Riot in Singapore's Little India (with press conference coverage) - 09Dec2013 @ 0300Hr

  • čas přidán 7. 12. 2013
  • SINGAPORE: Authorities in Singapore have arrested 27 people over a riot in the Little India district on Sunday night.
    All those arrested are from South Asia.
    Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Teo Chee Hean told the media that the case has been classified as one of rioting with dangerous weapons.
    The riot involved about 400 people who reacted to a fatal accident at the junction of Race Course Road and Hampshire Road where a man was hit and killed by a private bus.
    The bus was driven by a Singaporean who was among the 18 people injured in the riot.
    Ten police officers were also hurt. Seven are in hospital and most of them are understood to be in a stable condition.
    Some 300 officers had been deployed to the scene after the trouble broke out.
    DPM Teo, and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office S Iswaran, have both visited the affected area. They said the situation is under control.
    Mr Teo said the government takes such incidents very seriously and will not tolerate such lawless behaviour.
    He said the government will spare no effort in dealing with the matter.
    Riot in Little India is a very grave incident: PM Lee
    SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the riot in Little India was a very grave incident.
    In a Facebook post early Monday morning, Mr Lee said several police officers were injured and vehicles were damaged or destroyed.
    The situation is now under control, and he said investigations are underway.
    He added that whatever events may have sparked the riot, there is no excuse for such violent, destructive and criminal behaviour.
    He said the government will spare no effort to identify the culprits and deal with them with the full force of the law.
    Mr Lee urged all Singaporeans to stay calm and asked the public to send the police any information, photos or videos of the incident that they may have.
    He also wished the injured officers a full and speedy recovery.

Komentáře • 270

  • @wumingkkk
    @wumingkkk Před 10 lety +36

    I really respect the indian guy who tried to stop the rest from destroying property. He the different one.

    • @ivantan4537
      @ivantan4537 Před 10 lety +8

      I support your view, not all are bad. Also want to point out that there were many more that left the scene, if not it would have been thousands that was rioting.

    • @MegaRose235
      @MegaRose235 Před 10 lety +2

      give him an award.

  • @Prabhu2u
    @Prabhu2u Před 10 lety +11

    Even though am Indian, I loved and still loving Singapore and Singaporeans.I spend there a couple of months.Those days are memorable days.I didn't except this one. Those who were involved in this Riot must be Punishable in very severe Manner. I pray to God this would never happen again.

  • @typicaisingaporean3835
    @typicaisingaporean3835 Před 10 lety +10

    They just flipped the police car so that the ambulance could pass through

  • @starwith90
    @starwith90 Před 10 lety +8

    They arrested 27 people but yet the rioting is 400 peoples how can you capture them all ?

  • @solaris5655
    @solaris5655 Před 10 lety +6

    If Indian nationals are the culprit, Singapore should stop issuing visas to Indian workers. If Bangladesh nationals are the culprit, Singapore should stop issuing visas to Bangladeshi workers. Then to replace the labor shortage, bring in Philippines workers and possibly from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma.

  • @jasoncheah4051
    @jasoncheah4051 Před 10 lety +10

    Today is a sad day to Singapore,we need a more tolerance and harmonious society in Singapore through our mutual respect among races, religions, believes and culture. Such an incident can constraint within the means if all are not wrong in a first place. We believe all leaders in this country can solve this problem in a fair manner and in a peaceful situation. Hope every levels in Singapore can learn from this incident and treat everyone like a human being. We are the highly intelligent creatures in the world but what happens right now in all corners of the world show we at lowest range.

    @ASAICO Před 10 lety +7

    We the citizen of singaporeans this is the time to stick together law abiding singaporeans

  • @solaris5655
    @solaris5655 Před 10 lety +7

    Smashing bus windscreen and windows, overturning police and ambulance vehicles, and setting fires on cars? Isn't that the often seen behavior in Bangladesh? These foreign workers came to work in Singapore, and brought along their long held culture. Opposition parties will have a field day tomorrow attacking PAP for the increase in foreign workers and taking advantage of the situation to gain political points.

