Traffic Lights & Social Conditioning

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Storytime!

Komentáře • 114

  • @carolinebrown8965
    @carolinebrown8965 Před 5 lety +8

    Please come back Tom ! Your videos have helped me so much . Because of you, I know that I'm not a total alien after all !

  • @sillybandZlove16
    @sillybandZlove16 Před 7 lety +16

    This video completely explains the way I have felt my entire life. One reason I've struggled so much through school and now college is because there is no room for free thinking. So many pointless classes and rules, and then I look around and no one seems to question anything, even themselves. I feel like this just shows you how many people are "awake" and how many are just coasting through with little thought to free thought or philosophy or different opinions. Great video.

  • @joubinha333
    @joubinha333 Před 7 lety +11

    Yes. The hypnotized masses are not taught critical thinking in school, and for obvious reasons. It's also partly a result of the advances in technology, I think. Communication in general has been changing drastically.

  • @joannhill9682
    @joannhill9682 Před 6 lety

    I experience something similar this week. I questioned a Customs Officer and had an issue with the ferry employee in that she felt I should be placed back onboard the ferry. She felt that no one should disagree with a Customs Agent. ‘ Why should I have to write down the stores that I planned to shopping at on my customs form?’
    Being the INFJ that I am, the next day I spoke to the supervising staff of both persons because I hate institutions of corruption, incorrect conformity and bullying. It just gets under my skin, in fact I developed a painful headache that was only relieved after I dealt with the issues.

  • @annarehbinder7540
    @annarehbinder7540 Před 4 lety

    Being afraid of not being liked, that is a existential crises.

  • @JAlexMendel
    @JAlexMendel Před 6 lety +1

    I experienced a most ridiculous conditioning event in Kindergarten. It was 'play time.' There were two options for what to play, with dolls, or with blocks. Always conscious of being my best, being appropriate, I was horrified, outraged actually when I went to play with the blocks. I simply wanted to create something, build something... play for enjoyment. I could not believe it when it turned out that a choice was not allowed. Why? I was a girl. Girls could only play with dolls. Only the boys could play with blocks. I was punished for thinking I had any choice here. The teacher sent me to sit in the corner (dunce hat or not I don't remember but it was the image in my head.) BAD GIRL. BAD CHILD.
    Needless to say it only showed me the idiocy of the system, our culture and the vacuous, brain channeling indoctrination of the education society was putting upon individuals, beginning at 4 and 5 years of age. My vision, my eyes were open and I am certain aware of things differently than others from that moment on.

  • @xuanius
    @xuanius Před 6 lety

    I think the criticism of education really depends on the school. I found that my critical thinking and ability to connect patterns was highly developed during my school years, especially through English and history class. Our history teacher made history seem like a continuous story which sparked my interest between cause and effect; my English teacher encouraged us to read between the lines during book discussions, which even included mini debates between students about what they thought the meaning or message was.
    During English class in elementary school, my English teacher always asked us to read book passages in turn. When it got to me, since I was unusually shy at the time, she praised me when I read the passage with energy and enthusiasm (acting out the emotions of the characters). She said something like, “xxxx is like a sleeping giant, usually quiet but can surprise you with her energy”. I still remember her encouragement to this day. That acknowledgement for something so small made me feel seen and is still one of the memories I return to for a boost when I feel like “no one believes in me”.
    Because of these positive experiences, I’ve never understood people’s gripes with the education system. But I think maybe my school was among the minority.

  • @danielamarquis22
    @danielamarquis22 Před 5 lety

    Its very disappointing... Even just as a pedestrian, I find it funny how people will wait to cross the street when there are no cars... So many times I try to express my frustration about these things and it seems that not many people really get my frustration... glad you do :)

  • @Sunshine74444
    @Sunshine74444 Před 7 lety +2

    Your sentiment is echoed in Napolean Hill's book on his spiritual awakening entitled "Outwitting the Devil," which was not published until after his death because he feared it would be too controversial for his time, as it criticized religious and educational institutions (in case you are not familiar with him he authored classic self-help books like "Think and Grow Rich"). The book is structured as Hill's interview with the "devil," who admits his secrets to bring about the spiritual downfall of humanity. His basic premise is that the devil uses his power to prevent people from thinking for themselves, which is perpetuated by well-meaning but fear-based parents, teachers, and religious figures who discourage independent thinking and instead impose "facts" on new generations. Hill asserts that the 2% of the population who do not simply imbibe and then regurgitate what they are told but instead think critically for themselves can bring about mass spiritual awakening and the salvation of humanity via love-based truth. Fantastic book that speaks to my soul's desire and gives me hope. Especially when I am appalled and sadly infuriated by the blindness of so many, for whom I am trying to maintain compassion and from whom I am not completely different. But damn. People can be so fucking stupid I am compelled to withdraw to my little house, close the curtains, light a candle, curl up in a fetal position, and watch CZcams videos of cats.

