Time - The Ultimate Mystery | Alexander Bard | TEDxSSE

  • čas přidán 5. 06. 2016
  • It's about time to speak about time. Alexander Bard is a philosopher, writer, artist, record producer and a highly sought-after lecturer. He is the co-founder of one of Scandinavida’s biggest record company, and has made a great matter to the Swedish music industry. He has also published several books, which has been highly debated.
    This former SSE student has been giving out motivational speaches since 1996 and this time he is speaking about the concept of time.
    This former SSE student, Alexander Bard, has been giving out motivational speaches since 1996 and now the time has come for us at TEDxSSE to welcome him back! You also might recognize him as one of the judges from the Swedish television show Idol.
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Komentáře • 235

  • @banehog
    @banehog Před 3 lety +16

    Well, can't fault his enthusiasm at least

  • @GlorifiedTruth
    @GlorifiedTruth Před 3 lety +8

    Actually, it was proven in the early 80s that time is like a clock in my heart.

  • @Valandor_Celestial_Warlock

    "Thinkers are either psychotic or neurotic." That explains a lot.

    • @fleecefoxes6471
      @fleecefoxes6471 Před 4 lety

      Explains that most of the habitants of this planet aren't thinkers

  • @_The_Militant_Leftist_
    @_The_Militant_Leftist_ Před 4 lety +30

    Relativity: “When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute-and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity.”

  • @Kr00kan
    @Kr00kan Před 8 lety +26

    Alexander Bard is a wonderful man, however there are one thing that bothers me a little bit. And that is that he is arguing against himself sometimes.
    In a podcast he once said that things can't come from nowhere, rather ideas comes from conversations and books and so on. Here in this lecture he says that things happens out of nowhere. Please explain.

    • @RosesNeverFade1216
      @RosesNeverFade1216 Před 7 lety +11

      Every time I go into something that involves Alexander I always prepare myself to be very confused. Confused yet entertained. Yet considering he does identify as a philosopher, I'm not surprised he contradicts himself now and then. If philosophy is an art like he describes, the field itself is liable to be all over the place. But that's just my interpretation.

    •  Před 6 lety +16

      “I think he is arguing against himself sometimes.”
      And I think you just got Philosophy, my friend. :)

    • @cidfacetious3722
      @cidfacetious3722 Před 6 lety

      Charles Krook it's because you save a lots of her not a scientist he deals with abstracts and Notions not facts and evidence

    • @aschemusicreations
      @aschemusicreations Před 5 lety +4

      He's a philosopher, his job is to argue against everything. He just mentioned how inconsistent beliefs are completely necessary.

    • @solostudioclass7981
      @solostudioclass7981 Před 5 lety +1

      you are right, and that is that problem that he created !!!

  • @informationwarfare700
    @informationwarfare700 Před 4 lety +11

    Great presentation. I disagree with his conclusion though. Rather than bringing a hierarchical deity into the picture, just keep probing the infinite nature of reality as I'll try to do here. I'd say time is not an illusion (as in "fake") but it is rather a fixed construct in the sense that it's predetermined for the purpose of experience. It's real for the purpose of a human experience and this experience is not any less real. It's important to state that. However, if we accept that time is only a purpose for experience, then you can compare a human life to watching a movie. You put on a DVD at home and the purpose of the movie is to give you an experience. You journey through the movie. Sometimes you get really drawn into the story and you're invested in the characters. This can only occur thanks to the construct of time. The movie though exists in one place. You can move forwards and backwards in the movie as you wish. If we think of this universe as a movie where we've joined as "movie characters" to play a role, then YES time is essential to experience this movie we call life BUT in an infinite nature of reality, everything MUST exist at once. In an infinite reality there is no time and anything that ever happened or will happen has already occurred and/or is already happening in the "infinite NOW". Think of it like a fountain that never stops. Everything just IS. Now, from the perspective our universe, (uni = one) it’s is just one universe out of an infinite number of universes. Our human bodies are temporary vehicles we decide to be born into and later leave. Us as infinite beings however cannot be born and cannot die because in infinity there is no beginning or end. That means our true identity is infinite awareness, infinite knowing and all possibility. We are all infinite. We have always existed and we will always exist. This means that it cannot be a creator OF anyone else because no one can ever be above anyone or before anyone. There is no hierarchy in infinity. This also means that there is no randomness, there is no good or bad, there is no luck or chance. From the infinite nature of there is only choice. Everything comes from choice. Now to embrace this you must accept that absolutely everything that ever happens in your human life has been a choice in some way, shape or form. That's a hard pill for most to swallow. What's missing in all of this is the purpose of the human experience. Why have any experience if you are infinite awareness? Well, to have an adventure! Don't you sometimes wish you could completely forget that favorite movie of yours and watch it again and again? This is what we do. Everyone of us here in a human body decided to create a limited aspect of ourselves which is commonly known as spirit. A more scientific term might be your own personal electrogravitic energy signature. This is like our own movie character or video game character. We came here to be "Super Mario". This is our journey of experience and learning. Most of us have purposely forgotten our true infinite identity. Some of us remember more than others. This might never be proven since the tool of science is generally limited to this specific universe, so it's up to each and everyone of us to do our best to find our own voice. Our inner voice which is this infinite, timeless part of our self. When we do, our human life transforms completely from within and we will never see the world in the same way. We could call it the ultimate red pill. Since everything comes from choice, then everything has been purposely created and everything is alive. Nothing can be dead in infinity. There's only our limited human viewpoint projecting "death" from our perspective. What's dying is a temporary vehicle. It's really is just a transition. What can be a vehicle? Anything that can be created for exploration within the specific construct of this universe. Other universes and realities have different rules and laws and so there will be different vehicles for experience. A vehicle can be a human, an animal, a rock, a crystal, a tree or a plant, a planet, a galaxy and even an entire universe. So, the closest to "god" is the fact that YES this entire universe has a creator but it's not a creator OF, it's a creator AS. Someone decided to manifest itself as this universe of light. In a sense we are all inside this being. However we are ALL on the same level as this being. We are here in a co-creation with this being. Imagine this conversation: "Oh, wow! You created a universe of light? That sounds like a cool experience. I'll join!". We ALL have our own universes. We are everyone and everything at the same time. There is no separation. The apparent separation and duality is the game we're all playing here. Don't get me wrong, it's a serious game. As serious as the most exciting movie which needs both a great villain and an awesome hero. We are also unique individuals. There is only one like you! You do have an ego, the ego is not an illusion. The ego is you on your current journey. It’s a purposeful co-creation between your spirit and your body. These are equally valid so honor them both. The body of course is a co-creation with the Earth, or as many call her ”Mother Earth”, a living being. Someone decided to come here and manifest herself as planet earth. More should talk to her sometime! After all we walk on her body, eat her food, drink her water and breathe her air as she gives us all from a place of total and unconditional love. Now YOU decide for this life what and who you wanna be. Whatever you decide you've already did since everything exists at once and so every single choice that you ever can make, has already been made by you. So what is the point you might ask? Well, the difference is where you decide to look, where you decide to focus and what you intend. Your intent decides which part of the infinite number of life path choices you decide to focus upon. You can choose any path, they all exist at once and you just decide which path excites you most at any given moment.

