Stupid In America Documentary Part 3.flv

  • čas přidán 16. 04. 2012

Komentáře • 114

  • @leavesofdecember
    @leavesofdecember Před 9 lety +16

    ''if you spent 5 yrs at Berkeley and come to me to teach you again, how to teach, you should ask for a refund from Berkeley'' hahahahha, simply genius !

    • @Andronicus87
      @Andronicus87 Před 6 lety

      Berkeley is horrible these days a bunch of coddled people being brainwashed by a bunch of coddled baby boomer hippies. All just just circle jerking around and when someone with a different way of thinking comes along they all freak out

  • @quint-major2763
    @quint-major2763 Před 9 lety +17

    As a teacher, burn out comes from principals and the system. When principals don't deal with ill behaved students, it causes a popcorn effect. More students misbehave, teachers check out and those who complain get pushed out.
    In this day of information, you don't even need books. I refuse to teach without a laptop, projector, speakers and xerox copies. How-to-copies, practice sheets, stated technology and an engaged classroom (free of the worst behaved students-that is what detention centers are for) is all you need. Money is so not the problem.
    With all the online videos, (Khan Academy, Bozeman Science, etc) teacher do not need to give out cell phone numbers. That could be a slippery slop for pedophiles, unfortunately. Parents don't go for this. Email is a protection for all involved. We need our breaks. Dealing with children all day is draining. Think of your children and multiply that by 30. Our day does not end at 3:00pm (grading and planning).
    Believe me, when I tell you most teachers are frustrated too. My first assignment was in Philadelphia and complaining brought me a lot of heat. I have worked at lower paying charters every since. Piece of mind is worth the pay cut.
    If I have typos. Call me on it. I always encourage my students to and reward them for it.

    • @quint-major2763
      @quint-major2763 Před 9 lety +2

      ***** Awesome!!!! My son completing high school online, just for the credits. He is learning so much more this way. Way to take charge of your future.

    • @jeffreyfinch8609
      @jeffreyfinch8609 Před 6 lety

      It seems like burnout could be a, "HUGE", (no pun intended, when it comes to Trump), problem/issue. What if a teacher is having a personal problem, a crises, or even a health scare, or something more serious . . . That's what I wonder . . . There's so much I'm not saying, but it's a part of life. Competition is good, but we shouldn't worship competition as this program, and the guy seems to gravitate towards. There's so much to say. No polarization, let's look at the middle ground, and see what we can come up with.

  • @gwgux
    @gwgux Před 8 lety +4

    Good series. Thanks for posting it. This is the kind of information that really needs to get out to everyone.

    • @cedrikthibert6395
      @cedrikthibert6395 Před 8 lety +1

      +gwgux Sadly, some stupid brainwashed partizan freak nut jubs won't watch it because it's written FOX on the bottom left.
      I don't want to look at it because it's Conservative.. can't believe I am hearing such bullshit.
      If they are to judge something, they might want ot see it first?

    • @gwgux
      @gwgux Před 8 lety +1

      That would require a rational and logical way of thinking. :P
      I get where people are coming from when it comes to FOX to a point because FOX really is a terrible news source. They don't always give all the facts and then they go off on useless commentary without giving viewers the benefit of the whole story.
      However, they do occasionally get it right (like in this case) which is why FOX can't be automatically tossed aside either.

  • @paolaalexandra483
    @paolaalexandra483 Před 6 lety

    Thank you for making this documentary!

  • @cedrikthibert6395
    @cedrikthibert6395 Před 8 lety +3

    I don't care if the Unions are pissed, the most important thing is that the students are learning.
    They shouldn't complain they are treated harshly, they get $100,000 US a year, that's far from being cheap labor...

    • @jeffreyfinch8609
      @jeffreyfinch8609 Před 6 lety

      Teachers are NOT paid that much a year. I don't care where you go in the US . . . the VAST, VAST majority of people that are teachers are NOT paid this much. I want references, with provable facts, where teachers are paid this much.