  • @thebluhatter721
    @thebluhatter721 Před 7 lety

    This video really spoke to me because this is a constant tug of war I have with myself. My job requires me to follow rules and specs, but sometimes it doesnt always make sense, in which i question and try to learn. There's always a reason behind things. I believe rules are there to normalize society/environment. It pretty much sets the standard . In your case with the traffic light, we have been programmed to go when it's green and stop when it's red, regardless of traffic, because if there was an accident, how do you hold them accountable? They could easily say " I didn't see any traffic coming so even though it's red, i felt like I could go". So we have a blanket rule to mitigate a lot of confusion. And to your point it was clear that people could have was clear to you. Maybe not the other person. Anyway this video resonates with me so much because while I respect rules and law, we have to see the agenda behind making said rules. Are they there to benefit society or to destroy it? That's why we should question before blindly following

  • @JonasAnandaKristiansson
    @JonasAnandaKristiansson Před 6 lety +7

    Toooom! Please make videos again, I hope you find the inspiration and what you need for it, because you do this oh so well!
    Peace brother

  • @courtneygoddard515
    @courtneygoddard515 Před 7 lety +12

    Interesting experience& good points.
    P.s. You're very cuddle-able

    • @zain4019
      @zain4019 Před 5 lety +1

      courtney goddard I agree lol

  • @infjness
    @infjness Před 7 lety +5

    I love this background ! very mysterious

  • @kelslo74
    @kelslo74 Před 7 lety +3

    This is why I am on sabbatical from social media like Facebook and instagram and avoiding most news channels.We are constantly being fed bullshit,too much noise for this girl. This is why I love CZcams,I choose what I want to watch!

  • @marcyu9582
    @marcyu9582 Před 4 lety

    Same when people get in and out of underground trains. Doors open, and people start moving very slow. Although train drivers have a schedule to stop for about less than a minute. #push

  • @SIl_Ae
    @SIl_Ae Před 7 lety +3

    Tom, as always, great video man. Feels good to be able to have people to relate to. I've been nearly hyper-aware of this social conditioning and lack of personal reasoning in the majority of the population (at least where I live) for a good bit now. It's so frustrating, makes me feel hopeless sometimes. Not just when there's a tiny fender bender on the parkway and everyone rubber necks over a minute accident, but when people's ideologies are limited by the blatantly shallow and manipulative sources they're exposed to, as well as their circle of influence which is also manipulated into thinking in particular ways by these "high and mighty" few. You mention that everyone is brainwashed and living a mediocre life and you get shunned and call an insane person or conspiracy theorist. No one even likes to entertain independent ideas or hypotheses anymore. And it's across the board: the music you enjoy/compose, the books/blogs you read, the philosophies you uphold, your moral and values, your standards....all of it looked strangely upon if it doesn't conform. It's a scary world we live in. In the poorest and least educated countries, you'll find a greater abundance of happiness and communication amongst communities tainted by blatant ignorance. In the wealthiest and most educated countries, you'll find less communicative communities, more stress and anger, and possibly even more ignorance, on a scary level. I know I can't speak for everyone or everywhere, but it seems as though we're an ignorant bunch looking for the simplest way to survive and reproduce, and if gets us by, it gets us by. I guess all we can do is focus on ourselves, our ideals, and our intentions and goals in order to live happily in this crazy world we've found ourselves in. I swear, sometimes it just feels like a badly programmed video game...

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety +2

      Yeah, the most important thing is to find your 'tribe' that you can relate too. Then your reality becomes influenced by that rather than the all encompassing 'mainstream'. There's many amazing people out there doing great things, problem is you just don't hear about them very often.

    • @noraclaire1217
      @noraclaire1217 Před 7 lety +1

      Silvio Aldebot crazy world? It's a crazy world we live in alright. I don't want to be mean but at least think about the priviledges you have living where you are now. People made it sound like the west intentionally want to brainwash you people into thinking or doing certain things. At least the west TRIED. They frickin tried to provide the best but still couldn't get past this social conditioning that programmed people in their subconcious mind. You seriously don't want to have any business being in a poor and ignorant country like where I'm in rn. At least you can exercise freedom of thoughts and actions and able to try to eliminate that kind of social conditioning by advocating. We here legit can get hurt or killed for going against the norm. What I've said will not solve people's problem but at least you can feel a lot more better maybe potentially create a better world for your own people. Pls don't make it sound like you are a victim here

  • @Jaynelive1
    @Jaynelive1 Před 5 lety

    In school aged 6, the class were asked what makes you have goose pimples on your skin and I put my hand up and said, getting into a warm bath. This was something I had observed and knew to be true from my own experience. I was made to feel like an idiot as the only answer aloud was if you said when you feel cold.

