How The Eucharist Turned Me Catholic!

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024
  • The Most Holy Eucharist was one of the triggering factors that lead me into Catholicism. Here is why!
    ‪@PintsWithAquinas‬ video about the Eucharist: • What Early Christians ...
    Follow me on Instagram: @Thejewishcatholic

Komentáře • 326

  • @Serquss
    @Serquss Před rokem +103

    I was a Protestant for many years, but when I concluded that the great mystery of the Christian faith is that Jesus is substantially present in Communion, I converted to Catholicism.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +18

      AMEN!!!!!! Christ gives Himself to us in such an intimate manner. What a blessing it is to know Him and to be able to meet Him so powerfully each Mass.

    • @kath976
      @kath976 Před 10 měsíci +6

      @Serquss That was worded beautifully, Serquss…. “The great mystery of Christianity…”
      You gave me, a lifelong Catholic, a new beautiful meditation and insight on the Holy Eucharist.

    • @savedbygrace8337
      @savedbygrace8337 Před 8 měsíci

      Galatians 6:7
      “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

    • @christausderlevante2765
      @christausderlevante2765 Před 8 měsíci +4

      Same here. I am a Syrian who grew up in Europe. I was born Orthodox and turned Evangelical 10 years ago. Recently I returned to the church due to the truth of the Eucharist.

    • @savedbygrace8337
      @savedbygrace8337 Před 8 měsíci

      You are and have always been a catholic !
      A large majority of priests in the Vatican are gay, although many are not sexually active, a new book claims.
      A total of about 80 percent of the most revered clerics in the Roman Catholic Church are homosexual despite the church’s opposition to gay rights, according to the extensively researched book by French journalist Frédéric Martel.
      The gay priests adhere to an unspoken code called “the closet,” where it is understood that, for instance, a cardinal or bishop who denounces homosexuality is more likely to be gay, according to the book “In the Closet of the Vatican.”
      Another controversial claim in the book is that Colombian Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo defended the church’s positions on homosexuality while hiring male prostitutes, according to The Guardian.
      The author said he conducted 1,500 interviews with 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and monsignors, 45 papal ambassadors or diplomatic officials guards and more than 200 priests and seminarians.
      The book attempts to expose a “clerical culture of secrecy” and the double lives of

  • @bridgetbold6867
    @bridgetbold6867 Před rokem +35

    I am converting to Catholicism currently

    • @o.o.2255
      @o.o.2255 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Awesome, praise God

    • @annettmoncada
      @annettmoncada Před 5 měsíci +2

      Please stay in that path! Many will say its wrong and you will have obstacles that the devil himself will put for you to not convert for whatever reason because this is the true religion❤ stay strong and im very happy for you!

  • @kristenstudebaker814
    @kristenstudebaker814 Před rokem +27

    I became Catholic too, from Protestantism. Best thing I ever did! The truth lives in the Holy Catholic Church.

    • @mustardseed123
      @mustardseed123 Před 8 měsíci

      Can you please tell me how it has been the best thing? I'm prodestant but I cannot stop thinking about Catholicism and longing to attend Mass @kristenstudebaker814

    • @kristenstudebaker814
      @kristenstudebaker814 Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@mustardseed123 meet with the local priest or join RCIA and you too will discover this true gem! God bless you!

    • @o.o.2255
      @o.o.2255 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Welcome brother, So was I

  • @karinclarkson4398
    @karinclarkson4398 Před rokem +97

    I am a Catholic mom with a Jewish son who I pray will become Catholic. I came across your channel this week and I’m so excited. I know your videos will bless anyone who watches them and I hope Ben will watch them. Shalom

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +22

      May Ben come HOME! Thank you so much for watching. And amen! May the content be a blessing to others.

    • @rudyandrade1407
      @rudyandrade1407 Před rokem +7

      Such a blessing! Catholic Mom . Love you! You have my prayers!!

    • @michaeldkhar8708
      @michaeldkhar8708 Před rokem +2


    • @jbchoc
      @jbchoc Před rokem

      Connect also with Roy Shoeman on YT and the hebrewcatholics crowd on their website, for resources and companionship in this lonely world. There is no better jew than the Catholic jew, and jews are great to begin with so godspeed.

    • @Raverraver9999
      @Raverraver9999 Před rokem +1

      Proof Eucharist is body of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary is his mother.
      48I am the bread of life.
      49Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died;z
      50this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die.
      51I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”a
      52The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?”
      53Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.
      54Whoever eats* my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
      55For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
      56Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.
      57Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.b
      58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
      Eucharistic miracle.. (medical reports-living heart tissue, blood type AB) (Rome Reports) (Lanciano) (levitating eucharist) ( church lighting up) ( beating heart)
      Incorruptible bodies of saints due to the Eucharist - only happens in the Catholic church. No other religion has this miracle (Padre Pio) (Carlo Acutis)
      Apparition of Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary apparition in Ivory Coast) (Virgin Mary statue moving) (Virgin Mary apparition in Egypt) 1968 Egypt (Miracle of the sun) (Miracle of the sun) Medjugorje Sun miracle on Easter Sunday Virgin Mary appears in Egypt & Spain-Eye Witnesses ( Kenya apparition) ( jewish NDE) ( Priest dies & visits hell heaven) ( Exorcist reveals his most disturbing cases)

  • @timothyblack3322
    @timothyblack3322 Před rokem +66

    I was Southern Baptist for 27 years, and no longer was able to understand everything being symbolic. Why do these actions if they were of no benefit? Once I truly understood Christ was present in all these elements, I was able to see him in the Eucharist. My faith deepened and I was delivered from my addiction to drugs. My hunger was for holiness through the Word, and Sacrament. I praise the Lord for all he has done for me, I thank him for showing me the Way. Thank you for your testimony! God bless you my brother in Christ. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    • @DavidTheZealot
      @DavidTheZealot Před rokem +5

      I just left visiting a baptist church being undercover as a non denominational . Glad i remained a confirmed Catholic

    • @timothyblack3322
      @timothyblack3322 Před rokem +4

      @@DavidTheZealot , Amen. My brother, I heard more about Mercy in my 1st Mass, than I every heard in my 27 years as a Baptist. I am grateful that the Baptist Church taught me the importance of the Lord in Sacred Scripture aka as the Bible. I am grateful that “everything is not symbolic, I came in knowing scripture. The Catholic Church instructed me to look from a different perspective. I thank God for leading me to Blessed Sacrament Church where Father O’Sullivan from Ireland left his homeland, his family, and friends to served the Lord in America, and be a Paster, to serve the flock in Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. A Quiet and man, who when speaking at people direct, did not have too much of a accent. The moment he started speaking during the homily, he sounded like he just got off the boat. I love that man! He goes to Ireland in summer & returns for the Fall & Winter. He does funerals at Blessed Sacrament, helps the largest Catholic Church in Tallahassee Florida: Good Shepard
      Which, seats 1400 people & has 5 services, and Father O’Sullivan steps into service. I want to at least see him when he returns. 🙏🏼🎚🙏🏼

