Starcraft II Co-Op: How to Play Artanis [Dragoon/Robo Build]

  • čas přidán 4. 01. 2019
  • Starcraft II Co-Op Mission: Mist Opportunities
    I've done videos on how to play Raynor and Kerrigan. It might be a good idea to continue and do one of Artanis. To be clear, there are many viable ways to play Artanis, but I just happen to tailor fit my build to the enemy composition.
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Komentáře • 53

  • @RynerAGL
    @RynerAGL Před 5 lety +12

    One thing to point out for Artanis is that when playing as him after lv 15, you can go for "Artosis pylon", which you shouldn't do at multiplayer but at coop you really do to get extra minerals for beybladelots or cannons.
    Also after you're done with your upgrades, look for your ally's buildings to see what you can chrono boost, only a few commanders is more worth chrono early(Nova's production, Stukov infested compund, Swann's Lazer drill and I guess Zagara's bane nest?), is not a huge deal, but you gotta get value on this, sometimes I even make 2 more nexus when Im sure I can meme around xD

  • @tickoman273
    @tickoman273 Před 5 lety +9

    Robo anti-ground build is the only good build on Artanis right now imo. Any enemy air based comps will wreck Dragoons, and mass Phoenixes, while fun and effectice in certain things, largely depend of the ally to deal with ground stuff for you (like hybrids).

    • @NestedQuantifier
      @NestedQuantifier Před 4 lety +3

      Dragoons will beat any air composition. I've beaten all brutal missions with zealot/dragoon/robo units at 3/3, pretty much since level 5.

    • @dodojesus4529
      @dodojesus4529 Před 3 lety

      Well, phoenixes clean everything but the hybrids. Lone hybrids arent a big threatand usually just die to mineral dump cannons.

  • @wolfe8035
    @wolfe8035 Před 4 lety +3

    When I play Artanis, I build mostly Zealots and Dragoons, then slowly (or quickly, depending on the situation) add Robotic units such as Reavers and Immortals. Only recently I hit level 11, and now I'm able to build Tempest, which should help a LOT more when dealing with air units, and just doing overall more damage.
    At first, I start off with 4 gates instead of just the 1, and again, slowly or quickly get to robotics. Sure, I lose a lot of Zealots, but look at your resource income... you've got a LOT of minerals and gas. In fact, the only resource you were running out the most of was gas. Same situation on my end... but at the end of the day? Hard difficulty is too easy, and Brutal is a perfect challenge.

    • @emilchan5379
      @emilchan5379 Před 4 lety +2

      Same, I find Artanis to be very gas starved. But yeah whirlwind Zealots are a great mineral dump; who cares about losing Zealots when you can just warp in a dozen more?

    • @wolfe8035
      @wolfe8035 Před 4 lety +3

      @@emilchan5379 Given how I can warp in a max of 12 at almost, any given time? Yea... plus the fact that I keep my Gates, Robotics, and Starports on the same button (I have my armies on 1, my army buildings on 2, and my Nexi on 3), if I need more Zealots, I spawn in 12 more, then I can spawn in a mix of Immortals/Reavers if I have the money. Also given with Artanis in that, if a unit hits critical they regain a portion of their shields and health and have a short time of invulnerability, which REALLY helps in your Zealots being tanky glass cannons (funny eh?). Since my Zealots die a lot, but thanks to Artanis's abilities, I can substain a pure Zealot/Dragoon mix army almost indefinitely. If I wanted to just overdo it, I'd just have to build 6-8 Gates... when comparing Stalkers to Dragoons, Dragoons simply have more health, shields, damage, armor... sure they're slow and bulky and your units have to end up running around them... but with charging Zealots? No real big issue... now if we had charge for the Zealots in SC1, that'd just be crazy!
      Anyway... I'd like to be of the opinion "every life matters" but... when talking about say, the Zerg? Just throw billions... Terran? Not so much with Zerg and Protoss, but at least with Protoss, its glory in battle, and honor in death... that being said, I'm more lenient on letting my Zealots, die; Granted, if I believe they're dying for a purpose, if that purpose is to soak up damage, distract heavy damage dealing enemies, or just taking out swarms of enemies with their whirlwind, that my Dragoons would have a problem dealing with... sure, they can handle a few Zerglings, but when you face a LOT, if you get my picture? There are a few problems... they cant handle large groups of enemies on their own, granted, even with the health they have? I'd rather a Zealot die than a Dragoon take health damage...
      My point is that, I use my Dragoons to support the Zealots when they're fighting, and to take out the units that are flying, and with that bonus damage? Enemies just die that much faster, though a problem with that is... well... a Zergling say, has 45 health. If say a Single Dragoon deals exactly 45 damage with level 3 upgrades? It would be a waste if more than 1 Dragoon hit the same target... now when it comes to more, tanky units, like Roaches, Hydras, enemies that are not as directly engaged with my Zealots, Dragoons help a lot...
      Immortals? Their cannons are strong, but like Zealots, I'd rather lose an Immortal than a Dragoon, because Immortals don't fire up, and when it comes to ground units? I already have Zealots and Dragoons... thus their only purpose in my opinion? Is to simply take damage and die. Reavers however? Big ass benefit, especially with the Zealots and heavily armored units (plus the high health ones too). When facing a mass of ground units, sure, Zealots doo the trick... but a base of 100 damage per Reaver bomb? And it does AOE? That's a swarm, building, and Hybrid killer right there. Once I get Reavers, my Zealots receive a nice bonus to survivability, because the enemies are dying faster (though kinda making their whirlwind ability... obsolete?). Still though, I build Zealots for the purpose of them being glass cannons, to deal as much damage as possible before they expire... and once they do? Well... once I get enough Dragoons for my opinion, I just restock on Zealots and slowly build up my Robotic units given how its almost exclusively Zealots that die. Its only even more powerful when you have Swan as an ally with those science vessels. :D And with the Goliaths that fire ground and air? Easy victory... however, Fenix as an ally is not so great when they run Colossi… granted, they're powerful, but then the only person who is able to deal with air is me, and in certain maps? Artanis is a slow Commander, so going from A to B is a challenge.
      There was a game where I had Fenix as an ally who built almost exclusively Colossi. Me, being the only one who has built anti air, my army was fine... his? Died to a swarm of Mutalisks. I couldn't help him because A) We were on Brutal, and B) It was a defense mission, and if I had left it? We would've lost... but... we still lost anyway, because if I had moved to destroy the towers (this was a purifier mission) the target would've been destroyed. Thanks to me being level 11, Tempest should really help in that situation in being slow.
      Another game was with the same Commander as an ally, but different player. He went straight for Carriers. Ok, they helped, but to my recollection, he wasn't able to build many. Plus? He was slow in reaction timing, because we were on Brutal, being able to react to changes in the field was crucial... and those are the only two times I've actually played Brutal: Same Commanders, same mission, same enemies, same difficulty (sorry the text is long, its normal for me :D).