  • @Missfitts23
    @Missfitts23 Před 7 lety +2

    I agree with you about this. I've been studying psychology and it amazes me how this effects people and how we think conforming is the best answer to fit inside a square when we are circles. Keep up the videos! You explain things clearly. I appreciate it :)

  • @drivethrupoet
    @drivethrupoet Před 5 lety

    Synchronicity - I read just a couple of hours ago that same thing, except with traffic cones, happened at my child's school the other day. The parent that got out of the car and moved them herself, actually felt the need to apologize for taking the obvious solution. And it was hard to stop myself from commenting about the difference between a child and an adult is discernment between rules that keep us all safe and logic for exception. Sheeple.

  • @becca1573
    @becca1573 Před 3 lety +1

    Wow, this video is 3 years old and I thought it was new because of the content. You were right 3 years ago and it’s only gone downhill since.

  • @StevenLeMieux
    @StevenLeMieux Před 4 lety

    Great video! I had a hard time understanding my actual type mainly because of the contradictory parts of the self I carry around. Not to write a book but I had to order my anarchy attire from your part of the world mainly because in my country it's been almost forgotten and dismissed. I'm the guy who chooses to freely promote a distaste for religion government and all conformity as a whole. can talk to me about anything because I do care and I will see your side. It's a paradox and I realized despite a huge urge to improve people and guide them ultimately I'm disgusted with society. Free thinking is frowned upon and after spending a lifetime already being misunderstood I decided to take a stand even if it's my own small one. I'll choose to be a guiding indirect force because I'd rather offend to cause self analysis in belief than blend anymore ever again. Great channel man definitely subscribing.

  • @raycaster4398
    @raycaster4398 Před 7 lety +2

    Slick video, Tom. Great job!
    Also a commentary can be made on failed technology and how people are regimented by it.
    I would have died if you would have gone into a Monty Python type skit over the guys refusing to move at the red light...a true "The Meaning of Life" situation.

  • @toxendon
    @toxendon Před 3 lety

    The funny thing is everyone watching this video is thinking "Hah, he is totally right! Good thing that's not me!"

  • @springbeagle142
    @springbeagle142 Před 6 lety +2

    Don't be terrified. Just imagine they were all in line for free pizza.

  • @infjness
    @infjness Před 7 lety +2

    great analogy with the computers, great story, great video.
    makes me think of a dialogue in the movie Dead Poets Society, between Robin Williams and the latin teacher, who says something like "really ? teach them to think for themselves, at 17 ? aren't you pushing things a bit far"

  • @VeganYogaMama
    @VeganYogaMama Před 7 lety +1

    Glad to see another video. I completely agree with this video, especially as someone who went to school to be a teacher. In teacher's college they promoted free thinking and creative lessons, but then I was taken back when I went into my placement and was told there was no time for those creative 'fun' lessons, and that I had to stick to the curriculum.

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety +5

      I thought about teaching for a while until I realized this would be the problem. I don't think I would last very long within such restrictions. It's a shame because teaching should be one of the most important jobs out there, it can literally make or break a child's future.

  • @teenak1566
    @teenak1566 Před 7 lety

    I think that you make a good point. Being older and more jaded than you would make me turn on the radio and observe for fun. I guess you did, but it wasn't fun for you. If I were in a rush I would be irritated. If I had nowhere important to be I would sit back, enjoy my music, and the outdoors. Overall, first world problem is what I feel.

  • @ladyshark5530
    @ladyshark5530 Před 5 lety

    😂 I totally understand! I have experienced that same moment with very similar experiences. Even if it’s very little annoyance from a minuet perspective it’s bigger as the collective. And the fact people can’t see these things, frightens me.
    Keep expressing yourself!

  • @tolstoy431
    @tolstoy431 Před 5 lety

    Its a society who is very dominant and conditioned all of us info a world full of sheep. Behaving all like we conditioned to. Without any Sense of it all.

  • @datbish5
    @datbish5 Před 7 lety

    I had this exact same thought Tom, interesting. Challenging myself to think more for myself really changed me, made me more of a confident and respected person. How I came to these thoughts however was at the hospital. I was so afraid to do things wrong so I tended to completely rely on what doctors said and protocols. But then this one time, I felt like the doctor had missed something so I discussed it with my colleagues and they were all like "He's a doctor, he knows what he's doing." And I wouldn't take that for an answer basically and said that he should be making an ECG before loading a patient up with fluids whose heartrate was fluctuating like crazy. So mind you, hospital walls are thin and he was in the office next to ours, which I didn't know, and he came in looked me straight in the face and said "I think we should make an ECG..."

