How to Create your own Worst Enemies: A Disney Story

  • čas přidán 12. 12. 2023
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  • @Luks2820
    @Luks2820 Před 6 měsíci +403

    They just had to follow one rule: don't antagonize your fans. Rian Johnson started with this crap, Disney liked the idea, and here we are. Job well done.

    • @Milothemighty10
      @Milothemighty10 Před 6 měsíci +39

      The worst thing about it is that they still continue to do it…

    • @Steel-101
      @Steel-101 Před 6 měsíci +72

      I get so annoyed when some people say that “Rian Johnson is such a talented Director”. OK no he’s not. He’s proven to be a lazy and rude Director. You’re not a mature adult if you put an actual middle finger on your Facebook post for the fans(Fans that have legitimate criticism on the last Jedi). He said in an interview that his intention with every film is to cause a 50-50 split in the audience. In other words he likes to cause contention. That is the worst approach to making a movie. That man deserves no respect.

    • @CommanderPipesMcGee
      @CommanderPipesMcGee Před 6 měsíci +31

      Imagine if Coke called it's consumer base "toxic" after they rejected "New Coke" decades ago... Or same for Pepsi when they released "Crystal Pepsi"... They'd be a pop culture memory by now.

    • @Milothemighty10
      @Milothemighty10 Před 6 měsíci +17

      @@Steel-101Thor made a video called rian Johnson still doesn’t understand why some fans don’t like the last Jedi a few years ago I suggest checking it out. It mentions a lot of the things you listed…

    • @Steel-101
      @Steel-101 Před 6 měsíci +5

      @@Milothemighty10 I appreciate that. I’ll check it out 😎👍🏼

  • @CommanderPipesMcGee
    @CommanderPipesMcGee Před 6 měsíci +149

    Disney, among other companies, somehow believed the loudest voices on Twitter were their audience.
    Their judgment of their fan base was as bad as Admiral Ozells jumping in too close to the Hoth system.

    • @saladin3273
      @saladin3273 Před 6 měsíci +19

      Wish Vader was here to do to Kennedy and Iger like he did to Ozzel

    • @jamesneese7663
      @jamesneese7663 Před 6 měsíci +10

      half true. The issue is that many ppl in power these days ARE from the twitter generation or twitter mobs. Look at Marvel comics....all their major "talent" and management and editorial are all twitter addicts. And (surprise surprise) Marvel comics is still number 1 but the sales are not 1/5 what they used to be and sinking rapidly. But they keep making comics that appeal to the twitter mobs because they keep expecting the twitter mobs to be the new customer/untapped consumer pool. And despite that it never works, they keep on trying to appeal to "modern audiences" rather than the base they have/had....

    • @CommanderPipesMcGee
      @CommanderPipesMcGee Před 6 měsíci +19

      @@jamesneese7663 "modern audiences" should end up as a term in Webster's - a mythical group pandered to despite any evidence of actual existence

    • @kristijan8518
      @kristijan8518 Před 6 měsíci +2

      It's not about Twitter voice. It's about ESG score, environment social governance. That score is important for investments.

    • @gulinp1
      @gulinp1 Před 6 měsíci

      This is what happeneds when you live in bubble of fake world.
      98% of population is straight.
      Most of population, especially outside US still have strong connections with own religious and care deeply about morality.
      Vast majority of people in privacy of their own homes find agressive left agenda irritating and want no part of it, and especially will go into a lenghts to protect own children from degenerative messages Hollywood is trying to share.
      Disney went from morality & stories for family to all out trans/full gay agenda.
      What was last movie you see family with two, straight parents thriving and working together? Probably you haven't in past few years. It's their agenda. They want to destroy traditional family. That's why you need to call CHRISTMAS - "holidays" despite fact you literally celebrate birth of person lot of people consider that date as birth of their God and savior.
      But you are no longer allowed to celebrate CHRISTMAS but you are forced to celebrate their sexuality for whole month. Because it's so damn important for every person to know where person next to him is sticking his penis.... Again, main agenda of left wing always boils down to one thing- immorality and anarchy. Evil can't create, can only corrupt and destroy. You don't have to be religious person to understand that 10 years old girl doesn't have brain capacity developed enough to "decide" is she boy or a girl. You only need to have funcional brain and not be poisened by evil.

  • @kalzium8857
    @kalzium8857 Před 6 měsíci +114

    How Disney screwed up Star wars is kinda an archievment. It is not like that the fanbase hasn't given Disney a chance. I mean look at the box office of TFA.

    • @WrectumTerror
      @WrectumTerror Před 6 měsíci +25

      Agreed, it is honestly impressive. Disney as a whole managed to destroy IP’s that literally printed free money as long as they didn’t piss off their fans. Mediocre fan service would’ve sufficed, the last decade however will go in the history books as how not to run a company.

    • @jedimasterdraco6950
      @jedimasterdraco6950 Před 6 měsíci +14

      Truth be told, I was ready to flip Disney the bird almost from the get-go when they dismantled the Expanded Universe. I saw TFA at my college theatre because it was a free and was intrigued enough by it to at least see Rogue One in an actual theatre. Then for a number of reasons I missed the first couple weeks of TLJ being out, but then I stumble across a video review of it and Disney's reaction to the fan reaction. Last time I saw a Disney movie was Avengers: Endgame, I've pretty much completely cut them out of my life.

    • @ardendragoon
      @ardendragoon Před 6 měsíci +3

      that's the problem. it made that because of pent up demand not quality of film. it convinced them to keep going, ignoring the warning signs, toy sales. merch is a huge part of star wars, if the toys aren't selling, you have a huge problem.

    • @Deuteromis
      @Deuteromis Před 6 měsíci +5

      Yeah, except the problem with TFA is that catered to a specific group of Star Wars fans. And what we got was a New Hope knockoff filled with nostalgia. It was a hollow film....and yet it's the best outta the Sequels

  • @crossfire34
    @crossfire34 Před 6 měsíci +283

    Never in my life have I wanted a company to fail more than Disney. Is that sociopathic? Maybe. But they picked a fight with us and they are currently reaping the consequences.

    • @storyseeker6028
      @storyseeker6028 Před 6 měsíci +37

      Same, I know there are worse companies out there but Disney destroyed so much of what I care about it’s cathartic whenever I hear about them losing money

    • @lasercraft32
      @lasercraft32 Před 6 měsíci +22

      I miss the days when Disney was actually good... Now they don't even pretend to not be scummy.

    • @AndreNitroX
      @AndreNitroX Před 6 měsíci +16

      I like this idea that the people are stronger than the corporation kind of like rebels vs a oppressive empire

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @crossfire34 It is very sociopathic considering they’re not going to die that easily and can redeem themselves. You make it sound like they shouldn’t or don’t deserve to course correct.

    • @rhetro777
      @rhetro777 Před 6 měsíci +2

      they picked a fight with you? tf? lol is this Ron Desantis's account?

  • @Steel-101
    @Steel-101 Před 6 měsíci +137

    The thing is back when Disney first bought Star Wars I didn’t have a negative opinion about it. I really thought that they would create some fun new stories that are on the same level as lion king. It’s just sad that Disney went in this crazy direction. They have a gold mine in their hands and they just refuse to use it properly.

