China Cultural Centre in Wellington
China Cultural Centre in Wellington
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Launching Ceremony of the 2024 Silk Road TourismOverseas Promotion Season
Launching Ceremony of the 2024 Silk Road Tourism
Overseas Promotion Season
To expand the domestic and international influence of the Promotion Season, The Network of International Culturalink Entities (NICE) has planned to collaborate with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of Hainan Province and Sanya Municipal People’s Government to organize the launching ceremony of the 2024 Silk Road Tourism Overseas Promotion Season and Hainan Sanya Tourism Promotion Conference series activities from June 24 to 25 in Sanya City, Hainan Province. The activities include guest speeches, tourism promotion events and a photo exhibition on the theme of “encountering the Millennia Silk Road and exploring the ancient and modern civilizations”.
为扩大推广季活动的国内外影响,交流中心计划联合海南省旅游和文化广电体育厅、三亚市人民政府,于2024年6月24日-6月25日在海南省三亚市举办“你好!中国”--2024丝绸之路主题旅游海外推广季启动仪式暨海南三亚旅游推介会系列活动。活动围绕“邂逅千年丝路 纵览古今文明”主题,推出嘉宾致辞、旅游推介会、主题图片展等活动内容。
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Explore China with Young Cultural Envoys 文化小使者带你看中国
zhlédnutí 18Před dnem
03:00 Explore China with Young Cultural Envoys 文化小使者带你看中国
Lianyungang City Tourism Overview 连云港城市旅游概况
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连云港城市旅游概况 Lianyungang City Tourism Overview 连云港地处中国沿海中部、江苏省东北端,是新亚欧大陆桥东端起点、国家首批沿海开放城市、全国文明城市、国家园林城市和西游记文化发源地。陆域面积7615平方公里,海域面积7516平方公里,城市建成区面积310平方公里,户籍人口534.5万。辖东海、灌云、灌南3个县,赣榆、海州、连云3个区,以及国家级经济技术开发区、国家东中西区域合作示范区、云台山景区。 Lianyungang is located in China’s central coastal area and the northeast end of Jiangsu Province. It is the starting point of the eastern end of the New Eurasian Land Bridge, ren...
Welcome to Quanzhou 《欢迎你到泉州来》
zhlédnutí 111Před 14 dny
Welcome to Quanzhou 《欢迎你到泉州来》
Quanzhou 《半城烟火半城仙》
zhlédnutí 26Před 14 dny
Quanzhou China《半城烟火半城仙》
The 20th China(Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair 第二十节中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会
zhlédnutí 11Před 21 dnem
The 20th China(Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair 第二十节中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会
" Feel Chinese Culture in South Island " “中国文化南岛体验行”
zhlédnutí 5Před 21 dnem
" Feel Chinese Culture in South Island " “中国文化南岛体验行” From May 20 to 22, 2024, the Wellington Chinese Cultural Center organized a " Feel Chinese Culture in South Island " tour and exchange activities in Christchurch and Blenheim, South Island, New Zealand. This event includes three major sections: Chinese Character Culture, Tea for Harmony, and Lanting Elegant Collection. In a series of multi-th...
Amber Quartet New Zealand Tour :Amber Quartet brings gold standard4月26日晚,“琥珀四重奏”在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市中心音乐厅演出成功
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Amber Quartet New Zealand Tour :Amber Quartet brings gold standard 4月26日晚,中国知名弦乐四重奏 中国中央音乐学院琥珀四重奏,在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市中心音乐厅演出,为观众带来一场中西融合的听觉盛宴。巡演中,琥珀四重奏让新西兰观众重温了门德尔松和莫扎特的经典作品,演奏了中国当代著名作曲家郭文景的《中国民歌组曲》,并首演了新西兰小提琴家兼作曲家马克·孟席斯的新作品。本次活动由中国文化和旅游部中外文化交流中心、中国驻克赖斯特彻奇总领馆、惠灵顿中国文化中心、中央音乐学院联合主办。
Amber Quartet New Zealand Tour :Amber Quartet brings gold standard”琥珀四重奏“新西兰南岛巡演
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中国中央音乐学院”琥珀四重奏“新西兰南岛巡演活动于4月25日在新西兰南岛城市布莱梅成功举办。“琥珀四重奏”成立于2005年,是中国备受瞩目的弦乐四重奏团体,在国际乐坛享有盛誉。”琥珀四重奏“南岛巡演期间,新西兰观众欣赏了门德尔松、莫扎特的经典作品,以及中国当代著名作曲家郭文景作曲、新西兰著名小提琴家和作曲家马克·孟西斯首演的新作品。此次演出活动由中国文化和旅游部中外文化交流中心、惠灵顿中国文化中心以及中央音乐学院暨驻克赖斯特彻奇总领馆联合主办。同时,新西兰中新国际文化艺术交流协会与新西兰华人联合会纳尔逊和马尔堡分会也共同承办了此次盛会。2024 04 25Blenheim琥珀