  • @phaoyu1
    @phaoyu1 Před 10 lety +8

    I hope the gahment reacts wisely. Increase their (workers) pittance of a wage, show them the respect they deserve or something. Anything less would be foolish.

  • @916melody
    @916melody Před 10 lety +9

    I give my respect to the guy that tried to stop the others :)

    • @amuntar
      @amuntar Před 10 lety +2

      I guess that guy is better and has more guts than " the mind your own business" majority in the country.

  • @sherchanbishesh9583
    @sherchanbishesh9583 Před 10 lety +2

    It doesn't make can the riot be sparked of by the fatal accident of a pedestrian? Something is really fishy....

  • @shayinibabystar7208
    @shayinibabystar7208 Před 10 lety +5

    These r my requests to the gov and public.
    Gov: Pls give those rioters the maximum punishment. Coz they have destroyed the peace in our country. And my regards to the police who were injured.
    Public: Guys, I'm a Singapore Indian. But I'm against these rioters. They always walk across the road not even caring abt the vehicles. So they do deserve it by getting hit by vehicles; for not obeying the traffic rules. But pls don't despise and have a bad impression on all the Indians. It's my special request.
    Thank you.

  • @bowlampar
    @bowlampar Před 7 lety +2

    Singaporean government should not tolerate these foreign law breakers, they should face punishment , then send back to their country of origin. Unruly hooligans are not welcome into Singapore, end of story.

  • @fxcollection
    @fxcollection Před 10 lety +2

    Singaporean were taught not to gether in groups more then four, but every sunday the Ft is allow to gether in groups and more then 400 in one location.

  • @tib1135x
    @tib1135x Před 10 lety +3

    Anyone notice this Indian man with Checkered Shirt trying to stop rioters damaging windscreen at the front of the private bus? I hope you seen him.

  • @herongoh
    @herongoh Před 10 lety +4

    Charge them,. let the law run its course and if guilty , Pls send them to not just prison but make sure these hooligans are properly " ROTAN " then deport them. .Make an example of those responsible. Don't give face,...

  • @badpanda84
    @badpanda84 Před 10 lety +14

    ""Wow a chiese police officer. Im so surprise to see ONE o.O ""
    Why?? it is Singapore what is so suprising about that.
    what would be really surprising is a white police officer in Singapore.

  • @NiranVas
    @NiranVas Před 10 lety +6

    Singaporeans not involved becuz they are always a law abiding citizens...
    Riot is the tip of an ice berg!!!
    Where is the good old peaceful crowdless Sunday evenings in little india orchard rd n china town geylang serai???
    We but only have memories of the yester years..
    Singaporeans are very tolerant ppl thnks to the gd old training by the govt.....

    • @tomlimcj
      @tomlimcj Před 10 lety +2

      i think singaporeans are smart enough to know not to revolt. nobody dares to anyway. i wouldn't say the same though if the ministers and men in power are split in their camps (pap vs opposition). what happened can easily be used to start a racial war here, thats what the govt is trying to avoid whilst containing the riot. the real troublemakers who started the riot have to be punished, there has to be equality in the law. i dont know what the rioters are trying to prove, but they'r never gonna win anyway...

  • @cjsamtab7
    @cjsamtab7 Před 10 lety +4

    Very good..this has been waiting to happen for a long time now.

  • @k2basecamp01
    @k2basecamp01 Před 10 lety

    How is this video of news broadcasted this morning at 3.00am 9 Dec published on 8 Dec 2013? The date is messed up!

  • @suriaku1
    @suriaku1 Před 10 lety +1

    Sack the useless 'E' Div. Commander. He'd be better off working in Cisco or some private security firm rather than representing the uniform. His actions on the ground exposed his cowardice, which is a disgrace to the Home Team.

  • @dowjones88
    @dowjones88 Před 10 lety +2

    Jack Neo should make a movie of this Little India riot. Important to show the truth

    • @CMChen
      @CMChen Před 10 lety

      Great suggestion.

