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Hero Archetypes Explained: Tanks
The Tank is one of the gaming's most iconic character archetypes--and this video is meant to take a much closer look at them.
#gaming #game #dota #dota2 #leagueoflegends #overwatch #overwatch2 #rainbowsixsiege #tf2 #teamfortress2
Timestamps ⌛:
00:00 - Intro
00:44 - Origin of the Tank
1:29 - Roles of a Tank
6:30 - The Damage Tank
8:54 - The Dive Tank
11:39 - The Barrier (And Cover) Tank
14:43 - The Sponge Tank
16:16 - The Control Tank
17:29 - The Hook Tank
19:41 - The Sustain Tank
20:54 - Tanks in MOBAs
22:41 - Tanks in Objective-Based Hero Shooters
23:22 - Tanks in Kill-Based Hero Shooters
23:49 - Tanks in Tactical Shooters?
24:36 - The Stall Tank
27:48 - Balancing a Tank
zhlédnutí: 4 365


Why I Don't Play Ranked
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The Art of TRASHTALKING in League and Dota
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The WEIRDEST Role in League and Dota
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League's Most HATED Role (And Dota's Most Beloved)
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The KEY Differences in Carrying In Dota and League
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I Played 100 Games Of Dota and League’s HARDEST Champions To See Who’s More Difficult
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  • @pathfinder8780
    @pathfinder8780 Před 11 hodinami

    Hard support is the hardest role in game

  • @GiantBUThead
    @GiantBUThead Před 13 hodinami

    My midlane ritual is my friends forcing me mid because no one besides me plays mid as an offrole and getting my ass kicked by a tinker or arc warden who may or may not be having a helping hand from a script. In league I play mid when I want to have some fun but my fun gets stopped by yasuo's stupid windwall because it fucking stops everything now doesn't it? Or of course katarina or zed because isn't it fun to have a million dashes and a billion damage even when you lost your lane. Seriosuly fuck those heroes/champions.

  • @GiantBUThead
    @GiantBUThead Před 14 hodinami

    I'm an offlaner main ever since the dreaded suicide lanes were a thing, when the offlaner played 1v3. It was THE hardcore role then. I loved what the offlane heroes offered but most of the time you were heavily handicapped and coudn't reach your potential. Offlaners right now are absolutely spoiled by having a support and honestly when my support is really bad I usually just tell him to go play trilane as I know how to play 1v2 and it works out way better than by giving the enemy carry free kills in addition to farm. In addition I love just running into the enemy team and making them kill themselves on me as bristle, timbersaw, axe and legion. Funnily enough I used to be a top main in league back when Darius came out. I mained him and frequently 1v9d after winning my lane. However I do not like the new darius that much and by new I mean the delay on his Q. With the tons of mobility in league it's just annoying having a delay like that, especially after you've been using instant Qs back in the day. That's why I moved onto other roles in league over the years but last year, after getting hardstuck, I got so mad, I switched back up to top and actually climbed, although with cheap champs like Illaoi and Malphite which were absolutely broken but I do not regret it as I was getting really frustrated trying to carry as ADC or jungle with no team backup. Toplaner IS the 1v9 role in league. And one more thing when it comes to ranged offlaners, I play alot of viper offlane and he's got some disgusting bully potential and he's extremely tanky especially against heavy magic damage comps. In addition you can play him as the "tank" role you mentioned does not exist. You build things like blademail, shivas and SnY or SnK and the enemies kill themeselves upon you while you just stand there, breaking them, and slowing them. I recently won an offlane viper game agianst a farmed PA with rapiers by having her kill herself on my blademail because she thought I was just a ranged damage dealer. As straight forward as he is I think Viper is incredibly good as an offlaner flex.