  • @stopinsanity9467
    @stopinsanity9467 Před 8 lety +4

    Albania ?!! There is normal to speak 2-3 foreign languages. Smarter than the average American.

  • @googlemailbox615
    @googlemailbox615 Před 8 lety +5

    Albania Literacy Rate is 98%....

  • @beaniegreen4849
    @beaniegreen4849 Před 8 lety +2

    Many of the "successful" charter schools (not disciplinary schools) in my prior area did not accept students in special education or students with severe behavior problems. Their student bodies were successful as a result - so much they refuse to tell.

  • @ihalloway
    @ihalloway Před 9 lety

    love these series :) it does present a problem with solution and leftover ignorance behind it !

  • @jiffylube2636
    @jiffylube2636 Před 6 lety

    Is anyone else angry that Betsy Devos is the secretary of education? These billionaires should NOT be the head of the public education system! They have no idea or even care what goes on in public schools! They wouldn’t send their kids to public schools! Devos even admitted to not visiting underperforming schools! How the hell is she supposed to fix anything?

  • @gordonthomson1427
    @gordonthomson1427 Před 7 lety +3

    I'm Australian and I met many Americans in Vietnam.
    I have only 9 years schooling but I have always been an avid reader.
    I was absolutely amazed at the ignorance of the average GI compared to the average Australian soldier, and this was 50 years ago.
    It seems, from what I see on the internet, America has slid even further into the mire of stupidity .
    i don't take anything on Fox too seriously, but in this case ,Stossel makes a convincing argument.
    It's obviously in the interest of the oligarchy to keep the masses as ignorant as possible to prevent them being able to think critically.
    But I am hoping Bernie Sanders has done enough to inspire Americans to vote for a government for the people, and against the crooks you have running things now.
    Take back your country from the corporations.
    Regardless of what your stupid Supreme Court says, corporations are NOT people.

    • @seinundzeiten
      @seinundzeiten Před 7 lety

      Khan academy makes the same claim you must take 'agency' over your own learning.....self-motivated avid readers can go a long way...

    • @lupusdeum3894
      @lupusdeum3894 Před 6 lety

      Gordon Thomson - Wait! YOU an Aussie volunteered to go to Vietnam and you're saying a bunch of non-deferable Seppo draftees were stupid?? I think you get a Fail on that conclusion, m8...

  • @ChinaConsultingTravelBlog

    I am a teacher. I have done a lot of other jobs. Honestly, it is the easiest job in the world if you do it right. I hear other teachers complaining left and right. Most people that go into teaching should be teachers. There needs to be a passion. Burn out comes from the top, not the bottom. Schools and administrators need to give the teachers much more flexibility. Parents need to be involved and actually listen to the teachers and the kids.

  • @cristiangarcia1260
    @cristiangarcia1260 Před 10 lety +3

    Isn't a middle ground ever in the US? This was an old discussion between the Socialist plan of the Union boss and the extreme neoliberal doctrine of Stossel. Beware that even in business management now performance review is crucial but monetary rewards are recognize to be not the only answer.

  • @joseironton
    @joseironton Před 11 lety

    I once had a conversation with a union employee saying "I wish I could pay "XXXXX" more money because they really knocked it out of the park this year on performance." He paused for a few seconds, but then replied "Well, that's not fair." Instantly I realized what true union mentality is doing to this once great, ass kicking, power house, nation. We are becoming okay with "We suck." Everyone should get a gold star, the ones who worked hard, along with the ones who are worthless... What??????

  • @capoa2
    @capoa2 Před 8 lety +1

    One of the biggest problems with public education are the parents! it all starts with them caring!

    • @jeffreyfinch8609
      @jeffreyfinch8609 Před 6 lety

      100% accurate. Things might not be so bad, if the parents stepped in, and cared more. But when the populace doesn't care, that's when the government should step in, during certain circumstances. I see it all the time, everyday.

