The Problem with Original Languages in Modern Bible Study

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • 1. I trust that God led the translators of the King James Version in a fashion that has not been equaled before or since.
    2. I do not trust any Christian today to have the same level of leading from God as they had. Nor do I believe we have any scholarship today that equals theirs.
    3. I question whether most modern students of the Bible are either aware of or concerned about the differences in the families of the original language texts at our disposal. They are not the same.
    4. I believe that the use of original language studies is OFTEN (but not always) an excuse to avoid the plain meaning of the Bible.
    5. There is simply no good reason to adjust the plain meaning of the English King James Version of the Bible by using questionable original language texts.

Komentáře • 25

  • @QuatoPato
    @QuatoPato Před měsícem

    I actually just realized that modern theologians are mostly incompetent than the scholars of the past❤❤❤Great perspective Brother, Godbless You

  • @rorywynhoff1549
    @rorywynhoff1549 Před měsícem

    This argument for double inspiration of the KJV cannot be upheld from scripture.
    The words given to the writers were inspired. You cannot parlay that to mean the KJV, or any translation is itself inspired.
    Yes, I use the KJV Bible.

    • @MarvinMcKenziePreacher
      @MarvinMcKenziePreacher Před měsícem

      I listened to my video again. At no point to I claim double inspiration. I believe God led the KJV translators in a fashion unmatched in any other work so that I trust the selection of the English words they used more than I would the selections any modern translators would make.

    • @jeanniestaller797
      @jeanniestaller797 Před měsícem

      A day is described as evening and morning in Genesis 1, although at first there were no celestial bodies to mark these days. I think that is the confusion.

    • @MarvinMcKenziePreacher
      @MarvinMcKenziePreacher Před měsícem

      @@jeanniestaller797 I’m not confused

  • @QuatoPato
    @QuatoPato Před měsícem

    I fear that our pride to our intelligence and acquired knowledge may be irredeemable to the point of God not knowing who we are anymore. People doubt that God can raise whole existence in 6 literal days. What for is the title OMNIPOTENCE IS??? IS GOD WAY LAZIER THAN WE THOUGHT AN OMNIPOTENT AND PREEMINENT GOD SHOULD BE????
    Pride comes before fall. Many have proclaimed they're wise, truth is they don't know even the gist of the meaning of life that only God can provide an answer there of.
    Time can't exist alone, same thing with space thus matter there after.
    When God said "Let there be light:" Genesis 1:3
    It literally created the existence of foundamental trinity in creation all at once! Isn't it amazing that God that we believe in is so powerful to the point of unfathomable?
    Light can only exist in three conditions.
    Big bang says, one boom and all and everything, all at once. Then who's the catalyst of that one boom geniuses?
    Than talking about day one and I can go deep if you wish(for the secular readers of my comment)
    People thinks Genesis is a metaphor or fable, yet they can't provide a solid fact that outmatches Genesis. Don't be poisoned by secular beliefs for all Christian brethrens. STUDY YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND DON'T COMPLAIN NOR BE SLUGGARD.