  • @GiantBUThead
    @GiantBUThead Před 14 hodinami

    I'd like to mention that pos 4 in the last big tournament of dota PGL Wallachia which was around when this video was released, was picked as a carry role. There were quite a few games where the offlaner and midlaner were lower in net worth than the pos 4 and pos 4 had huge damage and kill pressure. There were marcis, hoodwinks and nature's propherts deleting enemy hard carries. It's most definitely not just a support role. And it's not just pro play, it happens all the time in pubs too, the pos 4 just gets so far ahead on semi-carry heroes like the ones mentioned that they deal carry level of damage. My second role in league is jungle, my first one being ADC, while pos 4 is my least played dota role and pos 3/5 being my most played. So yeah they're the most different roles in both games.

  • @GiantBUThead
    @GiantBUThead Před 15 hodinami

    I'm not a support fan in league, in fact it's my most hated role, it find it incredibly boring as compared to dota's support, there's really nothing to do aside from harassing and warding 2-3 bushes every few minutes. Sure you can do a roam but 90% of the time your adc will take that as a go ahead to overextend 1v2 or even 1v3 when the jungle comes to kill him after you gank mid. In dota playing support in lane gives you so much more to do, sure you have to harass and control vision but also, pull, stack, block/unblock camps, play for objectives like runes and lotuses, gank other lanes with TP and gate etc. Plus dota's support items are much much more interesting than league's support items. And I love nothing more than making the enemy team's lane and teamfight hell by playing warlock, shitting out all my spells and quietly casting upheavel while in stealth while they all can barely move and are swarmed by my team and my demons. I mean pyke's execute is fun but it's not making them suffer so much that they try to jump you every fight after they lost that teamfight and ignore your team who wipe them out.

  • @GiantBUThead
    @GiantBUThead Před 15 hodinami

    I used to play an ADC in league but with the constant nerfs to them and buffs to other roles it felt really bad to play them. Especially when you consider that league is a bit of an rock paper scissors when it comes to role balance. Marksmen are coutnered by Assassins by being one shot quickly through a burst of damage, Assassins are countered by tanks who can survive their burst and stop their disengage with their cc kits and tanks are countered by marksmen who kite them and have enough sustained dps to kill them, all the while mages and enchanters also soft counter marksmen. Add this to the buffs tanks are getting in the last years in league where they are somehow dealing bursts of damage larger than assassins and it's just pure suffering playing ADC. So I just quit ADC and switched to roles with more impact like jungle or simply with stronger champions like top and what do you know, my games improved a lot and I managed to climb quickly. In dota my favorite roles are hard support and offlane but my other roles are also close. Safelane carry in dota is an entirely different breed from league. The carry is actually THE CARRY. Yes you're usually weak early game and get bullied around the lane and even hunted in the jungle to stop you from farming up but once you hit your timings you become unstopable. You feel like Sion from league where the enemy needs 5 heroes to stop you from running them over. The only person that can pontentially counter you is the enemy carry IF they picked a good matchup, since in dota the rock paper scissors is still there but it's not role specific, it's hero specific. You need specific heroes to counter specific heroes on the enemy team. For example if I play medusa, who's mana bar is effectively her HP, the enemy can pick anti-mage who's attacks drain mana on hit in addition to the damage done and I'll get deleted if he jumps on me and while I can hold him back with my ultimate he can just disengage when I pop it and re-engage once it's over easily with his blink spell. Of course you don't just get counterpicked by the enemy carry, many carries are counterpicked by specific midlaners or even supports. For example Phantom lancer who's thing is to create a ton of illusions of himself to attack you is very heavily countered by heavy aoe damage dealers like the midlaner Necrophos and the support/offlaner Earthshaker or even by the supprot hero Phoenix, who all deal massive AOE damage either over time or in a burst. So all in all in league there are certain seasons where I feel that ADC is just there so that the game has 10 players instead of 8 and it can start, while in dota carries have always been a dominating presence in the late game and if you're playing against a carry you have not counterpicked with your own hero picks you better try to finish the game quick before they come online. Despite that all, carry is not my preferred role in dota as you spend 80% of the game farming away and joining early and midgame fights only when very advantageous so you can speed up your timings via kill bounties. And I like to be active troughout the whole game, which is why I play offlane.

