DID MUHAMMAD EXIST? "Nope", here's why! (#1)

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Here's the 'million dollar question'...Did Muhammad ever Exist?
    Everything we have been told about Muhammad by the Muslims, about his life, about what he said, even about his city Mecca, and his book the Qur'an is now proving to be suspect.
    And the reason?
    Because we now know that none of what they have been telling us was known or written down by anyone who actually knew him, or even lived in the same century he lived.
    In fact, we now find that everything about early Islam was compiled hundreds of years later, and hundreds of miles away, written down by those who never saw him, nor heard him, nor even knew him.
    Yet, they created his story and then redacted it back 200-300 years earlier, without realizing the many historical mistakes they were making.
    So, why haven't we been told this before?
    Why have the Muslims kept this a secret from us?
    Well, obviously because that fact alone means Islam is nothing more than a man-made religious belief, concocted in the 8th - 10th centuries, and then continually embellished up to, and including, today.
    © Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2021
    (47,400) Music: New Sky, by Rafael Krux, from filmmusic-io

Komentáře • 3,8K

  • @XGMC921
    @XGMC921 Před rokem +113

    Starting today I'm no longer Muslim I will be Christian.

  • @christianfamilyman4476
    @christianfamilyman4476 Před 3 lety +733

    without LIES islam DIES

    • @christianfamilyman4476
      @christianfamilyman4476 Před 3 lety +56

      @allhumdullilah for islam Tell us all Again how Old was mohammad when he Forced himself on top of a Nine yr old, Brother???

    • @christianfamilyman4476
      @christianfamilyman4476 Před 3 lety +30

      @allhumdullilah for islam The Reason why You Fail to Understand this Brother, is Because in Christianity, God Commands us to be HONEST.

    • @christianfamilyman4476
      @christianfamilyman4476 Před 3 lety +23

      @allhumdullilah for islam The koran Dose NOT Restrict to Puberty Brother, on the Contrary, it SPICIFICALLY states that Pre-Pubescent GIRLS are Permissible... Such as Aisha was....... Sura 65:4

    • @christianfamilyman4476
      @christianfamilyman4476 Před 3 lety +19

      @allhumdullilah for islam There You Go... See how Muslims claim that they LOVE Jesus MORE than Christians do! haha! That is because they have to say ANYTHING to try to defend their "Prophet"...
      without LIES islam DIES.
      I'll be Praying for You, Brother... I Really will. God Bless You. xo

    • @oluwafemijoseph2830
      @oluwafemijoseph2830 Před 3 lety +4

      @allhumdullilah for islam ad hominems, refute if you can.

  • @janettedewar6617
    @janettedewar6617 Před 9 měsíci +164

    What a gentleman Al Fadi is. He is a breath of fresh air.

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci

      He licks fresh red lipstick. Perhaps, it soooo yummy. He is now showing his true color. Rainbow. -11-22-23

    • @gregsayles9253
      @gregsayles9253 Před 9 měsíci +5

      Seems like a reasonable man.

    • @gappuma7883
      @gappuma7883 Před 9 měsíci

      Not both?

    • @AshlyJames-bn8vf
      @AshlyJames-bn8vf Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@defenderoftruth3212 here comes some of mutha

    • @sampeter2761
      @sampeter2761 Před 9 měsíci +3

      Never thought people could be this stupid. The Qur'an says the earlier jews and christian wrongdoers misinterpreted, lied and misinformed despite knowing the truth and seeing the signs of Allah SWT thereby earning themselves the curse of Allah SWT. This fellow exceeded all bounds and claims something unimaginable. Should be taken to hospital for urgent care and checkup.

  • @OldGuyAdventure
    @OldGuyAdventure Před 10 měsíci +110

    Fascinating, I have always been a history buff, but this is really fascinating to learn about the twists and turns of documentation.

    • @maxipower6932
      @maxipower6932 Před 9 měsíci +2

      Do you mean, his story. Everything is a lie..

    • @Wdabirilen
      @Wdabirilen Před 4 měsíci

      @@maxipower6932prove your statement

  • @manusheunis6298
    @manusheunis6298 Před rokem +72

    When a man builds his house on rock, it will stand.
    Jesus, You are my rock and my foundation.

    • @gordonlynn8300
      @gordonlynn8300 Před 9 měsíci

      I think there was a big rock slide and his house came tumbling down .

    • @qetoun
      @qetoun Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@gordonlynn8300 I'd father live in a house built on stone than a house built on Islam.

    • @Letsgo12928
      @Letsgo12928 Před 4 měsíci

      Jesus might be a farud as well😂😂 who knows

    • @TheConduit10
      @TheConduit10 Před 22 dny

      jesus ? , what shakespeare play was he in ?

  • @manulangi918
    @manulangi918 Před 10 měsíci +81

    Great presentation from both sides, very educational/ scholastic presentation. Keep up the great work. May our Lord bless you both, Jay and Al Fadi ❤

    • @normangale3159
      @normangale3159 Před 10 měsíci +7

      Al Fadi, now I will remember your name for all time and when I attend the place my Father has prepared for me, I will bear witness to your most honourable work.

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@normangale3159 ......
      Precisely, you would remember Abdul Fadi and Jay Smith. You would cry: "Please double to them the punishment I am suffering now. Had it not because of them, I would have submitted myself to Allah SWT, the Lord of the Worlds." -11-07-23

    • @Rtg5637
      @Rtg5637 Před 9 měsíci

      @@defenderoftruth3212 Allah hates Muslims. This is why he makes them suffer so much for so long.

    • @51tomtomtom
      @51tomtomtom Před 9 měsíci

      Even without ANY god ! Let's go on like that instead of personal interpretations of all those crooks calling them holy .......all just interested on their OWN things ....

    • @beatlesrgear
      @beatlesrgear Před 9 měsíci

      @@defenderoftruth3212 Do a comparison of the traits and characteristics of Allah vs. Satan.
      They both have the same traits and characteristics in every way and in every department.
      It is as easy as 2+2=4.......Allah IS Satan.

  • @moses468
    @moses468 Před 3 lety +205

    And the sad thing is these folklores have led to a lot of bloodshed on this earth.😢

    • @daddada2984
      @daddada2984 Před 3 lety +13

      The devil use it to deceived people...

    • @abunajam6787
      @abunajam6787 Před 3 lety +1

      @@daddada2984 Even early Christian sources show that Mohammad EXISTED czcams.com/video/_mZgSIlX20U/video.html

    • @daddada2984
      @daddada2984 Před 3 lety +16

      @@abunajam6787 Christian scholar? Who do you mean?
      Time-line show it more he did exist...d
      But even if did he exist.. his teachings is false & dangerous to the people..
      so, stay away from islam.

    • @hannahr77
      @hannahr77 Před 3 lety +14

      @@abunajam6787 sure the Christians before muhammad knew of him because JESUS spoke of him as a false prophet
      15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
      16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?
      17 Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
      18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
      19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.
      20 Therefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.

    • @abunajam6787
      @abunajam6787 Před 3 lety +5

      @@daddada2984 If Mohammad did not exist, who is this Mohammad mentioned in the Qur'an (revealed between 610-632)? Intelligent people substantiate their charge/claim. Please provide proof that Mohammad's "teachings is false & dangerous to the people." Here are some gems from Christianity: -“He that is not with me is against me”-(Matt. 12:30. And a person can be neutral).
      -“If any man come to me, and HATE NOT his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple”-(Luke 14:26).
      -“I am come to send FIRE on the earth;” “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth, Nay; but rather DIVISION: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; and the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law”-(Luke 12:49, 51-53).
      -“Think NOT that I am come to send peace on earth: I came NOT to send peace, but a SWORD”-(Matt. 10:34).
      “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me”-(Luke 19:27. Even though these enemies may not militate against him).
      (Apostasy): Those who “secretly” entice another to follow an unknown God are to be stoned to death:
      “And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt….If thy brother…entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers…thou shalt surely kill him”-(Deut; 13:5-16).
      “If there be found among you…man or woman…. And hath gone and served other gods, and worshiped them, either the sun or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded…..Then thou shalt bring forth that man or that woman …and shalt stone them with stones, till they die”-(Deut; 17:2-5).
      A “stubborn and rebellious son” is to be stoned to death-(Deut. 21:18-21).
      (Honor killings): Married damsel without the “token of virginity” is to be stoned to death: “But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you”-(Deut. 22:20-21 Notably, the man with whom she played the “whore” is not stoned).
      A virginal damsel who lies with a man other than her “betrothed,” both are to be stoned to death-(Deut. 22:23-24).
      A witch is to be put to death-(Exodus 22:18).
      Who curses his father or mother is to be put to death-(Lev. 20:9).
      Punishment for adultery is death-(Lev. 20:10-12; Deut. 22:22).
      Homosexuals are to be put to death-(Lev. 20:13).
      A man who takes a “wife and her mother,” both shall be burnt with fire-(Lev. 20:14).
      Who commits bestiality is to be put to death-(Lev. 20:15-16).
      (Blasphemy): “And the Israelitish woman’s son blasphemed the name of the Lord, and cursed….And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying…let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him.…And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death”-(Lev. 24:11-16, 23). Want mare see here nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=2730. Moreover, CHRISTIANITY DUPES PEOPLE nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=5090

  • @janicemurphy7878
    @janicemurphy7878 Před 3 lety +266

    It's easy to get people to believe in things that happened thousands of years ago. Today you can't get them to believe in the facts that happen before their eyes. Awm

    • @yorkazuna5934
      @yorkazuna5934 Před 3 lety +7

      Agreed, can you imagine how people could possibly believe Jebus existed?

    • @mathewsteven
      @mathewsteven Před 3 lety +31

      @@yorkazuna5934 lol, the problem here being Jesus is a well recorded historical figure talked about by several historians.

    • @yorkazuna5934
      @yorkazuna5934 Před 3 lety +24

      @@mathewsteven All religions are man made constructs meant to control people. No god could be as cruel as man has purported them to be and why? To rule by fear and have mankind tremble before leaders. I don't buy a word of it.

    • @mathewsteven
      @mathewsteven Před 3 lety +24

      ​@@yorkazuna5934 Got it, so you just reject all evidence because you think God is mean.

    • @allenhanford
      @allenhanford Před 3 lety +16

      @@mathewsteven I've heard pretty compelling argument from a few historians that Jesus never existed, either.

  • @Dunamis144
    @Dunamis144 Před 4 měsíci +8

    Prophet Mohammad police be upon him

  • @juliusserrao6630
    @juliusserrao6630 Před rokem +183

    This is beautiful information for most of us who have been ignorant before. Thank you, so much!

    • @mrbrowntvdefendingislam3435
      @mrbrowntvdefendingislam3435 Před rokem

      Ignorant people are easily fooled and manipulated!

    • @animalcrackersong
      @animalcrackersong Před rokem

      Mudfossil University , Tyson's Mudfossil Adventures ,, Stellium7 ,, 3 sights that will challenge your comprehension of what is in front of your eyes ,, A 1000 mile long fossilised dragon for eg. see it for yourself on Google Earth ,,

    • @mgamga
      @mgamga Před rokem

      You are looking for answers in the wrong places, don't thank this channel. They did the same to Jesus Christ. Just google it.

    • @LucaBrasi7548
      @LucaBrasi7548 Před rokem

      ​@shamsdoha952 Muslim is already dying dude..in 50 years no more abduls

    • @polokucoch8112
      @polokucoch8112 Před rokem +1

      @shamsdoha952 Don't forget that Umm Jamil had deep hatred for mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM)
      Also, they are giving history. NO muslim scholar disputes their information. Show me otherwise...
      mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM) is a FALSE prophet :
      allah SPOKE to Adam, Moses, David and other prophets, BUT allah NEVER spoke to mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM).
      mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM). NEVER did any signs
      mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM) NEVER did any prophecies
      mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM) was DECEIVED by SATAN
      mahamed (POLICE BE UPON HIM) is NOT a prophet.

  • @vynscenth8114
    @vynscenth8114 Před rokem +40

    I love this content. It's been a question to me and these gaps are now answered.

    @USMCGYSGTRET Před rokem +36

    Outstanding stuff. I feel like I am in a college course, great presentation. I am looking fwd to the other programs. Thank you for doing this.

  • @clemenstremens1940
    @clemenstremens1940 Před 3 lety +28

    The truth is far worse than I thought👍

  • @walta369
    @walta369 Před 3 lety +159

    So what you're saying is that
    there's "Nohammad"

    • @mhorram
      @mhorram Před 3 lety +17

      I commented on Jihad Watch when Robert Spencer talked about his book _Did Muhammad Exist_ . I suggested to him he should have subtitled it: _From Mohammad to Nohammad in 14 Centuries Flat_ .

    • @SolaGratia.
      @SolaGratia. Před 3 lety +8

      Well played.. 😏

    • @SolaGratia.
      @SolaGratia. Před 3 lety +1

      @@saminmahfuz2381 Yeah, meanwhile, all Jesus did was create everything that ever existed, including Muhammad and all those people he and his friends slaughtered and raped, and then came to earth as a man to die for their sins. But hey, I'm sure that Michael Hart book you all love to mention is a great read. 😉

    • @SolaGratia.
      @SolaGratia. Před 3 lety +7

      @@saminmahfuz2381 You'll find out one day when you pass out of this life and into the next. But while I don't have to be vulgar and classless to get my point across, I think it's sad that Muslims who claim to serve the true God can't even defend him without putting their mind or their mouth in the gutter. We will all find out who the true God is when we die though, and on that day, we will all give an account for how we represented God in this life. You might want to reconsider your words and your choices before that day comes. Whoever has the true God, he certainly deserves to be represented tastefully and respectfully.

