Laura Kipnis On How Campus Feminism Infantilizes Women

  • čas přidán 7. 07. 2024
  • "What now gets labeled feminism on [college] campuses," says Northwestern University Professor Laura Kipnis, "has to do with dialing back a lot the progress women have made establishing ourselves as consenting adults."
    That was the main argument of an essay Kipnis published this past February in The Chronicle of Higher Education, titled, "Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe." After the article appeared, the Northwestern campus erupted in protest. Students demonstrated by carrying mattresses and pillows and wrote a public letter accusing Kipnis of "[spitting] in the face of survivors of rape and sexual assault everywhere.”
    Then two students filed complaints with the university, and Northwestern brought Kipnis up on charges under Title IX of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination on college campuses that receive federal support. The charges were later dismissed, but not before Kipnis wrote a follow up essay in Chronicle, "My Title IX Inquisition."
    Last week, Kipnis sat down with Reason's Matt Welch to talk about campus feminism, Title IX, why Hustler's Larry Flynt and anti-porn activist Andrea Dworkin have a lot in common, and her recent book, Men: Notes from an Ongoing Investigation.
    Shot and edited by Jim Epstein, with help from Anthony L. Fisher.
    Nineteen minutes and 22 seconds.
    Go to for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason TV's CZcams Channel to receive automatic notifications when new material goes live.

Komentáře • 507

  • @PipByMac
    @PipByMac Před 8 lety +86

    Why do men always defer to women what it means to be a man? If I told a woman how to be a woman, I'd be called sexist before I could finish the thought.

    • @Schadrach42
      @Schadrach42 Před 8 lety +7

      Because ultimately masculinity is performative, and the key question is who men are performing it *for*.

    • @PipByMac
      @PipByMac Před 8 lety +1

      ***** You need to teach people this

    • @espion2KX
      @espion2KX Před 8 lety +1

      well said.

    • @Nepthu
      @Nepthu Před 8 lety +4

      That's a female answer, which ignores the biological and genetic implications, such as testosterone, that affect what it means to be male.

    • @Lyn22020
      @Lyn22020 Před 7 lety +6

      Technically, they prefer to hold the belief that there IS no biological difference, when, largely speaking, there is...(granted, there are EXCEPTIONS, but they are just that, exceptions..)

  • @DannyboyCdnMRA
    @DannyboyCdnMRA Před 9 lety +300

    12:15 in; If you're not willing to blame feminism is it due to fear of further feminist backlash?
    Feminism is to blame for male listlessness. When consent can be removed anytime even years after the act of coitus due to feminist policy and advocacy how do you think males are going to react?
    When you have an education system that tells males they are defective females due to, again, feminist advocacy and policy, how do you expect males to react?
    When feminism tells male victims of DV that its their fault their spouses initiated violence how do you think they are going to take it?
    Just a short list of feminism's atrocities.

    • @edwardburroughs1489
      @edwardburroughs1489 Před 9 lety +7

      ***** Nah. She just doesn't identify with the current, dominant feminist sect. I would prefer She realized that feminism is a crock of crap in general, but that's probably asking too much.

    • @DannyboyCdnMRA
      @DannyboyCdnMRA Před 9 lety +6

      I used the term she used. No argument there are better words, but she didn't use them.

    • @FrancisRoyCA
      @FrancisRoyCA Před 9 lety +9

      ***** _"don't call it male listlessness. That's just pandering to the women who are whining about not getting what they want out of men"_
      First, I acknowledge that Danny is using the speaker's words, as, I believe, you are also.
      Second, I also acknowledge that the world "listlessness" is a softener word. A synonym of the word is "resigned."
      I think that is a reasonably good word. Many men are resigned to the fact that current circumstances are not balanced, and are even in many cases tipped against us. MGTOW, is a reflection of this state, but of a slightly more active stance where men are looking for other ways to meet our needs. Men's Rights Activism where people are making efforts to establish balance is another pro-active choice. Let us note that being vocal and active is the very opposite of listlessness.
      As for the rest in the general men's movement, I think that resigned or listless is an accurate description of their state.

    • @colinthomson5358
      @colinthomson5358 Před 9 lety +6

      Do you mean a further backlash towards feminism (from men and women) or do you mean a backlash from feminism towards the speaker?
      It's like the saying "when you go out to fight monsters, beware you don't become one" or "when you look out at the abyss; the abyss looks back"
      They turned men as a group into a literal boggeyman. Then they became all the things they accused men and the patriarcy of being.
      Shutting down a debate? No we are just enjoying our freedom of speech... but those people trying to stop us from interupting a debate well they are not allowing our freedom of speech.
      I wonder what the feminists of the 60's and 70's would do if they got to see what their movement turned into?

