Pure Creativity vs. Specificity

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • Somehow I ended up talking about broad and niche media again, but in a really different context. Video that inspired this: • Controllers Control Ev...

Komentáře • 64

  • @Er404ChannelNotFound
    @Er404ChannelNotFound Před 8 lety +47

    "I like everything" -Digibro, 2016
    That's like, the best joke I've heard in my entire life.

    • @Er404ChannelNotFound
      @Er404ChannelNotFound Před 8 lety +2

      *****​ In the video before this one (on this channel) digi literally says he has high standards for anime so much that he wishes he liked Attack on Titan so that he could collect or enjoy stuff and cool artwork for it because of all the cool designs of their uniforms and such. Oh well, I can't hold anything against digi.

    • @erejnion
      @erejnion Před 8 lety +4

      +First Name Last Name This is said in the sense that he doesn't exclude a whole group of shows. For example, I like everything but sport shows. I can't stand sport shows. I just don't watch sport shows. It doesn't matter how good they are, I'm having hard time even with something as borderline sporty and amazing as Chihayafuru.

    • @Er404ChannelNotFound
      @Er404ChannelNotFound Před 8 lety +1

      erejnion He still said he doesn't have high standards for shows and would enjoy stuff that are cliché-filled but are exploring some new grounds. Plus, his dropped anime list is so long and contains so many good anime. I don't mind that but it's sad how much he misses on by dropping them on the firdt episode. I'm not very demanding about anime I watch but I'm mostly a cynical asshole about almost evrything else in my life. So I understand that digi is a cynic. You have to trust me on this one since cynics understand each other because we tend to be critical of each other. It's no big news to many people anyway.

    • @erejnion
      @erejnion Před 8 lety

      First Name Last Name
      If my drop list is shorter than Digibro's, it's only because I rarely include in it the shows that I dropped on the first episode. Believe me on this, I've been trying out at least 90% of the new series each season for the last 5+ years, and yet I clock only 60-100 finished series per year.

    • @Er404ChannelNotFound
      @Er404ChannelNotFound Před 8 lety

      erejnion​ I too feel like dropping a lot of shows I watch which is why I currently watch 2-4 (or a bit more) shows per season. Just to note, no, I'm not that much of a casual, I just tend to watch a lot of shows that are already finished. What I'm tlking about here is how many people (myself included) tend to hate the sentiment "it gets better later".
      However, I also tend to show commitment for commitment's sake. By which I mean that I would try to stick with a show even if I'm bored of it. Digi tend to steer away from that kind of behaviour as he leaves boring stuff (or makes an awesome 12 parts series that rips the show a new one) so it's not that he has high standards for whichever show he wants to try, but has high standards for shows he would want to stick around with and see if they get better or not.
      He drops a hell of a lot of shows and the average of episodes he watched of these shows is about 1 or 2 episodes, but in rare cases he might go up to 4 but generally speaking he drops a lot of really cool stuff. Now I get that he has a lot of stuff to watch so he drops the boring stuff but it's really sad to take a stroll through his MAL account and looking at all those dropped shows that were really good (and that's not necessarily my opinion, it's just that they're critically acclaimed).
      As for shows he sticks around with he tends to be really harsh with his critique and I don't mind that (especially because his channel would be fuckin' boring if he praised every anime all the time) but I do notice from time to time that he judges shows by comparing them to other shows more often than not. Now I'm not talking about comparing a show to how it copies basically a lot of stuff from another show, I'm talking about comparing things that seek different directions (basically like the apples and oranges analogy) and as such he views one as being objectively better than the other.
      Judging things based on their own merits is essencial at giving a critique and that's especially prominent when judging a sequel. One example I can think of from the top of my head is Dark Souls 2, now I'm not gonna sit here talking about why I think Dark Souls 2 was a worthy sequel for Dark Souls 1, all I'm gonna say is that it sought to do a lot of things different than the first one and it's unfair to compare their (for example) fighting mechanics by saying 2's is objectively worse than 1's because it was a bit slower and had longer cool-dows after attacks. It's a matter of preference between the two and I personally like 2's better since it allowed you to punish your opponent. All in all, what I mean is that he tends to claim objective superiority or inferiority of something over the other in certain matters when it's actually a subjective matter that depends on personal preference.
      This comment has gotten way too long, oh well, cheers.

  • @ChrisPTenders
    @ChrisPTenders Před 8 lety +11

    Digi... you scratch my existential itch for intellectual analysis of ideology so well.