  • @vickemannen9276
    @vickemannen9276 Před 4 lety +9

    Me after physics exam finals: “years of academy training, wasted”

  • @Lasse_Viklund
    @Lasse_Viklund Před 6 lety +25

    Alexander Bard seems to be a very intelligent man combined with a talent for communicating it.

    • @user-hv3yb5hp8q
      @user-hv3yb5hp8q Před 5 lety +1

      Muslims also believe that the time is a God

    • @Foria777
      @Foria777 Před 4 lety +1

      Humans are more powerful than god. Einstein proved.

    • @conforzo
      @conforzo Před rokem

      @@user-hv3yb5hp8q Zurvanites are Zoroastrian and therefore the grandfather of Islamic metaphysics

  • @ddmmrr103
    @ddmmrr103 Před 5 lety +6

    well, make everything in existence behave and react in the opposite way and you'll be going back in time

  • @jeromedragon5287
    @jeromedragon5287 Před 5 lety +4

    There is no such thing as time, only change, and there is a subtle difference. Time is an abstract concept used to understand, measure and explain change.

    • @vaijuaphale8048
      @vaijuaphale8048 Před 5 lety

      True...time can only be felt in terms of relative change...one thing changing vis a vis the other...if nothing changed, or if everything changed equally, there would be no time.

  • @sang-hyunyoo9976
    @sang-hyunyoo9976 Před 5 lety +5

    Wow I really liked this idea. It was kinda difficult for me to understand it all but I really like the alternative thinking here.

    • @advaitamaunitva5363
      @advaitamaunitva5363 Před 5 lety +2

      Look into Advaita Vedanta then. Advaita means non-dual and Vedanta pertains to the Vedas, the holy books of the Hindu sect. It is profound to say the least and I can say from my personal experience that once you have the experience of the true infinite Self which is universal consciousnouss, you can never look at the egoic relative reality like it has any substance to it or reality whatsoever. The subject object relationship of relativity is pure illusion. It is like comparing the dream state to the waking consciousness. Comparing the experience of Samahdi or superconsciousness with relativity of egoic reality, one sees daily life as the illusion it is. Only the infinite ocean of consciousness exists and it is pure being, pure bliss, existence itself. Completely full and ecstatic by nature, this is who we truly are. An idea within the mind of the universal Self is what this reality is. An idea, an appearance within consciousness made of consciousness. This formless consciousness is all there is. Relativity is the dream. One can move into this state permanently and end the cycle of birth and death by liberating himself from this realm of suffering. I no longer suffer. There is no one who can suffer. If you have any questions, want me to guide you in the right direction, whatever u need just let me know. I'm very happy to help. I'm passionate about getting others out of suffering and into bliss. It is not to be kept to myself

  • @nsecchi1
    @nsecchi1 Před 6 lety +6

    I clicked to get a presentation on time but instead i got a history of philosophy.

  • @wilburthoors9340
    @wilburthoors9340 Před 4 lety +6

    Where are the arguments for disproving that everything was pre-planned in big bang? He just said biology wasn't pre planned chemistry wasn't pre planned. And how would this even prove that time existed? I think it makes more sense to use determinism for a way to prove time because things are constantly changing, it's called cause and effect.

    • @TechlogicProductions
      @TechlogicProductions Před 4 lety

      because all action is a reaction by that logic, and is not a proof of time

  • @aprilmintacpineda2713
    @aprilmintacpineda2713 Před 5 lety +8

    If time moves, then can you observe it’s movement and measure it’s speed?
    Can you trace a path where it has been and therefore be able to successfully trace its origin?

    • @Northern85Star
      @Northern85Star Před 5 lety +4

      No, this talker has the wrong idea, like most people.
      Time is a component of movement. Everything in the universe moves, including the universe itself. Nothing is static.
      That we have invented time as an isolated dimension is ingenious, but it is measured with movement (like clocks). The time it takes you do anything is a simplification of the SPEED of the processes involved in the task. E.g. the time it takes you to do a movement is determined by the speed of a complex sequence of signaling chemicals in your body - but to simplify it, we measure it in time (time here being movement in a clock).
      In quantum physics, time appears as an isolated dimension, but that is a mathematical problem.
      So, time does not exist in other forms than movement - the movement of everything, from quantums, photons, electrons, to human reaction time and the movement of the planet, galaxy and the universe itself.

