Turun Cakap by Nick Mikhail - Episode 1 (Aliff Aziz)

  • čas přidán 14. 02. 2020
  • Turun Cakap by Nick Mikhail with guest Aliff Aziz on Episode 1.

Komentáře • 259

  • @theamiratul
    @theamiratul Před 2 lety +10

    2021. Saya tengok video ni sampai habis sebab saya stalk semua tentang alif ❤ doakan yg terbaik buat dia. Semoga istiqamah 🕊🔥

  • @senimanjalanan2295
    @senimanjalanan2295 Před 4 lety +27

    Dugaan yg Alif terima ini ada la kerana Allah swt syg dia..Allah senantiasa syg Alif .Kita seharus nye terus mendoakan Alif.Hidayah itu milik Allah.

  • @halimtaufik2249
    @halimtaufik2249 Před 3 lety +8

    Siapa pun Kita, gelap atau terang kehidupan itu,
    Kuatkanlah CINTA pada Allah.🐯🇲🇾

  • @fizzodizzo5999
    @fizzodizzo5999 Před 4 lety +14

    Tkde sape perlu dipersalahkan dari diri sndri. Bebual panjang lebar pon tk gune. Nk yg terbaik buat yg terbaik. Bile da dapat baik jage dgn baik.. aku wish kau all d best aliff.

  • @muhammadrazif6560
    @muhammadrazif6560 Před 4 lety +48

    I’m not a fan of aliff aziz but I don’t want our celebrities to fall . After watching this ep I am glad that u have made a platform for him to luah kan fikiran. I hope he gets better. Siapa yg minat aliff doakan dia. Sape2 yg tak ,do ur own business.

  • @joritajoey8688
    @joritajoey8688 Před 4 lety +14

    what a great supporter(Nick Mikhail). it worth it watching this conversation with Aliff. wish you both the best of luck.

  • @sitihazar385
    @sitihazar385 Před 4 lety +12

    Jangan putus asa...Saya tunggu anda yang baru, yg lbh baik dan yg lbh hebat...dan saya sangat yakin anda mampu mengharunginya...Allah sayang anda . Teruskan perjalanan anda dgn pilihan yg lbh tepat

  • @shaalee2027
    @shaalee2027 Před 2 lety +7

    Guys, I'm surprised at how eloquent and beautiful the way these 2 guys speak to each other. They are somewhat strangers yet they've got huge hearts especially nick. I'm very touched eventho I don't quite follow celebrity stories. Tbh not sure why I was pulled to listen to this video. But love the convo.

  • @JAisha-wy4qt
    @JAisha-wy4qt Před 4 lety +11

    Dear Aliff your unique and famous with ur voice and songs!! continue what u love and persevere all the way

  • @nasyababa
    @nasyababa Před 4 lety +40

    Semoga aliff Dan kite semua diberi hidayah terus menerus. Aliff masih Muda baru Kenal dunia. Lelaki kan lambat matang dari perempuan. Beri die mase sentiasa berdoa yng baik2. In shaa allah he will change.

  • @shaafarel
    @shaafarel Před 4 lety +30

    Very wise words and advices here abg nick . Not only for Aliff , but its for the rest of us too . Tk kire untuk lelaki or pompuan . Thank you .

  • @nazihahyaccub7397
    @nazihahyaccub7397 Před 2 lety +5

    Alhamdulillah watching this on 05/12/2021 n aliff skrg telah kotakan jd n being best version of himself ..moga terus istiqamah

  • @unguviolet6737
    @unguviolet6737 Před 4 lety +17

    moga ALLAH swt buka kan pintu hati aliff untuk jadi org yg lebih baik,muslim yg baik..doakan yg baik2 utk sesama islam kite.kite dh x mau sebangsa seagama kite makin hilang arah makin x baik..doakan yg baik2 utk seorang aliff aziz utk life dia

  • @anonymousmen3260
    @anonymousmen3260 Před 4 lety +16

    Jahat kita tk perlu dgn kecoh
    Sebaik baik kita tk perlu ditayang
    Sesaat apa yg terjadi akan tetap kukoh
    Barulah manusia mengenali erti kasih sayang

  • @roslanbinahmadahmad8294
    @roslanbinahmadahmad8294 Před 4 lety +19

    Be strong Aliff,bounce back and prove to pple wrong.selagi masih bernafas,selagi tu ada peluang.dont bother abt those who criticise u.