  • @OldyAlbert
    @OldyAlbert Před 8 lety +23

    It's a niche within a niche. For some people all anime is the same, for some all moe-anime is the same (that was topic of your "How to Distinguish Cute Girls Anime" video). People generalize things they don't care about.

    • @sneezlebottom137
      @sneezlebottom137 Před 8 lety +1

      I don't think it's that much about generalization as much as about putting emphasis on the point of said statement:
      "The differences in these shows are not enough to make me care about them individually."

  • @theprofessor7147
    @theprofessor7147 Před 8 lety

    I like this kind of topics, they always make me think and takes me out of my confront zone about what to think of anime or any creation. Keep make them Digibro.

  • @Eltiodelgorro
    @Eltiodelgorro Před 8 lety +14

    Where are your fucking hippie glasses digi?

  • @wyattmund9286
    @wyattmund9286 Před 8 lety +1

    One of my favorite youtubers wacthes another one of my favorite youtubers? Some real meta feels atm lol.
    Of course, Digi has actually led me to some other youtubers he's mentioned before, like nerdwriter1 and that time he found an RC anime video while googling himself. I've noticed over the past year or so my taste in youtubers has increasingly trended towards the more analytical and/or personal, and Digi might be a big reason why. I think the first video of his I saw was his Hunter x Hunter one, way back when the show first ended, & I was trying to find some good discussion about it. It was months before I saw another one of his vids tho, just screwing around in my sub box and remembered the guy. After watching just a few of his vids I really came to admire his approach, and here I am now, a loyal subscriber.

    • @HxH2011DRA
      @HxH2011DRA Před 8 lety

      I found him tho ap similar path watching his hxh video abd he has introduced me to alot of other great youtubers so I'm thankful for that :D

  • @Wrandm
    @Wrandm Před 8 lety +2

    Glad to see you watch GameMaker's Toolkit, too. :)
    And thank you for talking about this. Although, I guess generalization from an audience is always to be expected. People just don't do enough research, and then even if they do, they still talk about fields they haven't researched as if they understand things in it with the same level of detail.

  • @toadboy7493
    @toadboy7493 Před 8 lety +1

    It's like how we have so many superhero movies that when we get slight variations like Deadpool and Winter Soldier it doesn't feel samey.

    • @Syogren
      @Syogren Před 8 lety

      Exactly. Even among the superhero movie genre, there's plenty of room to work with. It's probably why I still don't mind having them come out, even though they have been for so long.

  • @ashthedood9169
    @ashthedood9169 Před 8 lety +2

    I'm also more for specificity when it comes to my favourite shows. While the weird looking shows like Kaiba, Kuuchuu Buranku & Fuck even more recently Tonkatsu DJ are great, I'll always love the next version of big adventure anime. FMA Brotherhood & Gurren Lagann have meaningful fights with large casts of characters & a clear narrative that persists throughout.
    I'm not big into post 2000 Echii High school comedies, but ones from the 80s & 90s are my Jam because of that softer analogue & retro artstyle you get from something like Ranma (before it got shitty) or Magic Users Club, where the life in the voice acting & animation made all the cheap gags charming. Light hearted Mecha/Space shows with a varied fun cast of characters like Patlabor & Captain Tylor are another small niche I don't see anymore.
    Four of my Top 10 Anime take place mostly inside a High school but are almost nothing alike. Lucky Star, Kare Kano, Beck & Ouran & as you said Digi I've tried to recommend these shows to people before, but it's all the same to them.
    One friend looks at Beck & says "Ughh, fucking stupid High-school bullshit". Like, can I not live in this world anymore....

    • @WalkingGirlKoi
      @WalkingGirlKoi Před 8 lety +1

      Even with the ecchi I had no problem liking Magic User's Club. It was a simple comedy series that wasn't going overboard with it and had a simple plot.
      Also, whoever thinks those four shows are the same thing must be close minded. I've been re-watching Kare Kano on DVD, and despite it being a high school romance show it feels different from every show of the genre. The way scenes are directed is something that I have not seen in many other anime at all. People also complain about Ouran being generic when it's a parody show and I cannot believe they couldn't catch that in the first place.

    • @ashthedood9169
      @ashthedood9169 Před 8 lety

      WalkingGirlKoi It comes from people not trying them out first. Annoying, since I get asked for recommendation & then about all of them don't even get checked out.