Large-scale Real-landscape Concert of Chinese Orchestra"The Grand Canal"大型实景民族管弦乐音乐会《大运河》
zhlédnutí 71Před 2 měsíci
The large-scale real-landscape concert of Chinese orchestra "The Grand Canal" was presented at the opening ceremony of the 4th Grand Canal Culture and Tourism Expo, which was a great cultural and tourism event in Jiangsu Province. With the theme of China's Grand Canal, the concert selected local operas or classic folk songs of eight provinces that the canal passes through from north to south, a...
Living Heritage: Chinese calligraphy 非遗文化双语短片:中国书法
zhlédnutí 211Před 3 měsíci
Chinese calligraphy is an artistic practice of writing Chinese characters, often with a brush and ink on xuan paper. The evolution of Chinese calligraphy began alongside the earliest Chinese characters discovered to date - inscriptions on oracle bones from the Shang Dynasty (c.16th century-11th century BC) in Anyang, Henan province. Over time, calligraphy gradually took shape as a form of art r...
zhlédnutí 62Před 3 měsíci
2024“欢乐春节”系列活动之九:以艺入道 “兰韵”古筝音乐会 2月24日,惠灵顿中国文化中心签约古筝教师左若琰在龙年元宵节带领学生在下哈特成功举办了第三季“兰韵”古筝音乐会,吸引了近百人前来观赏。 孩子们演奏的古筝与电吉他合奏版《Believer》获得了观众一致好评,展现了古筝乐器的新颖面貌。Ariel和Jacob姐弟合作的《瑶族舞曲》古筝与非洲鼓演奏,获得观众热烈掌声。Milliann和Vivienne带来的迈克·杰克逊成名曲《Beat it》的古筝改编版本,引发了现场大合唱。 左若琰老师的古筝独奏《夜深沉》,以其超高难度、精湛技巧和京剧韵味,将现场气氛推向高潮。 最后,音乐会以左老师和书法老师黄欣合作的《笔墨是小舟》作为压轴,这一“左筝右书”的表演形式,给观众带来了全新的视听体验。 音乐作为无国界的艺术形式,再次证明了它连结人心、跨文化交流的力量。期待未来与大家分享更多美妙音乐...
2024“欢乐春节”系列活动之八 惠灵顿首届灯节点亮元宵夜
zhlédnutí 37Před 4 měsíci
zhlédnutí 29Před 4 měsíci
新西兰2024“欢乐春节”系列活动之七 东哈特小学举办中国春节文化周活动 2月12日至16日,惠灵顿东哈特小学举办中国春节文化周活动。中国驻新西兰大使馆相关人员及惠灵顿中国文化中心主 徐彤出席2月13日活动,为200多名学生进行了书法、围棋、中国象棋三项中国传统文化教学普及演示,并同全校师生举行了“自己动手包饺子”活动。
2024"欢乐春节“系列活动之六 惠灵顿庙会年味浓
zhlédnutí 36Před 4 měsíci
2024"欢乐春节“系列活动之六 惠灵顿庙会年味浓
2024新西兰“欢乐春节”系列活动之五 中新名曲演绎“四海同春”
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2024新西兰“欢乐春节”系列活动之五 中新名曲演绎“四海同春”
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zhlédnutí 36Před 4 měsíci
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新西兰2024“欢乐春节“系列活动之二 惠灵顿公房署欢庆中国春节
Palmerston North kicks off New Zealand's "Joyful Spring Festival" event.北帕默斯顿拉开新西兰“欢乐春节”活动序幕
zhlédnutí 46Před 5 měsíci
Palmerston North kicks off New Zealand's "Joyful Spring Festival" event.北帕默斯顿拉开新西兰“欢乐春节”活动序幕
China Ice & Snow Tourism Overseas Promotion Season 2024中国北方冰雪旅游海外推广季 - 黑龙江海外推广周 冰雪王国
zhlédnutí 60Před 5 měsíci
China Ice & Snow Tourism Overseas Promotion Season 2024中国北方冰雪旅游海外推广季 - 黑龙江海外推广周 冰雪王国
zhlédnutí 15Před 6 měsíci
"My Serendipity with Korowai"
zhlédnutí 43Před 6 měsíci
"My Serendipity with Korowai"
The Third China-New Zealand Arts Festival kicked off in New Zealand's capital Wellington
zhlédnutí 15Před 6 měsíci
The Third China-New Zealand Arts Festival kicked off in New Zealand's capital Wellington
Beautiful Liao Ning辽宁文旅宣传片《美丽辽宁》
zhlédnutí 39Před 7 měsíci
Beautiful Liao Ning辽宁文旅宣传片《美丽辽宁》
"Explore World Heritage, Enjoy Sichuan Delicacies 畅游世界遗产 乐享川味美食
zhlédnutí 39Před 7 měsíci
"Explore World Heritage, Enjoy Sichuan Delicacies 畅游世界遗产 乐享川味美食
Purple Image Ningxia Wine Cultural Tour in the Eyes of Foreign Photographers外国摄影家眼中的宁夏葡萄酒之旅摄影展
zhlédnutí 4Před 7 měsíci
Purple Image Ningxia Wine Cultural Tour in the Eyes of Foreign Photographers外国摄影家眼中的宁夏葡萄酒之旅摄影展
Art of Dunhuang Grottoes
zhlédnutí 22Před 7 měsíci
Art of Dunhuang Grottoes
“The Story of China--Dunhuang in the World”讲好中国故事--世界的敦煌“讲座在北帕举行
zhlédnutí 322Před 7 měsíci
“The Story of China Dunhuang in the World”讲好中国故事 世界的敦煌“讲座在北帕举行