    • @DannyboyCdnMRA
      @DannyboyCdnMRA Před 9 lety +2

      Colin Thomson
      The latter. More harassment from feminists towards her.

  • @kmg501
    @kmg501 Před 9 lety +68

    I've discovered the first problem. Title Nine funding comes from the federal government. The federal government is using taxes to impose political/social dictates.

    • @quintessenceSL
      @quintessenceSL Před 9 lety +3

      It's a bit more broad as these types of investigations happen in corporations as well.
      For what ever reason, the Perpetually Offended have caught the ear of those in power, and have leveraged them to do their bidding.
      Typically, I'd label this a a straight-up power grab using the guise of "justice" to sell it, but the tone is closer to a witch trial, and as groups cannibalize themselves, it's hard to say exactly where this is heading.

    • @kmg501
      @kmg501 Před 9 lety

      ***** Where did the Salem Witch trials go?

    • @quintessenceSL
      @quintessenceSL Před 9 lety +2

      Power consolidation and then repudiation after the initiators realize they are targets too, and due process might not only be for criminals.
      In truth, the sensibility has never gone away, and there are numerous mass hysterias that follow. My own tin foil hat take is that the current generation of feminist have come to the unkind realization that Equality is Hard in modern times, and are gently side-stepping their full measure in the hopes of being coddled in ways that compliment their lifestyle.
      They are in for a rude awakening. Even the old guard feminsist, such as myself, have had enough of their shit.

    • @kmg501
      @kmg501 Před 9 lety +9

      Equality? Contemporary feminists don't want equality, they already are grossly over represented with political, economic and social power. What contemporary feminists want is the power of instantaneous imperial and arbitrary decree.

    • @BollocksUtwat
      @BollocksUtwat Před 9 lety

      kmg501 Its really more like a vague and weakly composed but otherwise perfectly reasonable bit of regulation has been inevitably used well beyond the scope of what it should be used for by those with a vested interest in their own ulterior motives.
      Its hardly government conspiracy but instead bureaucratic mediocrity.

  • @shlomoshunn3597
    @shlomoshunn3597 Před 8 lety +7

    NO "wave" of feminism spent even one second talking to men, finding out how men actually live, learning what guys might like in a new social contract.

  • @TheMarsbar1121
    @TheMarsbar1121 Před 8 lety +9

    It's interesting how, in any video debunking feminism, the comments are always in favour of the video whereas in videos like this the comments are generally opposed to feminism. I think it shows how unpopular feminism is amongst the general population yet how afraid the majority are to voice their beliefs for fear of being labelled sexist...

  • @edwardburroughs1489
    @edwardburroughs1489 Před 9 lety +13

    Feminism is identity politics. There is no pay gap. Otherwise She was pretty sensible.
    "Anti-hope" is despair.

  • @NHLFarmteams
    @NHLFarmteams Před 9 lety +6

    Laura, you nailed it on identity politics but it is not about marginalization it is about "perceived" oppression. That has devolved into micro-aggressions which is not a culture of injury but a culture of "victim-hood". While it is convenient to re-frame the terms of reference to obfuscate the subject (classic feminist tactic) it comes off as disingenuous and you lose credibility.
    BTW, it's not male listlessness it's now full on rejection of feminist dogma. Men aren't lazy, they are just no longer listening to the propaganda. Unfortunately feminists have been using dubious social surveys, statistics and "expanded" definitions to further their agenda. That has damaged the credibility and tempered the hype associated with all manner of real issues that require discussion.
    Most men are a pragmatic lot, if you speak to us without hyperbole you just might find we're not the misogynist group your movement makes us out to be.

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 Před 8 lety +3

    Feminism has never been "clean", for goodness sake even back in Pankhurst's time they where quite willing to see millions of men and boys sacrificed to enable the survival of women and children!!

  • @BoffinGrusky
    @BoffinGrusky Před 9 lety +45

    Was this interview an attempt at comedy? Was this produced by "The Onion"? Listening to this woman explain her perceived victimization, by elements of a culture she herself is a part of, is akin to listening to Charles Manson explain family dynamics. "Progressive Socialists" have been laying the track for this train-wreck for generations, and are surprised when they are struck by unforeseen shrapnel? How deliciously ironic.

    • @TheBacklash
      @TheBacklash Před 9 lety +3

      watcherjohnny I agree!

    • @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome
      @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome Před 9 lety +1

      watcherjohnny I do agree that she seems to ignore her complicity in the metastasis of feminism, but you're committing the same fallacy feminists do when they assert men cannot be victims, "because patriarchy".

    • @BoffinGrusky
      @BoffinGrusky Před 9 lety

      First Name Last Name Sorry, point not taken. Care to elaborate?

