  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 1,3K

  • @shay5555
    @shay5555 Před rokem +2153

    Back then people introduced themselves as "Noah, son of Corry" which is literally announcing your gender and pronouns.

  • @Doglover-gh9ut
    @Doglover-gh9ut Před rokem +109

    I'm Jewish and went to an ORTHODOX Jewish school when I was younger and they told us god is genderless and above gender.

    • @30000beesinatrenchcoat
      @30000beesinatrenchcoat Před rokem +30

      Agender people rn:🍷🗿

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +11

      It was actually very common in the first 3 centuries AD to explicitly refer to God as an androgyne. Gnostic cosmology (which was mainstream in 1st, 2nd and 3rd century Christianity and Judaism) explicitly portrayed the supreme God as an androgyne, and all human souls as androgynes as well. Gnostics considered the dichotomy of male and female to be a perversion and an illusion born of an evil demiurge they called Saklas/Ialdabaoth, and accidentally created by a feminine aspect of God that they called “Sophia”.
      Many Gnostic, non-canonical Christian gospels refer to God as both male and female simultaneously, and Jesus preaches that divinity is the masculinization of the female and feminization of the male. In one story from a Gnostic gospel, St. Peter complains to Jesus about allowing Mary Magdalene to sit in and participate in his homilies as she is a woman and it was not acceptable for women to be involved in such things, and Jesus rebukes him stating that he will “make Mary Magdalene male”, and that the apostles themselves will be “made androgynes” in accordance with the oneness of God.
      Naturally, these gospels were labelled as non-canonical and heretical by the Proto-Orthodox/Catholic church fathers, but many are just as old as the canonical gospels, and were just as accepted by early Christians, especially gnostic sects.

    • @Whocares512
      @Whocares512 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@SarastistheSerpent Do you have any links to these gospels or citations so that I could find them? Not to say you're wrong but it would be interesting to read some of these

  • @a.y.n.rupanddown5171
    @a.y.n.rupanddown5171 Před rokem +430

    I think what's really funny about this whole "controversy" is that abunch of ppl put pronouns in their bio that have nothing to do with being trans. Specifically, i didn't associate it with transness at all for awhile, i just associated it with artists, cuz they don't tend to show themselves. Almost all ppl i follow on ig have pronouns in their bio just because they never show themsleves nor ever show their voice

    • @MariattaAino
      @MariattaAino Před rokem +56

      It's also a bunch of cis people putting up their pronouns to make it more normal for people to have them up, and also the more of all kinds of people have their pronouns in their bio, the harder it is to find transpeople and harass them based on them having pronouns in bio. But yeah you gave a really good example to why pronouns in bio are just very useful.

    • @a.y.n.rupanddown5171
      @a.y.n.rupanddown5171 Před rokem +5

      @@MariattaAino yup:>

    • @ShadowAnimeation
      @ShadowAnimeation Před rokem +6

      Exactly, I associated it with artists first too. Cause art accounts almost always have a little blurb about the artists including their pronouns and shiz

    • @VIA__
      @VIA__ Před měsícem

      My father loves that there’s pronouns in social media because he has sometimes to work with extrangers and people from other countries and he says that he can’t guess their gender by their name as they’re maybe chinese or japanese and he founds very useful that people put their pronouns so he knows how to adress them. Coming from him that’s a good thing to say because he is sometimes quite transphobe.

  • @bippityboppityblue
    @bippityboppityblue Před rokem +260

    i knew someone who had was best friends with this girl who was 13/14 and came out to her mum as a lesbian and her mum was SUPER christian and totally was like "that's not gods way you sinner"
    her daughter ended up committing suicide because her mum couldn't accept her
    it's really bloody heartbreaking to see parents choose religion over their own kids

    • @calamityjean1525
      @calamityjean1525 Před rokem +13

      Were the girl's parents pleased by her death? 'Cause that would be disgusting.

    • @bippityboppityblue
      @bippityboppityblue Před rokem +35

      @@calamityjean1525 i highly doubt it, i do not know much about the reactions of her mother but everyone else was heartbroken, her mum, I'm quite sure would have been devastated.

    • @calamityjean1525
      @calamityjean1525 Před rokem +33

      @@bippityboppityblue Too bad Mom didn't think of that before it was too late. I'm sorry for the accepting members of the family.

    • @bippityboppityblue
      @bippityboppityblue Před rokem +21

      @@calamityjean1525 Yeah, it must be horrible

    • @Bills_kaulitz
      @Bills_kaulitz Před rokem +13

      Rest in peace

  • @ShadowAnimeation
    @ShadowAnimeation Před rokem +596

    Yes, Jesus would probably put pronouns in his bio if he were here today. Jesus was very inclusive and open minded. That's literally why the priests of his day plotted to have him arrested and put to death. Because he was like, "You're hypocritical jerks and need to do better." LOL

    • @Johnny_T779
      @Johnny_T779 Před rokem +95

      Yeah! He went against what was socially acceptable and hung out with sex workers, lepers and tax collectors... Not to mention a dozen of bearded dudes 😝. He was non-judgemental.

    • @tylerisverygayoo4766
      @tylerisverygayoo4766 Před rokem +40

      I interviewed an activist who goes to my school for the school newspaper, and he was talking about how it's hard to be a Christian when Christianity is used to harm queer people, and he said "Jesus was, with all due respect, a complete and utter socialist." and (semi-jokingly??) that the bible and the Communist Manifesto are basically the same thing lol. He's not wrong though- he gave specific examples of how Jesus helped poor and disadvantaged people. Honestly, when you think about it, it becomes almost impossible to deny it

    • @LeoTheVampire
      @LeoTheVampire Před rokem +26

      ​@@tylerisverygayoo4766 i definitelly believe Jesus was a feminist back in the day and he would be standing with the queers now, and i find it really funny that christians can't see that. I'm not really christian in the way that i don't believe in god but i believe that some person equivalent to jesus might have existed. Ofc most of the things happening in the bible are metaphores but the people that take part in them probably existed at one point or another.

    • @babybat5276
      @babybat5276 Před rokem

      not true. Jesus judge people that's why they hated him and he will come nack here to judge us all for our wicked ways. You guys in this comment section don't know jesus. He loves us yes no human can love like he does. But he dosen't love what we do. Read the bibel before you talk about the lord

    • @ShadowAnimeation
      @ShadowAnimeation Před rokem +17

      @@babybat5276 As a Jesus follower and someone who considers God's Word an important part of my faith, I have read the Bible. I actually study it often. Now how about you read the Bible? And I don't mean just plucking sentences out of context to support your argument or regurgitating something a pastor said it says. But actually reading it for yourself, asking God to guide you so you get a true grasp of the faith. Then maybe you'll quit believing made up church propaganda and actually learn Jesus real teachings. Jesus was about Love and Grace. Not judgement and fearmongering.