    • @Felik18
      @Felik18 Před 8 lety

      +Ashuten I'm trying to imagine what good things can you say about Lucky Star that are not a lie to convince anyone who's not DEEPLY into anime to watch it. I simply can't.
      The only good thing I can say about it is that it's kinda cute and humor is OK at best. But why would I recommend something like that when there's a myriad of better shows?

  • @AnimeCommander1
    @AnimeCommander1 Před 8 lety +1

    A lot of anime need contextual knowledge to really understand. Often I have trouble recommending shows like the Monogatari series if you have yet to dip in your head in otaku anime or late-night anime. Shows like Senki Zesshou Symphogear are fun to watch, but a lot of the elements of the show would make more sense if you saw both Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Macross. Without knowing the sort of history that came before shows like Haifuri, Bakuon, Macross Delta, and Koutetsujou no Kabaneri; the way a fan would understand the show would be quite different.
    Of course they don't need to know the history to enjoy any of these shows I mentioned. But some scenes will not make any sense without that context/history.

  • @joeco9513
    @joeco9513 Před 8 lety

    You and Aris (from Avoiding the Puddle [if you're into fighting games]) could be legit bros. Anyways keep up the good shit

  • @murrox7117
    @murrox7117 Před 8 lety

    The Game Maker's Toolkit video started off with a strange question. Of course video game creators are limited by the controllers. There isn't an artist in the world who isn't limited in some way. Now the way those limitations shape the art through plagiarism or originality are fascinating, and I was glad to see his video go into that aspect more. Though the connection to this video was curious. You seemed to grasp onto what he inferred about the controller based games being homogenized by the limits compared to the seeming openness of touchpad or VR controllers and connected that to what is seen in the light novel / high school types of anime.
    In my opinion what it all comes down to is what people value. Some creators value the small changes on a well used formula to convey a message (or in asterisk war's case a lack of message) while other creators value the massive changing from the norm to better convey a message. These differing values come from, in part, the differing limitations on those formulas. Subtle changes to a formula can't happen without the great body of similar formulas that came before it. The limitation of those crafts these types and vice versa.
    I'd like to see this discussion attacked from the angle of what is there to value in the slight adjustments or the mass breaking away which I was glad to see you touch on in this video.

  • @rodrigopacheco12
    @rodrigopacheco12 Před 8 lety +2

    this is a problem I do have with anime. One of the most infuriating things I hear when I say that anime is too safe and repeats its drawing style and design way too much is "how can you say that when you have stuff like Tatami Galaxy, or Kaiba, or Kaiji, or Mononoke, etc", yet they dont realize that those are simply the exceptions and they always resort to those shows when the argument is brought up. You dont need to bring exceptions in western animation because every single western cartoon is an exception to the next one.
    Japanese anime is too incestuous and they repeat themselves too much, be it animation, comedy, genre, characters, etc.
    You can do wonderful things inside limitation, but I feel anime right now is way too limited.
    I watched just right now the anthology Memories, and the short Cannon Fodder really impressed me with its visual style. It was just so different from the stuff im used to seeing coming from japanese animation.

  • @BarlioneManobolge
    @BarlioneManobolge Před 8 lety +3

    Wow I think this is the first time since I've been in the anime community that I've heard someone else mention Kiba, I was fairly certain no one else saw it.

    • @BranchesOfYgg
      @BranchesOfYgg  Před 8 lety +5

      +TheCasualOtakuGuy - I was talking about Kaiba, not Kiba. Unless you just misspelled it.

    • @BarlioneManobolge
      @BarlioneManobolge Před 8 lety +28

      +Digibro After Dark Ah I see. I still haven't heard anyone talk about Kiba after spending all these years in the anime community.