    • @noneyabizness6094
      @noneyabizness6094 Před 6 měsíci +15

      Had* I'm not even sure people would come back if they rolled it all back to 2012 at this point. Been burned far too many times.

    • @michaelknox3715
      @michaelknox3715 Před 6 měsíci +7

      The right creatives could make some good star wars stories. Just look at Respawn and Andor. We need more of those people.

    • @AndreNitroX
      @AndreNitroX Před 6 měsíci +9

      Apart of me was excited for Disney Star Wars like we would even get more animated Star Wars shows and movies. But now I cringe at everything they make

    • @Steel-101
      @Steel-101 Před 6 měsíci +7

      @@michaelknox3715 well here’s the problem. Sure the writing is good but Andor isn’t new. It uses the same Rebels vs Empire idea, which is used by Disney over & over & over. It gets annoying. On top of that the efforts of Andor are made pointless by the messy timeline.

    • @joshuamueller3206
      @joshuamueller3206 Před 6 měsíci +2

      I remember that time. There were some people with apprehensions, but I just thought there would be more animals crammed in. If only that was all they did.

  • @Arkaelov
    @Arkaelov Před 6 měsíci +59

    I remember being genuinely excited when Disney took over, because it meant basically unlimited funding for all kinds of Star Wars. Then I remember them erasing the EU which gutted me, but I still had hope they would use the creative freedom of no EU to do amazing things. The Sequel Trilogy dashed those hopes, and it's just gotten worse as time has gone on.

    • @ghost3337
      @ghost3337 Před 6 měsíci +1

      I gave up as soon as I heard they were scrapping the EU. I never really gave them a chance tbh

    • @saberiandream316
      @saberiandream316 Před 6 měsíci +1

      It's not Star Wars to me without the EU.

  • @genghisgahan9623
    @genghisgahan9623 Před 6 měsíci +9

    This has so many parallels with rings of power and wheel of time: a huge corporation which purchased what it thought was a huge unquestioning ready made market.
    And just like Disney they thought they could just do their own thing and slap a star wars/Tolkien/ wheel of time sticker on it and everyone would just consume.

  • @dereklopez9060
    @dereklopez9060 Před 6 měsíci +90

    The Disney Renaissance was truly peak Disney. The more time goes by, the more I appreciate being born in the 90s.

    • @Milothemighty10
      @Milothemighty10 Před 6 měsíci +2

      The only Disney, I love these days is Walt Disney animation Studios sure they might not get everything tight but at least they’re mostly putting passion and storytelling above mostly everything…

    • @bigboi5545
      @bigboi5545 Před 6 měsíci +3

      After crap like Ralph Breaks the Internet, or Frozen 2, or Strange World, or Wish... even that's heavily debatable.

    • @Milothemighty10
      @Milothemighty10 Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@bigboi5545 I said mostly
      because yes most of those movies you listed I did not like especially Ralph breaks the internet cause I really love the first Ralph movie. I haven’t seen Wish yet, but given its reviews I’m kind of scared to…

    • @joshuamueller3206
      @joshuamueller3206 Před 6 měsíci

      @@bigboi5545Frozen 2 was ... decent. Seemed to have too many characters when at the end of the day it is Elsa's story.

    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 Před 6 měsíci +3


  • @Phillibetrus
    @Phillibetrus Před 6 měsíci +60

    As a Disney fan and a Star Wars fan I was super excited when Disney bought Star Wars. I was most looking forward to things like Galaxy's Edge and the Star Cruiser. Then the sequels happened and they based all their park stuff off those sequels and I couldn't care less.
    What's worse is as a Disney fan and Star Wars fan... Disney has dropped the ball on all fronts simultaneously. It is so sad to see this company go downhill so fast.

    • @Valen-mh9fh
      @Valen-mh9fh Před 6 měsíci +5

      I think this is an element Thor misses in this video.
      All Disney content (core, LucasFilm and Marvel) has gone extreme 'the message' (albeit at differing speeds).
      Parks are underperforming too, Endgame is quite an ironic title in hindsight. No time travel copout here though.

    • @UltraDonny5000
      @UltraDonny5000 Před 6 měsíci +1

      I remember telling my son we would try and go to the Disney's Star Wars attraction after it got built when they bought it.
      Thank goodness he turned against Disney Star Wars by time Galaxy's Edge became a thing.

    • @nathank2289
      @nathank2289 Před 6 měsíci

      Same here. It sounded like easy gold. All they needed was to build Disney Quest 2 with a bunch of Star Wars VR games. Instead we got an overpriced bar and suckass overpriced hotel. HOW DO YOU SCREW IT UP THAT BAD?

  • @FTChomp9980
    @FTChomp9980 Před 6 měsíci +54

    Disney:"Let's make a Sequel Trilogy but throw out Georges Script basically make our own OT."
    Kathleen Kennedy:"I'll do u better make an unlikable Female Character! Who has no flaws and character arc."
    Also Disney:"Let's do it!"
    As a Passionate Star Wars Fan who supports George Lucas Star Wars Disney and Kathleen Kennedy destroyed a Legacy built from the ground up.

    • @daneg
      @daneg Před 6 měsíci +3

      Lucas' "script" was crap. I'm glad they didn't go with it. on the other hand, nothing could have been worse than TLJ for me as a fan. and RoS followed that up with nonsense. they made the Prequel Trilogy look like shakespeare, and I wasn't a fan of the Prequels (i liked the fight scenes and that's about it).

    • @Valen-mh9fh
      @Valen-mh9fh Před 6 měsíci +3

      ​@@danegI've not seen anything comprehensive on Lucas's original ST script, just hearsay and rumours.
      Cam you tell me where it has been discussed in greater depth please?

    • @superspies32
      @superspies32 Před 6 měsíci


    • @InhabitantOfOddworld
      @InhabitantOfOddworld Před 6 měsíci

      Kennedy: "put a chick in it and made her lame and gay"

  • @mutley7773
    @mutley7773 Před 6 měsíci +17

    If my memory serves me well the first thing Disney did was to cancel George's projects when they first took over. The Clone wars was on season 5 and really hitting it's stride but they canned it. The season 6 we did eventually get was just the unfinished season and even season 7 was a shortened season just to setup the Bad Batch.
    They never respected Star Wars as a licence and respected the existing fans even less, they thought they were going to create lots of new fans and would not need us older ones but it didn't quite work out like they thought it would.😄😄

  • @patriciaa65
    @patriciaa65 Před 6 měsíci +14

    I was actually wary when Disney bought Lucasfilm. Especially because Kennedy claimed, “We are gonna come out with a SW movie every year.” And I remember thinking, how can you craft a good story when you churn out movies that fast?
    I hate being right.

  • @eds1942
    @eds1942 Před 6 měsíci +20

    I remember in an interview back around when ESB was released, the question was asked to Lucas about what he felt when Disney approached to buy the rights to Star Wars. He responded with something like this;
    “I’m not going to sell my child over to the Empire to be corrupted by decisions made by suits in some corporate boardroom.”
    So when it was announced that Lucas had sold LucasFilm and the rights to Star Wars over to Disney, my heart sank.

    • @vetarlittorf1807
      @vetarlittorf1807 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Do you have link to that interview?