  • @Noises
    @Noises Před 7 lety

    Also Australian. We had Govt monopolies on electricity 20 years ago. Conservative government started the same flawed Freidmenomics argument pushing privitisation of state owned electricity companies, claiming competition would bring lower prices and more choice. All "competition" brought us was a 30% increase in electricity bills every year and a system where the state continues to pay for the electricity delivery infrastructure but companies sell the power. So our taxes prop up these companies and insulate their costs, meanwhile these companies gouge more and more profits. Do you think there's more competition? NO. More choice? NO. There's still a monopoly, it's just now, it's privately owned and free to charge whatever it wants.
    But how can companies making money be a bad thing, am I some kind of communist? Well here's the thing. As the cost of living was driven up by ever increasing electricity prices, our CPI and real disposable income fell. People with less money have less money to spend, so while this creates a utopia for one or two companies, everyone else is worse off. Including small companies that depend on people having disposable income. Sound familiar America? Fatcats getting richer while average families get poorer? Small business closes while big business roll over them?
    Don't listen to people who shill for privitisation. Ask them instead to cite ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE of where a state owned utility or service improved services or lowered costs after privitisation. It doesn't happen. It's never happened. Ask that question. Explicitly give them permission to cite an example from any country anywhere in the world. They will deflect from it - they will tell you you're a communist, they'll tell you "here's examples of state owned things that suck" they'll evade that question, with smug and shrill logical fallacies in every way possible but, there is not one single example of privitisation being advantageous to the end user they can give you because no such example exists.
    It's a shell game. It's a scam. It's a con, and you're the ones getting ripped off. This guy's a puppet. Competition gives you better products at lower price? Sure. How much will next year's iphone cost, and will next years samsung also explode? Perhaps you should ask questions, not just listen to MSM hacks like this. Ask him, who does he know personally or professionally who stands to benefit financially from private education as an industry. Ask him to declare his interest. Then watch the skeevy, oily little bastard start lying and dodging the light.

    • @ubbgn
      @ubbgn Před 7 lety +1

      So true, happen the same here with fuel, cheapest of europe controlled by the gov, more expensive when unregulated!
      Fucking logic!
      In education in USA it seems to work, the results speak for it.
      Competition should make things better and cheaper, not the other way around!

  • @Bloodsport1
    @Bloodsport1 Před 11 lety

    Little kid said reading is work but it's rocking awesome

  • @darthvader5300
    @darthvader5300 Před 5 lety

    In the 1990s no one in the MSM did not cover this "EVENT" except for a few handful newly graduated student journalists not influenced by the corrupt unions and corrupt politicians at that time. This "EVENT" is when a group of teachers went to Japan to check on how well students are doing so they randomly had chosen a rural school in rural Japan and randomly chosen a 5th grade Japanese boy student and gave him a series of tests and were all shocked for he finished them in record time without calculators, without open notes, without open textbooks, and the fact all of these tests are the same tests given to GRADUATING 4TH YEAR COLLEGE MATHEMATICIANS! Now Americans are wondering why Japan has near humanized androids while America is still catching up while keeping silent on the fact that most of their scientists and engineers are FOREIGNERS OF ASIAN AND HINDU INDIA ORIGINS!

  • @Storm4155
    @Storm4155 Před 9 lety +7

    Americans seem to be too hung up on ideology, as Cristian Garcia says below there seems to be no middle ground. Some of those countries that outperform America have government run education systems.....that work. Even communist Cuba which has been suffering terribly under the economic blockade, has a higher(slightly) rate of adult literacy than mainland America. Maybe there is an 'elephant in the room' here....i.e. a cultural, societal problem. Also while some testing is needed, overemphasis on them can be counter-productive......teaching to tests and anything creative beyond that is superflous to requirements......because the money the school gets depends on pass rates, not creativity.

    • @enrique5850
      @enrique5850 Před 8 lety +1

      +Storm4155 lol Don't believe everything you hear about Cuba, their education system just like their heath care system is a lie,all the numbers are given by the government , there's no way to audit them, no NGO national or international have permission to verified those numbers.
      Actually in most of the education systems in Europa the intervention of the federal government is practically 0, just for funding or for establishing the ages of students that attend to a certain level , most of their schools function like private businesses., that's why they work.