  • @lilpeanut2499
    @lilpeanut2499 Před rokem +641

    I'm a bi kid in a Christian household and I'm very lucky that my parents don't push it on me that I can't change my pronouns I'm not planning to but my sibling was able to change their and our parents were very supportive

    • @Wante0
      @Wante0 Před rokem +52

      I’m so glad you guys have supportive parents ❤️

    • @TheVoiceinTheDarkness
      @TheVoiceinTheDarkness Před rokem +39

      That's great! So good to see a supportive Chirstain family.

    • @Akutwink
      @Akutwink Před rokem +18

      wow! that's good not every day you see a lot of supportive Christian family!

    • @anniespring8986
      @anniespring8986 Před rokem +22

      This is so great, this is how it should be. Religion isn’t an excuse to be horrible to people and I love that your family can have their beliefs and still be supportive and kind.

    • @Johnny_T779
      @Johnny_T779 Před rokem

      I know moderate christians and muslims too, they are much more widespread than their fundamentalists counterparts, who are just the loud and annoying minority.

  • @uriahgarcia1305
    @uriahgarcia1305 Před rokem +172

    Fun Fact at 22:29 he left out the end part of the scripture Galatians 3:28-29 states "There is neither jew nor greek slave nor free male nor female. For we are all one in Christ Jesus." I think he left that part out because it would contradict what they had both said before about there only being male and female.

    • @havahjones5534
      @havahjones5534 Před rokem +22

      thank you I came here to say this! he kinda looked like he realized halfway through what the rest of the verse is lol

    • @user-qf4ce3mr1c
      @user-qf4ce3mr1c Před rokem

      was just about to say this :)

  • @FrozEnbyWolf150
    @FrozEnbyWolf150 Před rokem +303

    Not only does Jesus flat out announce his pronouns, it's also been said many times that he could be read as a trans allegory. His only biological parent was Mary, meaning he'd have had XX chromosomes. Yet people only ever referred to him as a man, with he/him pronouns. And let's not forget the famous miracle where Jesus undergoes a stark transformation in appearance.

    • @gummynoodles9036
      @gummynoodles9036 Před rokem +62

      Actually he’s intersex because the egg wasn’t fertilised, so he has X and also half of every chromosome which wouldn’t be healthy at all 😂

    • @FrozEnbyWolf150
      @FrozEnbyWolf150 Před rokem +58

      @@gummynoodles9036 That or Mary was a species of whiptail lizard, which reproduces through parthenogensis.

    • @TheTransDevin520
      @TheTransDevin520 Před rokem +59

      Turner syndrome is a female-only genetic disorder that affects about 1 in every 2,000 baby girls. A girl with Turner syndrome only has 1 X sex chromosome, rather than the usual 2. Which would make him a trans man. The same could be said about Eve. If she was made of Adam's rib. She'd be Adam's clone. She'd have male XY chromosomes. Making her a trans woman. Religious people don't like it when science proves that 2 of the most important people in their book is trans. Unless they're going to say that Eve was the first woman with Swyer (XY female) syndrome. But they would never admit that either because every conservative literature on the subject refers to these females as men. Regardless of the fact that they are female. At the end of the day conservatives believe that people are what they say they are regardless of their "rules". Jesus was a man, Eve was a woman, women with Swyer syndrome are men, trans men are women, trans women are men. And all because they said so.

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +38

      @@TheTransDevin520 I agree, but a woman with XY chromosomes is not automatically a trans woman. There are cis women with XY chromosomes. It’s called AIS, androgen insensitivity syndrome, and it’s not that uncommon. About 1 in 20,000 women have XY chromosomes.

    • @AnneOnymaus
      @AnneOnymaus Před rokem +13

      @Sarasti S *About 1 in 20,000 cis women has XY chromosomes.

  • @maurieborealis
    @maurieborealis Před rokem +114

    I think something that some people don’t understand is that gender doesn’t correspond with a specific set of pronouns. Majority of the time if you identify as a woman, your pronouns will be she/her, if you identify as a man, your pronouns will be he/him and they/them pronouns for non-binary, but that is not always the case. Someone can be a women with they/them pronouns. Someone can be a-gender with he/him pronouns. Someone can be non-binary and use all pronouns. (These are just examples) God can be genderless and use he/him pronouns.

    • @msjkramey
      @msjkramey Před rokem +6

      Why would someone use pronouns that don't align with their identity tho? Genuinely asking, not trying to start a fight or anything

    • @maurieborealis
      @maurieborealis Před rokem +30

      @@msjkramey I would suppose it’s just a persons preference and what they feel most comfortable with. I’m non-binary and like they/him pronouns used for me.

    • @mjamin9124
      @mjamin9124 Před rokem +19

      I've heard of butch lesbians who've used he/him
      and i have a lesbian cousin who uses they/them, even though they still identify as a woman

    • @nicreven
      @nicreven Před rokem +1

      @@msjkramey because they're not a foundational part of gender in general. I mean, they are, but one set of pronouns isn't exclusive to one gender, and all that. Shit's complicated

  • @itisthefish
    @itisthefish Před rokem +1024

    Fun fact: In one story from the bible Jesus said "I am He"
    Edit: Nearly 200 likes in the spawn of an hour? Impressive
    Edit 2: 500!?

    • @jgcoverkknot5701
      @jgcoverkknot5701 Před rokem +169

      Jesus pronouns supportive icon?!?!

    • @AspenExists
      @AspenExists Před rokem +149

      Omg 😨 Jesus has pronouns?

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +73

      “There is neither Jew nor Hellene, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”

    • @msjkramey
      @msjkramey Před rokem +6

      This deserves all the likes

    • @finnilyenough
      @finnilyenough Před rokem +18

      he's just like me fr fr 😭

  • @user-yx9kc8it8d
    @user-yx9kc8it8d Před rokem +77

    My mom is still trying to pray the gay away and has started including, "Thank you that we find our identity in you," to her prayers. 🤦‍♀

    • @bottomofastairwell
      @bottomofastairwell Před rokem +18

      Ugh, im sorry you have to deal with that.
      I just want you to know that they're nothing wrong with you. And it's okay if you don't talk to her very much, if at all, when you finally leave home.
      Also, not saying you have to, but if you choose to leave religion behind, there's a huge community of people who talk about deconstructing from very strict religion.
      No matter what you do though, just know that you're valid, and that you deserve to be happy and healthy

    • @YourPalMal23
      @YourPalMal23 Před rokem +10

      My mom does the same thing to a friend I have that is a lesbian. she says "I won't treat her any different" yet she tried to pray it away like its a bad thing 🤔

  • @itsbrenna1357
    @itsbrenna1357 Před rokem +41

    I literally love it so much when people say "I don't use pronouns," as if "I" isn't a pronoun

    • @might_be_charlie
      @might_be_charlie Před 4 měsíci +3

      Yea like they think pronouns are scary or something😭🤚

  • @ZephyrSnowflame
    @ZephyrSnowflame Před rokem +514

    I am a gay, trans Christian. And Jesus offers his love to everyone. He doesn’t hate or gatekeep. And any time you “other” someone else, any time you treat someone else as less than you because they’re different, Jesus will up and leave you for the people you exclude. God is Love, and there are both Male and Female forms of the words used to describe God used in the Hebrew Bible. These people make me sad, their blinkered view is one I have been exposed to, and has caused so much pain to so many people, including myself. Not all Christians are like this. Love conquers all.

