Why Modern Christians Are Winning Battles, but Losing the War.

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • On this Remembrance Day, we soberly remember the bravery of those who gave their lives for the freedom that Canada and many other countries enjoy today. However, there’s also a spiritual war waging on that we need to talk about.
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Komentáře • 148

  • @skihas1
    @skihas1 Před rokem +15

    Thank you for the message :) keep it up guys, when you attract the trolls you know you are doing the right thing! ❤

  • @davidreynal2985
    @davidreynal2985 Před rokem +3

    One of the most powerful statements for Young Earth creationism ever.

  • @Xenosaurian
    @Xenosaurian Před rokem +11

    Brilliant message!!!

  • @seaknightvirchow8131
    @seaknightvirchow8131 Před rokem +3

    It took me the last 20 years to realize that Darwin is not the problem, rather it is deep time. God told us how old the earth is and there is more evidence to support the Biblical time frame than deep time.

  • @davidn13
    @davidn13 Před rokem +2

    Amen! Even though We would lose the war against the devil Satan and his demons,
    We will not give up, Because We have God. with him and Jesus, We will win the Spiritual War,
    One way or another. Thanks you for the Message.

  • @greenguitarfish
    @greenguitarfish Před rokem +10

    This is superb. You have communicated the issue very well. it’s like I was telling a friend the other day, the enemy has been attacking on the eastern front, however the church doesn’t seem comfortable fighting from that position, so it just defends the familiar and comfortable southern front. We are not going where the battle is raging. However, AIG is. Thank you and God bless !

    • @calvinangela4348
      @calvinangela4348 Před rokem +3

      Thanks! Please share! : )

    • @rosemarietolentino3218
      @rosemarietolentino3218 Před rokem +1

      The battle is in our own minds! That’s why we need to be living sacrifices! Romans 12 kind of Christians.
      1 Corinthians 4:1-2.

  • @paul8914
    @paul8914 Před rokem +9

    Insightful. Thank you. Always a blessing to listen to these. Please note that the video is showing as unlisted so only people who received the newsletter will see it.

  • @thebondmenmusic
    @thebondmenmusic Před rokem +2

    Another excellent expose on the critical battle occurring around the literal interpretation of Genesis.

  • @devinkrike5968
    @devinkrike5968 Před rokem +9

    Amen brother. That's my position as well, if you can't trust genesis, how can you then claim to trust matthew, mark, luke and john? That is why they attack Genesis. I honestly don't know how old earth creations reconcile with this issue.

    • @frankcardano4142
      @frankcardano4142 Před rokem

      The same way you reconcile over the bible saying the earth is flat, slavery is ok and raping young girls in a field is right.
      They twist the scripture to say what they want it to say.

    • @devinkrike5968
      @devinkrike5968 Před rokem +4

      @@frankcardano4142 Bible doesn't teach the earth is flat, biblical slavery and american slavery are not the same, and bible certainly doesn't condone rape, unless you can point where it says that it is.

  • @BrianJohnson-lx3zd
    @BrianJohnson-lx3zd Před rokem +8

    Really love that Elizabeth Charles quote!
    You must be doing something right, because you seem to attract trolls like a barbecue attracts flies!

    • @frankcardano4142
      @frankcardano4142 Před rokem +2

      Or like shit attracts flies. 👍

    • @lauracaskey2753
      @lauracaskey2753 Před rokem +1

      @@frankcardano4142 quick somebody get a fly swatter... Frank is back! I think he is a paid troll for the atheistic group

    • @imafeltersnatch7634
      @imafeltersnatch7634 Před rokem

      @@lauracaskey2753 Atheist have a group? I didn't get invited

    • @lauracaskey2753
      @lauracaskey2753 Před rokem +1

      @@imafeltersnatch7634 That's because you're on the wrong site. This isn't an atheist site. Go to your site and you'll get invited! Lol

    • @imafeltersnatch7634
      @imafeltersnatch7634 Před rokem

      @@lauracaskey2753 I don't have a site. What should I do?

  • @drewirvin5620
    @drewirvin5620 Před rokem +2

    Great stuff here. Thanks

  • @rosemarietolentino3218

    The battle is in our own minds! That’s why we need to die to self and be living sacrifices for The Kingdom of God. We receive 5 crowns for being faithful stewards of God.

  • @lauracaskey2753
    @lauracaskey2753 Před rokem +1

    For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the discernment of the discerning will I thwart . Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews, demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25

  • @tomference4618
    @tomference4618 Před 7 měsíci

    It would be interesting to know your testimony and earnest to present the messages given,...didn't Paul himself give testimony of his conversion?
    I am sure many would be interested and a motivation to seek our Father, while can still be found,...though that time is fast running out.