    • @eds1942
      @eds1942 Před 6 měsíci

      @@vetarlittorf1807 lol
      It’s like ancient history now. When would be nice is if there was a site dedicated to Lucas’ Q&A, interviews, statements and whatnot, like there is for GRR Martin for asoiaf (Game of Thrones) “SoSpakeMartin”. Because it’s a pain to find even partial interviews and quotes from Lucas even since the prequels that aren’t on the bonus disks or over used snippets, often out of context.

    • @superspies32
      @superspies32 Před 6 měsíci

      Its because of toxic OT fans that dead threat him for awsome Prequels. Its those who need to be boycotted first from SW community.

    • @janeenschultz8502
      @janeenschultz8502 Před 6 měsíci +4

      He sold the property because he wanted to spend more time with his family. Kathleen promised him she would take care of Star Wars and we now know she lied.

    • @eds1942
      @eds1942 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@superspies32 It’s exactly like what Janeen said below you. And Lucas had said that in various interviews during the later years (2007, 2008?). It was common knowledge in the fandom.
      Things were picking up for him in the Star Wars franchise and he was starting to get too involved, with the Clone Wars and his own projects and the EU had grown way too big that people began asking him as much questions about that as they were about his stuff. And then he had a new child. And at his age, he would have to pick one or the other. If he picked his work, then he never get to know much about the kid nor the kid, him.
      So he wanted to hand Lucasfilm over to someone else so that he could spend time with his wife and family, his new child and grandkids. Kennedy was his pick for Lucasfilm. She had the business sense (and wanted to do the sequels). And Dave Filoni for handling Star Wars. As he best understood its heart. Though the Disney sell came out of no where for me.
      It had nothing to do with “toxic fans who hated the prequels”. And it’s not like Lucas hadn’t stepped aside for family before. So people need to stop pushing that spew.

  • @johnpoulton9446
    @johnpoulton9446 Před 6 měsíci +33

    Looking back I think in hindsight one of the first signs of this is the cancellation of The Clone Wars in the middle of a story arc. Sure Disney now owned it now so they weren’t going to let Cartoon Network keep it but it sure seems they took the attitude of cancel this and start a new show. It’s Star Wars so the fans will eat it up no matter what. I am convinced the siege of mandalor arc never would have happened if fans didn’t voice their views over a period of those years.

    • @captainvader921
      @captainvader921 Před 6 měsíci +12

      Go back further, I think the first sign was when they explained that they were discontinuing all the expanded universe, renaming it legends, and deeming it no longer canon. That's a great example of Disney doing something, and thinking the fans would be fine with it, because at least they'll release books and comics afterwards, and declare that canon instead. If I'm not mistaken, that was literally the first thing they did after purchasing Lucasfilm

    • @CommanderPipesMcGee
      @CommanderPipesMcGee Před 6 měsíci

      @@captainvader921 go back even further, to Lucas and Iger sitting at that desk after the signing was complete. George had 4 billion plus in his bank, yet he wasn't smiling....
      White slavers

    • @matthewpelletier6900
      @matthewpelletier6900 Před 6 měsíci +4

      ​@@captainvader921 I was actually a fan of their decision to ax the EU, or at least I liked the idea. The idea was that the constraints of the EU Canon were stopping them from being able to tell their stories, like they had been written into a corner before they even started writing, so they came up with a solution. As it turned out, the stories they decided to write with their newfound freedom were mostly not great so perhaps they should've kept the EU around, it might've served as guardrails of a sort.

    • @GreenBlueWalkthrough
      @GreenBlueWalkthrough Před 6 měsíci +3

      Also give EA the sole liscne to make Star wars video games... As much as I liked those games I would have liked it if ther was more publishers like in the old days.

    • @jamesneese7663
      @jamesneese7663 Před 6 měsíci +4

      There is a lot to unpack here. Remember at the time of the purchase, the prequels had a LOT of hate/resentment towards them and countless ppl felt that Mr Lucas reaped (you know the real word they used) their childhoods making the prequels. When Disney took over, notice one of the big things they did was erase all mention/reference to prequel era entirely, focus on the classic era with new animation (Rebels), the SW comics, and novels and it WAS a success at first. Also there was some lingering dislike of CGI cartoons like Clone Wars and the Green Lantern animated series at the time that many fans REFUSED to support, preferring the old hand drawn style.
      And when TFA was a worldwide hit, countless ppl were crowing that SW is saved! Don't underestimate how big TFA was and that it "justified" all of Lucasfilm's decisions from erasing the EU to pretending the prequels never happened. Then TLJ happened and suddenly millions of voices cried out in terror....while the rest were suddenly silent. It was then that the cracks and wtfs became self evident.....but by that point, it was too late and would only get worse until TRoSW crashed and then Lucasfilm was suddenly willing to support the prequels again. Notice for example the original Battlefront 2 ads were all about sequel era but then after the TRoSW debacle, suddenly prequel era content was being pushed and Clone Wars was back on the menu. It was all very deliberate

  • @coreyeatsdetroit9733
    @coreyeatsdetroit9733 Před 6 měsíci +42

    I would happily give back every bit of Star Wars media we've gotten since Disney took over if the franchise could go back to the way it was before they bought it.
    That's basically my head cannon at this point.

    • @jonathanhughes4465
      @jonathanhughes4465 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Think the same thing all the time…

    • @Realzargos
      @Realzargos Před 6 měsíci +1


    • @Leturane
      @Leturane Před 6 měsíci +4

      Delete all Disney related Starwars and very little is lost.

  • @eightnickel1513
    @eightnickel1513 Před 6 měsíci +20

    You can criticize George for the “bad dialogue” and how his vision of Star Wars is opposite to yours all day long, but at least he cared for his fans and what they want. Disney had the keys to the kingdom, but they put the wrong keys in. They could’ve pleased both Disney fans and Star Wars fans, but they made one group angry and the other attacking the ones with opposite opinions. Dividing the fan base at the scale of Star Wars is the worst thing that can happen to a franchise because it’s as hard as impossible to repair the damage, and they haven’t been able to do that.
    Along with Marvel, Star Wars is now just being used for a quick buck and it’s insulting as a fan that they reached that point, where they’re just milking the cow for all its worth. They could’ve been swimming in more money if they made everyone happy. I loved Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, and the old Disney cartoons during my childhood, but it sadly can never be the same again since they killed the interest in all new products with Disney+.

    • @Daniel_Huffman
      @Daniel_Huffman Před 5 měsíci

      While plenty of people still criticize the Prequel Trilogy to this day, George Lucas still had the decency to not use that to justify bullying the fans. In fact, there were plenty of reviews from when they came out that praised _TPM,_ calling it a worthy addition to the franchise.

  • @AndreNitroX
    @AndreNitroX Před 6 měsíci +11

    I love what you said about the sith being counter productive instead of following the light and attaining eternal life as a force ghost they would rather destroy themselves and everything around them for a goal they can never reach. Disney lost me as a loyal customer they say they decided to vilify me and my fellow fans.

  • @emberfist8347
    @emberfist8347 Před 6 měsíci +29

    Should have just used George's outline. Even if people end up hating that, they had a fallback option there.