  • @suriarahmat205
    @suriarahmat205 Před 4 lety +13

    Kita sume Ade masalah masing2..semoga Allah permudahkn sume utk Aliff Aziz..

  • @LG-em3fq
    @LG-em3fq Před 4 lety +18

    Alif aziz berbakat besar, boleh nyanyi dan berlakon..semoga dia dpt mulakan hidup yg baru tabah dlm menghadapi liku2 hidup ini, jadikan satu semangat untuk maju...Amiin...

  • @mantrasutra67
    @mantrasutra67 Před 4 lety +15

    0:04 Turun Cakap
    4:39 Part 1 with Alif Aziz
    32:15 Property Advice with Propnex Agent Azhar Sulaiman
    36:26 Part 2 with Alif Aziz
    1:07:01 Close up
    Family is Important.
    Hargailah Nikmat Yg Dipinjamkan.

  • @emilamir2592
    @emilamir2592 Před 4 lety +15

    All the best Aliff, only God can judge you for what you did. Will always pray that you are back in industry again. And for Nick, I hope a future episode you’ll interview another singer, Awi Rafael.

  • @HQR000
    @HQR000 Před 4 lety +7

    You both should look up mutah beale (napolean) from outlawz. Dulu dia rapper under tupac punya group in the 90s. He also lived gang life mak bapak kena murder masa kecik.. life huru hara lebih rabak dari all of you cos you know america la... but alhamdullilah in the early 2000s he masuk islam and changed his life slowly for the better. Then he became a motivational speaker then moved to saudi untuk bukak business. I feel like both of you - nick especially would be able to relate to his story. Look him up srs, you wont regret.

  • @firdaushaji2638
    @firdaushaji2638 Před 4 lety +15

    The most central and pivotal fundamental is focusing our relation with Allah. In other words, our aim is to develop the personalities of ourself and our children to the end that we all will be conscious of our responsibility to Allah. And through which everything will only fall in place. As a Muslim, there is no other better way of solving any kind of issue without addressing it in relation by putting Prophet Muhammad as our role model.

  • @ibunurnoranimamadarling9816

    Inna Lillahi Wainna Illahi Raji'uun.
    Aliff..... So happy to hear ur words. U are So Lucky coz PENDOA MUSTAJAB mu is still around. Bahagiakan Ummi U ..... Allah AKan Membahagiakan Diri Mu.
    DOA Beliau Allah akan Ijabah. Ur dad and siblings and Us BELIEVE IT you.
    IBU Ikut doakan Yang TERBAIK buat Aliff. Semuga Aliff Menjadi Anak Yang Soleh Dan Kebanggan buat Ummi & Ayah Serta keluarga , Ayah Yang Hebat Dan Semuga Aliff, Bella & Putra BERSATU KEMBALI.
    Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin.
    Stay Tall & Be Strong.💞

  • @sitinurliyana7095
    @sitinurliyana7095 Před 4 lety +7

    May Allah s.w.t permudahkan segale urusan and bless your family Aliff. ☝️

  • @rmpentertainmentofficial
    @rmpentertainmentofficial Před 4 lety +136

    Actually Aliff Aziz problem is really simple to solve, Just Don't have any friends right now, remove it all. His current circle of friends is not that good based on what we see. NO MORE Close friends, just make acquaintance friends if he needs to. Just spend more time and mix around more his family, bella and son. All the best :)

    • @MuhammadFaizFilms
      @MuhammadFaizFilms Před 4 lety +7

      Good supportive comment, Unlike other negative useless anjings. 👍👍

    • @MuhammadAbdullah-zy3ml
      @MuhammadAbdullah-zy3ml Před 4 lety +7

      OR he could actually surround himself by people who are of positive influence? It's time we as humans do a U-turn and prepare to face our maker.

    • @falishadiyboyot7051
      @falishadiyboyot7051 Před 4 lety +2

      Dia makan bijik epa. banyak sangat tu psl jdi gini..