  • @geepanguio
    @geepanguio Před 10 lety +5

    I saluted all the policemen who responded and got hurt over the riot,It's nt by firing or using their weapon to contained the mob bt by calmness and certain degree of levelheadedness.cos i believe the gun will jus be the last resort.and who knows using it will escalate,the ongoing situation.

  • @tans3ri
    @tans3ri Před 10 lety +2

    Sad to see that the Singapore government is getting complacent. They knew that there rising tension between Singaporeans and foreign workers but did not want to act on it.

    • @MegaRose235
      @MegaRose235 Před 10 lety +1

      singapore govt knows how to exploit third world cheap laboureres only.
      govt ministers have the highest salaries in the world.
      prime minister's salary is three times higher than president obama of the usa or xi ping in china or even india.

  • @samim220
    @samim220 Před 10 lety +2

    This is what you get if you go for cheap labor! Wake Up!!!!!! Local citizens have skills too! Don't be too choosy.

  • @kevinang7940
    @kevinang7940 Před 9 lety +1

    Really hope our police will never allow the scene of police cars being overturned ever occur again, is a shame that its allowed to happen without telling citizens who are the exact ones that have done it and whether they are given extreme punishment! Come on, we citizens have been psychoed to be fearful of police presence and these craps just overturned the notion! The respect? Is a shame unless those who have done the overturning of the police cars are given extreme punishment, else is really shameful!

  • @apriltan2760
    @apriltan2760 Před 10 lety +1

    All because of A bus hitting a pedestrian. LTA ONLY punish the drivers but NOT pedestrians. If the pedestrian has abide the law and not crossing the road freely, the incident would not have happened. Many accidents are caused by inconsiderate pedestrians and not drivers. Especially in crowded place like Little India or Chinatown or Geylang.

  • @fxcollection
    @fxcollection Před 10 lety +4

    they are allow to gether by the 100s in one location while singaporean are only allow not more then 4. So riot for them is easy to get started. And now they will learn that if they all gang up together even the police will run. Now only 400 but what if there is a leader among them which can create a up rise by the gethering of 100,000 ppl? what will happen to singaporeans? Hope the Gov think about that.

  • @kayalvili1987
    @kayalvili1987 Před 10 lety +1

    They thought that this is INDIA where riots are normal . But we showed them who's their DADDY now !

    • @solaris5655
      @solaris5655 Před 10 lety +3

      Rioting is punishable by 7 years jail and caning. But Singapore haven't had a riot in over 46 years. These foreign workers probably never though of the law because this is what they do back home in India and Bangladesh. But now 27 of them are arrested and for the first time in Singapore's history, we get to see them jailed and caned. A great way to warn everyone.

  • @xensjeb8976
    @xensjeb8976 Před 10 lety +1

    Seriously? "no singappreans were involved, only imigrant workers cause singaporeans are educated" Really? Are you telling me that all the 400 people were definatly not singaporean passport holders? Just because it was little india, doesnt mean all 400 are indian, or bangla, or pakistani or whatever else and just because they are brown doesnt mean they are not singaporean. This was a horrible travasty: instead of pointing the racist finger at ethnic groups, the situation needs to be properly evaluated, understood and then mended.

    • @mjsidoarjo2763
      @mjsidoarjo2763 Před 10 lety +1

      I think some of singaporean involved, but for sure they're muslims like bangla, my uncle was there at the place, and he heard Allahu-Akbar from the crowds when they burning the ambulance.

    • @xensjeb8976
      @xensjeb8976 Před 10 lety +1

      It's so wrong when you clump a race as being responsible for riots- there were probably people from all nationalities and races in that riot, some muslim, and many not. PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS caused a riot, not a country or a race.

  • @SgMiddleman
    @SgMiddleman Před 10 lety +1

    Simple logic.. U cannot keep pumping air into a balloon and expect it to keep expanding.. It is bound to burst at one stage.. Hope they dun try to mend that small hole and begin pumping lots of air again.. The next explosion might be beyond control..

