  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 13

  • @lizzie82191
    @lizzie82191 Před 9 měsíci +2

    I actually started watching Gilmore Girls because Chad Michael Murray was in it 😂 but ended up staying for Dean cause I just thought he was so sweet and genuinely loved Rory. Once Jess came and I found out what happens, it made me not motivated to watch anymore.
    I see so many people praising Jess and how he had the most in common with Rory but I remember Dean literally having some of the same interests as Rory in season 1 and it just seemed like they tried really hard to make Dean seem like he was not on Rory’s level and that she was so bored with him in season 2 & 3 and she really annoyed me the way she treated him that whole time.
    Then as soon as Dean starts dating Lindsay, Rory had the audacity to kinda get jealous and then want him back once he was taken like she really took him for granted when they were together and it broke my heart when Dean admits to Lorelai that Rory likes Jess. It’s clear Jess never put any effort into their relationship and it feels like he liked the chase more than being in an actual relationship with Rory..
    I also thought it was out of character that Dean cheats on Lindsay regardless of how he was still in love with Rory like they really just wanted to ruin his character and Rory also. I just felt bad for Lindsay cause she honestly did nothing wrong.
    I haven’t seen Logan’s part so I can’t really say much about him, but don’t like how in the revival they’re having an affair, further ruining Rory’s character… I get that they were trying to show that Rory is not actually perfect, but I just think they could’ve shown that in a better way then always making her a home wrecker.
    All in all, I think I will always be a Dean girl probably also my bias towards Jared Padalecki cause I love him 😅

    • @sophiaizzy
      @sophiaizzy  Před 9 měsíci +1

      I couldn’t agree more with you!! You summed it up perfectly!!
      I know a lot of people really like Jess & Rory together but I just never got the hype and couldn’t get past how badly he treated her!! Rory definitely did take Dean for granted & then only wanted him again when it was too late!! I also felt so bad for Lindsey because she really didn’t deserve what happened!!
      I also really didn’t like how Rory was repeatedly caught up in affairs and I think they could have shown she wasn’t perfect in a different way too!! I felt like it really didn’t align with her character 😫🫶xx

  • @areeshakhan2021
    @areeshakhan2021 Před 8 měsíci

    If you could pick just one season of Gilmore Girls to watch repeatedly, which one would it be?

  • @areeshakhan2021
    @areeshakhan2021 Před 8 měsíci

    I'm curious, what's your favorite season of Gilmore Girls? Also, which episodes do you love rewatching during the autumn/winter season?

    • @sophiaizzy
      @sophiaizzy  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I actually love the earlier seasons of Gilmore girls!! And I always rewatch the episode from season 4 when Luke and lorelai finally kiss!! It was such a slow burner!!🥰 what is your favourite episode and season?🫶🏻

    • @areeshakhan2021
      @areeshakhan2021 Před 8 měsíci

      @@sophiaizzy That implies your favorite season falls between seasons 1 to 4, capturing the perfect autumn vibe. I think my pick would be season 3 due to its cozy and motivational study atmosphere.

    • @sophiaizzy
      @sophiaizzy  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@areeshakhan2021 I agree!! The earlier seasons are so cosy and relaxing😌🍂✨

  • @Vampjier420
    @Vampjier420 Před 9 měsíci

    I think Emily liking Chris more was the ‘breeding’ argument. He was rich and came from their world. Luke was a normal working class man and she didn’t like that I don’t think.
    While I am not a Dean girl, I do like him. I think he just stuck around a little too long which is why people argue for not liking him as much. He stayed longer than he should have but sometimes we do go back to old friends/loves for comfort so it explains why Rory picked him again when everything in her life was changing with college to have that rock from her home life.