    • @favouremma7429
      @favouremma7429 Před 4 lety

      @@Northern85Star but the exact time can not be measured..

    • @Northern85Star
      @Northern85Star Před 4 lety +1

      @@favouremma7429 Yes, using speed and interpreting it into what we subjectively know as time.
      "Time" is in eternal instant. What we call time, is a standard measurement of the speed of all change.
      How most people understand time is a social construct, in other words. Yesterday isn't a separate time from today, it's an earlier stage of all the processes in the universe.
      This is also why we talk of the "biological" age of people, why people age at different rates. It all comes down to speed (of metabolic processes) - not time itself.

    • @favouremma7429
      @favouremma7429 Před 4 lety +1

      @@Northern85Star thanks for the explanation

    • @CeRz
      @CeRz Před 4 lety +2

      @@favouremma7429 Don't listen blindly to a youtube comment, gather lots of data then make your own conclusions. I would normally argue against him because no one can truly understand time. It's a field where we have so much proof but yet another area where no proof is final! There is always a probability of all theories being destroyed. All theories are just generally accepted... for now. Time is relative from where you observe. Therefore we have local time and universal time. We use all these different types of measurements of time, but what is it really? It exists, but what is it?

  • @MaxxTheSavage
    @MaxxTheSavage Před 2 lety +2

    5:49 Wow, I've always wondered this to myself. It's nice to know that other minds wonder this as well.

    • @MaxxTheSavage
      @MaxxTheSavage Před 2 lety

      Maybe time is equivalent to the amount of information in any given point of space, more info could possibly equal more "time" for something to happen/be percieved?

  • @SaerdnaOoOoo
    @SaerdnaOoOoo Před 6 lety +2

    My old theory was that things simply change and time is an illusion of ideas. How ever, we can't know how the unobservable universe works since we can not test it. Not everything need a cause for example. The idea that nothing can come from nothing is dis proven by observation of some particles that pop in and out of illusion. Logic can only be applied for gaining truths on the observable. No metaphysics can really be supported more than other metaphysics. I like the idea that time exists more how ever that time exists because that give more hypothesis on how people can time travel and thus can colonise other planets.

  • @francisjoiner7248
    @francisjoiner7248 Před 4 lety +3

    i was more impressed with his shirt than i was with his opinions.

  • @Devachandra9
    @Devachandra9 Před 5 lety +1

    History is also a method for measuring time; Space is in the realm of the Timeless. Spengler's understanding would perhaps correlate with Alexander's conceptual understanding as well.

  • @itzolie
    @itzolie Před 4 lety +3

    Philosophy is just the best

  • @aaronmathew4661
    @aaronmathew4661 Před 4 lety

    All depend on space, everything even the time worked with the properties of space we are in

  • @aliasifchowdhury3419
    @aliasifchowdhury3419 Před 5 lety

    Very deep and meta in so so so so many ways

  • @muzolinimusicprod2835
    @muzolinimusicprod2835 Před 6 lety +9

    Love this guy!

  • @brittanypittser-shadowsofs5298

    I knew him from army of lovers and I love seeing how he's progressed through life

    • @thegoodthebadandtheugly579
      @thegoodthebadandtheugly579 Před 2 lety

      I was watching his video with Schmachtenberger was about to troll writing “why is Schmachtenberger talking to the Army of Lovers guy?” before I realised that IT IS the army of lovers guy 😂 not just someone who looks like him 😆

  • @vaijuaphale8048
    @vaijuaphale8048 Před 5 lety +1

    Wow! what a question...if time is different in different parts of the universe how do you know what the age of the universe is! You can at the most have an average age.

  • @staraffinity
    @staraffinity Před 6 lety

    My understanding of determinism is that things aren't really ”pre-programmed” as Bard seems to think, but rather that things that actually takes place in time are ”unavoidable” - they happen because of (physical) circumstances which I guess requires that ”free will” is an illusion. There's a difference there, right? Or am I missing something?

  • @dochalovic5899
    @dochalovic5899 Před rokem

    Fantastic presentation.

  • @DrOrson
    @DrOrson Před 5 lety

    We have a sense of time trailing behind us because of images in the brain arranged in linear form. But there is no train of events in space, it's all in the mind. Our bodies, trees, animals and even inorganic matter breaks down. They are all clocks, which change and break down but all in the eternal present. We marvel at how fast our lives pass by because it does happen now. Our language is not capable of enunciating this reality because it was formulated before we understood the illusion of time.

  • @audriusa5368
    @audriusa5368 Před 5 lety +1

    You should be patient and wait till last seconds of Alexander speech. Him conclusion is stunning!

  • @gsamkaria
    @gsamkaria Před 5 lety +4

    8:55 very interesting

  • @JonathanCrossland
    @JonathanCrossland Před 7 lety +14

    did he just separate spacetime as space / time and then argue that its truth of spacetime?