    • @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome
      @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome Před 9 lety

      watcherjohnny *"Care to elaborate?"*
      Sure! You wrote: *"her perceived victimization, by elements of a culture she herself is a part of"*
      Feminists: "Men can't be discriminated, because patriarchy."
      See the resemblance?

    • @BoffinGrusky
      @BoffinGrusky Před 9 lety +1

      First Name Last Name When did I assert women can not be victims?

  • @algebra5766
    @algebra5766 Před 9 lety +4

    "What’s the good of having a freedom you’re afraid to use?", a wonderful quote from Laura Kipnis article

  • @IAmJaguarPaw.ThisIsMyForest.

    Feminism is your first problem here.....You can't argue AS A FEMINIST and argue FEMINISM HAS GONE WRONG....feminism IS wrong.......Period.
    Everything that follows is just conversation.

  • @MrSteve0311
    @MrSteve0311 Před 9 lety +12

    This woman is absolutely part of the problem. She created a gendered supremacy movement which sought to gain privilege for women in society over men. She sat quietly while Paul Nungesser was eviscerated at Columbia because it didn't affect her. She doesn't even come close to fully acknowledging the role of her political ideology in what is happening to her. Now, the monsters she's helped to create are coming after her and I'm supposed to feel sorry?
    It's like what happened to Stephen Colbert and his horde of idiot SJWs.
    I don't feel a shred of sympathy. May her chains rest lightly.

  • @rebelliouspleb1328
    @rebelliouspleb1328 Před 9 lety +1

    One of my favorite interviews for so many reasons...
    Least of them was the "unfeeling bastards" comment.
    Top notch and fearless. Well done.

  • @hamishfernando7570
    @hamishfernando7570 Před 9 lety +3

    72% of the male wage? Is she talking about the largely debunked wage gap?? Seriously??!!!

  • @ZombieX13
    @ZombieX13 Před 9 lety +4

    I find it odd that the idea of women entering the workforce is considered empowering. Only an ideology as inconsistent as feminism and statism would call this kind of debt slavery empowerment. Women HAD to join the workforce to keep their families out of poverty with the destruction of the dollar, the exponentially growing debt, and raping of the economy and family by the government.
    Traditional sex roles are a biological construct not a social construct. Men find resources to bring to women to gain access to reproductive means. Women require a producer to support them while they make goddamn babies and tend to them. Marriage is a reproductive endeavour biologically. Of course this is the hard biological perspective that runs along side the cognitive function of love and personhood but it is the true driver.
    I'm not a social conservative but to be so arrogant to think you can short circuit our reproductive nature and method hardwired into our DNA will cause this exact kind of social chaos. You have to firstly recognize and fight the poison of government intervention that sends false economic signals and false opportunity, choose your reproductive role whether it be children or no children and stick with it, and stop pretending humans are the masters of their own biology. You are not greater than your sum total.
    You have to choose a career or a family. Now it could be the male or the female who raises the kids/works. But it takes 2 or more to raise children. And for feminism to insist that women can do both is the cause of so much disfunction in society. The statistics of single parenthood are clear. Sociopthy and criminality are huge in single parent homes. Advancements in real empowerment of women are great. Philosophy and technology have given us some wiggle room in the social sphere but the humans ignore the biology because it's inconvenient and strawman'd as predestination. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
    Its just like the economy: you start tinkering, manipulating, or distorting the natural order, you will have a correction and those tend to come with a body count. In this case, it is men who've fallen victim to the feminist ambush. Men who already had their own problem of disposability firmly pounded into them through biology and society to sacrifice their own lives to protect the reproductive means. This disposability is being manipulates by feminism to destroy men in the west.

  • @thyde9535
    @thyde9535 Před 5 lety +2

    Why even have colleges? If all we are going to do is try to punish analytical minds, like this women, who's only crime was attempting to examine important & complex issues.

  • @rhinotrikes
    @rhinotrikes Před 8 lety +2

    This brainwashing of the young and vulnerable is something we all need to concern ourselves with. This lunatic fringe today will be the educators of tomorrow.

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 Před 8 lety +1

    As Erin Pizzey said of feminism back in the seventies, she knew instantly back then it was not about women just pure hatred, jealousy, resentment and envy and last but by no means least MARXISM!!

  • @sisbrawny
    @sisbrawny Před 9 lety +3

    9:55 Men are now minorities on college campuses. She has some good points, and not so good ones. I don't agree with everything she said here. She seems still very tied to the classic feminism she grew up with, and can't fully realize how much it's changed. It's very close to her heart, and that's interfering with her perception of reality. I see this is a problem, that feminists just don't want to admit how extremely bad it's gotten, because they don't want to believe something that was good a long time ago, is now ruined/unnecessary.