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci

      What fallback option? Shifting the blame to George if it failed? Using Legends which was never Canon to begin with?

    • @emberfist8347
      @emberfist8347 Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@achaudhari101 Legends was canon.

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@emberfist8347 It really wasn't ultimately. No outdated past quotes or cherrypicking things for the Prequels changes it.

    • @emberfist8347
      @emberfist8347 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@achaudhari101 What do you outdated quotes? Are you just rejecting reality?

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci

      @@emberfist8347 Quotes from the 90's.

  • @dock9626
    @dock9626 Před 6 měsíci +2

    There was a respectful and reverent way for the old to pass the torch to the new. Bold new stories while honoring the past. They CHOSE to not do this. They CHOSE that. "Let the past die, kill it if you have to" was a deliberate and specifically aimed line at the core audience. I don't understand how people can still deny that.

    • @emberfist8347
      @emberfist8347 Před 6 měsíci

      Because it is from a villain. Few take what a villain says at face value or believe they are the author avatar in the film. George even knew this, he added Yoda confirming Vader was Luke’s father because he was told by a child psychologist kids would think it was a lie.

  • @justinthomas7222
    @justinthomas7222 Před 6 měsíci +10

    9:27 I don't think you understand JUST how much money they imagined they could make. Nobody could imagine the amount - not even Disney themselves. All of the money would not be enough for their imagination.

  • @slobiden.2593
    @slobiden.2593 Před 6 měsíci +6

    There’s an untapped idea about the old vs new trilogy.
    The mission briefing scenes. This may sound petty but hear me out.
    Episode IV. We are at Yavin. The entire movies plot was “get this droid to the rebel base, it has the plans”. So it’s all lead up to this point. Now we have our next mission - destroy the Death Star. It’s only because the characters got the plans to Yavin that we have this scene.
    Contrast to episode 7 where no one knew about starkiller base up until 5 minutes ago, and the mish mash plot has us now telling us the goal is to destroy it (I assumed it would last the trilogy). Somehow The resistance has acquired an entire 3d fully interactive schematic and also have fully analysed it and discovered a few well placed shots can eradicate the thing. Even the dialogue, while made to look like they’re improvising literally feels like the writers improvising.
    Empire strikes back has a small one. It’s the Hoth one. Simple and to the point. Given by Leia and it does its job. Contrast that to TLJ where we got…….nothing.
    Literally, nothing. Wait for Rae and also find some guy cause one man we don’t know yet can solve the problem.
    Episode 6 has a similar briefing as 4. Spies brought the plans and now we have a plan. A little too similar to 4. But whatever.
    Episode 9 they again, somehow have a layout of all the star destroyers and what the weak spot is, after not knowing they existed minutes ago.
    When you can’t write better lines than Lucas. Quit your job as a writer.
    This may sound petty but one of my favourite movies is inception and the entire first half is them explaining the rules of the game and the second half is them doing it.
    These scenes are important. Yet they couldn’t do them right at all.
    The prequels only had one scene on Naboo. It explained it properly. Gunfans attack army,Fighters attack mothership. Jedi and small force go after the viceroy. It made sense.

  • @MCsCreations
    @MCsCreations Před 6 měsíci +12

    Change at Disney without change in leadership is impossible.

    • @ian-flanagan
      @ian-flanagan Před 6 měsíci +4

      Maybe leadership change can lead to good SW for super fans. But the casuals are already lost and the brand is tainted. It will never again be what it was, culturally.

  • @babtanian
    @babtanian Před 6 měsíci +10

    The Disney situation is irreconcilable sadly. They are largely incapable of even acknowledging the existence of a problem in their own house, which of course is a necessary prerequisite for change.
    I’d also argue that even if they were capable of change, there’s nobody under their employ to carry it out.

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci

      Yet Marvel is trying to course correct.

    • @howard7073
      @howard7073 Před 6 měsíci

      Sadly, you are correct there’s no going back now. Even if Disney put their hands up and said “we messed this up let’s start again” the problems ingrained in Disney are still there and we’d just get more of the same.
      The only way I can see to save SW is for Disney to sell it to someone who understands it and the fans.

    • @superspies32
      @superspies32 Před 6 měsíci

      ​According to leak from WDW Pro, they terrorized to force those opposed woke idea (coincidentally were ALL talent storywriter, animator, CGI engineer, actors...) to leave Disney. So even when they acknowledge their problem, they had NO ONE left to forge a good story. Those shitty woke storywriter or actors cannot use their brain and if they can, they will use it to make a class action lawsuit against Disney for "enslave" them or trying to forge communism (and this is the insult to Marxism and Communism because the core ideaology is equality for EVERYONE, NOT WOKE). Woke animators or CGI engineer only burn more money for shitty animation or illegally outsource the CGI in Vietnam, India or China and let the film be leaked everywhere.

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci

      @@howard7073 No. This is just you and the OP not thinking logically but using the emotional/defeatist/lazy route. Disney isn't selling Lucasfilm, and they can fix it with new leadership and a new vision. It's about as realistic as saying "Nintendo should just go third party to save themselves. Nonsense.

    • @howard7073
      @howard7073 Před 6 měsíci

      @@achaudhari101 keep posting and maybe Disney will see your inane responses and you’ll get lucky and KK will gob you off.

  • @zacharyclark3693
    @zacharyclark3693 Před 6 měsíci +31

    I find it ironic that Disney Execs wanted to attract more male fans with Marvel and Star Wars, when certain creatives and leaders at Marvel and Lucasfilm really wanted to attract more female fans. Not that you can’t do both, but they’re attempts to make those franchises more appealing to women has not only failed to attract huge female audiences but turned off a lot of their male audience as well. They really failed at consistently telling good stories. Something both men and women want out of our entertainment.

    • @oddmanout8692
      @oddmanout8692 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Its not as if men dont include the women their with or vice versa include the other when going to the movies or watching the tv shows. Duh.

  • @Milothemighty10
    @Milothemighty10 Před 6 měsíci +6

    To somewhat quote shcaffralis productions from his once upon a studio review, “I do my best to separate creative Disney from corporate Disney”. Creative Disney Is the Disney that made all those childhood classic movies that I and other grew up watching like the films from the Disney renaissance and others like Moana and encanto. corporate Disney is the Disney that has the stranglehold on the industry and is responsible for a lot of of the reasons things in not just Star Wars but other big franchises under their belts turn out the way they do. They are the Disney that frankly deserves their failure…

    • @emberfist8347
      @emberfist8347 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Yeah reminds of me of EA. Everyone hates the executives of that company but little hate is given to the actual developers as it is known that EA is a predatory business like Disney.

    • @Milothemighty10
      @Milothemighty10 Před 6 měsíci

      @@emberfist8347 exactly the Jedi games kinda get a bad rap dude to their affiliation with EA. Not that much I haven’t seen that many people complain about them due to their simple affiliation EA but still yes, both Disney corporate and corporate are scum, but I don’t think it’s fair to lump workers who are just doing their job and are genuinely passionate in with them…

    • @Daniel_Huffman
      @Daniel_Huffman Před 6 měsíci

      It's kind of sad that the _Star Wars_ franchise has become an outgrowth of Disney's own stagnation. I don't know about you, but to see Walt Disney's legacy being colored by corporate mandates, agenda-driven policies, and the blatant antagonism towards its own audiences is honestly pretty sad.

