Defending the Nordic Way of Living

  • čas přidán 1. 09. 2022
  • Held on 29.8.-2.9.2022, the Army field training exercise Vigilant Knife developed force interoperability of the Finnish and Swedish training audience units in particular under the conditions prevalent in Northern Finland. Arranged at short notice, the exercise Vigilant Knife showed that the Army brigade-level units in both Northern Sweden and in Northern Finland sustain immediate readiness and capability for combined operating on demanding missions. The exercise was also participated by altogether 80 troops from the UK.
    Maavoimien taisteluharjoitus Vigilant Knife 29.8.-2.9.2022 kehitti erityisesti Suomen ja Ruotsin joukkojen yhteensopivuutta Pohjois-Suomen olosuhteissa. Lyhyellä varoitusajalla toteutettu Vigilant Knife -harjoitus osoitti, että niin Pohjois-Ruotsin kuin Pohjois-Suomen maavoimien joukko-osastoilla on välitön valmius ja kyky toimia yhdessä vaativissa tehtävissä. Harjoitukseen osallistui myös 80 sotilasta Iso-Britanniasta.
    Arméns stridsövning Vigilant Knife 29.8 - 2.9.2022 utvecklade i synnerhet de finska och svenska truppernas kompatibilitet under förhållandena i norra Finland. Övningen Vigilant Knife, som genomfördes med kort varsel, visade att truppförbanden i både Norra Sveriges armé och Norra Finlands armé har omedelbar beredskap och förmåga att samarbeta i krävande uppgifter. Också 80 soldater från Storbritannien deltog i övningen.
    #FISE #together #VigilantKnife #JEF

Komentáře • 1K

  • @KaitsuMaitsu
    @KaitsuMaitsu Před rokem +170

    Pohjoismaiset arvot ovat puolustamisen arvoisia arvoja! 🇫🇮🇸🇪🇧🇻

    • @KaitsuMaitsu
      @KaitsuMaitsu Před rokem +5

      @Trump Hyvä kysymys! Tarkoitin lähinnä kristillisiä arvoja. Tosin kristilliset arvot tahtovat olla hukassa näinä päivinä pohjoismaissa, valitettavasti!

    • @KaitsuMaitsu
      @KaitsuMaitsu Před rokem

      @@Aivottaja Voi hyvinkin olla.

    • @henrihirn
      @henrihirn Před rokem

      @Trump varmaa maapallon sosiaalitoimistona oleminen ja muut kansat ensin ajattelu.ei varmaan puhuta enään ,30 luvun terveistä pohjoismaisist arvoista

    • @anzuhu
      @anzuhu Před rokem +3

      @Trump ne ovat demokratia, tasa-arvo, vapaus ajatella ja puhua myös julkisesti, oman maan päätösvalta omista asioista, vapaus olla tekemisissä kenen kanssa haluamme, demokraattinen vapaus säätää omat lakimme, uskonnonvapaus, poliitikkojen ja viranomaisten toiminnan läpinäkyvyys, viranomaisten päätösten valvonta, kansalaisten tasa-arvoinen kohtelu kaikissa asioissa päättäjiltä ja viranomaisilta, todellinen valitus- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuus päättäjien ja viranomaisten vääristä päätöksistä, korruptiovapaa yhteiskunta, oikeus oman kielen käyttämiseen, oikeus elää turvallisessa yhteiskunnassa, saada kattavat ja tasavertaiset palvelut kaikiltä elämisen osa-alueilta kuten sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut, sivistyspalvelut, turvallisuuspalvelut, vähemmistöjen kohtelu ja erityistuen saamisen mahdollisuus, omistamisoikeus rajaton...
      Eiköhän siinä ole joitakin esimerkkejä pohjoismaisista arvoista.
      Suomessa ei kukaan voi kuolla nälkään, jos ei itse sitä juuri halua ja tietoisesti tee.
      Kyllä korruptiovapaus on yksi suuria tekijöitä kuten tasavertainen yhteiskunnan tukema kouluttautumismahdollisuus kaikille, sekä puhevapaus ja omistamisoikeus ja terveyspalvelut.
      Kaikki olemme lain edessä tasa-arvoisia ja voimme saattaa meitä koskevat viranomaisten päätökset ylemmän, puolueettoman tahon arvioitavaksi ja saattaa väärän päätöksen kumottavaksi ja korvauksen aiheutuneista vahingoista.
      Suomessa et voi ostaa tuomioistuimen tuomaria ja hänen päätöstään rahalla, tai kalliin lakimiehen kautta.
      Kyllä meillä asiat ovat hyvällä mallilla, jos koko asiaa vertaa esimerkiksi venäjään ja sen koko maan johtamiskulttuuriin ja diktatorismin tuomiin epäoikeudenmukaisuuksiin. venäjällä voit joutua väärästä sanasta vankilaan pitkäksi aikaa, ja hyvin moni siellä on menettänyt henkensä pelkästään muutamasta väärästä sanasta.
      Edelleen, kyllä meillä on asiat hyvin.
      Aina on poikkeuksia yksittäistapauksina mutta ne ovat todellakin yksittäistapauksia, ei vallitseva jatkuva käytäntö.

    • @spuqe69
      @spuqe69 Před rokem +3

      @@KaitsuMaitsu Tilalle tulee rappiokulttuuri ja islaminusko joka tosin myös tappelee rappiokulttuuria vastaan jos jotain hyvää hakemalla haetaan

  • @Akujelppi
    @Akujelppi Před rokem +207

    On se hyvä, että veljet ja siskot jaksavat maatamme puolustaa. Saa tavalliset veronmaksajat rauhassa tehdä omaa tärkeää työtänsä ilman pelkoa miehittäjistä. Käännetään yhdessä vaikeudet voitoiksi ja pistetään Suomi uuteen nousuun. Kiitos PV 😊

    • @Akujelppi
      @Akujelppi Před rokem

      @@Aivottaja Nyt en ihan ymmärrä, voisitko suomentaa?

    • @Terbmis
      @Terbmis Před rokem

      @@Akujelppi Sehän on seö
      lvällä suomenkielellä!

  • @brendanmax1454
    @brendanmax1454 Před rokem +44

    Respect from Poland to our Finnish and Swedish allies. Brave nations and very well organised armies. All the best👍

  • @PeTTs0n88
    @PeTTs0n88 Před rokem +71

    Starkare tillsammans, alltid. 🇫🇮🇸🇪

  • @cste9146
    @cste9146 Před rokem +153

    PV:ltä tulee aina mahtavaa settiä. Jatkakaa samaan malliin.

  • @cumgazzler
    @cumgazzler Před rokem +52

    Hieno ja hillitty video joka pistää viestin perille ilman mitään machoilua. Suomen(ja Ruotsin) suvi on kaunis mutta lyhyt. 🇫🇮🇸🇪🇧🇻🇩🇰🇮🇸

  • @Bald_Zeus
    @Bald_Zeus Před rokem +37

    Finlands sak är vår! 🇫🇮♥️🇸🇪 Stolt medborgare i båda länder

  • @kristofferhellstrom
    @kristofferhellstrom Před rokem +55

    Tillsammans är vi starka!!!!

  • @sprintervanconversions
    @sprintervanconversions Před rokem +61

    We have just finished 2 months in the nordics, 1 month Finland, 1 Norway. We documented the whole journey on our channel and absolutely fell in love with Finland. When we were in the Lapland Forestry Museum (shortly after visiting Santa!) we heard about 6 jet planes go over head. The threat of P*T*N is real but Ru**ian aggression will never succeed. Stay strong Finland, we love your beautiful country dearly!