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety

      I don't why but this immediately brought up the doctor scene in the movie 'Catch Me If You Can' with with Leonardo DiCaprio. Has your doctor ever been an airline pilot too?

    • @datbish5
      @datbish5 Před 7 lety +1

      Tom Davison Ha! Now that you asked..... no just kidding, haha. Oh and I meant to ask you this.. Could you do a video about INFJ's and eyecontact? I know you've done a lot of INFJ videos already but I find this so interesting. People always tell me I have a very penetrating gaze and I experienced a lot of situations where I can see people get a little caught off guard midsentence when in the middle of a conversation with me when they notice my gaze, even with people of a higher "status" like the doc I told you about (couldn't look me in the eyes anymore lol) it's like they feel too exposed? I could be wrong but I'm very curious about your thoughts on this.

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety +2

      It's because we see into peoples souls!

    • @algedifather1973
      @algedifather1973 Před 7 lety +1

      I experience this eye contact situation often. I was out with a friend and she was talking to a friend who happened to be at the same place. He stops talking mid sentence, looks at me and says "Well, *hello*!". My friend responded with "Yeah, he's a vibe thrower".
      I think that people are so used to not "being seen", that they either interpret being seen incorrectly (or read too much into it?) or are really uncomfortable with it. I also wish there were more INFJ and Eye Contact videos by INFJ's out there, maybe along the lines of how not to make people uncomfortable, or how to not do it? I have great difficulty controlling it; it seems almost subconscious. :)

    • @datbish5
      @datbish5 Před 7 lety +1

      Gene Cox Exactly! Haha I hate it... but I love it lol

  • @swaddington9399
    @swaddington9399 Před 7 lety have put into words things I cant seem to articulate, I can relate so strongly to what you say in your videos. I have done the MB test a few times over the last 15 years starting when I was in school, and I always get the same result INFJ. Ive mostly followed the info on that type because its hard to find meaningful work, but aside from career searching, your videos and delved deeply into a personal experience of that type that just really captures what I experience as well...this has been very helpful to me and made me feel alot less alone, so thank you for the videos. Im amazed how able you are to articulate certain things. Thank you for sharing thru your videos. ☺

  • @danielecampos3217
    @danielecampos3217 Před 6 lety

    I totally agree with you, i also feel that that i just get enough of this. I just find out that i am an INFJ a couple of weeks ago and your videos, your insights are helping so much. I got 19 yars old and for the first time i felt like someone could really understand me, is like everything you saying are my thoughts actually turning into real words, so i am really grateful.

  • @joannawritersblock2674

    Agree 100% We have the same thing in the U.S. Thankfully, some are waking up and seeing the mainstream for what they’re really are. Thank you for your videos. They have been helpful.

  • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
    @PsychologyandChillwMichi Před 7 lety +1

    I would really like to see you post a video about why you think society is the way it is. We live in different countries, so I'd love to see the different perspective. Though, I have a feeling it would have to be part of a mini series -- because to explain everything in less than 15 minutes... I work for a cooperation, so I get to see the effects of this mentality everyday among my coworkers in the things they will not do because they have not been explicitly told to do or doing the work of managers, afraid to ask for a raise for fear of getting fired.

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety

      In one word....control. That's what it basically amounts too and it's steadily increasing, although more and more people are waking up so interesting times ahead!

  • @CT-pv9gu
    @CT-pv9gu Před 4 lety

    Have people ever truly thought for themselves though? Our minds get filled with shit from the day we are born. And we believe most of it without questioning it... We can now think for ourselves but it takes effort, going against the grain is tricky stuff because your very survival is at stake...

  • @urbanrat84
    @urbanrat84 Před 7 lety +1

    Being an INFJ is like going through life like that motorbike rider.

    • @luscher5093
      @luscher5093 Před 5 lety

      urbanrat84 AND he first stopped to try and enlighten others along the way!

  • @goldlasts
    @goldlasts Před 5 lety

    Hey I just found your channel tonight after I discovered I was an infp, I fell into a youtube rabbit hole on the subject and one of your vids was recommended. I watched one of your early videos, I also deleted my facebook this year and my second ig handle, last year I deleted my first ig account. I had to two going on. I think you have a great channel with a lot of topics that are real issues that I feel more people should be aware of and talk about. It’s amazing now how everyone is on there phones now and no one really connects like they used to and they are so worried about this fake world of connection of social media. It’s really toxic and Andy Warhol was right that everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame. It's amazing how people are so conditioned to jump into trends and not see out of it.