  • @YegRon
    @YegRon Před 6 měsíci +29

    I was so pumped when Disney purchased Star Wars. We were going to get more and more movies!! Now, I like others, feel so let down.
    The thing I don’t understand, why buy ‘boy’ brands to expand their business, and proceed to turn them into ‘girl’ brands?

    • @zacharyfett2491
      @zacharyfett2491 Před 6 měsíci +5

      That’s an absolutely brilliant point.

    • @50043211
      @50043211 Před 6 měsíci

      You truly believe that SW has become a "girls" brand? Disney SW is one thing and one thing only, shitty story telling combined with arrogance, nothing more, nothing less. We would kiss Disneys feet if it was a good girls brand! I would not give a flying fuck if all main characters are female as long as the story is good but we dont have that, dont we.

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @ronfalk1175 To answer your last question possibly, it’s likely this was around the time where political landscape was changing during the Obama administration. His influence as well as his twice victories set a groundwork for the diversity side of things (The bad kind) to flourish. Hollywood was definitely one of them.

    • @reeceemms1643
      @reeceemms1643 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Probably to give girls some more idles that aren't in the traditional sense. Strong female characters that can kick but just as well as male characters. Because before this they only had Ripley from the alien franchise. Sarah Connor from Terminator, Leia (when she wasn't a damsel in distress that needed saving) and a few others. Heck even I like strong female characters, probably because I like seeing people break traditional gender rolls.
      Girls need hero that tell them that they can be more than just a damsel in distress.

    • @ladyc1562
      @ladyc1562 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @reeceemms1643 How about creating their own original franchise with their twisted definition of how a strong female character should be instead of alienating an entire fandom that was passionate, long-established and multi-generational (including BOTH male and female fans that were happy enough with the SW heroes they looked up to)? And it's narrow-minded af to assume that girls only look up to female heroes or vice versa. I'm a woman and I've looked up to Luke Skywalker my entire life and absolutely hate Rey and what they did to my hero in the name of their twisted version of feminism. Why did I prefer Luke? Because Luke was a character with personality and humanity, unlike Ms. Rey Perfect.

  • @calvinmatthews1527
    @calvinmatthews1527 Před 6 měsíci +20

    Well said man. It's Disney's own fault things turned out this way for them. I mean good is having all that wealth, resource, & education behind you if you don't think about it? If there was even ONE Disney higher-up who saw your videos, it could change that company for the better.

  • @pyingst
    @pyingst Před 6 měsíci +3

    I was fortunate enough to be able to buy my company from my former boss about eight years ago. At the time I asked him for any final thoughts on how to be ‘successful’ or at the very least not run the company he built into the ground. He gave me some simple advice. Do good work, the money will follow. I’ve lived by that, and sure enough he was right. A simple lesson maybe, but one I think Disney might have needed years ago.

  • @Daemonik
    @Daemonik Před 6 měsíci +6

    I was agnostic about Disney's purchase at the time. They'd made some stuff i liked - Hercules and Lion King, as well as the classics.
    If they'd treated SW & MCU with respect and done them well, I'd be paying for movies, D+ and merch, and being an ambassador for the brand. As it is, they get none of my cash and i don't exactly encourage others...

    • @izanaginomikoto1893
      @izanaginomikoto1893 Před 6 měsíci

      You like Hercules and the Lion King, but those are just two stories out of a ton they took and messed around with and plenty of people gobble up. Same thing is happening now... It is just it someone else going "The Last Jedi is fine and my kids loved cute Leia in Kenobi". It's what Disney has always done. You only see it when it's something you love they screw with, and it supplants the original.

  • @ian-flanagan
    @ian-flanagan Před 6 měsíci +7

    They seem to have got their claws into Doctor Who too, another from my childhood. Definitely distribution, but apparently funding too, which probably means they get “creative” input

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci

      Don’t know about the creative input part.

    • @ian-flanagan
      @ian-flanagan Před 6 měsíci

      @@achaudhari101Fund production and have zero input? Possible, but this is the company that ignored George Lucas in favour of their own ideas. It doesn’t fit the pattern

    • @ian-flanagan
      @ian-flanagan Před 6 měsíci

      @@achaudhari101 Quote from the Doctor Who magazine:
      “Edits of the three 2023 Doctor Who Specials are sent to the BBC and Disney+ for notes.”

    • @achaudhari101
      @achaudhari101 Před 6 měsíci

      @@ian-flanagan Well that was them acquiring a company, this was just taking something that was being shopped around to distribute.

    • @ian-flanagan
      @ian-flanagan Před 6 měsíci

      @@achaudhari101 What is “that” and “this”? It’s the same thing.

  • @istari0
    @istari0 Před 6 měsíci +4

    I was never particularly interested in Disney when I was growing up but I did come to appreciate their animated movies when my children were young and regularly watching them. Now? Well, there are no small number of people who work for or are associated with Disney that I strongly dislike.

  • @clanodekk
    @clanodekk Před 6 měsíci +5

    It's like Jesus said, "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." Selfishness is never the way to true and lasting happiness.

  • @JLEnder
    @JLEnder Před 6 měsíci +1

    It truly is remarkable. In 2014 I was a mega fan. I'd read most of the books, played most of the games, watched everything. Now I won't touch Star Wars unless it's Legends content, and then only if the money isn't going to Disney.

  • @floriskras180
    @floriskras180 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Well said Thor!
    It's mindblowing how much good Star Wars we could have had if Disney just knew how it works. I would had spend hundreds of Euro's on merchandising. It still makes me deeply sad when I think about that. But I also still hoping things will turn around because I simply deeply love Star Wars. That's why I still whatch your channel.
    Star Wars started with a new hope. Hopefully it will come back with a new hope that being what Bob Iger said about entertaining instead of messaging. And Disney will start making great content we can love.
    Still hopefull am I, still afraid of the darkside I must be...

  • @shannonmcelroy8454
    @shannonmcelroy8454 Před 6 měsíci +2

    For a long time, Disney was my biggest gateway to uncovering fantasy and mythology through Walt's insatiable thirst for bringing classics tales and novels back to public consciousness. Now, they've thrown out their building equipment and traded it all for dynamite and kerosene.

  • @lukewilliams8548
    @lukewilliams8548 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Usually when a product isn't selling well, you try to find what customers want and adjust it to that. That seems like a fundamental concept of business that's been used throughout all human history, AND YET...

    • @Mouse_Metal
      @Mouse_Metal Před 6 měsíci

      They don´t care what the customers want. The customers need to be brainwashed into the Cult of W0keness.

  • @GtcoUC
    @GtcoUC Před 6 měsíci +2

    Perfectly articulated. This is exactly how I see things and how they played out.

  • @Unisol542
    @Unisol542 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Thor, thats all true. But you forgot one type of a fan - the one that would have just quietly stopped. It wasn't until Disney and those who worked with them began to actively attack these folks that it was turned into a blood feud.

  • @PsychedelicDude
    @PsychedelicDude Před 6 měsíci +1

    Disney+ (and streaming services in general) should have polls like on youtube with commenting, so fans and viewers can voice what they think.

