Supporting UNRWA's Neutrality Efforts is an International Responsibility | UN Press Conference

  • čas přidán 21. 04. 2024
  • Press Conference by Catherine Colonna, Chair of the Independent Review of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
    Catherine Colonna, who on Saturday submitted her Final Report as Chair of the Independent Review Group on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), today (22 Apr) told reporters in New York that UNRWA has in place “a more developed system than other UN organisations or agencies” to ensure compliance with the humanitarian principle of neutrality.
    Colonna pointed out that “there's always room for improvement and some issues related to neutrality persist.”
    She stressed that the international community “has a responsibility in helping and supporting UNRWA in addressing neutrality issues.”
    Among those issues, Colonna said, “UNRWA’S installations have been used for - misused, rather I should say - for political or military purposes, by various groups,” which is “undermining the neutrality of the installation.”
    She recommended “preventive measures, enhanced monitoring of these violations, transparent reporting” in order to “address this issue effectively.”
    The Chair of the Independent Review Group told reporters that “although UNRWA has made considerable progress in the past few years to mitigate the risk addressed to some content promoting hate or inciting violence, in the textbooks in the classroom, it now needs, now needs to implement, zero tolerance policy.”
    She noted that “some of the content - marginal, but even if marginal - we write, is problematic.”
    This includes, Colonna said, “glorification of jihad, incitation to violence, maps of the current world - not historical maps - not showing the existence of Israel, so many other problematic issues, with lots of examples.”
    She added, “this is unfortunately a really well documented area.”
    To conclude, Colonna said, “I'm confident that implementing these measures will help UNRWA in delivering on this mandate. I would, you know, strongly encourage again the international community to be side by side with the agency so it can perform its mission and overcome the challenges, when they are there.”
    The Report, entitled “Independent review of mechanisms and procedures to ensure adherence by UNRWA to the humanitarian principle of neutrality" was produced with the help of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, the Chr. Michelsen Institute, and the Danish Institute for Human Rights.  
    The Secretary-General accepted the recommendations contained in the report, and has agreed with Commissioner General, Philippe Lazzarini, that UNRWA, with the Secretary-General’s support, will establish an action plan to implement its recommendations.

Komentáře • 103

  • @HOHLfmly
    @HOHLfmly Před měsícem +2

    more senior representatives in the field is a wonderful idea and obviously quite necessary as we have seen. Having staff at meetings outside of the country and in the UN offices is another great idea. I think that it takes them out of the field, gives them the overall perspective of what you are working on and what it means to be part of the UN. Pride of what you are doing and recognition of opposition and the necessity to report opposition, bribery, and aggression is Paramont and keeping the program focused on those who we are trying to help

  • @carlosyatez1812
    @carlosyatez1812 Před měsícem +1

    Hello from Memphis, Tennessee, USA!

  • @zeeve284
    @zeeve284 Před 25 dny +2

    At 24:02 Ms. Colonna says that there are many problems which are unfortunately well documented
    Why having very well documented problems is unfortunate? 🧐
    Why did Al Jazeera not broadcast this response to their own reporter's question? Well, I know why, because it points out problems with the UNRWA curriculum, but what is Al Jazeera's excuse? 🤔

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Recommendation should be direct and unwavering

  • @adibonot6109
    @adibonot6109 Před měsícem +4

    amerika serikat paling bertanggungjawab atas genosida israel dan amerika serikat mempersenjatai penjahat kejih. amerika serikat gak layak punya hak veto di PBB, amerika serikat pelanggar hukum internasional dan kemanusiaan yang nyata.

  • @pubguc6771
    @pubguc6771 Před měsícem

    In the hunder rules regulations international court rights for general scientific security forces and high commissioner of human rights council ? What is rights available ?

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Need to be addressed of developing country

  • @gudetajuta2188
    @gudetajuta2188 Před měsícem

    I was try to submitted on UN WASH Coordinator,job ID:14499 or want to promote me on Institution?