    • @andreas5914
      @andreas5914 Před rokem

      Always nice to see our pilots practicing. I hope they could get more flight time in the future and that we would stop bullshitting around when Russians are intruding in our areas.
      If it were up to me we would send 10 FA18s after the russians right away, no matter the cost.

    • @anzuhu
      @anzuhu Před rokem

      Nice to hear that! I hope you got memories and I am glad that you came visited in here!
      I think as I am finnish, ruzzia newer even try to come here.
      They have work enough even to keep their positions in Ukraine now, and vladiolf putler can not declare official war against Ukraine. He have not enough support in ruzzian citizens.
      And when we get membership in Nato, he dont dear even try any kind of "very special amateur army military operation" in here 🤣.
      Now putler have lack of teained soldier and military equipment.
      putlers only greatness is, he have the red button for nucklear weapons. It's only thing, why he can feel to be big boy in nowdays world.
      We will live in peace long time and hope that ruzzian people change their president. Biggest problems are inside ruzzian nation. War in Ukraine will end somehow because ruzzian cirizens moustly dont accept it and want to stop it.
      And putler is sick, old man who have not so much time left in charge.
      We all pray that war end soon and we can get our normal life back in whole world.
      And we are very very very greatfull and appreciate to western countries to support and help Ukrainian Armed Forces. This big help is sooo important to whole Europe, to keep putlers plans not coming true!
      I pray all the best for whole Ukrainian people and for western supporters. Now we can build new, peacefully Europe and world 😀

    • @tsugumorihoney2288
      @tsugumorihoney2288 Před rokem

      You know what's the funniest thing about the so-called Putin's threat? Before Finland's attempt to join NATO, the border was guarded by border detachments numbering 500-1000 people, but the Finns filed an application, and columns with military equipment started to move towards the Finnish border. It turns out contradictory that Putin was a threat, but for some reason the troops began to pull up after applying to NATO, it seems to me, or is something not right here? By the way, I saw one column personally and there is a lot of equipment and it is new

    • @anzuhu
      @anzuhu Před rokem +1

      @@tsugumorihoney2288 russian got their areas near Finnish border allmost empty of their troops. Now they have there just fev of hundreds or couple of thousands soldiers, whole 1300 km border.
      Putler needs every possibble soldier in Ukraine and thats why he left Finnish border allmost empty.
      That fact is from intelligence, not guessings or "i saw by myself at onse when...'

    • @tsugumorihoney2288
      @tsugumorihoney2288 Před rokem

      @@anzuhu it is not guessings, it is what i saw by my eyes, and fun fact, before Finnish try to join nato there were much less troops and btw Finland is not in nato, beside USA said that they would do it in couple days. You were deceived and you quarreled with a large and now very unkind neighbor, and the United States is far away. all that Finland received was vague promises of joining NATO, and without ratification by Turkey you will not join, and the Russian army on the border, was it worth it? time will show. although what to expect from a country run by cashiers, housewives, nurses ...

  • @GraD87
    @GraD87 Před rokem +63

    Combat Camera tekee kyllä mainiota työtä. Kiitos tästä!

    • @lottaraatikainen3942
      @lottaraatikainen3942 Před rokem +1

      Profiilikuvasi perusteella rohkenen kysyä, oletko sinäkin ehkä inkeriläistä sukua?

    • @GraD87
      @GraD87 Před rokem +1

      @@lottaraatikainen3942 Joo, äitini puolen suku on hyvin pitkälti inkeriläistä - siellä syntyneet, omissa inkeriläisissä yhteisöissään kasvaneet sekä sotien ja vainojen kauhut kokeneet. Isäni puolelta vähemmän mutta sieltäkin lienee jonkun verran kerta viron/luoteis-venäjän ja jopa georgian suunnalta geneettistä taustaa DNA-testin perusteella. Vastaus on että suurimmaksi osaksi kyllä. :)

    • @lottaraatikainen3942
      @lottaraatikainen3942 Před rokem +1

      @@GraD87 Kiitos tiedosta! Olen itse inkeriläissukuinen vain äidin puolelta, ja sieltäkin vain osittain. Lisäksi äidin isän perhe muutti Pietarista Helsinkiin jo 1910, joten välittivät vainot täysin, ja minulle on vasta nyt keski-iässä alkanut selvitä, millaisesta systemaattisesta ja julmasta kansanmurhasta oikeasti oli kysymys ja miten Suomen valtio on myös osasyyllinen siihen sodanjälkeisten väestöluovutusten kautta.
      Omista inkeriläisistä juuristani en oikeastaan tiedä paljoakaan, vain sukunimet Kahi ja Pokkinen ja sen, että ainakin Kahin suku oli Venjoen seurakunnasta.

    • @GraD87
      @GraD87 Před rokem +1

      @@lottaraatikainen3942Minun inkerinsuomalainen ukkini toimi sammutustehtävissä paloauton kuljettajana Leningradin piirrityksen aikana. Kaikin keinoin yritti välttää värväystä puna-armeijaan, mm. (äitini kertoman mukaan) myöhästyi tahallaan junasta keksien mitä mielenkiintoisimpia tekosyitä jotka yllättäen menivätkin läpi. Sitten vuonna 1943 hänet perheineen pistettiinkin Siperian junaan "etteivät vaan liittyisi mahdollisesti etenevien suomalaisten puolelle". Isovanhemmillani oli sinä aikana kaksi lasta joille tuli kuuleman mukaan matkan aikana mahatauti. Jollain pysäkillä heidät otettiin erilleen vanhemmistaan sairasosastolle hoidettavaksi. Seuraavana päivänä tulikin viesti että "he eivät selvinneet ja heidät jo haudattiin", joopajoo. Kymmenisen vuotta viettivät Siperian aroilla ja vasta Stalinin kuoleman jälkeen pääsivät muuttamaan takaisin kotikonnuilleen vain huomatakseen että heidän rakentamansa talo oli jo uudelleen asutettu. Kaikki piti aloittaa alusta.
      Joskus pienessä humalassa ukkini oli kuulemma tokaissut että "niin oltaisiinkin liitytty suomalaisten puolelle jos siihen olisi ollut mahdollisuus".
      Myö muutettiin inkerinsuomalaisina paluumuuttajina vuonna 1995. Meijän inkeriläinen suku on Kekki, Torikka ja Tatti. :)

    • @lottaraatikainen3942
      @lottaraatikainen3942 Před rokem +1

      @@GraD87 Eipä se suomalaisten puolelle liittyminen varmaan olisi hyödyttänyt. Luin juuri kirjan Kunnes rauha heidät erotti, jossa kerrottiin myös inkeriläisistä, karjalaisista, vepsäläisistä ja tverinkarjalaisista sotavangeista kootusta heimopataljoonasta, joka lähetettiin pahimpiin paikkoihin taistelemaan sen lupauksen varassa, että saavat sitten Suomen kansalaisuuden. Sodan jälkeen heidät koottiin takaisin vankileirille, pakattiin junaan ja lähetettiin kohti Neuvostoliittoa. Junan vartijoilla sentään oli kertoman mukaan sen verran kunniantuntoa, että käskivät jarrutella junan vauhtia eivätkä olleet näkevinään, kun ihmisiä hyppäsi joukoittain kyydistä. Mutta niitä karkulaisia metsästettiin ja palautettiin 50-luvulle asti.