  • @giantsfan419
    @giantsfan419 Před 15 hodinami

    Love mobas and this is great

  • @sincskent
    @sincskent Před 16 hodinami

    As a long time league player, dota has a much more complex approach than league, you have a lot of things and options to do in lane in dota compared to league, Not to mention the few options to come back in the game after being bullied 0-7 in lane and still win the game. League having little to no option to come back after losing a lane is just straight up grief that you just want to end the game and play the next, whereas in dota you can gank other lanes, farm small camps or stack ect. and have a chance to come back which makes the game overall enjoyable.

  • @kenneth7239
    @kenneth7239 Před 18 hodinami

    03:04 cap

  • @glmrgloam
    @glmrgloam Před dnem

    8:30 extremely over-simplified take on safelane mechanics in dota. freezing the lane just outside of tower range is good carry mechanics if you're 2k mmr and it's 2014.

  • @vcp009
    @vcp009 Před dnem

    7:28 Keen Optic. Youll be missed. 😢 12:30 Smite MOBA Main Menu music I noticed haha. Nice touch.

  • @vcp009
    @vcp009 Před dnem

    15:20 you're wrong here. In Dota the Offlaner and Mid are pretty much carries too. Zues, Invoker, All thr Spirit Heroes (Except Earth Spirit), Huskar, Meepo, QoP, Death Prophet etc most are all Mage Carries. Offlaners like Mars, LC, Axe, Dawn Breaker, Night Stalker etc. Dota has 3 Core roles and all of them are a carry of their own.

    • @nekoluxuria7721
      @nekoluxuria7721 Před 20 hodinami

      In general carry is just whoever happens to get the highest net at the time. I have carried the game with sk pos 3. Now keep in mind the enemy team sucked so badly that they couldnt stop my from snowballing, but generally how it is.

  • @vcp009
    @vcp009 Před dnem

    Turbo isnt dota. But I respect and appreciate your effort.

  • @redsusoverparadise2700

    5:51 Nope, that was a perfect half-pull. It's better than pulling the entire wave, so the lane doesn't get pushed immediately.

  • @echospecter2450
    @echospecter2450 Před dnem

    Favorite tank is Cho gath, I fed bad first game with him cause I didn't know what I was doing but didn't take the advice to never play again and learned, sucks there's league tank meta cause I like a challenge and hate when I lock in a good champ and feel no damage but can execute people while taking up an entire lane. I liked orisa in overwatch but they did her dirty in 2

  • @totomen666
    @totomen666 Před dnem

    "BTW Dota has them too" .... beech try to guess where Dawnbreaker come from?....(they seen how broken overloaded kits in LOL, and just ported Sir Banzington with super LOL's spice overdesigning... that even Sir Banzington looks ... ordinary when compered to her) Yrel PTSD kicks in 3..2..1

  • @echospecter2450
    @echospecter2450 Před dnem

    Made me smile hearing that last part, I usually play jungle support or just fill in league because I love the characters but also to help make sure everyone gets the role they want. As for Dota I love playing a support because they can be helpful in ways that break the game, I fell in love with dazzle because my friend wouldn't die and if he left lane I'd hold tower

  • @echospecter2450
    @echospecter2450 Před dnem

    The thing I love about Dota 2 is that even with less characters it feels like I face more diverse comps with more room for players to make decisions for better or worse where as league feels more structured and streamlined when it comes to builds and team comp. Honestly love both, love stomping in either game even if it's balling out as miss fortune or bristleback

  • @yoelv4012
    @yoelv4012 Před dnem

    Dude , being almost married and with an overseas job, turbo has been a light in the darkness to enjoy and meet with friends. Am I going to to play pos5 refresher Leoric? I surely am!!!