  • @MrWeezer55
    @MrWeezer55 Před rokem +5

    Look, you're not 'at war'. Thanks to the foresight and dignity of our secular founding fathers, (yes, American here) you have the right to practice your religion without fear of persecution. Just do that and leave the rest of us alone, thank you very much!

    • @IggyFireMist
      @IggyFireMist Před rokem

      Russia is fighting a Holy war. USA and Ukraine are the Gog and Magog. Barack Obama⚡ is the antichrist⚡ Americans are not warmongers. But Bari is the BarBARIan destroyer of nations and the UN and NATO. We know the military industrial complex has ruined our reputation all over the world. The people all over should stand up and take tyrannical governments powers away from them.

    • @MrWeezer55
      @MrWeezer55 Před rokem

      @@IggyFireMist ' holy war'?! You are certifiably insane.

    • @MrWeezer55
      @MrWeezer55 Před rokem

      @@IggyFireMist Racist much, iggy? By the way, Kari Lake is the antichrist.

    • @rosemarietolentino3218
      @rosemarietolentino3218 Před rokem

      You are right it’s only a war for those who want to enter The Kingdom of God. Just extending Jesus Christ invitation to come to the wedding.

    • @MrWeezer55
      @MrWeezer55 Před rokem

      @@rosemarietolentino3218 Well get it right is it a war or a wedding?

  • @Bulhakas
    @Bulhakas Před rokem

    Christians should be condemning the regimented violation of God's commandment not to kill, not celebrating it.

    • @Nodrog23891
      @Nodrog23891 Před 5 měsíci

      You’ll probably have to rebuke Jesus when He comes back on His warhorse to wage war on the inhabitants of the earth. Read Revelation again if you think God is a pacifist.

    • @Bulhakas
      @Bulhakas Před 5 měsíci

      @@Nodrog23891Try that argument on judgment day and then tell me how it worked for you. You might have to yell to be heard over the flames.

  • @proverbs2522
    @proverbs2522 Před rokem +4

    I hold what the Bible plainly says about the earth to be true. This includes its age and its cosmology. I’m not picky because evidential science proves it so. You shouldn’t be either especially when the same people tell us the earth is billions of years old. Secular people remember

    • @Bomtombadi1
      @Bomtombadi1 Před rokem +1

      What is “evidential science?”
      Why do you people make up terms to sound smart?

    • @Bill_Garthright
      @Bill_Garthright Před rokem

      _evidential science proves it so_
      Heh, heh. Right. That's why a 4.6 billion-year-old Earth is the worldwide scientific consensus, even among _Christian_ scientists, huh?
      Hey, show your evidence to scientists and win your Nobel Prize. Why not, after all? Wouldn't a Nobel Prize look nice on the mantle? Or don't you want all that media attention?

  • @historicworker
    @historicworker Před rokem

    the adversary works both sides, the length of time & dimensions of space do not matter one wink to the Truth…the questions of space & time serves only division & destruction, which is what Satan wants -
    read psalm 90:4, a watch in the night is 1/4 of the darkness between sunset & sunrise or roughly 3hrs…so a thousand yrs are equated to both 24 & 3 hrs - a thousand in poetic sense is like the ancient hebrew word for infinity

  • @colonalklink14
    @colonalklink14 Před rokem +3

    Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of "eternal life" to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
    Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ "alone" for salvation.

    • @concretesandals4501
      @concretesandals4501 Před rokem

      I do, and I realize that the universe is 13.8 billion years old.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 Před rokem +2

      @@concretesandals4501 If we can't trust God in Genesis, then we can't trust Him anywhere else.
      If there was billions of years of pain , suffering, violence, and death before Adam.
      Where is original sin?
      When did the fall happen?

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian Před rokem +3

      ​@@concretesandals4501 How is that a realization? The Bible plainly contradicts that, along with various arguments from natural science, so that's not really a realization but just a position you chose to adopt.

  • @jacobe2995
    @jacobe2995 Před rokem +1

    there are other versions of old age creationism that does not exclude a 6 day creation, even so if you believe 6 days is really more than that it still does not exclude God created all the animals originally without evolution just that there was a space of time between some animals and others. I have one question that you never answered in this whole video which I sincerely say I would be convinced of your argument if you can answer. If God created all the starts in one day then how did the light from all those stars reach earth at different times? even if God made light from all those stars reach earth quicker somehow then there would be evidence of it.

