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  • 152 391
【 2 小時 】英文 小夜曲、安眠曲 (新歌加精選) | 加拿大古詩《夏之流逝》| 豎琴、小提琴、鋼琴、結他伴奏| 放鬆睡眠音樂
2-Hour Calming Songs for Deep Sleep | Canadian Poem “The Dying Summer” | Relaxing Music | String Instruments
Exactly one week ago, Vancouver seemingly transitioned into autumn overnight, with temperatures lingering around 10 degrees from midnight to early morning. Despite my plan to take it easy, I ended up creating "The Dying Summer" right away. This playlist also includes four other poems chosen for the summer season. I selected the songs from each poem that touched me the most to conclude this summer. The one with the starry sky is "The Dying Summer" by Annie L Walker, the cat is "Midsummer Night” by Archibald Lampman, the sailboat is "Twilight” by John F. M’Donnell, the orchid is "Canadian Summer Evening" by Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon, and the one with the village is "The Silent Hour" by Agnes Maule Machar. Goodbye, summer! I’ll sleep well, and after saying goodbye, we’ll surely meet again next year!
歌詞在留言。Lyrics in comments.
zhlédnutí: 10 404


【70 分鐘】英文 早晨咖啡廳歌曲 | 加拿大古詩《破曉瞬間》《窗外晨光》| 放鬆、充電、好心情
zhlédnutí 96KPřed 14 dny
70-Min Morning Laid-back Café Songs | 19th Century Canadian Poem “Dawn” “From the High Window of Your Room” | Lo-fi, Folk, Chill-out, Acoustic, A Cappella, Country Music | Relaxation, Recharge, Good Mood 早上聽強勁的音樂或是懶洋洋的音樂好呢?最近很忙,我想躲懶,還是懶洋洋吧!聽一會Lo-fi、民歌、Chill-out、原聲音樂、A Cappella、鄉村音樂。今次選的兩首詩,一首是描寫破䁱的𣊬間,一首是描寫主人公看破曉的𣊬間,太有意思了!我們先懶一會吧,雖說「今天的事今天做」,但正所謂「長命功夫長命做」,拉得太緊也不一定有效率的,歇一歇,再起行吧!休息後大家加油!(加不了油也是可以的...
【70 分鐘】英文 小夜曲、搖籃曲 | 加拿大古詩《暮色時分》《寧靜時刻》 | 豎琴、小提琴、鋼琴、結他伴奏 | 放鬆睡眠音樂
zhlédnutí 20KPřed 21 dnem
70-Min Calm Songs for Deep Sleep | Canadian Poem “Twilight” & “The Silent Hour” | Relaxing Music | String Instruments 這個歌集所選的詩歌,一首描寫暮色時分,一首描寫黃昏後的寧靜時刻。兩首詩都美得讓我感激不已,「感激不已」是我能想到對詩歌最真實的形容。從這兩首詩中各取幾句送給自己,也送給你:「不會永遠存在疾苦與煩憂,邪惡與罪過也非永恆 (Not for ever Are the fretting and the fever, Nor eternal, wrong and sin) 」,「祝願我不論順逆,仍抱有希望,期待更幸福順遂的明天 (And bid me still, In good or ill, Hope for a better, happier morrow...
靜夜單曲 The Silent Hour | 中英字幕 | AI 不太寂靜版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 250Před 21 dnem
中英對照 AI 靜夜單曲。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 Agnes Maule Machar,配以輕柔起伏的旋律。這首描寫寂靜黃昏的詩歌是加拿大的珍貴遺產和經典之作。中文翻譯歌詞是本人手筆,請多多指教。影片中使用了我喜愛的古畫,皆屬於公共領域,全部來自Wiki Commons。聽說現代人不喜歡這些畫風,但我真的很喜歡!中英對照單曲在這個頻道比不上歌集受歡迎,但我堅持要保留繼續做下去,那怕影響到其他影片的推送。古詩寫得如此美,不細味其中每字每句有點可惜。常言道,只要堅持就有希望,希望我的堅持是有價值的。如果你支持我的堅持,請幫忙訂閱、讚好、分享給朋友,謝謝! AI-generated song with lyrics from Canadian poet Agnes Maule Machar, set in a soft and flowing melody. This poem, which ...
靜夜單曲 Twilight | 中英字幕 | AI 低吟淺唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 169Před 21 dnem
中英對照 AI 靜夜單曲。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 John F. M’Donnel,配以輕柔緩慢的旋律。這首描寫暮色的詩歌是加拿大的珍貴遺產和經典之作。中文翻譯歌詞是本人手筆,請多多指教。 影片中使用了我喜愛的古畫,皆屬於公共領域,全部來自Wiki Commons。聽說現代人不喜歡這些畫風,但我真的很喜歡!中英對照單曲在這個頻道比不上歌集受歡迎,但我堅持要保留繼續做下去,那怕影響到其他影片的推送。古詩寫得如此美,不細味其中每字每句有點可惜。常言道,只要堅持就有希望,希望我的堅持是有價值的。如果你支持我的堅持,請幫忙訂閱、讚好、分享給朋友,謝謝! AI-generated song with lyrics from Canadian poet John F. M’Donnel, set in a soft and slow melody. This poem, which describe...
加國盛夏 Canadian Summer Evening | 中英字幕 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 172Před 28 dny
中英對照小提琴伴奏歌曲。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 Mrs Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon,配以輕快愉悅的旋律。Mrs Leprohon 是詩人 Isabella Valancy Crawford 的前輩,她寫Canadian Summer Evening 時已有些年紀了,直覺由較成熟的女聲演唱會更貼合真實。雖然這首詩是描寫盛夏的靜夜,但細閱文字,能感受到一份莫名的喜悅。最終我保留了這兩個快樂的版本,不過沒有收錄在小夜曲的歌集內,在此分享給你! AI-generated violin-driven song with lyrics from Canadian poet Mrs Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon, set to a light and cheerful melody. Mrs. Leprohon was a predecessor of the...
【70 分鐘】英文情歌 | 抒情、晨曦晚霞 | 中英字幕 | 加拿大19-20世紀詩歌 《你的微笑》《給我的歌》 (通車、日常、放空)
zhlédnutí 1,4KPřed 28 dny
70-Min Love Songs | Relaxing, Good Vibes, Emotional | Late 19th to Early 20th Century Canadian Poem Songs “Sing Me the Songs I Love” & “A Smile from You” (Travel, Morning Bliss, Evening Dusk) 這個歌集是我個人的特別製作,工作時一向極少聽不同歌詞的作品。複雜的歌詞會讓人分心,不集中就會看錯花紋、織錯針步。這次選取的兩首詩歌有一個共通點,都是在說話語不重要。詩人 John Reade 的《Sing Me the Songs I Love》想要的是一首歌;詩人 Lilian Leveridge 的《A Smile From You》想要的是一個微笑。我把這兩首詩歌交替編排,就像是在講述一個完整的故事。...
August | 中英字幕 | AI 爵士樂曲 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 96Před měsícem
中英對照 AI 爵士樂曲。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 John Hunter-Duvar,配以爵士樂旋律。這首詩透過擬人法及感官細節捕捉了八月的精髓,是加拿大的珍貴遺產和經典之作。中文翻譯歌詞是本人手筆,請多多指教。 AI-generated song with lyrics from Canadian poet John Hunter-Duvar, set in a jazz melody. The poem, capturing the essence of August through personification and sensory details, is a precious heritage and classic in Canada.
【45 分鐘】英文 咖啡廳音樂 | 加拿大古詩《八月》| 結他伴奏、民歌、小提琴伴奏、R&B、原聲音樂、爵士樂曲、色士風版本合輯 | 放鬆、好心情
zhlédnutí 1,8KPřed měsícem
45-Min Relaxing Coffee Shop Music | 19th Century Canadian Poem “August” | Guitar, Violin, Saxophone, R&B, Acoustic, Jazz & More | Good Mood 我常去的咖啡廳是 Caffe Cittadella,員工很友善,食物選擇種類多但不太好吃,我一般只吃 butter croissant 加 earl grey tea。話雖如此,一樓靠窗那個角落真是我杯茶,所以還是會常常光顧。這個合輯共有18首歌,編排是快慢交替,歌與歌之間是不同的音樂類型。這條片比較短,我只能織完一個不足60米的毛冷,但有什麼比在八月份在古蹟內聽《八月》更適合呢!希望這45分鐘的歌曲都可以幫助你放鬆,保持愉快好心情 :) The coffee shop I often go to is Ca...
【 1 小時 】英文 小夜曲、搖籃曲 | 一首詩歌改編成 18 首選曲 | 加拿大古詩《夏之靜夜》| 放鬆睡眠音樂
zhlédnutí 3,4KPřed měsícem