    • @cedrikthibert6395
      @cedrikthibert6395 Před 8 lety

      +Storm4155 They are so self-centered

    • @Andronicus87
      @Andronicus87 Před 6 lety

      LIberty/Freedom is the enemy of Equality/collectivism People are individuals we cannot read each others minds or feel each other pains we do not look alike or think alike we cannot build a system on socialism/communism because we are not a hive mind. The system of the people has to match the nature of the people.

  • @KB-zq9ny
    @KB-zq9ny Před 7 lety

    Myth 1: unions will not back up charter schools
    The unions will not back up charter schools. Well, part of a union is worker's protection. Believe me, you need a union's protection, because schools are political. If you're a doctor, if your patient dies of terminal cancer, you probably won't be fired for malpractice, because they know it wasn't your fault. As a teacher, however, you could very well be held "accountable" for not "adequately teaching the kids." They do expect you to work miracles. Sometimes, they expect you to work those miracles without giving you the materials you need.
    Myth 2: The union is against testing because they hate accountability
    There are many different ways to test students. Paper and pencil standardized testing can actually impede learning and forces teachers to "teach-to-the-test," because we aren't learning centers. We can't address all of the students' needs because in most cases we have not been equipped to do so.
    Myth 3: teachers only work 180 days
    We take professional development during our time off, if we even get any. Where I work we work year-round. We get holidays off and ten days vacation; that's it.
    Myth 4: competition among teachers is why we don't have better schools
    True and false. The TEACHERS aren't the ones causing the trouble. It's all of the people who are not personally involved with the students and schools. The principals and teachers should have more power. It's the business model that is all wrong. Teachers shouldn't be given duties that they can't perform. We shouldn't go without adequate materials.
    Myth 5: public schools have no competition
    Home schools and private schools are available.
    Myth 6: "teacher-driven schools" won't work without competition
    It might if it really is a "teacher-driven" school. I don't think I've ever seen one. Usually, the people at the top give order to those in the classrooms without even looking at what's really going on.
    Myth 7: Teachers need to work longer days.
    Some of us work many extra hours UNPAID. Plus, we have to take professional development during our "so-called" vacation., so we work FOR FREE part of the year, basically. Try grading 100 papers per day. I doubt you'll be able to do it successfully during the school day. You'll probably have to stay late, and expect kids to also come to you for tutoring. Expect the principal to also ask you to take on extra duties, after school clubs, coaching duties, etc., for NO EXTRA MONEY.
    John probably couldn't find a classroom to teach in, because to get the "full experience," he would have to get special insurance and educator training, even for a day, without supervision. Those are the rules.

  • @douggie7772010
    @douggie7772010 Před 8 lety

    i like the tough teachers we need more JIM Peak!!!

  • @darstar74
    @darstar74 Před 8 lety +1

    It's a shame. Americans are not stupid... I was raised in a very
    conservitive rual area where hard work, independence, and preseverence
    were taught by Parents and Teachers. Our testing were always ranked top
    in the State. But it seems that there was a trend building since 1962. I
    finally figured it out what it was. 'Ignoant people are easy to
    controll. Ergo who cas controll has the most votes.' It is suprising
    that Stossel (a conservitive) dosent know the trend for what it is. More
    and more college professors are becoming more idelogicly left (far left
    in some cases) and is trickling down into grade school teachers. It is
    so bad in some cases that in some schools a student is black-balled for
    being conservitive. In closing if you want to know the reason fo a
    decline in our schools look at the idiots in charge (Im talking to you
    DNC) I would ask you to please stop these selfish and self distructive
    polocys. But im afraid it will fall on deaf ears. Because... 'Ignoant
    people are easy to controll. Ergo who cas controll has the most votes.'

    • @gordonthomson1427
      @gordonthomson1427 Před 7 lety

      Your education must have been good because it is apparent from you post that English is your 2nd language.
      Only 15 spelling errors in such a long preamble is admirable.