  • @Chrischriswee
    @Chrischriswee Před 10 lety +4

    Oh gosh is those policeman running away?

    • @reikoli9627
      @reikoli9627 Před 10 lety +2

      those are policemen, not riot police, they are not equipped with the right equipment to deal with a riot. we're talking about life and death here, basic instinct, fight or flight. they are not ip man, one cannot fight ten, what's more 400?

    • @sencha99
      @sencha99 Před 10 lety +2

      He is just a policeman not Iron Man, in the face of an angry mob, of course he has to run.

    • @mikeleekok
      @mikeleekok Před 10 lety +3

      no they are not running away...they just going to the mama store and had some roti prata and tea tarek....

    • @luqman117
      @luqman117 Před 10 lety

      no lah they playing ice

    • @user-pk1id7zd7c
      @user-pk1id7zd7c Před 10 lety

      mikeleekok hahahah very funny lol

  • @joebee2751
    @joebee2751 Před 10 lety +2

    They will at least get 12 strokes or more....and they go back tell their mom the lions have scratched their butt.

  • @sharmiladevi296
    @sharmiladevi296 Před 10 lety +1

    Seriously? They just had to expound and emphasize on how they are "South Asians" and "no singaporeans are involved"...... The more the media says things like how this incident should not "fend racial sentiment", I believe that people are still going to judge us as Indians or people as foreign workers.... It's already saddening that there is such distinction even before such incidents, and now there's no way that distinction is going to be blurred, much less erased. Mmm.... :///

    • @amuntar
      @amuntar Před 10 lety +2

      A person of good morality judge a person by knowing that person. A hypocrite judge people by their country, race and religion.

  • @ajamtony3612
    @ajamtony3612 Před 10 lety +1

    Bangla people is just now helping!they are just to come here to relax...our singpore indians work....the south asia bangladesh took this like their country....singapore is independent!!!they cannot just destroy singapore property!

  • @AK8901
    @AK8901 Před 10 lety +3

    holy shit! No singaporeans were involved?

      @FREEMASONCOLLAPSE Před 10 lety

      why should they do so?

    • @urbaniten
      @urbaniten Před 10 lety

      I see what you did there :)

    • @AK8901
      @AK8901 Před 10 lety

      ***** It happened in Singapore, despite the fact that no singaporeans were involved...

    • @eeveeying123
      @eeveeying123 Před 10 lety

      busy shopping, gaming and stuff...we have to time to get involve wif things lidat

  • @abhinavbaijal
    @abhinavbaijal Před 10 lety +1

    It was a accident it happened....I don't know why these idiots behaved like this..I love Singapore and i'm really hurt what these bloody idiots do to the place and spoil everyone peace :(

  • @jefflith2974
    @jefflith2974 Před 10 lety

    Even indians fought for singapore's independence dude. I'm not singaporean but at least I know your country's history.

  • @shariffabdjaffar6503
    @shariffabdjaffar6503 Před 10 lety +1

    Many cases came out of sudden these few years, its not singaporean people at all, murders. We dis out best to.maintain racial harmony, i only trust my local people on peace.

  • @uniqueboi428
    @uniqueboi428 Před 10 lety +1

    Violence do not solve anything...

  • @joynightfury6669
    @joynightfury6669 Před 10 lety

    Only 27 ppl arrested???!!!

  • @juniortan5955
    @juniortan5955 Před 10 lety +1

    At least someone try to stop them doing these barbarian acts.

  • @JoLeng205000
    @JoLeng205000 Před 10 lety +2

    The government should dealt with the trouble makers severely without mercy on them to warn everyone for the future! Singapore is a zero tolerant country on trouble makers!

  • @gellee4526
    @gellee4526 Před 10 lety +1

    I think everyone can feel safer after that VERY EMOTIONAL press report speech from Teo Chee Hean, more like a narration since he clearly was reading something from a paper probably given to him from some Public Relations advisor.