1 hour Calming Songs for Deep Sleep | Turning ONE Poem into 18 Serenades & Lullabies | Relaxing Music 十九世紀末、二十世紀初的東西我都很著迷,《Downton Abbey》我看了很多遍,另一套喜愛的是《A Place to Call Home》。很想看看十九世紀末加拿大這個家的夏天,選了這首詩歌來讀。詩歌描寫盛夏非常細緻,猶如散文,起初並不認為適合作為小夜曲的,但加入了弦樂伴奏,產生了意想不到的化學作用。吟唱這首詩就如有一把溫柔的聲線,在我耳邊喃喃低語一個又一個淡然的故事。十八首歌的編排是以三首為一組,第一首以鋼琴伴奏為主,第二首加入豎琴,第三首加入小提琴,然後又按鋼琴、豎琴、小提琴的次序循環六次。這個睡前聽的歌集,我沒有一次是聽到最後的,大概二十分鐘就睡着了。希望你也能在半小時內睡...
情歌 To Timarion | 中英字幕 | AI 原音樂版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 163Před měsícem
中英對照 AI 情歌。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 Marjorie Pickthall,配以典雅悠揚的旋律。這首詩歌是加拿大的珍貴遺產和經典之作,描寫一位謙卑的愛人獻上他疲憊的心,相信他的悲傷將比物質更會被深深記住。中文翻譯歌詞是本人手筆,請多多指教。 To Timarion 是一首可以作多角度分析的詩歌。加拿大作曲家Sheldon Rose曾為這首詩譜上古典音樂演唱,溫哥華Elektra Women's Choir的表演很優雅,我很喜歡,於是自己也大膽嘗試了三個版本,希望為這首詩再添上一些不同的色彩,見笑了,謝謝! AI-generated song with lyrics from Canadian poet Marjorie Pickthall, set to an elegant and classic melody. This poem is about a humble love...
情歌 To Timarion | 中英字幕 | AI 管弦樂版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 224Před měsícem
中英對照 AI 情歌。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 Marjorie Pickthall,配以澎湃磅礡的旋律。這首詩歌是加拿大的珍貴遺產和經典之作,描寫一位謙卑的愛人獻上他疲憊的心,相信他的悲傷將比物質更會被深深記住。中文翻譯歌詞是本人手筆,請多多指教。 To Timarion 是一首可以作多角度分析的詩歌。加拿大作曲家Sheldon Rose曾為這首詩譜上古典音樂演唱,溫哥華Elektra Women's Choir的表演很優雅,我很喜歡,於是自己也大膽嘗試了三個版本,希望為這首詩再添上一些不同的色彩,見笑了,謝謝! AI-generated song with lyrics from Canadian poet Marjorie Pickthall, set to an epic and majestic melody. This poem is about a humble lover ...
情歌 To Timarion | 中英字幕 | AI 結他伴奏版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 164Před měsícem
中英對照 AI 情歌。歌詞來自加拿大詩人 Marjorie Pickthall,配以醇厚雋永的旋律。這首詩歌是加拿大的珍貴遺產和經典之作,描寫一位謙卑的愛人獻上他疲憊的心,相信他的悲傷將比華麗的禮物更會被深深記住。中文翻譯歌詞是本人手筆,請多多指教。 To Timarion 是一首可以作多角度分析的詩歌。加拿大作曲家Sheldon Rose曾為這首詩譜上古典音樂演唱,溫哥華Elektra Women's Choir的表演很優雅,我很喜歡,於是自己也大膽嘗試了三個版本,希望為這首詩再添上一些不同的色彩,見笑了,謝謝! AI-generated song with lyrics from Canadian poet Marjorie Pickthall, set to a mellow and timeless melody. This poem is about a humble lo...
慢歌 Canadian Summer Evening | 中英字幕 | AI 弦樂鋼琴版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 191Před měsícem
慢歌 Canadian Summer Evening | 中英字幕 | AI 弦樂鋼琴版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
頌歌 The Soul Behind | 中英字幕 | AI 合唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 113Před měsícem
頌歌 The Soul Behind | 中英字幕 | AI 合唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
頌歌 The Soul Behind | 中英字幕 | AI 獨唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 241Před měsícem
頌歌 The Soul Behind | 中英字幕 | AI 獨唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
【80 分鐘】英文 咖啡廳音樂 | 一首詩歌改編成 30 首精選歌曲 | 加拿大古詩《暗中綻放》 | 放鬆、專注、好心情
zhlédnutí 10KPřed měsícem
【80 分鐘】英文 咖啡廳音樂 | 一首詩歌改編成 30 首精選歌曲 | 加拿大古詩《暗中綻放》 | 放鬆、專注、好心情
慢歌 At Dawn | 中英字幕 | AI 重低音版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 180Před měsícem
慢歌 At Dawn | 中英字幕 | AI 重低音版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
情歌 In A Dark Hour | 中英字幕 | AI 懶洋洋獨白版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 181Před měsícem
情歌 In A Dark Hour | 中英字幕 | AI 懶洋洋獨白版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
情歌 In A Dark Hour | 中英字幕 | AI 空靈結他伴奏版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 201Před měsícem
情歌 In A Dark Hour | 中英字幕 | AI 空靈結他伴奏版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
慢歌 With Tears They Buried You Today | 中英字幕 | AI 男中音版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 153Před měsícem
慢歌 With Tears They Buried You Today | 中英字幕 | AI 男中音版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
慢歌 At Dawn | 中英字幕 | AI 小提琴對唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 178Před měsícem
慢歌 At Dawn | 中英字幕 | AI 小提琴對唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
慢歌 With Tears They Buried You Today | 中英字幕 | AI 男中高音版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
zhlédnutí 164Před měsícem
慢歌 With Tears They Buried You Today | 中英字幕 | AI 男中高音版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 賞文學 | 學英文)
《30 分鐘》英文 小夜曲、搖籃曲 | 一首詩歌改編成15首選曲 | 加拿大古詩《仲夏之夜》 | 放鬆睡眠音樂
zhlédnutí 12KPřed 2 měsíci
《30 分鐘》英文 小夜曲、搖籃曲 | 一首詩歌改編成15首選曲 | 加拿大古詩《仲夏之夜》 | 放鬆睡眠音樂
Midsummer Night |中英字幕| AI 小提琴夜曲版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 學英文 | 文學作品)
zhlédnutí 289Před 2 měsíci
Midsummer Night |中英字幕| AI 小提琴夜曲版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 學英文 | 文學作品)
Midsummer Night |中英字幕| AI 搖籃曲版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 學英文 | 文學作品)
zhlédnutí 505Před 2 měsíci
Midsummer Night |中英字幕| AI 搖籃曲版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL 學英文 | 文學作品)
中英對照 AI 搖滾歌曲 - The Nor’-West Courier | 加拿大19世紀詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL)
zhlédnutí 151Před 2 měsíci
中英對照 AI 搖滾歌曲 - The Nor’-West Courier | 加拿大19世紀詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL)
The Rain It Falls | 中英字幕 | AI 慢歌 | 雨聲合唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (聽歌學英文ESL | 文學作品)
zhlédnutí 132Před 2 měsíci
The Rain It Falls | 中英字幕 | AI 慢歌 | 雨聲合唱版 | 加拿大詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (聽歌學英文ESL | 文學作品)
中英對照 AI 慢歌 - The Rain It Falls | 藍調獨唱版 | 加拿大19世紀詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL)
zhlédnutí 115Před 2 měsíci
中英對照 AI 慢歌 - The Rain It Falls | 藍調獨唱版 | 加拿大19世紀詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL)
中英對照 AI 抒情爵士歌曲 - A Toast | 加拿大19世紀詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL)
zhlédnutí 178Před 2 měsíci
中英對照 AI 抒情爵士歌曲 - A Toast | 加拿大19世紀詩歌 | Canadian Poem Song (ESL)


