晩秋の朝霧に包まれた相模川。ベニマシコ、ジョウビタキ。Early morning in late autumn, the Sagami river was in the mist.

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • #wildbirds bird#birdwatching #野鳥観察 #バードウオッチング
    Morning mist covered the Sagami River in the early morning. It was a thin mist, but it was magical.
    That day, there were many herons and cormorants getting ready in the river.
    In farmland, Long-tailedRosefinch, Dusky Thrush, and Daurian Redstart. A flock of Great Egrets and Great Cormorants head to their foraging grounds.
    They took off.
    内容 Contents
    00:51 ベニマシコ(メス) Long-tailed Rosefinch (female)
    01:24 ダイサギ、アオサギ、カワウ Great Egrets, Grey Herons, Great Cormorants
    02:11 オオバン Coots
    02:23 ツグミ Dusky Thrush
    02:33 ジョウビタキ(オス) Daurian Redstart (male)
    02:55 スズメ Tree Sparrows
    03:20 トビとハシブトガラス Black Kite, Jungle Crow
    03:37 水を飲むツグミ Dusky Thrushes drinking water
    04:01 シメ Hawfinch
    04:15 ダイサギ、カワウの群れ GreatEgrets, A flock of Great Cormorants
    甘茶の工房 Amacha-no-Kobo
    - 忘却のパバーヌ Boukyaku-no-Pavanne
    - 晩秋のアダージョ Banshu-no-Adagio

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