Lolita: Spirit in the Water

  • čas přidán 24. 06. 2014
  • To the people who have shared her years in captivity, who train her, play with her and love her, parting with Lolita, the killer whale who has entertained children and parents at Miami's Seaquarium for the past 25 years, would be heartbreaking.
    To the marine biologists who object to the cramped quarters and lonely life led by this highly intelligent, gentle and emotional creature, Lolita should "call home" and be taught the skills that will permit her to be set free to join other whales and live the rest of her 70-year life potential with her own family.
    Who's right? Watch this extraordinary, prize-winning documentary and judge for yourself.

Komentáře • 45

  • @anitawalsh847
    @anitawalsh847 Před 9 lety +328

    The trainer states that Lolita is so highly intelligent that she remembers signals from years ago. Therefore, she would remember quite vividly her family and the WONDERFUL LIFE THAT WAS TAKEN FROM HER ALL BECAUSE OF GREED.

  • @kathrynhettinger1321
    @kathrynhettinger1321 Před 9 lety +126

    This poor girl, out of the need to socialize, has learned the dolphin's language. She also lives in the smallest tank in the world. It's so sad.

  • @whatahandful
    @whatahandful Před 9 lety +140

    Her trainer is selfish. She only wants Lolita in captivity because it fulfills her own need of happiness. I bet if Lolita could speak she would want to be free in the ocean with her family. Not alone and bored in a bathtub. The aquarium just uses her, she's a tool for ticket sales. The kidnapped her and overpower her. It's really sad.

  • @CT97559
    @CT97559 Před 9 lety +74

    This is even worse than Seaworld, that poor whale is all by herself and lonely in that poor pool, with no family no interaction with other whales or anything.

  • @soharbennett4487
    @soharbennett4487 Před 10 lety +116

    I think it's disgusting to keep a whale in captivity!

  • @RR1284
    @RR1284 Před 9 lety +85

    u have no idea how amazing it is to see these animals in the wild. Thats where they belong - in the wild. Whales in the wild live over 100 years - google granny from the Jpod.

    • @RR1284
      @RR1284 Před 9 lety +18

      I wonder where this trainer is today, this is obviously an old video, but Lolita flew to miami from seattle, AS A CHILD, so Im certain she will survive flying back home, especially now with all the technology and treatment we have, people lets not be idiots. She belongs in Seattle in the PUGET SOUND with her POD!

  • @remedykiua
    @remedykiua Před 10 lety +22

    Thank you for posting this. I recorded this when I was a kid and watched it over and over again. Back then my views on animals in human care was very different than now, so it's interesting to look back on this with that new, more informed, perspective.

  • @carliemariebeal1691
    @carliemariebeal1691 Před 9 lety +39

    Yes, it may be heart breaking, but think of her for once!!! Free Lolita!! Release her from prison!!

  • @catlover5654
    @catlover5654 Před 9 lety +28

    Lolita celebrated her 50th birthday this year. We know for certain that her mother is L25, also known as Ocean Sun. The Miami Seaquarium also keeps 15 Bottlenose Dolphins and 5 Pacific White-Sided Dolphins. The Bottlenose Dolphins at the Miami Seaquarium are known as J.J., Samantha, Noel, Sundance, Ripley, Panama, Indigo, Echo, Skye, Star, Bimini, Onyx, Denise, Abaco and Croix. The Pacific White-Sided Dolphins are Loke, Li'i, Liko, Munchkin and Ohana. I believe that Lolita is the oldest Killer Whale in captivity. The second oldest is Corky II living at SeaWorld San Diego. She is 49. Sadly, SeaWorld San Diego just recently bred a new calf that was born December 2, 2014. She was born to Kalia and Ulises. SeaWorld San Antonio had a birth last year. It's a shame that they are just breeding more. Center for Adaptation of Marine Mammals in Russia had a birth last year. Moscow Dolphinarian and Aquarium also had a birth last year. Kamogawa SeaWorld in Japan had a calf two years ago. Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium in Japan had a Killer Whale birth two years ago. Loro Parque in Spain had a birth 4 years ago. I'm absolutely amazed that Lolita has lived to be 50. She is the oldest Orca in captivity that I know of. The oldest Orca at Loro Parque is 19 and his name is Keto. Marineland Antibes has Freya, a 34-year-old Orca. That's actually very old for an Orca in captivity. How is it that Lolita has survived so long? Maybe it's her genetics. Corky II being 49 is also amazing. The oldest Orca at SeaWorld San Antonio is 23 and his name is Kyuquot. SeaWorld states that the lifespan of Killer Whales is only 20 to 30 years. Dominance is never the answer. Building a real relationship requires respect and understanding, never dominance.