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    But without bias, without the favour higher funding

  • @user-ns4rm5ox6y
    @user-ns4rm5ox6y Před měsícem

    UN International Institution Must Work By International Lawrul UN 1945 Charter , Not By Private Or Particulier Opinion And Decision To Graduete UN Solution And Resolution For Decision In Every Case Maters. This How International Law Expert Been Telling In Many Disccussion & Meeting In UN SG Council Meeting Room, - Thanks All, .... Cheerio.*****.

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    +it wont be dismatled as state's care

  • @msc4en9qu7m
    @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

    that it was my error in the past because i did'nt find that balance that i need to learn

  • @MomoBar91
    @MomoBar91 Před měsícem

    Well but for some recommendations you need money- the more money you need for more staff the less you have for the people in need because my guess is that states don´t want to increase the money. The US stopped their money for this and the next year, which is a big chunk of UNRWA´s budget. And some of the things she said wasn´t really the problem of the organisation but more of the host countries who fail their obligations.

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    In this modern era

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Timely manner

  • @pubguc6771
    @pubguc6771 Před měsícem

    Before there's subject clear ? What is security forces and others to general scientific ???

  • @Lsd5688
    @Lsd5688 Před měsícem +4

    I agree with her update every thing they need oversight in Gaza where the money goes what they teach surveillance of every class and around the facility to make sure hate is not what they teach and for you guys to grow a backbone and learn to say no to terrorist instead of bowing down to them we’re here because if you guys

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Staff are equipped enough

  • @xasanaxmed5850
    @xasanaxmed5850 Před měsícem

    👋 Chatherine Colonna.

  • @msc4en9qu7m
    @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

    to make a plan to hold their works it isn't my propriety i work with my self to find the reason of past errors

    • @msc4en9qu7m
      @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

      if there were errors with big unknown equation

    • @msc4en9qu7m
      @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

      i working right now without money to establish this situation that is created from different factors

    • @msc4en9qu7m
      @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

      the factors why if the logo of Internet is of

    • @msc4en9qu7m
      @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

      i don't need to walk with machine to create a scheme of hackers fake i need to learn machine learning

    • @msc4en9qu7m
      @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

      i was and i m like all people normal that i'm studying for 4 years to create or to return my authority that i m part for 25 years

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Teach without bias of current govt interest

  • @sm_42
    @sm_42 Před měsícem

    اما السودان فعلى الامم المتحده السماح للسودانين بالعلاج والتعليم واخذ الجنسيه الى ان تنتهى الحرب ومساعدة الجيش وبرهان والشعب الى انهاء الحرب في السودان ومعاقبة من يسسبب الحروب لكي يفسد ويخرب في الارض امين يارب العالمين يارب ❤❤❤❤

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @msc4en9qu7m
    @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

    what is this , this is a motivation to proceed but we had some obstacles that i didn't find until now

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Chart a new path

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Implementation to be overseeing

  • @shafiulalam8580
    @shafiulalam8580 Před měsícem


  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @majh22oolmal2oom
    @majh22oolmal2oom Před měsícem

