Road Rage - what was his problem?!?!

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • A guy probably having a bad day decides to take it out on an innocent member of the public, it could have come out much worse had the driver of this vehicle not kept calm and let the situation run it's course.
    People like this need help - where's Dr. Buddy Rydell (Anger Management for those of you who don't know) when you need him???
    Recorded on a Novus Eye in-car black box recorder (no sound).

Komentáře • 630

  • @Sierrapup24
    @Sierrapup24 Před 12 lety

    HINT: write down drivers license and call the police for "a reckless driver, cutting people off, failure to maintain a lane, speeding, stopping in traffic, and disturbing the peace...
    They'll never do something that stupid ever again if you do that.
    thumbs up so this gets to the top!

  • @MrRockdweller1
    @MrRockdweller1 Před 12 lety

    I remember one day when someone came at me like that. They're in a wheelchair now. You never know what a complete stranger is capable of.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 14 lety

    The camera is an in car black box recorder that records video, gps and g-force data that can been used if the vehicle is involved in an accident. They can encourage safer driving, help with insurance claims and also catch footage like this. Some insurance companies actually give discounts if you have one fitted in your car and there are even some that issue them to policy holders.

  • @snowcatxx87
    @snowcatxx87 Před 12 lety

    You're right. The driver is over-cautious.

  • @RhysOlwyn
    @RhysOlwyn Před 12 lety

    No parking, no stopping, no dropping off. We have them for ten metres either side of pedestrian crossings and outside schools (for example) to ensure good visibility for pedestrians wanting to cross the road and so that motorists can see them easily. This is especially the case with zebra crossings where pedestrians have the right of way.

  • @BoTMSapper
    @BoTMSapper Před 13 lety

    Driving behind someone alittle slow = 2 mins late.
    Waiting for someone to give way = 20 secs late.
    Getting out of the car to have a go at someone = 5 mins late.
    Missing your job interview = PRICELESS

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 11 lety

    Thanks for your comment. The Mondeo was behind this vehicle when entering the roundabout and overtook whilst on the roundabout - pretty poor driving and the Mondeo driver was definitely at fault.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 14 lety

    The car was behind this vehicle as it entered the island and did not come from the right. There was no reason for the Mondeo driver to do what he did.

  • @Lochan-91
    @Lochan-91 Před 11 lety

    I hate these people, you obey the speed limit and they go mad at you. I had a taxi driver do that to me once, overtook me and stopped the car, got out and yelled at me for going too slow...even though I was obeying the speed limit?!

  • @ric66fb
    @ric66fb Před 12 lety

    The guy in the mondeo had right of way on the roundabout, you aren't supposed to enter a roundabout if it causes another vehicle to stop or even slow down. Anyone that doesn't know that shouldn't have passed their test and be on the road.

  • @daddy00000000001
    @daddy00000000001 Před 12 lety

    Actually, there is one lane before, and one lane after, which, when there are no road markings on the roundabout, as in this case, determines that only one lane is for going straight on, and the right side of the roundabout, which the Ford Mondeo used, is for heading right, not straight on.

    @MAPFWH Před 13 lety

    I drive an old (1970) Land Rover. People pull out in front of me as they think "it's old, therefore not doing the maximum speed for the road" I am actually keeping a safe braking distance from the car in front, not leaving them a gap to use. The tool above has a "Vanitly" plate aswell. Looks like he needs all the help he can get in that department. X999GOR it's a post 2007 vehicle with a 2001 number on it. A sure sign of something in his life that needs apologising for. What a dick.

  • @ssjlkrillin
    @ssjlkrillin Před 12 lety

    The driver was observing the speed limit-the other vehicles obviously were not. The driver indicated that this area was a notorious speed trap so minding the speed limit is a lot more important than keeping up with the flow of traffic. I try to maintain a speed close to the speed limit-I allow myself plenty of time to get to my destination. A lot of people are too impatient, too self-important, and have NO time management skills. As high as the gas prices are you should expect slower traffic.