    • @savedbygrace8337
      @savedbygrace8337 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Proverbs 16:25
      “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

    • @Dar-oi3tw
      @Dar-oi3tw Před 4 měsíci

      @@savedbygrace8337 and how do we know your Protesting Protestant way is not the ways of death? Typical Protestant acting in Pride instead of humility. We offer you a way to share your experience respectfully and humbly and instead you lash out at us like an LGBTQ+ at a Pride parade that is how much pride you have sir. Also, I get that you are trying to save us from what you believe to be false Christianity, a deception made by the Devil to fish our souls instead of God and bring us to Hell but here is the thing, that is a claim all of us Christians can claim at each other in this massive pissing contest that is the different sects. So instead of acting like proud fools who demonize each other claiming that the other is a deceiver leading us to Hell, let us unify so we may share in Christ together as fellow Christians regardless of sect so as to defeat the true enemy, Sin.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@DavidTheZealotObviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @scottwilliams3595
    @scottwilliams3595 Před rokem +21

    I reentered the Catholic Church because of the Eucharist.

  • @Serquss
    @Serquss Před rokem +36

    If God can acquire human flesh, yet still be God, He can be Bread and Wine, yet still be God.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +13

      Exactly. It may seem difficult to us, but He is God. He created matter so He can do with it as He pleases.

    • @lupelo8819
      @lupelo8819 Před rokem +1

      John 6:54..Jesus told the apostles/disciples..Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood,hath eternal life;..Did Jesus "literally" say 😳 🤣 to eat his flesh and drink his blood to have eternal life right then and now? HOW 🤔 ARE THEY GOING TO EAT JESUS FLESH AND DRINK HIS BLOOD WHILE HE WAS STILL ALIVE..??!!!!??!?? THERE WERE NO CATHOLIC PRIESTS TO MAGICALLY MAKE JESUS COME INSIDE A COOKIE WHILE HE WAS STILL ALIVE..!! THE EUCHARIST IS UNBIBLICAL,PAGAN AND NOT TO BE WORSHIPPED..!!

    • @margaretoconnor7077
      @margaretoconnor7077 Před 5 měsíci +1

      @lupelo8819 : If your church doesn't celebrate the eucharist you are not following the Bible:
      John 6:53-56 (the Eucharist)
      53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.
      Matthew 26:26 (the Eucharist)
      26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”
      Mark 14:22 (the Eucharist)
      22). While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”
      Luke 22:19 (the Eucharist)
      19). And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
      1 Corinthians 10:16 (the Eucharist)
      16 The blessing-cup, which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of Christ; and the loaf of bread which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ? bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?
      1 Corinthians 11:23-24 (the Eucharist)
      23). For the tradition I received from the Lord and also handed on to you is that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread,
      24). and after he had given thanks, he broke it, and he said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.'
      1 Corinthians 11: 27-29 (the Eucharist)
      27). Therefore anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily is answerable for the body and blood of the Lord.
      28). Everyone is to examine himself and only then eat of the bread or drink from the cup;
      29). because a person who eats and drinks without recognising the body is eating and drinking his own condemnation.
      John 6: 51 (the Eucharist)
      I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.'
      John 6:53 (the Eucharist)
      Jesus replied to them: In all truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@lupelo8819Jesus died the day after the Last Supper & yes, He said to eat His flesh & drink His blood

  • @titalen325
    @titalen325 Před rokem +22

    I feel blissfully at peace everytime I receive Holy Communion.

  • @carolinpurayidom4570
    @carolinpurayidom4570 Před rokem +26

    According to one story a mute muslim boy accidentally took the eucharist and it healed his muteness. Now he is Catholic. Also in the malaylam ( my native tongue) holy week is pesahav. And there have been times when I take the eucharist and I feel like me and Jesus are one like I am becoming one with him.

    • @oneman4412
      @oneman4412 Před rokem +2

      Interesting fact. Less that 1% of Catholics go to daily mass. I’ve started going about 5 days a week recently, my life in calmer.

  • @filiamaria8
    @filiamaria8 Před rokem +16

    Our house was infested and I had nightmares most nights that wake me up panting since I was 6y/o. Never once doubted the Eucharist, after I received my first Holy communion around 8-9y/o and boom since that night, all nightmares gone, slept so soundly😊😌🙏

    • @loreman7267
      @loreman7267 Před rokem +1

      Blessed be God! Just keep on the straight and narrow, whatever you do!

    • @Dar-oi3tw
      @Dar-oi3tw Před 4 měsíci

      Good for you.

  • @KH-vp4ni
    @KH-vp4ni Před rokem +25

    Once when I received the Eucharist it tasted like sweet sweet flowers. I think it was a type of small miracle.

  • @brianfarley926
    @brianfarley926 Před rokem +31

    While I am Catholic most of my family outside of my wife and daughter are Protestant. It’s due to lack of catechism, faith and not being accepting of a metaphysical reality. The same faith that Jesus rose from the dead is the same faith that he’s with us in the Eucharist.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      Jesus is only Truly Present in the Eucharist of the Catholic & Orthodox Churches as they have validly ordained priests. Outside of these two churches is only heresy.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@geoffjsObviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @gabriel.stcharles
    @gabriel.stcharles Před rokem +27

    Love how you compared transubstantiation and transformation. Good way to look at it.

  • @annalgesic5874
    @annalgesic5874 Před rokem +45

    My favorite conversion stories are always by the Jews, esp when they explain the Eucharist as a Passover Seder.
    But while Seder is celebrated for only a few days (am I right?), the Holy Eucharist is celebrated daily for 24 hours.
    NZ wakes up. At 6AM, a church celebrates the Holy Mass. As soon as the Mass ends, a church in Solomon Islands rings its bells to start the Mass. When it ends, St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney will begin the Holy Mass. And this will go on for 24hrs for all time zones, not just on Sundays.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +18

      Well, the Prophets mentioned God would be worshiped in all places in ALL TIMES. So you are right. :)

    • @loveisaiah622
      @loveisaiah622 Před rokem +12

      That’s in Psalm 113 - From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.
      Malachi 1:10. - Oh, that one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would not light useless fires on my altar! I am not pleased with you,” says the LORD Almighty, “and I will accept no offering from your hands. God here is rejecting the sacrifices in the Old Testament and in verse 11 it’s states -
      My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD Almighty.
      The above verse is fulfilled only in the Catholic Church with over 350,000 (year 2010 estimate) daily Masses offered worldwide. Pax Christi