  • @user-pk3xw9et1h
    @user-pk3xw9et1h Před 8 hodinami


  • @judywilde4239
    @judywilde4239 Před 2 dny


    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 2 dny


  • @elva8117
    @elva8117 Před 3 dny

  • @user-lf1fg9vp5y
    @user-lf1fg9vp5y Před 4 dny


  • @user-mr6bg4uh4z
    @user-mr6bg4uh4z Před 4 dny


    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 3 dny

      是Al artist來的。我是文字工作者,因為喜歡所以一本一本詩集閱讀,讀到好得再加以分析,決定該配上什麼的音樂。以前不知道加拿大的詩寫得這麼漂亮,就動筆翻譯過來讓大家一同欣賞。今次所選詩歌是Charles Roberts 的From the High Window of Your Room 及James M’Carrol 的Dawn😊

  • @isphybi
    @isphybi Před 4 dny

    很喜歡您的選歌 更喜歡您對生活態度的分享 兩首詩讀來特別有意思~ ❤

    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 3 dny

      非常多謝您的欣賞。很多生活點滴小時候家母已經告訴我用什麼心態面對,不過長大了艱難的日子既多且長,人會鑽牛角尖。家母已離開很久了,我竟然忘記了她教我的態度,有一次我看韓劇《我的大叔》,裏面的對白彷彿家母都說過,我就看了很久遍,好好記住。很多加拿大的詩歌都是寫人生的,充滿智慧,也有很幽默的,但不太適合唱出來。如果我想到合適的music genre ,我會嘗試的,很值得一同細味。我太囉嗦了,就再一次多謝您的欣賞 ❤

    • @isphybi
      @isphybi Před 2 dny

      @@Sereknity 謝謝你跟我分享心情... 好似遠方有個朋友在輕輕地訴說... : ) 祝福一切都好

  • @lilychang496
    @lilychang496 Před 5 dny


  • @lilychang496
    @lilychang496 Před 5 dny

    是你唱的吗?不错哎 …… sorry,I see, it is AI-singing ……

    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 4 dny

      是啊,AI artist。我是文字工作者,因為喜歡所以一本一本詩集閱讀,讀到好得再加以分析,決定該配上什麼的音樂。以前不知道加拿大的詩寫得這麼漂亮,就動筆翻譯過來讓大家一同欣賞😊

  • @melissalim7662
    @melissalim7662 Před 5 dny


    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 5 dny

      多謝您的欣賞 ❤️☕️

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 9 dny

    THE DYING SUMMER. ANNIE L. WALKER. Gently, sadly, the summer is dying- Under the shivering, trembling boughs, With a low soft moan, the breeze is flying- The breeze, that was once so fresh and sweet, Is passing as swift as Time’s hurrying feet, And where the withered roses are lying, The beautiful summer is surely dying. Gently, sadly, the waves are sighing, The leaves are mourning that they must fall; And the plaintive waters keep replying, They miss the light that has decked them long; They have caught the last bird’s farewell song; And lowly they murmur, from day to day, “The beautiful summer is passing away.” Gently, sadly, the moon reclining High on her throne of azure and gold, With wan clear light, o’er the world is shining: Wherever she turns there are tear-drops shed, They will gleam, till the chilly morn is breaking, And the flowers with their last pale smiles are waking. Wildly, sadly, the night wind swelling, Chants a measure weird and strange, Hark! of the coming storm he is telling, And the trembling life, that was almost gone, Flickers and shrinks at the dreaded tone, And scarcely lingers where, lowly lying, The tender and beautiful summer is dying. 悄然地、哀傷地,夏天正在消逝- 在顫抖晃動的樹枝下, 伴着低沉的輕嘆,微風飛過- 那曾是多麼清新甜美的微風, 如時光的步伐匆匆而過, 在玫瑰凋謝散落之處, 美麗的夏天確在消逝中。 悄然地、哀傷地,海浪在嘆息- 樹葉在哀鳴它們將必落下; 而悲怨的流水在反覆回應, 懷念長久裝飾它們的光芒; 聽過那最後鳥兒的告別歌; 它們日復一日,低聲嘀咕, 「美麗的夏天正在離去。」 悄然地、哀傷地,月亮在傾斜- 高坐在她藍金交織的寶座上, 微弱的清光,照耀着整個世界: 她所到之處,皆有淚珠流下, 它們閃閃發光,直到寒冷的晨曦破曉, 花朵帶着最後蒼白的微笑醒來。 狂野地、哀傷地,夜風在增強, 高唱着怪異陌生的旋律, 聽!他在預示即將來臨的風暴, 那微弱的日子,幾乎消失殆盡, 在這可怕的音調中顫抖、瑟縮, 幾乎不再停留於此,低伏於地, 那溫柔而美麗的夏天即將流逝。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 9 dny