  • @cbalinefourcba4615
    @cbalinefourcba4615 Před 5 lety

    Will you be doing this for all of the commanders? And for various builds?

  • @NinjaChicken
    @NinjaChicken Před 5 lety +6

    Are these Co up missions new? Can't remember them, haven't played sc2 in awhile! 😃

    • @zaxtonhong3958
      @zaxtonhong3958 Před 5 lety

      Iirc it was the first mission introduced after the initial missions

    • @NinjaChicken
      @NinjaChicken Před 5 lety

      @@zaxtonhong3958 Ah yes, I have to start playing sc2 again, this looks awesome! Thank you very much!😀

  • @zaxtonhong3958
    @zaxtonhong3958 Před 5 lety +6

    Why don't you get twilight council upgrades right after you start your robo? You float 400ish gas and 800ish minerals for a while and it seems like you could've kept a lot of your early units alive if you had whirlwind chargelots and trillic compression mesh (or whatever that upgrade is called)
    Also, did you ever saturate gas at your 2nd base?

    • @zenyattattooo3479
      @zenyattattooo3479 Před 5 lety

      Yeah newsflash: stupid comment fails to read title, or is he illiterate?

    • @zaxtonhong3958
      @zaxtonhong3958 Před 5 lety +6

      In my experience, chargelots are better mineral dumps than cannons once they get upgrades. The title doesn't say "robo+dragoons+cannons" now does it? He made cannons because he had the money to spare. He could've made chargelots with that money. I'm asking why he picked cannons over chargelots.

    • @skylark306
      @skylark306 Před 5 lety +8

      @@zenyattattooo3479 Have you tried swirly zealot warp-in in the middle of the enemy, work wonders with pretty much anything.
      basically makes artanis have a 5th call down.

    • @skylark306
      @skylark306 Před 5 lety +1

      He did saturate them at 7 min, it's a bit late for the high gas cost composition tho.

    • @neosabelotodomx977
      @neosabelotodomx977 Před 3 lety

      Stetman is cracy ,Say no terracine.

  • @Greylegato
    @Greylegato Před 3 lety +1

    Ya rock.

  • @ahellicopter1396
    @ahellicopter1396 Před 4 lety +7

    The 3 types of Artanis players i am all of them:
    1 The Ground: uses zealots and dragoons warping them in instantly into battle
    2 The Robotic: uses dragoons and immortals as a full on spear
    3 The Aerial : uses tempests and phoenixes

    • @mjb3480
      @mjb3480 Před 4 lety +6

      CrYpT0 I like mass arcon tho, arcon with storm is just beautiful!