    • @keemera-art
      @keemera-art Před rokem +56

      You are the kind of Christian I wish every Christian was. Your very kind. What a nice comment 😊

    • @littlecousin8716
      @littlecousin8716 Před rokem +15

      This is such a nice and reflective comment. Thank you :))

    • @littlecousin8716
      @littlecousin8716 Před rokem

      @Ville it's not. Shut up

    • @mitchystuff
      @mitchystuff Před rokem

      ​@Ville no it isn't, otherwise no one would choose it. Being gay comes with so many horrible things like hatred and fear for our lives so why would we choose that

    • @ZephyrSnowflame
      @ZephyrSnowflame Před rokem +49

      @Ville Why would anyone choose to be gay? It makes it much harder to date, can lead to being bullied or even cast out by our families, our churches. I’m sure I would have had a much easier time being Straight. I spent far too many nights praying that God would make me straight, as I know many gay people have. But in the end, you come to realise - God loves us despite who we love. As long as we follow the way, and love leads all our actions, we can be Gay, Straight, Trans, Cis. The choice is to be homophobic or not. Would you choose a harder path, knowing others will persecute you for it?

  • @dinosaurs_rule
    @dinosaurs_rule Před rokem +1309

    I vote that Noah should be the one to write this new bible

  • @twinksintrees
    @twinksintrees Před rokem +1312

    Jesus would put his pronouns in his bio and they would be “he/hymn”

  • @SarastistheSerpent
    @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +135

    I am not a linguist, but presumably ancient Aramaic did have third person gendered pronouns, so I assume that Jesus would have therefore used them.

    • @TheQueerTailor
      @TheQueerTailor Před rokem +12

      The languages the Torah (what Christians call the Old Testament) was written in actually have six grammatical genders and corresponding gender roles

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +10

      @@TheQueerTailor true, but Jesus himself would not have spoken Hebrew as in the Torah. In Roman Palestine during the era that Jesus lived, Hebrew was a liturgical language used only in religious ritual and ceremony, just like how Latin is used exclusively a liturgical language in the Catholic Church. Jesus would’ve spoken Aramaic in his daily life, and I’m not sure how many grammatical genders ancient Aramaic had

    • @TheQueerTailor
      @TheQueerTailor Před rokem

      @@SarastistheSerpent this is true, however even in Roman Palestine liturgical Hebrew was part of the standard boy’s education

  • @DevynDrums
    @DevynDrums Před rokem +227

    Watching a Paul and Morgan video is always a roller coaster and ends in disappointment😂

    • @ellapanton4776
      @ellapanton4776 Před rokem +3

      It's scary to think that they are apart of iblp and have such a big platform to spread such hurtful messages

  • @hka2501
    @hka2501 Před rokem +91

    The idea of Jesus having a bio is so funny to me like
    Jesus ✝
    33 ⚡
    he/they ♂
    Capricorn ♑
    God loves me 🤪

  • @music.is.inspiration4235
    @music.is.inspiration4235 Před rokem +697

    Transphobic people who claim they can't seperate biological sex and social gender are so funny because they'll see a guy wearing make up and go "you look like a girl", or ask a woman who doesn't shave her legs things like "what are you, a man?", but then go to someone who's been on hormones for like a decade and has surgically transitioned and be like "you will never be a woman, you were born with a dick". They don't even understand themselves :/

    • @Laurap01
      @Laurap01 Před rokem

      No one actually thinks that the woman who doesn’t shave is a man though. Your comparison is shit.

    • @jonathanheim5842
      @jonathanheim5842 Před rokem +7

      I mean, we literally give a gender role to Barbie so...😆

    • @music.is.inspiration4235
      @music.is.inspiration4235 Před rokem +8

      @@jonathanheim5842 sorry, I don't get what you mean

    • @starrby7790
      @starrby7790 Před rokem +40

      My grandpa in secret shaves his armpits because he doesn't like them bush hairy like other men do but he doesn't tell anyone and told me to not tell anyone that knows him because he's afraid himself people would see him less of a man or judge him harshly for shaving his armpits as a man

    • @Twinkletoesimpson
      @Twinkletoesimpson Před rokem +4

      @@music.is.inspiration4235what I think they’re saying is people say like “Barbie is a girl
      And Ken is a boy and they do this and this and blah blah blah”

  • @sadieamber
    @sadieamber Před rokem +217

    I’ve got the kindest sweetest friend Oakley, she’s Christian and she does not care. She literally says I don’t see why people care because saying you can’t date a girl because of my religion is the same as saying you can’t eat a cookie because I’m on a diet like no. I love Oakley ahshsgdf

    • @TheVoiceinTheDarkness
      @TheVoiceinTheDarkness Před rokem +17

      I've a friend Gabi too and she's super supportive of me too. We're both Christians. I'm a greyace demi-panromantic magiwomen, she accepts me for who I am, let's me talk about my current girlfriend and she even tried to help me approach another one trans fem person/women I was interested in the past.

    • @east_coastt
      @east_coastt Před rokem +10

      @@TheVoiceinTheDarkness what’s a magi woman? I’ve tried googling, but nothing came up.

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +5

      @@east_coastt I think it might be an autocorrect mistake. They likely mean demiwoman/demigirl, which is a non-binary gender identity that is on the female side of the gender spectrum but not entirely female.

    • @sadieamber
      @sadieamber Před rokem +1

      @@TheVoiceinTheDarkness that’s so cool:)

    • @TheVoiceinTheDarkness
      @TheVoiceinTheDarkness Před rokem +2

      @@sadieamber thanks !

  • @katica69
    @katica69 Před rokem +122

    it's funny how you as a non-Christian had better arguments than most Christians. Like, you're right, God is not a human, therefore he has no sex/gender. also God loves everyone and Christianity is about accepting and loving our neighbors.
    Ps.: and I think Jesus would definitely put his pronouns in his bio

    • @babybat5276
      @babybat5276 Před rokem +1

      it says in the bibel that he is a man that's why we call him lord...