    THE SILENT HOUR. AGNES MAULE MACHAR. When the twilight’s brooding shadow Spreads o’er hill and stream and meadow, Comes a season set apart; From the din of earthly noises, From the hum of human voices, Hushed and still, the shadowy twilight Soothes the hot and restless heart! For the quiet stays the aching Earth’s unrest is ever waking, With its myriad ills and wrongs; For the silent hour enchanted Seems by murmurous music haunted,- Floating through the shadowy twilight, Echoes faint of spirit-songs. And they whisper, Not for ever Are the fretting and the fever, Nor eternal, wrong and sin; And behind the turmoil fleeting One grand rhythmic measure beating Pulses through the shadowy twilight When we let God's music in! 當暮色深沉的陰影 遍佈山丘、溪流和草地, 一個迥然不同的季節來臨了; 從塵世的喧囂, 從人們的嘈吵, 靜謐無聲,暮色朦朧 撫慰煩燥不安的心! 因安靜會止住痛楚。 大地的動盪總存在, 伴隨着無數弊與錯; 因寧靜時刻猶如魔法加持 似被低吟淺唱的樂曲縈繞,- 飄過朦朧的暮色, 迴盪微弱的心靈歌聲。 而他們低語,不會永遠存在 疾苦與煩憂, 邪惡與罪過也非永恆; 並在短暫的混亂背後, 一首宏大的節奏拍子 在暗沉的暮色中跳動 讓我們把上天的音樂進心中!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 9 dny

    A CANADIAN SUMMER EVENING. MRS LEPROHON. The rose-tints have faded from out of the west, From the mountain's high peak, from the river's broad breast, And silently shadowing valley and rill The twilight steals noiselessly over the hill. Behold, in the blue depths of ether afar, Now softly emerging each glittering star; While later the moon, placid, solemn, and bright, Floods earth with her tremulous silvery light. Hush! list to the whip-poor-will's soft plaintive notes, As up from the valley the lonely sound floats; Inhale the sweet breath of yon shadowy wood, And the wild flowers blooming in hushed solitude. Start not at the whispering, 'tis but the breeze, Low rustling 'mid maple and lonely pine trees, Or willows and alders that fringe the dark tide Where canoes of the red men oft silently glide. See, rising from out of that copse, dark and damp, The fire-flies, each bearing a flickering lamp! Like meteors, gleaming and streaming, they pass O'er hillside and meadow, and dew-laden grass; Contrasting with ripple on river and stream, Alternately playing in shadow and beam, Till fulness of beauty fills hearing and sight Throughout the still hours of a calm summer night. 淡淡的玫瑰色從西邊散去, 從高山之巔,從河流廣闊的胸懷, 靜靜地籠罩着山谷和溪流, 暮色無聲地蔓延過山丘。 瞧哪,在遙遠蔚藍天際的深處, 每顆閃爍的星星正輕輕地浮現; 一會平靜、莊嚴又璀璨的月亮, 用她顫動的銀光灑滿大地。 噓!聽那夜鷹微弱哀怨的鳴叫 孤寂的聲音從山谷上飄來; 吸進幽暗樹林中甜美的氣息, 還有在寂靜中綻放的野花。 別怕那低語聲,它只是微風, 在楓樹和孤單的松樹間沙沙作響, 或是柳樹和榿樹邊緣的暗潮上, 原住民的小舟常常在那悄然滑過。 看,從那片黑暗潮濕的灌木叢中升起, 螢火蟲每隻都帶着一閃一閃的燈! 像流星般,閃閃發光,流淌而過 穿越山坡與草原,還有沾滿露水的青草; 比照着河川溪流的漣漪, 輪流在陰影和光芒中嬉戲, 直到美的滿溢充盈耳目, 貫穿靜謐夏夜的凝止時光。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 9 dny

    TWILIGHT. JOHN F. M’DONNELL. The twilight shrouds the eastern sky,- The mist-cloud falls on hill and river,- The red lights on the water lie, And in soft beams of brightness quiver. The parting day, in one rich cloud Of fleecy gold, hangs o’er the city; And o’er the calm wave echoes loud The mariner’s wild ringing ditty. With murmurs deep, Like troubled sleep, The mighty tide is onward flowing;- And, see, afar, The Evening Star;- Its lonely ray, in beauty, glowing. The northern sky looks dim and grey,- The mountain tops are clothed in shadow,- The night breeze wanders forth, in play; And, rippling, breathes across the meadow; The scented buds their leaflets close; The dew-drops gleam on tree and flower;- And Nature, with new beauty, glows Beneath the witching twilight hour: While, o’er my soul, Bright fancies roll, That drive away the gloom of sorrow, And bid me still, In good or ill, Hope for a better, happier morrow. I love to see the noon of day, In sunny robes of splendor beaming; I love to see the wavelets play, Beneath the silvery moonlight streaming:- But sweeter far than sun or moon,- The glories of the purple even, When Night’s dark mantle spreads, too soon, Across the bright expanse of heaven. Thus Beauty’s bloom Ends in the tomb; By breath of Time, its glories shaded;- Thus Pleasure’s flower Blooms for an hour; Then-like the twilight eve-’tis faded. 暮色籠罩着東方的天空,- 霧靄瀰漫在山丘與河川,- 紅色的光映照在水面上, 在輕柔光芒中閃爍蕩漾。 臨別的白天,一片濃鬱的雲海 蓬鬆金黃色的,掛在城市上空; 並在平靜的波浪上迴盪着 水手們那狂野響亮的歌謠。 伴着深沉的低語, 如同不安的夢境, 滔滔潮水不斷向前湧動;- 來,看,遠處, 黃昏之星;- 它孤單的光芒,在美景中發亮。 北方的天空顯得黯淡灰暗,- 山頂籠罩在陰影之中,- 夜風徘徊,遊走四方; 在草地上吹拂起漣漪; 芬芳的花蕾閉上葉兒; 露珠閃爍在樹和花之間;- 大自然,煥發嶄新的美麗 在這迷人的暮色時分: 此時,我的靈魂深處, 翻湧着亮麗的幻想, 驅散了憂傷的陰霾, 並祝願我, 不論順逆, 仍抱有希望,期待更幸福順遂的明天。 我愛看到白晝的正午, 穿着陽光明媚的長袍光芒四射; 我愛看到小浪花嬉戲, 在銀色的月光下流淌:- 但比月亮太陽更美的, 是紫色的黃昏輝映, 當夜晚披着黑色的斗篷,太早了 越過明亮廣闊的天空 美麗的綻放就此 走向塵土裏作結; 在呼吸的瞬間,其光彩被蓋; 快樂的花朵就此 僅僅盛開了片刻; 然後--如同黃昏的夕陽--漸漸消逝。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 9 dny

    MIDSUMMER NIGHT. ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN. MOTHER of balms and soothings manifold, Quiet-breathed Night, whose brooding hours are seven, To whom the voices of all rest are given, And those few stars whose scattered names are told. Far off, beyond the westward hills outrolled, Darker than thou, more still, more dreamy even, The golden moon leans in the dusky heaven, And under her, one star, a point of gold. And all go slowly lingering toward the west, As we go down forgetfully to our rest, Weary of daytime, tired of noise and light. Ah, it was time that thou shouldst come, for we Were sore athirst, and had great need of thee, Thou sweet physician, balmy-bosomed Night. 慰藉萬千傷痛的母親, 凝寂的黑夜,七小時的靜默, 萬物沉睡的聲音都交給她, 那寥寥星辰的名字也向她細訴。 遠處,在西邊的山巒之外, 比你更暗、更靜、更夢幻, 金色的月亮倚在昏暗的天邊, 在她之下,有一顆星,一個金點。 萬物緩緩西移, 就像我們忘記一切地漸漸入眠, 厭倦白晝,疲於喧鬧和亮光。 啊,你該來臨了,因為我們 極其渴望,非常需要你, 你這可愛的療癒者,安撫心靈的夜晚。