    • @johnthefalcon2903
      @johnthefalcon2903 Před 3 lety +3

      I was going to say there is Zealot / High Templar/ Archon

  • @fuckgoogle2119
    @fuckgoogle2119 Před 5 lety

    I get envious whenever I hear the awesome SC1 music in these videos. My SC2 game has _never_ played SC1 music, even though I have it selected in the menu. Every now and then I get tired of listening to my own playlist in the background and turn on the music again, only to immediately hear SC2 music. I leave it on for a while hoping it will change; it never does. Eventually I just go back to my own music.
    Maybe I should just download the damn SC1 soundtrack and play _that_ in my music player, since my SC2 client apparently can't cope with its own menu options.

    • @lukasausen
      @lukasausen Před 4 lety

      you can choose to turn on only broodwar/sc1 sound track, just go in options -> sound -> soundtrack, its on the left collum for me, and then change from All, or SC2, to SC/broodwar.

  • @snowdrop9810
    @snowdrop9810 Před 4 lety +3

    Artanis is one of the easiest commanders. Get 6 gate and spam the f outta dragoons and you can relatively easily do brutal.

  • @daniele7180
    @daniele7180 Před 3 lety

    What do you click to have less things to move around? ( I dont know how to explain )

  • @BladeWinters
    @BladeWinters Před 4 lety +1

    Artanis needs Arbiters

  • @Ruffi88
    @Ruffi88 Před 5 lety

    Raynor & Stukov only Marines is funny too ! and u dont need medics :D u can spamming too and break the FPS ! :D

    • @brainwasher9876
      @brainwasher9876 Před 3 lety

      Raynor needs medics to keep his marines competitive, due to stimpack. But that also makes him a bad pair if going bio with Stukov since Stukov's guys die anyway and the medic AI doesn't recognize that.

  • @Chris-iv8sb
    @Chris-iv8sb Před 5 lety

    how does one reach such an insane commander level?? also looking forward to the zerg commander guides in the future ^_^

    • @skylark306
      @skylark306 Před 5 lety

      By playing
      edit: and keep playing

  • @morukuser
    @morukuser Před 4 lety +4

    Too much minerals, you can warp more zealots in

    • @brainwasher9876
      @brainwasher9876 Před 3 lety

      I think that he would have been better served covering the spawn points with photon cannons. Seemed pretty cramped as is with the dragoons and reavers.

  • @KaitouHAX
    @KaitouHAX Před 5 lety +1

    under the exact same conditions as you had here i would skip making immortals and just go with dragoons and reavers
    i feel like the reaver is much better than an immortal

    • @alexandreboutaudvalarini5638
      @alexandreboutaudvalarini5638 Před 5 lety +1

      Reavers are great, but immortals face-tanking helps them, and keeps the enemies roughly clumped up. Also, I believe Immortals are better against large single targets.

    • @skylark306
      @skylark306 Před 5 lety +1

      Too much reavers and the loss on sustained firepower would be significant, as by fighting 2 atk waves at once or not managing reavers correctly would lead to running out of scarab and subsequently getting f***ed.

    • @KaitouHAX
      @KaitouHAX Před 5 lety

      both of you missed the part about "exact same conditions" meaning this specific map and this specific enemy comp
      aside from ultralisks, which come so late it doesn't matter anymore, the zerg enemies get shredded by reavers
      why would i use immortals for single target dps and tank role on them?

    • @skylark306
      @skylark306 Před 5 lety

      Kaitou Hax would work in the EXACT same condition indeed, however speaking from me experience, dragoons tend to die quickily in unfavourable engagements and deal less anti ground damage.

    • @tickoman273
      @tickoman273 Před 5 lety

      because looking at immortals firing is more satisfying

  • @mariuszcz4839
    @mariuszcz4839 Před 5 lety +2

    Why is everything happening twice as fast?

    • @mikeoxlong9618
      @mikeoxlong9618 Před 5 lety +1

      it was a replay

    • @brainwasher9876
      @brainwasher9876 Před 3 lety

      that or you were playing on difficulties lower than hard, which plays at a slower speed.

  • @skylark306
    @skylark306 Před 5 lety +2

    "Dragoon robo"

  • @ileryon4019
    @ileryon4019 Před 5 lety

    Wtf?mech keyboards OP

  • @blackadam6445
    @blackadam6445 Před 3 lety

    It says Artanis is for players of all skill level when really he is rewarded for early expansions. Typically not easy for new players to do 😂

  • @sebru
    @sebru Před 2 lety

    I think raynor is more flexible than artanis since raynor has anti ground and air when he goes bio with p1, but its only my opinion

  • @dzzenok4136
    @dzzenok4136 Před 4 lety +2

    lol i just spawn dragoons they get the job done... always

  • @skylark306
    @skylark306 Před 5 lety

    BTW dragoons cost 50 gas each, making them surprisingly gas heavy for what little advantages they offer.

  • @danielsz3281
    @danielsz3281 Před 5 lety +2

    How to play artanis: Buy Zeratul > play = ez win (applies to all heroes)

  • @gamecuathong
    @gamecuathong Před 5 lety

    artanis don't need immortal