  • @6969obi
    @6969obi Před 10 lety +2

    Really need our authorities to review the management of large foreign labour congregations. Its a strain not only on our infrastructure (transport and jobs) but the security and safeguard of the general population.We cannot assume that all inflection points do not erupt but its a wakeup call. We should be looking at curfews and consumption of alcohol

  • @ninababygerlshajahanshajah2292

    Whatever it is that is not an excuse for these ppl to take law into their hands!! This incident had definately stirr hatred n negative thinking about this mobs!!our country safety is at its high time gov takes action on them send them packing to their country n stop employing this they are adversely breeding here they will be out of control n knowing their crime background who knows what other havocs they will stir next???one thing for sure singaporeans will never be despicablle.

  • @yuechenshen5703
    @yuechenshen5703 Před 10 lety +1

    Why so many people are talking nonsense?

  • @no1inurheart
    @no1inurheart Před 10 lety +1

    400 people in 1 city and no singaporean there lol mr lee bet ur kinda stressed huh

  • @spursboy1909
    @spursboy1909 Před 10 lety +1

    Those involves in the riot are Indian workers & not Bangladeshis

    • @bobk7278
      @bobk7278 Před 7 lety

      How did you said. are you on the spot at that time. Don't post like nonsense comment.

  • @wirajayabarat
    @wirajayabarat Před 10 lety +3

    Once started... it will continue like chain reaction...

  • @izz9764
    @izz9764 Před 10 lety +2

    i'm impressed that Singaporeans were not involved !!!

  • @shazdecruz8685
    @shazdecruz8685 Před 10 lety +1

    Sencha 99 get ur facts right I did not mean to shoot the 400lot what I meant was could have opened fire up the air to scare them if not why guns are provided will u be happy if one of the police gt hurt or worse loose life look at how they toppled the car
    To sencha99

  • @lucymum4425
    @lucymum4425 Před 10 lety +1

    It is so clear that it is PAP's policies that cause the problem, not alcohol etc.

  • @TiBikeGuy10
    @TiBikeGuy10 Před 10 lety

    There may be 400 people hanging around the vehicles, but active participants that attacked the vehicles or threw objects is definitely less than that. Many are standing around and some are taking pictures with their handphones or cameras. So stop saying that 400 people are involved.

  • @adenrazz7517
    @adenrazz7517 Před 10 lety

    We had read and watched in the media,youtube... how our forces reacted against terrorist,riot..etc etc ..but..why this thing happened in a real situation like this? After several officers injured, police vehicles been burn down and worst of all out of 400 only 27 subjects being arrested. I really don't know whether to laugh or pretend it's only a nightmare.

  • @NightWatcher201
    @NightWatcher201 Před 10 lety

    Note this. Even if you take 1000s of Riot Police to march the streets, their job is not to put out fire. They control crowd. Singapore lacks of one unit which is a unit to control things like fires and such in riot cases like these. And i think if you were to put out the fire on site, you'd be smacked the bejesus out by the AM. I mean where are all the new emergency vehicles that was showed off during the NDP? And some lesson learnt, never sell any alcohol to this Banglas. They came here, took advantage, mess with the law, then expect to get money for working. Must be something wrong in their heads. Singapore For Singaporeans!

  • @hongchua8976
    @hongchua8976 Před 10 lety +2

    My god I knew no Singaporeans are involved

  • @CPSeePee
    @CPSeePee Před 10 lety

    Thats insane

  • @putusaiputra
    @putusaiputra Před 10 lety

    These people Who go around destroying Public Property should be Caught and they have to be punished This should never happend again That our Police officers being Injured.this is as they say no excuse In this situation even the police should be permited to use weapons

    • @amuntar
      @amuntar Před 10 lety

      The rioters did all those stuff because of someone killed in an accident. If a police fire and kill one of them, what will happen? Over power the police take over their guns and start shooting? If those foreigner held a grudge in their hearts when you kill one of them and wait for a chance to revenge, do you think Singapore will still be a safe place. I think you will run if you see them while alone, as you do not know what they will do to you.