  • @neilhoward6795
    @neilhoward6795 Před 5 lety +1

    I have a problem in the phrase "looking back in time". My very simplistic view is that a "moment" at my location is the exact same "moment" at any point in the universe or beyond the universe. The fact that the very distant "moment" can take numerous light years to tell us that it (a particle, a group of particles a star) has just had its moment for me to observe that moment on earth I will need to live all most forever to witness the arrival of that moment at my location . The conclusion that I draw is that each and every particle has a "moment" in which every other particle has a mathematical fix in space. If you will, a "Universal General Positioning". What the human race is observing is "Change" in the absolute coordinates of all partilces in what ever form. Being that is the case, the need to have a "dimension of time" becomes redundant. After all, the measurement of time is one that we humans have invented and is a concept to allow us to organise when and where our bodies our things, our World can be coordinated. Given that, once Einstein got to Special Relativity he got stuck on General Relativity and then he really got hung up that Gravity is observed but cannot be explained. Einstein had a buddy, a mathematician, who he turned to with his problem. His problem was given that a particle with mass is travelling in a straight line through space how can a second particle travelling through space on a different trajectory be mathematically cleared to meet with each other. Thats when Herman Minkowski offered a solution which was to cause a depression, a vortix, in which a particle can be taken through a change of direction by following a straight line which has been curved. It is referred to as Minkowski Space Time. This clever solution has never been proven and has led science, in my humble opinion up a blind alley trying to bring together Special and General Relativity together as one.
    The concept of travelling back through time is therefore binned as to travel, "to return", to a original form would infer all the particles of the universe would have to conform in a mathematical relationship to each other coincidental to the form that is anticipated by travelling back in "time". Similarly, the concept of travelling forward through time would infer an arrival in the future would need all the total elements of the Universe to be in lock-step in accordance with the mathematical lock on their postions at that "time" chosen. If time is binned it will make the understanding of our universe that much easier as I feel confident the solution will turn out to be a very precise but simple one

    • @deep_fried_analysis
      @deep_fried_analysis Před 5 lety

      Space travel to describe time travel, it makes more sense to me, but i'm one of those who think that time is a measurement of change. Time travel we usually think of infers avoidance of change somehow. I simply think that change can't be static. Entropy is definite and always there.

    • @MarkusBohunovsky
      @MarkusBohunovsky Před 4 lety

      If I understand your first 3 sentences correctly, you are simply describing the traditional newtonian view of space and time that was accepted before Einstein--that there is an absolute time and space coordinate system that exists independent of the observer (or basically for an observer who would stand outside of the universe and be able to look at all of it "from the outside") This is an obvious and tempting concept, but to my understanding this has actually been disproven by experiments. Even without any proof it is pretty obvious that this is simply a concept that, while simple and convenient, can have no basis in practical, observable reality (We CANNOT jump out of the universe and observe it from the outside--at best we can imagine this)

  • @ryansmith8345
    @ryansmith8345 Před 2 lety +5

    I love this man , he's a genius in what he does

  • @hugonordenswan8198
    @hugonordenswan8198 Před 3 lety +3

    Any other Swedish person watching this?

  • @TheBigFella
    @TheBigFella Před 9 měsíci

    Very good presentation

  • @bobrolander4344
    @bobrolander4344 Před 5 lety

    Not our brains, but our whole body, which together with our memories determines our intuition, sort out the tons of information.

  • @aptcmpasion
    @aptcmpasion Před 5 lety +1

    the repeatable, measurable, observations which indicate that the local 'speed' of time varies with, (or is relative to), the velocity of an object in motion , seems to prove that 'time' is, in fact, a relative-property of space, (ie, space-time); this would seem to indicate that objects, (distinct matter-energy-forms), (when in motion) have the potential to EFFECT the relative condition, the state, that space-time possesses-- which seems to indicate that space-time consists of a mysterious 'substance', which can expand & contract, as does 'matter' (distinct matter-energy-forms)-- thus it would seem that 'matter' (distinct energy-forms), & space-time are merely three integral qualities of the same phenomenon; (not to mention 'forces', eg, gravity, momentum, eternia, centrifugal force), which, again, seem to be but more integral qualities of the same phenomenon

  • @deniserafaeli
    @deniserafaeli Před 4 lety

    this helped me finalizes my understanding with Quantum Mechanics

  • @se7ensnakes
    @se7ensnakes Před 4 lety +8

    There was a woman called Bright
    who travelled faster than the speed of light,
    She took off one day in a relative way
    and returned the previous day

    • @kshitij1947
      @kshitij1947 Před 4 lety +2

      se7ensnakes if she travel from London at 12:00 doesn't matter how fast she travels she can't ever come back at 11:59

  • @itzjanay.nycole
    @itzjanay.nycole Před 5 lety +3


  • @danb7601
    @danb7601 Před 3 lety +6

    Time clearly doesn't exist, it's just an inevitable consquence of perceiving the progression of things such as growth
    To be clear, it then actually does exist by that definition lol

    • @thegoodthebadandtheugly579
      @thegoodthebadandtheugly579 Před 2 lety

      Growth? You’re jumping the horse there.. you need to establish that there is something rather than nothing first. Then you need to establish that things change. And only then you can talk about growth. Not sure why you want to talk about growth at all though, it is such a flawed way of looking at life (me big = me good-er). Would you not rather re-focus to think about “development” instead of “growth”? Growth sometimes is negative. Not all growth is positive. If you have cancer, the last thing you want is to see it grow ;P

  • @PsychonunBO2
    @PsychonunBO2 Před 6 lety

    The laugh in the beginning

  • @aprilmintacpineda2713
    @aprilmintacpineda2713 Před 5 lety +1

    Time is order. Time is our mind’s way of making sense of the events that happen around us.
    For example, imagine a person standing on the other side of the pedestrian lane. He looked to this left, then he looked to his right, then he looked at the traffic signal and found out that it has turned to green, which is a signal that he can cross the street.
    What you imagined is a sequence, you made sense of the event because you know the sequence at which every sub-event took place.
    This is also why we have verb conjugations. So that we can describe sequence.