  • @user-eg4wd3kw4x
    @user-eg4wd3kw4x Před měsícem


  • @princecoffee2349
    @princecoffee2349 Před 2 měsíci

    Basically, 2 pieces are the costumes of the Nothern people. In order to ride a horse, skirts and pants had to be narrow. The Han Chinese have worn loose, one-piece costumes since ancient times.

    • @lindaliang3825
      @lindaliang3825 Před 2 měsíci

      The Tang wore dresses on women that exposed the chest, a very risque thing to wear in those days.

  • @znba8823
    @znba8823 Před 2 měsíci

    qing dynasty manchu fake chinese not traditional chinese Clothing

  • @vintageb8
    @vintageb8 Před 2 měsíci

    Koreans please dont steal

  • @user-fo2uh4rm5c
    @user-fo2uh4rm5c Před 3 měsíci


  • @xiongcaizhu9315
    @xiongcaizhu9315 Před 3 měsíci


  • @user-eq1zc1lf5h
    @user-eq1zc1lf5h Před 4 měsíci


  • @user-gg9zt7bv7w
    @user-gg9zt7bv7w Před 4 měsíci

    That doesn't look like anything close to Korean Hanbok meaning Chinese r liars again. Nor her hair style. They don't look nothing close to Japanese either even though Japanese liars r claiming that their costume had been influenced from Tang China rather than Korea. Just How could they sail to Tang China without Korean Shilla dynasty Ship then. Even that Yennin who was Japanese envoy to Tang China had to take Korean Shilla ship to reach Tang China. At then Tang China had been attacked by combined Korean Shilla force from the east n Tibetan force from the west. That Tang China was no major threat to neither Korean Shilla nor to Tibetans unlike all bluffing Chino's wish! These lying Japanese n Chinese r basically serious asylum cases!

    • @ezradja
      @ezradja Před 2 měsíci

      hahaha learn your history first you joseonjin. First, the term hanbok was not existed until the 19th century, look at the korean youtube channel. Yau are nasty human being, stop using hanja, stop naming your own using chinese character ...

    • @ezradja
      @ezradja Před 2 měsíci

      Taekwondo is a copycat of KARATE, prove me wrong ... Your anime is a copycat of Japanese anime ... prove me wrong ... Your hanbok was only existed in late Josen era 18-19th century, before that you don't have a term of your dress... BUT HEY YOU ARE A DECENDANT OF SLAVES in Joseon dynasty, what would you pretend to be a yangban family while your ancestors were slaves for those feudal families ... LMAO

  • @wjkwjk3484
    @wjkwjk3484 Před 5 měsíci

    Qing dress is beautiful. I am fat, I like Qing clothing. From fat woman00123

    • @user-qi9zn8hz8h
      @user-qi9zn8hz8h Před 4 měsíci

      Im Han Chinese, I dont like Qing clothing. Fortunately, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for more than 110 years, and we no longer have to wear those ugly costumes.