  • @TamilSelvan-gk9wc
    @TamilSelvan-gk9wc Před 10 lety

    Took so long for Task Force to arrive ? Too many protocols before the task force can move from their hibernation? How can a accident trigger a riot ? Was there something else said by someone that cause this ? All along our task force practice with dummy staged riots, now the actual riot and all task force did was come in after almost all over.

  • @aminsky62
    @aminsky62 Před 10 lety

    The question is why the person inside the police car cant do anything and look that they are been stun by the incident that happen infront of their eye's, if they cant control and stop the rioter from do somerthing that can cause public life and as well as their own life in danger, why not they do something so that their own life is out of danger, by not moving at all and stay inside the police car its make me puzzle, they cant even do something to make their own life out from any danger, can anyone pkease tell me why the person inside the police car is stunning..?

  • @tommyliangwei3724
    @tommyliangwei3724 Před 2 lety +1

    9th December 2013

  • @kayalvili1987
    @kayalvili1987 Před 10 lety

    The government must make serious decision in bringing in such peoples

  • @Shukiwan
    @Shukiwan Před 10 lety

    Shan decruz the pedestrian got run over and the people around started to riot. Little India is always crowded with people

  • @1996clifford
    @1996clifford Před 10 lety

    In the past, there was a riot far more worse than this one. It was the Maria Hertogh Riot on the 11th of December 1950 that lasted 3 days until the 13th of December 1950 with many more injured and a bigger amount of property damage. Let us hope that Riots will never happen again.

  • @TheTengahmalam
    @TheTengahmalam Před 10 lety +1

    now all the singaporean are freaking out.

  • @phonetun1062
    @phonetun1062 Před 10 lety

    That's Why we keep all those a lots shit in our country. They live in Singapore like a king ready. Cos any small matter they can complaint to MOM. Totally no discipline. I have 3 subjection for those foreign worker in Singapore ( 1 ) Allow those Foreign worker maximum 3 years only to work in Singapore. After completion of 3 years cancel their WP and ask them to going back their home country ( 2 ) Collect min 5% of their monthly income as our Government tax , BTW, those foreign worker are totally tax free for country and nothing contribute to our society ( 3 ) They must attend course for better understanding of country rule and regulation , same like CSOC, before they work in Singapore.

  • @scazorl
    @scazorl Před 10 lety


  • @israeltessensohn6184
    @israeltessensohn6184 Před 10 lety

    “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
    ― Thomas Jefferson

  • @tdccroxlikehell
    @tdccroxlikehell Před 10 lety

    Still think it's a good idea to keep on bringing in foreigners?

  • @xthene
    @xthene Před 10 lety

    300 police were deployed and yet still 2 police cars and an ambulance were burned?

    • @mjsidoarjo2763
      @mjsidoarjo2763 Před 10 lety

      Singapore's police should have resoluteness! shot to death who breaking the law. no mater about humanism. those who agitated the riot deserve punishment without trial. Singapore now is different with 15 years ago, it was peaceful place.

    • @ehbeesee2229
      @ehbeesee2229 Před 10 lety +2

      Mohammet Jaelany
      This is not the US where everyone can just be trigger happy if they are unhappy. We are civilized people.

  • @hijohn112
    @hijohn112 Před 10 lety +1

    How can we let this happen! Those involved must stop disturbing the peace in our island home or else the long arms or the law will eventually catch them.

  • @peacenowar6920
    @peacenowar6920 Před 4 lety

    Shame on the government .Many had not arrested till now but close case.

  • @fxcollection
    @fxcollection Před 10 lety

    The problem now is not about the riot that started by a certain race or FT but how it is so easy for the riot to spark off. Singapore has learn from the past how the racial riot started in 1964. Its started on a friday and looks like the purpose is just for prayer from a group of same race and culture gether in a big group in one location. Then all it take is a leader or a voice to lead and all will follow. Now every sunday there is a location for a large group of FT same race and same culture gether to congregate and share their problems there . Yet singaporeans race are divide into many location, good job done by the Gov. But now are we facing another high risk of racial riot if Gov do not monitor them well? Remember all it takes is a charismatic leader to voice out and lead. Just my concern that all.

