"In my defenselessness my safety lies."

  • čas přidán 10. 01. 2024
  • 1/11/24 - The main points regarding choosing to be defenseless over being defensive were taken from Lesson 153 in "A Course In Miracles." Because this illusory world we made is rooted in attack, we are always afraid, expecting to be attacked by an angry god or a person outside of ourselves. Our human response is to set up defenses.
    But instead of protecting us, our defensiveness serves as a double threat to us. First it conveys the message that we believe we are weak. Our True Self remains in Heaven where we are invincible and encased in unconditional Love. Perfect Love casts our fear so it is impossible to feel threatened or fearful in Heaven.
    Secondly, our egos tell us to set up manmade defense systems. These defenses will not protect us but will lead us to being even more fearful. We know from our history that anything we set up for protection can be lost, or stolen, or suffer decay, or be overtaken by a bigger weapon. And yet this is what our ego tells us to do. This is the definition of insanity, doing the same failed thing and expecting it to work this time.
    The answer to our safety is being defenseless. This is the strength that recognizes the Christ in us. The only choice we ever make is between His strength and our own weakness, when we think we are apart from Him. His strength sees any attack as a silly game a child might play when he is too sleepy to remember what he wants.
    Paul wrote to the Corinthians that the Lord told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9). To the world, being defenseless will appear weak. To those choosing defenselessness, they have God’s assurance that His Grace and Power will rise up in them.
    Let's take today’s lesson as an invitation to all of us to look past dreams and stop playing childish games. Our function here is to help people wake up to the never-ending joy that awaits them.
    We need no defense because we were created invincible and we are still as God created us. Attack has no meaning for us. It is in defenselessness that we stand secure, serenely certain of our safety. It is in this position of safety that we will bless the world. This is our holy purpose.
    I want to share one of the concluding encouragements from this Lesson in A Course in Miracles. It says this:
    “Let us focus on our defenselessness. We rise up strong in Christ, and let our weakness disappear as we remember that His strength abides in us. He remains beside us through the day, and never leaves our weakness unsupported by His strength. We call upon His strength each time we feel the threat of our defenses undermine our certainty of purpose. We will pause a moment as He tells us, “I am here.”
    May we all remember the presence of Christ in us when we are tempted to defend ourselves. We were given a great example by Jesus when he was undergoing his greatest human challenge leading up to his crucifixion. The Bible tells us that he didn’t defend himself to the political powers who could have released him (Luke 23:9). Jesus didn’t fall for the threat of defending himself, but extended Grace and Forgiveness to everyone. He knew that everyone around him was caught up in believing illusions. We have the same Power in us that was in Jesus.

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