  • @danflo5011
    @danflo5011 Před 6 lety +5

    How do you move backwards in space??? You always move in a positive direction even if you turn around and go back to a place you just visited. If you walk 100 m, turn back and walk back, you have moved 200 m. Isnt that the same as with time? If the space is negative, the Work (J) will be negative , and that leads to negative Effect (W) if time is still positive. So you would charge your batteri more the more you drive, witch isnt possible. You cand use negative amount of energy. If space is negative, so does time have to be, and if everything traveling backwards in negative time, you would not know the differance between going positive and negative, cause everything will be the exact same no matter wgere in time you go back to. Every molecule in your brain going back so your mind is exactly the same as it was last time at that paeticular time you go to. Or..?

    • @lemonsys
      @lemonsys Před 5 lety +2

      You might be right, that space is more like time. But for some reason we have assumed time is like space (ie reversible) when actually neither are reversible?

    • @deep_fried_analysis
      @deep_fried_analysis Před 5 lety

      What if you manipulate time to "go back" in space? I think the problem you're describing stems from us *not being able* to feel anything in any other direction but forward.

    • @MarkusBohunovsky
      @MarkusBohunovsky Před 4 lety

      Very nice observation about space, Dan Flo! I think the problem comes from our concepts of space and time. We imagine that there is such a thing as space, independent from the objects contained therein--basically a cartesian coordinate system that exists in and of itself, is static, and would be there even if there was no object in existence at all. (Of course the general theory of relativity already seems to indicate that this idea is not tenable). So if we say we can get back to the same point in space, and therefore travel forward and backward, we really mean back to that same point in the coordinate system. Since everything constantly moves relative to everything else, it seems clear that this is at the very least practically impossible (certainly on earth, as the earth moves within the solar system which moves in the galaxy, which moves relative to everything else) and then begs the question why we think it would be theoretically possible.
      When we imagine time, we usually do it in the same way: We think of it as a one-dimensional time-line that exists independent of events and objects moving in it, and so we ask why it shouldn't be possible to move back to the same point in the timeline.--But these are all misunderstandings; mistaking our CONCEPT of space and our CONCEPT of time for the real thing. It seems that in both cases--time and space--the entire question of "can we go back" is based upon a misconception.
      Actually, I believe this is another old disagreement in philosophy: One camp sees IDEAS like time, space, distance, speed, etc. as real (ideas that are actually more real than their expression in the physical world), another sees them as completely unreal, other than being descriptions and abstractions out of specific real experiences (so there cannot be "space" or "distance" without actual objects that they apply to...and I guess even the concept of "object" would be an abstraction with no more reality than the former)

  • @BenKraal
    @BenKraal Před 8 lety +4

    Would you think this perspective contradicts the Biblical perspective of God as eternal?
    (existing before the creation of the universe(including time))

    • @Proggadelsmannen
      @Proggadelsmannen Před 8 lety +2

      Yes, Time or if you like Change itself is God in this perspective. Nothing is eternal, nothing is predestined.

    • @laughlovefeelgood9416
      @laughlovefeelgood9416 Před 5 lety +1

      It totally goes against the biblical God concept. (Man created God. God didn't create man)
      Even with the Zurganite concept here, if God is a creator, good can't be time because time doesn't create or change things. Things are created and changed within time.

    • @laughlovefeelgood9416
      @laughlovefeelgood9416 Před 5 lety +1

      Is time change? Does time change things or cause things to change? Or do things change over/with/in time???

  • @apolsky9221
    @apolsky9221 Před 3 lety +1

    I want to be a philosopher now

  • @AmbiCahira
    @AmbiCahira Před 6 lety +2

    TW these opinions may offend somebody that disagrees. ;)
    So to me in my life, time is a manmade concept of measurement to be able to tie events to a description. For example "back in 1978..." or "13 billion years ago." Or "meet me in an hour". It's all descriptive/describing a moment. And I say it's manmade because only humans care about time passing and what time of the day it is, how long to the seasons change, when we are expected to die and so forth. Does time pass yes, does time exist yes, does it matter? Only to us because we tie events and memories to a moment. Animals doesn't and they do fine. Daytime and nighttime are descriptive just like light and dark are descriptive. We are so busy being on time, make time, run out of time, making it in time, remembering back in time and planning for future times or hard times that we just miss the moment. I got so much less stress and so much more freedom to live my day when I dropped thinking in terms of time except for appointments. We can depict time quite deeply and it can be super fascinating but I thought about time for so long and so hard that I feel done with thinking about it on a deeper level for now. So what does it feel like to experience a space without the concept of time passing? You do that in most dreams. You fall asleep, you dream, you wake up and you feel like time didn't pass at all and in dreams most of the cases you have no concept of time in dreams or daydreaming. We need time to describe and to be on the same page on collecting in a certain place at the same moment (meetings) but to me personally life got a whole lot simpler when I stopped looking at the day in terms of hours and instead of planned events that I want to occur that day and decide in the morning what order they will occur. And yes I think about how long they will take and if they match the energy I have that day but overall time is not of the essence.

    • @marsiennacelebi739
      @marsiennacelebi739 Před 5 lety

      Well said.
      The one way flowing river time is there,
      We aret he fish in it,
      Gotta focus on what we choose while swimming in it.
      Rather then constanly trying to measure it

  • @abdulsamix1204
    @abdulsamix1204 Před 4 lety

    Awesome Alex, I would like to be in touch with you because I don't believe any of einstiens theories. Because, for me also Time is something which we cannot solve and it is unknown. We are just fooling ourselves with so many theories.