  • @JennyfaninSweden
    @JennyfaninSweden Před rokem +30

    Great to see this cooperation between our countries, cheers from Sweden!

  • @jaakkopietarinen5622
    @jaakkopietarinen5622 Před rokem +52

    Viimeisen tuhannen vuoden historia on todiste siitä, että kun suomalaiset ja ruotsalaiset taistelevat aseveljinä, niin jättiläisetkin kaatuvat ja pakenevat pelosta.
    The last thousand years stand in evidence that when Finns and Swedes fight together, even Giants fall and cover in fear.
    Fin ♥️ Swe

    • @Zizoor
      @Zizoor Před rokem

      De sista tusen åren står som bevis att när Finnar och Svenskar kämpar tillsammans, även jättar störtar och skyggar i fruktan.
      Swe ♥ Fin

  • @ValiXMA
    @ValiXMA Před rokem +21

    Respect from Swiss Army 🇨🇭 Important to train interoperability NOW 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇸🇪🇫🇮 Thank you for your service at the borders of Europe

  • @SlyJohn
    @SlyJohn Před rokem +38

    Finlands sak är vår sak!!!

  • @ericktom
    @ericktom Před rokem +40


  • @matteusvirtanen392
    @matteusvirtanen392 Před rokem +93

    Always funny to see how all of these anti-NATO or anti-Finnish accounts are like one year to three months old.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem

      Russian bots/misinformation exist. Their purpose is to sow seeds of discord.

    • @preciousgomez8437
      @preciousgomez8437 Před rokem

      Mostly so-called ruZZia bots

    • @fsdspdf2717
      @fsdspdf2717 Před rokem +8

      Gotta pay the rent somehow.

    • @gezuppi
      @gezuppi Před rokem +8

      There are so many of them as well, literally no shortage of targets to report.

  • @02otra
    @02otra Před rokem +43

    Finlands sak är vår.

  • @maghambor
    @maghambor Před rokem +12

    I’d be deeply disappointed if they didn’t call me up to help our brothers and sisters in Finland. Finlands sak är vår.

  • @bonanzoid4550
    @bonanzoid4550 Před rokem +24

    greetings from Poland friends! let's show we stand together in face of danger

  • @agidotexe7167
    @agidotexe7167 Před rokem +34

    Finland och Sverige! Enat för alltid!

  • @Arvidowitch
    @Arvidowitch Před rokem +113

    As a swede I would defend Finland to my last breath! Finlands sak är vår sak! 🇸🇪❤️🇫🇮

    • @wizandoz
      @wizandoz Před rokem +17

      Together we are strong.

    • @Arvidowitch
      @Arvidowitch Před rokem +6

      @@wizandoz 💪💪💪

    • @paarma1752
      @paarma1752 Před rokem +1

      have you served in military?

    • @jaakkopietarinen5622
      @jaakkopietarinen5622 Před rokem

      The last thousand years (minus the russian occupation) stand in evidence of that.

    • @Arvidowitch
      @Arvidowitch Před rokem

      @@paarma1752 No but one day I want to

  • @TheAidiwashere
    @TheAidiwashere Před rokem +54

    Finlands sak är vår!

  • @jaymz6605
    @jaymz6605 Před rokem +68

    Kommenttiosiossa havaittavissa vihollisen vaikuttamista

    • @hjuikkll
      @hjuikkll Před rokem +4

      Epäsymmetrista sodankäyntiä parhaimmillaan...

  • @filip.s3280
    @filip.s3280 Před rokem +44

    Finlands sak är vår

  • @MP-Fin
    @MP-Fin Před rokem +54

    Finland and Sweden were already brothers, now thanks to Putin, we are stronger together than ever.

    • @guffeluffe5987
      @guffeluffe5987 Před rokem +3


    • @snowsnow4231
      @snowsnow4231 Před rokem +1

      now thanks to NATO Wall Street with Dow, DuPont and Monsanto could make some money by throwing you into the meat grinder for the sake of their own profits

  • @joelthorstensson2772
    @joelthorstensson2772 Před rokem +41

    Sweden and Finland, though there runs a border between our two nations, will always be united in the hearts and minds of the people. Hyvää Sverige - Heja Suomi!
    We are one fraternal nation, though not by ethnicity or language, but by extremely similar culture, way of life and values. I as a Swede feel perfectly at home when I'm in Finland, I hope that the Finnish people feel the same when visiting Sweden.

    • @sormiliha
      @sormiliha Před rokem +8

      There is a history of thousand and more years between us. We have been together in more places most people can even imagine. Through thick and thin. We speak a different language, yes. But our souls are intertwined in destiny.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem +3

      Swedes are the folks Finns love to hate...and hate to LOVE!

    • @user-su6wy3bj4v
      @user-su6wy3bj4v Před rokem +5

      We'll also kind of ethnically. Finland did after all spend a good 650 years as a fully integrated part of Sweden and viking era findings suggest there was a degree of intermarriage and cultural mixing going on a good bit over a thousand years ago already. Northern Sweden especially has a lot of Finnic ethnic roots, and southwest Finland has a ton of Swedish ethnic roots. So in more ways than one we are still one people, even if we are divided by country and language.

    • @kojootti168
      @kojootti168 Před rokem +1

      I spend time in Stockholm this summer it was good. My 3rd time in Stockholm maybe 10th in Sweden overall.

    • @Frog89mad
      @Frog89mad Před rokem +2

      i can feel like visiting a brother when i come to sweden

  • @fsdspdf2717
    @fsdspdf2717 Před rokem +29

    Hyvin tehty video. Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  • @user-ci4yw7vh1d
    @user-ci4yw7vh1d Před rokem +34

    Congratulations from fellow Finno-Ugric brother, Mari, to you Finns. You are very happy to have your independent country, your own state which protects its citizens, loves them and respects, doesn't treat them as slaves and resource which can be just used. I would hope we will have our own independent state someday too, but all looks that it probably will not happen and our people and culture will die out under Russian rule soon. Therefore Finnish brothers please do everything to keep your country safe and prosperous, protect it and admire it. Elakoon Suomea.
    At least in your history books we will keep existing and remembered after we will perish, in Russians we already are not even mentioned, when they will destroy our republic and culture finally, nothing will be left except that. Long live Finland and it's great people, we are happy for you and it's very good that you can and want to protect yourselves!

    • @lassim3111
      @lassim3111 Před rokem +8

      Man it sucks to hear how finno ugric cultures are dyinh. 😕

    • @user-ci4yw7vh1d
      @user-ci4yw7vh1d Před rokem +1

      @@lassim3111 Yes, that's what we have

    • @mikaseppanen1632
      @mikaseppanen1632 Před rokem

      Speach.. We Listening.. Try . We Have laugh.. And We KNOW we have lots of people back i karjala.