    الحمد لله والصلاة على الرسول وبِاسْم الله
    هل الصوابُ والأصحُّ إلا الفيتو ؟
    كم دُوَل نصحتْ بالتصويت للسلام يا مجلس ؟
    الأديان تدعو للسلام لا للحرب يا نيويورك
    يا إيران ضبط النفس للحكمة إعمال
    الاستفزاز ؟ إيذاء ، طبائع المعتدي لا انتصار
    الحقيقة : ...... ، إن أَظْلَمَ الكسوف
    ضبط النفس ؟ جُزء التصبر وأَمْرُ الله
    التَّصَبُّر ؟ جُزْءُ الصبر إلى الايمان دُنُوّ
    الصبر ؟ بالتصبر وضبط النفس
    سَأَلَتْ المعلوم ، البوسنة والهرسك
    زعزعة الأنفس والسَّكَن والقِتَال ...
    الجريمة ؟ قَتْلُ النَّفْس ، والتهديد إشهار ...
    كُنُبُ الرُّسل ؟ أوامر بالحروف
    جَمْعُ حروف
    الله واحد والحقيقة واحدة وأسماء حُسنى الله
    سَأَلَتْ المجهول عنها ، شيكاغو
    مُظاهرات وَقْف الإِبَادَة ؟ إِسْأَلْ لُوس أَنْجلس
    المناخ ؟ سَأَلَ التبخر والسدود وثلج أُورسك
    الاحترار ؟ أمطار ، ذوبان أورال
    مجاعة ، هجرة ، حروب ، إعصار
    الذكرى : ..... ، اكتمال قَمَر الكسوف
    زلزال إعصار كسوف ؟ جنود الله
    الحياة ؟ الاقتصاد والمال يا فرانسيسكو
    التبغ والخمر والكحول يا لاس فيغاس ؟
    القتل ؟ بالسلاح بالضرائب والبنك ؟
    تسليح الانتقام ومُحَامَاة الاحتيال ...
    حروف معلم ؟ للسلام والانسانية إختبار ...
    أنانية الانسان ؟ كسوف الظروف ؟
    المسؤول موقوف.
    قتل الأنفُس ؟ نسيتم عدالة الله ؟
    مقابل نفْس ؟ دفاع الابادة يا جُو
    الصمت عن الجرائم والظُّلم ؟ احياء الأنفُس ؟
    قَوْلُ الحقيقة ؟ الكذب ؟ مُرْبِك
    بالسِّلاح إبادة ؟ لِلْحُقُوق والمال
    أصغر ضد أكبر ؟ دمار ...
    ازدواج ؟ تغيير المَوَاقف ؟ مكشوف
    مئات مقابل أُلوف ؟
    نسيتم عدالة الله ؟
    أبرياء بعشرات الألوف ؟
    مع المظلوم وَعْدُ الله.
    جرائم المسؤول موقوف.
    المظلوم بالله ، هَدَاه.
    الحروف ؟ دروس وقُطوف
    وَعَدَ الأنبياء والرُّسُل والمظلوم ، الله.
    نُصْرة الحقيقة ؟ صُفُوف
    مَعَكَ الله.
    موسيقى العلم 2024 انتباه يا مجلس نيويورك زلزال إعصار الكسوف
    23 / 04 / 2024
    وعليكم السلام

  • @victoire4639
    @victoire4639 Před měsícem +1

    Du pipo, du pipo, n'oublier pas que la france est COMPLICE OK, NI OUBLI, NI PARDON JAMAIS 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @user-bn1fe5su5z
    @user-bn1fe5su5z Před měsícem


  • @pubguc6771
    @pubguc6771 Před měsícem

    Related general scientific gull hunderastating

  • @honest3558
    @honest3558 Před měsícem +1

    Don't know Israel? Then retire and go to middle school again.

  • @user-ns4rm5ox6y
    @user-ns4rm5ox6y Před měsícem

    Why Need International Neutrality Effort If UN Itself Cannot Able To Stop Israelly To Destruction & Demand UN-RWA Smash, If UN Official Member Still Need UN-RWA Stand , UN Must To Order Israelly Ambasador For UN Out From UN HQ Office Now. Thanks All, .... Cheerio.*****.

  • @user-ns4rm5ox6y
    @user-ns4rm5ox6y Před měsícem

    Two State Solution By UN Resolution Decision To Israelly Country & Palestine Country Freedom & The People's , - This Concideration By Geneva Convention Resolution Charter ( UN - 1945 ) Thanks All, ..... Cheerio.*****.

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem

    Reduce dependency on dollar by the world

  • @rolfts5762
    @rolfts5762 Před měsícem

    >>Recommend UN-press-conferences to use 'only-one' language that 'all' present reporters (and online-viewers) can understand. //Thanks for briefing as always.

    • @MyroIII
      @MyroIII Před měsícem

      Or at minimum have English subtitles

    • @rolfts5762
      @rolfts5762 Před měsícem

      ​@@MyroIII Sure,..though still, perhaps other present 'onsite-reporters' are unable to understand that colleague when spoken in french. (since they are sitting in a 'live' setting in the same room. )

  • @Some826
    @Some826 Před měsícem +6

    Thank you Catherine for your honest report

  • @user-ly1sx8ci8z
    @user-ly1sx8ci8z Před měsícem


  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @maranatha911
    @maranatha911 Před měsícem

    Time is short!!! ❤1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Thank you Yeshua Hamashiach. Praise Yehovah.❤

  • @sondelly1
    @sondelly1 Před měsícem

    praying for all ,thanks for this fact that who are in need have nobody else to take care of them.
    this terrible war must stop.GOD BLESS YOU ALL

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @adibonot6109
    @adibonot6109 Před měsícem

    PBB di bentuk bukan untuk alat amerika serikat menjajah dunia. PBB di bentuk mematuhi hukum internasional dan kesepakatan negara negara berdaulat dan merdeka.