  • @aprilmintacpineda2713
    @aprilmintacpineda2713 Před 5 lety +1

    Clocks does not measure time. They measure the rotation of the Earth.

    • @wendymcdonald2073
      @wendymcdonald2073 Před 5 lety

      rotation of the sun... The sun & moon are close & small... Moving in the heavens.. Look into flat earth

  • @Daggz90
    @Daggz90 Před 3 lety

    If we're talking philosophy and time - Reminiscing on past vivid memories, does it not transport us to that time and space, if only for a second? Does that not count as going back to both time and space by doing so? I mean our emotions and our mind goes back to that point however our physical being is still in the present. Would that not suggest that our spiritual being is capable of some form of time travelling into the past?
    Purely philosophically, that is.

  • @t1mkaz
    @t1mkaz Před 6 lety +2

    One man army of lover

  • @pcg259
    @pcg259 Před 5 lety +2

    They don’t know that they don’t know…….I know that I don’t know.

  • @anira42
    @anira42 Před 4 lety +1

    I ove you!!!!!

  • @TheMusicLovingMan
    @TheMusicLovingMan Před 2 lety

    Time can move backwards, it's very possible to go back in time using your own imagination..., Memories can go back in time or dream about the future..., The imagination is a magical time machine... So it's possible to go back in time with magical memories...

  • @sharebig7030
    @sharebig7030 Před rokem

    Very well

  • @Robinson8491
    @Robinson8491 Před rokem

    I believe the spacetime diagram existed before the big bang, just not with the limitation of the current lightspeed. Lightspeed was zero, making the timelike area zero and thus all space

  • @osborne9255
    @osborne9255 Před 6 lety +7

    One of the main roles of the philosopher is to shake the cage and get the canaries tweeting. Good stuff.

  • @mymommymom102
    @mymommymom102 Před 6 lety +11

    Came here from the song Crucified

  • @laotze8877
    @laotze8877 Před 6 lety

    I liked the whole video but the 11th minute to 13th is where he says something actually important.

  • @andrew.r.lukasik
    @andrew.r.lukasik Před 8 lety

    I like Alexander Bard, very entertaining and alive. Yet I think this talk contains few potentially premature statements.

    • @Spattapa
      @Spattapa Před 8 lety

      What kind of premature statements?

    • @andrew.r.lukasik
      @andrew.r.lukasik Před 8 lety +5

      Well, pretty much all of them; bold, academia-flavored, vigorous, entertaining. Perfect for Tedx. Little regard for reality outside domain of philosophy. Some physicists and mathematicians seems to be more interested in proofs and not talks which is probably why he doesn't mention that. He has the luxury to just talk and be seductive/convincing.
      But I like that he was open here about his attitude.

  • @andreaspapadakis2602
    @andreaspapadakis2602 Před 5 lety

    there for i had this stamge notion for a while now that 1 equals 1 is not applicable to the real world because an apple never equals another apple since in its detail is way different..i asked many friends to point out 1 to me as a reality in the universe,,i cant seem to identify anything as 1..i proposed to them that maybe one can say that one electron equals any other one electron (if we consider properties only..) but again we dont really know that much about electrons either..the idea is that math has a fundamendal unsurpassable barrier to overcome in order to fully explain the universe and will never provide one, while pure thouht and insight dont so they have a better chance

  • @braveman1679
    @braveman1679 Před 7 lety +7

    What bothers me greatly is his statement that change is not deterministic which refutes causal effects. "Chance" is our perception of probability and when a chance manifests in reality we often interpret it as "random" which is an illusion. Everything is predetermined, not by a God but by chains of effects ocurring continuesly all the TIME deciding the future. That means that nothing is random, nothing occurs by itself and everything stems from the clash of the enviroment, Everything, including time and change, is in other words causal and deterministic.

    • @ItakeUdownnn
      @ItakeUdownnn Před 7 lety +4

      I guess you haven't heard of quantum physics?

    • @user-fs5fc1vv7y
      @user-fs5fc1vv7y Před 6 lety

      Everything is pre determined ad hoc, and that is the real illusion. If everything actually was pre determined, fact and truth would be the same but they are not

    • @karlwilzen
      @karlwilzen Před 6 lety +1

      Most interpretation of quantum mechanics claim that there actually is true randomness, i.e. effects that have no causes.

    • @vasilirikardsson
      @vasilirikardsson Před 6 lety +1

      Time is not bothered by causality.

  • @martynblackburn1977
    @martynblackburn1977 Před 4 lety +1

    What kind of philosopher buttons up a shirt like that?

  • @valleula6592
    @valleula6592 Před 7 lety +13

    i shouldn't watch this while i was high...

    • @MetalOfSweden
      @MetalOfSweden Před 7 lety +3

      Hahahahaa how did it go ;) My turn now!

  • @robcastro9025
    @robcastro9025 Před 2 lety

    When did floki take up philosophy?

  • @Boogieplex
    @Boogieplex Před 5 lety +4

    Look at me,im different. I wear polka-dot shirts and pronounce Einstien “Einshtien”.
    On a serious note, I love how he falls into the “god of the gaps” trap in the last minute of the video. Basically using god to fill in the gaps by claiming time is god,because we don’t understand time,therefore time IS god. Totally validating atheists in the process.

  • @dzind
    @dzind Před 5 lety +6

    my non-existent ego would never wear that shirt

  • @amirkh-z4852
    @amirkh-z4852 Před 4 lety

    so Proud to live in Iran.

  • @2bagemini
    @2bagemini Před 2 lety +1

    i bet his true students adore him…
    the best 19 minutes i never spent…

  • @tumelosekhaolelo9264
    @tumelosekhaolelo9264 Před 4 lety

    Mathematicts chemistry and biology are all things that were discovered not created or "come out of nowhere" they got discovered by the consciousness thereof and from that came the articulation which then got categorized for deeper understanding and and....