  • @dramallamarama5300
    @dramallamarama5300 Před 9 lety

    Education is an effort from both teacher and student, the teacher needs to know what they're doing as well as be firm but approachable (maybe a joke every now and then, something which the student can relate to on a personal level). The student must also help the teacher by paying attention, doing the work and trying their hardest to succeed otherwise both sides will inevitably fail.

  • @Justmynewaccount
    @Justmynewaccount Před 9 lety

    11:45... at least the Trabi has collector's value.

  • @morganjames8660
    @morganjames8660 Před 11 lety

    all kids Like The Challenge and show what they have and what they know!

  • @jowb63
    @jowb63 Před 11 lety

    Let me preface this question by saying I'm an objectivist and agree with the call for the separation between state and education. In order to better argue for this I would like to here your thoughts on a common critique of complaints about america's schools. They say that all kids in america take standardized test while only the best kids in other countries take standardized tests and therefore america's school are better then they look at first. How does one respond to this claim?

  • @EternallyRound
    @EternallyRound Před 3 lety

    Apple Academy, for all its hype, only lasted five years. So much for trying to put new wine in the old bottle. Charters work for kids.

  • @skyshark853
    @skyshark853 Před 9 lety

    10:35 .... hahaha

  • @tekkenfan01
    @tekkenfan01 Před 7 lety

    USA has best universities in the world, nuff said, and everyone can afford it some way some how, no need to be rich, no arguments, just say agreed

  • @mariusstana
    @mariusstana Před 8 lety +1

    Milton Fridman is , if I am corect , an anarho-capitalist . I agree with many things that he says , Yes I belive that fredom to chose and competition are good things !! I think that america , and many other countries have a serious lack of competition and freedom in many sistems alongside the educational one...
    But Milton is quite the idealist...

    • @CalyPTratus
      @CalyPTratus Před 8 lety

      Actually Milton was a libertarian minarchist. And a Nobel laurate of economics non the less. His son though, is more consistent in his philosophy, and is a proper anarcho-capitalist voluntaryist. Hes stuff is great, like "The machinery of freedom" and "Law without the state".

    • @mariusstana
      @mariusstana Před 8 lety

      Caly P. Tratus
      I know... I am also a libertarian miniarhist.
      But if we want to get even more deeper in the schools of economic thought then he is a monetarist not a austrian economist.
      The fact is that this 2 school of thoughts are almost identical until you reach the subject of inflation...

  • @gradyliam0407
    @gradyliam0407 Před 4 lety

    And Apple Academy was closed permanently in 2018.....hunh

  • @joseironton
    @joseironton Před 11 lety

    Car making, construction, education, sports, etc, etc, etc, etc. If there is no competition, absolutely no mindset "We should, no We must be better than the next provider?" What pray tell do you expect? If the best teacher in the world, by union contract, makes the same wage as the worst teacher in the world, in the same local same contract, are you smoking crack? The union says lift up the poor performing teacher, when all they are doing is dragging down the better teachers. Wake the fuck up!!!

  • @M111771
    @M111771 Před 8 lety

    I thought the guy at 19:00 was a priest!

  • @Marchoupi
    @Marchoupi Před 8 lety +1

    Glad I live in Canada .

    • @TheToledoTrumpton
      @TheToledoTrumpton Před 8 lety

      +Daniel Roberts Canada doesn't have the class warfare that the USA does, but the teachers are equally privileged.
      They work even less than the USA teachers do, but there is no centralized testing and schools give out marks for universities without any external checks.
      The UK though used to have a system where all graduation level high school final exams papers were the same and redistributed among schools for marking. I don't know if they still do that.

    • @hectorhernandez9892
      @hectorhernandez9892 Před 7 lety

      I hear you man, but I hope your country does not go to war. You guys would get your ass kicked!

    • @TheToledoTrumpton
      @TheToledoTrumpton Před 7 lety

      Hector Hernandez By who?