    • @user-ci4yw7vh1d
      @user-ci4yw7vh1d Před rokem +2

      @Suvi Eskelinen Yes, I thought about that. Even my parents suggested me this and a lot of Mari, especially those who are well educated, would like to emigrate to Finland or Estonia, more to say, some Mari do emigrate there. Your governments and people actually do help us, there is local Mari community which is supported by government in Estonia for example, some of our current activists got education in Estonia and Finland, I myself have friends from Estonia and Finland, worth of mentioning that it is actually Estonian guy who found me in internet first. I had to be an exchange student at the University of Helsinki, was supposed to fly there this August, but Russian government started a pointless war and Finland closed borders and cancelled all exchange programs for russian citizens, unfortunately including me.
      That would be great for Mari to move to Finland and Estonia, to preserve ourselves as a nation, but for majority of Mari this is too expensive and difficult to do, both in bureaucratic and financial terms. And despite Finland and Estonia being friendly, related places for us, which could become our homeland and which we would love and protect, Volga region, Mari El will still always be lands of our mothers and fathers, where our people lived for more than thousand years, that will be difficult to leave behind

    • @user-ci4yw7vh1d
      @user-ci4yw7vh1d Před rokem

      @Suvi Eskelinen If my skills of understanding English didn't fail me, you suggest me help in leaving Russia. If that's what it is, then really, thank you very much for the suggestion, but I think I couldn't do that. I know some of Turkish, because I know Tatar and Bashkir languages, I'm from Eastern Mari and my village is located in Bashkortostan, though I study my last year as a student in Kazan Federal University now. And I know Turkish history and culture, because we had a turkish friend from another academic group in 2nd grade, but overall I don't think I can really do that. My family is here and my friends, don't want to be dramatic, but I think I have to stay here. Again, if I understood you right, thank you.
      Talking about mobilisation, just want to share with you that it's just chaos. Few hours ago our friend from my academic group sent us message that he is now in Kazakhstan and in Saturday he was here in Kazan, he was conscript in army as a mechanic-driver, one of those whom take first in mobilisation as it was said. He didn't want to wait till they close all borders and decided to leave, he did right, from this day men of mobilisation age can't leave Russia without permission. In my village 5 men were conscripted along with 28 y.o. guy with 2 kids who was just conscript and my little sister's father who is 48 y.o., he served in USSR in Mongolia, they really take everyone, I don't know what is partial in this mobilisation. Also currently 2 of my classmates serve in Ukraine right now, one is conscript other is on contract, both there from February and both are exhausted. Truly sad and confusing times. Russian government doesn't think about citizens or anything else, it's goal now is the survival of current regime. I can't figure out what is the way out here, especially for Mari people as political entity, but I think that the most "interesting" time is only to come, this crisis must end somehow, hope it won't end with more blood

  • @mikarantanen4678
    @mikarantanen4678 Před rokem +15

    As Finnish military crisis veteran of three tours overseas, I would like to say "thanks" for this video :)

  • @glacieractivity
    @glacieractivity Před rokem +47

    From Norway - quoting the Mandalorian: This is the way, neighbours and friends.

  • @tonzku.
    @tonzku. Před rokem +42

    The fact that there are several people who don't get the point of this video is saddening.

    • @GugureSux
      @GugureSux Před rokem

      Half of those "people" are just troll factory employees. Kreml has been very salty about Fin & Swe suddenly applying for the membership overnight (thanks to Pootin), when they'd done so well for 70+ years to keep us from joining the Western big boys club.

    • @mottee
      @mottee Před rokem +2

      They get the point but they do their (lousy) best to get the rest of us to lose the point.

  • @lileyzei6489
    @lileyzei6489 Před rokem +98

    En oo kyllä ikinä nähny näin paljoo venäjän propagandaa kommenteissa
    Muistuttaa siitä että nää idiootit on oikeesti olemassa

    • @KultaIntoPii77
      @KultaIntoPii77 Před rokem +1

      Ja muistuttaa siitä että Suomi on toiminut täysin oikein. Tekee kunniaa Suomelle, kun ryssät ovat näin sankoin joukoin aktivoituneet 👌

  • @pauli2951
    @pauli2951 Před rokem +110

    Tämä video on tainnut putin-boteilla mennä enemmän tunteisiin kuin moni muu. Oikealla tiellä ollaan siis.

    • @chukngeck8160
      @chukngeck8160 Před rokem +4

      WOW! I've seen exact same comments from Ucranians 6-7 years ago! Incredible!!!
      This one is a universal scenario 😀

    • @Seitbp242
      @Seitbp242 Před rokem

      @@chukngeck8160 it seems theres lots of parroters coming from pro-kremlin ranks today. their message has been grey lacking any inventive touch all the way from the days when stalin had a say about things.

    • @MrZimpauttaja
      @MrZimpauttaja Před rokem +15

      Ihan samaa ajattelin. Aina kun Kreml tai Putler-trollit älähtää, tiedämme, että olemme tehneet oikean peliliikkeen.

    • @spuqe69
      @spuqe69 Před rokem

      Se on hienoa kun jokainen joka ei kumarra hallituksen alla on putinisti tai putintrolli. Mutta hyvä vaan että natsi sana on nytten niillä korvattu kun sitä jo liian kauan kuunnellu

    • @pauli2951
      @pauli2951 Před rokem +12

      @@spuqe69 Ei tällä ole mitään tekemistä sen kanssa tykkääkö hallituksesta vai ei. Kuten sotilasvalassakin sanotaan: "Minä tahdon kaikkialla ja kaikissa tilanteissa, rauhan ja sodan aikana puolustaa isänmaani koskemattomuutta, sen laillista valtiojärjestystä sekä valtakunnan laillista esivaltaa."
      Se on ihan sama mitä nykyisestä hallituksesta on mieltä sitä saa toki vapaasti kritisoida ja se kuuluu vapaaseen demokratiaan, mutta samalla se on myöskin se laillinen esivalta, jota kuuluu puolustaa henkeen ja vereen. Luuletko että talvi- ja jatkosodassa kaikki olivat täysin yhtä mieltä silloisen hallituksen politiikan kanssa? Eivät ehkä olleet, mutta silti urhoollisesti he taistelivat ja antoivat kaikkensa tämän maan ja kansan puolesta. Meillä on vain tämä yksi koti ja isänmaa. Jos emme ole valmiita puolustamaan sitä, niin ei meille jää yhtään mitään.
      Kuten suomalainen jalkaväenkenraali Adolf Ehrnrooth sanoi: ”Suomi on hyvä maa. Se on paras meille suomalaisille. Se on puolustamisen arvoinen maa, ja sen ainoa puolustaja on Suomen oma kansa.”

  • @erikgranered753
    @erikgranered753 Před rokem +33

    I am a Swedish American who grew up with many Finnish friends in Degerfors. Love the direction of Swedish-Finnish defense cooperation.

    • @mikaseppanen1632
      @mikaseppanen1632 Před rokem

      And You Still Alive.. Thought my Cousin Deal with ???

    • @Sm00th-0perator
      @Sm00th-0perator Před rokem +4

      Together with our beloved neighbor (Sweden), we are stronger than ever. We shall hold the line.

    • @LeSatan
      @LeSatan Před rokem +2

      @Trump like it "destroys" Ukraine 😂🤦 go to your commie Russia to feel the "freedom". Venäjällä et voisi edes kirjoitella näitä kommenttejasi

    • @LeSatan
      @LeSatan Před rokem +3

      @Trump mitä v*ttua selität?

    • @LeSatan
      @LeSatan Před rokem

      @Trump Suomi on kaikkien lähteiden mukaan maailman top 10 vapain maa. Montako ruplaa sinulle maksetaan? 💀 Ei sinun ole pakko tukea Put1nia vaikka olet venäläinen.