  • @chaoangel3488
    @chaoangel3488 Před 10 dny


    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 10 dny


  • @SleepingKappaRelaxMusic


    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 10 dny

      @@SleepingKappaRelaxMusic ❤️🐱💤

  • @ya197522
    @ya197522 Před 14 dny

    好聽 舒服 喜歡

    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 14 dny

      多謝 你的 欣賞 ❤️☕️🫖

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 16 dny

    FROM THE HIGH WINDOW OF YOUR ROOM. CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS. From the high window of your room, Above the roofs, and streets, and cries, Lying awake and still, I watch The wonder of the dawn arise. Slow tips the world’s deliberate rim, Descending to the baths of day: Up floats the pure, ethereal tide And floods the outworn dark away. The city’s sprawled, uneasy bulk Illumines slowly in my sight. The crowded roofs, the common walls, The grey streets, melt in mystic light. It passes. Then, with longing sore For that veiled light of paradise, I turn my face,- and find it in The wonder of your waking eyes. 從你房間的高窗, 在屋頂、街道與喧囂之上, 清醒地靜臥不動,我看着 黎明的奇觀升起。 天地的邊緣緩緩傾斜, 降入白晝的日光浴: 純淨飄緲的潮水上浮, 淹沒了殘舊的黑暗。 城市龐大而沉滯的身軀 在我眼中慢慢亮起來。 擁擠的屋頂,平凡的牆壁, 灰色的街道,融入神秘的光芒中。 它消逝了。然後,滿懷渴望 為了天上那道隱蔽的光 我轉過臉,-發現了 這奇景就在你甦醒的眼眸中。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 16 dny

    DAWN. JAMES M’CARROLL. With folded wings of dusky light Upon the purple hills she stands, An angel between day and night, With tinted shadows in her hands- Till suddenly transfigured there, With all her dazzling plumes unfurl'd, She climbs the crimson flooded air And flies in glory o’er the world! 收起暗光的翅膀 她站在紫色山丘上, 晝夜之間的天使, 彩色陰影在她手裏- 直到在那𥚃突然變身, 展開所有耀眼的羽毛, 她攀上紅霞淹沒的天空, 在榮光中飛越整個世界!

  • @showshowchen5315
    @showshowchen5315 Před 18 dny


    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před 18 dny

      歌名是 “Sing Me The Songs I Love”. 你可以在詩集 “Selections from Canadian Poets” 的第 265 頁找到。中文名「給我的歌」是我對文句的理解翻譯過來的。希望你喜歡這首歌。

  • @user-rg2ej4dn3i
    @user-rg2ej4dn3i Před 19 dny

    I very like

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    SING ME THE SONGS I LOVE JOHN READE Sing me the songs I love, once more, The songs your lips have made so dear, For many a day must pass before Again your music fills my ear. And when you are no longer near, I’ll, in my loneliness, rejoice, Deep in my inmost heart, to hear The gentle music of your voice. ’Tis not in words that friendship lies, E’en when those words in music move; But words have power that never dies, When said or sung by those we love. So, when in weariness I rove Through the world’s desert, seeking rest, The memory of your songs shall prove A solace to my lonely breast. And when you sing those songs again, For gayer hearts and brighter eyes, And thinking upon “now” as “then,” Memories of other days arise, Believe that none more dearly prize The strains your lips so sweetly pour, Than he who asked ’neath other skies “Sing me the songs I love, once more.” 為我再唱一次我愛的歌吧, 你唇間的歌聲如此珍貴, 因許多日子必將過去, 你的音樂會再填滿我的耳朵。 而當你不在身邊時, 我會,在孤獨中,歡天喜地, 在我的內心深處,聽到 你溫柔的歌聲。 情誼不在於言辭, 即使那些文字在音樂中流動; 但話語卻有永不消逝的力量, 當由我們所愛的人說或唱出。 所以,當我在疲倦中徘徊 穿越世界的沙漠,設法休息, 回憶你的歌聲將成為 我孤獨胸懷的慰藉。 而當你再次唱起那些歌, 為了更快樂的心和更明亮的眼, 並將 “現在” 當作 “那時”, 往日的記憶浮現, 相信沒人更情深地珍視 你唇間如此甜蜜地唱出的旋律, 比得上那個在異地天空下請求的他 “為我再唱一次我愛的歌吧。”

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    A SMILE FROM YOU LILIAN LEVERIDGE A smile from you is all I ask To glorify my daily task. The skies may weep, the winds may wail, All outward founts of joy may fail, All costlier graces be denied- The morn for me is beautified. For just a smile from you may bring The birds and blossoms of the spring Within my heart to sing and bloom; May scatter sunbeams round my room; May touch the fringes of the mist And turn its gray to amethyst. Throughout the hours, it well may be, Your thoughts not oft will stray to me. Not many words I ask of you From morningshine till evening dew. But as you pass me on your way, Give me a sunny smile to-day. 我只求你的一個微笑 來美化我的日常工作。 天可哭泣,風可哀鳴, 一切外在的快樂源泉都可枯竭, 所有昂貴的恩惠都可被剝奪- 我的清晨美麗依然。 因你的微笑能帶來 春天的鳥兒和花朵 在我心中歌唱和綻放; 讓陽光灑滿我的房間; 可觸及霧氣的邊緣 將其灰色變成紫水晶。 在整個時間裏,很可能, 你的思緒不常想到我。 我不要求你很多話語 從晨光到晚露。 但當你經過我身邊, 今天請給我一個陽光般的微笑。

  • @singlau567
    @singlau567 Před měsícem

    so nice❤

    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před měsícem

      @@singlau567 Thank you 😊

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    不好意思,剪片期間才發現詩中「there」一字唱錯成「tenes」。作為文字工作者的我,這個錯誤實在不可原諒,在翻譯過程中竟然沒有察覺,還認為「tenes」作為「陰影」在八月的語境中是合適的。萬分抱歉,懇請見諒! Sorry, the word "there" is sung as "tenes" in the video, and this mistake was only noticed until the video editing process. During the translation process, I even thought that using “tenes" as "shadow” is appropriate in the context of August. As a copywriter, this mistake is unforgivable, but please still accept my apologies!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    O August, brown and sleepy-eyed and mellow, Cinctured with vines and straying here and there, And permeating all the odorous air With an aureole of translucent yellow,- A thridded amber mist athwart the sun ; Most lovable art thou beyond compare, Of all thy sisters like thee there is none, Not blushing June nor the coquettish May, Nor April that unknowing weeps and smiles, Nor fervid July sunning all the isles, Nor yet the cold white months with steely hair That wrap in shrouds to show the year is done. Stay with us, sleepy mellow month, O stay ! Here in some garden house by some lone bay. 啊,八月,棕色的,睡眼惺忪的,溫柔的, 藤蔓纏繞,四處遊蕩, 瀰漫在芬芳的空氣中 帶着半透明的黃色光環- 琥珀色的薄霧籠罩着太陽; 最可愛的你無與倫比, 你所有的姊妹中沒一個像你, 羞紅的六月不像,風騷的五月也不像, 莫名其妙哭笑的四月不像, 遍島照燿熱情的七月也不像, 白髮滿佈冷酷的冬月更不像, 她要用紗巾裹着鋼絲來宣告一年的結束。 留在我們身邊吧,昏昏欲睡的柔和月份,啊,請留下! 在這孤寂海灣旁的花園洋房裏。