  • @ShadowLightMewEndlessOceanMew

    This is the first documentary/movie about Lolita (as far as i have seen and heard) that actually allows the people that work or worked with her to speak and be heard. I said for years she should be retired to a sea pen, hear her family and then join them but now i'm doubting. I mean she isn't young anymore, probably can't have a calf of her own anymore either. Will she still be fit enough to get past the sea pen stage ya know? We all wish a happy ending for her here and not some tragedy. People who will take on the project will hopefully take it nice and slow with her and not rush to get her into the ocean. As for miami seaquarium, they really should have expanded her pool which was freaking possible! They were like "we don't have the money" and yet they expanded their dolphin habitats to which my reaction was the following: WHAT!!! Seriously they claimed not to have the money and then they go do all that stuff......If i had been the owner and wanted to expand, the orca stadium would have been 1st priority end of story!!! But if i seriously had been the owner then i wouldn't have laughed into the faces of all those people who care for Lolita and fight for her. I would have said "lets work together for Lolita's sake" ya know cause i love animals, heck i love them more than humans. I just wish for a safe future for Lolita (real name Tokitae). A future in which she will live in a much bigger and healthier place with (hopefully) others of her own kind, even if it ends up being in human care which doesn't necessarily mean a park but a place like those locations where people care for dolphins and let them swim in ocean waters. I keep on forgetting what they are called but that would be ideal cause then she can freely explore and still be able to seek out human contact if she wants. Its just an idea, in the end i won't be the one deciding what happens to her but i can at least hope.

  • @ginasequeira6431
    @ginasequeira6431 Před 10 lety +36

    Great documentary! When you see and hear wild orcas in person or in documentaries you will know how different, rich & complex Lolita's natural family life is, filled with language, love, and freedom to roam as top predators of the sea who stay together for life!
    Trainers come and go, they do not speak orca and are a poor substitute for her real family who never leave her side her entire life. How can they claim they love her when they deprive her of her family? When she has no company most of her day? What family values are we teaching our children here? She is obviously going crazy from being stuck in prison 44 years without them.
    I see no education in orca and other cetacean prisons except they TEACH adults and children 2 major lessons.
    LESSON 1: DOMINATION - it is OK for us to enslave, dominate, degrade the majestic stature of wild cetaceans to circus clowns, and traumatize highly intelligent emotional sentient creatures of nature by kidnapping them from their mothers and family who they remain with in the wild for life. Domination is achieved by food deprivation. In training and in a show, if an orca performs the "wrong" behavior, no whistle, no food. Operant conditioning learning is exploited by trainers to dominate animals by forcing them to work for food. Trainers force Lolita and other dolphins to perform unnatural senseless behaviors out of context, driving them crazy to psychosis from isolation and no opportunity for natural communication by sonar from living in concrete walls that make sonar impossible, so she can't use it and lives in silence, alone without her orca family to talk to. Hugo her only companion committed suicide in their prison 34 years ago. Taking away her sonar language AND her family is very cruel and unimaginable sensory and emotional deprivation for orca and other cetaceans alike.
    LESSON 2: NO RESPECT - it is OK for us to have no respect for wild animals, for nature, by putting whales and dolphins in lifetime isolation and prison, taking away their families and sonar communication forever, the two most important elements of their complex social lives. Dr Ingrid Visser, orca biologist talks about what Miami Seaprison calls "education" on CZcams: A Day in the Life of Lolita (
    Releasing Lolita to a sea pen would be easy because 1) her family is waiting right in Puget Sound for everyone to visit via kayaks, on land, and whale watching trips, and 2) by some miracle she is physically healthy for now. However her mind continues to deteriorate as seen from her abnormal or stereotyped behaviors, e.g. lying motionless in the pool, and tantrums, signs of psychosis from prison life.
    It's all about money, there is neither education nor conservation in orca prisons, only torment for an orca. If people stop buying tickets to watch cetaceans being abused, treated like performing clowns for our viewing "pleasure", and worked until they die there, they wouldn't be in prisons. Don't buy a ticket and help Lolita get out of living hell, so she won't die soon in prison. Give her freedom. She can easily be reunited with her family that she remembers.