  • @lesmoore5191
    @lesmoore5191 Před 9 lety +4

    The femsplaining is hurting my head.

  • @watchdealer11
    @watchdealer11 Před 9 lety +3

    Awesome video as always reason!

  • @jedizzo111
    @jedizzo111 Před 9 lety +4

    I love it, they're eating themselves alive and they don't even realize it

  • @drstrangelove09
    @drstrangelove09 Před 8 lety +2

    She quotes that bogus wage gap figure, so her opinions are suspect. But this does demonstrate how Title IX investigations can go off track (as I suspected would be the case).

  • @timothyblazer1749
    @timothyblazer1749 Před 7 lety +5

    good interview! she is on point, except for the wage disparity comment.. there is no wage gap. Google "wage gap debunked" and Google " consad wage report".

  • @TimBitts649
    @TimBitts649 Před 9 lety +2

    The Prof asks: "What happens when students leave the university and go out in the real world, and there are no administrators around to take care of every perceived minor injury?".....what happens?....well, after 3rd wave feminism's obsession with 'helpless victims' and embracing powerlessness for women, and 3rd wave feminism infantalizing women, what happens? These women get jobs. And then the work world becomes a hell hole for men as whining feminist go to work and take offense at every slight, real or imagined.....and demand that upper management brutally enforce behavior codes that women control, to make men toe the line and do as they are told.....feminists start to control male behavior, by proxy, by manipulating the leadership. Like at university, when feminists get to the work force, they play the helpless female and coerce the top management to do their bidding and coerce and control men into doing what they want. And the work world gets even more hostile to young men, than it already is. Thank you feminism, for training young women to be hypersensitive, entitled, whining assholes......

    • @pizzasurf3222
      @pizzasurf3222 Před 3 lety +1

      yes, they got CEO's and fuck up with men, men become homeless.

  • @stephenlennox8268
    @stephenlennox8268 Před 7 lety +4

    Laura Kipnis, you are a hero. You rock!

  • @crissd8283
    @crissd8283 Před 6 lety +1

    I know a single guy who had a Vasectomy at 24 years old because refused to have children because to him they are too big of a liability to him. If he gets a wife and cheats on him and leave he might have to pay spousal support but at least he doesn't have to pay child support. I know guys who have to pay child support when their children actually stay with them. How does that happen?

  • @s1lverspurs
    @s1lverspurs Před 5 lety +1

    Anybody else notice how she hesitated right before she said, "That's a lot of... person-hours..." instead of "man-hours." SMH. My goodness. They got her good. So sad.

  • @ThatsMrMoronToYou
    @ThatsMrMoronToYou Před 8 lety +2

    This broad deserves to be censored. She called for "harassers of women" to be chemically castrated. And since, according to feminists, saying hello to a woman is harassment, she's dangerous. I hope she loses her fookin' job.

    • @ThatsMrMoronToYou
      @ThatsMrMoronToYou Před 8 lety

      +Professor Stout Yeah, I got that, thanks. Of course, now, she changes her tune. Now that her sisters are turning against her, she's seeing the error of her ways. Chemically castrating men for saying hello is okay with her, though. I didn't hear her take that back. She's a dangerous chimp. She shouldn't be working with young adults.

    • @ThatsMrMoronToYou
      @ThatsMrMoronToYou Před 8 lety

      +Professor Stout Here's her actual quote: "Bona fide sexual harassers should be chemically castrated, stripped of their property, and hung up by their thumbs in the nearest public square". During what part of the interview did she take this back?

    • @ThatsMrMoronToYou
      @ThatsMrMoronToYou Před 8 lety

      ***** You're just not getting it, "professor".

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 Před 8 lety +1

    Unfortunately, too fearful of saying "ball's", I am afraid we need true lion's and lionesses who are fearless to combat this UTTER lunacy!! These COWARD'S see weaknesses in people very easily, NEVER give them an inch because they will take a mile and NEVER apologise, spit on them and treat them with the ABSOLUTE contempt they deserve!!

  • @MrHarrypotter111
    @MrHarrypotter111 Před 9 lety +4

    Want to hear a little joke...
    Women's right

  • @Planetgonenuts
    @Planetgonenuts Před 8 lety +1

    United we stand, divided we WILL fall. Stop being divided! The divisions are being created precisely for this purpose!
    "The rallying call has sounded and it echoes in every responsive heart. Arm yourself for the fray with the Godgiven powers within. Align them to fight on the side of good. The call has gone out and the inner forces of every Real Man are required to rally to the cause of humankind." - The Kolbrin

  • @1227norton
    @1227norton Před 9 lety

    Excellent interview.
    When an established professor like Ms. Kipnis is treated with utter contempt as if she is some kind of criminal, for merely giving a contrary opinion on the subject, and a Kafkaesque secret trial is carried out against her - you know things have gone terribly wrong.