  • @zarraaisya3787
    @zarraaisya3787 Před 10 lety

    Do they think what r they doing???

  • @mataharildp1467
    @mataharildp1467 Před 10 lety

    singapore residents stay safe ,,,
    immanuel ,,,

  • @dongding4074
    @dongding4074 Před 10 lety

    These are the fearsome Uruk hais.

  • @raymondsoht.k4271
    @raymondsoht.k4271 Před 10 lety

    Very surprise and shock to see this scene. They have create the new history of our country. The foreign worker why they have to leave their family and friends and coming to singapore to work? Our country command a higher in income and very safe for them to work here. We give them a safe and clean place to work and stay, but these people dont seems to appreciate. It seems that after they work here a little longer they think the lands belong to them. This is singapore that belongs to every of our singaporean which we have after so many years of hardship and talent to built our nation to be today, despite we only built our economy till today. They dont deserve any right to damage our country and image. Anyone, even not a singaporean, will also be very shock to hear that there is a riot in singapore and burning down POLICE CAR!. Everyone now will also ask is there still any more safty in singapore?

    • @eriquerique
      @eriquerique Před 10 lety

      Excuse me, might I remind you that one of the MAJOR reasons why Singapore is as rich and prosperous today is thanks to these cheap foreign workers? How on earth do you think Singapore can profit so much if it weren't for the fact that Singapore is exploiting these workers? Singapore is just as indebted to these foreign workers as they are to Singapore, so deal with it!

  • @ongchengchuan8285
    @ongchengchuan8285 Před 10 lety

    first PRC with SMRT, then Malaysian protest because of the country election. Now Indian Riot, What coming up next??????

  • @abbamama6788
    @abbamama6788 Před 10 lety

    Sorry to say that they normally behaving like while at home (India) especially when they were drunk. In Malaysia we also have many these kind of hooligans political groups who dont understand about staying in peace and harmony. Hope Singapore government has learned their lesson.

  • @Ahwei13
    @Ahwei13 Před 10 lety

    200 people riot and 24 caught. left with 176 not caught and still roaming Singapore. New Riot will sure come

  • @EvilCommunistChina
    @EvilCommunistChina Před 10 lety

    Its sad to see such savagery, However most people ignore the root fact of the issue. Foreign workers are being treated as commodity by corrupt PAP and chinese businessmen, Most of them work upto one year for greedy employment agency, not to mention huge amount of monthly levy they have to pay. Employment selection is not based on certain merits but based on those individuals desperation to find job. They leave in a very stressful situation some dorms are no different than pig farm.
    Singaporeans should not blame the foreign workers alone. PAP's corrupt system is to be blamed too. Greed for more profit with lower investment gives desires to people to import foreigners in desperation.
    Foreign workers existence gives huge monetary benefits to PAP and PAP ass-lickers. in order to avoid social issues on this tiny island influx of foreign worked should be regulated in many aspects to eliminate potential risk of social disorder and crimes. So the ratio of foreign should be at least 10x lower than current ratio. Such arrangements will upset greedy bastards who make so much gain from foreign workers. However if you look at the bright side, Singapore society will benefit from it. Heavy industries will move elsewhere, Singaporeans will involve more into self sufficient industries that requires better qualification and technical knowledge. Its important to have all kind of talents and professions to be sourced locally. Also racial tensions will be reduced to lowest level considering Crook PAP's evil attitude to segregate and create social classed among races.
    Aside South Asian migrant workers, bigger issue having very destructive number of PRCs, For sure some tiny percentage of them adds on value to society. However huge proportion of PRCs are destroying the lives of Singaporeans. So called goal for chinese supremacy had epic fail. Bigger proportion of Victims are local chinese, Most of them used to be happy people, like the chinese uncle that know owned a foodstall, With arrival of PRCs he lost his business. The chinese taxi driver killed by PAP sponsored PRC brat, chinese folks who cheated by PRC scammers and many more.
    Singapore had better relationship between races prior to arrival of massive PRCs and south asian cheap labour.
    We should open our eyes and never get deceived by crook PAP and PAP's dishonest media (MediaCorp)

  • @chingxinercxx
    @chingxinercxx Před 10 lety

    From that it seems like the police has no experience on riots. Should have introduce more training on that. That night should activate special force and/or army to handle.