    • @katica69
      @katica69 Před rokem +7

      @@babybat5276 i know, but that's because we humans can't imagine the unimaginable, so we compare God to things from our everyday life. we compare his love with the ones parents give to their children and since men are more dominant, we say "father", "he" and "man", but when you think about it rationally, God is not from earth, therefore he doesn't need to have the physical or spiritual traits us humans have (like gender or sex). another example is that we tend to think that heaven is a place with clouds and singing angels, but none of us, living people has actually been there so we don't know that either. the Bible was written by humans and I truly believe they had guidance, so that it would be accurate what they say, but I don't think even they could see or truly understand the concept of God.

  • @quack.innit.09
    @quack.innit.09 Před rokem +198

    Yes. Yes he would.

    • @eleannaraphaeliag8337
      @eleannaraphaeliag8337 Před rokem +16

      I think you mean "He" would

    • @dinotheraptor
      @dinotheraptor Před rokem +1

      @@eleannaraphaeliag8337 what

    • @boop-9167
      @boop-9167 Před rokem +8

      @@dinotheraptor I think the Bible usually capitalises the pronouns used for God/Jesus to symbolise his importance

    • @dinotheraptor
      @dinotheraptor Před rokem +4

      @@boop-9167 oh- why does that need to be corrected though. i feel like you only would do it like that if youre a christian lol

    • @eleannaraphaeliag8337
      @eleannaraphaeliag8337 Před rokem +10

      @Dino The Raptor oh its just a joke because some religious people may say " pronouns" don't matter but then freak out if you don't capitalise holy pronouns .

  • @lydiamclaws980
    @lydiamclaws980 Před rokem +243

    As a queer Christian (who also believes that the Bible most likely has many translational errors), I think that God/Jesus wouldn't care so deeply...? I mean God created intersex people knowing that they don't quite "fit" into the male/female thing, and I think God is aware that gender/sexuality is a spectrum. I think that if you're being a decent person and treating others well, God's opinion is essentially 'cool you're doing what I've asked!' Why would an omnipresent being say it's wrong for somebody to identify in a way that makes them feel comfortable? Just my opinion though. Great video Noah!

    • @TheVoiceinTheDarkness
      @TheVoiceinTheDarkness Před rokem +39

      As fellow queer Christian I love this comment. Thanks for saying I need to hear this

    • @AllThingsBread
      @AllThingsBread Před rokem +1

      Another Christian queer who feels so seen by your comment :]

    • @MoonieTheMenace
      @MoonieTheMenace Před rokem +23

      Catholic bi here, and I totally agree with you

    • @queerdinonugget
      @queerdinonugget Před rokem +21

      Queer christian here, totally agree!

    • @kaymorrison9574
      @kaymorrison9574 Před rokem +36

      And when God said "Man and woman" he also said "day and night", using the ends of a spectrum to refer to the whole thing. There's also dusk and dawn so why wouldn't there be trans and nonbinary people?

  • @aquamarinebadger7809
    @aquamarinebadger7809 Před rokem +60

    As someone who does believe in God and the Bible, Noah has so so many good points. Legitimately I would never rely on the bible for everything they do when it has been mistranslated and misinterpreted so many times. My father studies dozens of different versions of the bible and there are so many dissimilarities?? Like, why not just ask God yourself whether or not something is ok instead of relying on a somewhat shady version of human recorded events? As always, Noah's comments are on point and I'm excited for his new song.

    • @LucidLuci666
      @LucidLuci666 Před 28 dny

      His best point was when he told the people it's going to flood and built a boat

  • @wheeliemum6253
    @wheeliemum6253 Před rokem +93

    I'm 2.5 mins in and sat here hearing Noah say he likes Paul and Morgan and my thoughts. "Oh you sweet summer child, you're too nice for Paul and Morgan" ok, on with the video, hiding behind my hands in dread of what P&M are going to say but I can guess.

    • @wheeliemum6253
      @wheeliemum6253 Před rokem +11

      That would actually a mild one for them. They can be really hateful but I think they've toned it down in the last couple of years. .

    • @Johnny_T779
      @Johnny_T779 Před rokem +8

      This couple look like evil npc characters in a horror game, trying to lure the player in their hut to murder them 😅.

  • @Milo_frog_rocket
    @Milo_frog_rocket Před rokem +80

    Noah prays for golden retriever but Noah is golden retriever...

    • @fredmichaels418
      @fredmichaels418 Před rokem +3

      Damn Straight ! Pun intended ....
      Only because I wish I had thought to
      comment like you did ! 🍺

    • @Aqua-vf3jr
      @Aqua-vf3jr Před 8 měsíci

      I literally stopped the video at that point to tell the screen "Noah, you ARE the golden retriever!"

  • @alexelion7084
    @alexelion7084 Před rokem +21

    A relative of mine who is a catholic priest apparently said that you could read the „god created man and woman“ as „god created masculine and feminine“, which doesn’t exclude both existing at the same time in one person (or something like that). He knows that I’m nonbinary and he has no problem with it

  • @angielarsen3233
    @angielarsen3233 Před rokem +42

    What you were saying about him seeming conflicted on showing empathy, versus her just being disgusted and confused by the idea of pronouns lol...those are both pretty common feelings in the church, in my experience. As someone who used to be conflicted about trans rights (internalized queerphobia✌🏻), I think he has more of a chance to change his mind than she does, which I pray he can. It takes a lot of work to unpack learned transphobia, homophobia, etc, especially when it's connected to religion.

    @0L1V3RTHESOAPDRINKER Před rokem +90

    Well, as someone who used to be religious, I think that personally, he would but for the reason of pronouns being a part of the English language.

    • @Xtroid
      @Xtroid Před rokem +15

      Fr he'd probably put his pronouns in Aramaic too

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +15

      @@Xtroid Aramaic*. Jesus would not have spoken Hebrew in his day to day life as during that era, Hebrew was a sacerdotal language only used in religious settings, exactly like how Latin is used today in the Catholic Church. Jesus would’ve spoken Aramaic in his daily life.

    • @Xtroid
      @Xtroid Před rokem +11

      @@SarastistheSerpent ah my bad, I was not made aware

  • @RolfTheCat
    @RolfTheCat Před rokem +51

    Personally I think Jesus would put pronouns in his bio, and that he’d think that it would make it easier for people to know what pronouns they use so that everyone could be happy! Christianity is all about love, right? 😃👍

  • @jgcoverkknot5701
    @jgcoverkknot5701 Před rokem +77

    These people made a video talking about their bedroom life and it was like watching evidence in a murder case. There was a moment where they were discussing what happened after an argument and they weren't going to 'do it' and the woman said 'I knew you were upset, but I was too, so I said to myself I wasn't going to do this tonight' and he turned into a full on supervillain; 'You knew? You just disregard my emotions like that??'
    Like bro chill get therapy 😭
    Side note: Noah says Christians like the villain from a Christian cartoon I watched when I was 9. "Kris-tea-ahns". The bad guy was Emperor Nero 💀

    • @IfHighgateswereclimbable
      @IfHighgateswereclimbable Před rokem +2

      Was it the Storykeepers?