    • @Raverraver9999
      @Raverraver9999 Před rokem +4

      Proof Eucharist is body of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary is his mother.
      48I am the bread of life.
      49Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died;z
      50this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die.
      51I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”a
      52The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?”
      53Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.
      54Whoever eats* my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
      55For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
      56Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.
      57Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.b
      58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
      Eucharistic miracle.. (medical reports-living heart tissue, blood type AB) (Rome Reports) (Lanciano) (levitating eucharist) ( church lighting up) ( beating heart)
      Incorruptible bodies of saints due to the Eucharist - only happens in the Catholic church. No other religion has this miracle (Padre Pio) (Carlo Acutis)
      Apparition of Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary apparition in Ivory Coast) (Virgin Mary statue moving) (Virgin Mary apparition in Egypt) 1968 Egypt (Miracle of the sun) (Miracle of the sun) Medjugorje Sun miracle on Easter Sunday Virgin Mary appears in Egypt & Spain-Eye Witnesses ( Kenya apparition) ( jewish NDE) ( Priest dies & visits hell heaven) ( Exorcist reveals his most disturbing cases)

    • @mariateresa9965
      @mariateresa9965 Před rokem +2

      @@Raverraver9999 Wow!Amen...🙏🌹🌹🌹Ave Maria.🙏🌹🌹🌹

  • @elperinasoswa6772
    @elperinasoswa6772 Před rokem +29

    Good job explaining this. May your channel grow and may it brings more souls to Christ.

  • @KH-vp4ni
    @KH-vp4ni Před rokem +16

    Ty Daniel!! The eucharist is everything!

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +3

      Amen! There is no more “personal relationship” with Christ than a Eucharistic relationship.

  • @jaspersparents6947
    @jaspersparents6947 Před rokem +6

    I love Dr. Pitre's typology work! Welcome home brother!!

  • @myronmercado
    @myronmercado Před rokem +6

    From 11.0 of your video, I couldn't stop weeping. All you are saying is true, and the EUCHARIST is the greatest gift Jesus could ever give mankind!

  • @Sheilamarie2
    @Sheilamarie2 Před rokem +9

    Amen! God Bless You! I love being a Roman Catholic!

  • @lm6479
    @lm6479 Před rokem +12

    Jesus is the true bread from heaven...we must consume Him, for we, our hungry no more

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @francishaight2062
    @francishaight2062 Před rokem +10

    Hearing this explained by someone knowledgeable of the Jewish tradition helps me, even as a cradle Catholic, to understand our faith better and to enjoy it at a deeper level. And you remind us that the Eucharist is indeed central to that faith, its source and summit. It is ultimately the Gospel, here and now, the Good News, the source and reason for the joy of Christmas; it is our food for the journey through this enemy territory to our true home, our Father’s House. It is Jesus in the Temple busy about His Father’s business. I could go on… God bless!

  • @Jerome616
    @Jerome616 Před rokem +5

    I just watched a video from Jordan Petersons exodus series, he’s discussing the Bible with a group of religious thinkers. The Jewish man on the panel asked if Jews have lost anything by no longer offering sacrifices. One of the Christian’s then bright up that we still offer sacrifices daily, it’s just now Jesus only and fully is sufficient for the daily sacrifice that once took place in Jerusalem. I feel like that is a great reason to start thinking about Christianity if you are Jewish.

  • @kenevans7367
    @kenevans7367 Před rokem +9

    I feel at home with pod cast I'm a Jewish Catholic and following it as much as I can Thank you by alight other with your veiw is the same as me

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +2

      Glad the content helps!

    • @o.o.2255
      @o.o.2255 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Catholicism IS Judaism fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
      The Magisterium is the New Sanhedrin council passed down from the laying on of hands from Moses, To Joshua, to the succession of Pharisee rabbis, and now from Jesus to the Succession of Apostles also from laying on of hands.
      Jesus is the New Moses, Peter is the new Aaron from the seat of Moses to now the Chair of Peter

  • @monical.8360
    @monical.8360 Před rokem +5

    God has blessed you so abundantly, you are a wonderful catechist. Thank you so much for these. I'm going to ask our parish to use your videos to catechise the faithful, especially the youth.

  • @Dustin_Quick_Holy_Smokes
    @Dustin_Quick_Holy_Smokes Před rokem +11

    I’d love to do a show soon brother! It’s been too long!

  • @errolugdamina815
    @errolugdamina815 Před rokem +8

    Catholic Christianity was the divine
    fulfillment of the ancient Judaism!!!!!!!

  • @highground3609
    @highground3609 Před 4 měsíci +2

    It is simply BRILLIANT that you connect the Eucharist with passover!! I was getting lukewarm with my faith and this video once again INFLAMED my love for Christ! So THANK YOU!!
    I think, disconnected from Judaism, Christianity does not make sense! But with the backdrop of Judaism, SOOOO MUCH makes sense!! (Makes sense cuz Christianity didn’t start from a vacuum but as a sect of judaism 😂)

  • @NassauOngalewuPukapuka-hg4zt

    Very interesting and proud of you brother in the Lord Jesus thanks indeed for the sharing keep going in your everyday life many people open their eyes to the truth of the words of God Amen 👏🙏🙌👍

  • @maureen9899
    @maureen9899 Před rokem +4

    As a product of 12xyears of Catholic school and many years as a Catholic school educator, I can say that this is one of the best explanations of transubstantiation, I have ever heard. It should help many to come to believe in the True Presence. Bless you

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @jgmichael2222
    @jgmichael2222 Před rokem +8

    Jesus promised that He would be with the Church for all time and everywhere wherever the Church is established.
    Yes, the Eucharist is the visible Presence of God among Catholics and the Eucharist is the Power that gives the Church the strength to carry out her work in the world.
    That's why Protestants fail to understand and appreciate. The say they are saved by the Blood of Christ - but that statement is a farce - for they never have the opportunity to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
    Many Catholics don't fully understand the Eucharist too. That's why they are weak and many have left the Catholic Church.
    We need to open our hearts widest with generosity and only then will the Eucharist work miracles in our hearts.
    O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament Divine. All praise and thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
    Jesus bless They Church and make us love Thee more and more.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem

      So true!!! We need to promote the glorious truth of Yeshua in the Most Holy Eucharist

  • @ignacedelyon9988
    @ignacedelyon9988 Před rokem +30

    I'm french and was baptised as a child . My country is so controled by free masonry that you hardly can say that you go to the Mass at a barbecue party without being laughed at.
    After decades of atheism and new age, I discovered the Holy Mass at the age of 49, in 2009. The Eucharist is the most beautiful thing I 've ever knew.
    I'm always sad to hear protestant deny the presence of Jesus-Christ in the Eucharist.