  • @yellow-mountain
    @yellow-mountain Před 6 lety

    I share the same sentiments, so bloody frustrated with ‘society’ & ‘societal norms’ !!! I cannot watch my dear friends getting brain washed by these crazy ‘rules’ in a cruel and down-right illogical system in an ever-evolving culture, drowning in meaningless and brainless activities that sparked from the SHEEPLE mentality; collectivity is above what is morally correct nowadays. Everything has become shallow and ill... it’s disgusting and sad in my honest opinion.
    And the worst thing about sharing or trying to get someone to understand this point.. is having them shooting back at you saying you’re being arrogant - because I decided to question the fucking system.
    Good day to you all fellow persons.

  • @blackpearl1t
    @blackpearl1t Před 6 lety

    Thank u Tom! Exactly what i think this is such an important video. We need to learn how to think for ourselves n recondition how we think bcuz what weve been taught the way weve been taught is useless. Fear based society

  • @alonememe
    @alonememe Před 7 lety

    The point is that none call the police and report what is going on.

  • @neiln4478
    @neiln4478 Před 5 lety

    Here in my country, people ignore and accelerate @ pedestrian crossings, and interpret the first (and last) 10 seconds of a red light as "go!" - wish we could return to obedience and respect for the law. Common sense, though, should prevail - treat faulty lights as yield, yeah?

  • @julianverland8722
    @julianverland8722 Před 5 lety

    Robot society 🤖 it pisses me off too! Thanks for speaking up regarding this issue. And the sad thing is that FEAR is so effective even though it doesn't really exist! It's the anticipation that comes with fear that exists and that's PUNISHMENT.
    We need a change for the better or we won't evolve as a human species this social condition infringe particularly INDIVIDUALITY which is the basis of new ideas!
    Keep doing what you do best. Voicing your enlightenment ❤️😊

  • @monicastephens6219
    @monicastephens6219 Před 7 lety

    A lot of social conditioning is about control, unfortunately.

  • @carecatch
    @carecatch Před 6 lety

    Very intriguing~
    Concrete operations often sabotages abstract reasoning.

  • @Gaby-ix8mw
    @Gaby-ix8mw Před 6 lety +1

    You’re the best channel on here.

  • @BarbaraMerryGeng
    @BarbaraMerryGeng Před 6 lety

    Thanks for a powerful story telling..meanwhile don’t forget the lone motorcyclist, who spoke to the lead & got your lane moving ! 😎 It’s easy to lose your temper about such things, but please keep in mind, not everyone has access to broad perspective. It’s like being angry at a child for not understanding at college level, reasoning. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Do your best to lead the way, & lead yourself ‼️😘☕️🌞😎 Have patience with the others, you were once just like them ..🧚🏼‍♂️

  • @sunflowergirl4866
    @sunflowergirl4866 Před 7 lety +2

    spot on!

  • @tempest-tom9180
    @tempest-tom9180 Před 7 lety

    These braindead scenario's wouldn't be there, if we didn't live in a scarcity based economy.

  • @ElusvOptmst1
    @ElusvOptmst1 Před 7 lety +1

    Its conditioning, unfortunately. The brain is a terrible thing to waste. This reminds me of the song by Styx,' Mr Roboto, Kilroy!' How people are brain-washed and don't even know it. Afraid to think for themselves at the obvious times.

  • @DanielaSantos-dv4fz
    @DanielaSantos-dv4fz Před 6 lety

    hmm but what if the parents are well read or went to some trips and they view some of the other people ways of thinking and they pass that down to their kids? Because in the end, it's not only the education at a school that forms your thinking, the other environment you have has the same amount of influence....and it all depends on the person personality as well, there are people that just simply dont conform with the rules.

  • @HayleyRobinsonhale
    @HayleyRobinsonhale Před 7 lety

    Social conditioning drives me insane and its almost impossible to get rid of it from our own lives. Your videos are great to listen to and find I just wanna see more videos aha. One thing I would like to see is INFJ dating from a man's point of view. I often see videos on these subjects from females but not males for some reason. I have been talking to this INFJ man for about a week. He seemed so interested and then all of a sudden I think he fell off planet earth aha. We meet off a vegan dating site so we are both interested in finding a partner. I know a week to some may seem like nothing, but as an INFP I over think every situation and I am very sensitive with my emotions. TBH he is probably just busy with life but like I said I just over think everything aha. I always think its me who has done something wrong and although sensitive in nature I would rather someone hit me with the honest truth. As an INFJ man is this typical? I would love to see a video of this from your perspective as I find it very interesting in all personality types :) Cant wait to see more videos from you :)

    • @jainilpatel8270
      @jainilpatel8270 Před 6 lety

      Hayley Robinson I'm an infj man. You did nothing wrong, dont ever think it is your fault. I have social anxiety but people won't be able to determine that because I'm good at not showing it. He might be afraid of disappointing you. He might not believe in himself enough to think HE can contribute to a relationship. If you really like him you may want to talk to him as honestly as possible about how you feel. Infj's like people who are true to what they feel.