  • @bjornfagerstedt2341
    @bjornfagerstedt2341 Před rokem +59

    As always, Sweden and FinlNd together ❤️

    • @Peeteeoo
      @Peeteeoo Před rokem +6

      As a finn i like that we have a brother as sweden.And we can't forget norway,our brother as well.

  • @lexparsimoniae2107
    @lexparsimoniae2107 Před rokem +41

    Nordic way of life is worth defending. It's worth dying for and living for.

    • @guffeluffe5987
      @guffeluffe5987 Před rokem +1

      Then why are nordic people actively destroying their own culture and ancient civilization?

    • @lexparsimoniae2107
      @lexparsimoniae2107 Před rokem

      @@guffeluffe5987 they are not.

    • @guffeluffe5987
      @guffeluffe5987 Před rokem +1

      @@lexparsimoniae2107 Look at sweden my dude. Marxism is on the rise

    • @lexparsimoniae2107
      @lexparsimoniae2107 Před rokem

      @@guffeluffe5987 Marxism? In Sweden? Ok 😅

    • @guffeluffe5987
      @guffeluffe5987 Před rokem +1

      @@lexparsimoniae2107 marxism and radical islamism

  • @unknownentity8256
    @unknownentity8256 Před 2 měsíci +4

    The Vikings are united once again. Although this time as independent countries rather than part of a single empire.
    Together we are strong.

  • @-m-8653
    @-m-8653 Před rokem +22

    Thank you Swedish brothers to help us to defende our homeland

  • @harrikeinonen7576
    @harrikeinonen7576 Před rokem +36

    Finns and Swedes together. Formidable.

  • @whitescar2
    @whitescar2 Před rokem +42

    Together for a safe Nordic Europe.

    • @Border_patrol974
      @Border_patrol974 Před rokem +1

      if only you knew how bad things really are

    • @whitescar2
      @whitescar2 Před rokem

      @@Border_patrol974 Only the Ukrainians know how bad it is, but that's why we need to aid them in every way possible.
      Only once the threat of an aggressive imperialist Russia has been defeated, can Europe return to peace and co-operation like for the past 70 years.

  • @phlogios
    @phlogios Před rokem +16

    Sweden and Finland make a nice veiny appendage at 0:09

  • @Viljuri
    @Viljuri Před rokem +13

    What a wonderful take, even if political. This is what drives us, both sides of Bottenviken, Skärgårdshavet and so on, and even across the mighty Atlantic. Keep on going on!

    • @petem79
      @petem79 Před rokem

      Just det.. Fy Fan.

  • @hannespolla3685
    @hannespolla3685 Před rokem +39

    Never take freedom and liberty for granted.🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮

    • @hannespolla3685
      @hannespolla3685 Před rokem +4

      @Trump päinvastoin Suomi on vapaa maa poliittisesti, taloudellisesti kuin sanallisestikin.

    • @hannespolla3685
      @hannespolla3685 Před rokem

      @Trump silkkaa palturia ja harhaanjohtamista. Suomi on maa jonka talousjärjestelmään on omaksuttu vapaan markkinatalouden ja sosiaali-demokratian piirteitä, mene takaisin koulun penkille opettelemaan ero. Ja mikäli koet että täällä ei ole sananvapautta niin meneppäs huutelemaan törkeyksiä presidentin linnan tai eduskuntatalon. Jos sinua ei pidätetä niin olet sanavapaassa maassa.

    • @Varjo123
      @Varjo123 Před rokem +2

      @Trump Mites teillä siellä Venäjällä, kansalaisvapaudet huipussaan?

    • @spuqe69
      @spuqe69 Před rokem

      @@Varjo123 Mites heti haukutaan ryssäksi jos vain tosiaisiota puhutaan? Kävikö mielessä että jos hän on vain kansallismielinen? ja ajattelee mikä on maan ja sen kansalaisten edestä parasta mitä meidän hallitus tai mitkään muut isot herrat eivät ajattele.

    • @fallu6224
      @fallu6224 Před rokem

      @@spuqe69 No sama heppo vastasi "Твоя любовь слаба. Gay army will be destroyed Z" toiseen kommenttiin. Ei tua hirveän isänmaalliselta näytä

  • @pekkasupa2798
    @pekkasupa2798 Před rokem +14

    Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway have only one enemy! Alone we are weak, but together we can establish the strongest northern defense forces in the world. Joint air force with the world's most advanced equipment, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish navies and submarines, Finnish ground forces and artillery, missiles, and cruise missiles!
    Joint leadership of the Air Force would be important, otherwise we can operate as our own armies. However, the goal is always common!
    Danmark, Finland, Sverige och Norge har bara en fiende! Ensamma är vi svaga, men tillsammans kan vi etablera de starkaste nordliga försvarsstyrkorna i världen. Gemensamt flygvapen med världens mest avancerade utrustning, norska, danska och svenska flottor och ubåtar, finska markstyrkor och artilleri, missiler och kryssningsmissiler!
    Gemensamt ledarskap för flygvapnet skulle vara viktigt, annars kan vi fungera som våra egna arméer. Målet är dock alltid vanligt!

  • @eln5343
    @eln5343 Před rokem +17

    Let's just hope that we, Finland and Sweden, don't get complacent after joining NATO, as so many other European countries have. History has shown that at the end of the day we can only rely on our own strength, and we must continue increasing our own military might so that we can defend ourselves with or without NATO support.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem +3

      People who share common values such as equality under the law and freedom of speech MUST get together and be allies in the struggle against those who don't.

  • @msjdb723
    @msjdb723 Před rokem +31

    I appreciate Finland. Glad Finland will be part of NATO. 👍🏼

    • @S9uareHead
      @S9uareHead Před rokem +5

      We're grateful to have your backing, too! ❤

    • @hohoo4067
      @hohoo4067 Před rokem

      nato sucks

  • @donquixote1502
    @donquixote1502 Před rokem +19

    Finland and Sweden have hundreds of years fighting wars together. Finlands sak är vår! Is a Swedish mantra, meaning Sweden will help Finland at any cost because they are our family! Hyvä Suomi ❤

    • @paskojavideoita4626
      @paskojavideoita4626 Před rokem +2

      Sweden owned finland for 800 years and finland is only 105 years old

  • @elkkuzi
    @elkkuzi Před rokem +46

    Together apes strong😅

    • @dobbyisfree7870
      @dobbyisfree7870 Před rokem

      throw out the apes!

    • @elkkuzi
      @elkkuzi Před rokem +1

      @@dobbyisfree7870 I can call us monkeys because it's true and I'm from the Nordic countries. And "together apes strong" is a meme, if you haven't seen the monkey world you don't know about it

  • @Sammenluola
    @Sammenluola Před rokem +33

    Excellent video, with intelligent and heartwarming atmosphere. Hyvä Suomi, Heja Sverige!
    Also very nice to see in the comment section how Putler's trolls have their feelings hurt. I guess when you live in a cleptocratic dystopia with non-existing civil institutions (Russia), you have to live with fear & anger, earning your living by performative hate.

    • @TheGerogero
      @TheGerogero Před rokem

      [token compliment]
      [projecting negativity and hypocritical schadenfreude]

  • @fnfallout5664
    @fnfallout5664 Před rokem +40

    Aika based title.

  • @jeanchaillou2532
    @jeanchaillou2532 Před rokem +24

    beautiful country

  • @jaymac7203
    @jaymac7203 Před rokem +12

    Wow Finland is beautiful 😍

  • @vesa7069
    @vesa7069 Před rokem +30

    Hieno video PV:ltä, jälleen kerran!