    • @lipatbaju382
      @lipatbaju382 Před 4 lety +2

      Falisha Diyboyot bijik pelir kot..

    • @mustirasa
      @mustirasa Před 4 lety +1

      Yup ; bg cth pnyanyi dewa ari lasso masa dia down pasal dadah org sekeliling membantu dia smpai jd bjaya smp skrg

  • @kir6ni
    @kir6ni Před 4 lety +8

    The thing is Aliff slh cri kwn..Kdg2 kite bleh terikut2 perangai bruk "kwn" kite.. InsyaAllah die bleh berubah..Kite doa bnde baik2 je la ☺️

  • @awangmajid2359
    @awangmajid2359 Před 4 lety +3

    Cantik bro nick gd show.
    For Alif be positive thinking and self confidence semoga bright side wait ahead.

  • @nrfrhnpatt5485
    @nrfrhnpatt5485 Před 4 lety +3

    All the best Alif. Please dont waste your talent. You are such a GREAT SINGER & ACTOR. May this ujian makes you a better & stronger person. I wish you the best in life and career dunia akhirat. Love from BRUNEI ❤ Thank you Aliff Aziz.
    Oh anyway. Just finished watching Meh sandar pada aku & meh sandar lgi. 😂😍

  • @nureeni.a221
    @nureeni.a221 Před 4 lety +5

    Thank you both for this really.

  • @ezshammohamed2388
    @ezshammohamed2388 Před 4 lety +21

    Semoga kedua2 nya mendapat hidayah....

  • @moopypooh
    @moopypooh Před 4 lety +12

    May allah guide us all. Ameen

  • @achikwhite4904
    @achikwhite4904 Před 4 lety +11

    Nick mikhail have been very supportive . Salute bro
    Aliff aziz , may u success again bro . All the best to you

  • @zakhus6631
    @zakhus6631 Před 4 lety +14

    May allah permudahkan niat alif. Hujung pangkal diri sendiri. Insyaallah.

  • @ruslanhamid1606
    @ruslanhamid1606 Před 4 lety +1

    Bro I'm so happy watching yr new act @Turun cakap, 2 tumbs up. Keeping up. Do your thing right, everything else will follow"... Reach out. Looking forward yr next episode Turun cakap..

  • @JAisha-wy4qt
    @JAisha-wy4qt Před 4 lety +3

    I love u abg nick!! 😘

  • @SunRui
    @SunRui Před 4 lety +1

    Alif Azia. Idolaku dari 2007 waktu aku masih tinggal di Thomson Road Singapore.

  • @weenmokhtar5156
    @weenmokhtar5156 Před 4 lety +3

    Its not too late to change things @AliffAziz. Do right as TIME is given. TIME is not ours so use it smartly. Bella is such a wonderful wife take good care of her and your child... Step up, Be A Man... 💕🇲🇾 In Shaa Allah, Allah will guide whom HE wills.

  • @saifshaik2509
    @saifshaik2509 Před 4 lety +1

    bro Aliff, i still listen to your songs till today man.. especially Cinta Arjuna

  • @muzzpanzer5203
    @muzzpanzer5203 Před 4 lety +2

    The only way u nk brubah yg pertama,ialah cari jalan & keredhaan Allah SWT..kedua,jauhi teman2 yg hanye merosakkan kehidupan kau..mereka ini tiada manfaat dlam ape jua msalah yg kau hadapi..ketiga,kembali kan keyakinan umum trhadap kau yg kau seikhlasnye ingin berubah & mngubah persepsi ini..ia bkan mudah tpi tk brmkna ia tdak mustahil untuk kau lalui...In-Sha-Allah bro,dgan kita briman pada Allah SWT,segalanye akan dipermudahkan..

  • @DazzlingDaz76
    @DazzlingDaz76 Před 4 lety +6

    This program will become the next Begitu Begini. 👍

  • @rolandsjohn6468
    @rolandsjohn6468 Před 4 lety +3

    Style gila 🔥✨❤️

  • @unclemazz7357
    @unclemazz7357 Před 4 lety +2

    Baekkk ahh bro Nick Mikhail!