  • @gwellsify
    @gwellsify Před 10 lety +60

    .It doesn't make the slightest difference how much the trainers love her, they are not her family, obviously, she should not be in such a small tank and she should be with other orca, but how can you put another orca in there. Is that why Hugo killed himself?? You are dominating the whales, that is how they came to be there, as with circus's in the 60's and 70's people went to circus's to see people dominate a wild predator, lions, tigers, elephants and killer whales. Today we have TV, video, internet, youtube, underwater cameras there is no need for the circus anymore and this should NEVER have happened Killer Whale Captures.
    Imagine if you were an orca in a tank like Lolita, Tilikum, Kshamenk, Kiska, Freya, Bingo etc - imagine never surfing a wave, rubbing on stones, playing in the kelp, slamming a school of herring, or even eating a live fish. Can you call that right?
    This is Ocean Sun, Lolita's mom she is 86 and Lolita needs to go home whilst she is still there or one day she will be at the bottom of the tank dead Ocean Sun

  • @jennsbma1
    @jennsbma1 Před 9 lety +55

    I hate that it has taken this long but i think the public is finally realizing that keeping these animals in captivity is not right. Lets hope this is the beginning to an end, sad it has taken so long 😞

  • @PaytonIsNotThatCool
    @PaytonIsNotThatCool Před 9 lety +38

    "Its a scary thing to do, and number one it has never been done before. And she is not an experimental guinea pig."
    Are you kidding me? There is a first for EVERYTHING. SET LOLITA FREE!

  • @carolhulbert6881
    @carolhulbert6881 Před 9 lety +37

    I didn't have to watch this to know what's right, good God. That "POOL" isn't much bigger than you'd find at a hotel and now, she's been enslaved there, ALONE, for 43 years. This is one of the most sickening abominations of someone's LIFE, a LIFE she had every right to live with her family, in her natural surroundings as she was meant to. I don't give a crap how much "fun" her trainers think she's having with them, she'd rather be with her family, they are all she has; as with all animals, they have no voice or choice. How many Orca died when Lolita was caught? Six, I think? Wonder why. If you've never seen an Orca capture, it's quite traumatizing. The trainer says freeing an Orca has never been tried before....and so? She damn sure deserves the chance, her family is out there. Those who would seek to keep her captive, from whatever kind of greed, are just that, greedy. It was never YOUR life to screw with. FREE LOLITA

  • @WyldThomasam02
    @WyldThomasam02 Před 9 lety +26

    free lolita

  • @peaceworld1924
    @peaceworld1924 Před 9 lety +11

    As beautiful as the name....
    But no one can see how much she miss the wild (family)...
    That is her true nature being in wild....
    Anyone cannot blame them if anything bizare happen to human, b'cause human who is starting to catch and 'jail' them....
    Even with the care given, it's still not the same as be with the family....
    We love and comfortabel to live among our family, especially animal are live in groups and depent on each other.....that is NATURE....
    PLEASE understand that....HUMANITY to animal.....

  • @allysonmessina1785
    @allysonmessina1785 Před 9 lety +21

    She should not have been taken away from her home for peoples entertainment in the first place, I understand you want to educate people, but that is not the way to go.

  • @lolitatokitae8333
    @lolitatokitae8333 Před 9 lety +15

    Be the voice of Lolita Tokitae to the "Miracle March for Lolita" in Miami (Florida) January 17, 2015! She needs us !!
    This will be an historic day. Together to free a tortured soul of 44 years, who has been segregated from her family and her environment that she has a right to be. We stand to Free Lolita, a captured, tortured, intelligent, family oriented being who has earned her right to be released back to the waters and family that she came from. She calls out daily to her family and hears no response, but everyday for 44 years she has called out waiting for the response to come. We are going to be that response for her on January 17th, 2015. It will be a day to show the world and nation that we are strong in numbers, it will be a day that we can gather, have a festival in Lolita's name.
    Follow the link below to her re-enter plan, it is a solid plan and she is in remarkable health, all others captured during the siege on the Puget Sound in Washington all dead except for her. Lolita (Tokitae) is in this world to teach humanity a lesson on kindness, love, tolerance and respect for all species and their domains. To come together to be her voice and to stand for a non-human person so special that she can touch your heart and soul.
    Please be a part of this history with us. Let us stand together united and strong in our commitment for Lolita! and in future for all captive orcas and dolphins .....