  • @dtd1986
    @dtd1986 Před 6 lety

    Check out The Century of the Self documentary if you get the chance. Plus the documentaries from Metanoia films. They are all about social conditioning

  • @morearemy2636
    @morearemy2636 Před 7 lety

    This is a really good analogy! I'll call it the "traffic light analogy" from now on 😜
    In Germany I've noticed that phenomenon way too often. When you are a pedestrian crossing an empty street in the middle of the night in a village even then people would wait for the light to turn green. By the way, this is how to spot Germans in Britain 😉 But apparently the Zombie apocalypse is getting more global now.

  • @teenak1566
    @teenak1566 Před 7 lety

    Last comment... My brain is on fire in a good way. I just came across the work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and his research on flow and the psychology of optimal experience. Very interesting information. This might be one key to stop being in the brain so much. I make sense to me. Exciting times!!

  • @adyear3168
    @adyear3168 Před 7 lety

    Hello Tom, you mention at the end of this piece on social conditioning that you’ve known for a long time why society is going down this road. If you want to, think it would be fascinating to hear some of your insights. Myself and I’m sure other people as well have noticed that this is happening, but the underlying drivers of it are not that clear at least for myself.

  • @cheridan1745
    @cheridan1745 Před 7 lety

    Great video Tom! 😊

  • @frugalmum7943
    @frugalmum7943 Před 6 lety

    I wonder if the lorry driver was at risk of loosing their license? Do you have a points system in the uk? Ok maybe i'm overthinking it. Sheeple drive me nuts also.

  • @gwyneth7812
    @gwyneth7812 Před 6 lety

    Yes, very true and most concerning. You speak a lot of what the great George Carlin says in his great sketch. 'The American Dream'. i agree with what you say about education and whilst my son attended some state school, i got him out just as the pressures and stresses of exam stuff started. He struggles with fitting into this crazy corporate world, but so do I. Hopefully, whilst, like you say, many are indoctrinated, many are also seeing the truth. good video thanks

  • @masaritooo4762
    @masaritooo4762 Před 6 lety

    Hey, Tom! This comment doesn't have any connection to this video, but I just wanted to ask, can you make a video of your school time? Like, how did you manage at the school and what kind of a student you were? It would be interesting to know because I feel like many of the INFJs have a similar way to learn things but of course, it's about the individual. I'm myself in a high school and I'm kind of struggling with studying. It would be great to know what was your experience at a school.

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 6 lety +1

      School was kinda meh, the vast majority of what your'e taught you will never use in your adult life. It basically revolves around your ability to retain information rather than intelligence and that's about it. I imagine university would be more stimulating but I wouldn't know because I never went. I think INFJ's make can make pretty good intellectuals and would enjoy studying and conversing about philosophy, psychology, history and religious studies.

  • @paulmessis1985
    @paulmessis1985 Před 6 lety

    social engineering is happening all around and in some of the most hidden and obscure ways.... especially here in the UK.

    • @paulmessis1985
      @paulmessis1985 Před 6 lety

      as a side note... after getting more into the video, the fact people followed the one guy is also a great sign of collectivism as a whole, usually it takes one person to move a crowd.... think about that for a second folks.

  • @michaprzezm3787
    @michaprzezm3787 Před 4 lety +1

    Miss you ;(

  • @georginaw1324
    @georginaw1324 Před 7 lety +1

    I see things like this all the time, and while part of me marvels at how inane it seems I also really do understand why it happens, what parts of human nature come together to create this effect. To me it seems to be a combination of crowd psychology (assuming the crowd has more knowledge than you; social conformity) and obedience towards a perceived authority. It might seem like some of the uglier and less free-thinking parts of humanity, I suppose, but there's obviously reasons why we evolved such mechanisms. I certainly don't think this is a new phenomenon, anyway - a look through history will show you that this sort of thing has always happened and probably will always happen, in different guises and to different degrees. I also don't see it as even an inherently bad thing, just part of the flawed psychological makeup of people. In many situations, particularly under moments of stress, people actively search for permission and instruction. It's like part of human nature is this desire for simplicity and clarity, the ease of being told 'go here, do this' - and I mean that with empathy, because I think it's something we all do (probably even more than we realise).