  • @hannyrahamat2715
    @hannyrahamat2715 Před 4 lety +13

    Terbaek bro Nick👍👍Membantu sahabat Muslim..Aamiin🤲

  • @mfadzlidawood
    @mfadzlidawood Před 4 lety +6

    Baik Bro.. The legend.. Well said

  • @fikrihalim4092
    @fikrihalim4092 Před 4 lety

    Saya doakan aliff aziz berubah menjadi lebih baik because theree still many fans yang support you bro anf please guys just positive word amin

  • @sradderkzrnn
    @sradderkzrnn Před 4 lety +4

    gunakan naluri lihat wajah anda , what you want to be .
    saya doakan yg terbaik aliff ..
    Nik terbaik buat programme ini . all the best may allah be wt us always aamiin

    @SHALEHANASMR Před 4 lety +1

    Power lahhh nik

  • @shahrizal3656
    @shahrizal3656 Před 4 lety +15

    Count yourself lucky to have sucha friend/brother like nick who always sees the positive in you even in situations you are in right now. Kawan dunia akhirat who always have your back.

  • @remynoor9477
    @remynoor9477 Před 4 lety +12

    Salam semua.... Alhamdullilah nick buat show mcm ni baek bagi pendekatan terhadap individu yg bermasalah.Perihal Aliff ni,hanya dia saja yg merasa dan bole menyelesaikannya.Kita tak bole mengutuk tau menghina Aliff,sebaliknya mendoakan agar Allah swt permudahkan segala urusan dia.Nasihat tuk Aliff,jauhila kwn yg negative kerna Kita da runsing dan pemikiran tak stable,bole mendatangkan lagi banyak masalah.Jauhila benda2 yg haram stay focus and look forward to reclaimed back yr happiness like before.

  • @djanggo73
    @djanggo73 Před 4 lety +14

    Bercampur dengan kawan2 yg streetsmart even though tak highly educated you will slightly be streetsmart.... sama jugak campur dengan geng2 step degil jahat bodoh dengan takde wawasan kita sikit2 pun akan jadi gitu.....so choose your friends wisely..... certain friends kita peh setakat hi bye jer and certain friends kita leh simpan dan rapat.......

  • @tengkuaman9370
    @tengkuaman9370 Před 4 lety +2

    Satu aje aku nak pesan pada diri aku dan semua dlm turun ckp ni, tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib kita, kita yg harus mengubah nasib kita. That the bottom line. Janji jatuh mau bangun itu important.Biasa lah kita semua manusia,human bounced to make mistakes.

  • @ahnfarhan1986
    @ahnfarhan1986 Před 4 lety +1


  • @adnansteady1259
    @adnansteady1259 Před 4 lety +10

    Take care aliff...u hv choices.choose the right one

  • @prap_prupsempoiheartrecord5271

    Semua umat yg digelar dengan gelaran manusia,tak akan ada antara kita yg tak pernah melakukan kesilapan walau sebesar zarah sekalipun...kita perbetul kan diri dgn kesilapan yg dah kita sendiri lakukan...jadi kn kesilapan tu sebagai tauladan kpd kita...andai kita diuji,jgn la kita menyalahkan Allah dgn menganggap Allah saja ingin menyusahkan kita..sebalik nya kita bertanyakan pd diri kita sendiri...dimana kita,dimana rasa bersyukur dgn berterima kasih kita pada Allah swt saat Allah memberi kita kemewahan dan kesenangan...Allah uji kita dgn masalah,kerana Allah mahu lihat siapa yg kita cari sewaktu kita ditimpa bala...dan bersyukur la sebab kita diuji kerana Allah masih syg kn kita..Dia x mahu kita semakin lalai dan jauh kn diri dari die....sekadar renungan utk aku dgn sesama kita....

  • @Joehaidi
    @Joehaidi Před 4 lety +4

    Aliff, you can do it. You can. Just need to focus more on the wrong doings that u need to leave that behind and look forward. Focus. It's not easy but I believe u r strong enough to pull yourself through. Bismillah.

  • @roslinahbashirkan
    @roslinahbashirkan Před 4 lety

    The word is Bersyukur..Banyak kelebihan yg Allah swt beri tapi jika tak bersyukur..kita akan hanyut dan lalai ..