  • @GodlessMartyr666
    @GodlessMartyr666 Před 13 lety

    I did this to someone the other day carrying a jack from my trunk,... It was a poor mistake. The gentleman was bigger than me and it could have ended badly if he had decided to give me a beating. On the other hand, had I a pistol, the result would have been the opposite. I would be in prison awaiting murder, or attempted at the very least. The other guy... Would be dead , or a vegetable. This was over a near miss when I took a left turn and this pickup truck driver assumed he had right of way...

  • @goofyexponent
    @goofyexponent Před 13 lety

    This is why I like being bigger than most idiots who get out and start to confront me. Usually once I step foot on the ground they are back in their cars and GONE. One guy decided he should climb up the side of my dump truck one day. I warned him twice not to, and when he was level with my on my fuel tank I helped him off by putting a right hook into his nose then quickly opening the door and knocking him on his rearend. I don't know what's wrong with some people these days....

  • @4U2NVDee
    @4U2NVDee Před 11 lety

    Mondeo driver is typical of a day on the UK roads; it’s also worth investing in a good dash cam, please give this to the Police they should act on it.

  • @4TheRecord
    @4TheRecord Před 13 lety

    I had some knob racing towards me as I was crossing the road. The lights were on red for cars and I had to run out of his way. He didn't like the fact that I gave him a look so he decided to get out of his car and call me a wanker for crossing the road. He didn't like the response I gave him so he walked up to me. He does not know how close he came to having a door key punched into his face. He also had a child in the front seat. People are just looking for fights.

  • @CyclingMikey
    @CyclingMikey Před 12 lety

    That rego no longer exists - I wonder if he wrote the car off sometime since this incident?

  • @Koozar
    @Koozar Před 12 lety

    Aside from the whole "lanes" argument, the angry person is ALSO in the wrong for at least 2 other reasons. Check the entrance to the roundabout - one lane only. No one should be overtaking/undertaking. Secondly, highway code requires that you indicate left when exiting the roundabout. He does not do this. Please do not resort to personal insult. Please note I have refrained from commenting on the numerous spelling and grammatical errors which essentially invalidate your comment.

  • @Nickomfacc
    @Nickomfacc Před 12 lety

    What would have been brilliant is if a chav had come and got in his car when he got out and robbed it and then the guy driving the car filming had driven away too.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    The UK drives on the left hand side of the road; the positioning of this vehicle was correct and perfectly legal.

  • @amrblogger
    @amrblogger Před 12 lety

    oh and forgot to add! its illegal to park along the zigzag, to make sure you do not obstruct the view by pedestrian

  • @crispyspa
    @crispyspa Před 12 lety

    I assume since you were pointing out that you were following the speed limit, the guy was upset that you weren't speeding? Or was he coming around the roundabout and you cut him off?

  • @mosslimbater
    @mosslimbater Před 11 lety

    the reason he overtook you was that he thought you should have exited at the first exit. When you continued around he was surprised!! In a traffic circle the car on the inside has the right of way...

  • @rustyATV
    @rustyATV Před 13 lety

    He just needed to assert his manliness after driving a station wagon while wearing a pink shirt.

  • @cadetgary
    @cadetgary Před 12 lety

    To be fair, it is hard to judge where people are going when they don't use their indicators.

  • @gdelirium454
    @gdelirium454 Před 13 lety

    That is why you should not drive on the wrong side of the road.

  • @JohnnyMcFaggotDong
    @JohnnyMcFaggotDong Před 12 lety

    What I don't get: If they're in such a hurry, why do they waste time by stepping out of the car, walking up to you to shout for a minute or two and then drive away?

  • @Koozar
    @Koozar Před 12 lety

    The car on the roundabout when the camera car approaches the roundabout isn't the Mondeo that stops with the angry guy, its a darker car altogether and not an estate car. Plus the camera car guy slowed down a lot when he got to the roundabout, he must've looked right otherwise there would be no point in slowing down.

  • @redconvoy
    @redconvoy Před 12 lety

    Because you were going the speed limit. You know you need to go faster and bust the speed limit for jerks like him. I get tired of dealing with idiots like that everyday.

    @JPORHINT Před 12 lety

    If you are turning left, or going straight ahead at a roundabout, you stay on the outside of the roundabout.
    He did use it correctly.