  • @stanleyrains6349
    @stanleyrains6349 Před 8 lety +1

    And....., she does not recognize her roll as a feminist in becoming a target of a mob. Isn't there a bit of ironic justice in a feminist professor becoming a target of her own minions. The feminists now haul in feminists for not being feminist enough?

  • @algebra5766
    @algebra5766 Před 9 lety

    This is so sad and alarming at the same time .... What the hell is going on ?????

  • @MalaklypsetheElder
    @MalaklypsetheElder Před 9 lety +3

    She's being a bit kind as well, most of the modern wave of feminism that is at least public on social media is downright cluster B personality disorder if not straight up psychopathic.

    • @MalaklypsetheElder
      @MalaklypsetheElder Před 9 lety +2

      MalaklypsetheElder Swatting people, sock puppet accounts and fake bomb threats are very obvious examples of psychopathic gas-lighting.

    • @dcknyoaho
      @dcknyoaho Před 9 lety +1

      MalaklypsetheElder I think it's largely because she has enough awareness to understand that she helped create the monster. Based on her age, I'm pretty much assuming that she was catching the tail end of 2nd wave feminism. Essentially, she grew up during it's hay day. As she was pursuing her education in the 80s, 2nd wave feminism had pretty much died down and was sowing the seeds for the 3rd wave.
      In fairness, she's a child of an age where today's technology has to be baffling to her with regards to being able to control a message of a movement. SJW mentality and political correctness have grown out of control, and it's not just in feminism. It's been hijacked, and that hijacking isn't really her fault. However, she sowed the seeds for this happen.
      I've read through a couple of her essays. It's actually fairly rational stuff; not super deep but not overly fluffy either. It's thoughtful enough to where I'll read one of her books and possibly more if it's thought provoking. The writings of hers that I have read seem to reflect pretty well her demeanor and what she has to say in this interview. Once again, however, she is the one that helped create this monster of 3rd wave feminism, which by default from its beginnings was destined to be a more "knit-picky" brand of feminism. I think she's grown appalled by how petty it has become.
      I feel uncomfortable apologizing for a feminist, but I don't it would be doing her justice to simply dismiss her as some woman saying, "Not all Feminists are like that!"

  • @MensEquality
    @MensEquality Před 8 lety +1

    Who is the so-called "rapist" when two women have sex with each other under identical circumstances?

  • @drollarry
    @drollarry Před 9 lety +2

    Excellent Interview!

  • @Sneaky-Sneaky
    @Sneaky-Sneaky Před 8 lety +1

    Laura...Thank you for standing up for Sanity !

  • @jackcarter3944
    @jackcarter3944 Před 9 lety

    Interesting interview. I'll be intrigued to see where Kipnis goes from here.

  • @professorhamamoto
    @professorhamamoto Před 8 lety

    Please interview me regarding my political persecution at the University of California, Davis for my critique of contemporary Academic Feminism. I teach a course in "Asian American Sexuality" and the university administration has assigned a emeritus professor to monitor both of my courses for the Fall Quarter 2015. It's happening ladies and gentlemen: Weimar Germany.

    • @thebvrnays7298
      @thebvrnays7298 Před 8 lety

      +eric strickland So you're implying that voting for the right would have prevented this? Doesn't matter who you vote for, this was going to happen regardless. Also, if you think "voting" in american politics actually makes a difference, then you have much bigger issues to deal with.

    • @professorhamamoto
      @professorhamamoto Před 8 lety +1

      +The BvRNAYS Thanks for the discussion. I just want the producers from ReasonTV to know that political repression is intensifying at the university. Hit me on Facebook (HamaMorpheus); CZcams (Professor Hamamoto).

  • @aquious953
    @aquious953 Před 8 lety +1

    This is just like the Scientology tactic of deterring descent by making false accusations, thereby creating a chilling effect!

  • @fidelbogen
    @fidelbogen Před 9 lety +1

    Why speak of "campus" feminism? Why not redact the word "campus"? Or. . is there some underlying purpose to spare feminism as a whole, by compartmentalizing only certain portions of it for corrective action?