  • @mohamadshahaimimdsharif4591

    It's very good episode. Good advice from experience. I believe Aliff can bounce back to be a better person. From his experiences in life...he should know better. I hope and pray for the best of Aliff in near future. Don't lose hope and keep on trying to improve life. Love u bro.

  • @hajarsamsuri2463
    @hajarsamsuri2463 Před 4 lety +1

    Semoga dimudahkan urusan in sha Allah

  • @adelya1271
    @adelya1271 Před 4 lety +16

    may Allah ease everything for you Aliff. everyone makes mistakes, it’s okay. I’m sure the Almighty has plans for you.

  • @aqidah9541
    @aqidah9541 Před 4 lety +1

    Come on aliff u can, tak payah la campur dgn org2 yang leak the viral video. Walau pon i can't support u much but i will doa for u for the best bro.

  • @ainkr6338
    @ainkr6338 Před 4 lety +2

    very good talk 🙏🏻👍🏻 keep it up!

  • @iffahumairah1859
    @iffahumairah1859 Před 4 lety +18

    Wah i swear man these keyboard warriors really gotta go -.- before u judge someone, judge urself first. R u tht perfect to judge someone else? Let him be. But if u r still stubborn, oh wells like what he said, he is okay with it if u wanna donate to him ur good deeds :)

  • @hasnahhassan7773
    @hasnahhassan7773 Před 2 lety

    Wow loved tis vid

  • @saravannan4407
    @saravannan4407 Před 4 lety +6

    It was a great episode. I am not hoping you to go in Aliff.But when you are in brother you will really change a lot. I hope you will recover fast from this. Make your family proud again. I believe in you & I know it takes time to rise. Be like the turtle slow and steady rise to fame 👍
    Nick it was a good idea of you bringing Aliff to the show. Thank you very much 👍
    Thank you to the sponsors 👍

  • @pekinibrahim
    @pekinibrahim Před 4 lety

    steady bro wa

  • @Mysticaltouch78
    @Mysticaltouch78 Před 4 lety +5

    31:00mins Cari la seseorang yang ada penawar.
    Sebelum mula mencari, bermula dengan memohon pada Allah swt.
    InSyaAllah akan bertemu nya dikau dengan orang yang ada penawar.
    Orang yang ada penawar itu dapat menghidupkan seseorang yang hati nya sudah lama mati.
    Yang kau sedang cari bukan maklumat,
    Tetapi yang sedang kau cari adalah penawar yang dapat membekal kan diri mu ke arah yang benar.
    BerUzlah lah kamu hingga sampai kemana yang harus diarah...

  • @fahmimustaffa3707
    @fahmimustaffa3707 Před 3 lety

    Kita bole campur dgn semua org.Tpi diri sendiri nak kena STEADY! Firm.Kalau kita STEADY, mana2 kita pergi tak akan GOYANG.Sholat!insyallah hati akan tenang dan mintak Jalan yg lurus

  • @kitfisto1924
    @kitfisto1924 Před 4 lety

    Baik ah Nick

  • @aminmandey7828
    @aminmandey7828 Před 4 lety +3

    correct me if i am wrong, biler alif buat silap and kene viral, alif tk rasa ape ape because he already has a mindset pasal ni donations. kalau orng kutuk, he get pahala on his ends. thats wrong bro. ur status effect ur family. its not about orng kutok kau and tk mintak maaf and kau dapat tu donation box. what if kau tk sempat nk mintak maaf to those kau da hurt bro. like ur family and son. Nick is giving good examples and points to alif, but seems like Alif never really see or understand fully what Nick is trying to tell. he just absorbs wat he wanna absorb.
    its a gd episode Nick. good job, cuma krusi mcm tk comfortable dudok. hehe. korang dua da tinngi, krusi pendek. maybe nak use 2 chairs so leher korang tk sakit tngk each other. at least 2 chairs can sit slanted nicely. by the way, Great Works!

  • @ianblasta2317
    @ianblasta2317 Před 4 lety +1

    You almost got the answer bros.Retun back to Him.Have strong faith.Its easy to say,yes.Beautiful people comes around you.Inshaallah...yr heart...will be cleanse & slowly but surely,it’ll turn good bros.Believe!