  • @vagisilsalesman
    @vagisilsalesman Před 10 lety

    but I thought singafool under PAP is such a peaceful country.

  • @jimokh1
    @jimokh1 Před 10 lety

    i urge our fellow s'porean who film the scene and send to police to identify those culprit for them to take action on those indian mob, we have to seek justic for our injured frontline SCPF , SCDF officers...they dont deserve from such stupidility act..pleaasee

      @FREEMASONCOLLAPSE Před 10 lety

      No use. It is hard to distinguish them in the dark. The only way out is to exert interrogation. The arrested men can be forced to give away his fellows and then the policemen can find them along the wire. Soon enough you will find a network of crime. We cannot count on the low quality films. Give them hope, scare them to death (just scare), tell them to betray their fellows. Harsh though, it works.

  • @leif4543
    @leif4543 Před 10 lety +2

    i think the foreigner might not be happy due to the high levi till they find the right time to do something.........bad. some bosses just like to take advantages on foreigner by cutting their salary since they don't really know how to deal with this kind of bosses. this is what i see la. just my comment only. sorry if i hurt anyone k. cheer

    • @iyyan68
      @iyyan68 Před 10 lety

      Axl..I share your views. I believe that anything that happened is for a reason. However, such riot behaviour are uncivilised. Since we know right from wrong, our irresponsible comments in this thread, makes us no different from them. Lets just pray that this be a lesson on the value of harmony

  • @jacksonpeterson7089
    @jacksonpeterson7089 Před 10 lety +2

    bring more foreigners happy now because finally singapore police have some work to do....

  • @kancheongspidergaming
    @kancheongspidergaming Před 10 lety

    OMG A RIOT?!

  • @theamflitebowler
    @theamflitebowler Před 8 lety

    Holy s***

  • @ajamtony3612
    @ajamtony3612 Před 10 lety


  • @andrewmalvin897
    @andrewmalvin897 Před 10 lety

    still better than Indonesia Riot

  • @mikeleekok
    @mikeleekok Před 10 lety

    i am anticipating that, what our gov and police going to do after this incident in this area........................

  • @limbur21
    @limbur21 Před 10 lety +2

    Welldone Gurkhas son Of Gurkhas From Hong Kong

  • @deearab7554
    @deearab7554 Před 10 lety

    stay calm singaporeans.. - get that message??

  • @panyakz
    @panyakz Před 10 lety +1

    Better than Thai Red vs Thai Yellow fighting!!

  • @coolwinds1585
    @coolwinds1585 Před 10 lety +1

    Ok Singapore, It happens baby.
    Dont cry.

  • @yuzain12
    @yuzain12 Před 10 lety +2

    All the comments shows the singaporean frustration.i believe singaporeans are having a tough time because of em.i myself feel its hard when my working environment is full of foreigners.they reallie will step on our head especially when they r sumbody with more higher pay then.sad but true.singaporean r now overpowered by foreigner.outnumber by em.

  • @justiceofheavenhelpweakget1689

    Singaporean know law is right high educate pple budlly normal educate ppl u u 116 teck whye lane lane 5 see hw high gov post high educate ppl install cctv maybe they know but itzz right way and do temple challenge law neigbour maybe is right no money no talk they one month earn 20k plu and all high educate

  • @naninoviita
    @naninoviita Před 10 lety

    Don't know anything..Keep Calm..See and Sit..
    Don't open Your Mouth...It's Smell Digust

  • @luqman117
    @luqman117 Před 10 lety

    you guys need to chill man