  • @basiltheporphyrogenitus2347

    good interview, but the 'listless male' section is problematic . . . Helen Smith's work is better analysis . . . and she peddles the 'gender gap' nonsense with a bizarre leftist spin

  • @slutmonke
    @slutmonke Před 9 lety +1

    "so if women are making like 72% of the male wage"
    This lady is a college professor and should know better than to bring up this myth. Women in their 30s who are career focused now make MORE than men do. They get hired more easily and promoted faster because companies are desperate to have women so as to not look 'sexist.' The difference in overall wages between genders is entirely explained by women making different choices than men in every part of their lives including overtime, consecutive years of experience, field of work, and ambition. Saying women are discriminated against more than men in the workplace is at this point a heinous lie.

  • @MaoRuiqi
    @MaoRuiqi Před 9 lety

    As a biased news reported with an agenda, i felt that you did very well to allow your guest to express your deepest feelings. As pointed out, the Kafkaesque inquisition has made for strange bedfellows (so to speak); perhaps even a bridge, notably the expense, the time, and the counter intuitiveness of chasing well positioned, non-radical feminists, to finally unite left and right people of wisdom.

  • @geoffshred
    @geoffshred Před 8 lety

    Amherst College, from their presidents office, notified, by mail - their professors - that sexual relations with students was OK (it will never be ok) .. but they'd appreciate it if the professors tell them which students they are sleeping with. I'm surprised they didn't ask to watch.

  • @tarzeesays1201
    @tarzeesays1201 Před 9 lety

    Frye's Words of Wisdom
    A woman who bases her love on what you can give her, does not love you. And if that's the
    case, I'll just get me a escort when I get that need. At least she wont take half my stuff when she gets
    tired of me. Dating is OK for some, but don't fall in love or get married. It's not worth the risk or headache.
    1: If she marries you for money, she will leave you when you don't have any.
    2: Women who only want you based on your income and job, will never love you.
    3: Hookers are better than wives because they wont take half your stuff when they leave, or
    get upset when you don't give them Valentine/Birthday gifts.
    4: No Hooker has ever taken 70% of a mans stuff in a divorce case.
    5: Women love to break men's hearts, don't give them yours.
    6: Feminists want equality, but still expect us men to pay for everything.?
    7. A Beagle, Golden Lab, or a neuterd Tomcat is a better companion than a Homo Sapien Sapiens female creature.

  • @damianbylightning6823
    @damianbylightning6823 Před 8 lety +1

    They start by demanding we read women and end up creating a world where only two male writers make sense:
    Kafka and Orwell.

  • @revelationsr
    @revelationsr Před 9 lety

    Pay gap myth. 13:40. If a company could hire a group of people who does the same level of work, produces the same quality, retires at the same age and who would want to spend the same amount of time with their kids as a second group. How ever could get away pay the fist group 28% less. Why would any company ever hire anyone from the second group?

  • @wickermanauthor4828
    @wickermanauthor4828 Před 8 lety +4

    America's campus Feminist Brown Shirts, or should I say Brown Skirts, strike again.

  • @MalaklypsetheElder
    @MalaklypsetheElder Před 9 lety +1

    Laura should go on the Honey Badger Brigade radio show.

  • @mysticaltyger2009
    @mysticaltyger2009 Před 6 lety +1

    Camille Paglia has said similar things, although more forcefully.

  • @TopcatsLair
    @TopcatsLair Před 9 lety

    I'm still a bastion of feminism that has to do with agency and empowerment. It's sad that for many the melodrama is all they identify with and amplify anymore.

    • @ljessel6612
      @ljessel6612 Před 9 lety

      Topcats Lair do you really have any idea of what is going on??? nobody has a problem with equal pay for equal work, equal rights and responsibilities, equal opportunities. It is all the other garbage that is destroying society.

    • @TopcatsLair
      @TopcatsLair Před 9 lety

      l jess other garbage being?

    • @ljessel6612
      @ljessel6612 Před 9 lety

      Topcats Lair VAWA, Rape culture, Title IX, University kangaroo courts, Quotas, Discriminatory hiring practices, family courts, child support, legal system, etc. - take time to learn how things are really working.

  • @mstrailertrash058
    @mstrailertrash058 Před 9 lety +1

    Anything can be taken too far.

  • @ALulzyApprentice
    @ALulzyApprentice Před 9 lety

    She speaks of ideological bleed from the rad fems into mainstream feminism when I think it is actually part of nature and is not socially constructed.

  • @tikibomber
    @tikibomber Před 9 lety

    Thank you.

  • @etsequentia6765
    @etsequentia6765 Před 14 dny

    So her latest book is actually entitled *"Men: Notes from an Ongoing Investigation"* ? SERIOUSLY?
    Well, I can't wait to hear if we're found guilty.

  • @joannenugent8495
    @joannenugent8495 Před 7 lety +1

    Well said ! These groups cause more harm to women's rights.