  • @singlau567
    @singlau567 Před měsícem


  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    The rose-tints have faded from out of the west, From the mountain’s high peak, from the river’s broad breast, And silently shadowing valley and rill The twilight steals noiselessly over the hill. Behold, in the blue depths of ether afar, Now softly emerging each glittering star; While later the moon, placid, solemn, and bright, Floods earth with her tremulous silvery light. Hush! list to the whip-poor-will’s soft plaintive notes, As up from the valley the lonely sound floats; Inhale the sweet breath of yon shadowy wood, And the wild flowers blooming in hushed solitude. Start not at the whispering, ’tis but the breeze, Low rustling ’mid maple and lonely pine trees, Or willows and alders that fringe the dark tide Where canoes of the red men oft silently glide. See, rising from out of that copse, dark and damp, The fire-flies, each bearing a flickering lamp! Like meteors, gleaming and streaming, they pass O'er hillside and meadow, and dew-laden grass; Contrasting with ripple on river and stream, Alternately playing in shadow and beam, Till fulness of beauty fills hearing and sight Throughout the still hours of a calm summer night. 淡淡的玫瑰色從西邊散去, 從高山之巔,從河流廣闊的胸懷, 靜靜地籠罩着山谷和溪流, 暮色無聲地蔓延過山丘。 瞧哪,在遙遠蔚藍天際的深處, 每顆閃爍的星星正輕輕地浮現; 一會平靜、莊嚴又璀璨的月亮, 用她顫動的銀光灑滿大地。 噓!聽那夜鷹微弱哀怨的鳴叫 孤寂的聲音從山谷上飄來; 吸進幽暗樹林中甜美的氣息, 還有在寂靜中綻放的野花。 別怕那低語聲,它只是微風, 在楓樹和孤單的松樹間沙沙作響, 或是柳樹和榿樹邊緣的暗潮上, 原住民的小舟常常在那悄然滑過。 看,從那片黑暗潮濕的灌木叢中升起, 螢火蟲每隻都帶着一閃一閃的燈! 像流星般,閃閃發光,流淌而過 穿越山坡與草原,還有沾滿露水的青草; 比照着河川溪流的漣漪, 輪流在陰影和光芒中嬉戲, 直到美的滿溢充盈耳目, 貫穿靜謐夏夜的凝止時光。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    To Timarion 是一首可以作多角度分析的詩歌。加拿大作曲家Sheldon Rose曾為這首詩譜上古典音樂演唱,溫哥華Elektra Women's Choir的表演很優雅,我很喜歡,於是自己也大膽嘗試了三個版本,希望為這首詩再添上一些不同的色彩,見笑了,謝謝! 《To Timarion》 is a poem that can be analyzed from many angles. Canadian composer Sheldon Rose has composed a classical version of this poem, and the Vancouver Elektra Women’s Choir performed it with great elegance. I liked it so much that I boldly tried out three versions myself, hoping to add some different colors to the poem. Thank you for going through the experiment with me!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    To Timarion 是一首可以作多角度分析的詩歌。加拿大作曲家Sheldon Rose曾為這首詩譜上古典音樂演唱,溫哥華Elektra Women's Choir的表演很優雅,我很喜歡,於是自己也大膽嘗試了三個版本,希望為這首詩再添上一些不同的色彩,見笑了,謝謝! 《To Timarion》 is a poem that can be analyzed from many angles. Canadian composer Sheldon Rose has composed a classical version of this poem, and the Vancouver Elektra Women’s Choir performed it with great elegance. I liked it so much that I boldly tried out three versions myself, hoping to add some different colors to the poem. Thank you for going through the experiment with me!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    To Timarion 是一首可以作多角度分析的詩歌。加拿大作曲家Sheldon Rose曾為這首詩譜上古典音樂演唱,溫哥華Elektra Women's Choir的表演很優雅,我很喜歡,於是自己也大膽嘗試了三個版本,希望為這首詩再添上一些不同的色彩,見笑了,謝謝! 《To Timarion》 is a poem that can be analyzed from many angles. Canadian composer Sheldon Rose has composed a classical version of this poem, and the Vancouver Elektra Women’s Choir performed it with great elegance. I liked it so much that I boldly tried out three versions myself, hoping to add some different colors to the poem. Thank you for going through the experiment with me!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    詩中「red men」一詞是很不禮貌的,但就着十九世紀的時代背景,我還是選擇了這首詩,也沒有改動詩中的用字,保留了原文最真實的面貌。對我來說,這是對歷史的尊重,如有冒犯,敬請見諒。The term "red men" in the verse is very impolite, but considering the nineteenth-century context, I still chose this poem and did not change the wording in the verse, keeping the most authentic aspect of the original. For me, this is respect for history. If this causes any offense, please accept my apologies.

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    The rose-tints have faded from out of the west, From the mountain’s high peak, from the river’s broad breast, And silently shadowing valley and rill The twilight steals noiselessly over the hill. Behold, in the blue depths of ether afar, Now softly emerging each glittering star; While later the moon, placid, solemn, and bright, Floods earth with her tremulous silvery light. Hush! list to the whip-poor-will’s soft plaintive notes, As up from the valley the lonely sound floats; Inhale the sweet breath of yon shadowy wood, And the wild flowers blooming in hushed solitude. Start not at the whispering, ’tis but the breeze, Low rustling ’mid maple and lonely pine trees, Or willows and alders that fringe the dark tide Where canoes of the red men oft silently glide. See, rising from out of that copse, dark and damp, The fire-flies, each bearing a flickering lamp! Like meteors, gleaming and streaming, they pass O'er hillside and meadow, and dew-laden grass; Contrasting with ripple on river and stream, Alternately playing in shadow and beam, Till fulness of beauty fills hearing and sight Throughout the still hours of a calm summer night. 淡淡的玫瑰色從西邊散去, 從高山之巔,從河流廣闊的胸懷, 靜靜地籠罩着山谷和溪流, 暮色無聲地蔓延過山丘。 瞧哪,在遙遠蔚藍天際的深處, 每顆閃爍的星星正輕輕地浮現; 一會平靜、莊嚴又璀璨的月亮, 用她顫動的銀光灑滿大地。 噓!聽那夜鷹微弱哀怨的鳴叫 孤寂的聲音從山谷上飄來; 吸進幽暗樹林中甜美的氣息, 還有在寂靜中綻放的野花。 別怕那低語聲,它只是微風, 在楓樹和孤單的松樹間沙沙作響, 或是柳樹和榿樹邊緣的暗潮上, 原住民的小舟常常在那悄然滑過。 看,從那片黑暗潮濕的灌木叢中升起, 螢火蟲每隻都帶着一閃一閃的燈! 像流星般,閃閃發光,流淌而過 穿越山坡與草原,還有沾滿露水的青草; 比照着河川溪流的漣漪, 輪流在陰影和光芒中嬉戲, 直到美的滿溢充盈耳目, 貫穿靜謐夏夜的凝止時光。