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety +1

      Yes your certainty right in the regard that it's been this way for a long time, what's scary about that is we can therefore guarantee more needless wars and genocide to accompany it. I don't believe it's something we can't transcend even if it is strongly embedded in our psyche. After all there was a time when it was perfectly normal for thousands of people to cram into stadiums to watch other humans hack each other apart, now it's to watch other humans kick a ball around rather than a head. Surely that's progress! It just happens pretty slowly.
      Society is such a funny thing because in some ways you do need control, otherwise all of the destructive base impulses that do exist in the collective mind may burst forth. You see that happen in looting and rioting when law and order breaks down. The problem however with having law and order in place is that it requires a degree of restriction on human freedom and autonomy for those that seek it, something most of us here feel belittled by.
      I guess my idealist vision is that is society, culture and education become more self aware of human 'beingness' and taught about their own psychology/emotions in a positive and enabling way, such as meditation and emotional intelligence classes for children (and adults!) Such severe measures of control would then not be needed, yet when you have power over the 'crowd' such self awareness becomes dangerous to your own position of control, and thus the crazy game of tug-rope between oppressed and oppressor continues.

  • @jojothegreatest1
    @jojothegreatest1 Před 6 lety +1

    Why did you stop making videos?

  • @adelaidemarie
    @adelaidemarie Před 6 lety

    Hello Tom, I hope this day finds you in good health......a little side note, RSO OIL does sounds to me as though the people in your country May be a bit more obedient than the people. Here when the lights act up like that they just go forward.....safely of coarse and if it iS at a CrossRoad......we take turns. Or at least it Used to be that way here, I’m not so sure anymore. I gave up driving a car several years ago and I live in a small village near the border of Mexico. To me what you describe is ‘blind obedience ‘ and I Have noticed our countries elders slipping it in more and more since September 11, 2001.
    My first born child was murdered in the city of my birth on August 29th of that very same year.
    I went to ground zero the day I heard the words.....”your son has been murdered”. I had been to that ground before, it was in 1998 after I witnessed the people rejoicing of the fact that Karla Faye tucker was now dead. The state murdered her because she had murdered someone else. When she had committed Her murder she was in a Very sick state..........the State however, considers ThemSelves sane.....go figure.
    Anyway for Me that was My last straw. I had listened to Karla, she caught my heart, she is in my soul family I Know. I had recorded cnn one night and she was on Larry king live......the Moment my eyes laid eyes on Hers........I was drawn, I went up to my kinda big screen tv and touched her her eyes she had what I had been searching for all my life. At the time I didn’t know what it was, I was still trying to be a good citizen....which means obedience usually and I fail miserably at that......but today I say it was peace, she Had inner peace and I wanted it so bad I could taste it. I absorbed as such information of which there was I could in the short time she had before the state was to take her life. Today I call her an earth angel......but that’s not what I wanted to tell you.....oh yes now I remember. My last straw for “ the world” was then and That my friend was the First day of my new life, the day the shell cracked around my heart.
    My sons murder.......the pieces fell away. I moved to a spiritual community that turns out to be anything But spiritual and no more traffic lights.

  • @SuperMatt2112
    @SuperMatt2112 Před 6 lety

    LOL, the brainwashing and conditioning works very well, so well in fact that common sense has been blown out the window, amazing...

  • @ann9573
    @ann9573 Před 5 lety +1

    Where are You?

  • @puusesandra
    @puusesandra Před 7 lety

    thank you! I have the same opinion :)

  • @TheGuroLOLITA
    @TheGuroLOLITA Před 7 lety

    You r on the road....

  • @noraclaire1217
    @noraclaire1217 Před 7 lety +1

    Dang it man I wish I can live in Britain. If you think the west is bad, think about us in the east. Here people can get killed for even thinking differently, especially when it comes to religion and politics. It's not just about getting irritated abt society programmed in a certain way anymore but actually can legit get hurt or killed if we be different. I know the west is not perfect. People like you,me and us strive to improve our own people. But there are some parts in the world where the grass is greener it's where I wanna be in rn

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety +3

      Very true, being annoyed about being stuck in traffic whilst in other countries you risk losing your life does seem frivolous. It was more about the underlying psychology of control. Still it shouldn't be an excuse not to point things out, I mean I think North Korea is f**king crazy but then I also think the most powerful country in the world having Donald Trump as president is f**king crazy. Soon it will turn into a competition of my country is more crazy than your country, like comparing mother in laws.