  • @jazzsaxboy
    @jazzsaxboy Před 13 lety

    He has commited an offence and you should take the video down to your local law enforcement agency to have them pay him a visit. Last time someone did that to me he got a kicking and had to go searching for his keys. He wasn't expecting a six foot two rugby player to emerge from the car.

  • @brimacki
    @brimacki Před 13 lety

    you know, the driver/filmer didn't enter the roundabout properly because there was clearly another car in his way and that's why car #2 got mad.

  • @lanzecki
    @lanzecki Před 12 lety

    Driving in the UK. Give way to cars already on the roundabout. While his reaction was overboard, you were in the wrong. What makes it worse, you seem to feel innocent of all wrong doing.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    @ZagdaGreat We act like Brits because we are Brits and very proud of it. The US originally drove on the left and didn't fully change over until the 1800's. So we are driving on the right (left) side of the road, it is just everyone else who does it wrong!

  • @Jeff98177
    @Jeff98177 Před 12 lety

    He came close to hitting a pedestrian just before he stopped the car.

  • @aptsys
    @aptsys Před 12 lety

    The driver was initially behind him. He didn't cut him up.

  • @Cliffjumper24
    @Cliffjumper24 Před 12 lety

    @MrDjofex I'm not sure where you from, but this was filmed in the UK.
    The dotted lines at the edge of the roundabout mean Give Way (to the right).
    You don't have to stop at a roundabout if there is no-one to stop for.

  • @helichopta
    @helichopta Před 11 lety

    Guy was out of hand but the reality is...GIVE WAY TO YOUR RIGHT!

  • @undreamedzeus
    @undreamedzeus Před 13 lety

    the person in the car with the camera was in the wrong. according to Australian road rules if another person is entering the roundabout from the right first which he clearly was, then the person with the camera was suppose to wait but kept driving and nearly had an accident. so you have clearly seen a perfect display of negligence and people who don't know how to use roundabouts.

  • @bodiegod
    @bodiegod Před 12 lety

    My brains started leaking out of my ears through sheer boredom before the incident, mate.

  • @dtrrider1
    @dtrrider1 Před 13 lety

    @allads That car was behind him. Usually the left hand lane is used for going straight across a roundabout, the Mondeo used the right hand lane and thought he got cut up.

  • @tombutleruk6270
    @tombutleruk6270 Před 13 lety

    @Lubelou Oh. I was assuming the silver car was behind the camera car and overtook on the roundabout then cut the camera car up. If the silver car was already on the roundabout then of course the camera car should give way to traffic on the right. IF (and that's a big IF) the silver car is the car we briefly see around the 1:28 mark he doesnt half accelerate to move infront of the camera car.

  • @BillyMorgan8774
    @BillyMorgan8774 Před 11 lety

    There is an entire minute and a half of what appears to be absolutely nothing, but if you look closely the driver is constantly speeding up and slowing down over and over, apparently trying to antagonize the person behind him and then act all innocent.

  • @123kasabian
    @123kasabian Před 11 lety

    We don't know from the video if the car already on roundabout indicated correctly or suddenly changed direction at last second...???

  • @Teribus13
    @Teribus13 Před 11 lety

    I would disagree with that. In the UK, on a roundabout where there are two lanes on the entry to a roundabout, you use the left hand lane for exits up to and including the 12 o'clock position, and the right hand lane for exits past the 12 o'clock position. The poster here was using the left hand lane as his exit was more or less exactly at the 12 o'clock position. Also, I can't see the Mondeo on the roundabout in the video clip, so in the poster's position, I would have pulled onto the R/A too.

  • @McFearsome2
    @McFearsome2 Před 12 lety

    it all depends on where the mondeo came from.
    was he following the camera car the entire time, or was he coming from the right on the roundabout? the answer to that question makes all the difference.
    If the rager was following the camera car from the beginning, then there was no visible cause for the rage, but if the guy was approaching from the right on the roundabout, then he had the right of way and the camera car was at fault.