    • @Sheilamarie2
      @Sheilamarie2 Před rokem +5

      We pray for France to come back to Christ's Church. God Bless You.

    • @oneman4412
      @oneman4412 Před rokem +2

      France is prophesied to hold the great throne of the dominant world king after the great wars. Many think the French king will come in 2038, as the great Catholic monarch

    • @daishoo
      @daishoo Před rokem +1

      France, Portugal and Poland are the greatest catholic kingdoms of all time.
      France, the elder daughter of the Church has brought the muslins to a halt in the south and helped liberate the Holy Land, Portugal pushed back the muslins over the seas and brought Christianity to que four corners of the Globe, and Poland defended Europe, and it still does today!

  • @makalikasan3339
    @makalikasan3339 Před rokem +5

    It is easier for the world to exist without the sun than without the Holy Mass according to St. Padre Pio, and the most important part of Mass is the Holy Eucharist.

  • @meribikoto6588
    @meribikoto6588 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Thats the reason why Christ established the Church (one Church) through his apostles so that we can become one

  • @dougmoore5252
    @dougmoore5252 Před rokem +2

    I was Protestant as a young man, when a child was Catholic. My family got away, I came back in my thirty’s and I believe that is literally is Jesus is the body and blood, Christ in the Eucharist.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @user-yj1jp6el1h
    @user-yj1jp6el1h Před 6 měsíci +4

    If Jesus wants to become a piece of bread 🥪 and wine 🍷 he surely can because he is God 🙏 praise yeshua ❤🎉

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @meribikoto6588
    @meribikoto6588 Před 11 měsíci +1

    He established the Mass of the blessed Eucharist in the last supper with his apostles by taking the bread, bless it, and broke it and gave it to them telling them to do it in remembrance of him( the new and everlasting covenant).

  • @a.cdesigns
    @a.cdesigns Před 5 měsíci

    This was really helpful for me, i bought the book on the Eucharist because of this video 👍🏻

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @gaenortheresa1483
    @gaenortheresa1483 Před rokem +4

    Thank you for being faithful to Gods call with this channel and in your journey of faith. This video is eexcelldht. God bless

  • @lm6479
    @lm6479 Před rokem +4

    Brilliance can bring to your salvation

  • @hagioverse7889
    @hagioverse7889 Před rokem +4

    found your channel some day ago! keep it up! greetings from Austria:)

  • @MrsCambers
    @MrsCambers Před 15 dny

    I wanna cry. I’m looking to start RCIA and for years even when I was away from Christianity completely..I thought about the Catholic Mass and realized it makes sense with quantum physics and how time is not really linear…I had that realization that it wasn’t a re-sacrifice it was that it was all happening at once 🤯

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před 15 dny +1

      So happy for you and I’m glad you get that time matter. I thought I was the only one that saw that. I’ve mentioned it to others and they are like “ah, never thought of that”. But it makes total sense

    • @MrsCambers
      @MrsCambers Před 14 dny

      @@TheJewishCatholic absolutely! I’ve had the “fear of God” put into me by other Christian groups about the Catholic church making me feel like if I join I’m going to hell. That she’s the “whore of Babylon” and all this junk. I was very into the Jewish roots. I called myself a Messianic Gentile because I liked to view the New Testament through the Old. And though not required of Gentiles I started acknowledging feasts and Hanukkah, Saturday sabbath etc. I probably still will although I may drop the Saturday sabbath because it doesn’t seem to be a big deal for gentiles in the New Testament. The feasts are still so rich in symbolism and foreshadowing of Christs first and second comings. Well when I found your channel and saw you could see the connections between the old and new too I was like “SUBSCRIBE” lol I’ve often in the end found out things that end up making Catholic make sense. I resisted because especially one Messianic friend (who has some very very unorthodox beliefs like the Holy Spirit is female She thinks the trinity is like a family..Father Mother and Son and I was like “I don’t think so.” But she wouldn’t let go of that no matter what I told her.) She’d always say Catholic was bad. The irony. She was toxic and the friendship recently ended and it was like scales fell from my eyes. I was already watching some catholic channels like pints with Aquinas and Counsel of Trent. But I started researching different topics and one that really blew me away was the role of the Queen Mother in the Davidic Kingdom. Another 🤯. It’s all coming together.

  • @sdboyd
    @sdboyd Před rokem +2

    Eastern Orthodoxy also has this view of the Eucharist. I went the Catholic route.

  • @francyyap9234
    @francyyap9234 Před 5 měsíci

    Thank you for sharing your journey. This will help a lot of lost souls. I am a cradle Catholic for a long time and one conversion story I found and watched really turned my faith 360 degrees. That’s when I started studying our faith. Hearing Catechism and praying the Rosary to lead me to her son and she really did. As promised.

  • @standforfreedom5264
    @standforfreedom5264 Před rokem +1


  • @vinmirarchi
    @vinmirarchi Před 5 měsíci +1

    Amen brother. Welcome aboard

  • @kenevans7367
    @kenevans7367 Před rokem +2

    Thank you Daniel

  • @samg9592
    @samg9592 Před rokem

    Came here from "God's, Pints with Aquinas" comment box😄😀.
    Beautiful Brother. Keep coming 🙏😇

  • @meribikoto6588
    @meribikoto6588 Před 11 měsíci +2

    God wanted us to be all partakers to his one body, one Church and one faith

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @kristenstudebaker814
    @kristenstudebaker814 Před rokem +3

    In John 6 Jesus says over and over again "This is my body, this is my blood. My body is true flesh and my blood is true drink". The evidence is not only in Jesus' words - that this IS His body and blood - but that many disciples left Him because this was "hard teaching". If it was only a symbol, that's not really hard teaching. If it is truly the flesh and blood of Christ, THAT is hard teaching and why many left Him. When He asked Peter if he would leave Him too, Peter replied "Lord, where else will we go?"

    • @lupelo8819
      @lupelo8819 Před rokem +1

      So who ate Jesus flesh and drank his blood while he was still alive??

    • @manueljoaquim7485
      @manueljoaquim7485 Před rokem

      ​@@lupelo8819 The apostles did, in the last supper,
      mark 14:22
      And while they were eating, Yeshua took bread, and he blessed and he broke and he gave to them, and he said to them, “Take; this is my body.”