    • @sophiaizzy
      @sophiaizzy  Před 9 měsíci +1

      I completely agree with you!! 😊 I think it would have been nice to see Emily give Luke a bit more of a chance because he was so much better than Christopher in every way🙌🏻
      Dean was definitely Rory’s safety blanket while other things in her life were changing!! So true!!💕

  • @potatoes4lifersxd813
    @potatoes4lifersxd813 Před 9 měsíci

    Okay I just wrote down my own ratings from the characters you talked about, because I have a LOT of differing opinions haha. Were going from least favorite to favorite btw
    I Hate These People With Every Fiber of My Being
    24. Dean - I'm not sorry to say I hated dean as soon as he started showing his toxic, obsessive, gross, cheating self that he is. Main points being the fact that he cheated on his wife, manipulated rory into cheating with him, was wayyyyy too obsessive when he was dating rory and didn't show any boundries, had horrible anger issues, the list goes on. That dude is 6'4" and is absolutely terrifying when he's mad. When he yells at Rory in "There's the Rub" I was genuinely scared for her safety. The guy is a dick, and I will hate him forever.
    23. April and Ana Nardini - I agree with you, april was annoying and ana was basically just a plot device to separate luke and lorelai.
    22. Rory - this is super controversial, but I find her very annoying. I dislike her snobby, superiority complex she develops as the series goes on, and she never learns from her mistakes when regards to cheating and treating people horribly. The girl strung Jess and Dean along in her mind games for the majority of seasons 2 and 3, was an awful girlfriend to both of them, (i mean, who flirts with a guy basically in front of her boyfriends face?? and then when she finally gets with jess she talks bad about him to her mom and friends and doesn't trust him in general) emotionally and physically cheats on dean, fatshames people, steals a yaht, breaks up a marriage, and ends up in ayitl learning absolutely nothing and in an affair with logan. just wow.
    21. Christopher - no difference of opinion there
    The Meh Category
    20. Jackson - yeah, the whole vesectomy thing was a major red flag. wasn't that in season 7 tho? if so, i don't really count that as part of his character, cause season 7 is the worst. Other than that, he's just eh to me.
    19. Max Medina - I think that this guy did not mesh well with Lorelai. Also...proposing in the middle of a fight is not how you solve your problems. That aspect of him annoyed me alot. But he seemed geniune and kind so I'm giving him props for that.
    18. Tristan - he was hot. You don't really see much of his character but I do think he had some genuine potential.
    17. Zach - I mean he wasn't dave but he was funny.
    16. Richard - I find the guy to be great at times but awful other times. So he's kinda in the middle for me personally
    15. Logan - I'm not a team logan girly, sorry. I've only seen the plots with him once, cause I tend to get bored in season 4 when I rewatch the show. The first time I watched it I found him to be kinda annoying. One thing that bothered me was the condescending vibes he gives off when he was talking to people in a lower class than him. But the main thing I disliked abt him was his recklessness. He's never serious, and he literally almost dies cause he's so reckless with his own life. But other than that, he cute. Major flirt, we love to see that.
    The Like Category
    14. Taylor Doose - This guy is so entertaining, and I love his spats with Luke. Also, the poor guy is so unliked, even his family hates him, so he gains my sympathy.
    13. Mrs. Kim - Again, largely hated, but I love her. She's a great comic relief and I love the plot line and development between the relationship between her and Lane. She genuinely tries, and I love her for that.
    12. Michel - Hilarious. Same thoughts as you.
    11. Miss Patty - So funny. If her gender was reversed, she'd be known as the creepy pervert in the town so that raises some red flags from me. But she is great nonetheless.
    10. Lorelai - She's got her problems, and honestly I have a deep love-hate relationship with her. That's why she's not on my main "Love" list. I find her lack of communication skills to be infuriating, and she tends to be very immature, which is understandable considering her circumstances. But she's hilarious, and overall I think she is a good person deep down. (The one thing that differentiates her between rory imo)
    9. Lane - Fully agree with you there.
    I Think I'm in Love
    8. Babbette - she dominates miss patty with that great voice and her obsession of cats.
    7. Sookie - So sweet and bubbly. Her laugh is intoxicating. I love how geniune she is.
    6. Dave - I wish he had more screentime
    5. Luke - His plotline in seasons 2-3 is my favorite in the entire show. He is amazing, although the whole thing about hiding April from Lorelai scoots him down from #1 for me. Also the fact that I mainly watch seasons 1-3 is probably why I rated him as high as I did.
    4. Kirk - I don't understand why you don't like him. He is so funny, and genuine, and honestly a really great guy. I'm so glad he found Lulu, the guy is so sweet I honestly wouldn't mind dating him myself. I love him I love him I love him. Everytime the guy comes on screen I just die laughing. A film by kirk is the best thing to have ever been made.
    3. Emily - Yes, I like her more than Lorelai. Maybe it's due to the fact I love Kelly Bishop so much. But I think that she's great. You love to hate her when she's being awful, but then cry when you see her sad over not knowing Lorelai like she wants to. I just love her so much, she really has a special place in my heart.
    2. Paris - She is so funny, and again has one of the best arcs in the series. Macncheese Paris is my favorite thing in the world, when she sheds her outer crazy layer, she's so sweet and cute. And I love how driven she is. Not to mention a great comic relief, and a very loyal friend.
    1. Jess Mariano - I can see you annoyed reading this to yourself, but he may be my favorite character of all time. I love his arc, and I love everything about him. I love his story, the kid who grew up in an unstable house with a mom who viewed him second to her beaus, only to then be taken in by his uncle and loved and really, truly, cared for for the first time, to losing himself and dropping out of school, to becoming an author and fufilling his dreams. Not to mention the boy is gorgeous, and so funny. Also, about the whole scene in Keg, Max!, we need to take in consideration the context of the situation. Jess just found out he ruined his chances of graduating, meaning that he'd have to leave stars hollow, and therefore lose rory. If you watch that ep the guy looks on the verge of jumping off a cliff, he's that sad. So of course, knowing the fact he's a teenage boy who doesn't know how to love someone properly and doesn't have good coping mechanisms (due to his childhood) he would totally try to hide from his feelings by having sex with rory. it was clear he was not mentally there when rory first showed signs of not wanting to continue, and he did stop, and was going to go apologize for yelling at her before Dean's fist got in the way. So in my book, Jess was totally forgivable in that situation, and I'm not saying that what he did was okay, because it was the opposite of okay. I could go into so many tangets on why I love that man so much, but I don't wanna bore you lol. But I will say that he does end up apologizing to Luke about his bad behavior when he was a teenager, and that I think speaks volumes for the growth and later maturity of his character. #teamjessforlife
    I really want to know what you think of my opinions hehe.