    • @warriorcatkitty
      @warriorcatkitty Před rokem +3

      I remember watching someone reacting to them and it was just. so hard to get through, for probably both the reactor and me 😭

    • @jgcoverkknot5701
      @jgcoverkknot5701 Před rokem +1

      ​@@IfHighgateswereclimbablethat's the name 😭
      That show was a classic and not as insane as some other Christian shows

  • @CopperRyeGuy
    @CopperRyeGuy Před rokem +53

    Every times things like this come up I always think about how *So Many People* have pictures other than themselves as their avatars??? Like, how are people supposed to guess the gender of someone with a profile picture of an animal or cartoon or literally anything other than their own face? Just... Put pronouns so people know?????

    • @Morrislover.they.xem.
      @Morrislover.they.xem. Před 8 měsíci +1

      Fr. And sometimes even if they do have their face, it can be hard to see on a phone. Just put the little grammar thingies so I use the right ones

  • @r-platt
    @r-platt Před rokem +13

    "I love you. Of course I'll make you happy! I am all things to all people."
    - Jesus, he/him/she/her/they/them/ze/zur
    Don't put limits on God.

    • @cryingchild4209
      @cryingchild4209 Před rokem +2

      I'm really sorry if this comes across as rude but what does "ze/zur" mean?

    • @r-platt
      @r-platt Před rokem +2

      @@cryingchild4209 Ze / Zur are gender-neutral pronouns like they / them. This is partially in response to people complaining that they / them are plural words.
      Very few people use ze/zur but Jesus is inclusive of all people.

    • @cryingchild4209
      @cryingchild4209 Před rokem +2

      @@r-platt thanks for letting me know

  • @JoshColletta
    @JoshColletta Před rokem +30

    As a Christian -- and I'm commenting this before seeing the video -- I'd like to think he would. Jesus's whole thing was kinda just "don't be a jerk." If it were appropriate and polite to introduce one's self with their pronouns in Jesus's time (and, as others here have pointed out, it actually was, in a way -- such as Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph), seems to me that he would have done so.

  • @LoFiCornerASMR
    @LoFiCornerASMR Před rokem +34

    - Today's discussion: why do people do this?
    - I don't know
    - Me neither
    - 🗿
    - 🗿
    *sit and talk about how they don't understand the thing for 20 mins*
    How about go and ask people who put pronouns in their bio about why they do that? Easy to find out

  • @archie9014
    @archie9014 Před rokem +358

    Jesus seems like a trans ally

    • @dinosaurs_rule
      @dinosaurs_rule Před rokem +25

      Hell yeah

    • @cody.schedler
      @cody.schedler Před rokem +14


    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +51

      Jesus absolutely would be a trans ally. In some of the non-canonical Gnostic gospels, Jesus even talks about “making Mary Magdalene male” when St. Peter complains that she should be excluded from Jesus’ homilies on account of her gender, and Jesus likewise talks about making the male apostles androgynes (in Gnostic myth, the ultimate God is an androgyne, and the soul of every person is an androgyne, while the separation of male and female is a perversion of the true form of the soul caused by the ignorance of the demiurge called Yaldabaoth/Saklas).

    • @cody.schedler
      @cody.schedler Před rokem +30

      @@SarastistheSerpent Also, technically Jesus couldn’t have XY chromosomes because Mary was a virgin, so that could make him trans

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Před rokem +37

      @@cody.schedler potentially true, although technically chromosomes do not dictate sex. There are cisgender men with XX chromosomes and cisgender women with XY chromosomes. It’s actually not even that uncommon. 1 in 20000 cisgender women have XY chromosomes. So Jesus could very well be an XX cisgender male, although how he would’ve gotten the second chromosome without a biological father is the miracle of his birth I suppose

  • @elaixxx814
    @elaixxx814 Před rokem +19

    growing up Christian was a fcking roller coaster when i started questioning my gender and sexuality, especially when not having supportive parents

  • @madi8248
    @madi8248 Před 11 měsíci +5

    my parents and their friends were having dinner once and my moms friend literally said "if you're into the pronoun shit just go and jump off a cliff"
    she has a 4 year old son.
    im so scared for when the little boy grows up and maybe he wont use they/them but he'll know that they'll never accept his friend that may use whatever pronouns that arent the "norm"

  • @majazadrozna9703
    @majazadrozna9703 Před rokem +8

    Im Christian and i just talk with God and he said “gay is ok” and he slays

  • @moth.03
    @moth.03 Před rokem +45

    Noah: They seem nice
    Me, who knows who Paul and Morgan are: ...

    • @Ur.average.equestrian.
      @Ur.average.equestrian. Před rokem +3

      Who are they?

    • @moth.03
      @moth.03 Před rokem +8

      @@Ur.average.equestrian. Fairly prominent Christian youtubers with some shitty opinions - you can get the idea from the video. Kinda Girl Defined adjacent if you know who they are? I don't remember where I first heard about them but a few people have made reaction/response videoes on them.

    • @Ur.average.equestrian.
      @Ur.average.equestrian. Před rokem +1

      @@moth.03 oh ok thank you i had just started to watch the video and couldnt really tell yet

  • @freya7537
    @freya7537 Před rokem +29

    Hi! About the Bible thing: although many Christians read the Bible COMPLETELY literally, which in turn makes it hard for them to adapt to new concepts (because it's not in the Bible) a lot of Christians will try and read the Bible in an interpretive way. This means that they will try and find God's message (so like his voice ig and what he's trying to tell them) in the text - kinda like driven by the holy spirit. It's a bit confusing to try and explain but basically it's why there are accepting and liberal Christians as well as the whole "You will burn in Hell etc etc" (The whole God's wrath type are generally the loud minority unfortunately).

    • @fluffigverbimmelt
      @fluffigverbimmelt Před rokem +6

      Good point. I feel like the "literal" Christians are more prevalent in the US compared to Western Europe (ignoring religious dumpsters like Poland).
      Around here in Western Europe it's very uncommon to belive the bible word by word, because there are so many translations. It's just obvious that there is not one perfect text that was given by god.
      In Islam however, this is mandatory (correct me, but I had this confirmed by every Muslim I talked to). So the Quran is perfect, exact and correct word by word and the literal word of God.
      By the way, I chuckled when the woman claimed to be so scripture-Christian and wanted to relate pronouns to the bible, but only came up with the most generic references like Genesis. Can't believe she really knows her stuff

    • @Robb3636
      @Robb3636 Před rokem +7

      @@fluffigverbimmelt Morgan wasn't raised Christian, she was a more recent convert (converted by her husband Paul, the guy in the video) so yeah, she's not super knowledgeable about Bible passages, the history surrounding it or the context of any of it. As someone who was raised Christian by a minister who has a PHD in Christian history (I'm no longer Christian) whenever I would have discussions or disagreements with adults that were Christian and we'd talk about the Bible or history therein, they usually would be very ignorant of a huge amount of what they were talking about, which is super frustrating. It's fine if people are just Christian for the vibes or whatever, but they shouldn't be speaking on it with any authority

    • @bottomofastairwell
      @bottomofastairwell Před rokem

      Reading the Bible literally is so dumb. Like how many contradictory are in it?
      And these people are the ones who go on about the "sanctity of marriage" but then ignore the MULTIPLE parts of the Bible that go on about polygamy. Yeah, one man and woman my ass.

