3 lety +2

    I had an abortion over 20 years ago and did this after I had become a christian. I backslide and that's when I did it. Now having repented I cant draw close to him because I hate myself, I hate what I did. How could God forgive me after being born again spirit filled and do something I knew was wrong and the worst thing I could ever do. Every day and night I am tormented I wont go to heaven because how could God possibly forgive me?! I cry all the time, sick to my stomach. I know I deserve this but if there is a scripture that says I'm forgiven and have a chance for heaven though I do NOT deserve it I want it. I just want a reason to believe again. God knows how every day I'm so sorry for it. Does anyone know of a scripture that covers a believer having done something so horrible being forgiven after having been a born again spirit filled believer?

    • @raynachandran8096
      @raynachandran8096 Před 2 lety +2

      Remember when David commited sin with Bathsheba? Matthew the tax collector? The Israelites, time and time again? The Lord forgave them all, and I know for a fact that He has forgiven you.
      If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
      2 Chronicles 7:14
      God knows your regret and your heartache over your abortion. Don't forget that He will never stop loving you,
      God bless!

    • @childofthesun8889
      @childofthesun8889 Před 2 lety +1

      I had an abortion after I was saved too, and I don't want to make excuses because I am the one who went through with it, but I did not want to do it. I prayed and asked the Lord for help, I asked my mother (who is my spiritual guru) for help and she told me I had to do it and it would be selfish of me not to because I'd be burdening everyone around me, and I was under this dark cloud where I could not even think straight. I cried the whole way and even now, about 6 years later I still can't get past it. I repent and beg forgiveness to the Lord every day but I feel like I don't deserve forgiveness. I wish I had of been stronger and just taken the baby and left everyone behind who didn't want to help me, but I can't change the past.

  • @Evergreenforest33
    @Evergreenforest33 Před 3 lety +2

    I had an abortion last year 2020 in a very weak time in my life. I have been a believer but just becoming born again... sometimes I don’t know what to believe if it is apart of my testimony or what I use to judge other so quickly when I was younger of those who had sex before marriage or had an abortion but then I was the one walking in those shoes. His grace is slowly setting me free the biggest thing I have dealt with it the shame of me not regretting it the selfishness I can often feel of how my life is “the same” I hope others can know there is hope and forgiveness all wrapped up in one! And remember that this sin is no bigger or smaller then any other ones! This one just happens to be one of the ones that carry the most guilt

  • @solidanswers3845
    @solidanswers3845 Před 7 lety +21

    Praise God for the cross of Jesus and the forgiveness He purchased there for disgusting sinners like us who look to Him in humble repentant faith!!

  • @meanwhile4308
    @meanwhile4308 Před 3 lety +1

    Just, beyond WOW 💞

  • @israelrice
    @israelrice Před 7 lety +9


  • @gracerepent3128
    @gracerepent3128 Před 7 lety +16

    I have abundantly sins I am the chief of sinners . I have murder 4 innocent babies . My remorse and guilt is overwhelming as I look back it lets me no how dark I was . I have executive 4 innocent blood my babies.. I know I deserve punished . I thank God for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior for the cross and God mercy. I give myself and all my sins to Jesus Christ Mercy seat if Jesus can forgive a dog like me a MURDERER a great chief sinner that means anyone can be saved for forgiveness I'm am so so deeply sorry . I do realize if you broken one commandments you broken them all . I thank God for showing me the truth and the light. I have turned from my wickedness and wrong doing . because I no I'm am love and I finally free in my mind no longer in prisoner of the enemy In jail in my free. Finally free because of Jesus Christ did it all and still love me and forgiven me though all my sins . I'm no longer in darkness I can see because of Jesus.

    • @Benny-pk1zh
      @Benny-pk1zh Před 7 lety +2

      Grace Repent amen, eyes on Jesus

    • @gracerepent3128
      @gracerepent3128 Před 7 lety +1

      Raymond Benitez Thanks you keep me in your prayers

    • @gracerepent3128
      @gracerepent3128 Před 7 lety +2

      without Jesus Christ Mercy and Grace . I would have still be in darkness . I thank God forgiveness . I can see now I no longer blind cuz of Jesus Christ redeem . I keep my eyes on Jesus Christ every day I love spending time with Lord reading God word. I do go through a lot of shame , rejection and guilt. I deserve punished I had a horrible life I pray no one had to go through what I went too. I think I went through horrible things cuz of innocent blood my babies I MURDER.. All I have is hope that keeps me going Jesus and hope . God bless.

    • @roseoftheenglish9127
      @roseoftheenglish9127 Před 5 lety

      Free Spirit
      Continue seeking Jesus & almighty God. Release your fears, anger, guilt and tears and then pray with all your heart, soul, mind and strength for mercy and for the souls of those denied entry to this life to Our Lord and Jesus the god-sent redeemer and deliverer of the world. May God bless you and may Jesus heal your heart sister.

    • @Unknown-nz4jf
      @Unknown-nz4jf Před 4 lety

      May Jesus Christ blessed you

  • @user-xq2bm3nq8y
    @user-xq2bm3nq8y Před rokem

    John Piper puts on a wonderful prolife show, doesn’t he? Just don’t ask him to ever vote for a sinner to end it.

  • @shebelieves9650
    @shebelieves9650 Před 3 lety


  • @karstasemedo5392
    @karstasemedo5392 Před 3 lety