    • @SolaGratia.
      @SolaGratia. Před 3 lety +7

      @@amp179 Your prophet did rape people he enslaved. The women who were kept alive were kept or sold as slaves, and whoever owned those slaves was allowed to use them for sex. That might be vulgar, but it's only because it's the truth. Calling captured woman what his right hand possesses, doesn't change the fact that they were slaves. And any man who forces themselves on the ones their right hand posseses doesn't make it any less rape.
      If your mother or sister were taken as spoils of war and their bodies used against their will, I would hope you would see that and call it what it is. But this is what your prophet did according to his own testimony, so you can't blame the rest of the world for calling it shameful and barbaric.

  • @polokucoch8112
    @polokucoch8112 Před rokem +48

    What an incredible ministry!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @baddbeliever
    @baddbeliever Před 2 lety +149

    This video is awesome because it goes to demonstrate clearly that Islam in it's rudimentary form was probably something very simplistic. It took all these scholars from more sophisticated civilized neighbors to perfect the religion by taking from other pre existing faith systems ... and for that matter it took more than a couple centuries

    • @shahriar0247
      @shahriar0247 Před rokem +6

      heres the thing, if the other scholars couldn't, why could they be able to? we believe god sent the same message, people modified, and god sent another prophet to give the same message, and there are many evidences of muhammad, these video has many many lies, if you look carefully, lets start with first book, they say its bukhari, you can go if there were books before, and we have Quran carbon dating during the time of prophet muhammad :)

    • @oscaralegre3683
      @oscaralegre3683 Před rokem +16

      @@shahriar0247 doesnt prove Muhamad's existence

    • @mrgreyman3358
      @mrgreyman3358 Před rokem

      @@shahriar0247 hundreds of years AFTER his supposed death. meaning there is no eye witness evidence. muslims are allowed to lie to further islam. mmmmmm.

    • @naughtyUphillboy
      @naughtyUphillboy Před rokem +19

      @@shahriar0247 Quran carbon dating, BIG LIE !

    • @RashidLanie8
      @RashidLanie8 Před rokem

      Bad believer you are indeed. I wonder if Rabbi Tovia would support you, Jay Smith and El Fadi
      in your own misguided beliefs about the so-called Apostle Paul's New Testament.
      Jay Smith and El Fadi would do themselves a great service by first consolidating and affirming the
      authenticity of the Gospels and the Triune God and Jesus as the man God.
      Many Christian scholars are leaving Christianity in droves because of what they are
      discovering about the foundations of Christianity and its Founder Paul who
      wants us all to believe that Jesus will wash all our sins away by simply
      accepting Jesus into our lives as Saviour.
      No self responsibilty or self examined lives. Really?!!!
      Wake up and so should Jay Smith because all he has done with
      all his work is bring many more Christians and Atheist and others
      into the fold of ISLAM,

  • @MaverickSeventySeven
    @MaverickSeventySeven Před rokem +21

    This knowledge is a 'Life Saver' for Weatern Civilization!!! England especially, if only itt can be circulated AND be expressed by persons of Authority WITH A BACKBONE!!!

  • @gooseman4177
    @gooseman4177 Před 11 měsíci +71

    It's funny that it's "controversial" to ask if Muhammed (the profit) ever did exist, when the exact same question was asked about Jesus. 😂 Thank you for this wonderful video, good sir. God bless you!

    • @andrewo2001
      @andrewo2001 Před 11 měsíci +18

      But then answers are given for that question about Jesus. There’s enough reason to back his existence

    • @Ravum
      @Ravum Před 10 měsíci +9

      ​@@andrewo2001there's not, unfortunately

    • @smedusri5138
      @smedusri5138 Před 9 měsíci

      I dont understand thelogic and way how human being judging data and facts

    • @Ravum
      @Ravum Před 9 měsíci +5

      @@smedusri5138 Noone understands everything, but if one is open to learn and keeps studying they can eventually understand most anything.

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci

      @@andrewo2001 ...............
      Go to Israel and ask the Jews if they know "Jesus", their answer is a resounding NO. What became of the Jews? Nothing. They remained the Jews who professed Judaism.
      Go to Saudi Arabia, or anywhere in the Middle East, and ask the Arabs if they know "Muhammad", their answer is a resounding YES.
      What became of the Arabs? They became Muslims because of "Muhammad" and Islam.
      Which one do you think that did not exist? -11-17-23

  • @gregcollins7602
    @gregcollins7602 Před 3 lety +38

    Seems to me those guys up north who did the writing 200 years later, were heavily influenced by Jewish Hebrew writing. Why else mention Abraham, Moses.....?

    • @neill392
      @neill392 Před 3 lety +3

      I think it's clear that they had access to the hebrew bible(old testament) and each successive writer took the bits he wanted from the previous iteration and wove a bit the the hebrew bible stories into it.

    • @The0ldg0at
      @The0ldg0at Před 3 lety +2

      @@neill392 With the story of Ismael being the first born of Abraham and Israel the second born the could argue that the arabs, not the jews, were the true descendants of the heir of Abraham.

    • @keezemojito1278
      @keezemojito1278 Před 2 lety +2

      @@The0ldg0at thing is Ismael is egyptian

    • @allo5170
      @allo5170 Před 2 lety +3

      @@The0ldg0at Isaac was born from Sarah Abraham's wife and Ishmael was born of Sarah handmaid, it's all recorded in the Torah/Bible hundreds Nd thousands of years before Muhammad started Islam.

    • @johnschuh8616
      @johnschuh8616 Před rokem

      @@The0ldg0at Plus the Islamic story is more in line with the militant messianism of the Jews that was crushed by the Romans. The Muslims were the true supercessionists of this branch of Judaism.

  • @SilencedDoesStuff
    @SilencedDoesStuff Před 3 lety +25

    It does not matter what you say or think. Truth will always remain TRUTH.

    • @teryarty177
      @teryarty177 Před rokem +9

      That's not really the issue. The point is what is the truth?

    • @sheeshabedin1379
      @sheeshabedin1379 Před rokem

      @@teryarty177 Exactly. That’s the question. And we shouldn’t come to any conclusion with any hurry.

    • @theelizabethan1
      @theelizabethan1 Před rokem

      Does it matter whether truth is said?

    • @hdl135605
      @hdl135605 Před rokem +1

      The truth will always prevail, but lies & deception will fail as a matter of course.

    • @theelizabethan1
      @theelizabethan1 Před rokem +1

      @@hdl135605 Well -- how long has this one flourished?...... Since the 8th, 9th century?....And now how long will it take for the museums and textbooks to embrace the truth??

  • @shahzebzaheer9157
    @shahzebzaheer9157 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Interestingly these guys are agreeing that there was Prophet Jesus(pbuh) who doesnt have a burial place on earth but dont want to admit there was Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) who has a proper burial site where millions of people visit every week to pay their respects, which is again a sign that the Quran is right,
    “Indeed (O Prophet), we have given you abundance. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Indeed, it is your enemy who will be cut off (forgotten).” Quran 108:1-3

  • @williamhollman3763
    @williamhollman3763 Před 3 lety +98

    I love listening to Jay, his testimony about living in India and and being a street preacher in England

    • @muezamueza2797
      @muezamueza2797 Před 3 lety

      A. External references to Prophet Mohammad!
      Early external references to Prophet Mohammad can be found in a book entitled “Seeing Islam as Others Saw It”. Written by Robert G. Holland, published in 1997..
      Please do find free pdf file this book on the internet.
      The book presents the evidentiary text of over 120 seventh century manuscripts, one of which (the manuscript of Thomas the Presbyter) contains what Hoyland believes is the "first explicit reference to Muhammad in a non-Muslim source:"
      1) The first explicit reference to Muhammad in a non-Muslim source
      The 7th-century Chronicle of 640 was published by Wright who first brought to attention the mention of an early date of 947 AG (635-36 CE).
      In the year 945, indiction 7, on Friday 7 February (634) at the ninth hour, there was a battle between the Romans and the Arabs of Muhammad (tayyaye d-Mhmt) in Palestine twelve miles [19 km] east of Gaza. The Romans fled, leaving behind the patrician Bryrdn,[2] whom the Arabs killed. Some 4000 poor villagers of Palestine were killed there, Christians, Jews and Samaritans. The Arabs ravaged the whole region.
      2). The Second explicit reference to Muhammad in a non-Muslim source
      Fragment on the Arab Conquests are fragmentary notes that were written around the year 636 AD on the front blank pages of a sixth-century Syriac Christian manuscript of the Gospel of Mark. The fragment depicts events from the early seventh century conflict between the Byzantines and "the Arabs of Muhammad", particularly of the battle of Yarmouk.[1]
      In January {the people of}[2] Ḥomṣ took the word for their lives and many villages were ravaged by the killing of {the Arabs of} Mūḥmd and many people were slain and {taken} prisoner from Galilee as far as Beth…
      On the tw{enty-six]th of May the Saq{īlā}ra went {…} from the vicinity of Ḥomṣ and the Romans chased them {…}
      3) The third explicit reference to Muhammad in a non-Muslim source
      Another account of the early seventh century comes from Sebeos who was an Armenian bishop of the House of Bagratuni. His account indicates he was writing at a time when memories of sudden eruption of the Arabs were fresh. He knows Muhammad's name, that he was a merchant by profession, and hints that his life was suddenly changed by a divinely inspired revelation. Sebeos is the first non-Muslim author to present us with a theory for the rise of Islam that pays attention to what the Muslims themselves thought they were doing.
      At that time a certain man from along those same sons of Ismael, whose name was Mahmet [i.e., Mụhammad], a merchant, as if by God's command appeared to them as a preacher [and] the path of truth. He taught them to recognize the God of Abraham, especially because he was learnt and informed in the history of Moses. Now because the command was from on high, at a single order they all came together in unity of religion. Abandoning their vain cults, they turned to the living God who had appeared to their father Abraham. So, Mahmet legislated for them: not to eat carrion, not to drink wine, not to speak falsely, and not to engage in fornication. He said: 'With an oath God promised this land to Abraham and his seed after him for ever. And he brought about as he promised during that time while he loved Israel. But now you are the sons of Abraham and God is accomplishing his promise to Abraham and his seed for you. Love sincerely only the God of Abraham, and go and seize the land which God gave to your father Abraham. No one will be able to resist you in battle, because God is with you.[60]
      4). The fourth explicit reference to Muhammad in a non-Muslim source
      The oldest known source mentioning prophet Mohammad in relation to Saracens (people who were Muslims as referred to by Christian) dates to the 7th century. It was found in Doctrina Jacobi, a commentary that discussed the Muslim conquest of the Levant.
      When the candidatus [i.e., Sergios, commander of the Byzantine army in Palestine] was killed by the Saracens, I was at Caesarea and I set off by boat to Sykamina. People were saying "the candidatus has been killed," and we Jews were overjoyed. And they were saying that the prophet had appeared, coming with the Saracens, and that he was proclaiming the advent of the anointed one, the Christ who was to come. I, having arrived at Sykamina, stopped by a certain old man well-versed in scriptures, and I said to him: "What can you tell me about the prophet who has appeared with the Saracens?" He replied, groaning deeply: "He is false, for the prophets do not come armed with a sword. Truly they are works of anarchy being committed today and I fear that the first Christ to come, whom the Christians worship, was the one sent by God and we instead are preparing to receive the Antichrist. Indeed, Isaiah said that the Jews would retain a perverted and hardened heart until all the earth should be devastated. But you go, master Abraham, and find out about the prophet who has appeared." So I, Abraham, inquired and heard from those who had met him that there was no truth to be found in the so-called prophet, only the shedding of men's blood. He says also that he has the keys of paradise, which is incredible.[8]
      About Saracens
      One of many lies jays invented is about saracen. Many event Hoyland book refer to saracen. Jay Smith invented lies that there is no record about Muslim. People who conquer Area around Syria are Saracens. These people called them Self Saracens not Muslims. Well that's one of jays smith big lies.
      Who are these Saracens?
      According to Wikipedia : Saracens (/ˈsærəsən/) were primarily Arab Muslims, but also Turks or other who were Muslims as referred to by Christian writers in Europe during the Middle Ages.
      So saracens is a term used by Christian writers during the Middle Ages when referring people who were Muslims
      In Doctrina Jacobi, there is this conversation
      “What can you tell me about the prophet who has appeared with the Saracens (Muslims)?. He replied, groaning deeply: "He is false, for the prophets do not come armed with a sword.”
      For us today, the answer is obvious, the prophet who has appeared with the Saracens (Muslims) and who often called by the Christian as a false prophets because it armed with a sword.” was prophet Muhammed
      5) The Fifth explicit reference to Muhammad in a non-Muslim source
      Ashtiname of Muhammad also known as the Covenant or Testament (Testamentum) of Muhammad is a document which is a charter written by Ali ratified by Muhammad granting protection and other privileges to the followers of Jesus the Nazarene, given to the Christian monks of St Catharine monastery in Sinai.
      Muslims never claim the existing charter now in the moastery is the original charter. Around 1500 CE, the original chapter was handed over to Sultan Selim I's palace in Istanbul for safekeeping. A copy was then made to compensate for its loss at the monastery. The charter was renewed with the some additional right and obligations from the Ottoman sultan. Drawing of hand, minaret and some new words, most likely later addition.
      Despite some additions, the copy of Ashtiname of Muhammad, retains most of its original wording, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the story that the charter is given by Mohammad remains intact in the mind of St Catharine monks for more than 1400 years.
      Please enjoy the story told by St Catharine monk in this video.
      B. External references to Jesus
      The following explains two External references to Jesus
      1). The first explicit reference to Jesus in a non-Christians source
      In the book Antiquities of the Jews, written by the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus around 93-94 AD,
      About this time lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was the achiever of extraordinary deeds and was a teacher of those who accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. When he was indicted by the principal men among us and Pilate condemned him to be crucified, those who had come to love him originally did not cease to do so; for he appeared to them on the third day restored to life, as the prophets of the Deity had foretold these and countless other marvelous things about him, and the tribe of the Christians, so named after him, has not disappeared to this day.
      2). The second explicit reference to Jesus in a non-Christians source
      The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Christ, his execution by Pontius Pilate, and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44.
      But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind.
      C. Conclusions
      There plenty of video disproving Jesus circulated on the internet, Here is one of such a video
      If we leave the proof as there are, there are Five external references to Prophet Muhammad but only two external references to Jesus.