  • @ApatiEktetheimenos
    @ApatiEktetheimenos Před měsícem

    LOL! Well hooray, we are friends! Let's be as SPECIFIC as a flight-path, okay? The BIBLE is Hebrew and Greek, NOT English. It wasn't ENGLISH until what 1600 years later. Genesis 1 uses the word YOM for "Day" in the Creation Story, and people have "hammed" that up out of proportion for about 40 years now, capitalizing on the "young earth theory" that is simply bases on ONE MISCONSTRUED TERM, if Yom means 24 hours or period time. I posted already on the video, the scholarship explaining Yom, which ANYONE can Google if they know how to do homework and genuine book research. I wonder how many people can read? MY FRIEND, whom I actually am liking here, for his courage to share the Word has been with humility and wisdom, stated that DAY for "The Sabbath" was 24 hours, so DAY in Genesis, has to be. NOT SO.
    However, this is the OLDEST argument and all anyone need do, is Google Young Earth Theory and be WISE like a serpent and STUDY all the various positions. Young Earth Theory has about as much academic credibility as Evolution, and no Christians really believe in that STUPID idea that Darwin said would be proven by fossils, and never happened. Besides, DNA is software, far more a mystery than the first living things.
    It is a little... no, it is SUPER COCKY to claim the English KJV supersedes, from an informational or spiritual standpoint, the original bible. That is an error of superstition my friend has made, and because this little brother figure to me is wrong, I'm gonna narc!
    Now, little brother you are SMART to admit to listen to no man. But you FORGET somehow, we are in the INFO AGE and you can FIND TRUTH like a good FBI Agent or legal prosecutor or research scientist and DISCOVER that the BIBLE is THEE-MOST ANALYZED TEXT IN HISTORY and KJV has LANGUAGE DIFFUSION. Greek is far more complex in Prose Compilation and Grammatic and Syntactic Structure, so you LOSE resolution of Information when translating to BLOODY ENGLISH!!!! God did not miraculously oversee the KJV writers, maybe the Septuagint but since KJV has one term for LOVE and Greek has about 5 terms, INFORMATIONAL RESOLUTION is lost by the KJV, that ain't a work of God buddy!!!! Its just man. Don't make something Spiritual that is just common sense fact.
    Original Language Study, is NOT NEEDED in a world of INFO. You can GOOGLE and pull up any number of pieces of work already done and shared by millions on any biblical subject, and if you have a brain, you do your OWN research and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to let you discover, and it all speaks loud and clear. There is not factual basis that the KJV supersedes the actual original text. There is no factual basis that Yom has to mean 24 hours but it is a SALES TOOL for Ken Ham and the silly Young Earth Cult. There is no factual basis that OUR WONDERFU LORD had to supersede over the KJV when the BIBLE from Hebrew and Greek has been translated into EVERY LANGUATE.
    NOW HERE IS THE ICING ON THE CAKE. Henry Opukaha'ia. He invented the written Hawaiian Language, and did so for the first time in history, but translating Hebrew and the book of Genesis, into Hawaiian, because he claimed they both have nearly identical Syntactical Structures!!! Was the Lord in charge? Of course, He is SOVERIGN GOD over all of us!! But debates on Information, is what I do.
    I am cognitive scientist that studies informational comprehension and how conceptual errors are made in learning, and basically, I explain how people get indoctrinated into cults and into occult practices, because I grew up in a New Age era, with a sordid famous history. My identity ain't important!!! But my new friend. I think you're a hoot. I'm an old, retired hardcore surfer who loves Jesus like you my brother.

    • @ApologeticsAdvocates
      @ApologeticsAdvocates  Před měsícem +1

      #1 I'll see if I can't break this really big chunk of yours into more chewable pieces. :-) "The BIBLE is Hebrew and Greek, NOT English. It wasn't ENGLISH until what 1600 years later." I attempted earlier to point out that this is a fundamental point in our conversation. You see, I believe GOD moved the Bible from a dead language to the common language of the bulk of humanity - English. He preserved His Words forever, not in Hebrew and not in Greek - neither of those languages as they were spoken in Jesus' day exist today. The study of modern Hebrew and Greek in regards to Biblical study is barely profitable. The Hebrew of our day is not the same as that of Moses' day. GOD is perfectly capable to transfering His Bible into the common language of the majority of the world's population of all time. He promised to preserve His words forever. He obviously did not do that in Hebrew or Greek. It's the King James Version of the Bible for an infallible Scripture or else it does not exist.

    • @ApologeticsAdvocates
      @ApologeticsAdvocates  Před měsícem +1

      #2 "ANYONE can Google." Just being a bit sarcastic here. I'm just funnin' on this one. Since when has GOOGLE become a Bible teacher? I use it too. But many of my friends avoid it like the plague because of its liberal and woke agenda.

    • @ApologeticsAdvocates
      @ApologeticsAdvocates  Před měsícem +1

      #3 "Young Earth Theory has about as much academic credibility as Evolution" I think academia is a false god. I couldn't care less about academic credibility. I just believe God.

    • @ApologeticsAdvocates
      @ApologeticsAdvocates  Před měsícem +1

      #4 "It is a little... no, it is SUPER COCKY to claim the English KJV supersedes, from an informational or spiritual standpoint, the original bible." Maybe that's how you see it. But you don't have an "original bible." What you have is a manuscript of the Biblical text that pretends to be original because it is in a modern form of Hebrew/Greek. There are no originals of the Bible. God transmitted His Words to us through copies, in various languages. There are two families of those ancient manuscripts. Only one of them is reliable and I question your ability (or anyone else's in our day) to translate that into a common language. Your approach, in my humble opinion, removes the bible from the common man and places it into the hands of people who claim to be smarter than the common man. My approach places the infallible Word of God in the hands of the simplest child. I believe that's where God meant for it to be. By the way, that is also where men like Wycliffe and Tyndale believed it was meant to be. Both gave their lives to give the Bible to the common man.

    • @ApologeticsAdvocates
      @ApologeticsAdvocates  Před měsícem +1

      #5 "Greek is far more complex in Prose Compilation and Grammatic and Syntactic Structure, so you LOSE resolution of Information when translating to BLOODY ENGLISH!!!!" Precisely. You're saying exactly what the Roman Catholic Church said for so many years. "The Bible is just to hard for you to understand." We'll put it in a language only academics can know. We'll supervise their study so the academics just mimic what we told them to say. And we'll persecute anyone who presumes to understand the Bible differently than we tell them to."