  • @adatang7144
    @adatang7144 Před měsícem


  • @thomaspoon6520
    @thomaspoon6520 Před měsícem

    The Music very calmly

  • @jasmineyeo2101
    @jasmineyeo2101 Před měsícem


  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    Yes, yes, I know what you would say, and yet Life is so sweet! life is so very sweet! Leaves dancing in the sun make quick the beat Of saddest heart, and Love must still forget Life’s toil and care, its fever and its fret. How blue the sky shines through the summer’s heat, How merrily the blood defies the sleet; One golden hour illumes a gray year. Let Those talk of tears who never knew relief; For me the hoarded honey of the past Outlives the wintry interval of pain; Come loneliness, or lovelessness, or grief, The memory of days too sweet to last Shall make my heart run o’er with joy again. 是的,是的,我知道你想說什麼,但 生命如此甜蜜!生命如此這麼甜蜜! 陽光下翩翩起舞的樹葉使得怦怦跳動 那顆最悲傷的心,而愛仍必可忘記 生活的瑣碎和勞累,它的煩躁和焦慮。 蔚藍的天空在炎炎夏日中閃耀, 熱血是多麼得意地無視凍雨; 一刻黃金時光照亮了整年的灰暗。讓 那些從不懂得解脱的人去談論眼淚吧; 對我來說過去儲下的甜蜜 熬得過寒冬隔閡的痛苦; 孤獨、缺愛、悲傷來襲 回憶那些甜得難而持久的日子 會讓我的心再次充滿歡慰。

    • @mtlaurene
      @mtlaurene Před měsícem

      great sharing, appreciated

    • @Sereknity
      @Sereknity Před měsícem

      @@mtlaureneThanks for your appreciation 😊

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    I cannot echo the old wish to die at morn, as darkness strays! We have been glad together greeting some new-born and radiant days, The earth would hold me, every day familiar things Would weight me fast, The stir, the touch of morn, the bird that on swift wings Goes flitting past. Some flower would lift to me its tender tear-wet face, and send its breath To whisper of the earth, its beauty and its grace, And combat death. It would be light, and I would see in thy dear eyes The sorrow grow. Love, could I lift my own undimmed to paradise And leave thee so! A thousand chords would hold me down to this low sphere, When thou didst grieve; Ah! should death come upon morn's rosy breast, I fear I’d crave reprieve. But when her gold all spent, the sad day takes her flight, When shadows creep, Then just to put my hand in thine and say, “Good night,” And fall asleep. 我無法響應於晨光中隕逝的古老願望,在黑暗離散時! 我倆曾一起愉快地迎接那些清新絢爛的破䁱, 大地會羈絆着我,每天熟悉的事物 快成沉重枷鎖, 黎明的悸動,飛翔的鳥兒 一瞬而過。 花朵會向對我抬起它淚濕的溫柔臉龐,吐露芬芳, 向大地低語,它的美麗和優雅, 抗衡死亡。 𥌓光乍現,我在你親愛的眼眸中看到 悲傷漸生。 愛人,我怎能將自己未滅的光升到天堂 就這樣離開你! 千絲萬縷會拉我回這低微的世界, 當你悲傷時; 啊!若死亡降臨在晨曦的玫瑰胸膛,我恐怕 我會渴望緩刑。 但當她的金光耗盡,悲傷的日子也就隨之離去, 當陰影悄悄爬上, 那就把我的手放在你的手心裏説: “晚安,” 然後安然入睡。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    Yes, yes, I know what you would say, and yet Life is so sweet! life is so very sweet! Leaves dancing in the sun make quick the beat Of saddest heart, and Love must still forget Life’s toil and care, its fever and its fret. How blue the sky shines through the summer’s heat, How merrily the blood defies the sleet; One golden hour illumes a gray year. Let Those talk of tears who never knew relief; For me the hoarded honey of the past Outlives the wintry interval of pain; Come loneliness, or lovelessness, or grief, The memory of days too sweet to last Shall make my heart run o’er with joy again. 是的,是的,我知道你想說什麼,但 生命如此甜蜜!生命如此這麼甜蜜! 陽光下翩翩起舞的樹葉使得怦怦跳動 那顆最悲傷的心,而愛仍必可忘記 生活的瑣碎和勞累,它的煩躁和焦慮。 蔚藍的天空在炎炎夏日中閃耀, 熱血是多麼得意地無視凍雨; 一刻黃金時光照亮了整年的灰暗。讓 那些從不懂得解脱的人去談論眼淚吧; 對我來說過去儲下的甜蜜 熬得過寒冬隔閡的痛苦; 孤獨、缺愛、悲傷來襲 回憶那些甜得難而持久的日子 會讓我的心再次充滿歡慰。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    Yes, yes, I know what you would say, and yet Life is so sweet! life is so very sweet! Leaves dancing in the sun make quick the beat Of saddest heart, and Love must still forget Life’s toil and care, its fever and its fret. How blue the sky shines through the summer’s heat, How merrily the blood defies the sleet; One golden hour illumes a gray year. Let Those talk of tears who never knew relief; For me the hoarded honey of the past Outlives the wintry interval of pain; Come loneliness, or lovelessness, or grief, The memory of days too sweet to last Shall make my heart run o’er with joy again. 是的,是的,我知道你想說什麼,但 生命如此甜蜜!生命如此這麼甜蜜! 陽光下翩翩起舞的樹葉使得怦怦跳動 那顆最悲傷的心,而愛仍必可忘記 生活的瑣碎和勞累,它的煩躁和焦慮。 蔚藍的天空在炎炎夏日中閃耀, 熱血是多麼得意地無視凍雨; 一刻黃金時光照亮了整年的灰暗。讓 那些從不懂得解脱的人去談論眼淚吧; 對我來說過去儲下的甜蜜 熬得過寒冬隔閡的痛苦; 孤獨、缺愛、悲傷來襲 回憶那些甜得難而持久的日子 會讓我的心再次充滿歡慰。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    With tears they buried you to-day, But well I knew no turf could hold Your gladness long beneath the mould, Or cramp your laughter in the clay; I smiled while others wept for you Because I knew. And now you sit with me to-night Here in our old, accustomed place; Tender and mirthful is your face, Your eyes with starry joy are bright­ Oh, you are merry as a song For love is strong! They think of you as lying there Down in the churchyard grim and old; They think of you as mute and cold, A wan, white thing that once was fair, With dim, sealed eyes that never may Look on the day. But love cannot be coffined so In clod and darkness; it must rise And seek its own in radiant guise, With immortality aglow, Making of death's triumphant sting A little thing. Ay, we shall laugh at those who deem Our hearts are sundered! Listen, sweet, The tripping of the wind's swift feet Along the by-ways of our dream, And hark the whisper of the rose Wilding that blows. Oh, still you love those simple things, And still you love them more with me; The grave has won no victory; It could not clasp your shining wings, It could not keep you from my side, Dear and my bride! 今天他們含淚把你葬, 可我心知沒泥草能擋得住, 你早已埋在墓碑下的歡愉, 也困不了你在土內的笑語; 他人為你哭泣而我卻在笑 因我明瞭。 今夜你伴我一起坐 在我倆熟悉的老地方; 你的臉容溫柔而歡康, 雙眼閃着喜悅的星光 啊,你如歌般樂融融 因愛意濃! 他們以為你躺在那, 陰森古老的教堂墓園; 他們以為你冰冷無言, 曾是美女的蒼白物件, 永遠矇矓緊閉的眼晴 沒能看見。 但愛不會就此被囚, 在泥土黑暗中;它必起來 去尋找自己的耀目光芒, 燃點着永恆不朽的輝煌, 來讓死亡勝利做成的刺, 不是件事。 唉,我們嘲笑那些認定 我倆心碎了!聽着,親愛的, 在風中疾馳而去的快步, 沿着我們夢想中的小路, 傾聽野玫瑰盛開的低訴, 隨風吹到。 啊,你仍是愛簡單的事物, 你仍是和我會愛得更甜蜜; 墳墓最終沒有贏得到什麼; 它無法抓住你閃亮的翅膀, 也無法阻止你伴在我身旁, 甜心新娘!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    I cannot echo the old wish to die at morn, as darkness strays! We have been glad together greeting some new-born and radiant days, The earth would hold me, every day familiar things Would weight me fast, The stir, the touch of morn, the bird that on swift wings Goes flitting past. Some flower would lift to me its tender tear-wet face, and send its breath To whisper of the earth, its beauty and its grace, And combat death. It would be light, and I would see in thy dear eyes The sorrow grow. Love, could I lift my own undimmed to paradise And leave thee so! A thousand chords would hold me down to this low sphere, When thou didst grieve; Ah! should death come upon morn's rosy breast, I fear I’d crave reprieve. But when her gold all spent, the sad day takes her flight, When shadows creep, Then just to put my hand in thine and say, “Good night,” And fall asleep. 我無法響應於晨光中隕逝的古老願望,在黑暗離散時! 我倆曾一起愉快地迎接那些清新絢爛的破䁱, 大地會羈絆着我,每天熟悉的事物 快成沉重枷鎖, 黎明的悸動,飛翔的鳥兒 一瞬而過。 花朵會向對我抬起它淚濕的溫柔臉龐,吐露芬芳, 向大地低語,它的美麗和優雅, 抗衡死亡。 𥌓光乍現,我在你親愛的眼眸中看到 悲傷漸生。 愛人,我怎能將自己未滅的光升到天堂 就這樣離開你! 千絲萬縷會拉我回這低微的世界, 當你悲傷時; 啊!若死亡降臨在晨曦的玫瑰胸膛,我恐怕 我會渴望緩刑。 但當她的金光耗盡,悲傷的日子也就隨之離去, 當陰影悄悄爬上, 那就把我的手放在你的手心裏説: “晚安,” 然後安然入睡。