  • @ozzyul060774
    @ozzyul060774 Před 4 lety

    I hope u have better future.. My only advice simple.. Jgn tinggal kan solat.. As we know solat tu tiang.. If tiang rapuh semua structure in life rapuh.. Insya Allah ur life will be better..

  • @rayvatosloco
    @rayvatosloco Před 4 lety +1

    citer camni baru baek...real deal... hope more content baek2 lepas ni....kasi subscribe ar.....all the best bro

  • @noorhayatiyati6420
    @noorhayatiyati6420 Před 4 lety +4

    Maybe abg Nick boleh bagi Aliff nasehat dan pdpt yg baik.
    Kite org melayu tk kire lh artis k penyanyi k atau org biasa perlu kn teman untuk bbual.
    Nick is a resposibilitie guy hrp bolh dpt bantu Aliff,siape yg kutuk k benci siape kite nk bnci Aliff.
    Kite manusia semua buat silap.

  • @ZNZeli
    @ZNZeli Před 4 lety

    Husnozon guys..Ingat yang baik ajer..Everyone makes mistake.Jangan kecam Aliff, fitnah itu lagi dasyat kalau kita kurang pasti..We all been young and naive, dark side of our life, doesnt meant its over...

  • @qaiyumzulkefly342
    @qaiyumzulkefly342 Před 4 lety +7

    Keep going brother. We know you can. Aku pernah jumpa aliff aziz ni memang good looking. All the best brother

  • @ahnodi3450
    @ahnodi3450 Před 4 lety +3

    Salam.. nice program! Looking forward for the upcomings

  • @elraisuli6927
    @elraisuli6927 Před 4 lety +1

    if you cant change for yourself, you cant change for others. man up and focus on your goals. dont think being a "gangster" and being in a limelight makes you invincible.. Allah is telling you something.. self-reflect and be on the right path..

  • @faly7348
    @faly7348 Před rokem +1

    Bang why tk continue with the podcast?

  • @baningchannel
    @baningchannel Před 3 lety +1

    My Favorite Song

  • @aidamistawati7747
    @aidamistawati7747 Před 4 lety +6

    Hope Aliff menjadi lebih baik✨

  • @azharlionsxll9181
    @azharlionsxll9181 Před 4 lety

    Is very simple just throw all the bad take a good thing and move on bro. Insyaallah benda yang baik akan datang what you fill boths of your parents is not around seen you born in the world you never see how fill it .

  • @camelesdiaz5864
    @camelesdiaz5864 Před 4 lety

  • @mrshahrulizwan
    @mrshahrulizwan Před 4 lety +1

    A piece of advice Bro Aliff.. Pilih kawan yg betol.. Aku rase kawan yg kau campor tu smuer wrong ah.. Mix ard with ppl with positive attitudes and u will also be positive.. Hope u will turn over a new leaf upon ur release.. Mke full use of ur time in there.. Tk suro kau klua jadi alim ulama ke tabligh bro, just be a better person.. Not just for u, but for the ppl ard u and ur loved ones.. All the best..

  • @saznable4833
    @saznable4833 Před 4 lety +74

    Dari time skola kau sia suay. Zip sudah boi.

    • @razorzk4025
      @razorzk4025 Před 4 lety

      Ni pon masih xia suey lol 🤯🤯🤯🤯

    • @razorzk4025
      @razorzk4025 Před 4 lety +1

      @@dvniall tak ah kau nk sound org pon check sikit pe yg kau nk sampaikan tkmo typo sini sana walaupun dah edited 🤭🤭 buat malu je bro, baik kau yg zip je suah boi 🤫🤐

    • @lipatbaju382
      @lipatbaju382 Před 4 lety +2

      Razor ZK dia nye susun ayat mcm kalam kabut si danial ni....sampai menggigil aku rasa.....steady lah warrior....🤣

    • @razorzk4025
      @razorzk4025 Před 4 lety

      @@lipatbaju382 AHAHAHAH KANN

    • @lipatbaju382
      @lipatbaju382 Před 4 lety +1

      Razor ZK haha.sama cetak ngan abg aliff aziz agaknye...steady champ...jgn pressure sangat...setakat type je pun...🤣🤣🤣

  • @IstiZul
    @IstiZul Před 4 lety

    Solat jgn tinggal..