    • @begobolehsjwjangan2359
      @begobolehsjwjangan2359 Před 3 lety +1

      so this is why he keep telling people Islam doesn't exist.
      he came from a dying religion background.

    • @rob7724
      @rob7724 Před 2 lety +9

      @@begobolehsjwjangan2359 He never said islam doesn't exists lol.

    • @bobymarian693
      @bobymarian693 Před rokem

      ⁠@@rob7724 and what tell?

    • @yugalsharan
      @yugalsharan Před rokem

      Converting Hindus by deceit & Greed. No shame in looting, torturing & manipulating us. Abrahamic desert cults are same.

  • @567ghj_X
    @567ghj_X Před 3 lety +11

    You have gone one step ahead and questioned the existence of Muhammad itself

  • @FloydRichardson-qe3oo
    @FloydRichardson-qe3oo Před 2 měsíci +2

    The internet is killing Islam.

    • @roberteaston6413
      @roberteaston6413 Před 28 dny

      The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is flooding the country with immigrants from Third World countries. There are a lot of Muslims in Canada now. Muslims stick together for cultural and social reasons. They do not ask if Islam is historically true. They stay with Islam because it is part of their identity.

  • @asmaaaboulfadl5420
    @asmaaaboulfadl5420 Před 2 lety +11

    One day the ultimate truth will be known and revealed,; but unfortunately it will be too late for so many.

    • @Dracarys-i5f
      @Dracarys-i5f Před rokem +1


    • @pokerface1837
      @pokerface1837 Před rokem

      🤣 poor thing you can believe your fake prophet mohamed and fake book and fake history and fake religion got exposed?

    • @kitchens222
      @kitchens222 Před rokem +1

      Arabian nights story😂😂😂😂😂😂 author Gabriel

    • @92Faris
      @92Faris Před rokem

      The most fascinating for me as an European who’s studied in KSA is this bedu who lived in that same country, he speaks Arabic, he can observe four Islamic schools that had physical connections with sahaba and after all that he is blind.
      Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind.

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci

      @@kitchens222 .....................
      When you say it is authored by Gabriel, that includes Prophet jESUs (pbuh). For it is Gabriel who approached Mary and told her about the glad tidings that she shall bear a child by the name of "Isa". -11-17-23

  • @Sp0tthed0gt
    @Sp0tthed0gt Před 3 lety +27

    I'll put my pet theory up and see how it stands once this series is finished.
    There was a guy who went by the name or title Mohamed, he was famous at the time, he died around the right time. What he believed, why, where he lived , what he did bears no necessary resemblance to what is described in the traditions.
    Some Caliph, I'd guess Malik, observed that Rome was united by Christianity, Persia had been united by Zoroastrianism and wanted a religion to unite his empire. So he collected, or had collected, stories that were in currently circulation, selected those that suited his purpose, rejected the rest-possibly altering some, and attributed the result to the well known hero Mohamed so he could claim to have a source

    • @aaaabraham837
      @aaaabraham837 Před 3 lety +2

      My pet theory is that Lucifer was crucified instead of Jesus.
      Evidence is that:
      1) Lucifer mimics Jesus in your bible...as the "Jesus" spoke and acted Out of Character in some bible verses..(proof can be given)
      2) Lucifer has the same title (Morning Star) and is also a son of god (Job 1:6)
      3) Both Lucifer and Jesus were called the LIGHT "light-bearer" or "light-bringer."
      (Isaiah 14:12 and Revelation 22:16)
      4) "Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Who laid the cornerstone thereof; when the MORNING STARS sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"
      -Job 38:6
      5) Satan Paul said that Lucifer is the God of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4:4
      as God SO LOVED THIS WORLD he sent his begotten son (John 3:16)
      6) On the Road to Damascus Satan Paul saw a BRIGHT LIGHT and later admitted that Lucifer masquerades as a BRIGHT LIGHT (Corinthians 11:14)
      6) The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he was Jesus as he always wanted to be God
      7) As he was also fatally pieced with a Sword/Spear and became alive again (Rev 13:14)

    • @dr.krieger6563
      @dr.krieger6563 Před 3 lety

      @@aaaabraham837 so your theory is that Lucifer took the place of Jesus, or that they are the same person?

    • @aaaabraham837
      @aaaabraham837 Před 3 lety +1

      Yes, Lucifer took the place of Jesus and they were 2 different creations.

    • @ingebrigt8143
      @ingebrigt8143 Před 3 lety +1

      @@aaaabraham837 Where do you get Lucifer from? Isn't he a medieval invention?

    • @deepaksatari
      @deepaksatari Před 5 měsíci

  • @CollyKamili
    @CollyKamili Před 16 dny

    Wow. Thank you for this. I fell out with two Muslim former friends last year and I was so heartbroken because of the fallout. They sent me down this research path and boy has it been an eye opening journey. Thank God for The Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit of Truth. This darkness cloud of lies cannot overcome the Light that came and dwelt with us.

  • @winstonbarquez3373
    @winstonbarquez3373 Před rokem +6

    The contents of the Quran were dictated by God and recited by Muhammad and were supposed to be the definitive and final revelation. Now, if these were so then somebody ought to have written them down already in an original manuscript certified by Muhammad himself with his own handwriting. But why is it that it was compiled decades later from scraps. God surely knows better than this to preserve His definitive revelation. At least, the Bible was the result of the divine inspiration of men who preached and wrote the Good News. If it were the result of divine dictation then it would have been written down as it was dictated by God and not as it was dictated by men. If it were from the dictation of men, then it would not be said to have come from heaven but from men. That is the foundational problem of the Quran. It is like the Moronic Plates of Mormonism.

    • @brianzar1943
      @brianzar1943 Před rokem

      Lol everything you said is bullshit. The university of Birmingham has stated that the Quran that exists today is the same Quran that existed 1400 years ago when mohamad was alive by carbondating (Birmingham Quran look it up). However, all historians agree that the Bible is certainly written at least 30 years after the death of Jesus, and its main author (Paul) never met Jesus in his life and wasn’t one of the 12 apostles that Jesus handpicked himself. Finally, I will prove the preservation of Quran by giving a simple example, imagine that we burn every single copy of all the Bibles and Qurans of the world, the Quran would be re-written within 2 hours and the Bible will be lost forever, because Muslims (more than 100 millions) memorize the Quran word for word, letter by letter and no Christian memorizes the Bible word for word letter by letter. This how Quran is preserved and will preserved until the end of times.

    • @winstonbarquez3373
      @winstonbarquez3373 Před rokem

      @@brianzar1943 your Birmingham Quran contains a mere three Surahs of 114, and this is hardly the preservation of a definitive revelation that we are looking for.

    • @brianzar1943
      @brianzar1943 Před rokem

      @@winstonbarquez3373 Lol can you bring me one verse of the bible that is preserved for 2000 years ago?
      At least the Birmingham Quran shows that this video is bullshit and Mohamad indeed existed, and at least we have a proof that the quran is preserved, do you have any proof that its not preserved?

    • @de7mu392
      @de7mu392 Před rokem

      Some of the companions used to write the revelations, like Mu’awiya. The prophet was illiterate (a sign of his prophethood), and so the companions read the Quran to the prophet, with all the established readings (that have subtle changes in vowels). There you go, they both wrote and read the Quran to him.

    • @de7mu392
      @de7mu392 Před rokem

      It wasn’t compiled decades after. It was written within his life and compiled no more than 2 years after his death. Some companions had their own compilation already. It was memorized by many, any mistake by someone will be instantly corrected by others, I see this in mosques all the time.

  • @mikeham1
    @mikeham1 Před 3 lety +83

    This message needs to get to the Imams and scholars of Islam once and for all. It shows that this was man made ideology.

    • @power279
      @power279 Před 3 lety +9

      pure cult

    • @jarrygarry5316
      @jarrygarry5316 Před 3 lety +9

      Maybe that is why we can see Islam is too controlling people if it is man made

    • @dr.krieger6563
      @dr.krieger6563 Před 3 lety +13

      Just like all other ideologies.

    • @jjcalehan9944
      @jjcalehan9944 Před 3 lety +4

      Please keep scratching. Their false teachings are being turned out.

    • @robertcromwell9736
      @robertcromwell9736 Před 3 lety +5

      There is also no proof that Jesus existed. Not taking a religious side but most religions are based mostly on false things.

  • @alcoholfree6381
    @alcoholfree6381 Před 10 měsíci +49

    Jay Smith is amazing; I just found him and his teachings, it is liberating to finally find someone who is brave enough to expose the fallacy of Islam. I’ve studied Islam a little in the past and found it to be incredibly weak. I lost interest and said to myself: “I’m a Christian, old, retired, and don’t doubt my faith.” I’ve said for a long time that: “We’re going to end up fighting these Moslems”, this thought now seems to be coming true with world events. It helps to know about who may become your enemy. The better action would be for Moslems to become Christians!

    • @saleggadavids-dg6ly
      @saleggadavids-dg6ly Před 10 měsíci +3

      You know why the Muslims don't react to Jay's rubbish Cause he just talk nonsense

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 10 měsíci

      @alcoholfree .................
      Do you mean to say you would like to drag the Muslims to the raging fire of Hell. I think no right thinking Muslim would ever like to be invited to endure the unbearable sufferings in Hell. You must know that all the things you're doing are being recorded religiously by the angels assigned to you by Allah SWT from all sides - front, back, right and left. Not a single deed of yours escapes them. In the Hereafter, the Record Book will be spread-opened before your very eyes. And your eyes will bloat out to see about what had you done on earth. Not one dot of your deeds is left unrecorded. That is the basis for your judgment. You'll be justly judged based on your Record Book. And your tongues, hands, and feet will speak and testify against you. And for those people whom you had convinced with will ask Allah SWT to double on you the punishment they are suffering.
      13:11. For EACH (such person) there are (ANGELS) in succession, BEFORE and BEHIND him; They guard him by command of Allah.
      50:17. Behold, TWO (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and note them), one sitting on the RIGHT and one on the LEFT.
      24:24. On the Day when their TONGUES, their HANDS, and their FEET will bear witness against them as to their actions.
      17:13. Every man's fate We have fastened on his own neck: On the Day of Judgment We shall bring out for him a SCROLL, which he will see SPREAD OPEN.
      17:14. (It will be said to him:) "READ your (own) RECORD: Sufficient is your soul this day to make out an account against you."
      18:49. And the BOOK (OF DEEDS) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, "Ah! Woe to us! What a book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will your Lord treat with injustice.
      39:69. And the Earth will shine with the glory of its Lord: The RECORD (of DEEDS) will be placed (open); and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward; and a just decision pronounced between them; and they will not be wronged (in the least).
      Here on earth, it's all praises that you received from them. But in the Hereafter, it will be all recrimination from them to you. But, it's not yet late to ponder upon the Truth against Falsehood. So come to the Truth. Allah SWT is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. -11-06-23

    • @normangale3159
      @normangale3159 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Amen; there is enough of the One True God’s love for all.

    • @lynnmarie2962
      @lynnmarie2962 Před 10 měsíci +6

      ​@saleggadavids-dg6ly yet, you cannot give a valid argument against any of what Jay or Al said.

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@lynnmarie2962 ..............
      What Jay Smith is doing is refuting the facts about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) existence. So, there is no need to make a valid argument since he is himself arguing by making the truth to become false. But no matter how he would argue, the existence of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) cannot be denied. No Muslim would ever believe in him. Only Christian like you who would swallow every word he utters. But never to Muslims. -11-17-23

  • @michaelgoron4226
    @michaelgoron4226 Před 3 lety +12

    My awareness is that many scholars of Christianity do not assume that the Gospels were in any way eyewitness accounts.

    • @pinklady7184
      @pinklady7184 Před 3 lety +2

      Gospels were only letters by Jesus Christ's apostles who acted as eyewitnesses.

    • @skatter44
      @skatter44 Před rokem

      And there are many historians who argue convincingly that they are eyewitness accounts. What's your point? It's not who says what or how many make a claim but how good their arguments and evidence are. I've read some from both sides and find the eyewitness accounts camp to have the better arguments and evidence.