  • @Rururararururi
    @Rururararururi Před dnem

    mureta is not support, it's just matchup depending carry, can't pick mureta in all game

  • @greedisbad9890
    @greedisbad9890 Před dnem

    I think you underselling how different turbo mode is compared to quick play is, you can get end game item wich usually in the 45-50 minutes item usually already got purchased at 25 minutes in turbo and considering meepo is all about timing of the item thats just unfair comparison Mechanically azir is harder but its easier to get value as azir, meepo is easier (small gap) but way harder to get value from it

  • @greedisbad9890
    @greedisbad9890 Před dnem

    The thing about dota 2 overtune heroes is that they don't feel overwhelming to counter, like there's an obvious way to counter them Meanwhile a champ like yone will bully you all the way to your nexus because he will kill anyone in 5 second after he got line of sight

  • @davidecascapera987

    As a teemo main top player, i have a correction to make: my win condition is making the enemy laner rage quit, or make the laning phase so stressful that they unintentionally feed. Spamming emotes, and calmly responding to the messages in chat helps too XD

  • @rusadymhmd2167
    @rusadymhmd2167 Před dnem

    Rito when it comes to mana I absolutely have no idea whats going on. Well if you thought mana is there for magic purposes, Darius who just using his axe costs mana, meanwhile Garen summons a huge mythical sword from the sky have 0 mana. I agree on not everything is free. It makes champ just spam abilities like having no consiquences of what they're doing. Dota 2 have the first hero to have 0 mana however it costs his hp similarly to vladimir. Anyway, i wonder what Antimage would do to those 0 mana champs.

  • @dracotoy
    @dracotoy Před dnem

    Nothing beats typing mid gap after being absolutely shit stomped early

  • @hamsterdorifto3194

    hmm dota looks really cool i might try it sometime hehe

  • @Green13Gaming
    @Green13Gaming Před dnem

    Dota carry’s are not always needed, they can be strong, but sometimes you have heroes like leshrac capable of winning the game from the midlane, he’s notorious for being super busted every ti

  • @Blacmorecito
    @Blacmorecito Před dnem

    "I'm still salty about TI3" My man spittin'

  • @LMC7464
    @LMC7464 Před dnem

    pinoy fried

  • @dark_brownie
    @dark_brownie Před 2 dny

    And you didn't even mention one of the biggest things is the courier in dota, that brings you items all the time so you don't have to tp to base to get some key items

  • @AnimatedLoopHD
    @AnimatedLoopHD Před 2 dny

    I don't know anything about this game but just felt like commenting that this is really well made video.

  • @MrGelmo1889
    @MrGelmo1889 Před 2 dny

    I play lethality Yorick top, I’m never alone when I have maiden it really feels like a 2v1

  • @icroosing
    @icroosing Před 2 dny

    Imagine playing a non singleplayer game for fun lmao, you need to always crave that juice mmr

  • @NocturnalPyro
    @NocturnalPyro Před 2 dny

    20:15 This situation is so infuriating, cause your jungler was there, in a perfect position for a gank, but instead he just clears his topside jungle. The amount of times this happens to me is just insane.

  • @NocturnalPyro
    @NocturnalPyro Před 2 dny

    9:21 yep, truer words have never been spoken.

  • @calebjohnson9406
    @calebjohnson9406 Před 2 dny

    Im a support main and i cant figue out toplane. It doesnt help that the only 2 toplaners i like is urgot and yorick.

  • @wadeparker054
    @wadeparker054 Před 2 dny

    A video about dota and lol but that uses smite music 😂

  • @innocentchild0
    @innocentchild0 Před 2 dny

    Blud thinks he can hide the honkai star rail combat music in the background

  • @thejunkdog5344
    @thejunkdog5344 Před 2 dny

    Elder Titan: Get off my lawn!