    • @noraclaire1217
      @noraclaire1217 Před 7 lety

      Tom Davison Agreed it shouldn't be an excuse to point out flaws. The traffic light thing here is not the issue yeah? I know we're talking about more that, the fundamentals of society itself. I'm an exmuslim. I risk losing my life if I were to advocate our rights. To say it's a psychology of control, it is but it's an exaggeration if we're talking about the education system which puts us this way from the start laid out by the govt. I think simply the system doesn't have enough competent people to make change to it. It's YOU guys who's going to be them. A lot I've seen in infj subreddit they complained being under this brainwashing but living in the west? Cmon they've got rights and freedom to change the country. It's fine to complain but claiming to be victims of control? I don't think people in the west have rights to feel that way. Sorry

  • @charne9267
    @charne9267 Před 6 lety

    To me it does not seem as though it is getting worse but rather better. I feel more and more people(mostly millinials) are becoming aware of this conditioning and are starting to reject and fight against it. Buuut this is just what l perhaps see, think and feel ...

  • @TheRoarWithin
    @TheRoarWithin Před 7 lety +1

    Couldn't agree more.
    Interested to know if you are Vegan?

    • @leeannturley8737
      @leeannturley8737 Před 7 lety

      The Roar Within It's oddly funny how offended I am by you asking this question. When you think about it, your question is humorous because it speaks exactly to the "programming." I mean, let's face it, people like this guy are supposed to be vegan (sarcasm).

    • @TheRoarWithin
      @TheRoarWithin Před 7 lety

      Courtesy Gurley He seems pretty switched on to me.

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 7 lety +14

      I'm heading more in that direction, although it's more because of dietary sensitives, being mostly veggie I used to love eggs because it was my main source of protein until I discovered they might be causing inflammation and worsening certain 'symptoms'. Same thing with gluten. As for the whole Vegan thing, I believe that yes the modern diet and factory farming is completely unsustainable and damaging for the environment and animal suffering. However I can't bring myself to label myself as anything, because whilst I do the best I can to ethically choose what I consume. I know many people in the world don't have that luxury, and have to eat what's available to sustain themselves. Ironically communities who still have to hunt for their meat, eat much less than those who buy it prepacked in a supermarket. Again, I think the main issue is consumerism that is completely out of touch with nature.

    • @TheRoarWithin
      @TheRoarWithin Před 7 lety

      Tom Davison I agree with you on that. Most people are walking around mindlessly. If you are open to it, Earthling Ed uploaded a documentary on CZcams called Land of Hope and Glory. It centres on British farms and will probably surprise you. Many people are sensitive to eggs and dairy. Dairy is produced for baby cows, so it does us no good at all. I think another weird factor in this is how our country can be so loving towards domesticated animals, yet so careless towards farmed animals. The animals we choose to farm is completely made up. All animals suffer the same, so I am not comfortable contributing towards it at all now. Starvation is very fixable, but much of the resources are fed to animals in bulk.

    • @leeannturley8737
      @leeannturley8737 Před 7 lety

      Tom Davison Great answer! I really appreciate your depth of response. Way to think!

  • @mtoverstride55
    @mtoverstride55 Před 5 lety

    Religion. Obviously false, but conditioning and irrational fear speak louder.

  • @teenak1566
    @teenak1566 Před 7 lety +1

    My below comment was rude and insensitive. Please delete as it makes me feel gross. My sincerest apologies.

  • @icaptainv6370
    @icaptainv6370 Před 6 lety

    why should he move, one should not drive through a red light, what if he would got a ticket from the police? Maybe he called the police or something to tell them about the light and waited for them to clear the situation. Its temperament based a more liberal person would be just drive and a more conversative person would wait. Why do make a story out of this that everyone could not think for themselves, stop being that dramatic.

  • @sebastianhelm1718
    @sebastianhelm1718 Před 7 lety

    Dude, you dont have enough of society, you have enough of humanity if that bothers you that much.

  • @yengvang757
    @yengvang757 Před 6 lety

    Have you found your purpose in life yet?

    • @tomdavison2784
      @tomdavison2784  Před 6 lety +4


    • @yengvang757
      @yengvang757 Před 6 lety

      Tom Davison just to let you know I'm an empath and my boyfriend is a infj. That's just what science defines your characteristics. You have a gift but your not opened to it yet that's why you feel lost. Just to let you know your astro has a lot to say. I was watching your depression videos and those helped me out a lot in understanding my boyfriend. But any ways you have a old soul and everything you talked about you have been there and was a part of it. Let me know if you would like to know more?

    • @frugalmum7943
      @frugalmum7943 Před 6 lety +2

      Tom Davison, I love you man. You are a gift to the world. "Oreo's". LOL. Society needs sheeple, leaders and misfits. All have their role to play.