  • @leonardhughes5461
    @leonardhughes5461 Před 7 lety

    Administration wouldn't put the charges in writing. Wow, bloody kangaroo court!!

  • @Buttnut105
    @Buttnut105 Před 9 lety +1

    This is nothing new for the most part. There have always been naive, radical young people roaming around on American college campuses. People who come from money, who've never really faced adversity (and who lack significant life experience), tend to behave like children--for obvious reasons. Seems like the way to make up for that is to take other people's hardships on yourself. It's essentially selfless narcissism. It's a bit of a paradox if not completely ridiculous--it's like Jesus was crucified on a mattress.

  • @aerofart
    @aerofart Před 9 lety +1

    Wow. A feminist that actually makes sense and is likable. I'm impressed.

  • @tarzeesays1201
    @tarzeesays1201 Před 9 lety

    Large numbers of men are
    checking out of education and relationships: Not because they are all obsessed with porn
    and video games, but because society and particularly relationships with women are
    now not only dangerous for men, but have nothing to offer men.
    Men used to be ambitious and work hard primarily because they wanted to be able to
    attract a female partner and to be able to support a wife and family.
    Many men know that that marriage/co-habitation and long term
    relationships are no longer an option.
    Many men see women as over-entitled, sexually promiscuous, masculinized,
    and unwilling to bring anything to a relationship. Guess what? They are not all wrong.
    Many men are also aware that marriage is now a one way street to destitution for at least
    half of all men who are still fool-hardy enough to enter into it. They do not see what is to be
    gained by entering into a relationship which will likely end with the man losing his home,
    his children and a percentage of his future income.
    Men are also aware that women are motivated by hypergamy in their choice of long term partners.
    Therefore, with most women now working and earning as much as most of the men they will meet;
    a man knows that he must be much more successful and work much harder than he would
    have been a century ago, just be be able to attract a quality mate.
    Women being more promiscuous now has two effects. Men can get casual sex quite easily; and men,
    for biological reasons, are not as likely to want to pair up long term with women they see as too promiscuous.
    And no, that is not fair because it doesn't work both ways. It is just biology. Take it up with Mother Nature.
    This is all simple market economics. When someone is not buying a product. You do not ask what is wrong
    with the customer. You ask what is wrong with the product.
    Men using more porn and video games is not because
    they are obsessed with porn and video games. It is because they no longer see long term relationships
    with women as a realistically attractive or workable option. There is very little in it for them.
    Basically western women have pushed too far and have made themselves unattractive to men.
    Western men are simply walking away. Its not what we want;
    but its something that feminism has been working quite openly for for a long time. Feminism won.
    Now women must lie in the bed that feminism made for them.
    Most of this is a direct result of politicized and institutionalized feminism that has infected
    every corner of modern western society and has been spewing its poison at men for over half a century now.

  • @mistersincerity2958
    @mistersincerity2958 Před 8 lety

    Its trully tragic how freedom of speeh is finally taking its last breaths , about to die, and what killed it for good is something supposed to be about freedom (at least feminism in the beggining was a lot about freedom for women) and now its about less freedoms.

  • @matthewdavenport1123
    @matthewdavenport1123 Před 9 lety

    Smart woman. She's absorbed the lessons of Paglia,Christina Hoff Sommers and other dissidents.

  • @keithmurphy6462
    @keithmurphy6462 Před 8 lety

    When she said that she was a feminist, I stopped listening to anything she had to say. That's an indication how much damage has been done.

  • @Liberty4Ever
    @Liberty4Ever Před 9 lety

    "This emanates from the Department of Education..."
    Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

  • @spurtikus1
    @spurtikus1 Před 9 lety

    All of this is leading to more regulation. Guess who ultimately gets to enforce this regulation?

  • @bellmeisterful
    @bellmeisterful Před 9 lety +1

    Sorry to dumb this down so much but, you'd think a professor would brush her toofies more regularly wouldn't ya?

  • @Zentella6
    @Zentella6 Před 9 lety

    Great video.

  • @SeeTheViewFromAHill
    @SeeTheViewFromAHill Před 7 lety

    where did these people learn to slurrrr so much ? please someone tell me so I can avoid that neck of the woods !

  • @mrtourette-mastersignwrite5267

    Campus feminism: How yes became rape.

  • @lightswitchvideo
    @lightswitchvideo Před 9 lety

    Up lighting the back light was distracting.

  • @cjjohnson9413
    @cjjohnson9413 Před 6 lety

    Hello McFly....have you even listened to her? Her eyes are open now that title 9 has come after her. The past is over!

  • @longbeachboy57
    @longbeachboy57 Před 9 lety

    The form for renouncing your US citizenship went up to 2300 USD last year. It will soon be much higher. Take it while you can still afford it, or you will be a prisoner for life.