    • @t3llur1de
      @t3llur1de Před 9 měsíci +1

      Shall we expand some awareness? I'll provide samples here:
      LUKE 24:30-2 "When He was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him"
      JOHN 1:32 "Then John [the Baptist] gave this testimony: 'I saw the Spirit come down from Heaven as a dove and remain on Him.'"
      ACTS 5:32 "We are witnesses of these things"
      The scholars you were exposed to may make such assumptions, but the text of the New Testament is explicit despite them: the Gospels (and the Book of Acts) are substantially eyewitness accounts.

  • @KamranSher
    @KamranSher Před rokem +5

    (42) - وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ اللَّهَ غَافِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ ۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الْأَبْصَارُ
    And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror].

    • @mclifer
      @mclifer Před rokem +1


    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci

      @@mclifer ............
      It's the Doomsday. There will be great earthquakes. There will be convulsion of the earth. The mountains will be flattened and turned into dust. All will die. Humans. Animals. Birds. Angels. Satan. Jinns. All living creatures. Everything will turn into nothingness. No one will be left alive. Only Allah SWT. -11-17-23

  • @joaquimvictorenriquez1083
    @joaquimvictorenriquez1083 Před 5 měsíci +6

    I was talking to a muslim a couple of days ago. I just felt in my spirit saying, "Muhammad is not real."
    Things weren't making any sense at that moment for me, until i tried to look for it.
    Thank you Lord for more clarification about the lies of islam.

    • @sheikhlawmuhammad5361
      @sheikhlawmuhammad5361 Před měsícem +1

      Hmmmm but Fake White European Jesus Born In A Black Land But painted White Like Europeans was Truth huh? Ignorance is at an all times high!!!!

  • @profnesamony
    @profnesamony Před 9 měsíci +8

    Really enlightening and informative!

  • @marlenetassone8140
    @marlenetassone8140 Před 10 měsíci +39

    Jay is well learned and has the facts. Thanks for enlightening many people. God bless you🙏👍

    • @saleggadavids-dg6ly
      @saleggadavids-dg6ly Před 10 měsíci +1

      Jay just talking nonsens I think he read the Koran that the Israelis right

    • @ClipPerry
      @ClipPerry Před 10 měsíci +3

      @@saleggadavids-dg6ly so why don;t you provide the facts? 😄 let us hear your version

    • @adnanzia9167
      @adnanzia9167 Před 10 měsíci

      Learned enough to start a hate movement that goes against Christianity. As a medical student who has traveled the world I have met many Christian communities that believe in Muhammad peace be upon him. Georgia Tblisi for example, Christians there believe in him. Is this the so called love that Jesus taught, try to destroy his successor. Your clearly one of those people who if told pigs fly, you would believe it without looking into it. I have seen his misleading videos, watch the one where he gets caught lying to his audience. Have visited many Christian and Islamic holy sights with respect to both faiths. People that follow Jay and David Wood, do not follow Jesus but hate groups. Everything Jay says about the Quran you can apply that to the different testemants. Who keeps changing the bible? GOD? Jesus? The original bible was the true word of GOD, now there is so much lying in the church, Christians are leaving it to seek the truth. Find any video where Jay actually tells you about the details of Prophet Muhammads (PBUH) life, if he did his audience would leave him. Such things as charity, fasting, avoiding alcohol, looking after parents, eating healthy, how to speak to others with manners and the list goes on, oh and not to mention the amazing scientific facts about atoms, rotation of the earth, how mountains anchor the plates on the earth to stabilise it. I can keep going. That was all during his time. IF you carefully look at todays society and apply Christianity and Islam the world would be a better place but people like you want to spread hate. Shameful

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci

      @@ClipPerry ...................
      What Jay Smith is doing is refuting the facts about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) existence. So, there is no need to make a valid argument since he is himself arguing by making the truth to become false. But no matter how he would argue, the existence of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) cannot be denied. No Muslim would ever believe in him. Only Christian like you who would swallow every word he utters. But never to Muslims. -11-17-23

  • @josuego6882
    @josuego6882 Před 10 měsíci +4

    Always following your video...Its a great belssing to know about the Man, the Book and the place of ISLAM. Thanks a lot

  • @truthdefenders4694
    @truthdefenders4694 Před 3 lety +42

    Robert Spencer is one of the best, he should be given more credit and airtime than he does.

    • @johnc.8298
      @johnc.8298 Před 3 lety +3

      he's not p.c.

    • @kidicarus2768
      @kidicarus2768 Před rokem

      If he actually did the same for Christianity maybe. Because it's just as fake. Until then here just like the Muslims that believe the Quran.

    • @armchairgangstac907
      @armchairgangstac907 Před 10 měsíci

      He’s not very impressive.

    • @xisigma
      @xisigma Před 10 měsíci +2

      His focus is the history and manifestation of jihad.

  • @eddydormilus5038
    @eddydormilus5038 Před 3 lety +22

    I'm tempted to put a $2000,000 life insurance on those guys.

    • @sidney6021
      @sidney6021 Před 3 lety

      I'm muslim, and although most of these stuff these guying are saying is bullshit he is debating islam and not insulting all of us. No need for life life insurance.

    • @joefilter2923
      @joefilter2923 Před 3 lety +1

      Yes I agree the chances that they die eventually is certainly 100%!

    • @allenhanford
      @allenhanford Před 3 lety +1

      @@sidney6021Just because you're not plotting to murder them doesn't go mean no one is. I'm no fan of Christianity but making fun of Jesus is a lot less likely to get you killed.

    • @sidney6021
      @sidney6021 Před 3 lety

      @@allenhanford you need to think very hard about what you just said. MAKING FUN. Muslims have never made fun with Jesus because we view God's messengers with reverence. Some of you guys on the other hand have very little respect for your own parents so I can understand why the enormity of such actions is not much bother.
      Discuss, debate, criticise no problem. Don't take the piss.

    • @allenhanford
      @allenhanford Před 3 lety +1

      @@sidney6021 It's only enormous to you. To me, Muhammad and Jesus are people who may or may not have existed. In either case I don't believe they they have any connection to a god that I believe to be fictitious.
      I don't know where you're from but here in America we have free speech and satire is protected. The only thing that's wrong with making fun of religions is that it offends people which is impolite. However, you seem to think that everyone everywhere should be observing the rules of your religion, and THAT offends ME. You should think very carefully about what effect your beliefs have on free societies.

  • @ahjotland6721
    @ahjotland6721 Před 10 měsíci +5

    These two should discuss about the life of Jesus too.
    Why were 24 books of Gospel that were written but only 4 books were included in the Bible? What were the stories of the other 20 books?
    Than, what happened and where were Jesus between his age of 13 to 30 years?

    • @ruedigernassauer
      @ruedigernassauer Před 9 měsíci

      Hello.where do you have the information of 24 books from? I know there´s a book of Thomas read by Indian christians, but those other 19 (!!!) books???

    • @HesadrianBoediman
      @HesadrianBoediman Před 9 měsíci

      Any way around about the quantity, it only reconfirms the existence of Jesus. Not mentioning the historical books produced by the Roman historian and other.
      Thus the comparation is too much to bear and it keeps counting/increasing if we include recent archaelogic digging discovery.

    • @ruedigernassauer
      @ruedigernassauer Před 9 měsíci

      @@HesadrianBoediman You mean the historian Tacitus? His "report", written in after the year 70, cannot seriously count.

    • @HesadrianBoediman
      @HesadrianBoediman Před 9 měsíci

      @@ruedigernassauer thanks for information, gladly received, one more historian added would create a definitive and abundant list to confirm past events.. yes of course the approx date released would count to its validity factor as a secondary historical source.

    • @jcwink777
      @jcwink777 Před 7 měsíci

      Islam is carnal fabrication of submission and sex slavery of women. If you are a Muslim with this knowledge you are a deceiver.

  • @123dsj123
    @123dsj123 Před 3 lety +5

    Allah banned intellectualism from Islam. Quran 5:101 reads, “O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain (simple, clear) to you may cause you trouble (grief).” In the next verse, Allah explained why no Muslims must seek “Intellectualisms” such as innovations, creativities, free flows of ideas, and thoughts: Quran 5:102 reads, “Some people (Muslims) before you did ask such questions, and on that account, lost their faith.”
    In Judaism (Old Testament), the greatest Prophet is Moses - a university graduate who excelled as a distinguished honor-roll student at the University of Cairo, Egypt. Moses spoke in the name of “YAHWEH”, his God; and He (YAHWEH) proved Moses’ prophethood by not only speaking with Moses face-to-face, but also by allowing Moses to perform miracles (signs and wonders).
    In Christianity (New Testament), the greatest Apostle is Paul - a distinguished Law Degree student at the prestigious School of Gamaliel and a graduate at the University of Cilicia, Syria. Paul spoke in the name of “Jesus Christ”, his Lord; and He (Jesus Christ) proved Paul’s apostleship by not only speaking with Paul face-to-face, but also by allowing Paul to perform miracles (signs and wonders).
    In Islam (Quran), the greatest Example of Mankind is Muhammed - a lowly un-educated, demon possessed goat herder (goat-keeper) of the Arabian Desert who enjoyed the appetites (hungers, cravings) of a man - lust, deceit, greed, power, and treachery. Muhammed spoke in the name of Allah, his god, who never once proved Muhammed’s claims of apostleship and prophethood by either speaking with Muhammed face-to-face, or by allowing Muhammed to perform miracles (signs and wonders).
    Old Testament Deuteronomy 19:15 reads, “At the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses shall a matter be settled.” In Islam, Muhammed is his own witness - even to the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Muhammed, alone, goes behind the house, and then comes back with revelations from his god that say things like: “O Muhammed - Jesus did not die on the Cross, but someone was made (created) to look like Jesus; why do you forbit for yourself that which Allah has made lawful for you such as having sexual intercourse with both your daughter-in-law and a nine-year-old child; and the killings of Jews and Christians.” With those revelation from Muhammed, the matters in Islam are settled.
    Interestingly, there is no death penalty in all of Islam for questioning and insulting Allah. But for questioning and insulting Muhammed, you invoke the death penalty on yourself - a punishment Allah enforces not even for himself, but for Muhammed. Allah exists to make sure that nobody hurts Muhammed’s feelings and lives. You can see and understand why Allah bans intellectualisms such as innovations, creativities, free flows of ideas, and thoughts from Islam.

  • @goose8813
    @goose8813 Před 6 měsíci +2

    any chance of Pfander films learning to link series of films? .... I was looking for DID MUHAMMAD EXIST? (#2) etc. and I can't find them

  • @tyrellrivera
    @tyrellrivera Před rokem +1

    It's interesting how Jay Smith can sit here and say that Prophet Muhammad did not exist. Yet, when he debates against Muslims, Jay takes the stance that the Prophet DID EXIST, but his message is false... So, which is it Jay???

  • @AntiIdoloter
    @AntiIdoloter Před rokem +5

    La ilaha illa Muhammad. Allah Rasool Muhammad

  • @pierrenemolander4446
    @pierrenemolander4446 Před 2 lety +44

    Thanks Alfadi and Jay I always appreciate your help Informing Us about the History of Moslems Religion 🙏👍❤

  • @mikesamuel9175
    @mikesamuel9175 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Whether he existed or not...., it is really immaterial to me as a FOLLOWER of YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH! I respect their stance although I'm vociferously against what LIES they throw against the YAHSHUA of the Bible whom I PRAISE, HONOR, EXALT, ADORE, GLORIFY and WORSHIP!

  • @andreas-pryce
    @andreas-pryce Před 2 lety +8

    My only criticism of this book is that I bought the 1st edition on Kindle, now I have to pay again for the revised edition. There ought to be a discount.

    • @juneduffy4502
      @juneduffy4502 Před 9 měsíci

      Why would you want to read it again - you’ve read the main message move on

    • @andreas-pryce
      @andreas-pryce Před 9 měsíci

      Because there's a fair bit of new information in the revised edition!

    • @juneduffy4502
      @juneduffy4502 Před 9 měsíci

      @@andreas-pryce you already know the truth ?

  • @johannjohann6523
    @johannjohann6523 Před rokem +20

    One really interesting thing too about the Quran: the "first" accepted standardized, and supposedly "correct" Quran was written and published in the 1960's. So, for the majority of time (1500 years), there were literally thousands of different versions of the Quran floating around Muslims were using written by "whomever".

    • @Sneakyboson
      @Sneakyboson Před 10 měsíci +1

      Wasn't the first standardised quran from the mid 1920s in Egypt?

    • @Jin-dc7gl
      @Jin-dc7gl Před 9 měsíci

      Yet Muslims claim that the Quran is the perfect book.

    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@Sneakyboson ...............
      That was the 796 Qur'an used by the University student in 1924. But because it was used in 1924, Jay Smith deceived the Christians like you that it was a 1924 Qur'an and was standardized in 1924. That is how cunning and deceitful Jay Smith is. -11-17-23

    • @prahalb
      @prahalb Před 2 měsíci +1

      ​​@@defenderoftruth3212you are the deceitful one. Jay said this Quran was standardized in 1924 which is true. He never said this Quran was written in 1924.
      As usual not a slightest understanding of logic or concept. You are all about rhetoric.
      Standardized means before that this Quran was not any truer than any of the other ones. And that it was chosen as the true one by humans in Egypt in 1924, not before. As the canonical bible was also not the first bible. Though it was canonicalized before Muhammad.