  • @mermaidscales870
    @mermaidscales870 Před 6 měsíci

    So beautiful city❤❤❤

  • @user-rr2hi9fm6w
    @user-rr2hi9fm6w Před 7 měsíci


  • @user-rr2hi9fm6w
    @user-rr2hi9fm6w Před 7 měsíci

    上衣、、其實不是半截,而是一整套的袍子,先穿上袍子,結好腰帶,然後再腰部外面套上一件裙子,整體就是現在日本人穿上和服之後外面再加上一件袴裙(有裙帶的褶裙)那才是真正的中國古裝,孔子塑像就是這種和服搭配袴裙的裝扮,日本才是保留最正統中國文化的國家,現在的華人世界已經遺失了 ,你們總是說上衣下裳,其實是嚴重的錯誤,不應該說、、上衣下裳、、會讓人誤以為衣服只有半截上半身,下身只有裙子,那是嚴重錯誤,應該更正為、、先袍服而後裙裳、、就是先穿好一整套袍服,結好腰帶,再於下半身最外面套上一件摺裙,下半身的下擺因為行動或奔跑,或騎馬運動時會曝光,及寒冷天氣時可以用於保暖防風,及出席正式場合時防止袍子的下襬掀開曝光的功能,從而言之,真正的中國古裝在日本,就是日本的和服,而且在中國千百年前的中國古畫中就有留下圖畫的證據

  • @snowwhite-jt9cj
    @snowwhite-jt9cj Před 8 měsíci

    🤍Beautiful China Traditional Culture :)

  • @garfieldlee4357
    @garfieldlee4357 Před 8 měsíci

    The presentation in this video is none other than my hometown, where I have lived for over 40 years! Your filming has left me both stunned and proud! Thank you! Welcome to my hometown, the ancient capital that has stood for a millennium! Please come to Chang'an often! Using another interpretation of Chang'an in our Chinese language, I also wish every international friend who loves Xi'an the best!

  • @bobolpatrick3789
    @bobolpatrick3789 Před 8 měsíci

    et la traduction ?c'est dommage je suis intéressé par votre culture, j'aimerai comprendre !

  • @OshinAttari
    @OshinAttari Před 9 měsíci


  • @snowwhite-jt9cj
    @snowwhite-jt9cj Před 11 měsíci

    So nice the traditional backyard❤︎ I also like the Chinese Tiger head-style kids' shoe design:)🐯

  • @Lance571
    @Lance571 Před rokem


  • @Sid-mu8jt
    @Sid-mu8jt Před rokem

    Absolutely magnificent!! Thank me later -> S M Z E U S!!!

  • @erwinprnt
    @erwinprnt Před rokem

    China begitu luas.. begitu banyak tempat indah dan spektakuler.. kangen kembali mengunjungi China.. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @oubao
    @oubao Před rokem


  • @andia968
    @andia968 Před rokem

    How many mainland xin yimin currently lives in nz

  • @snowwhite-jt9cj
    @snowwhite-jt9cj Před rokem

    Traditional style looks great 💖

  • @broytingaravsol
    @broytingaravsol Před rokem


  • @zoriorio8018
    @zoriorio8018 Před rokem


  • @michaelsmusicinstruments9980

    thank you, The Miao culture is fascinating

  • @dan020350
    @dan020350 Před rokem


  • @albertduke9367
    @albertduke9367 Před rokem

    🎊 p̲r̲o̲m̲o̲s̲m̲

  • @michaelsmusicinstruments9980

    thank you for the Info.