    • @fluffigverbimmelt
      @fluffigverbimmelt Před rokem

      @@Robb3636 ah, that makes a lot of sense. What a shit show. Why does she even try to make points about what "the bible says" on x y z? This could have been a good discussion if she had raised the questions "to the bible" and Paul given possible answers and both looked up the passages and discussed the implications.
      But of course this would be harder to digest for the typical right-wing Christian watching.

    • @babybat5276
      @babybat5276 Před rokem

      god never changes the world does. he is the same. Pls read the bibel. It litrally talks about the future in the bibel

  • @itsjustredright
    @itsjustredright Před rokem +22

    I know that this is completely unrelated to the video, but I wanted to share with you that after years of suffering I'm finally on T(iam a trans dude)! I had my first shot yesterday. I'm so happy that I just had to tell someone about it. Can't wait to see the changes. Have a nice day folks :)

    • @justaperson6922
      @justaperson6922 Před rokem +1

      That's amazing I'm so glad !

    • @blahblahblahidk333
      @blahblahblahidk333 Před rokem +1

      im so happy for u!

    • @itsjustredright
      @itsjustredright Před rokem +1

      @@blahblahblahidk333 Thank you! I've waited 5 years for this moment at least that went well in my life lol

    • @nicreven
      @nicreven Před rokem

      After a month, how's it going?

    • @itsjustredright
      @itsjustredright Před rokem +2

      @@nicreven TBH I started feeling ill for a few weeks. My doctor told me that this is normal because my body needs to get used to more testosterone. And oh boy, it was a nightmare. I was sleeping most of the time because of this. From headaches to hot flashes from chill to feeling weak and tired. But I feel good now.
      My voice started cracking which is awesome, but it's kind of hard to sing right now as I have trouble to hold a note without my voice being shaky or sounding like a squeaky toy :D
      My sweat has a different smell and it's more unpleasant than it was before which is not awesome. I'm sweating more overall.
      Also I'm more anxious than usual, but at the same time I don't have mood swings and my mental health got better. I'm more happy and more at pease with myself which is something that I haven't felt in a long time. I think that's what I've noticed right now.
      Btw, I'm glad you asked. I wish you a wonderful day :)

  • @morganmightbeok...
    @morganmightbeok... Před rokem +29

    To me these people just give off ‘my pronouns are Jesus and the Bible’ energy/vibes

    • @MateoLeibowitz-
      @MateoLeibowitz- Před rokem +2

      MY PRONOUNCE ARE USA 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @mj8935
    @mj8935 Před rokem +10

    I love that it literally says in the bible that God doesn't have gender and that there isn't gender in heaven. Why these people ignoring those passages?

  • @runroorun_
    @runroorun_ Před rokem +28

    "i like them, i really hope they don't say some dumb shit" oh noah. oh noah

  • @svealeona4351
    @svealeona4351 Před rokem +34

    I literally have an adjustment disorder and autism, which makes it hard as hell for me to adapt to new things, but pronouns? Love them. And I'm a she/they.

    • @oops-a-davey
      @oops-a-davey Před rokem +3

      I'm also autistic! I'm bad in social situations (even online) and don't know when it's okay to ask. So when someone says "by the way I use he/they", or someone puts "she" in their bio, I don't have to ask! Which is super neat! I'm afraid to ask but I put effort into getting pronouns right even if someone else doesn't care or doesn't mind any pronouns

  • @HiBuddyyyyyy
    @HiBuddyyyyyy Před rokem +11

    Paul gets weirdly angry at mixed race couples in media (not in this video, but it shows more of their ick views).

  • @ScytrusScythe_
    @ScytrusScythe_ Před rokem +10

    As a mixed child. (Black on dad's side, white on mom's)
    No race other than other mixed people will ever understand the struggles of being mixed.
    1. White people telling you how "you still have the white card", or just overall ignoring that racism exists in the first place.
    2. Black people telling you how you'll never have it as bad as them as far as racism.
    3. Being too black for the whites, and too white for the blacks.
    4. Constantly being told "You can't be both."
    5. Dominican/Hispanics using the n word.
    6. (Mostly white) People saying "i identify as black." and then saying "ni-" jokingly.
    7. there's so much more, but if i tried to type it all i might die from hand cramps 💀💀💀

  • @fabby_babby
    @fabby_babby Před rokem +13

    "where's my golden retriever?"
    Isn't that Corey?

  • @weronikaw7471
    @weronikaw7471 Před rokem +15

    My brain just melted. Respect to Noah for sitting through!

  • @transmaniandevil
    @transmaniandevil Před rokem +9

    the Bible also says tattoos aren't allowed... she seems to cherry pick which biblical rules to follow 👀

  • @Ben-ki3yh
    @Ben-ki3yh Před rokem +30


  • @NotAnEldritchHorror
    @NotAnEldritchHorror Před rokem +18

    without having even watched the video yet I can say with absolute certainty, yes. jesus would put his pronouns in bio. John 4:26 "and Jesus said 'I am He'"

    • @NotAnEldritchHorror
      @NotAnEldritchHorror Před rokem +4

      my knowledge of Bible quotes (and ways to use them to dismiss some bigoted arguments that claim to be Christian) are literally the only benefits of being raised Catholic lol. coming out was suuuuper fun...

    • @bloodgutsandangelcake6079
      @bloodgutsandangelcake6079 Před rokem

      Someone I know actually used this Bible verse in his bio to subtly showcase that he was trans.
      I just confused everyone by having both "she/her" and "Matthew 11:28" in my bio.