  • @FawadKhalil-ux1nx
    @FawadKhalil-ux1nx Před 3 měsíci +1

    Oh boy, Bukhari collected and compiled the Hadith in his famous book Al-Bukhari, true. But the way the guest questions about his throwing out the hadith and choosing only a small part of them shows lack of knowledge. Bukhari took extreme care to select the authentic hadiths only. The small part of them being retained shows how much care he took. There's a whole science and rules (or SOPs, we can say) that he followed to identify the person narrating any hadith and the persons in its chain of narrators, and whether any person in the chain can actually narrate. It's not only about the Sirah of the Prophet peace be upon him but also the sirah of the narrators of any hadith. Please note that what scale of science we are talking about, like there are millions of hadiths which can multiple narrators in its chain of narrators reaching to the Prophet and the study of the character of all these persons. And then comes the care he and other collectors of hadith took is mindblowing, like if there's any observance of intentionally deceiving any animal so the animal may come near to him then that person is categorized as a weak narrator. Then comes the study if a person is categorized as weak narrator but he is narrating any hadith which is supported by another narrator with different chain of narrators. So it's a huge huge study that it'e even difficult to understand without going in depth. The guest is missing that whole science and just suddenly and bluntly claims that he threw away these number of hadiths, ridiculous!
    Now the sirah is nothing but compilation of the events from the life of the Prophet peace be upon him that are narrated in Hadiths. So that's just bullshit if the sirah was written by which person and in what year. The sirah of the prophet was always there in the form of Hadith, just scattered, and it's very easy to verify the sirah because hadith and the narrations of Prophet's companions are the sources of sirah.

  • @WhatAmI-JB
    @WhatAmI-JB Před 9 měsíci +3

    Well explained, I liked this conversation of you two gentlemen.Thanks.

  • @othmanskn
    @othmanskn Před rokem +2

    There was a hadith where Prophet Muhammad forbid the writing down of the hadith, only quran was allowed to be written. The scholars explained it as a lack of paper, so emphasis was on the quran. Quran was both written and memorised. The written Arabic need to be compiled because there are 4 different ways of writing the verses. Compare that to the gospels. Written a few years after, not immediately like the Quran, in a language and writing, but only survived in different languages. Aramaic, to Greek then to Latin etc. Quran is still in the original old Arabic, unchanged since they were written and memorised. Even now, many Muslims memorised the quran.
    The hadith may be corrupted but some of the predictions are so uncannily true. The appearance of the dajjal, Christians called anti-christ, is about someone who manipulate, lie and mislead people, which is widespread with the appearance of social media. Imam Mahdi's economy is similar to the proposed UBI, Universal Basic Income.
    The destruction brought by people who elect stupid leaders,
    Fitnah Sarra, is happening right in front of me. I thought it is impossible for people to elect stupid leaders, but it is happening right here in Sabah, the richest in Malaysia in oil, timber and oil palm by a huge margin, and yet the poorest in the world now, after being the poorest in Malaysia by a huge margin also for decades.
    To give an example, more than 40% of oil come from Sabah, and yet 40 % of the poor are in Sabah, despite making up a population of only 12%. If Sabah were Independent, Sabah will be richer than Brunei because it's oil is many times more while having more productive land producing timber,oil palm and cocoa etc.
    This is the power of the dajjal that promises heaven when actually delivering hell.

    • @saladdays180s9
      @saladdays180s9 Před rokem

      I am Christian, but your arguments are of merit and need to be considered.

  • @TheRoundtable_RTG
    @TheRoundtable_RTG Před 9 měsíci +1

    So basically y’all pick and choose which dates you accept as true and reasonable, but when the timeline disrupts what you view as reasonable- you call things into question. If these gaps are problematic, and the timeline doesn’t make sense, why use ANY of these dates at all? What is your criteria for accepting or questioning any of these dates?

  • @CandiceGoddard
    @CandiceGoddard Před rokem +6

    I always think it's strange that people the existence of Jesus despite the first person accounts and the second person commentary from secular sources, yet there's more evidence for Jesus than Socrates and few people question his existence.

  • @faithwithfruits
    @faithwithfruits Před rokem +11

    Dr Jay, if Muhammad did not exist
    1) why is there schism between Sunni and Shia as to who should succeed him?
    2) Roughly what's the range of dates Islam is created and did the schism date fall within this range of dates?
    I'm a Christian myself and would like to be able to answer this question if my Muslim friends ever ask me. Thank you.

    • @artregeous
      @artregeous Před rokem

      1-it is worst than schism but succession greed wars and murder 2-abd al muttalib grand father of muhammed was the custodian of kabaa during idol worshpping from ishmaels linege as qureysh 4 th leader way bfr schisim (wikipedia) they were all jewish tribes

    • @Kanjiro0
      @Kanjiro0 Před rokem

      u really believe this clown? Muhamad is well recorded historically, even the way he showers and daily habits, wars have waged because of his death

    • @exuaf
      @exuaf Před rokem

      @@artregeous how can you be sure the grandfather of Abd mutallib as Muhammad did not exist

    • @artregeous
      @artregeous Před rokem

      i cant be sure wheter muttalip was exist or not but scriptures clearly states that he was custodian of kaba during idol worshipping to hubal and 365 deity during such times human sacrifice was common even muhammeds father requested to be sacrificed . in bible and talmut there are scriptures points out human sacrifice requested by god worshipped in particular periods which many people regardless of their worship in such fashion preserved their religious status as prophets of chriistian and judaic god lol beside islam

    • @helloneighbor9026
      @helloneighbor9026 Před rokem +1

      Also, how can a lot of Arabs ( Quraish and Hashemites ) say that they are he's grandsons ? They have like family trees, and they keep the names of their accenctors, and it goes back to Mohammad...

  • @simoncoss3321
    @simoncoss3321 Před rokem +1

    The reason why people dont use Waqidi is because he was known politely as a 'storyteller'. In plainer words he was a known liar msking it all up. Shafi'i the Baghdadi jurist said - there are 7 men in Medina making up hadith and Waqidi is one of them. The Arabs - it has to be said - are very good at telling stories. See 1001 Nights

  • @robertruggiero9999
    @robertruggiero9999 Před 3 lety +76

    Great that you guys have been putting this information out there for so long because the truth, facts, they are important. In this politically correct world where it is fine for white peoples to criticise Christianity but not Islam it is great that you guys arm us with the factual information that exposes the flimsy-ness of the intellectual foundation upon which Islam has been concocted.

    • @johnbrooks9523
      @johnbrooks9523 Před 3 lety +5

      Walt Disney produced interesting stories about Donald Duck. Thankfully, some of us realise the're just stories & we don't use those stories as motivation to hack the heads off of people who don't worship Donald Duck. If some vast army of Donald Duck worshippers decided it would be a great idea to hack the heads off non DD worshippers, that would be unfortunate and we would quickly learn to stay the hell away from Disneyland. However, if the halfwit maniacal murderous DD worshippers spewed out of Disneyland & started invading & hacking ordinary women & children in cities throughout Britain, Europe, Australia & elsewhere, drastic action would need to be taken. That might be a vaccine program. It might be a broad spectrum one that cannot distinguish between DD worshippers & worshippers of any other similarly stupid rubbish.

    • @historyandhorseplaying7374
      @historyandhorseplaying7374 Před 3 lety +6

      @@johnbrooks9523 That’s quite a mouthful. However, let’s not conclude that simply because one religion is false, all of them are. That wouldn’t be scientific, frankly.

    • @johnbrooks9523
      @johnbrooks9523 Před 3 lety +2

      Never once have I heard of a man who could convince Christopher Hitchens of a lie. Have never heard of an honest man who could detect a lie from Hitchens. Only superstitious types who believed in fantacies who tried. Hitchens devoted much of his life to travel & meticulous study. His observations are based on fact & reality. He never blamed a convenient concocted devil for any mistake or misdeed. He demonstrated to all that human beings can live their lives in peace, show consideration & act decently without consulting a manual. He did not require an imagined eternal life as a reward for compliance.
      Some of us are immune to ancient superstitious nonsense.... We have evolved & moved on.
      We can all choose & it isn't simply a choice of this load of nonsense or that... We can choose no nonsense. Then we risk attack from the unfortunates who want to attract us to their chosen army of deludeds & who brand us athiest & undesirable until deluded. Even common sense is imaginary.

    • @skidachilles3749
      @skidachilles3749 Před 2 lety

      @@johnbrooks9523 Those guys were spouting nonsense, Muhammad did exist, and the ultimate proof is the Qur'an, and the Qur'an is protected forever by Allah, never to be corrupted in its original writing, Allah promise that Himself. If He failed to do this, than the Qur'an is just like any other story telling Books.
      Now, what kind of God fail to uphold His promises?
      And the next, where in the world you can find a corrupted Qur'an in its corrupted writings? None can be find, and you guys cant find it either, even if you try to do it yourself.
      Because if somebody try to challenge Allah authority, they simply die.
      It is so easy for Allah to take the life of His creation, afterall He is the creator.

    • @adina_nyx
      @adina_nyx Před rokem +1

      There is scientific miracles in the Qur'an, you can even search it up. :)

  • @MichaelPetek
    @MichaelPetek Před 3 lety +81

    I like the Star Wars style opening sequence.

    • @theHentySkeptic
      @theHentySkeptic Před 3 lety

      It is the thing I like least about this channel - it is a cliche now

    • @MehmetYldrm-fc8eu
      @MehmetYldrm-fc8eu Před 3 lety

      I like it too Michael,

    • @muezamueza2797
      @muezamueza2797 Před 3 lety +1

      Historical Fact Jay Smith Try To Hide
      1). Kufa the last capital of Rasilhidun Caliphate
      Jay Smith and his kind, always question why so many Islamic documents produce far from Mecca and Medina. Well it is no secret that during Ali Caliphate, the capital move from Medina to Kufa far north of Mecca and Medina near present day Baghdad.
      The Change of Capital from Medina to Kufa
      In rajab of 36 a.h. (JANUARY 657) ALI decided to transfer the headquarters of his government from Medina in Hijaz to Kufa in Iraq. When law and order had been restored in Basra, he appointed Abdullah ibn Abbas as its new governor, and then left for Kufa which became, thenceforth, the new capital of Islam.
      So now you understand why so many developments in early Islamic Islamic Literature such as the collection Hadith or Tafsir of the Quran or Biography of the prophet took place n far north of Mecca and Madina. This fact is something Jay Smith and his dubious panel of experts try to hide.
      2). Biography of Muhammad
      Jay Smith said there are only two of prophet biographer namely Ibn Ishaq and ibn Hisyam. Ibn Hisyam explain clearly that he only rewrite or copying what was written by ibn Ishaq book 75 years earlier.
      Jay Smith only recognizes Ibn Hisyam, he don’t like to see anybody write something about muhammad biography closer to the time of prophet Muhammad death. He just want to see the prophet biographer written as late as possible.
      Ibn Hisham wasn’t the first, not the only one and not the last one. Ibn Hisham clearly anounce whe was rewrote Ibn Ishaq book 75 years earlier. When Ibn Hisham wrote his book, there was many of other historians, Authors and grandchildren of the companions. There is also hundreds of biographies of the prophet with different sources in Arabic, there is also many non Muslim authors who wrote about Mohamed.
      Here is a list of books before Ibn Hisham
      A : Biographer among tsahaba (Eyewitnes who know And speak to The prophet)
      * Sahl ibn Abī Ḥathma (d. in Mu'awiya's reign, i.e., 41-60 AH), was a young companion of Muhammad. Parts of his writings on Maghazi are preserved in the Ansāb of al-Baladhuri, the Ṭabaqāt of Ibn Sa'd, and the works of Ibn Jarir al-Tabari and al-Waqidi.
      * Abdullah ibn Abbas (d. 78 AH), a companion of Muhammad, his traditions are found in various works of Hadith and Sīra.
      * Saʿīd ibn Saʿd ibn ʿUbāda al-Khazrajī, another young companion, his writings have survived in the Musnad of Ibn Hanbaland Abī ʿIwāna, and al-Tabari's Tārīkh.
      B: Biographer among Tabiin (Story Received From Eyewitness)
      * Saʿīd ibn al-Masīb al-Makhzūmī (d. 94 AH), a famous Tābiʿī and one of the teachers of Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri. His traditions are quoted in the Six major hadith collections, and in the Sīra works of Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sayyid al-Nās, and others.
      * Abū Fiḍāla ʿAbd Allāh ibn Kaʿb ibn Mālik al-Anṣārī (d. 97 AH), his traditions are mentioned by Ibn Ishaq and al-Tabari.
      * Abbān ibn Uthmān ibn Affān (d. 101-105 AH), the son of Uthman. His traditions are transmitted through Malik ibn Anas in his Muwaṭṭaʾ, the Ṭabaqāt of Ibn Sa'd, and in the histories of al-Tabari and al-Yaʿqūbī.
      * ʿĀmir ibn Sharāḥīl al-Shaʿbī (d. 103 AH), his traditions were transmitted through Abu Isḥāq al-Subaiʿī, Saʿīd ibn Masrūq al-Thawrī, al-Aʿmash, Qatāda, Mujālid ibn Saʿīd, and others.
      * Al-Qāsim ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr (d. 107 AH), another grandson of Abu Bakr. His traditions are mainly found in the works of al-Tabari, al-Balathuri, and al-Waqidi.
      * Abū Ishāq al-Fazarī (d. 186 AH) wrote Kitāb al-Siyar
      * Abaan ibn Uthman ibn Affan, the son of Uthman wrote a small booklet.
      * Hammam ibn Munabbih, a student of Abu Hurayrah
      * Asim Ibn Umar Ibn Qatada Al-Ansari
      * Ma'mar Ibn Rashid Al-Azdi, pupil of Al-Zuhri
      * Abdul Rahman ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Ausi, pupil of Al-Zuhri
      * Muhammad ibn Salih ibn Dinar Al-Tammar was a pupil of Al-Zuhri and mentor of Al-Waqidi.
      * Hashim Ibn Urwah ibn Zubayr, son of Urwah ibn Zubayr, generally quoted traditions from his father but was also a pupil of Al-Zuhri.
      * Ya'qub bin Utba Ibn Mughira Ibn Al-Akhnas Ibn Shuraiq Al-Thaqafi
      * Abu Ma'shar Najih Al-Madani.
      * Ali ibn mujahid Al razi Al kindi.
      * Al-Bakka'iِِ was a disciple of Ibn Ishaq and teacher of Ibn Hisham and thus forms a very important link in Sira between two great scholars.
      All of them were before Ibn Hisham so you can compare their books with his.