  • @JimTempleman
    @JimTempleman Před 6 měsíci

    “Stupid is as stupid does” - Forrest Gump

  • @TheTurtlebot
    @TheTurtlebot Před 6 měsíci

    The hondo picture when talking about profit is a nice touch

  • @joshuamininger7745
    @joshuamininger7745 Před 6 měsíci

    Probably the best video essay I have ever heard on the topic! I literally was imagining the Disney execs all sitting around and being forced to listen to it as a way to learn their lesson and turn their company around… Possibly. What a fun fantasy hey? But seriously very well done man.

  • @XLA-zg1nn
    @XLA-zg1nn Před 6 měsíci

    This is why I still come back, great vids like this.

  • @noneyabizness6094
    @noneyabizness6094 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I would still have a Disney+ subscription if they hadn't ruined the sequels. I will never forgive them for TLJ. The destruction of SW IS their legacy, it's already happened.

    • @JenniferSammyrr
      @JenniferSammyrr Před 6 měsíci

      Same!! I will never ever forgive them for what they did to Han and then Luke, making them into incompetent, bitter men. I was excited for the new movies. I thought the first one was fine, the second one was bad, the third was WTF. I also no longer have any interest in Marvel because the stories have been so bad for recent movies. The sad thing is there are so many people who are so knowledgeable and passionate about Star Wars that they could have easily found some writers to create a coherent and compelling trilogy instead of the crap they produced. I don't have any interest in subscribing to D+ mostly because of how they ruined Star Wars.

  • @douglasmyers5239
    @douglasmyers5239 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Thor... to begin I am a little older. When I was 🎉5 ..watching a kids TV show from Philadelphia, called the gene London show.. he would show dozens of clips of Disney movies. My mother's friend won tickets to see Mary Poppins at the world premiere in Washington..and we went..again gene London show was showing , not only Disney , but sci fi movies from the 50s and 60s... so I was hooked..then I was reading sf and loving it..then star wars came, I was 18..and it was everything I had dreamed and read about now feelings about what Disney, and star wars have become...after all my joys of the past...I am very disappointed.. 😢

    • @dbsthumper
      @dbsthumper Před 24 dny

      as a Star Wars OG and fellow Philadelphian(I grew up watching Gene London,Sally Star,Wee Willie Webber,Dr.Shock,etc)I feel your pain... under the current leadership,SW has lost is it's way,there is no joy,wonderment or humor in the present content... to me the Force is Universal neither male nor female,it just is,which involves everything...

  • @solisargregory5609
    @solisargregory5609 Před 6 měsíci

    The last few lines of this video is just damn poetic and true as hell!!

  • @ClanOfTheCrucified
    @ClanOfTheCrucified Před 6 měsíci +4

    I've loved Star Wars since first seeing it in 1977. I've seen all the movies, read most of the books, a bunch of the comics. I've collected toys and other merch like a madman. I was never much into Disney stuff. When Disney bought Lucasfilm, I was conflicted. On one side, I was hopeful for a great future of new books and movies that I could dive into once again. I was also fearful because I didn't want to see Star Wars "Disneyfied" or made super cute and dumbed down. Since then it's been disappointment after disappointment, with the rare exception like Andor. Over the years since Disney took over, I've found my love for the franchise slowly dying. The Lucas era and EU will always be special to me and nothing Disney does will destroy that but, after each new Star Wars product Disney puts out, I grow less and less interested in what comes next. At this point, the only thing I'm looking forward to is Season 2 of Andor but even there, I have a feeling of existential dread about how Disney is going to find a way to &%$# it up. I feel like Padme when she says "you're going down a path I cant follow."

  • @range78
    @range78 Před 6 měsíci +2

    well said Thor. thanks. this was exactly how i felt when disney acquired the ip.

  • @happyyad
    @happyyad Před 6 měsíci

    Wow, well said. I see similarities between Lucas with Star Wars and how Pamela Travers felt when Walt wanted to purchase Mary Poppins.

  • @chimerakait
    @chimerakait Před 6 měsíci

    Well said. This video put a smile on my face while i'm sick in bed and feeling terrible. I don't think I'd be as eloquent and polite when describing my current distaste for Disney 'current-day-ing' all my favorite childhood franchises.

  • @TFedits85
    @TFedits85 Před 6 měsíci

    Incredible analysis

    @ADDOITALLDAY Před 6 měsíci

    I grew up in Los Angeles in the 70s and 80s. My experience with Disney was mostly based on my many visits to the theme park. It really seemed like a place of magic. I had no idea that years later they would purchase the rights to my two favorite properties. However, as a native of LA and fan of the Dodgers, Lakers, and Kings, I had the unique experience of watching the Fox Corporation purchase my beloved Dodgers. Something I was initially excited about because of their deep pockets to get top-tier players. But I watched them turn my Dodgers upside down. They treated my Dodgers like a business acquisition and not a baseball team. So when Disney bought Lucasfilm again, I was excited. But I was also a little concerned that a corporation was taking over another one of my favorite properties. Fast forward to the present day, and once again, something that I love has been reduced to a poorly run business acquisition. But there is hope. It’s apparent that Disney is aware of the issues with their franchises. The Dave Filoni promotion shows. There’s a shift to put the creatives back in control of the content. Also, Marvel is going for a more traditional approach with their TV series and going with an official showrunner. Is it too little or too late? Only time will tell.

  • @inoblomqvist5278
    @inoblomqvist5278 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Thank you Thor! Your best video ever! Even though all of your videos are great! (Mostly ;) )

  • @darwinskeeper421
    @darwinskeeper421 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I was extremely optimistic when Disney originally acquired Star Wars. I have liked a lot of Disney's animated films and was a pretty big Pixar fan, so I believed that Disney understood the grand bargain, pump out great content and make lots of money at the box office and merchandising. I assumed they would run it like Marvel, get someone who understands the fans and loves the material to run the business so they can get the great content they needed to keep the fans happy. The problem was that Lucas Film was a little light on talent when they bought it and the person they chose to run it was more interested in promoting an agenda than making the fans happy. As a result, the Sequel Trilogy was a trainwreck, and their output on Disney Plus was a mixed bag.

  • @GreenBlueWalkthrough
    @GreenBlueWalkthrough Před 6 měsíci +2

    I agree but I'd argue that Men have always cared about Disney for one thing alone... Their parks especly those men who are funte enough to live with in a week end trip of one and have an Annuel Pass just incase... Disney as of late lost that core fan base due to the same greed that spoiled star wars for so many. So it's less Dysney doesn't understand Star wars fans it's more it doesn't think about the long term anymore if it ever did.

  • @samuelmyers3904
    @samuelmyers3904 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Hey Thor, how different do you think Star Wars would be today if George Lucas took a bit more of a "backseat" roll with the prequels similarly to what he did with episodes V and VI? Do you think the movies would have been more well-received by fans and how might that have affected the Disney era and maybe even the Clone Wars? Idk, I just thought that would be an interesting topic.

    • @jamesneese7663
      @jamesneese7663 Před 6 měsíci +4

      tough call because he didn't have the support network and creatives with him that he had for the OT.........