  • @karenmarley9096
    @karenmarley9096 Před 5 měsíci

    Just found your channel and I'm so glad I did. You explain things so well and I've watched a lot of videos about the Catholic faith. I am a cradle Catholic trying to find answers as I struggle with my faith in the Church. Thank you. Pax.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @justhonest41
    @justhonest41 Před 5 měsíci

    Daniel, you are very good. I love the way you explained about the Eucharist and Catholicism

  • @elizabethmontemayor-aparat4889

    another 👍 for your sharing. i am inspired 👍🙏👍

  • @myronmercado
    @myronmercado Před rokem +1

    Where do you get your explanations! They're so clear. I wanted to subscribe to your channel. But I found out I'm already subscribed! Your channel is amazing.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      Try the Catechism

  • @jostyler2946
    @jostyler2946 Před 5 měsíci

    Your explanation is excellent! Use the term "consume" rather than "eat.". When we consume the Host, we invite Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity into our heart, mind , and spirit to become more like Jesus.
    I really enjoy your podcasts! Thank you!

  • @karolinakatanowska5960
    @karolinakatanowska5960 Před 5 měsíci

    Eucharist is an essence of our life on this earth , the most precious time when we eat God’s body we are new human , it’s an amazing miracle, available for all humans . I hope more and more people will become a Catholic through your channel. 🙏❤️

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @RepentantSinner86
    @RepentantSinner86 Před 5 měsíci

    Thank you for your helpful content. God bless you

  • @micaelayjuanchy6990
    @micaelayjuanchy6990 Před rokem +2

    Qué bueno sería que todos los judíos creyeran en Jesús como el mesías, porque nos darían la fuerza, la fe y la claridad que tanta falta nos hacen hoy en día en la tan atacada Iglesia Católica..Muchas gracias!!

  • @GilGaidola
    @GilGaidola Před 5 měsíci

    Awesome explanation..thank you very much keep up the good work!

  • @robertsmith9096
    @robertsmith9096 Před rokem

    Shalom to you all!

  • @mpat100
    @mpat100 Před rokem

    Blessings on your spiritual journey

  • @ivoandrijasevic2826
    @ivoandrijasevic2826 Před 6 měsíci

    God bless you Brother in Christ

  • @jorgeurcuyo4329
    @jorgeurcuyo4329 Před rokem +4

    Hey Daniel, I'm from Nicaragua and I love your content, I thank God for your life
    I would like to know your opinion about the beliefs of messianic jewish non-catholic, for example: A rood awakening or many others anti-catholic messianic groups, Shalom.

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker Před rokem +2

      One of the problems with the Hebrew Roots Movement and Messanic Jewish Movement is that it denies Sacred Tradition which is required to give context and meaning to scripture so the Jewish accusation made against these groups as being Karaites is justified. These two movements attract those who have fallen into Karaitism. In fact, every protestant is a Karaite. Where did Karaitism begin? It began among the Samaritains living at the very northern most area which bisected Phoenician territory to the East and Syria to the west. So, the woman who called a Syro-Phonecian was a Samaritan from this area. Jewish Rabbis in the past have call Karaites "Meir Kelev" (being worth the price of a dog).
      When Christ encounters the Syro-Phonecian woman he says "Suffer first the children to be filled: for it is not good to take the bread of the children, and cast it to the dogs." from Mark. Matthew also mentions her but calls her a Cannanite woman (but the Cannanites were vanquished during the First Temple period and later that territory was given to the Samaritans during the Second Temple period). The Karaites deny the Torah Shebaal Peh in the same manner as Protestants deny Sacred Tradition.

    • @johnosumba1980
      @johnosumba1980 Před rokem +1

      @@SaintCharbelMiracleworker that is a very deep explanation that very few understand, even me I didn’t know that.

  • @dannielpayne3045
    @dannielpayne3045 Před rokem +2

    Thank you

  • @dannisivoccia2712
    @dannisivoccia2712 Před rokem +1

    The heart of God pertaining to Holy Communion is partaking of His body and His blood. His body comprises His people, and His blood comprises His life within His people.

  • @danicacosic909
    @danicacosic909 Před rokem

    Bravo, bravo, bravo, God bless.
    I think that I feel like the priest brings me before the Last Supper and Jesus Christ holds the first Holy Mass and we join the Last Supper
    in Spirit.. That is how true the Holy Eucharist is and how we need it for our eternal life. Laus Tibi Christe!
    , ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @panini6266
    @panini6266 Před 5 měsíci

    The comparison of the lamb sacrifice really helped

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @anthony_padua13
    @anthony_padua13 Před rokem +1

    Once, a man came to a priest and wanted to humiliate him. He asked: "How can the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ?"
    The priest replied, “Of course you can. You yourself turn food into your body and blood, so why couldn't Christ do the same?”
    Holy Communion has actually changed in our bodies and blood, like food that turns into new cells to replace old cells. Our DNA is the DNA of Christ, our blood is the Blood of Christ, our flesh is the Flesh of Christ. We are Christ who lives in it so that we become a perfect self-offering before Heavenly Father. That is how Christ united Himself to us in our humanity, just as He and the Father are One in divinity. This is Transubstantiation.
    I am a catholic from Indonesia.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @karolinakatanowska5960
    @karolinakatanowska5960 Před 5 měsíci

    God bless you ! 🙏❤️

  • @meribikoto6588
    @meribikoto6588 Před 11 měsíci

    Thank you my brother

  • @Tsalagi978
    @Tsalagi978 Před rokem +1

    All ancient Apostolic Churches have Christ Present in the Eucharist. Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrians and Catholicism. Old Catholics too.

  • @djGiovanniP
    @djGiovanniP Před rokem +3

    Ive had a very similar journey as you. Typology was everything (and still is) Id love to connect with you. I even use the same “isness” ie God’s essence for “He Is Who Is”Sent you an IG DM.

  • @tessysingh1327
    @tessysingh1327 Před rokem +1

    In order to understand the eucharist we need to be educated in Aristotelian metaphysics. The modern scientific method of the Enlightenment is reductive in nature and is not adequate to explaining the reality of being.

  • @RicardoAldana1988
    @RicardoAldana1988 Před rokem +2

    John 6:60 The many disculpes who were listening said, "This saying Is hard; who can accept It?"

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

    • @RicardoAldana1988
      @RicardoAldana1988 Před 2 měsíci

      @@ingridprior1337 Jesus is the Word.. the Thruth an the Way.. there's nothing only simbolic un those things..