There is other Authors/Historians who lived in the same Era like :
      * Al-Waqidi, whose surviving works "Kitab alTarikh wa al-Maghazi" (Book of History and Campaigns) and Futuh al-Shamhave been published.
      * Salama ibn Al-Fadl Al-Abrash Al-Ansari, pupil of Ibn Ishaq
      * Abu Isa Muhammad Al-Tirmidhi wrote compilations of Shamaail (Characteristics of Muhammad)
      * Ibn Sa'd wrote the 8-volume work called Tabaqat or The Book of the Major Classes; he was also a pupil of Al-Waqidi.
      * Imam al-Bayhaqi, wrote Dala'il al-Nabuwwa (Proof of Prophethood).
      3). Prophet biography is not holly book
      Jay Smith he compared the biography of the prophet (sirat Rasulullah) with the Four Gospel. These Gospels that contain biographies and sayings of Jesus, are the holy books for the Christians.
      Jay Smith ridiculed the biography of the Prophet Muhammad which he falsely accused written 200 years after prophet death, while the Bible was superior because it was written for 60-110 years.
      Well the sirah rasululah (prophet biography), as explained earlier, start being written by three of his companion after the prophet death. Muslim do not make too much noise about this early writing.
      Unlike the Christian who consider the four Gospels, which are Jesus biografi as holly book, the Muslims never think of the prophet's Muhammad biography as a holy book .... hahaha.
      For Muslims, a biography or Sirat Rasulullah is not a holy book, it is only a book on the history of the prophet's life... Hahaha. Only Christian made a biography as holly book... Hahaha.
      4). Only the Quran is holly book for Muslims
      The only thing called the holy book in Islam is the Quran, the book that contains the word of Allah. Something like the quran, a revelation from or word of God, does not exist in Christianity. That the Quran is the word of God is very clearly asserted in the Qur'an. There are several verses and this one of them. QS. Al-Waqiah (77-80)
      ”Indeed the Qur'an is a very noble reading, in a preserved book (Lohmahfuz), it does not touch it except those who are sanctified. Descended from the Lord of the worlds”
      Christianity does not have a revealed sacred book like the Quran. All Gospels are like hadith of Jesus (biografi and saying about Jesus, not words of God). In the four Gospels, you will not found Jesus saying that these Gospels are the word of God. Jesus did not know that there were four gospels, moreover, there were hundreds of gnostic gospels and pseudo Apocrypha.
      5). Gospels are not written by eyewitness
      Jay Smith repeatedly saying that Mathew and John are Gospel writer who are eyewitness and Luke And Mark received from eyewitness. Oh ... really, well you can find picture like this in the internet. This picture made by Bible experts who understands languages and writing styles used by Bible writers.
      That figure shows the four gospels all written by many people from unknown sources and they copy each other. With the copy paste history like that, how it is possible Mathew and John gospel both written by eyewitnesses ???. Can you explain that Mr. Smith .... hahaha.

    • @williamgarayua5878
      @williamgarayua5878 Před 3 lety

      Dear@@muezamueza2797 :
      🎲🎰🎲 You bet to the Armies of JIHAD like a CASINO Game where NO Moral or Ethics are taken into consideration;
      💞🆚⚔️ The Message of The Gospels is BROTHERHOOD, while The Armies of JIHAD keeps your BET in The Wrong FIELD to LOSE PEACE since 1,400 years of Holy WAR.
      🕌 Then your Arabic Meca is NOT even included in any ancient map, while every ancient Mosque points to PETRA, but you keep insisting in pointing to Arabia to lose your BET again and again...
      *JIHAD was DECEIVED for 13 Centuries because in that ideology that is ok, and is time for LIBERATION:

    • @douglasparise3986
      @douglasparise3986 Před 3 lety

      Did Luke Skywalker really exist

  • @dumdumbrown4225
    @dumdumbrown4225 Před rokem +2

    Moses, Jesus and good ol’Mo are great myths with disastrous consequences for those of us who had to live through the Holocausts their religions inflicted

    • @ItachiUchiha-qx7xo
      @ItachiUchiha-qx7xo Před 10 měsíci

      Bloodiest time in history was the 20th century. Once atheism gets into power it’s much more violent and dehumanizing.

  • @mihaeladragusin433
    @mihaeladragusin433 Před 3 lety +6

    2 things i have observed here:
    1 everything that was written about Mohamed is uncertan but what was written abou Jesus is true for sure
    2 this is an Apple paid commercial, because each of these guys have an Apple laptop on the table but only one of them uses it.

    • @tonydarcy1606
      @tonydarcy1606 Před 3 lety

      So Jesus killed the fig tree for no reason other than it bore no fruit out of season. Obviously some anger management needed there, even if he was God.

    • @lavenderflowers1075
      @lavenderflowers1075 Před 2 lety

      @@tonydarcy1606 hahaha! God can do anything he wants and he'll show you just how powerful he is when he takes away your life.

  • @bishalscreation
    @bishalscreation Před 3 lety +13

    Brother asked a Very good question 😂😁😂
    Hope this answers the question. 😂😂😂😂

  • @leonielson7138
    @leonielson7138 Před 3 měsíci

    From what I understand, Qutham was highly educated, which was why a prophet, a "man of God", or "Gabriel", chose him to translate the New and Everlasting Covenant of Christ into Arabic, with the express purpose of giving the Arabs no excuse to not know the law. After Gabriel left, Qutham corrupted the doctrine, and upon learning that Jesus was ascribed the title "Worthy of Praise" [MCMD], Qutham took the name "Muhammad", which also meant "Worthy of Praise", so he could cry, "Grant unto Muhammad that which is Muhammad's." Or, in other words, "Give me your money, it's mine."

  • @universalflamethrower6342
    @universalflamethrower6342 Před 3 lety +61

    when there is hole in the narrative and a hole in the hole of the narrative

    • @aaaabraham837
      @aaaabraham837 Před 3 lety


    • @abunajam6787
      @abunajam6787 Před 3 lety

      Universal Flamethrower Even early Christian sources show that Mohammad EXISTED czcams.com/video/_mZgSIlX20U/video.html

    • @universalflamethrower6342
      @universalflamethrower6342 Před 3 lety

      @@abunajam6787 all sources aside, what have abdools done for the world

    • @abunajam6787
      @abunajam6787 Před 3 lety +1

      @@universalflamethrower6342 Islam and knowledge and benefits to man nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=364. What have other religions "done for the world"?

    • @universalflamethrower6342
      @universalflamethrower6342 Před 3 lety +2

      @@abunajam6787 Currently MBS getting rid of the Hadith because he recognizes they are made up, maybe het takes the bold step of getting rid of everything else that has to do with Islam. Because he recognizes that with Islam he can't enter into the 21st century, it is going to be fun to watch the Muslim world schism and tear itself apart by its inner contradictions. Islam is fit for pre-modern conquest, ever since modenity the Muslim world has been irrelevant but for the oil. So no the Muslim world did not contribute to anything it mainly destroyed and killed a lot and now keeps millions of people back because of their faith

  • @theHentySkeptic
    @theHentySkeptic Před 3 lety +23

    A great episode - no-one should take these books seriously.

    • @shahablodhi4978
      @shahablodhi4978 Před rokem +2

      Seriously bro ?

    • @captain_red_beard4202
      @captain_red_beard4202 Před rokem


    • @defenderoftruth3212
      @defenderoftruth3212 Před 9 měsíci

      @@shahablodhi4978 ......................
      A book that deny the existence of a very prominent and most influential person in the world like Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) should not be taken seriously. Or it must be rejected outrightly. It means that it is garbage. The purpose is just to gain profit. -11-17-23

    • @RoinesAndScroines
      @RoinesAndScroines Před 5 měsíci

      But they should take the biographies of muhamed from the 8th century for real??
      150 years after he died

  • @CSAcitizen
    @CSAcitizen Před měsícem +1

    Another fact you don't mention is that at those times Mecca did not even exist.

  • @fepeerreview3150
    @fepeerreview3150 Před 3 lety +6

    The evidence for the existence of Mohammed is slim. The evidence for the existence of Jesus, as anything like the person described in the New Testament, is also slim.
    Regardless, even if both existed, that doesn't necessarily mean there is even a sliver of truth in what they said. Nor does it in any way support the existence of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Creator God.

    • @TheObscureRambler
      @TheObscureRambler Před 2 lety

      There is much more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus than there is for Muhammad, if you broaden your search you can surely come to see that. Nobody but the muslims wrote about Muhammad. Greco-Romans, Jews AND Christians wrote about Jesus, and plenty.
      And please, let's not call God the 'Judeo-Christian-Islamic Creator God'. The god of Islam is NOT the same as the God of Judeo-Christianity. Have you watched none of these videos with your ears open?

  • @mattkenney57
    @mattkenney57 Před 8 měsíci +8

    Thanks to the work of Robert Spencer, this work enlightens and broadens the problems within this cult. When Jesus is turned away, no good can come to life.

  • @wg611
    @wg611 Před 7 měsíci +1

    The three pillars of Islam ☪️: Muhammad, Mecca 🕋, and Quran were still work I’m progress sometime around the 9th Century.

  • @Samrushtonblight
    @Samrushtonblight Před 3 lety +13

    Now, if you only applied that skepticism to the historical existence of Jesus.

    • @davidalvidrez9452
      @davidalvidrez9452 Před 3 lety +1

      Even islam says that Jesus Chritst was real, just as they recognize the existance of Moses and Abraham.

    • @markdouglas8073
      @markdouglas8073 Před 3 lety +2

      The Gospels were written by men who knew Jesus. The book of John even begins with emphasis that he was an eyewitness of everything he wrote. Moreover, Paul wrote that there were 500 eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ living in the 1st century church.

    • @direktorpresident
      @direktorpresident Před 3 lety

      @@markdouglas8073 He would, since Paul invented Christianity

    • @wesleywarsmith1113
      @wesleywarsmith1113 Před 3 lety

      We have Roman account of him. I dont believe he was the Christ. I'm pagan, but indeed we have record of this confused man.

    • @DragNetJoe
      @DragNetJoe Před 3 lety

      Both Mohammed and Jesus almost certainly existed. The real question is how close are the religious text and tradition to reality. The Gospels were closer to the source. I find it unlikely that Mohammed was a whole-cloth fabrication, but I think a lot more of the words of Mohammed were manufactured after the fact. Yet another question is were either imbued with supernatural connections.

  • @user-sd3jq5ml2b
    @user-sd3jq5ml2b Před rokem +3

    That is his level of his knowledge, and his problem, Muhammad Rusullulahi existed very much and Allah send him to guide humanity from darkness to light. Ma sha Allahu

    • @Val.Kyrie.
      @Val.Kyrie. Před rokem +1

      He didn’t exist until hundreds of years after the fact in stories to create power.
      Originally it was Christian heresy, from the wrong area. You’ve been tricked by the father of lies, the Quran itself says your Allah is the greatest deceiver. You don’t need to rely on a faulty man, who said false prophets are poisoned and died of poisoning.
      Please come home to Christ.

  • @rainerhasler135
    @rainerhasler135 Před 3 lety +9

    Very interesting! But believers are not interested in facts - they want to believe.

  • @paulalexander2928
    @paulalexander2928 Před 3 lety +27

    This like writing the history of the United States in 1976 by writers living in Europe Russia or elsewhere.

    • @billtuqoise1343
      @billtuqoise1343 Před 3 lety

      Everybody and anybody living TODAY has exactly the same historical resources available to them for research regardless of where they live. The difference is to what depth you take your research, for some people the book's title is all they care about for others even the chemical composition of the paper and inks must be examined before the data is validated.

    • @321thach
      @321thach Před 3 lety +4

      It the same thing with Christian. The Bible was written in 325 by a drunken Roman citizen priest about a guy from the Middle East. The Bible was since then rewritten at least 3 time to fit the current Christian narrative. The letter J was created in 1524 the Christian don’t even know what is Jesus real name

    • @IR240474
      @IR240474 Před 3 lety

      1776 taskandpurpose.com/history/the-united-states-was-called-the-united-colonies-until-sept-9-1776/

    • @historyandhorseplaying7374
      @historyandhorseplaying7374 Před 3 lety

      @@billtuqoise1343 Not true, as many historical resources only exist at the locations where the history took place, which requires travel to those locations.

    • @historyandhorseplaying7374
      @historyandhorseplaying7374 Před 3 lety

      @@321thach Nice try, but “whataboutism” doesn’t fly here.

  • @DRYeisleysCreations
    @DRYeisleysCreations Před 8 měsíci +1

    Isn't it curious whenever you see Muslims in the comments, you never see them addressing the subject in the video?