  • @Fadaar
    @Fadaar Před 8 lety

    that beard is getting out of control digi
    well done

  • @Syogren
    @Syogren Před 8 lety

    Yeah, I feel like there's still plenty of room for shows with similar premises and elements to veer off in completely different directions despite sharing those elements. For example, you talked about how Chivalry did something that Asterisk did not in your long analysis of the latter. I can't vouch for a darn thing because I haven't watched either, but that's what's really got me thinking.
    I'm currently looking for a lot of shows in a very specific genre: Action Adventure Battle Shonens with plots that actually make sense and characters that don't feel like cardboard cutouts. I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for in that regard, but I'm not _sick_ of it. Because as far as I'm concerned, I don't really care how many shows of a certain type fail. That doesn't prove that there does not exist a potential show that can do it very very well. And I await the day when I can choose between shows due to preference and not because one is very obviously less awful. And I'm surprisingly patient with this. You can throw as many generic shows that don't do anything well at me as you want, but it's not gonna make me give up looking. If anything, it'll make me want to look for it more.
    There are certain video games that, from my experience, are unique, with concepts and design ideas that I would say I appreciate. As in, I can't find anything like them beyond a surface level analysis. And some of those video games were made very very badly. And so some people will write off the idea of that kind of game even existing, saying that the idea of it existing was the problem rather than the execution.
    But maybe I liked that idea. Maybe I want someone else to try to make the same kind of game again, but do it better. Maybe I want to see a whole slew of people try to make that same kind of game again, and hopefully, by sheer numbers, someone does it better. I don't care how long I have to wait, or how many awful games I have to play. I want to find that gem. That one game that makes it worth all the trouble. And I think those games are capable of existing, even if I haven't played it yet. Be it because I haven't found it, or because nobody has created it yet.
    That's really my philosophy with any consumable media. Despite all the stuff that's out there, I'm convinced that there are still genres that outright don't exist. And of all the ones that do, I'm sure they haven't yet exhausted their potential for good stuff. And this could very well be the case for even the tightest of niches.
    Which makes it all the more frustrating when a show doesn't even bother to do THAT.

    • @Kanijox3
      @Kanijox3 Před 8 lety

      For the Action Adventure Battle Shonen thing, have you read World Trigger? Its fighting is heavily driven by use of strategy, teamwork, and personal strength, instead of moral values and just pure determination.
      An extraordinary amount of supporting characters that make up the members of the military organization in the series that all manage to have likable personalities and have traits that actually make them human.
      The main character Osamu, is an underdog character that is pretty weak, has no talent, and has no hidden power or hidden skill. The series focuses on his growth to become a better fighter through hard work while also acknowledging on how every other character has become strong. Osamu's growth has a very realistic progression in the sense that just because he is very determined, he is not going to beat someone who has more experience, more natural skill, and more training.

    • @Syogren
      @Syogren Před 8 lety

      Kanijox3 This sounds a LOT like something I'd be into. Read? Is it a manga?

    • @Kanijox3
      @Kanijox3 Před 8 lety

      It's a manga, but it does have an anime adaptation. Certainly a pretty bad one by Toei animation, with pretty bad animation and art quality, and many uses of padding, like long awkward silences, recaps of the lore (kind of like One Piece), and somewhat long flashbacks.
      I'd recommend manga, but if you prefer anime, then the anime is pretty much a faithful adaptation with quite a bit of problems in regards to the quality of the presentation, but still has quality story and quality characters. Music and voice acting are pretty good.

    • @Syogren
      @Syogren Před 8 lety

      Kanijox3 Hm...well if I can find the Manga, I'll try reading it. Maybe I'll watch the Anime afterwards. My taste in Anime is kinda weird, and I still haven't figured out how it works, so I might end up liking it anyway. Dunno.

  • @Pacal_II
    @Pacal_II Před 8 lety

    Just on the topic of Kaiba, do you ever plan to make a video dedicated to Yuasa or anything related to him. He seems like a fairly popular director but there are almost no analysis or any kind of in-depth videos about him or his work. Just some reviews of his shows, including yours.

  • @ratprt
    @ratprt Před 8 lety +1

    see there's a big different between something being cliche and being half done cliche, if you get me like. there's putting in something that's cliche because it's how the story would naturally progress with the situation the author creates, compared to putting a cliche in for the sake of having it in there.
    let's take your typical love triangle, there's ending up with one just because of how the characters bounce off each other and interact, and then theres having one for the sake of a doujin artist getting to draw an aggressive three way.

  • @SirChristopherMcFarlane

    I just experienced something similar while watching Kure-nai. It took me more than half of the runtime to realise the show had similarities with harems. All the female characters surrounding the male main lead, and three of them were in love with him. Besides, hanging out at the apartment building was like an after school club. The show feels so different from a harem that I never noticed the similarities. Finally I would likely never refer to it as such because it clearly isn't, but the elements are there. The focus of writing and dialogue make it totally different.