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@RicardoAldana1988Do you belief in drinking Jesus' physical blood, but don't belief His blood paid the full price for our sin? That you need a 'purgatory' to be further cleansed, that you pray to Mary for protection? Having to wear a brown scalpular to be assured of Mary's protection and intercession. Paying sacrements for sanctification. Need 'holy water' for blessings and repelling evil.
      If you are willing to drink His physical blood, at least belief what His blood paid for.
      1 Corinthians 1:30
      It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God-that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
      Gal 2:16 KJV Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Mat 16:12-13 KJV Then understood they how that he made them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

    • @RicardoAldana1988
      @RicardoAldana1988 Před 2 měsíci

      @@ingridprior1337 That's just simbolical? The things of God are truly and fully understood under a total integrated view.. nor just simbolical or just literal! Jesús is the Lamb of God for whom out sins are expiated by his sacrifice on the Cross.. that's just simbolical or he has to suffered on the Cross as the atonment for God? He's just a simbolical Lamb or it's indeed the Lamb of God?

  • @davidwoodho1736
    @davidwoodho1736 Před rokem +2


  • @AprendeMovimiento
    @AprendeMovimiento Před rokem

    I love it, but. It is also a symbol. The word symbol is now being used as a peyorative term that means: "something that is there pointing us to something that is not actually there". But the word symbol means unity, composition, to bring things together, symbolo is the opposite or diabolo (separator, divider). The Catholic Creed is also known as the "symbolum apostolorum", the word symbol shows us that the body, blood, soul and divinity or Chrisy are united in the bread and wine. You can use a more Aristotelian approach, and talk about the accidents and substance, but they say the same thing, the accidents are a symbol of the substance, the reality of the thing is trully present because it is symbolic. We must turn away from the morern notion of the word Symbol, and go back to its roots and use it as the early Church took it. Reality is hylomorphic, it is a composition, meaning that it is a symbol, it is a union of different aspects (act and potency, heaven and earth, spirit and matter, Pater and Mater).

  • @carloscarrillo4849
    @carloscarrillo4849 Před 6 měsíci

    Amen brother

  • @randumgaming
    @randumgaming Před rokem +3

    I have a small correction for the beginning of the video where you made the distinction against cannibalism. You say it's not cannibalism because we don't consume, or it doesn't contain red/white blood cells, plasma, etc., but go on to talk about the Blood of Christ we consume in the form of wine. That is not why it's not cannibalistic. Consuming Christ's body and blood isn't cannibalistic because, in order for something to be considered cannibalistic we'd have a couple features present:
    1) We'd be consuming dead flesh. Any time a person eats an animal, or in this instance another person, consuming their flesh is always removing the flesh from the living source which means the flesh is dead. A steak, for example, no matter how fresh, is not a living cow.
    2) We'd be removing something from Christ if He had human limitations and we were consuming His human body alone. Like with a person or an animal, when we eat their flesh they lose something; a limb, a chunk, and organ, etc. With Christ this is not the case. God isn't lesser for us consuming His flesh.
    I feel these things are important to point out, but as always, great video my friend!

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +4

      While your points add to my point, my point is not inaccurate. Cannibalism is simply the practice of eating the flesh of one's own species. This is why I highlight that we are not “literally” eating Christ’s flesh in the sense of consuming the natural traits of the flesh of someone in our own spices. This is because the accidents of bread and wine remain. But due to Transubstantiation, we are partaking of the Lamb of God in a real and substantial way. @reasonandtheology speaks on this too:

    • @randumgaming
      @randumgaming Před rokem +2

      @@TheJewishCatholic Yes, I was speaking to the part where you talked about us not consuming blood cells and plasma as an argument against cannibalism specifically. This is really confusing for people when you go on then to talk about us consuming Jesus body and *blood*. I imagine that those all would be involved in His blood, so to say we don't but we do is a bit confusing.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +3

      @@randumgaming I suppose this is why we call this a great mystery

    • @randumgaming
      @randumgaming Před rokem +2

      @@TheJewishCatholic Very true! I recently watched your video on your daily prayer routine and was really loving that. Thanks for making the content you do, man. It's a pleasure to watch and learn about. God bless!

    • @39knights
      @39knights Před rokem

      I have no problem calling our practice of the Eucharist 'cannibalism'; especially if it re-enforces the realism of the Presence of Jesus in what was simple bread and wine. Just as after the visions given to Peter to prepare him for the meeting with the gentile Cornelius, we are reminded not to call what God has made clean, unclean.
      When Adam and Eve had children, then who did their children marry and have their own children with if not the incestrous joining of brothers with sisters. However it was not considered 'incest' until God forbade the practice for whatever reason. In likewise manner, cannibalism is the dis-ordered (the forbidden) practice of eating the flesh of one's own species. Perhaps the specific fact that 99% of cannibalism (where it was or is practiced) involves the killing/murder of the unwilling victim; and usually for dis-ordered diabolic intentions.
      In the case of the Eucharist there are important differences which makes this type of 'cannibalism' not dis-ordered include:
      1) we are partaking in Christ's living resurrected flesh.
      2) Christ is a willing victim.
      3) we can do so without killing Jesus.
      4) it is commanded by God who cannot command evil/sin
      5) the intention is not diabolic
      Keep the Faith.

  • @kevincrandall2751
    @kevincrandall2751 Před rokem +2

    Leaving the Eucharist for Protestantism is an infinite downgrade.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      Without liturgical sacrificial worship, Protestantism generally doesn’t have altars so not “church”, more like a synagogue with prayer & teaching.

    • @ingridprior1337
      @ingridprior1337 Před 2 měsíci

      Obviously Jesus words, "this is my body" should be taken symbolically because it falls within a long list of symbolic statements Christ said: "I am the bread," (John 6:41), "I am the vine," (John 15:5), "I am the door," (John 10:7,9), "I am the good shepherd,"(John 10:11,12), the lamb, the lion, the bright morning star, the living stone 1 Peter 2: 4-8, bridegroom, the gate (John 10:9), Horn of salvation, Fountain of living water, The first fruits (1 Cor: 15:23), tabernacle (9:11), Tree of life, Head of the body, Lily of the valley, manna from heaven, Temple (John 2:19)

  • @Junnelayos
    @Junnelayos Před 4 měsíci


  • @anthonycastan524
    @anthonycastan524 Před měsícem


  • @rdubstrebol
    @rdubstrebol Před rokem

    Great video. I just finished a formation class on the real presence of God in the eucharist. How can the Jewish teachings regarding not consuming blood be overcome in favor of Christ's instruction to drink of his blood?

    • @SaintCharbelMiracleworker
      @SaintCharbelMiracleworker Před rokem +2

      I asked this same question and Daniel answered it, look in his channel for the video titled - The Eucharistic Covenant - SOUNDBITES | Gabriel X Charles

    • @MidnightIsolde
      @MidnightIsolde Před rokem +1

      Try reading Brant Pitre's book, The Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. It answers a lot of this

  • @makalikasan3339
    @makalikasan3339 Před rokem

    Just to share maybe it will help. You may check how St. Padre Pio and St. Faustina were able to help a blind Jew and another Jew who have difficulty dying.