  • @luvstellauk
    @luvstellauk Před 12 lety

    Regardless of whether it was the posters mistake or not, it does not excuse the other motorists actions and from what I can see on the video, the roundabout was clear on approach, baring a car exiting to the left, so if the poster did pull out dangerously then the other motorists would need to have been taking the roundabout at some speed, also , cutting off someone who is already about to turn left ain't the cleverest move, mind you not surprising looking at the knuckle dragger in the Mondeo

  • @24preacherboy
    @24preacherboy Před 12 lety

    His menstral cycle was starting. Someone switched his male growth hormone with some estrogen by accident. He had a good reason to be upset.

  • @lockudlad
    @lockudlad Před 12 lety

    Actually if you look the car on the roundabout is a dark coloured saloon and the light coloured/silver one in front is coming off the roundabout and looks like a four wheel drive. Neither of these vehicles were silver Mondeo estates like the nutter that stopped.

  • @scatcat1994
    @scatcat1994 Před 12 lety

    The angry guy was in the wrong, he used the right lane and should therefore have been turning right, not going straight ahead.

  • @DrivingStupidity
    @DrivingStupidity Před 13 lety

    @kiefersbird2 If you`d pay attention, you`d see that on the approach, the Mondeo is not on the roundabout.
    They came from behind. Not beside.

  • @amrblogger
    @amrblogger Před 12 lety

    :) when you see such sign, you are forced to reduce the speed to minimal. usually such calms are in front of schools, church, and playgrounds / residential areas and pedestrian crossing when they are at a traffic light that is oddly working (i.e almost all time green because there is no cross or junction)

  • @chancergordy
    @chancergordy Před 13 lety

    @tombutleruk. If a roundabout entry has 2 lanes, you cant start in the lane for left and straight on, then pull out and drive straight into the right turn lane, then go back into the lane for left and straight on again.he was a lazy bugger who drove without consideration for other road users. he didn't look behind and to his right and couldn't be bothered steering. he could have forced other drivers to mount the roundabout to avoid collision!
    The driver of the silver car needs psychiatric help!

  • @uktokers
    @uktokers Před 11 lety

    But the car was originally BEHIND the car with the camera - he DID NOT come from the right! Who posts comments that are clearly wrong without checking their facts?

  • @chakdeychar
    @chakdeychar Před 13 lety

    I think I know what his problem was, or still is these days. He was mad at you for observing and driving at posted speed limit.
    I am a truck driver for over 8 years now in the US. The only time I am reminded by these idiots in 4 wheelers that I am driving at posted speed limits (and making them MAD MAD MAD), is when I am driving my car. Observing speed limits sticks with me even when I am driving my car...guess most people are not even aware of what is called speed limit signs posted on road.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    @Compzombie25 The road is what is known as an 'A' road which only has two lanes (one for each direction). The position of the vehicle is correct based on UK Highway Code etc.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    @rodge2001 The other car was travelling on the same road behind this vehicle, so he wasn't doing a u-turn he was trying to overtake. The island doesn't have any traffic lanes, but this vehicle was correctly positioned to go straight on. You're right he did nearly hit a pedestrian and wouldn't be tougher than a gun. Firearms in the UK are illegal so this would not have been an option.

  • @Koozar
    @Koozar Před 12 lety

    Look at the Direct Gov website for roundabouts, as on it it shows: The blue car stays in the left hand lane and goes straight on, and could also go left as demonstrated by the orange car. But, the green car is turning right, and stays in the right lane approaching the roundabout. The roundabout in this video has no lanes, so the car behind shouldn't even be next to camera car. Where does it say in the highway code that you keep right to go straight on? Especially when there is only one lane...

  • @fantasia33884
    @fantasia33884 Před 12 lety

    That guy was wrong. You don't overtake on a roundabout even if there are lane markings..

  • @stillbashingmetal
    @stillbashingmetal Před 12 lety

    Always keep a long tire iron by the side of your seat. You never know when you might need it.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    @Owen4004 The car was behind this vehicle entering the island, not already on it. You can see the Mondeo was neither on or entering the island from the right. If only it had have been for a genuine reason like that!!