    • @hectorhernandez9892
      @hectorhernandez9892 Před 7 lety

      Well for one USA would stomp you guys!

    • @TheToledoTrumpton
      @TheToledoTrumpton Před 7 lety

      Hector Hernandez
      To what purpose?

  • @christopherscallio2539

    It's bad enough that People bow and worship the demi-god they made, The State, and then ascribe god-like powers to it that no man has power to delegate to it. And then you expose their sacred cow, public schrools, for the slaughter!

  • @beaniegreen4849
    @beaniegreen4849 Před 8 lety +1

    teachers are not paid for summer; it is not a 'vacation'. They are paid for the instructional days they work. summer is NOT a paid vacation. teachers are allowed to spread their 9 months salary over 12 months.

    • @TSunshineful
      @TSunshineful Před 8 lety

      +beanie green That's true but most people don't understand that.

    • @beaniegreen4849
      @beaniegreen4849 Před 8 lety

      I know. Many teachers spend thousands on school supplies, treats and for shoes or other things their students need that are not deductible.

    • @TSunshineful
      @TSunshineful Před 8 lety glasses

    • @beaniegreen4849
      @beaniegreen4849 Před 8 lety

      Yes, I guess you must be a teacher too.

    • @TSunshineful
      @TSunshineful Před 8 lety

      Yeppers, retiring for the third time next month. I keep going back because there's a teacher shortage. Don't plan to return. It's not about the kids anymore. It's about testing to verify the kids don't know anything so more funding will go in the district's pocket. Poor kids. It's no fun anymore. They aren't even allowed to color or have recess.

  • @jmar505
    @jmar505 Před 8 lety

    i agree with the choice for everyone, even the rich, but they dont need the paid vouchers for their kids, they can pay 5000 no problem.

    • @jmar505
      @jmar505 Před 8 lety +2

      because they can afford it and the rest of us cant. thats the difference. the services and benifits you speak of are for those who cannot afford it. the rich dont need those, poor people do, and since they need that help, they should absolutely get it. look around the world at countries who have social programs that help the poor and those that dont, the ones that do are actually much more well to do because of it, those that dont invest in their poor are in terrible conditionswatch an episode or two of Undercover and well to do people are so detached from the realities of life of the majority of hardworking americans that they think all people that live below poverty line are just looking for handouts and being lazy without living in their shoes. those rediculously rich ceo's cant live on less than 5$ a day like some of us do. Dennis Regling

  • @ihalloway
    @ihalloway Před 9 lety +5

    To all those who say America or some other country sucks be more specific, blame the corruption blame those who defend ignorance and do none of research !
    And instead of just blaming, invest time to stop all this evil by supporting and sharing similar videos about schools , politics, food , companies and so on !
    To those who are interested in corruption and why there are lots of bads stuff and rulling are in this countrys, go and check the young turks channel . they constantly show good stuff about this

    • @cedrikthibert6395
      @cedrikthibert6395 Před 8 lety +2

      +iHelloway Our political system is a fiasco that helps just the Elites, the Congress is a non-working paralysed farce, our public education is awful, our Jusdicial system is not equal...
      USA has some serious problems and worse our current very corrupt pro Establishment politicians do not care. If nothing is done, the US will collapse.. even Communist China's public education system is better.
      Communist China is far from being a good country to live, but they do know how to teach their children.

  • @KB-zq9ny
    @KB-zq9ny Před 5 lety

    How about training teachers AND students? Sorry, but teacher education is not good in some places, so, yes, you NEED to train the teachers if you want them to perform well. Now, some catch on more quickly than others but even so.

  • @amandafeliciano542
    @amandafeliciano542 Před 7 lety

    I fucking love Ben Chavis, I'd have his babies

    • @Paltheus
      @Paltheus Před 7 lety

      Make sure you choose the right school... :D

    • @amandafeliciano542
      @amandafeliciano542 Před 7 lety +1

      Hahahaha....Best comment ever! But of course they'd go to his school!! XD

    • @Paltheus
      @Paltheus Před 7 lety

      :D :D :D