  • @luissalazar6960
    @luissalazar6960 Před 4 měsíci

    The main problem about undestanding Eucharist is the word "Memorial" , Evangelicals believe it is only something to remember while the Jews meaning for "Memorial" is to live again the event, is to connect the present with the past.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před 4 měsíci

      Through these memorials, we become almost time travelers by taking part in a real way in a “past” event.

    • @luissalazar6960
      @luissalazar6960 Před 4 měsíci

      @@TheJewishCatholic Right, also Purgatory and the Pray to Saint concepts already existed in the time of Jesus. I think Messianic Christians have better knowledge than Evangelicals and Protestants about Primitive Christians.

  • @soteriology400
    @soteriology400 Před rokem +1

    If I hold a picture of a friend, and say this is my friend. Are you going to talk to the picture like it is a person? Of course not. When Jesus said “This is my body”, He was using the natural to describe what was about to happen spiritually that day (in the hebraic calendar). The apostles then passed it around and took pieces of it. This reflects what happened spiritually at the cross that same day. “Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit”. Now one becomes born again into the body of Christ (corporate body), John 3:8.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem

      I get what you are trying to say, but Scripture, history and theological reasoning deny such a claim. For starters, when Christ talk about symbols, He always explained their meaning (either publicly or privately). Example: “I am the Door”. He tells us He is the door, not that he is a door. Clearly symbolic. In John 6, he tells us to consume the “bread which comes down from heaven”. Then He explains “and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh”. He doubled down on this to the point that many of His followers abandoned Him. They would not have walked away over symbolic language. There is nothing hard about symbols when these folks had already given up the comfort of their homes and even necessities such as food just to follow Him. Next, Paul recalls in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30 that we partake of Christ’s body and that those who unworthily partook without “discerning the body” ended up getting sick and some even died; no one dies over a symbol. Moving on, the earliest believers also recognized Holy Communion as not only Christ’s body and blood but also, that this is how we partake of His Sacrifice (Didache, St Ignatius of Antioch, St Iranaeus, etc.). Finally, for this to be a real sacrifice, and the fulfillment of the Pascal sacrifice, it, by necessity, must be more than a mere symbol. On top of that, as with the Pascal sacrifice, we are to consume the flesh of the Lamb.
      There is a reason all Christians understood this and one can only see that heretical, “it’s only a symbol” argument, after the Protestant Revolution. Just something to consider.

    • @soteriology400
      @soteriology400 Před rokem +1

      @@TheJewishCatholic Even the veil was referred to as His flesh. Does this mean we are to eat it? Of course not. I think you are grossly mistaken that Christ always explained it. Why do you think the disciples asked Jesus why He spoke it parables? Some asked to please explain it.
      I have a video on John 6:65, there is more to this.
      Jesus was definitely using the natural to describe the spiritual that day.
      I am more interested in dialogue, and not your debate tactics. Ok?
      I don’t agree with your approach btw, to say history has always believed this or taught this is really sticking your neck out. Does God want you to rely on others, or be diligent to study? (Hebrews 11:6).

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem

      @@soteriology400 He never called His flesh the veil. I provided you with enough to see that Scripture, History and theological reasoning all agree with what the Church teaches. As for you, I’m not asking you to believe me. You will, at the end of the day, believe whatever you think is true. In this case, you are wrong… but I can’t convince you.

    • @soteriology400
      @soteriology400 Před rokem

      @@TheJewishCatholic It says;
      “by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭20‬ ‭
      That is where I was coming from.
      Also in Hebrews 11:6, it says;
      “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      I encourage you to dig deeper. Again, I have a video on this. I am more convinced by Gods word than modified history done by a man trying to centralize power around himself. Many have been fooled, including you. When I read history, I do so with great level of discernment. Most do not exercise discernment, they gobble it up like it’s cotton candy with no discernment whatsoever.
      Ignatius of Antioch and Irenaeus are not reliable sources at all. That is a part of your problem. I have a video on Ignatius of Antioch and a little on Irenaeus. Ignatius’ writings has a long and short version. That alone raises a bright red flag. Only 7 of his letters are accepted as not modified. But when reading the letter to Polycarp, at the end there is writing about Polycarp? A letter to Polycarp about Polycarp? Something is not right. Irenaeus claims John was alive until Trajan. Problem is, Matthew 23:38 was fulfilled on Tishri 5, of AD73, just a few years after the temple was destroyed. John could not have been around walking on the earth after that, since he was a part of the house of Israel. Either Irenaeus lied and was trying to climb the corporate ladder within the church, or his writing(s) has been modified.
      If you are not willing to watch my videos on John 6, that is fine. But I read what you had to say, and I tell you the truth, there is more to this.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem +1

      @@soteriology400 again, if that’s what you see, that’s on you. I will side with Christ’s Church and the knowledge has has been passed to us in Scripture and a sacred Tradition. You assume that if I don’t agree with you that I am uneducated. I challenge you to take your own advice and dig deeper.

  • @BryanKirch
    @BryanKirch Před 2 měsíci +1

    Look up Eucharistic miracles it’s always AB blood type

  • @adrianng2280
    @adrianng2280 Před rokem

    I would like to get your insights as a Jew if you believe Jesus celebrated the Last Supper on the same day that the Jews celebrated the Passover or earlier. The issue is John 19:14 identification of the Day of Preparation. Thanks in advance.

  • @janettedavis6627
    @janettedavis6627 Před 5 měsíci

    The Pearl of Great Price.

  • @acast4446
    @acast4446 Před rokem

    Me gustaría ver estos vídeos en español, pues no entiendo inglés

  • @Joliebebe2001
    @Joliebebe2001 Před rokem +1


  • @ChristianConservative639
    @ChristianConservative639 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Matthew 4:4: “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
    John 6:63: “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”
    Jesus is telling us to believe in Him, not through ritual, but with our hearts. We must “consume” him in a spiritual sense, not in a physical ritualistic sense.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před 11 měsíci

      Out of context.
      1) That is referring to natural bread/food. Where Christ is telling us “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is MY FLESH.”” John‬ ‭6‬:‭51‬ ‭He defines what He means by “bread”.
      2) That verse is referring to OUR flesh. It would not only be completely schizophrenic of Him to make a huge deal about consuming His flesh to then claim it is unprofitable, but it would also be heretical to assume the point of the incarnation and his bodily sacrifice were all performed by His unprofitable flesh.
      It is clear that He meant what He said and said what He meant. This is why many of His followers were scandalized and “After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.” John‬ ‭6‬:‭66‬ ‭
      Additionally, if it was symbolic then St. Paul would have never claim that “For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬-‭30‬
      Be Catholic. Partake of the heavenly banquet.