  • @Columbo-r4z
    @Columbo-r4z Před rokem +1

    Anyone remember Stan Laurel still living in a ditch shooting at planes long after the war had finished? 😂

    • @Ididnahthither
      @Ididnahthither Před rokem

      Yes, and that's probably based on the real story of a Japanese soldier who was sent to some island and was eventually found by American soldiers and told the war was over.

    • @Columbo-r4z
      @Columbo-r4z Před rokem +1

      lol. Reminds me of brainwashed bible believers.

    • @Ididnahthither
      @Ididnahthither Před rokem

      @@Columbo-r4z I find it very nice how many atheists are in the comment section of this awful channel.

    • @Columbo-r4z
      @Columbo-r4z Před rokem

      Due to the extreme Dishonesty and deceptive nature of AIG in general I have no bad feelings in pointing out their lies. I’m only surprised by how few believers are here.

    • @Ididnahthither
      @Ididnahthither Před rokem

      @@Columbo-r4z agreed. And the worst thing about this is that they are either unbelievably dumb, or they're lying. I think it's both, but they do still know they're lying.

  • @danbeaulieu2130
    @danbeaulieu2130 Před 11 měsíci

    The only "enemy" you face, is reality.

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 Před rokem +6

    You know why the world's largest empire - the one led by Ghenis Kahn isn't a thing anymore? Because it's not a thing anymore. And that's what's happening in Christianity. It had its day (by force mostly or by shame/guilt/fear more recently) and now it's on its way out. And not one moment too soon.

    • @rosemarietolentino3218
      @rosemarietolentino3218 Před rokem

      You obviously have not read the Bible. Only a remnant will make it into the Kingdom of God. You are evidence of the great falling away talked about is a sign of the last days before the Antichrist comes to take control for a while.

    • @lauracaskey2753
      @lauracaskey2753 Před rokem

      That's where you're wrong. The true believers in Christ are still here and strong as ever. We will be leaving soon for heaven with our Savior. Go ahead and read Revelation and find out what happens to those who don't believe and trust Jesus as their Savior. I hope that's not where you'll be.

    • @Swinefeld
      @Swinefeld Před rokem

      @@lauracaskey2753 you’re all leaving? When is this glorious day happening? It will truly be heaven here on earth.

    • @littleredpony6868
      @littleredpony6868 Před 7 měsíci

      @@lauracaskey2753the book of revelation was supposed to have happened when emperor Nero was still alive. Last time I checked he was long dead

  • @platzhirsch4275
    @platzhirsch4275 Před měsícem

    Strange that the author of this video doesnt realise that "deep space/time" has nothing to do with Evolution and death of animals before Adam nothing to do with Adams original sin. Garden Eden was not the whole world but set apart from it. You should understand that.

  • @cosminbryant1243
    @cosminbryant1243 Před rokem

    If the earth was not made perfect at the beginning which was and will be then the gospel would be useless if say those men the he quoted from were right

    • @danbeaulieu2130
      @danbeaulieu2130 Před 11 měsíci

      And lo, the earth was never perfect.
      It was, and remains, a pile of debris left over from the formation of the Sun.
      Ever changing within an equally changing system of worlds.

  • @suetrublu
    @suetrublu Před rokem +1

    What saddens me about this video is that you have identified the Enemy so incorrectly.

  • @daligharbi3063
    @daligharbi3063 Před rokem

    Islam is winning ❤️☝🏼☪️

    • @tonbears
      @tonbears Před 10 měsíci

      Victory has already been accomplished in Jesus. The victory is won-past tense-through our union with Christ and our identification with Him. But we continue to overcome this world in our daily life experiences by walking in faith in Jesus Christ, trusting in “the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” to be with us and carry us through all “trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword. . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35-37). We triumph in any and every situation, “facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need,” through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:12).
      Our faith, explains Paul, is a protective piece of spiritual armor in this life: “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). No force of evil, no weapon of darkness can overcome the person who trusts in Christ. On the contrary, our faith in Jesus is the victory that overcomes the world.

  • @frankcardano4142
    @frankcardano4142 Před rokem +1

    “Atom” by Lawrence Kraus explains in detail how life most probably came from none life.
    Ask me for details.

    • @calvinangela4348
      @calvinangela4348 Před rokem +2

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man...

    • @frankcardano4142
      @frankcardano4142 Před rokem

      Is that a nervous laugh Calvin?

    • @greenguitarfish
      @greenguitarfish Před rokem +3

      If you actually believe that, and all life is the byproduct of time + matter + chance, why do you troll Biblical Creationists since nothing ultimately matters anyway?