  • @blackwater403
    @blackwater403 Před 2 dny

    1:15 sentrys only last 3 mins

  • @sirjilo8635
    @sirjilo8635 Před 2 dny

    No way this man said Hwei is balanced. Sure Hwei doesn’t have a dash but he has 10 different spells to chose from, which makes him the single most versatile mage in the game. You get to choose; do you need cc? Damage? Movespeed? Slows? Poke? Area denial? Single target burst? AoE damage? Boosted autos for hitting a fast target when skill shots won’t? Why ever pick a champ like Anivia, Orianna, Xerath or Veigar which can only do 2 or 3 of those when you can just pick Hwei and do all of them. On top of that mage items are some of the most versatile and powerful items in the game. Items like zhonyas to protect against assassins, banshees to protect against cc, seraphs for an all purpose shield, liandrys for max hp damage, protobelt for movement etc, etc. Don’t get me started on how Hwei is oppressive both in lane and all through the mid and late game unless he’s hard camped or counterpicked (since his range is ludicrous it’s almost impossible to actually punish him in lane). I need to take my meds.

  • @regular4634
    @regular4634 Před 2 dny

    One has a Chinese spyware the other don't :)

  • @JawaPenguin16
    @JawaPenguin16 Před 2 dny

    The traumatized support main in me very much needed to hear that "thank you" at the end. Have a sub!

  • @lazylonewolf
    @lazylonewolf Před 3 dny

    Currently on Dota 2. I don't want to tryhard no lifer, so I don't Ranked. Never played ranked too when I was still playing LoL. Just before me and my friends dropped LoL, I remember most of our games were ARAM. And what's the point of stressing oneself with a freakin game haha, that's counter productive.

  • @Malatronable
    @Malatronable Před 3 dny

    Finally CZcams recommended a quality video. Nice essay. Found particularly interesting that you give examples from many games, such as Dota and LoL and also the famous spin off of those adult animations

  • @ImKioto97
    @ImKioto97 Před 3 dny

    I usually do this for a warmup in League. Load a practice game with a Lux bot (Medium diff) on the enemy team. Go botlane (that's where lux will go) and just try to farm perfectly without using spells to last hit. You can't back, you can't interact with Lux, just try to dodge her spells and keep the wave in a neutral state. It might seem easy but as soon as she gets a minion or HP advantage over you she becomes extremely agressive and zones you off of creeps, so there is little room for mistake. Do this until 4:30 minutes (4:30 wave is the last wave you're allowed to farm). Here you have some reference points to evaluate your performance: -Total number of creeps including the 4:30 wave is 44. So 44 cs would he a perfect score -40+ is great -35-39 is really good -30-35 is okay-ish -25-29 is not good enough -Less than 25 means that you really need to work on your last hitting since in a real game you will have to balance all of that while dealing with a real oponent and trying to harass them. You can make it easier by allowing spells to last hit or more difficult by not buying any starter items

  • @boldisordorin9010
    @boldisordorin9010 Před 3 dny

    Dota matches 50 minutes and doesn have ff? Holy shit

  • @YoungOneJim
    @YoungOneJim Před 3 dny

    Been an on and off league player since s2 and a jungle main the whole time, I just live with mute on as everyone wants your help all the time and listening to them makes you do stupid things 🤣 you can be making a huge impact bot lane and be trying to keep up your farm & contest objectives but your top or mid who has no set up/is doing dumb stuff will still spam ping you and call you bad, is what it is

  • @Lightmagician60
    @Lightmagician60 Před 3 dny

    the simplest way to describe Suicide Sion is it forces a 1 for 1. the Sion gets minions and Tower Gold. while his opponent get kill gold. but eventually that kill gold becomes 100 (down from 300 after 5~6 deaths in a row) and minion gold keeps going up. the one "downside" of this is that this gives their opponent an equal amount of gold. but this becomes an non-issue very fast because 1) if they leave lane, to use their gold lead, you just push into base and win 2) due to the high gold values both of you have earned, it's unlikely anyone else on the enemy team can stop you 3) meaning Top has to stop you. you have effectively turned the game into a 4v4 where top doesn't exist... or 4) the enemy teams gets fed up with you and sends 2~3 people to get you on the grey screen as long as possible... but 5) if your team is good, the moment they send extra people top. your team can 4v3 or 4v2. taking something, while they just get 100 gold from you

  • @shizelee8251
    @shizelee8251 Před 3 dny

    are you saying hwei does not have a overloaded kit with fucking 13 spells? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? where does your brain goes