  • @almightyset8452
    @almightyset8452 Před 3 lety


  • @Djur2844
    @Djur2844 Před 7 lety

    Alexander Bard thinks that using cellphones to chat with each other at least 12 houers a day - talking about how it goes meeting new boy- or girlfriends on social media creates the future high productiv things such planes, cars and so on ... "Time is in several dimensions" ... I think he is working overtime ... Time will tell

  • @The3p3hr
    @The3p3hr Před 7 lety +6

    actualy there is a universal time! at least some say there is!
    it us called entropy
    like time it only goes up!
    basically it is possible to relate time to entropy of universe.

    • @user-fs5fc1vv7y
      @user-fs5fc1vv7y Před 6 lety

      I think What he actually means is an absolute time, and not universal in your sense. However the accumulation of entropy is the same thing he argues not to be time, because it would still be a measurement, but i See your point. Since our perception of time is affected by velocity perhaps the speed of light, the maximum velocity of matter, is some kind of a null point

  • @SaerdnaOoOoo
    @SaerdnaOoOoo Před 6 lety

    If god was time then no theory of time would be more supported than any other. And one can't counter with: "Can you know anything?" One understands reality best by studying it. One can't say that all stand points are equally true. Apply logic instead of feeling. What other than reason should stand against extreemism? Some extremists might watch this video.

  • @Dregun
    @Dregun Před 4 lety +2

    What??? Did he just said arts' bigger than science??
    Wait!! Hold on hommie

    • @TheThor1212
      @TheThor1212 Před 4 lety +1

      In the sense he is talking, I think he is right. Art is broader, it doesn’t depend on what we can measure or proof. Because of that, we doesn´t trust our lives to art, for example. But it doesn´t mean, either, that we couldn´t find truth in art; truths that can sometimes be outside the realms of science.

    • @Dregun
      @Dregun Před 4 lety

      @@TheThor1212 science is also an art

    • @TheThor1212
      @TheThor1212 Před 4 lety

      ​@@Dregun You can say "it has an art", because there is a creative aspect to it. But, in itself, is a method. There is "right and wrong" procedures within science. Whereas, in arts, structure and technique can be matters of preference or expression; judged subjectively. In any case, I kind of get what you are trying to say.

    • @Dregun
      @Dregun Před 4 lety

      @@TheThor1212 different perspectives

  • @purplev2791
    @purplev2791 Před 4 lety +1

    I really like his enthusiasm, but a philosopher's job is not to misinterpret carelessly. Especially the last minutes hurt. Something you should know as a teenager already: physics, chemistry and biology are few of many orientations of science that target different concerns and different layers of the same existence.
    The big bang created existence in general and the first matter. They play by the rules of this existence. Determinism means that everything since the big bang progresses by the rules of this existence and therefore everything is predetermined. E.g. a thought is deep down a cause-effect reaction and therefore we don't have actual free will. Determinism is only false if the lowest variables somehow aren't binary.
    Philosophy in my opinion is important for science. So please make sure to understand school basics, if you're philosophing about science.

  • @herrietako
    @herrietako Před 5 lety +4

    Why this guy has a space an time in TED?

  • @RufusJacson
    @RufusJacson Před 4 lety +5

    It's true if you say it loudly. Apparently.
    Sooooo many holes in this...this entire presentation is time I'll never get back.

  • @77tooncar
    @77tooncar Před 4 lety +1

    God is Eternity.......... Jesus is Time

  • @danb7601
    @danb7601 Před 3 lety

    Arguing against "time is an illusion" by saying "ok then nothing ever changes" is begging the question, and arbitrarily implying that the only way to define things changing is with the word time

  • @NXNX7
    @NXNX7 Před 5 lety

    This was funny. That dry audience though....

  • @tedgoulet7875
    @tedgoulet7875 Před 4 lety +3

    I think it's funny him saying "If I were an atheist I would be scared right now" (that time may be god) he doesn't know what atheism is, because atheists are open to proof. If you could scientifically explain time = god, atheists would be fine with that.

  • @ghostfifth
    @ghostfifth Před 5 lety

    Time is the movement of atoms over distance, within what we call space. It's easy

  • @alviilmie1869
    @alviilmie1869 Před 5 lety +2

    Majority of musicians are scientists...they love different dimensions 🤣

  • @wj74
    @wj74 Před 5 lety +5

    I’m dumber for having listened to this

  • @MasonicAudiobookLibrary

    Whoever you are reading this, I pray you become successful

  • @hadiabdullah8541
    @hadiabdullah8541 Před 7 lety +1

    BTW in Islam Prophet Muhammad said "Allah is the Dahr ;Time(interval , day , time passing ).."

    • @aperson2730
      @aperson2730 Před 7 lety +1

      Hadi Abdullah Hello, how can one make use of this piece of information/knowledge in their daily lives please? Thank you very much for your kind attention.

  • @Lingren75
    @Lingren75 Před 6 lety +1

    body laungage

  • @alfie9089
    @alfie9089 Před 4 lety


  • @northbaseuk882
    @northbaseuk882 Před 6 lety +4

    He's failed to understand the core philosophy about spacetime - time is woven into space, it's not a seperate dimension. When an object moves through space it also moves through time. As space is constantly expanding the co-ordinates of an object are constantly changing with time, an object is never in the same place in spacetime, it's constantly changing. Time cannot go backwards and an object cannot travel through time in any other direction either, only slow down it's passage through time as it accelarates in a spatial dimension. I don't think philosophers have ever really understood this - time isn't an illusion, or something our brains have invented. Time is a direction in which we are all moving at the speed of light, it's inevitable, it's real and whether or not we percieve it it still exists.