    • @frankcardano4142
      @frankcardano4142 Před rokem

      Who told you nothing ultimately matters?
      You are being fed lies.

    • @greenguitarfish
      @greenguitarfish Před rokem

      @@frankcardano4142 I believe life has meaning, and God is in the process of dealing with rebellious humanity. Eventually He will restore this sin cursed world, and we are part of His grand design if we have accepted Gods free gift of salvation purchased by His Son, Jesus on the cross. Those who reject Jesus as Savior and Lord will perish. However, If you are believing Lawrence Kraus, and the false premise of Big Bang and billions of years, then you, Sr. are misled. I’m assuming you don’t believe in the God of the Bible since you obviously reject the creation account in Genesis. So, under that worldview, life has no meaning since we are simply cosmic accidents, and everything will eventually come to nothing. Is this your belief ?

  • @Bill_Garthright
    @Bill_Garthright Před rokem +2

    Yeah, other people disagreeing with you - because you don't have even *one* piece of good evidence backing up your claims - is just like World War I, huh? Oh, the humanity!
    You take yourselves _far_ too seriously.

    • @rosemarietolentino3218
      @rosemarietolentino3218 Před rokem +1

      Faith can’t be seen by the ones who don’t believe. It would not be faith.

    • @Bill_Garthright
      @Bill_Garthright Před rokem

      Wishful-thinking can't be seen by _anyone,_ as far as I can tell. But if you don't care about the _truth_ of your beliefs, you can believe whatever you want, I suppose.
      And it just so happens, for the vast majority of faith-based people worldwide, that what you _want_ to be true is whatever you were taught to believe as a child. That's why 83% of Italians are Christian, while 90% of Egyptians are Muslim and 80% of Indians are Hindu. But you _all_ have faith, huh? :)
      Well, you're free to believe whatever you want, at least until Christians start burning people alive, again. Personally, I care about the _truth._ That's why I ask for evidence.

  • @frankcardano4142
    @frankcardano4142 Před rokem +2

    Most atheists do NOT believe god doesn’t exist.
    This guy has to misrepresent atheism to make his own belief seem more reasonable.

    • @calvinangela4348
      @calvinangela4348 Před rokem +4

      Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
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      a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

    • @frankcardano4142
      @frankcardano4142 Před rokem

      Not a “belief” like you wrongly claimed.

    • @calvinangela4348
      @calvinangela4348 Před rokem +2

      @@frankcardano4142 is it your belief that you disbelieve or lack belief in the existence of God or gods? : )

    • @frankcardano4142
      @frankcardano4142 Před rokem

      No. I simply don’t believe in a god.
      Or I lack belief in the existence of a god just like your definition says. 👆
      It doesn’t say the “belief” you disbelieve.
      You added a “belief” to my disbelief.
      You need justification for a belief.
      I don’t need any justification for not believing.
      Particularly an ancient old book of mythology proven wrong centuries ago.

    • @markferguson1338
      @markferguson1338 Před rokem

      @@frankcardano4142 hi Frank. I do like your definition. I've noticed that atheists quickly change their beliefs once they have encountered the Holy Spirit for themselves

  • @georg7120
    @georg7120 Před rokem

    Stop lying, the bible doesn't say anything about the age of the earth.

    • @Nodrog23891
      @Nodrog23891 Před 5 měsíci

      Yes it does, indirectly. It’s called a genealogy, and if you can do math, you can figure out an approximate age. There was evening and morning the first day…singular evening/morning or plural? It’s as if God wanted Moses to be VERY specific with that part so we don’t just insert whatever ridiculous number in there that we wanted. You can hate the young earth all you want, but in the end, God’s word stands forever, and you will die within 100 years or less. I’m going with God, and not going to believe the stupid lies of this world even if every person on earth said it was true.
      To the “christian” who believes millions/billions of years before Adam, that means death already existed, and that means Jesus did not die for your sins, because death was supposedly brought about by sin. But clearly if death preceded sin, then Jesus couldn’t have died for Adam’s line nor are any of the miracles or resurrection reliable. These so called believers have a faith built on sand that will be blown over easily.

    • @georg7120
      @georg7120 Před 5 měsíci

      @@Nodrog23891 But the genealogy starts after the second creation. The gap between both creations is unknown.

  • @Bomtombadi1
    @Bomtombadi1 Před rokem +2

    Lol … equating cultural battles with actual war, Calvin?

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian Před rokem +2


    • @Bomtombadi1
      @Bomtombadi1 Před rokem

      @@Xenosaurian you aren’t at war. I know you want to be at war, because it’s something Christians enjoy. You’re not.