    • @bravo73
      @bravo73 Před měsícem

      Juga bukan untuk propaganda murahan anda

    • @adibonot6109
      @adibonot6109 Před měsícem

      @@bravo73 Amerika Serikat sering melanggar.hukum internasional.tapi semua diam.

  • @user-in2pj7yd6j
    @user-in2pj7yd6j Před měsícem

    Lazzarin should be arrested🌌🦉🌠

  • @user-in2pj7yd6j
    @user-in2pj7yd6j Před měsícem

    Johnny kitagaWa who japanese entertainment agency businessman It has been systematically hidden for 50 years. 疑っ🍵って 申し訳ない🤞すが🌏🛐
    UNWAr 大丈夫

  • @sm_42
    @sm_42 Před měsícem

    لحل مشكله غزه جعل غزه دوله مستقله وما جاورها والفلسطنين وإسرائيل مع بعض إلى أن يشاء الله وهذا مت تريده اسرائيل امين يارب العالمين يارب ❤❤❤

  • @canitbethat
    @canitbethat Před měsícem +1

    For UNRWA, I think “neutrality” is the wrong goal. Its fundamental mission is not neutral with respect to Israel, and there’s no way it can be. Even just considering the descendants of Arabs displaced by the 1948 war to be “refugees,” pending a “political solution,” is a non-neutral political position. Israel says they have no “right of return” to its sovereign territory, so even just considering this to be an open question is a challenge to Israel’s sovereignty. In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with a donation-funded organization challenging the sovereignty of a UN member. It’s a problem only within the UN itself, since the UN is required by its charter to be neutral. This problem could easily be solved if the UN would simply spin off UNRWA as a separate entity, outside the UN. It could, for example, be handed over to the Palestinian Authority. As an agency of the PA, nobody would expect it to be neutral with respect to Israel, and donors could make their own decisions about whether to continue donating.

    • @MilenaBlazanovic-oq2iy
      @MilenaBlazanovic-oq2iy Před měsícem

      I will vote NO!!!!

    • @zehavi111
      @zehavi111 Před měsícem +1

      If it was part of the pa there was no problem. The problem today is they use the name of UN and it's facilities in order to fight israel - and then when their employees die while fighting with israel they are marked as "UN aid employees die".
      Imagine yourself israel had a UN organisation and part of their employees would die as reserves on the battlefield and then Israel would say that "hamas killed un employees"... Absurd right?

  • @ignmorales
    @ignmorales Před měsícem

    If only Israel played neutral.

  • @msc4en9qu7m
    @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

    who is she the situation is woman that can't manage the situation between works and family should find the balance to establish the relationships to protect family to protect babies to protect authority of family of husband

  • @gerhardschramm4266
    @gerhardschramm4266 Před měsícem +3

    But of course they want money they need ot to support Hamas

  • @ahmengtan6139
    @ahmengtan6139 Před měsícem

    UN is been employed and controlled 😅😅😅😅😅

  • @msc4en9qu7m
    @msc4en9qu7m Před měsícem

    i don't represent a woman alcoholic i don't represent a depresion woman

  • @giorgirijamadze9406
    @giorgirijamadze9406 Před 21 dnem +1


  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @sm_42
    @sm_42 Před měsícem

    اما السودان فعلى الامم المتحده السماح للسودانين بالعلاج والتعليم واخذ الجنسيه الى ان تنتهى الحرب ومساعدة الجيش وبرهان والشعب الى انهاء الحرب في السودان ومعاقبة من يسسبب الحروب لكي يفسد ويخرب في الارض امين يارب العالمين يارب ❤❤❤❤

  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem


  • @anuparavind609
    @anuparavind609 Před měsícem