  • @rockmanpunkman
    @rockmanpunkman Před 12 lety

    He was having a bad day because he was trying to look all manly but had to drive his wife's car today.

  • @mrwigster2
    @mrwigster2 Před 12 lety

    Well you did granny along at the speed limit - enough to annoy anyone who actually wants to get anywhere the same day!

  • @ChristianCMcKay
    @ChristianCMcKay Před 12 lety

    It's a cycle. He was probably mad because someone on youtube made him watch a good 1:25 seconds of video that were COMPLETELY WORTHLESS!

  • @bendyben35
    @bendyben35 Před 12 lety

    If you can't see what you did wrong then please hand your license back to the DVLA and take the bus, for ALL our sakes.

  • @djw34
    @djw34 Před 12 lety

    As you get to the roundabout you say "watch as the vehicle enters the island"
    The clue is there I'm afraid. The other driver is already on the roundabout. You are travelling at 30mph, slowing for the junction and then brake. In that time he will be at or virtually at the entrance to the "island" you enter from.
    It is down to you to GIVE WAY from the right. He swerves round you to avoid a collision. This is all YOUR fault up until this point.
    After that he is out of order, yes.

  • @aptsys
    @aptsys Před 12 lety

    How did he jump in front of him? The nearside lane is for 1st and 2nd exits unless otherwise marked.

  • @xmaspast
    @xmaspast Před 13 lety

    @xlechasseurx Basically it means NO PARKING FOR ANY PURPOSE, you have them in front of schools and pedestrian crossings

  • @aptsys
    @aptsys Před 12 lety

    You're mistaken, the Mondeo was behind him the whole time.

  • @uktokers
    @uktokers Před 11 lety

    But the car didn't come from the right, it came from behind! So the guy that got out of the car cut up the guy who was filming. You must have not noticed that he also failed to use his indicators. It's rather ironic that you say you hate bad driving but then stick up for a bad driver!

  • @aptsys
    @aptsys Před 12 lety

    No, the Mondeo driver was behind him for that whole video. The car you saw on the roundabout is black!

  • @CaptainCocaine
    @CaptainCocaine Před 12 lety

    Was this guy behind you before the roundabout, or was he in the roundabout before you pulled into it?

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    @brendanodolan There is a difference between driving slow and driving at the legal speed limit. As mentioned before this road is renowned for mobile speed traps so why would any responsible driver break the legal speed limit?

  • @newgeorge
    @newgeorge Před 13 lety

    Nearly all the times I have had people honk or shout at me is on roundabouts. People are often very uncertain about roundabout rules.

  • @jonny2k100
    @jonny2k100 Před 12 lety

    The end of the guys registration plate says "GOR", it was meant to spell "GORMO" to represent his attitude and personality, but he was too gormless to even spell Gormo properly. lmfao :D

  • @Moppy1988
    @Moppy1988 Před 12 lety

    It looked like he wasn't behind the cameraman, but already in the roundabout... ie, the cameraman cut him off.

  • @biscuitburp
    @biscuitburp Před 12 lety

    As the driver approaches the roundabout (1.27) there is a dark coloured car already on the roundabout. This is different from the silver Ford which overtakes the driver on the roundabout. Perhaps the silver Ford was following behind. The video doesn't show there the silver Ford comes from or how the driver of the video car is indicating coming on to or within the roundabout. So it's not easy to work out who was in the wrong.

  • @BruteRidR750
    @BruteRidR750 Před 12 lety

    Say it with me now..."EDITTING SOFTWARE''!!! Could have saved us all 90 seconds of our life.

  • @1100HondaCB
    @1100HondaCB Před 12 lety

    By looking at his number plate, it is obviously a private plate and with 999, one could guess he has something to do with one of the emergency services and so should know better. Maybe he's a Policeman and who knows, he may have been sacked for this outburst, as his boss may have seen this footage.