  • @quincymanzey1640
    @quincymanzey1640 Před rokem +18

    Suomi on todella kaunis maa!

  • @Vapetzi
    @Vapetzi Před rokem +27

    Kiitos Puolustusvoimat!

  • @toktommy5307
    @toktommy5307 Před rokem +40

    Speech to Finnish troops, 8th October 1809.
    I have gathered the army, to announce, that a preliminary peace agreement has been reached between the Swedish and Russian powers. - These tidings of peace will end all the miseries of a raging war - These should be happy tidings in view of Sweden's exhausted resources, as it ends a conflict, that began as a political mistake, and that has for the second year running required all her strength.
    But Finland will be separated from Sweden. - The new state border runs along Torneå river. - Finns! With this peace, a third of the lands of the Swedish crowns are lost. - Sweden loses the proud Finnish Nation, its strongest support - and even this is not enough, for the Swedish army loses its core and the most significant element of its military; - The Motherland is crushed, drowned in sorrow and longing for its unrecoverable sacrifices, but the Wise Allmighty has decided our Destiny, we must accept it with patience - with humility.
    - Soldiers! Comrades! Brothers! You, who under the war, with so much loyalty and manliness, despite the superior numbers of the enemy armies, with the strength of arms, at Siikajoki, Revolax, Pulkkila, Lappo, Kauhajoki, Alavo Lappfjerd, Etzeri, Nummijärvi, Juthas and Idensalmi and elsewhere defeated your enemies.
    - You, who with your own hands re-took half of Finland, - You, who were finally outnumbered and forced to leave the Finnish border, and have since then with bravery fought for the Swedish soil of the Motherland.
    - Aye, you who are present! Are precious survivors of the Proud Finnish Nation and their brave warriors, it is to You that I should and shall, with a moved heart, present you with the King's, - the Realm's, - The Swedish folk's, - The Swedish Army's, - my Brothers in arms, - my own, everyone's, sincere Gratitude.
    The King's Gracious Well-wishes, - The Realm's empathy, - The admiration of the Swedish folk, - The friendly respect of the Swedish Army, - The sympathy of my Brothers in arms, - My own devotion towards you, is the sacrifice that consecrates you, and that is brought forth by me!
    Finns! Brothers! Your deeds are great, and the gratitude we and all others bestow upon you is equally great. -To express this requires all the skill of a great speaker. But I'm a Soldier. - A Soldier! What a proud title! This title I have, from you - for you - and with you! Receive then the earnest thoughts of a moved heart, and you Swedish Troops, who are present at this honourable and sorrowful event; be living witnesses to the Swedish Motherland's sincere gratitude. - Swedes! Be proud to have seen these Finnish Survivors! Remember them! Honour them! See their weary bodies, their pale faces, they carry the hardships of the past years! And you Finns! When you return to your homelands, deliver the message of gratitude of the Swedish Folk to your Nation! Know this, you may return with torn clothes, amputated or bullet-pierced limbs, but also the visible beauty of the Soul of a Warrior.
    Enemies to the Swedish Motherland could you never become - of that I am convinced - but remain it's Friends for all time! Should the new Ruler oppose the living out of your hopes and will, then with the silent speech of Heart and Mind, send your blessings to the Motherland! Remind your children of it; teach every family, bless you, honour you.
    - One thing I ask of you! When you return to the lands where we defeated our Enemies, and you see the wretched sand mounds that cover our fallen comrades, give them a silent sigh of Blessing, for they died as heroes and their ashes are cared for by the spirits of Honour.
    - I know the human hearts' many quirks, its eagerness to hastily choose an object, which it thinks it will never lose, but barely have a few weeks passed, before instability has made another Choice, time changes everything - with it, everything is forgotten; but one thing I can assure you, and you will see it for yourselves, that the bonds formed between soldiers, bound in battle, danger, blood and death, can never be undone; Thus we are and I am convinced of each others love; the Brotherhood of us soldiers will last us our lifetimes, and the gratitude I've expressed for you, and am now expressing to you, has made our bond an insoluble union.
    - Finns! Brothers! If only my words could be accompanied by tears of blood from my eyes, they would flow, and each drop would assure you of my devotion, my friendship!
    G. v. Döbeln.

    • @tsugumorihoney2288
      @tsugumorihoney2288 Před rokem +2

      yes, the Swedish nobility lost free lands and peasants in Finland, it’s that you presented just beautiful words no more, learn history, the Swedes used Finland as noble lands, Russia gave Finland statehood and the right to live as the Finns themselves want it

    • @toktommy5307
      @toktommy5307 Před rokem +2

      I hold three degrees, one in history but unfortunately none from Putins School of Higher Education. If you wish to enlighten me about the freedom granted by the Russian tsars to our brothers in the east. Feel free to send me any academic sources.

    • @tsugumorihoney2288
      @tsugumorihoney2288 Před rokem +2

      @@toktommy5307 i like how "well educated" western guys always see putin's trace in every sentence against their words ^^, i'll try to find book where i've read it, but to your chagrin, the source is Finnish, whoopsie, someone failed

    • @Poison669
      @Poison669 Před rokem

      @@tsugumorihoney2288 Were the **** did you learn your history?

    • @tsugumorihoney2288
      @tsugumorihoney2288 Před rokem +1

      @@Poison669 in 2 schools in Russia and in Finland. I don't remember book name it is in my parents home it is history of Finland book were written by Finnish historian, I'll find next time I visit my parents. In schools especially in Russia only things you learn about Finland that it were Swedish than in 18-19th senturies it were taken by Russians, Russian emperor game em autonomy, in end of 19th sentury Nikolai II tried to make it part of Russia but didn't succeed, and in 1917 Lenin gave them independence, in 1939 USSR made provocation to start winter war and in 1941 USSR used German troops in Finland as reason to attack Finland, basically nothing else, all other I learned from Finnish school and from this Finnish book

  • @leosvanbom1721
    @leosvanbom1721 Před rokem +24


  • @confusion1150
    @confusion1150 Před rokem +15


  • @andreas5914
    @andreas5914 Před rokem +22

    Fin video men jag hoppas bara att samarbetet fungerar bra även den dagen det behövs, från båda sidor.

  • @umebossi
    @umebossi Před rokem +17

    Lämmittää vanha keittiö miehen sydäntä nämä videot !

  • @Gkvhkbt
    @Gkvhkbt Před rokem +25

    Finland och Sverige!

  • @chokac1
    @chokac1 Před rokem +15

    I would like to visit Finland one day, especially north of the land. I am sick and tired of the meditterian sun 😂

    • @Bald_Zeus
      @Bald_Zeus Před rokem +3

      Then don't come in the summer lol, neverending sun 😅

  • @tossaja
    @tossaja Před rokem +26


  • @mikasuopera2739
    @mikasuopera2739 Před rokem +21

    Nuo trollit on helppo tunnistaa ja sitten hävittää kiitos näiden kommenttien.

  • @hobbygott1983
    @hobbygott1983 Před rokem +36

    Welcome to NATO. We are honoured to have you on our Side as Partners, Neighbours and Friends!

  • @sailonstellarwinds
    @sailonstellarwinds Před rokem +26

    Whatever happens with the alliance, there can be no doubt that an attack on one of us is an attack on both, and that if any orcs cross the border they will have had the last easy day of their life.