  • @risingpower3658
    @risingpower3658 Před 8 lety +1

    Laura Kipnis IS a hero.

  • @hrvad
    @hrvad Před 9 lety

    I wonder why tuition is so high that pretty much no poor or lower middle class person can afford it? Irony may occur ...

  • @TGMorrison3
    @TGMorrison3 Před 9 lety


  • @AKlover
    @AKlover Před 9 lety

    Sue the shit out of the college.

  • @Macbrand
    @Macbrand Před 8 lety

    your an amazing person Laura

  • @bmacmillan
    @bmacmillan Před 9 lety

    I thought I was a beast of burden, and didn't have enough intellect to have wants.

  • @steve3131
    @steve3131 Před 3 lety

    She made some good points, but a feminist whose hauled up on specious Title IX charges is getting what she deserves, and what she would have (and in fact DID) supported in countless other cases, mostly involving males who don't have the protection of being a tenured professor (which she readily acknowledged. In her defense of feminism she differs only in degree (not in kind) from a former Nazi who says National Socialism was a good idea that was ruined by "excesses".

  • @mfriedrich2012
    @mfriedrich2012 Před 9 lety +1

    They are infantilized. Decades of no fault divorce and single motherhood for the win! Congratulations.

  • @Aconitum_napellus
    @Aconitum_napellus Před 9 lety +1

    What the fuck is a 'modern male'? Can someone please define what that term means? Who are these people they talk about?

    • @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome
      @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome Před 9 lety +4

      Nox Aternum

    • @snorelax3908
      @snorelax3908 Před 9 lety +1

      Nox Aternum Well you see in the past men were told to respect women by default and nowadays they are told that women can earn their own respect. Good luck with that bitches!

    • @Aconitum_napellus
      @Aconitum_napellus Před 9 lety

      Snore Lax
      That dose not even come close to answering my question. In fact it is just meaningless ideologically motivated assertions.

    • @snorelax3908
      @snorelax3908 Před 9 lety

      Nox Aternum
      You saw right through my cunning plan! I guess we'll have to go on being confused about modern men after all.

    • @Aconitum_napellus
      @Aconitum_napellus Před 9 lety +1

      Snore Lax
      My point was that the term is meaningless. People use these terms to justify whatever they're ideological stance is but do not provide any real definition of what they are talking about.

  • @johnmahoney6663
    @johnmahoney6663 Před 8 lety

    This was all shot to tight. Also, it looks like they are in different rooms.
    The topic is interesting.

  • @goldenrulesy8822
    @goldenrulesy8822 Před 9 lety

    Further, feminism is teaching us a narrative where all the women are the protagonists and all the men are the antagonists.

  • @Widkey
    @Widkey Před 9 lety +1

    "Feminist Inquisition" nails it.

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 Před 8 lety

    Reason TV, in a world seemly devoid of reason!

  • @Makachuk
    @Makachuk Před 9 lety +1

    Is nobody mentioning her derpy eyes?

  • @berner
    @berner Před 8 lety +1

    Penguins yellow, five degrees?
    Bucket wash!

  • @discoverednotcreated
    @discoverednotcreated Před 9 lety

    Hopefully this kind of self-critique will balance out the feministing of Millennials. It seems like all our rights are going to be taken away, if they keep at it in this brain dead fashion.

  • @PBSmithy
    @PBSmithy Před 9 lety

    Little if any real difference between this woman & so-called radical feminists. She's just surprised that she got burned by what she helped construct.

  • @FirstNameLastNameSobrenome

    She has the same awkward sideways lower jaw movement that Christina Hoff-Summers has. Is this something feminists do to each other, or to themselves?!
    Still, good interview!

  • @joejones9497
    @joejones9497 Před 8 lety

    It's not "campus feminism". The federal government engineered it according to the wishes of overall feminism everywhere which has become the dominant institutionalized dogma of our time.

  • @quietackshon
    @quietackshon Před 9 lety

    5:11 Ask O'Brein (1984).

  • @ClassPunkOnRumbleAndSubstack

    If you're going to talk about your feelings using big words, you might as well be overtly poetic about it, the way the academic feminists and liberals do it is as grating as combining mathematics with medical marijuana.

  • @poppetteppop1324
    @poppetteppop1324 Před 8 lety

    A head for radio that would make popeye turn in his grave.

  • @TimBitts649
    @TimBitts649 Před 9 lety

    God help the young men that marry this generation of feminists......or if you are an atheist, just pity this generation of young men has had to wed these women.

  • @sexobscura
    @sexobscura Před 7 lety


  • @hootyjenkins1084
    @hootyjenkins1084 Před 3 lety