  • @colinvannurden3090
    @colinvannurden3090 Před 3 lety +59

    These guys better watch their backs unfortunately.

    • @MrJpm1989
      @MrJpm1989 Před 3 lety +2

      These days the line between free speech and hate has blurred so much that most people won't even think of a topic as this one . Yet questioning if Christ even lived seems to be a daily occurrence. The one thing that myself and other Christians seem to be lacking is the devotion to have our faith guide every movement of our lives. Until we Christians live a more devoted life to Jesus we will just have to get use to others treating us as weekend faith warriors 🙏, and I'm not good with that

    • @bigwig2659
      @bigwig2659 Před 3 lety +2

      @@MrJpm1989 forgive them, they know not what they do.

    • @derekjohn4412
      @derekjohn4412 Před 3 lety +4

      Why? Isn't that supposed to be the religion of peace? Besides, Jesus Christ is being mocked and reviled openly and unabashedly all the time without any fear or repercussions. What does that tell you about their tolerance or rather intolerance?

    • @MrJpm1989
      @MrJpm1989 Před 3 lety +1

      @@derekjohn4412 yes you so rite but as Christians we honestly don't show our devotion and absolute surrender to our religious beliefs as do others. When someone attacks the Muslim or Jewish faith it is an attack not only on their religious beliefs but their way of life that makes it so intense and absolute.

    • @harrywildgoose8544
      @harrywildgoose8544 Před 3 lety +3

      @@MrJpm1989 There can be no such thing as blurred speech If you have true freedom, With true freedom everyone's opinions are allowed no matter how much others may disagree.

  • @rodhorgan
    @rodhorgan Před rokem +14

    Great commentary. We need to prayer and love our Muslim friends so they can come to the living God and His holy book.

    • @sheeshabedin1379
      @sheeshabedin1379 Před rokem +3

      Do you think bible is preserved?

    • @rodhorgan
      @rodhorgan Před rokem +1

      @@sheeshabedin1379 the Bible is the Word of God.. It is the most reliable book in history.... Because it is His Story.

    • @sheeshabedin1379
      @sheeshabedin1379 Před rokem +1

      @@rodhorgan Just come to the point. I am doing my own research and coming across many contradictions in bible.( Not blindly following so called Muslim and Christian scholars) They are naturally going to be biased about their belief,that I understand. But I highly recommend you to do your own research if you want to find the truth. One advice- “Remember truth is always the truth even if no one knows, falsehood is always false even if everyone believes”.

    • @rodhorgan
      @rodhorgan Před rokem +1

      @@sheeshabedin1379 to see the truth of the Bible you must read it through the correct lens. Only with the Holy Spirit and faith does the truth of Gods Word became living and any supposed contradictions or misconceptions iron out. GOD bless you.

    • @bobymarian693
      @bobymarian693 Před rokem

      @@rodhorgan 😂😂 😂😂

  • @PolyCube71
    @PolyCube71 Před 5 měsíci

    What really strikes me is that between those 201 years after supposedly Muhammad died and Ibn Hisham started writing about him there wasn't anything we have today. Imagine the time 632 AD where there were no computers, no telephone, no libraries as we know it, no hard disc drives, no internet and so on Ibn Hisham could find informations about Muhammad? Where did he get them from? And even IF there was at least one who knew Muhammad he would be already dead in 833 AD. 201 years and no eye-witness has written down anything? A "prophet" who had such an impact in the arabian world but no one has written down anything what he said or has done in this timeframe of 201 years? If Muhammad was a real prophet then the Qur'an would have been written down right after his death from people who were with him. That is why i think Islam was created as a counter movement to Christianity in which they preserved the traditions of the arab living. Because they have seen that Christianity has grown among the arab world and has spread from Israel to Syria, north africa and other parts of the arab world. And under Christianity many bad habits would have been erased out of the arab traditions like child mariage, the way women were treated, slavery, polygamy and so on. Islam was created out of fear that they would lose their old fashioned arab traditions. Christianity would have had a huge impact in this world. And it already had in some parts of it. Christianity was a revolution in their eyes.

  • @lokiopensloloc5680
    @lokiopensloloc5680 Před 3 lety +6

    The most uninspiring unoriginal name ever. I know, I will name my child the most common name on the planet on purpose because my boy is special and unique...

    • @lokiopensloloc5680
      @lokiopensloloc5680 Před 3 lety +6

      ... you may as well call the child Carbon Copy, or NPC for all Mohammed is worth as a name.

    • @letuswrap
      @letuswrap Před 3 lety +1

      @@lokiopensloloc5680 😄😄

    • @slippingsnake
      @slippingsnake Před 3 lety +1

      You're wrong about that, at the time in question this name was unknown:
      afaik the name Mohammed was never used before early 7th century.
      we are to believe that an oler pagan arab came up with this totaly new name for his fatherless grandchild...
      around 630 ce MHMT appears on a coin an after that more often.

    • @lokiopensloloc5680
      @lokiopensloloc5680 Před 3 lety +1

      @@slippingsnake thank you for the information but I was only making fun of the name's popularity today. It seems... very fanboyesque.

  • @bodang03
    @bodang03 Před 3 lety +10

    Finding muhammad like finding nemo...

    • @sislertx
      @sislertx Před 3 lety +2

      U mean.wheres waldo when there is no.waldo to begin with

    • @aldredtawasil9339
      @aldredtawasil9339 Před 3 lety

      " Hendrick subianto followers of pagan trinity like you...

    • @bodang03
      @bodang03 Před 3 lety

      @@saminmahfuz2381 because all jr n sr high school indroduced n teached more about newton than Jesus Christ, as simple like that...

    • @hdl135605
      @hdl135605 Před 3 lety

      @@saminmahfuz2381 Is this the best you have got in defense of Muhammad?

    • @hdl135605
      @hdl135605 Před 3 lety

      @@aldredtawasil9339 Better than Muhammad followers of pagan black box Kaaba & Black Stone.

  • @skidachilles3749
    @skidachilles3749 Před 2 lety +1

    Those guys were spouting nonsense, Muhammad did exist, and the ultimate proof is the Qur'an, and the Qur'an is protected forever by Allah, never to be corrupted in its original writing, Allah promise that Himself. If He failed to do this, than the Qur'an is just like any other story telling Books.
    Now, what kind of God fail to uphold His promises?
    And the next, where in the world you can find a corrupted Qur'an in its corrupted writings? None can be find, and you guys cant find it either, even if you try to do it yourself.
    Because if somebody try to challenge Allah authority, they simply die.
    It is so easy for Allah to take the life of His creation, afterall He is the creator.

  • @atukcool299
    @atukcool299 Před rokem +27

    May Allah guide those who are sincerely seeking for the truth aaminn ✨❤

    • @jesusmarywillsaveyou
      @jesusmarywillsaveyou Před rokem


    • @jfintex43
      @jfintex43 Před rokem

      You'll find no truth in your made up god allah....

    • @alienlovesecrets9379
      @alienlovesecrets9379 Před rokem +5

      He already has been doing it. They are called scientists. The track they leave behind is called enlightenment. Amen. Do you still "believe"? Well, I will THINK for you, then, brother.

    • @atukcool299
      @atukcool299 Před rokem +4

      @@alienlovesecrets9379 🤗💖☝️alhamdulillah, as non-Arab, I'm doing my research too, in fact I once studied on that field علوم الحديث و علوم القرآن and learn Arabic almost 7 years now. Alhamdulillah, all the points they presented here are refutable unless if they don't bother to seek for the truth sincerely. ✨ In addition, it's funny when I saw them try to criticise Arabic language in Quran when they don't even speak Arabic properly. It's like someone criticise Chinese poetry when they don't even speak Chinese themselves or can read the pinyin of it. 🙏✨They can try to find faults in Quran or Islam as hard as they could, at the end, Allah and all believers will still choose on this path. 🤗
      Surah as-saff
      7. And who does more wrong than the one who invents a lie against Allah, while he is being invited to Islam? And Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers) folk.
      8. They intend to put out the Light of Allah (i.e. the religion of Islam, this Qur’an, and Prophet Muhammad ) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it).
      9. He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad ) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islamic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammed ) hate (it).
      ايت سهاج دري ساي، سكيان تريما كسيه👐

    • @SingingblissofRajat
      @SingingblissofRajat Před rokem +4

      May he guide all away from this semetic darkness into the light of humanity and civilization. Om shanti. 🙏

  • @patriciapalmer4215
    @patriciapalmer4215 Před rokem +5

    77, my father an Aramco employee, I grew up in Saudi Arabia. I learned to speak Arabic to correctly read the Qu'ran. It's nothing like any translation I've read. It's folly for Westerners to try to understand the mindset of Middle Easterners.

  • @busarob1969
    @busarob1969 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Jesus tried to warn us about false prophets via Mathew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.
    By there deeds you will know them!
    Islam rose via the sword!
    War, death and pedophilia !
    By there deeds you will know them!

  • @davidchase1439
    @davidchase1439 Před 3 lety +4

    Any historical record Muhhamed ever actually got the Koran?

  • @walesruels
    @walesruels Před 3 lety +37

    "The more they whine, well, we've got cheese for that!" Yes, Al-Fadi! 😂👏

  • @pal-a
    @pal-a Před rokem +1

    It doesn't matter if Mohammad, or Jesus or Krishna existed.
    It doesn't matter if you are Muslim or Christian or Hindu or atheist.
    Are you cunning or honest that's what matters.

  • @sislertx
    @sislertx Před 3 lety +5


  • @mrJety89
    @mrJety89 Před 3 lety +4

    So the first biographer of Muhammad, who hated the jews, was called
    Ibn Ishaq
    Sounds like Isaac to me

    • @staubsauger2305
      @staubsauger2305 Před 3 lety

      Ibn Ishaq (whose work is lost) wrote more than a ***hundred years*** after Mohammed was said to have died. It's like us today starting to write about The First War with no earlier mentions.

    • @senantiasa
      @senantiasa Před 3 lety

      Ishaq is the Arabic form of Isaac and he is one of the prophets Muslims believe.

  • @johnpowell9174
    @johnpowell9174 Před 5 měsíci

    Regarding the gospels of Matthew and John, note that scholars almost universally agree that the names were tagged onto the documents in the late second century, that they were written originally in Koine, not Hebrew or Aramaic and for these and several other reasons, were not written by eye witnesses never mind by disciples.

  • @kesavankalyanaraman4439
    @kesavankalyanaraman4439 Před 3 lety +7

    Good conversation. But the way Christ's existence was taken for granted and brushed aside makes the discussion devoid of rational thinking

    • @historyandhorseplaying7374
      @historyandhorseplaying7374 Před 3 lety

      Um, what does that have to do with anything?

    • @ExAnalogia
      @ExAnalogia Před 3 lety

      There is several reference outside the Bible about Jesus, that he exist. And in those text he is not the Christ, but instead an insurrector, a thorn in the eye of the roman and jews community.
      So yes Jesus have exist and yes he have been nailed to the cross according to archelogic evidence

    • @TehMagilla
      @TehMagilla Před 3 lety

      The life of Christ has more 3rd-party evidence than the life of Shakespeare. And Muhammad, apparently.
      All of which is beside the point of what was being talked about in THIS conversation.

  • @brettchristoffel6391
    @brettchristoffel6391 Před 3 lety +15

    No wonder that Muslims are forbidden to question the koran, the Bible has not had that luxury and has been subject to every level of critical studies that there is for over a hundred years. With all the authors being so far north of Mecca it makes sence that the original holy city that they had to face towards when they prayed was Petra. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

    • @farookdinaully8029
      @farookdinaully8029 Před 3 lety +2

      Brett Christoffel
      Let me correct your ignorance Muslims are encouraged to ask questions I know because I studied the Quran and we were always asking questions.But Quran is so perfect and perfectly preserved,it is not a written book and it does not have any authors,a human author,Where as the Bible is so corrupted man over the years have changed the Bible.

    • @sticky1571
      @sticky1571 Před 3 lety +1

      ​@@farookdinaully8029 There is nothing perfect about the Quran, at all. That's an insult to perfect. If the Quran is perfect so is the essay that I wrote in 3rd grade. The Bible has never been changed and that is easily provable with all the manuscript evidence we have, you've been taught many lies my friend, many lies!

    • @farookdinaully8029
      @farookdinaully8029 Před 3 lety

      You wrote "you have been taught many lies my friend,many lies."
      Even as a non Christian I studied the Bible with an open heart ,with respect and to find out the truth for myself. I found out there are many hundreds of denominations holding different opposite views from one another.Each denomination can write their own version of the Bible,there has been so many versions of the Bible in recent years,Bible is corrupted and riddled with inconsistencies.I can give you many examples if you challenge me.