    • @ChristianConservative639
      @ChristianConservative639 Před 11 měsíci

      @@TheJewishCatholic He is not referring to our flesh, He is speaking in metaphor about His flesh. Jesus would not say our flesh profiteth nothing because it’s obvious that consuming flesh is cannibalism.
      The point of the gospel of John is to demonstrate Jesus’ divinity and so He uses multiple “I am” statements and metaphors to convey that. Jesus explains to the Samaritan woman that whoever “drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst” (John 4:14). Right before He says this though He mentions, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again,” (John 4:13). He echoes this same message in John 6. He is not speaking of giving the Samaritan woman physical water to sustain her, just as He explains later to “Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life,” (John 6:27). John 6:47: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.”
      Jesus is stressing the importance of believing in His word when it comes to attaining eternal life. Do not consume the physical for everlasting life, consume His “meat” (His Word) instead. We are saved by His Grace through faith in Him and His Word (The Holy Bible) for His glory alone. Please read the gospel of John, then reread it, then dissect it.
      I know your heart is hardened against Protestant belief given your upbringing, but please listen to men like John MacArthur and Todd Friel on true Protestantism instead of disregarding it because it has “so many denominations.” I promise to delve into Catholic belief as much as I can as well to make it fair to you.

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před 11 měsíci

      @@ChristianConservative639you seem to think I am new to the Scriptures and to the interpretation provided by Protestantism (which varies between what group you ask). It seems you think I am unfamiliar with folks like John MacArthur, or párchala John Piper. I am well acquainted.
      Unfortunately, this idea that this was all metaphorical is not only a novel idea but it is heretical. It contradicts God’s pattern of sacrifice and worship through history, it contradicts the clear words of Christ, it contradicts the words of the Apostles, it contradicts the Apostolic Fathers and their successors.
      I recommend you take a look through history and see what it is that the earliest Christians believed. I also recommend the book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist”.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      The Catholic Church teaches the Truth that Jesus taught in Jn 6 51-58 which you are free to accept or reject at your peril. Read also 1 Cor 10 16-17 & 1 Cor 11 23-27. I
      To preempt the usual knee jerk response, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is an unbloody REPRESENTATION of Calvary NOT a resacrificing as Protestantism incorrectly claims.
      Also Mal 1:11 with gentiles offering pure sacrifice in all places at all times. The CC offers Mass daily in most parishes around the world. As Protestantism, generally, doesn’t believe in sacrificial worship Jn 6 51-58, they have no altars & no liturgical worship so no “church”, more like a synagogue with prayer & teaching.
      The words “daily bread” in the Lord’s Prayer, in their original language mean supernatural bread ie the Eucharist. Research Eucharistic miracles that science can’t explain, same AB blood type and living heart tissue. Luther believed in the Real Presence
      O Ye of little Faith! For those with Faith, no explanation is necessary & for others, no explanation is possible! Try believing & understanding will follow, but not the reverse

  • @robertparsons313
    @robertparsons313 Před rokem

    Where is Jesus other than in the Eucharist on the altar? Is he not present with us at other times? If so, is he "more" present in the "Most Holy Eucharist" then he is elsewhere?

    • @TheJewishCatholic
      @TheJewishCatholic  Před rokem

      Dig into the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You’ll get a better answer than the CZcams comment section

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      Jesus is with all of us at all times, but is especially present in the Tabernacle of Catholic Church & is the reason that people feel a “presence” when they go before the Tabernacle. Try it!

  • @abrahamphilip6439
    @abrahamphilip6439 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Ye are saved by Grace through Faith
    GRACE : The Communion, entirely of him,
    FAITH : The Communion received through Faith , by each individual receiving it , for it to Transubstanciate,
    Give unto God what is to God-- FAITH ,without which it is not possible to please God, & if God be not pleased there would be no Transubstanciation to the saving,
    Priets/Bishops/Pope Consecrate & administer it , For Satanits or those not worthy of it , the bread remains as bread , cause they received it not in Faith ,
    Nevertheless Faith has its works within is but to know what specifically constitute the Faith,

  • @biblealone9201
    @biblealone9201 Před rokem +1

    Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me.". Things seemed to be going pretty well. That is until Jesus said “For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood,dwelleth in me, and I in him.” This was too much for many of his disciples and “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” Jesus turns to the 12 and asks, “Will ye also go away? Vs 61, Jesus did not back down, for He said, "Does this offend you?" it offends protestants. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
    Romans 14:5One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
    Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil.
    For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
    because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.
    Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.
    Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      What is your point?

  • @_eemjee_
    @_eemjee_ Před 6 měsíci

    it hits different when a Jewish became Catholic ❤✝️🙏

  • @johngitiri5566
    @johngitiri5566 Před 5 měsíci

    So what does the taking of the holy eucharist do to the believer?

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      One receives grace, provided that one is free of mortal sin, ie in a state of grace to receive more grace, which is like electricity, though a poor analogy

  • @junacebedo888
    @junacebedo888 Před 4 měsíci

    I like the Jewish tradition of actually taking home the sacrificial lamb to eat it. Jesus is the Lamb of God

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Před 5 měsíci

    Why does Rome keep the (wine) blood of communion from its laity?
    Much more then, *being now justified by his blood* we shall be saved from wrath through him.
    {Romans 5:9}
    And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white *in the blood of the Lamb*
    {Revelation 7:14}
    And they overcame him *by the blood of the Lamb* and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    {Revelation 12:11}
    “Whoso eateth my flesh, *and drinketh my blood* hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
    {John 6:64}
    Why? Because they think that they can keep salvation from them.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      That used to be the case more than fifty years ago, for reasons of not spilling His precious blood. But in any event, consuming only His flesh, which contains blood was sufficient. In recent decades, His precious blood has been available for optimal consumption

  • @patriciajohnson1894
    @patriciajohnson1894 Před rokem +1

    The jewish roots are in the Holy sacrifice of the Mass Jewish roots. In he OTestament to - Ntestament

  • @glennmchenry6198
    @glennmchenry6198 Před 5 měsíci

    Context! You must read verses 27-28 before it. It is about being worthy of receiving communion, not acknowledging if it is truely body & blood of Yeshua.
    27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 That is why you should EXAMINE YOURSELF before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 29 For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.
    Unworthy people bring curses upon themselves and their church if they partake unworthily. Probably why the Roman church reeks of paganism and idolatry.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 5 měsíci

      What started as a rational statement degenerated into typical Protestant prejudice & bias.

  • @gabriel.stcharles
    @gabriel.stcharles Před rokem

    I see somebody's got the same pop filter as I did :D