    • @kartwheelies
      @kartwheelies Před 5 měsíci

      jesus is michael jackson confirmed

  • @NoahsNotNormal
    @NoahsNotNormal Před rokem +127

    And yes, jesus would put pronouns in bio

  • @alexoos3
    @alexoos3 Před rokem +20

    everytime noah uploads a new video a smile appears on my face

  • @DecoyZ
    @DecoyZ Před rokem +6

    It really is sad when people use religion not as something to spread love and acceptance but hate and judgement
    I'm a norse and Celtic pagan, and something I love about my religion is that it goes against a lot of this stuff
    Women and Men are equally powerful
    Other genders exist in gods (Loki is Genderfluid just like me) and my favourite part is that the religion is not based upon fear.
    there is no real hell or heaven in nordic or Celtic views (there is a theorised hell like state in nordic, however it is very likely misinterpreted as the writing came from a Christian describing norse rituals)
    We also don't have a list of rules we must follow
    The closest we have is a poem about Odin giving wisdom
    And he says "be nice to people. Unless they're an asshole, then tell em to piss off"
    Another thing I like about paganism is that it's not about being below gods
    God's make mistakes
    You can disagree with the gods and not get smited for it
    You "worship" gods not as beings above you, but simply as powerful elders who you thank with song, dance and gifts
    Paganism is also about respecting nature and the spirits which watch over the land
    Sorry for the rant, paganism is one of my special interests
    There are good Christians who actually love they neighbour
    But there are a lot who use the bible as a way to hate
    Religion should never be about othering and judgement
    Religion should bring peace and love

  • @itsvegard
    @itsvegard Před rokem +10


  • @guReum_b0yy.
    @guReum_b0yy. Před rokem +5

    Fun fact: the original word used wasn't "rib", it was "half", in the creation story. As in, EVE WAS MADE FROM HALF OF ADAM. Not from a small little part of him. They are EQUAL.

    • @somik-i3x
      @somik-i3x Před 10 měsíci +2

      Now I have the image of God taking half of Adam body while Adam is screaming in pains.

    • @pepper1739
      @pepper1739 Před 9 měsíci +1

      ​@@somik-i3xI mean taking from his rib would also be painful

  • @dinosaurs_rule
    @dinosaurs_rule Před rokem +26

    I'm so excited that you're making content again, glad you're doing a bit better

  • @nonamebrand.1579
    @nonamebrand.1579 Před rokem +4

    I live in a house with parents like this and it's literally the worst. I only realised at the age of 12/13 that people thought differently to Christians and that it wasn't "wrong"

  • @Fabala827
    @Fabala827 Před rokem +4

    11:45 the thing that sucks is the people who actually are relatively well-educated, or at least enough to understand that gender and sex are different- I’ve run into enough people who know exactly what point we’re making here, and they literally don’t believe it exists. Like, they call it “gender theory” and act like it’s just some wild idea we came up with 🙄

  • @Vanilla.girl333
    @Vanilla.girl333 Před rokem +5

    for any of my trans folk that are christians or have family that are christian here's a little quote: " As my friend Julian puts it, only half winkingly: " God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation."

  • @MeganHitachiin
    @MeganHitachiin Před rokem +4

    Watching someone experience Paul and Morgan for the first time is always a little weird because like you know what is coming and you know it quickly gets worse as their videos go on

  • @terezachlebanova8847
    @terezachlebanova8847 Před rokem +26

    So excited for the new song! ❤ Love your music

  • @stellar_nathy6679
    @stellar_nathy6679 Před rokem +9

    It was so funny to me when you said that Paul and Morgan were "sweet" and "nice"

  • @superranderman1905
    @superranderman1905 Před rokem +8

    Noah: "I'll give this married couple the benefit of the doubt."
    Paul and Morgan show up.
    Me: Oh you sweet summer child.

  • @Aerials135
    @Aerials135 Před rokem +4

    noah immediately saying "i like them" 😂 counting down seconds until that changes

  • @sadsbarn
    @sadsbarn Před rokem +2


  • @jd1988
    @jd1988 Před rokem +3

    I love how he started stating the first half of Galicians 3:28 but didn't say the second half because he knew it would mess up his argument. "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" 🤣

  • @lucybarnes8969
    @lucybarnes8969 Před rokem +9

    I love to see you crossing over into the fundie snark community!!! F Paul and Morgan and please do more of this! ❤

  • @toast2850
    @toast2850 Před rokem +3

    i love that they're saying its obvious whether your male or female, but almost all my public posts dont show my face, and even if i did people irl can't tell what i am

  • @fern_the_opossum1693
    @fern_the_opossum1693 Před rokem +6

    jesus would put pronouns in his bio bc there's a guy on tiktok who cosplays jesus and he has pronouns in his bio (and also prob bc most cis people do this to make trans people feel more comfy and jesus was nice)

  • @bdhesse
    @bdhesse Před rokem +12

    "THEY are going to say 'call me THEY'" well at least Paul is consistent (also yeah, don't watch them, it's not worth it).

  • @salamanda11
    @salamanda11 Před rokem +2

    I was so sad when you went into this optimistic about them, because I knew what they would be like on this topic. I have such a hard time understanding where they’re coming from with taking the bible so literally.

  • @Alter-human_Library
    @Alter-human_Library Před rokem +23

    Yes, I think Jesus would put his pronouns in his bio

  • @floreii
    @floreii Před rokem +5

    The thing about Christianity is that yes, he made male and female, HOWEVER he gave us dominion and stewardship over the earth and to protect and love it, meaning that he made sex, however gave us the power to socially construct gender [he gave us free will, see garden of eden]

    • @floreii
      @floreii Před rokem +1

      ++book of Job, we can't understand God, we cannot understand God's gender

  • @CactusMuffin
    @CactusMuffin Před rokem +6

    You are your own golden retriever

  • @Snail_Bones1
    @Snail_Bones1 Před rokem +9

    Hello, thank you for making this content because it always helps me with my mental and physical health, I’ve also joined the discord which has probably been the safest place on the Internet, thank you and me and my friends can’t wait for the new song coming out in three days😊

  • @emeryclifford594
    @emeryclifford594 Před rokem +4

    the most confusing thing for me is that to love someone without knowing them isn't actually loving /them/, it's loving the idea of them. That's one of the reasons why (biblically speaking, if you believe in the 'love thy neighbor' and similar messages in the Bible) it's so important to be open-minded and learn from other people's experiences and expand your horizons in general. Loving someone without even trying to understand someone or while rejecting their reality and how they see themselves and the world around them is not real love.

  • @gwenM
    @gwenM Před rokem +10

    I am buzzing with joy to hear the new song!
    so exited, so cool, so mint, so fresh, so groovy.

  • @nathryl03
    @nathryl03 Před rokem +4

    Quick reminder that you're all awesome and valid just the way you are. Love all you beans ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

  • @raphaeledits3662
    @raphaeledits3662 Před rokem +3

    My Spanish teacher told us to put our pronouns on our books so he doesn't get our pronouns wrong
    He is my favorite teacher

  • @MateoLeibowitz-
    @MateoLeibowitz- Před rokem +3

    Where it says god created male and female, it also says he made day and night. According to these Christian’s thought process, there is no in between day and night.