  • @leomar8577
    @leomar8577 Před 8 lety

    I see, so there's a lot of things that most people overlook simply because they don't have the reference experiences to see how anime can be distinguished from one another.
    I think that there is room for both broad ad niche anime but alas, there's too much copying and less emulating in anime. Most creators skip the part of adding personality to their work and are just cherry-picking the best parts of the anime they've watched and copying it, trying to give off the same vibe as it but will utterly fail to do so since the other things that made the best parts of that anime have been overlooked.
    Copying story narratives and art styles are effective but are also unsavory. On top of that, people have become less and less attuned with the idea of creating their own ideas since it won't sell well.
    In an industry where straying from the herd can mean life or death, people approach it from a safe route. Therefore, hindering fresh ideas.
    I think people need to read the book "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon when they want to see the roots of the creators inspiration and creativity. It's a great read, and worth it.
    Thanks again, Digibro, for the content, wish you the best!

  • @hawksnacks-2419
    @hawksnacks-2419 Před 8 lety

    I couldn't agree more. It's doesn't have to be the best to be your favorite.

    • @crushermach3263
      @crushermach3263 Před 8 lety

      Many SAO fans thank you for your consideration.

    • @hawksnacks-2419
      @hawksnacks-2419 Před 8 lety

      That's not what I meant. I'm just saying that a show doesn't have to be flawless to be a favorite.

    • @crushermach3263
      @crushermach3263 Před 8 lety

      I know what you meant. -We both- we *all* know that SAO has its problems, even the fans, and it's still a fan favorite.

    • @hawksnacks-2419
      @hawksnacks-2419 Před 8 lety

      +Crushermach3 What does this have to do with SAO?

    • @crushermach3263
      @crushermach3263 Před 8 lety

      Nothing specifically. I was just using it as an example.

  • @erejnion
    @erejnion Před 8 lety

    Well, of course, Shimoneta focuses really heavily on the social commentary. I expected it to not use much of its setting for this, and doing a typical harem comedy, but instead we got something glorious. So, with the focus being so heavily shifted AWAY from the generic part, of course it feels like it's not even a high school anime anymore. But, for that you need to watch the whole series first.

  • @sheamcc2
    @sheamcc2 Před 8 lety

    I think this happens a lot in genrad fiction it's why I think non fantasy fans latched onto GOT even though it's cleche for fantasy as a genera it wasn't for people whose previous experience outside of the fantasy genera is LOTR

    • @sheamcc2
      @sheamcc2 Před 8 lety

      it's also why people love comic books there essentially the hero's journey with soap opera elements mixed in

  • @sirtyler9272
    @sirtyler9272 Před 8 lety

    And I'm just sitting here, laughing, because Asterisk Wars 2nd Season is a thing.

  • @user-yj1lm6on6x
    @user-yj1lm6on6x Před 8 lety

    You look like the protagonist of "Inherent Vice" if he lived in modern times and was an anime junkie trapped inside his own mind.

  • @cyba6286
    @cyba6286 Před 7 lety

    So you have the stance, art shouldn't try to appeal to everyone, do you think you got into anime because of your opinion or do you think anime curated this for you because of how niche the medium is, specifically how the products are supported by a extremely small amount of intense fans.

  • @DanQew
    @DanQew Před 8 lety

    this video went well with czcams.com/video/mJgEP4LQeoY/video.html

  • @distortioncharizardalive
    @distortioncharizardalive Před 8 lety +1

    First 50 views? Damn. I don't know what to say in this comment...

  • @marcogonzalez347
    @marcogonzalez347 Před 8 lety

    ma nigga!

  • @RukaSubCh
    @RukaSubCh Před 8 lety

    So the nuisance of the show, though it's the exact same type eg cute girl high school anime.
    The anime that are incredibly lazily developed without though put into flushing out the story, setting and characters to make them distinct from one another ,other than visual difference , are what you dislike?
    Sort of like how Charlotte's characters are reskins of angel beats .

  • @RapstarDara
    @RapstarDara Před 8 lety

    marry me

  • @daltonriser1125
    @daltonriser1125 Před 8 lety

    "i like everything" says the guy who drops 90% of the shows he starts

  • @daltonriser1125
    @daltonriser1125 Před 8 lety

    you act like having 10 anime you actually care about is a bad thing?

    • @TheRealOtakuEdits
      @TheRealOtakuEdits Před 8 lety +1

      I think he was trying to say people should give stuff they haven't thought about watching a shot.

    • @daltonriser1125
      @daltonriser1125 Před 8 lety

      MinecraftLikesPie ahhhh that is how it was for me with serial experiments lane

  • @Derp13465256
    @Derp13465256 Před 8 lety +1

    Wow I can't believe your audience is that stupid as to completely miss the point that much