  • @fahmimustaffa3707
    @fahmimustaffa3707 Před 3 lety

    The solution.Pray 5 days..Mintak Hidayah

  • @mlydevil
    @mlydevil Před 4 lety +4

    Nak ketawa pun ade. Ape pun semoga Allah beri hidayah.

  • @surianilisa3624
    @surianilisa3624 Před 4 lety +1

    no matter what happend its a choice cant blame kawan or sesiapa

    • @krispykroke
      @krispykroke Před 4 lety +1

      people can influence and get influenced dude

  • @eddieukkasyah
    @eddieukkasyah Před 3 lety

    @Jalan Cerita Podcast on Spotify

  • @ainnrosli8690
    @ainnrosli8690 Před 4 lety +1


  • @baharomkamin654
    @baharomkamin654 Před 4 lety +4

    Believe me. This will be the only video this dude be doing.

    • @Sarahmy24
      @Sarahmy24 Před 4 lety +4

      Atleast die buat video .. kau buat ape ? Duit ade ? youtube jela bodo kau ade ..

  • @pharedshakur
    @pharedshakur Před 4 lety

    In life its all about choice bro that appear infront of us. Which path we would take coz it will become our past. The different is good or bad. At 1st u had a choice actually.

  • @toprockersg
    @toprockersg Před 4 lety +2

    Sikit hari olg podcast dh cover story diekni. Maseh Sengal jugak diekni ingat dh berubah 🤭

    • @flixrhafyz439
      @flixrhafyz439 Před 4 lety

      Podcast OKLG bagus clear dia bebual.. Ni sound tak berapa clear pasal banyak bebual kon€k

  • @taetaebooboo
    @taetaebooboo Před 4 lety +2

    the moment he threw all of his innocence down the drain,that was the moment he ‘killed himself’,nothing much can be said just all the best to him

  • @Is-ld4fq
    @Is-ld4fq Před 4 lety +1

    Be a good listener Aliff.Then you got a picture.You hv gone tru everything bad to worst.So by now you know who is ur sorrunding..kick the muds off you start helping urself again.Cari teman yg bolih membantu and there for you.IBU,AYAH ANAK kesian.Semua org buat silap..akhirnya kembalilah pd Maha pencipta.Avoid toxic..it keep you to nowhere.

  • @ladyrain4725
    @ladyrain4725 Před 4 lety +8

    U're a smart guy aliff. Part yg u ckp nik is suffering because of his loss, itu takdir. But you are suffering because of your own doing, u have a choice which u normally chose wrong. That is one brainy thought, man..
    Which boils down to.. aliff, u can think. U are not a dumb wrong-doer. U have the capacity, u have the wisdom. Think well and execute whats best. Good luck.

  • @haizaljumaat1179
    @haizaljumaat1179 Před 4 lety


  • @xxgingerxx1755
    @xxgingerxx1755 Před 4 lety +2

    Yes you can ur journey still long way to go.

  • @rafidharmax8202
    @rafidharmax8202 Před 2 lety


  • @eqiireezqii3828
    @eqiireezqii3828 Před 4 lety +1

    Baekk nick

  • @coyi8650
    @coyi8650 Před 4 lety +7

    Lip simple bro just a piece of advice better siam dr org2 yg suka record or malukan kau lip. Siamlah dr brothers2 ke bloods ke apa. Bkn ckp drg tak bagos. Boleh campo tp hi bye tkcr see u again. Kau da ada anak umur makin meningkat da bkn time nak duduk2 chil2 lagi. Bole campo tp biarlah activity baik like sports ke, masjid ke and etc. That's the only way kau bole siam dari semua ni. Kau pun da besar jgn senang terpengaruh bro. Tk org tk kita. Dulu aku YP pun mcm kau but take it as tauladan so u wont do it again. Kau susah tk semua ada kat kau malah kena kekek bahan kekek. Apa pun kau nak buat skg tatap muka mak kau bapak kau anak kau adik2 kau n fans kau. Just siam lip