  • @tombutleruk6270
    @tombutleruk6270 Před 13 lety

    @Lubelou I thought as much. Didnt think the silver car was the car we see on the roundabout. For a start that was travelling much slower and a is quite a distance away, relative.
    Just read the first comments page. There's a comment posted by the dude who posted the video. The silver car was behind the camera car on the approach to the roundabout. It's not the car we see on the roundabout. So silver car overtakes and then cuts him up. What a w@nker he end. In the wrong, end of debate.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 11 lety

    Watch it again - he came from behind so was not cut off. He overtook whilst on the roundabout.

  • @krisuk06
    @krisuk06 Před 13 lety

    To me the driver of this vehicle should have stayed more to the left of the roundabout so as not to pass into the inside lane. But more in the wrong was the driver of the other car should have been in the left lane to turn left or go straight on, and in the right lane to turn right. Should be able to see this from the green sign before the roundabout.

  • @vexviper
    @vexviper Před 13 lety

    How come the lines on the road become jagged? Is it because of the Beatles? Sorry I'm from the USA and don't know the UK.

    @LT1HILLINGHOE Před 12 lety

    Dude, I was just messing with you. Had some extra time on my hands so I jumped on CZcams to try and piss some people off just for the fun of it. No hard feelings. Have a nice life doing what you do.

  • @Koozar
    @Koozar Před 12 lety

    What does that even mean??? The guy behind was clearly in the wrong, if they were both going straight on at the roundabout they should have both been where the cameraman's car was, the right hand side of the entrance to the roundabout should only be used for by people turning right not going straight ahead...

  • @iedanus
    @iedanus Před 12 lety

    driving a car means 95% of the time,correcting other people mistakes and misbehaviour.
    sad but treu.

  • @EssieP
    @EssieP Před 12 lety

    I recognise that place- it's Lichfield!
    The guy was probably angry because you *werent* speeding- it happens to me all the time.

  • @DirAlbino
    @DirAlbino Před 12 lety

    I don't think it was this car on the roundabout, there was a black car and Silverfox, clearly stops to check and make sure it's clear.

  • @piccanninni
    @piccanninni Před 12 lety

    You pulled out on him onto the roundabout... THAT was his problem.

  • @AmusedChild
    @AmusedChild Před 11 lety

    How dare you exist where he wanted to be in exactly the same time and space as you. We get those around my neighborhood, too, unfortunately.

  • @mosslimbater
    @mosslimbater Před 11 lety

    with the way the lanes are set it appears to me that if you enter the traffic circle the left lane must exit, you it seems continued around and cut into his lane. But with no markings its tough to tell. I work on a traffic circle in Canada and I see at least an accident a day.

  • @nastyevilninja
    @nastyevilninja Před 12 lety

    Well... the cars ahead were pulling away, so you weren't keeping up with the regular road speed (even if that was slightly over the limit), so that will irritate people behind... I can see how that might make someone overtake when it's not an ideal place, but cutting you up and stopping, and getting out?!?! WTF? Absolute Frothy-Mouthed Gaa-Gaa!

  • @M3rVsT4H
    @M3rVsT4H Před 12 lety

    I fell asleep and missed the whole thing. :/ Was it any good?

  • @guitargod66
    @guitargod66 Před 12 lety

    theres nothing more scary than a big tough guy in a little pink shirt

  • @AndyClass37
    @AndyClass37 Před 12 lety

    He's driving a Mondeo, of course he's going to be angry.

  • @Disembow1280
    @Disembow1280 Před 12 lety

    There's this beautiful key on your keyboard called the "Caps Lock" key. Try pressing it once before typing again.
    Either that, or keep your finger off the less-beautiful "Shift" key.

  • @JASMAZ77
    @JASMAZ77 Před 13 lety

    The person who took the footage is at the wrong because he/she did not give way to the right for the person already in the roundabout!

  • @kardla
    @kardla Před 11 lety

    It looked to me like the driver was about at a 3:00 position as you come up to the roundabout. Then you slow down and pause as you get to the entrance, probably to make sure the way is clear, but surely by then that car is now almost at the 6 o'clock position, so you should not have entered until he went by.

    @TheSlLVERFOX  Před 13 lety

    @idiotzrule The driver of this vehicle covers 1000 miles per week; statistically they are more likely to come across incidents caused by road users and in this instance they are caught on camera.