    • @hidedollar5818
      @hidedollar5818 Před rokem

      As a finnish, I don't trust that Sweden would be ever (as a nation) friend with Finland if we get in war against russia. Meaning that being friend is same level like in Winter - and Continuation War.
      That probably going to change if we both mange to join NATO. At least I hope so...

  • @brendanmax1454
    @brendanmax1454 Před rokem +16

    Yes Stronger together #NATO👍

  • @timokk3
    @timokk3 Před rokem +27

    Beautiful. Message well expressed. This the kind of Ruotsi-Suomi I prefer.

    • @alaric_
      @alaric_ Před rokem +3

      I think you meant 'Suomi-Ruotsi'.
      It was the other way for 700 years, next time it's the other way.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem +2

      @@alaric_ I was referring to both, the old Ruotsi-Suomi before the Russian's took over in 1809 and how I prefer this modern edition with Finland and Sweden cooperating closely (and not just militarily but in all spheres) as independent EQUAL nations without one dominating the other. Sweden used to be Finland's daddy, now Finland and Sweden are more like brother/sister nations. That's the way I like it.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem

      @@Aivottaja Yes, I was talking about the suuriruhtinaskunta established after the Swedes lost the war and Russia annexed Finland.
      Russian rule was not all bad until Nick Bobrikov took over and messed it up. This from Wikipedia: "Bobrikov quickly became very unpopular and hated in Finland as he was an adamant supporter of the curtailing of the grand principality's extensive autonomy, which had in the late 1800s come into conflict with Russian ambitions of a unified and indivisible Russian state."
      Thank God Finland maintained her independence when Stalin came to power. Remember what happened to our heimoveljille (the Estonians), Cossacks, and many other ethnicities under Stalin's rule? Thank you, my father's generation, for keeping Finland independent! Thank you Puolustusvoimat for ensuring their sacrifices were not made in vain!
      All in all, Swedes and Suomen Ruotsalaiset have been a positive influence on Finland (Mannerheim and Linus Torvalds are just two influential examples who are among my favorites.)

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem

      @@Aivottaja Suomen Ruotsalaiset ARE the gift of Sweden to Finland. Just check out all the background of some of the greatest Finns of all time.
      Mannerheim is THE greatest Finn who ever lived, according to Finns themselves. He was respected by friend and foe alike, and this included some of the most powerful politicians of the 20th century, including Hitler, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt. I can provide quotes from all but the most telling sign of this is the fact that Mannerheim was NEVER prosecuted for war crimes, unlike other GREAT Finns such as Ryti and Tanner.
      Although I am an American, I am 100% ethnic Finn (my middle name, Kalervo, comes from Lönnrot's Kalevala). As such, I acknowledge that Finns were primitive pakanoita until Swedes brought Christianity and Western civilization to them.
      Look, I get as passionate about the greatest rivalry (even greater than NY Yankees/Boston Red Sox one) as all Finns, Suomi Ruotsi sports, especially hockey for example. It broke my heart when Finns lost at the Olympics against the Swedes in 2006 and I was thrilled when the Finns won both the Olympic gold and the World Championship! Like they say in America, how sweet it is, how sweet it is!
      Regardless, I acknowledge the positive influence the Swedes have had on Finns and consider them my brothers and sisters. I am so glad that they are our neighbors (certainly prefer Sweden as neighbors over Russia).

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem

      @@Aivottaja It's got nothing to do with racial or ethnic superiority, it's just simple human progress. For example, my wife is from Southeast Asia and India has had a HUGE influence over Southeast Asia. Visit Angor Wat if you don't believe me. India was a great influence on Southeast Asia, Sweden has been a great influence for the Finns...That's all I am saying.
      Ancient Egypt was a GREAT culture when Europeans were wild men. Like I said, it's got nothing to do with race or ethnicity.

  • @Simarski17
    @Simarski17 Před rokem +14

    1:10 "puuhöylä"

  • @truman0725
    @truman0725 Před rokem +27

    Heja heja, finska bröder och systrar

  • @jannek5757
    @jannek5757 Před rokem +15

    Erittäin asiallista, hyvä!

  • @VikingOlberg-NymoenOfNorway

    Godt. Hilsen Norge.

  • @Jubbekoo
    @Jubbekoo Před rokem +11

    This is why i am ready to defend my country and stand up to my oath! and if bullet takes me i will be smiling on the end.

    • @mikaseppanen1632
      @mikaseppanen1632 Před 10 měsíci

      Well Norways run to GB..And So DK..Rest we fight.:)

    • @mikaseppanen1632
      @mikaseppanen1632 Před 10 měsíci

      Why i Said So So.. Its How Finnish People sees it..Always..If Problem..You Run..Not Sweden.

  • @kasperihankonen
    @kasperihankonen Před rokem +31

    Suomi ja Ruotsi = sisarukset💙💛

  • @kimmogensen4888
    @kimmogensen4888 Před rokem +32

    From Denmark, I look forward to the last 6 countries completing the ratification, so that Sweden and Finland become members of NATO. A united defense of the Nordic and Baltic countries becomes easier when everyone is in NATO 💪

    • @erichamilton5932
      @erichamilton5932 Před rokem +1

      You shouldn't be in NATO. You should have your own united defense. Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland should have their own united defense. If Finland wanted to join that would be fine. A shame your politicians don't look toward their own respective nations best interest, but instead sold you out to globalism, which NATO very much is all about. Not to forget that (with the exception of Finland) Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland are very much the same people, with very strong cultural ties. And with the exception of the Icelandic they can communicate and understand each-other, and with these countries resources and industries combined they would be in a VERY good position. NATO is a disaster, and joining it a mistake. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland AND Finland would have been _the_ strongest powerhouse on the European continent. Full stop. But hey, better be lap dogs to American interests instead. Such a massive mistake.

    • @DuBstep115
      @DuBstep115 Před rokem +2

      @@erichamilton5932 Let's be honest here Sweden, Norway, Denmark dont have the ships nor the planes to defend Iceland, it's too isolated.
      Iceland should be in nato, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland should form united defence.

    • @erichamilton5932
      @erichamilton5932 Před rokem

      @@DuBstep115 Iceland is Nordic and should therefore very much be part of the united defense. Not NATO. If any foreign nation attacks the island they attack all the nation states within that united defense alliance.
      As for not having ships, planes and submarines that could be addressed rather quickly. Sweden has a formidable industry still, that includes defense industry. Finland has a solid industrial base as well. It's a none issue.
      In fact, none of these countries should have joined the EU either.

    • @DuBstep115
      @DuBstep115 Před rokem

      @@erichamilton5932 Thats your reasoning? Its nordic, seems very biased.

    • @erichamilton5932
      @erichamilton5932 Před rokem

      @@DuBstep115 In what way is it biased? It's Nordic, as are the people and its culture. Same thing with the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians. Therefore, if i is to be United Defense alliance the Icelandic's would e included in that alliance. Not excluded.

  • @jarmosalonen8546
    @jarmosalonen8546 Před rokem +7

    Sweden has to have a conscript army like they used to have.

    • @Ea-pb2tu
      @Ea-pb2tu Před rokem +3

      We’ve reinstated it. But it’ll take time to build up capacity for training and reserves. It’s now technically obligatory but there aren’t a lot of slots so they’re very picky (which most of the time means that only does that want to go has to go)
      Although the plan is to move back to the system of basically universal conscription again. Something which is valuable not only for defense of the fatherland but for me atleast it was valuable in making me grow up. If that makes sense.