  • @Peterpeteroeter
    @Peterpeteroeter Před měsícem


  • @sabihua5855
    @sabihua5855 Před měsícem

    ❤so beautiful

  • @user-ik1fo6wq3s
    @user-ik1fo6wq3s Před měsícem


  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před měsícem

    With tears they buried you to-day, But well I knew no turf could hold Your gladness long beneath the mould, Or cramp your laughter in the clay; I smiled while others wept for you Because I knew. And now you sit with me to-night Here in our old, accustomed place; Tender and mirthful is your face, Your eyes with starry joy are bright­ Oh, you are merry as a song For love is strong! They think of you as lying there Down in the churchyard grim and old; They think of you as mute and cold, A wan, white thing that once was fair, With dim, sealed eyes that never may Look on the day. But love cannot be coffined so In clod and darkness; it must rise And seek its own in radiant guise, With immortality aglow, Making of death's triumphant sting A little thing. Ay, we shall laugh at those who deem Our hearts are sundered! Listen, sweet, The tripping of the wind's swift feet Along the by-ways of our dream, And hark the whisper of the rose Wilding that blows. Oh, still you love those simple things, And still you love them more with me; The grave has won no victory; It could not clasp your shining wings, It could not keep you from my side, Dear and my bride! 今天他們含淚把你葬, 可我心知沒泥草能擋得住, 你早已埋在墓碑下的歡愉, 也困不了你在土內的笑語; 他人為你哭泣而我卻在笑 因我明瞭。 今夜你伴我一起坐 在我倆熟悉的老地方; 你的臉容溫柔而歡康, 雙眼閃着喜悅的星光 啊,你如歌般樂融融 因愛意濃! 他們以為你躺在那, 陰森古老的教堂墓園; 他們以為你冰冷無言, 曾是美女的蒼白物件, 永遠矇矓緊閉的眼晴 沒能看見。 但愛不會就此被囚, 在泥土黑暗中;它必起來 去尋找自己的耀目光芒, 燃點着永恆不朽的輝煌, 來讓死亡勝利做成的刺, 不是件事。 唉,我們嘲笑那些認定 我倆心碎了!聽着,親愛的, 在風中疾馳而去的快步, 沿着我們夢想中的小路, 傾聽野玫瑰盛開的低訴, 隨風吹到。 啊,你仍是愛簡單的事物, 你仍是和我會愛得更甜蜜; 墳墓最終沒有贏得到什麼; 它無法抓住你閃亮的翅膀, 也無法阻止你伴在我身旁, 甜心新娘!

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 2 měsíci

    MOTHER of balms and soothings manifold, Quiet-breathed Night, whose brooding hours are seven, To whom the voices of all rest are given, And those few stars whose scattered names are told. Far off, beyond the westward hills outrolled, Darker than thou, more still, more dreamy even, The golden moon leans in the dusky heaven, And under her, one star, a point of gold. And all go slowly lingering toward the west, As we go down forgetfully to our rest, Weary of daytime, tired of noise and light. Ah, it was time that thou shouldst come, for we Were sore athirst, and had great need of thee, Thou sweet physician, balmy-bosomed Night. 慰藉萬千傷痛的母親, 凝寂的黑夜,七小時的靜默, 萬物沉睡的聲音都交給她, 那寥寥星辰的名字也向她細訴。 遠處,在西邊的山巒之外, 比你更暗、更靜、更夢幻, 金色的月亮倚在昏暗的天邊, 在她之下,有一顆星,一個金點。 萬物緩緩西移, 就像我們忘記一切地漸漸入眠, 厭倦白晝,疲於喧鬧和亮光。 啊,你該來臨了,因為我們 極其渴望,非常需要你, 你這可愛的療癒者,安撫心靈的夜晚。

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 2 měsíci

    不好意思,我上一段片大懵忘記了調較音量,自己渣仔又唔識處理,竟然按了刪除。沒辦法了,渣仔大懵是要長多點知識同竅門,尤其從教訓中學習。既然delete 了,那就將錯就錯加了雨聲,重新upload,想想雨聲對這首哀歌是有化學作用的,焉知非福呢!我僅有的subscribers,不好意思,confuse 了你,要你聽多次,希望你喜歡這個雨聲版本😊

  • @Sereknity
    @Sereknity Před 2 měsíci

    我自己好鐘意呢首詩,所以整咗三個版本出嚟。咁短,景、意、情,已經寫晒出嚟。同詩名叫 Canoe Song,百幾年前呢首詩應該都係唱出嚟,不過我查咗好耐都搵唔到。最後呢個中篇版啦,希望你同我一樣都會鍾意呢首詩,同希望佢可以帶畀你一啲啲嘅甜蜜同寧靜❤

  • @jasmineyeo2101
    @jasmineyeo2101 Před 2 měsíci