    • @inccommensurable600
      @inccommensurable600 Před 5 lety +2

      It's definitely more complicated than that: Einstein's special relativity is deeply embedded in a "reductionist philosophy of time" which says that time equals all physical change in an inertial frame. Moving light clocks (as anything else) tick slower in relative moving systems due to the cosmic speed limit. So there is every possible variation (of Minkowski-space) of time-flow in each inertial frame going on - from rest time to complete freeze - the only thing "absolute" is the "Eigenzeit" of each "Event" ...someone might claim that Einstein just described how physical reactions behave in a specific frame from a specific frame and don't talk about time itself... it leaves many questions open: can there be time without change? Is only potential change enough? Time in a vacuum? How can we speak of an age of spacetime itself (universe), when we can only talk in a spacetime-relative way about time? the discrepancy between different fundamental theories of physics regarding time... ...and so on...

  • @NoNameLeft1500
    @NoNameLeft1500 Před 5 lety

    don't know if he comes to a intelligent conclusion.. I write this after 5 minutes...watching.. but couldn't resist to write...
    what is he talking about time is moving ?!?!
    Time doesn't move... same as space doesn't move... we are moving through space and time... space and time is just there.. it doesn't move... ... unless you are speaking of warpdrive.. then it starts to become differend...
    well after watching the full thing... even if he got the dimensional thing of time wrong.. the philosphical aspect he brings on is quite interesting.. (well like he said at the beginning he is philosph not scientist .. so makes sense he doesn't get the dimensional thing of time right.. but giving a nice thought about time as what it is... the thing is you can do this with every dimension)

  • @johneyon5257
    @johneyon5257 Před 5 lety +27

    i had to give up on him after 5 minutes - (starting at 2:36) - he so misunderstood Einstein's contribution to time (relativity) so badly that i couldn't trust the presenter any more

    • @Northern85Star
      @Northern85Star Před 5 lety +1

      The talker is wrong. Bohr did not argue against spacetime, but against determinism. Einstein believed that nothing happens by chance - that eventually, everything could be calculated precisely. Bohr was right, according to current understanding of quantum mechanics. Albeit, time does not exist as an isolated dimension, as quantum mechanics would lead you to believe. It is a mathematical problem, that will be solved once the two theories are complementary (relativity and mechanics function fundamentally different, which means that either human logic is flawed, maybe due to perception, or that one of the theories are flawed - the latter being logically true).
      Time is ONLY a component in the measurement of movement. Time dilation does not change “time” itself, but the speed of all processes happening relative to the speed of other objects. Everything in the universe moves constantly.
      There are no examples of time existing as anything but as a component of the measurement of speed (ie. speed of cell mitosis, the speed of a complex sequence of signaling chemicals resulting in human reactions, etc).
      Time is inseperate from space. Spacetime. A measureable effect used to make satellites work according to Earth time, and likewise with the ISS, on which one second is 1.0007 Earth-seconds.
      Since time dilation is measurable, the absolute, universal concept of time in quantum mechanics must be wrong.

    • @wilburthoors9340
      @wilburthoors9340 Před 4 lety

      @@Northern85Star did you just say that determinism is false? And that there is something called "by chance"?

    • @Northern85Star
      @Northern85Star Před 4 lety

      No, i said Einstein was deterministic, and Bohr was not. According to current standards, Bohr was right.

    • @wilburthoors9340
      @wilburthoors9340 Před 4 lety

      @@Northern85Star what current standards says that things don't happen in a pattern of cause and effect?

    • @Northern85Star
      @Northern85Star Před 4 lety

      Why are you bringing cause and effect into this?

  • @Robinson8491
    @Robinson8491 Před rokem

    Padmenides = Lagrangian, Heraclitus = Hamiltonian

  • @cvan7681
    @cvan7681 Před 5 lety

    Time is not an "arrow", it doesn't go in any direction, and it's only "experienced" by an Observer. The Universe is a Movement of Consciousness, with us as Observers believing Time exists because we live and die.

  • @swyzer
    @swyzer Před 6 lety +12

    Obnoxiously loud... someone should have told him he has a microphone.

  • @user-ct7vo6gu6v
    @user-ct7vo6gu6v Před 3 lety


  • @syedjafferimam5789
    @syedjafferimam5789 Před 3 lety

    "Time is God" God created himself then. If time moves forward that means it was in backward and that means it started from something and that means it was created.

  • @mickgrimes9078
    @mickgrimes9078 Před 4 lety +1

    this man has a wonderful brain.

  • @selmir369
    @selmir369 Před 5 lety

    Time is GOD, the eternal infinite universe, smaller than the smallest (cELl), bigger than the biggest, we live in GOD, move and have our being .....

  • @azsxgyhuj3541
    @azsxgyhuj3541 Před 7 lety +1

    We can't prove anything to be absolutely certain, except that we ourselves are aware in some way. Claiming anything beyond that, is questionable. GG philosophy, interesting and pointless as usual.

    • @karlwilzen
      @karlwilzen Před 6 lety +1

      Azsx Gyhuj Clearly you have never been introduced to fallibilism!

  • @noneofyourbusiness5441
    @noneofyourbusiness5441 Před 7 lety +2

    Time is imaginary

    • @eskilandersen479
      @eskilandersen479 Před 6 lety +2

      The whole point of the talk was that time isn't imaginary...

    • @fluff975
      @fluff975 Před 2 lety

      @@eskilandersen479 he's disagreeing