  • @short72hp1
    @short72hp1 Před 6 měsíci

    well thought out💯👍

  • @doubleupload5620
    @doubleupload5620 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I truly wish to know what they were thinking did they really think they just couldn’t fail no matter what trash they put out or did they really believe that what they made was worth seeing and was good

  • @charliegeo2779
    @charliegeo2779 Před 6 měsíci

    Very nice analysis of the situation. I knew the acquisition was headed south when I was at Disneyland soon after they bought Lucas. I saw Darth Vader plastic cups with straws coming out of his head and I knew it was a huge mistake. I knew Star Wars was now fast tracked to a plastic exploitation and degradation. That was a sad day for Star Wars.

  • @OnlyOneKenobi
    @OnlyOneKenobi Před 6 měsíci

    As ever.... Thor, you're spot on!

  • @andrewchapman2024
    @andrewchapman2024 Před 6 měsíci

    I remember hearing how when Disney got hold of star wars, they wanted to milk it for all it was worth to the point where they even added elements to the film to make the audience think the movie was better than it actually was.

  • @SomeOrangeCat
    @SomeOrangeCat Před 6 měsíci

    0:04 followed by with "...Until I realized how much money I could make on CZcams by pretending to hate something with every fiber of my being!"

  • @craigbailey3157
    @craigbailey3157 Před 6 měsíci

    Well said

  • @Kentchangar
    @Kentchangar Před 6 měsíci +1

    One weird thing that came to mind: Has any Sith seen a force ghost? Certainly not in the Lucas movies. Maybe because they are using the dark side they can't see the force ghosts and that's why they try to reach immortality via the dark side. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @Ptaaruonn
    @Ptaaruonn Před 6 měsíci +2

    When i heard that disney got Marvel and Star Wars i thought, ohh.... they could make some mean crossover cartoons and some awesome movies.
    I was sooo soo wrong.

    • @atoth62
      @atoth62 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Phineas and Ferb/Star Wars crossover was pretty good.

  • @StickNik
    @StickNik Před 6 měsíci

    Hey Thor, have you ever wondered what you would miss from Disney Star Wars if the franchise was never sold to them?
    The only things I would struggle to sacrifice to go to that alternate timeline are Jedi Survivor and Andor. Even Rogue One and Fallen Order, while enjoyable, were not enough on their own for me to miss them or not gladly sacrifice, only maybe in relation to the projects they spawned.
    I'd also be interested in when you first felt the worry or dread of the acquisition.
    I distinctly remember being gravely worried and angry at the news that Disney bought Star Wars, I couldn't imagine them having enough time for planning and forethought, but it ended up being worse. I hated the thought of them going past the great ending the saga had even trying to imagine a decent story, nevermind what we got. As a gamer, I was furious they just closed down LucasArts like they did, and any games that fell casualty to that like 1313, the Maul game, the First Assault and attempts towards Battlefront 3. I can enjoy EAfront 2 with mods, but it wasn't worth EA holding the license exclusively for how long they did, and even now I think Star Wars games have been hindered by the relative absence they had because of how fast the games industry has developed, and what could've been done in that time.

  • @piotrskodowski7544
    @piotrskodowski7544 Před 6 měsíci

    Nice analisis. I agree.

  • @GrechStudios
    @GrechStudios Před 6 měsíci +1

    Thor, when you said you didn’t think they would expect us fans to end up their worst enemy, I actually smiled. It was a simple honest reaction. It’s pretty sad what Disney has become over the years, even before their Star Wars purchase. Remake after remake. I used to really enjoy Disney. Now I’ve had to reconcile that modern Disney is not the Disney that inspired so many of us and gave us so much joy. It’s turned too corporate. I personally feel Walt would be disappointed.

  • @UltraDonny5000
    @UltraDonny5000 Před 6 měsíci +1

    When Disney bought Lucasfilm, I remember being hopeful and even excited because at that time I perceived them to be a company that valued legacy.
    I remember making jokes about Leia being the first cool Disney princess.
    What they did to Star Wars is unforgivable and is the main reason why I hate Disney with Marvel being the other.

  • @JaalKiriam
    @JaalKiriam Před 6 měsíci

    Hey Thor, I'm watching through the Night Court and Frasier reboots/follow-ups lately and am loving them. Are you familiar with them? I think they throw into sharp relief just what Star Wars keeps getting wrong when they revisit the past. They truly feel like the same characters, but also having grown through the events that we never saw. They don't just repeat the old material, but time has clearly marched on. Do you think these shows might be helpful for Filoni to look at if he really does want to turn Star Wars around?

  • @Sci-Fi-Mike
    @Sci-Fi-Mike Před 6 měsíci

    Well said, Thor! It would be great if at least a few Disney execs would catch this video. I used to buy Star Wars merchandise very frequently, specifically action figures, but I can't justify the purchases if I don't care for the films or how the characters are written. The higher cost is not the real factor (I'd have to budget a bit better, but I could still open my wallet a few times a month). The issue is how I feel Disney has led Star Wars down the wrong path. Anyway, thanks for this great, on-point video!

  • @john2001plus
    @john2001plus Před dnem

    This is a really good video.

  • @scottcarver7393
    @scottcarver7393 Před 6 měsíci

    I used to work for a company that had wild success in its industry. Hundreds of millions in annual revenue. The company grew…fast. Overhead costs increased, as they do when you expand. Management became totally obsessed with lowering cost…I mean OBSESSED. Not to be more competitive. It was greed. So all sense went out the window and the company decided to lay off almost all their American workers, replacing most of us with unskilled workers they picked up off the street (literally). They “cloned” our dealers products with cheap knockoff material, which lost them their dealer status. They cut marketing almost entirely. The result: catastrophe. When we (Americans) immediately pointed out the horrible quality of work that resulted, all the jobs that needed fixing, we were labeled as racist. More experienced workers fired. My point is that whenever a company/person gets tunnel vision like this, they fail to see the most obvious of problems. They just keep justifying to defend their point of view. Genius level people: lost. Just lost. Disney is no different. They see money, they see opportunity to spread an agenda. They’ve cornered their minds into a trap of their own making. I’ve seen this play out in real life. Disney is doomed.

  • @nathans84
    @nathans84 Před 6 měsíci

    Darth Mickey and Darth Goofy. Disney's Ruel of Two

  • @LordDigby
    @LordDigby Před 6 měsíci

    Ditto to Thor's comment about teen/grown guys and Disney.....except for Stitch. I feel there should be an asterisk next to his comment that means, "Yup, all of this applies to me, except for me some Stitch". 😁

  • @zacharyfett2491
    @zacharyfett2491 Před 6 měsíci +2

    8:09 The thing is, if Kathleen Kennedy was the person that George thought she was, then she should have known.