  • @chinaculturalcentreinwelli9610

    Inexplicable Chinese characters

  • @donigilo
    @donigilo Před 2 lety


  • @liuwenyiu1580
    @liuwenyiu1580 Před 2 lety

    国安部门的处长明真相后...... 打印机版 | 【投稿/反馈】 文/存真 我丈夫的表哥是某市国安部门的处长,他们兄弟四个,表哥和我丈夫走得很近。表哥因工作需要每年都能到我市或路过我市,有空时便到我家中做客。 我以前体弱多病,有二十年的无名热、失眠、头疼等。儿子出生了,由于我发烧,他吃了母乳后,我的体温多少度,他的体温就多少度。结果不到一百天就得了肺炎,住进了医院,从此成了医院的常客。 后来我有缘开始修炼法轮功,所有的病全好了,无病一身轻。儿子也有幸走入法轮功修炼,不但身体健康了,而且学习成绩飞升。丈夫也从此解脱了病妻病儿的家庭重负,没有了后顾之忧,开始全身心地投入他的事业,由单位销售部经理升到经营厂长,最后开始个体经营。家里经济条件也发生了翻天覆地的变化,由原来的七家一个走廊的十二平方米住房,到现在居住二百多平方米的房子。如今,我们买了四处住房,还有门市房、车库、厂房工业用地。丈夫还花二十万给我买了轿车。 表哥每次见面都会问我身体情况,他见证了我修炼法轮功前后身体的变化。每当我谈起法轮功真相,表哥都认同,还让我帮助他声明“三退”(退党、退团、退队)了。 2017年过年前,丈夫与我去四表弟家,住在附近的表哥也去了,我与丈夫就到表哥家住了两天。我利用时间和表哥、表嫂(某政府部门的书记)讲法轮功祛病健身、让人道德高尚与中共迫害法轮功的高官遭恶报落马的实例。 我们要离开的时候,表哥表弟们为我们摆宴送行。席间,大家问起表哥身体情况,并提醒他定期打点滴疏通血管,因为表哥患高血压很多年了,另外还有糖尿病。表哥却说:“不用了,我就信‘法轮大法好’了!”又转过头问我:“是不是?我们就念‘法轮大法好’了,是吧!” 一位表弟媳说:“这次嫂子(指我)来,脸色气质特别好,比上次来更精神更年轻了。”一位表弟也说:“嫂子(指我)真的比上次来年轻了!”大家都向我点头,重复着:“真的又年轻了,气色非常好。”表嫂又加重口气说:“咱们存真(指我),炼法轮功炼得又年轻、又漂亮、又善良。”我也对表哥说:“千万别参与迫害法轮功啊!”表哥严肃地说:“你怎么这么想我,我绝对不能(参与)迫害(法轮功)的!” 2017年大年过后,表哥表嫂来到我家,用U 盘复制了法轮功的主要著作《转法轮》和其他法轮功书籍。表哥说:“想一想还是应该炼法轮功。回去会把法轮功的书全看了。我这个岁数,没有别的追求了,官场一切看透。我身体不好,有些病不是医院能治的,人的生命也不是自己想象的。法轮功值得研究,我要好好学一学。”

  • @stephaniecoggins733
    @stephaniecoggins733 Před 2 lety


  • @tian-tsilau2540
    @tian-tsilau2540 Před 2 lety

    5:48 左邊的圖錯了喔 那位一樣是滿族裝扮 只不過是在氅衣外面多穿了件坎肩罷了 跟漢女的兩截穿衣不同

  • @itisenglish9149
    @itisenglish9149 Před 2 lety

    The subtitles are totally blind. The Chinese characters on the screen are irrecognizable by applications for their fancy style. It's a pity.

    • @manga626
      @manga626 Před 3 měsíci

      true especially, since the subtitles are at the very bottom and the screen is mostly white or bright, it's a bit of work to dart our eyes from the screen to the subtitles and back and forth

  • @ErniJuliaKok
    @ErniJuliaKok Před 2 lety

    May I ask, how did the clothes sew? Totally handmade without a sewing machine like our modern cloth making?

    • @realmofthesenses
      @realmofthesenses Před rokem

      In the C-drama ´Master of Cheongsam´ in late Qing (late 19th-early 20th century) tailors still made everything by hand, gradually sewing machine took over.

  • @ismeyo5146
    @ismeyo5146 Před 2 lety

    Qing dynasty barbarian weaken China

    • @massalleh5255
      @massalleh5255 Před 2 lety

      Perhaps but it did provide more territories for China

    • @massalleh5255
      @massalleh5255 Před 2 lety

      And the Manchus are now just relegated to mere another ethnic chinese minorities

    • @dracokaiser
      @dracokaiser Před rokem

      😂 no qing no China today! Spare me your han nationalist hidden racist bigotry

    • @anaavila9326
      @anaavila9326 Před rokem


    • @changyilin1750
      @changyilin1750 Před 11 měsíci

      🤨没有恶意 你也不怕被喷 国内说一句清朝不好的话随随便便就能4 5 百条来骂你的评论🥲已经到了一种丧心病狂的地步了

  • @ronaldjohnson3640
    @ronaldjohnson3640 Před 2 lety


  • @discoverguangxichina5481