  • @BioCrushed
    @BioCrushed Před rokem +40

    Finlands sak är tamejfan vår sak!
    We stood by you during WWII and we will do so always!

    • @ristusnotta1653
      @ristusnotta1653 Před rokem +7

      Ye the Swedes sure do stand to the last Finns! :D

    • @steamengine4719
      @steamengine4719 Před rokem +4

      stood behind you* :D

    • @Seitbp242
      @Seitbp242 Před rokem

      @@Aivottaja really as a history lecturer please do enlighten us with some facts.

  • @agoogleaccount2861
    @agoogleaccount2861 Před rokem +30

    Welcome to NATO Finlands incredible organizational skills will be most helpful

  • @cintulator1129
    @cintulator1129 Před rokem +1

    Meidän ihan ikioma PV! 🥰
    Ruotsalaisilla ei ole yhtä hyvää!

    • @perskarva123
      @perskarva123 Před rokem

      Ei niin...vaan parempia ;)

    • @paahtopro3950
      @paahtopro3950 Před rokem

      @@perskarva123 suomella on kyllä merkittävästi vahvempi puolustus ku ruotsilla

  • @dharmateja22
    @dharmateja22 Před rokem +11

    Nordic Defence Force -> NDF

  • @yaaqelo
    @yaaqelo Před rokem +14

    postaan eeppiseen

  • @EnRandomSten
    @EnRandomSten Před rokem +26

    As a Swede I have a hard time thinking an attack on either of us are even the slightest likely to happen outside of some disaster scenario ww3 style.
    But, if it were to happen, I'm happy that we have you guys as allies and neighbours, wouldnt trade it for anything.

    • @pohjantuulet247
      @pohjantuulet247 Před rokem +1

      Never assume the unlikelihood of war. To downplay your sense of security, taking it for granted, is the surest way to suffer casualties.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem +5

      Swedes are awesome allies and partners, I'm pretty sure most Finns would agree.

    • @pohjantuulet247
      @pohjantuulet247 Před rokem

      @@timokk3 If they can carry their weight and keep up with the pace, we're content. Actions speak louder than words.

    • @timokk3
      @timokk3 Před rokem +1

      @@pohjantuulet247 Ethnically/genetically they are the same as the Brits, my personal heroes since I learned about Tarzan and Robin Hood. And in totality, they have been a positive influence for the Finns.

    • @pohjantuulet247
      @pohjantuulet247 Před rokem

      @@timokk3 Veri virtaa kotiin päin. We also have our own heroes. They should not be forgotten.

  • @Jalmari1
    @Jalmari1 Před rokem +8

    0:32 Oulu 😍❤️

  • @mikahelander3224
    @mikahelander3224 Před rokem +4


  • @totallynotsarcastic7392
    @totallynotsarcastic7392 Před rokem +31

    Pohjoismaiden välinen puolustusliitto olis jees

    • @zoolkhan
      @zoolkhan Před rokem +6

      oliks tää nyt sarcasm?

    • @Perkelenaattori
      @Perkelenaattori Před rokem +7

      Ruotsalaiset puolustaa Suomea viimeiseen Suomalaiseen asti.

    • @ristusnotta1653
      @ristusnotta1653 Před rokem +1

      Kyllähän r*otsalaiset siitä hyötyis juu

  • @juhisheljaste
    @juhisheljaste Před rokem +8

    Hieno video hienosta asiasta

  • @perttivirtanen4565
    @perttivirtanen4565 Před rokem +22

    Se on aina hyvä nähdä että uhka on yhä edelleen itärajalla, länsirajan yli yrittää korkeintaan pari panssaroitua miehistönkuljetusvaunua ja tarvikerekkaa täynnä nuuskaa.

    • @Troobeli69
      @Troobeli69 Před rokem

      Halpaan menin minäkin, Neuvostoliiton hajottua oli itärintamalla ns. hiljaista ja Putin tuntui ihan jees tyypiltä vaikka rähisikin toisaalla sotaväkensä kanssa.
      Mutta niin vain pitää edelleen todistetusti isovanhempieni sanoma "ryssään ei voi luottaa".

    • @alainerookkitsunev5605
      @alainerookkitsunev5605 Před rokem +6

      Tai 50'000 laitonta siirtolaista kuten vuonna 2015...

    • @kimmorepo6870
      @kimmorepo6870 Před rokem

      @@alainerookkitsunev5605 ei tainnut tulla

    • @alainerookkitsunev5605
      @alainerookkitsunev5605 Před rokem +3

      @@kimmorepo6870 kyllä taisi.

    • @araincs
      @araincs Před rokem +3

      Kun venäjältä tulee pari sataa laitonta matua kunnes sulkevat itse rajan niin se on hydridi sodankäyntiä mutta kun ruotsista tulee 50 000 ja maksavat niille junaliput tornioon se on mitä? Ruotsi on faktuaalisesti ollut tällä vuosisadalla paljon suurempi vihollinen kun venäjä

  • @kurlzzfjartson6424
    @kurlzzfjartson6424 Před rokem +19

    nordens sak är vår sak

    • @hjuikkll
      @hjuikkll Před rokem

      Well, you shouldnt have to say it... Oh well, at least Sweden is building up their dismanteled army now.

  • @ericktom
    @ericktom Před rokem +10


  • @Kapteenihinta
    @Kapteenihinta Před rokem +14

    1:49 lasersääntö unohdettu

    • @granola661
      @granola661 Před 10 měsíci

      Jos vaunun aseessa on kovat piipussa niin vaunun johtaja on takaluukussa

  • @chamonix4658
    @chamonix4658 Před rokem +43

    you know its a good video when the putin supporters come out in force lol

  • @christsoug8533
    @christsoug8533 Před rokem +32

    Much Love to our Nordic friends from Greece. Protect the Nordic way of life by not letting more migrants in too

  • @sergiymukhidinov4271
    @sergiymukhidinov4271 Před rokem +15

    wow , what a video! impressive, without any shoot you show the power of nation ! bravo!

  • @Karpalet
    @Karpalet Před rokem +7

    Ai että tuola Naarmassa on kauniita paikkoja.

    • @User-xp4kl
      @User-xp4kl Před rokem

      Jep onneks ne voidaan ajaa matalaks panssarivaunuilla🤩

  • @WarmouC
    @WarmouC Před rokem +1

    Well hello there, Kemikärven huudit ja meikän mökki

  • @TeeTeeKoffee
    @TeeTeeKoffee Před rokem +19

    Military promo video where no shots are fired and nothing explodes 👌

    • @joo9619
      @joo9619 Před rokem +4

      you are wrong when the jet and the vehicles were moving there happebed lots of explosions inside the engine

    • @Nakkiteline
      @Nakkiteline Před rokem

      @@joo9619 haha good old näsäviisastelu, brings me back to childhood 😅👍🏻

  • @mastertume
    @mastertume Před rokem +18

    Hyvä video. Jatkakaa samaan malliin. 🇫🇮🇺🇦🇫🇮

  • @HahaYes
    @HahaYes Před rokem

    1/22 CCT Honor !!!

  • @mikeh2772
    @mikeh2772 Před rokem +1

    Ihan ok video.

  • @h.i.sjoevall4213
    @h.i.sjoevall4213 Před rokem +8