  • @kennyx6796
    @kennyx6796 Před 6 měsíci

    Good close out comparing sith vs Jedi

  • @jimdaniels7531
    @jimdaniels7531 Před 6 měsíci

    I remember when Disney took over there was a mix of optimism and pessimism. Yeah there were concerns that Disney didn't really understand the franchise and would pump out content just for the sake of $$. But it was also a chance to reset following the CGI-saturated and generally disappointing prequels, plus we were going to get more content which was a good thing. Yeah the prequels are now more favorably remembered since the prequel kids grew up, but in 2012 the sense was very different. And in the end, that's how it played out: yes the return to more practical effects and restrained CGI was a good thing. Yes Disney pumped out tons of product. No, they didn't really understand Star Wars. We really shouldn't be surprised how it all turned out.
    It's a struggle any franchise will go through given enough time and content. It's not easy to continue making movies and shows that still have the magic of the originals, and also aren't a stale rehash (TFA) or strikes out in a bold new direction that flops with the fans (TLJ). It's hard to continually expand the lore without it getting ridiculous or controversial with the fans (World Between Worlds, Force healing, anyone can be a Jedi, somehow Palpatine returned, midochlorians, etc).
    I'm choosing to be happy that we at least got two projects that I love: Rogue One and Andor. That's better than no new projects.

  • @darthqui-gon5986
    @darthqui-gon5986 Před 6 měsíci


  • @kenthehobo
    @kenthehobo Před 6 měsíci +2

    Since 2017 every move Disney made moved my wallet away from them

  • @Rakshiir
    @Rakshiir Před 6 měsíci

    I personally liked alot of Disney movies. I grew up with them. And I love Star Wars. I also fell in love with the early MCU days under Disney.
    It is actually impressive how fast this company managed to alienate most fanbases at the same time. If you think about the fact how long Disney had success - with some difficult times as well, granted - it seems like they went ahead and tried to speedrun ruining a massive company. And they seem to be succeeding as well.
    I don't think Disney as a company really needed to understand Star Wars. They had to put someone in charge that does however. They bet on the wrong horse here, and instead of course correcting when it was still possible they for whatever reasons kept course. On the other hand as mentioned above, that is true for alot of franchises and fanbases under their belt these days.

  • @terrified057t4
    @terrified057t4 Před 6 měsíci +1

    When Disney bought Star Wars/LucasFilm, I thought "hey, cool, that's a lotta money behind Star Wars now!" and then they cancelled Clone Wars and made their own show... (ofc they announced TFA which was fairly exciting, but Rebels I was not a fan about, especially when the unfinished episodes were released online. I guess Rebels came to be fairly good at least and Disney "finished" the Clone Wars...)

  • @andygrams6344
    @andygrams6344 Před 6 měsíci

    I grew up loving Disney classics in the 80’s - back when they did a brilliant push theatrical re-releasing old animated classics, and still enjoyed simple new things like Oliver & Company, and Rescuers Downunder… then even as a male teen enjoying the masterpiece that is Beauty and the Beast and others in that era - because they were done so well - do you recall any messaging or heavy handed studio interference? Old tales reimagined in a creative and entertaining way - not trying to make a modern TWIST of everything. Robin Williams as genie is an example of how far you can successfully push modern ‘take’ without twisting the original tale beyond recognition. There is apparently no talent left in Disney to be able to handle stories so deftly.

  • @nastyfyme
    @nastyfyme Před 4 měsíci

    Agree and agree.

  • @itsmealvaro5961
    @itsmealvaro5961 Před 6 měsíci

    What a way to go

  • @normanszymanski5095
    @normanszymanski5095 Před 6 měsíci

    I remember when it happened, I had mixed feelings about the sale to Disney but I thought, ok, as long as JJ Abrams doesn't touch it (he had already jj'd Star Trek) I would be hopeful. Then they said Jj was in their sights to direct and my heart sank. Then JJ declined it and I was hopeful again. Then he took the job and my heart sank again. It has been a roller-coaster of hope and disappointment since then only to get worse and worse. The only thing that has changed is the revelations of how corrupt and ego centric the leadership is at Lucasfilm and Disney

  • @anthonyyoutubefan7567
    @anthonyyoutubefan7567 Před 6 měsíci

    I agree.

  • @RaikenXion
    @RaikenXion Před 6 měsíci

    7:50 Me, im one of those people i absolutely HATE Disney for what they have done to *Star Wars* and Thor you've just described the "Fandom Menace".
    I love ALL the crap thats happening to Disney right now! Infact im relishing in it and that they're facing a crisis within the Company at the very top with whats happening between Bob Iger vs Nelson Peltz.

  • @Edd25164605
    @Edd25164605 Před 6 měsíci

    'Now I am become Disney, the destroyer of franchises!'.

  • @ivanstrydom8417
    @ivanstrydom8417 Před 6 měsíci

    Good video sir.

  • @f0rth3l0v30fchr15t
    @f0rth3l0v30fchr15t Před 6 měsíci

    That's the thing that really baffles me. They bought Star Wars and Marvel in order to expand their audience, and then decided that they wanted to change those properties to appeal to their existing market instead.

  • @morgansheppy1584
    @morgansheppy1584 Před 6 měsíci +1

    It’s pretty much dead to me. Only Andor, season 2 will be the last Disney Star Wars I watch. They lost one of their biggest fans, in his 40’s, who’d consumed all Star Wars media since seeing rotj in theatres. I was featured in Canadian Lego world magazine in 88 for my falcon + x-wing. We recorded the ot on vhs long before they were for sale, so I have these weird associations with scenes ending and the commercials that followed lol. I spent a week in line for phantom menace, camped out eating cereal, hibachi hot dogs, playing Pokémon and Tetris. I saw revenge at mbk in Bangkok, Thai premiere. My kids name is a Star Wars/Star Trek name. I still play escape the Death Star on board game night. Have all the toys from 1-6, dash + outrider + xizor, clone wars. Read every book and comic through the public library. Grown ass man walking around in Star Wars shoes. Who quotes jar jar constantly. I’m just gonna pretend the Disney stuff never happened. Except andor

  • @Pedroz0r
    @Pedroz0r Před 6 měsíci

    I might be wrong but this is my opinion: creatives don’t make decision money people make the decisions and they assume the following: “fans will come back for anything with the Star Wars name, on it, so we don’t have to cater to them. We have to cater to new diverse modern audiences in order to make more money”

  • @QuestionMan
    @QuestionMan Před 6 měsíci +1

    Yup. Totally agree.
    Who'd have thunk that Star Wars fans do not think the same way as do Disney Princess fans. Ooopsie, Disney! 🙄

  • @michaelbeach1087
    @michaelbeach1087 Před 6 měsíci

    If I may restate a comparison that’s already been made many times:
    Disney:Money Sith:Immortality. Just as the Sith crave for immortality but do the opposite of what is needed for it, Disney craves money but is sabotaging themselves from their goal.

  • @kylemrgn
    @kylemrgn Před 5 měsíci

    You nailed it 100 p

  • @lenircotia
    @lenircotia Před 6 měsíci

    I love how you rant on Disney hahaha!

  • @comentedonakeyboard
    @comentedonakeyboard Před 6 měsíci

    Begun the Revenge of the Weresheep has😂

  • @otakubullfrog1665
    @otakubullfrog1665 Před 6 měsíci

    There were certainly people involved who were all about maximizing revenue, but there were also those who intended to use the franchise in an effort to remake the world in their own image. Neither group had or has producing content worthy of the legacy of Star Wars as their goal, so it almost doesn't matter which one is responsible for what.

  • @jasonreynolds6643
    @jasonreynolds6643 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Disney should have realized that stories need to end and shouldn’t be dragged on until they become irrelevant. Star Wars needs to end.