    • @sticky9k
      @sticky9k Před 3 lety

      @@farookdinaully8029 Read my comment again, I said we have tons of manuscript evidence proving without a doubt that the Bible has never been changed. We know what the Bible looked like during ancient times (both Old and New Testament) and guess what? It’s the same one we have today. Same message that Jesus is the divine Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. You don’t like this because it goes against the Quran, but the Quran came 600 years after the Bible so honestly I don’t think you should look at the Bible as if it’s in error, you should look at the Quran and start wondering why does it contradict everything that came before it…
      It’s not as if Muhammad actually knew Jesus or the disciples of Jesus, or the Old Testament prophets. He had absolutely no connection to any of them, yet makes a self claim that he is one of them… quite interesting… especially after Jesus warned of false prophets who would come after him. Jesus being crucified is a historical fact, yet Islam denies it, Islam goes against history.
      And I find it interesting that you would even dare say the Bible has been changed or tampered with, when your own sources say that Qurans were burned, verses went missing, verses were eaten by sheep etc. Yet you still go around claiming the Quran is perfect, there’s no way you truly believe this do you? And let’s not act like there aren’t different types of Muslims who interpret Islam differently and even attack and kill each other every day because they feel like the others aren’t true Muslims. Just throw away all of this, act like it doesn’t exist, and attack Christianity right? I guess…
      According to the Old Testament, the Messiah (who would be God in human flesh - Isaiah 9:6), would come into this world, suffer and die for our sins, and be raised to life again (Isaiah 53). This sure sounds like the New Testament doesn’t it? Sounds exactly like Jesus to me… he came and fulfilled these prophesies perfectly. With that said, there was no need for another prophet to come after Jesus, because he died for our sins once and for all, drawing anyone who believes in him and follows him into an eternal relationship with the one true God.
      “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” - Hebrews 1:1-2. I appreciate you taking the time to read and reply to these messages, but these facts cannot be ignored. If you really value truth, and value the fate of your soul I strongly suggest that you follow the one who loved you enough to suffer a horrific death for all the sins that you’ve ever committed.
      The true God is just, meaning he won’t just sweep sin under the rug as if it never happened, it is evil, therefore it will be punished. We can either accept the loving sacrifice of Jesus, who laid down his own perfect life for the sake of our peace, or we can pay for it by suffering ourselves in hell; I know which one I’m going to choose. We are all unclean before a holy God, and the only way we are purified is through his Son. And what did his Son say? “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” - John 14:6.

    • @farookdinaully8029
      @farookdinaully8029 Před 3 lety

      Bible was revealed first that make sense as Jesus came first before Muhammad p.b.u.t both.
      Quran never said Bible is corrupted but it rather says some people put in verses and claim these verses are from God Almighty.
      The Quran has one version compare to the Bible has different books indicating that many people have contributed later on in its making thus corrupting the original message, men have over years has changed the Bible with additions and deletions,Quran confirms the revelation of the Bible it doesn't confirm its reliability and credibility.
      Bible is a collection of books written by so many unknown authors over hundreds of years,Bible never claims itself to be the word of God, there doesn't exist one single hand written original, we don't even have the first copies of the original we just have copies copies of copies.We don't know anything who wrote the Bible the church ascribed the names of Mark,Mathew,Luke and Luke to texts much later.These texts were not in the Bible originally and they first became authoritative( (approuved by church)late in the 2nd.century AD.
      The Gospels are all written in Greek and there is no indication of any Hebrew originals, which rules out that the authors could be anyone among the followers of Jesus who spoke Aramaic.Both Jesus and his disciples had no education and were illiterates as most of their contemporaries.
      All doctrines of modern Christianity are made by men,the trinity,divine sonship of Jesus,original sin and atonement.

  • @CSAcitizen
    @CSAcitizen Před 2 měsíci +1

    Paul's words are questioned because he loved to tell his story of seeing a vision of Jesus, however, every time he told that story he changed and added to it. And Paul loved having an audience to tell his story to. Those with him saw nor heard anything. They just saw Paul asleep fall off his donkey. If you did that during a police interview, They would automatically know you were lying. TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE. But when something is made up it constantly changes in each telling of it.
    Tree recordings of Paul's story is recorded in the Scriptures. (Needs to be read in the TRANSLATION KJV) where quotes are as they where ;spoken by the person.)
    Paul was never an Apostle = he gave himself that title. Paul was bever one of Jesus' Apostles. He had his own doctrine and it's called THE PAULINE DOCTRINE, Paul never quoted Jesus and he had the gall to changed God's laws ! He did have a few good things he wrote, but he had his own gospel and doctrine that was NOT the gospel of Jesus that Jesus preached. Paul loved to be center stage and have an audience. There are books in the New Testament that he is given credit for that he did NOT write. Some Bibles are recognizing that now.

  • @axch2983
    @axch2983 Před rokem +22

    please get more people to look into Islam and find for themselves the lies within. please encourage this!
    please help Islam spread faster!
    keep up these vids. thanks 👍🏽.

    • @dose143
      @dose143 Před rokem

      Haha yeah, they have no idea, they are just bringing more believers to Islam.

    • @mlg1279
      @mlg1279 Před rokem +9

      Around 19% Arabs no longer believe in i-slam

    • @Boznaniac
      @Boznaniac Před rokem

      All religions are lies.

    • @freyamckenzie5583
      @freyamckenzie5583 Před 9 měsíci

      Muhammad or no Muhammad, God loved and protected Hagar and Ishmael. Muslims now own Egypt, Hagar's home.
      'And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee, Behold I have blessed thee and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly, twelve Princes shall he beget and I will make him a great nation. Genesis 17. Ishmael means,' God hears'. When it comes to, ' Thou shalt not commit idolatry' Muslims obey this best however, you won't find The Ten Commandments in The Koran. When you look at all their beautiful calligraphy and art, you won't find faces. Mind you their dictator type leaders display their own faces all over the place.

    • @lordprotector3367
      @lordprotector3367 Před 9 měsíci

      @@freyamckenzie5583Sammy Hagar?

  • @direktorpresident
    @direktorpresident Před 3 lety +10

    Reviewing some of these comments, where each acolyte spews forth some arbitrary dicta from his Book, is like watching a fight between Popeye and Goofy.

    • @bigwig2659
      @bigwig2659 Před 3 lety +1

      Ikr??? They say stuff like " immaculate conception" lol nect they'll be saying, like, the entire universe was immaculately conceived, like it just appeared out of nowhere?, sure thing guys smh 😜

    • @direktorpresident
      @direktorpresident Před 3 lety

      @@bigwig2659 In the Middle Ages, and even later (eg., good King James, the Bible translator)...they would bring serious Court charges for being a witch. the penalty being burned alive. James burned hundreds of women. Even to acknowledge that it is possible to be a witch blows the whole circus shit show out of the water.

    • @moosman9115
      @moosman9115 Před 3 lety

      Hey @chuck let’s say u r given 2 options. One side tells u worship only one God, your creator and the other side tells you the creator is 3 person in 1 and that one of them is a human being conceived, lived in a womb , delivered and walked the earth and ate, slept, shit prayed to his God??? and then was killed. Even as a fifth grader ( not Hs, college, graduate or post) which one would you choose?

    • @direktorpresident
      @direktorpresident Před 3 lety +1

      @@moosman9115 Neither. I have been given two ridiculous options, and so decline them both. But in the Middle Ages I would have been tortured for it, and perhaps even nowadays too in some backwater hicksville

    • @bigwig2659
      @bigwig2659 Před 3 lety

      @@direktorpresident yes indeed. Science is the new religoon, and if tou question ots doctrine you're gonna feel some heat for sure."What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
      there is nothing new under the sun". Ecclesiastes 1:9

  • @muezamueza2797
    @muezamueza2797 Před měsícem

    Didn’t John of Damascus call Muslims “Saracens” and Muhammad a “false prophet”?
    The biggest earliest critique of Islam is John of Damascus or St. John of Damascus, also called Saint John Damascene, Latin Johannes Damascenus. He was born c. 675, Damascus and died December 4, 749, near Jerusalem (Eastern and Western feast day December 4).
    He spent his early adult life a few decades after the prophet’s death. John of Damascus was born around 40 years after Muhammad’s death, providing him with a unique perspective on the early Islamic community. He lived during the rule of Abdul Malik bin Marwan and perhaps witnessed the construction of the Dome of the Rock.
    In his book The Fountain of Wisdom, in the second part titled Concerning Heresy (Perì eréseon), the last chapter of this part (Chapter 101) deals with the Heresy of the Ishmaelites. He explicitly wrote about Muhammad and Islam as follows:
    “There is also the superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist. They are descended from Ishmael, [who] was born to Abraham of Agar, and for this reason, they are called both Agarenes and Ishmaelites. They are also called Saracens, which is derived from Sarras kenoi, or destitute of Sara, because of what Agar said to the angel: ‘Sara hath sent me away destitute.’ These used to be idolaters and worshiped the morning star and Aphrodite, whom in their own language they called Khabár, which means great. And so down to the time of Heraclius, they were very great idolaters. From that time to the present, a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.”
    On the Catholic Encyclopedia, you can find a short paragraph about John of Damascus concerning Islam and Muhammad:
    “The second part, Concerning Heresy, is little more than a copy of a similar work by Epiphanius, brought up to date by John Damascene. The author indeed expressly disclaims originality except in the chapters devoted to Islamism, Iconoclasm, and Aposchitae. To the list of eighty heresies that constitute the Panarion of Epiphanius, he added twenty heresies that had sprung up since his time. In treating Islamism, he vigorously assails the immoral practices of Mohammed and the corrupt teachings inserted in the Koran to legalize the delinquencies of the prophet.”
    In his book The Fountain of Wisdom, St. John of Damascus called Muslims “Saracens”, “Ishmaelites” and “Agarenes”, although the “Saracens” designation might have been used earlier. All these names were pejorative.
    He lived during Abdul Malik bin Marwan’s rule and perhaps witnessed the construction of the Dome of the Rock, very likely seeing the inscriptions of Muhammad’s name on the Dome of the Rock ambulatory.
    St. John of Damascus specifically called Muhammad by name six times:
    1. “From that time (the reign of Heraclius) to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst.”
    2. “As has been related, this Mohammed wrote many ridiculous books, to each one of which he set a title.”
    3. “Mohammed had a friend named Zeid.”
    4. “This man had a beautiful wife with whom Mohammed fell in love.”
    5. “Once, when they were sitting together, Mohammed said: ‘Oh, by the way…’”
    6. “Mohammed says that the Christ asked God for a table and that it was given Him.”
    It is really funny to see Christian polemicist CZcamsrs deceiving millions of Christians into believing in their theory that Mohammad didn’t exist.
    Jay Smith and his ilk often cite the writings of Josephus and Tacitus, who lived less than a century after Jesus was supposedly crucified, as evidence of Jesus' existence.
    Therefore, the writing of St. John of Damascus, who lived less than a century after Muhammad's death and specifically called Muhammad by name six times, is proof that Muhammad did exist.

  • @jvandervest2578
    @jvandervest2578 Před 3 lety +6

    Stunning and Brave.

  • @venenareligioest410
    @venenareligioest410 Před rokem +12

    "In every man sleeps a prophet, and when it wakes there is a little more evil in the world." - Emile M. Cioran

  • @rodbrown8306
    @rodbrown8306 Před rokem +1

    If you look towards the Roman Church for the origins of Islam, you might find something.

  • @ezridr1234
    @ezridr1234 Před 9 měsíci +5

    Fascinating, I found this searching for historical documentation of existing proof for the Quran.
    I figured if the Bible has scrolls housed in museums that match the Bible surely the Quran has similar ancient writings on scrolls.
    And now I find this, writings that began over 200 years later by people that weren't even there from thousands of miles away, in multiple books it appears.
    Other than my additional curiosity I'd say I'm about finished with my research in my first attempt, wow!
    I'll check on the other videos you say were being produced in this series.
    God bless!

    • @user-he1uh2zg7m
      @user-he1uh2zg7m Před 9 měsíci

      Exactly what the early Roman Catholic Church did to the New Testament.
      Rewrote what they've been pushing and burned as much of the original texts.
      Liars the lot of them.

    • @rswow
      @rswow Před 8 měsíci

      There's one scripture that didn't wait to get written, unlike the scriptures of Islam and Christianity. I was written during the times of the 'Masters'. The original first (and a second) still exists, from which we have printed copies, but sadly a digital copy of the original hand written text hasn't apparently been taken -- would be a tremendous loss to humanity if something were to happen to the original without imaged copies available.
      Who knows what that scripture is?

  • @Siah999
    @Siah999 Před 3 lety +5

    Star-wars intro is so good

  • @capitaldea
    @capitaldea Před 2 měsíci

    For those who don't notice the devil's play, it's this: They omit the oral tradition purposefully by only focusing on written testimony. It seems that for the oral traditions to be valid it has to be in close relation to the Gospels. Outside that bubble it suddenly becomes inaccurate and not noteworthy for consideration.

  • @stevenjohnson-yx1fl
    @stevenjohnson-yx1fl Před rokem +4

    Islam just a scam

  • @dangreene9846
    @dangreene9846 Před 3 lety +4

    The letters of Paul and the Gospels were two different things. The Gospels told of Jesus life . Saul / Paul talked about his conversation to Christ during his journey to Demascus .

    • @neill392
      @neill392 Před 3 lety

      The writers of which were neither eyewitnesses nor claimed to be.

    • @stevemeszaros5132
      @stevemeszaros5132 Před 3 lety

      @@neill392 That is simply incorrect. Mathew and John were companions of Jesus of Nazareth and claimed as much. Paul claimed to have "seen" the risen Lord Jesus(weather you believe it or not).

    • @PCB-dg7pt
      @PCB-dg7pt Před 3 lety

      Absolute Bullshit none of the bible is fact, and is based on beliefs that are not true!!

    • @neill392
      @neill392 Před 3 lety

      @@PCB-dg7pt Not entirely true, there are some historical facts in there, but none of the germaine to the story.

    • @tonation5038
      @tonation5038 Před 3 lety

      Paul/ Sol of Tarsus was probably a usurper responsible for Yeshua's arrest and death by torture. The corruption of Hebrew and Christian rulers and politicians led Arabs to look for another leader I.e. Muhammad.