  • @EdenDai96
    @EdenDai96 Před rokem +5

    My gender and sexuality (I’m bi and non-binary) never gave me an identity crisis but growing up strictly religious really did! I’m so glad I’m out of that. Don’t get me wrong there are some lovely religious people. But I am a lot more happy and open minded and myself now I’m out of it 🥰

  • @ankles5978
    @ankles5978 Před rokem +7

    my friend who’s Christian gave me a simple explanation on why she puts pronouns in her bio “yeah i am a girl who has short hair and i don’t wear make up often, so people think i’m a guy sometimes. i feel uncomfortable when people call me a guy and use he/him pronouns. That’s why i put pronouns in my bio as a christian”

    • @ankles5978
      @ankles5978 Před rokem


    • @ankles5978
      @ankles5978 Před rokem

      @Ville I'm just confused why you commented "she/her*"

    • @ankles5978
      @ankles5978 Před rokem +1

      @Ville no?? dawg just tell me why you commented "she/her*" because there was nothing wrong with what I said originally?

    • @ankles5978
      @ankles5978 Před rokem +1

      @Ville I literally did not, and even if I did, why do you care?

    • @ankles5978
      @ankles5978 Před rokem

      @Ville those are my pronouns? how do you know when I never told you

  • @imarrywhales
    @imarrywhales Před rokem +4

    I believe in God. I go to a non denominational church and I meditate with Buddhists too. I believe in pronouns. God is not in any way injured by using pronouns. It's ok to be different. I think God would oblige the trans community. God is love. Everybody is equal. Nobody is better than anybody. Weird is not an excuse to hate somebody. You are valid. God loves everybody. This should be a non issue.

  • @juliabogajo
    @juliabogajo Před rokem +5

    I'm Christian and I put pronouns on my bio for no particular reason, just to make it more common so people who actually need them in the bio won't be the odd ones out

  • @its.just_toby
    @its.just_toby Před rokem +7

    "Will I be disappointed?" Well, Idk I get the feeling of a yes after watching it so idk haha

  • @saplingrowan
    @saplingrowan Před rokem +4

    yes Noah, love your commentary! so on point and well spoken. came from a fundamentalist family and it is a mindfuck

    • @saplingrowan
      @saplingrowan Před rokem +1

      heard exactly the jargon of this couple growing up - ‘we love you but we hate the way you’re living’ - very fundamentalist protestant viewpoint.. thinking of linking this to a few people!

    • @fredmichaels418
      @fredmichaels418 Před rokem

      I'm not sure fundamentalism has a Corner on Mindfuking
      I was brought up in an agnostic environment and I would pit my MF
      up against any Fundy Family . My point being , you ca'na blame religion
      for all the foibles of a shit show upbringing ,
      some parents just should have
      Never EVER been allowed to be fertile .

  • @kayzamo
    @kayzamo Před rokem +8

    "they seem sweet!"
    me, an avid fundie friday viewer: 👁👁

  • @alexinpanic
    @alexinpanic Před rokem +7

    Paul and Morgan are known for their strict and probably sexist views on purity culture so I wouldn't be surprised if this goes haywire wergdthr

  • @NoxBVansyn
    @NoxBVansyn Před rokem +1

    I snickered through this entire video. I love how you started off hopeful and then was like "WTF?" as soon as they started talking. Your music is amazing and you always make me laugh with your ranting lol

  • @kylarnkfv
    @kylarnkfv Před rokem +5

    What made me mad is that when they brought in their counter example via Matt Walsh, they completely changed the narrative. When trans people bring intersex people into the conversation, it's to say that SOME people are born intersex, which falls outside of the perceived male/female binary. When phrased correctly, their counter example isn't a counter example at all, it actually reinforces what we are saying. SOME people are born with two heads! Severely conjoined twins can be born where it appears to be one person with two heads. It's incredibly rare, but it does happen. This example in China isn't even unique. I distinctly remember a TLC show from like a dozen years ago specifically about people who are born like this. They went on to say that because these twins in China were born as such, that ALL people are born like this. No, no one ever said that, and no one says that about intersex/trans people either. No one says that because some people are born intersex, EVERYONE is intersex. SOME people are intersex, just as SOME twins are born severely conjoined. Very few things in life exist within a perfect binary, where 100% of the time it's this way or that way. Life is full of 'grey areas' and inbetweens. Just because a very high percentage of things may fall within a specific binary, doesn't mean that everything outside that binary ceases to exist, or is not valid.

  • @lun4r.ang3l
    @lun4r.ang3l Před rokem +3

    i think its also important to acknowledge that Genesis (the part where it states God created man and woman) is purposefully written like a poem, so it has metaphorical meaning to it. Genesis also states that God created the day and night, but we have sunrise and sunset. Genesis also states that theres land and theres water, but we obviously have bogs and swamps and such. The moral of Genesis is not to outline a bimary, but to say that everything in our world, universe, and anything in between, came from God, and it uses this outline of rigidness to make this point.

    • @lun4r.ang3l
      @lun4r.ang3l Před rokem +2

      i also think its super ironic that when he talked abt Galatians 3:28 (the neither jew nor greek part) he left out the “there is neither male nor female” part 💀

    • @waffles2450
      @waffles2450 Před rokem

      Homie, you are so intelligent with the Bible. I’m being absolutely genuine right now. The way you worded all of that was so smooth. Thank you for having good writing skills (I think?)

  • @fernandaparraguirre5237
    @fernandaparraguirre5237 Před rokem +3

    i was raised christian (no longer have faith but still vibe with some principles) and saw this and thought "yeah, Jesus would add pronouns to the bio" but also thought, why not ask my mom? happy to report that my very christian mom agreed with me, her reason being "Jesus cares". also we asked my aunt too, her literally being a nun and all, and apart from the fact she found it hilarious that we called her to ask that she also thinks Jesus would add pronouns cause "he never sided with the oppressors", so there you go lmao

  • @Al0miniumm
    @Al0miniumm Před rokem +2

    I was playing with my ouija board at a sleepover and we ended up figuring out that Vixie and Enzo live in my house, they are a wonderful couple with Enzo using he/they pronouns and Vixie using ze/zer. I fully support asking ghosts their pronouns.

  • @NoahsNotNormal
    @NoahsNotNormal Před rokem +5

    HEY NOAHH. excited for the new vid and new song

  • @twinksintrees
    @twinksintrees Před rokem +2

    also pls the title is banger i got the notification and screeched it was incredible

  • @anniespring8986
    @anniespring8986 Před rokem +3

    Love when he adds ableism to the mix and starts calling disabled people abnormal as well- I guess the transphobia wasn’t enough.

  • @fluffigverbimmelt
    @fluffigverbimmelt Před rokem +2

    Maybe it's just the specific parts of the video, but I feel like this show should be called "Paul makes an effort to somehow argue ultra Christian talking points while Megan blabbers around without being able to reference anything or formulate a solid point"