    • @sophiaizzy
      @sophiaizzy  Před 9 měsíci +2

      Hey!! Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my video & I love that you've made your own ranking list too!! 🥰 I always love hearing other peoples opinions because it makes me reconsider my own sometimes!!
      1: I do agree with you that Dean was definitely a flawed character & definitely got WORSE as the seasons went on for sure. I think because I liked his character so much in the early seasons it was one of the reasons why I ranked him fairly high up because he did really do a lot for Rory😊 but you are right, he handled situations badly too!!
      2: I do also agree with you on many of your Rory points!! She really did have a superiority complex and I honestly HATED how she was normalising cheating. I particularly hated when she was dancing with Dean and staring at Jess the whole time in the Dance episode. She definitely had a lot of flaws.
      3: I find it interesting that you loved Mrs Kim!! It was definitely nice to see her become more lenient towards Lane as the seasons went on & I do think her character progression was one of the best on the show tbh😊
      4: You've summed it up perfectly about Lorelai!! Her lack of ability to communicate was very frustrating to watch at times
      5: I was also happy when Kirk found Lulu and I did enjoy that story line tbf, I think overall I just found that he was constantly in peoples faces toooo much and that if I had someone like that in my life I would feel suffocated 😂
      6: hahaha you knew I'd disagree with Jess being at the top of your list😊 I do get your points about him and you've explained them in such a way that it has made me see him in a slightly better light because you've taken the time to think about WHY he behaved the way that he did😊 I definitely still don't like him as a love match for Rory and I have always said I felt like they could have just been better as friends & had a great long lasting friendship, but it was really interesting to hear the other side!!
      Thank you so much again for commenting & I really enjoyed reading your points of view🥰x

  • @calvinliu6304
    @calvinliu6304 Před 9 měsíci