  • @W4RJ
    @W4RJ Před 9 lety +27

    Join the March For Lolita Saturday January 17, 2015 at the MIami Seaquarium, Miami Florida. Take the Pledge: Don't buy a ticket to a dolphin show.

  • @aahleybigelow7403
    @aahleybigelow7403 Před 10 lety +33

    Are u still telling me they haven't release lolita to the freedom sea ? After all this time if so this is like prison

  • @NorrieOrca
    @NorrieOrca Před 9 lety +12

    39:17 Then what the hell is he doing taking his kid the aquarium then?

  • @Shelley2509
    @Shelley2509 Před 9 lety +13

    I wonder why he continued to capture them. They should be free. Her vet copped out!

  • @chrissclafanipersonal9396
    @chrissclafanipersonal9396 Před 10 lety +3

    Great vidieo

  • @kelly27240
    @kelly27240 Před 9 lety +23

    One of my friend's works at Sea World and she told me that they will never release Lolita, because she pays the bills.

  • @DJ-vw8jj
    @DJ-vw8jj Před 9 lety +4

    Didn't tilikum from sea world also survive from that capture?

    • @4theOrcas
      @4theOrcas  Před 9 lety +19

      No, he was caught in Iceland.

  • @bttrflykiss7701
    @bttrflykiss7701 Před 9 lety +2

    Sorry, but, he's catching live fish, and putting them in ice water, to help a dolphin? I would love to help the dolphins, too, but isn't he abusing the fish? Do the ends justify the means?

  • @Tili4ever
    @Tili4ever Před 10 lety +12

    We are not dominating whales as Ric and other activists say in the film. If we acted with dominance on these animals, we would use much forceful training methods, and not operant conditioning (positive reinforcement).

    • @janhayashi729
      @janhayashi729 Před 10 lety +31

      I think not feeding them if they don't perform is classified as a "forceful training method."

    • @gwellsify
      @gwellsify Před 10 lety +8

      what do you think conditioning is??

    • @kathrynhettinger1321
      @kathrynhettinger1321 Před 9 lety +17

      In a way they do. They make them dependent on the dead fish, and in order to get those fish they must obey.

    • @AnimalLeftist
      @AnimalLeftist Před 9 lety +15

      Food is the ultimate "dominance", or didn't you know that?

    • @brucecrocker7893
      @brucecrocker7893 Před 9 lety +14

      Tili4ever....If you are not dominating them, what are you doing? If holding them captive in conditions which are so far removed from their genetically disposed lving conditions, I would be loathe to experience what YOU call dominating. Shackles around their pectoral fins chained to the gates of their prison cell? Keeping them in "body tanks" except when, I guess according to you, they call out "Please, please, let me entertain your paying guests so that you can throw me some of those delicious dead fish that I have come to die for!! I live to entertain you...that is my life's goal... to "jump" and "cavort about your little bathtub!"?" If not dominating them, pray tell this ignorant cetacean activist, what ARE you doing to them? " Operant conditioning (postive reinforcement)" you say! Hmmm! I believe that actually translates into "if you do as I want you to do, I will reward you". If you don't do what I want you to do, well, I'll feed you the minimum, but I'll let you know that I ain't too pleased with you!!" We humans do that a lot...specially some spouses. Please me...I'll shine all over you like a Thailand sun in May. Please me not....and you get the cold shoulder!" "We don't dominate them" You are either too stupid for words and unable to even define the word "Duh"...or you think that we are!!" Did they ask to be ripped from their family!? Did they ask to be taken and put in a concrete tank!? For the rest of their life!? Did they, at any time, give their consent to be treated in the manner which they are being treated? I'm have pushed one of my buttons!! "We don't dominate them!! In a pig's eye!!