Traditional Latin Mass Catholics: DON'T BE FOOLS! - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
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    Hold My Beer: An Apocalypse
    St. Joseph the Protector - A Nine-Day Preparation for Entrustment to St. Joseph
    In His Zone - 7 Principles for Thriving in Solitude

Komentáře • 2,6K

  • @LeeEngle
    @LeeEngle Před 2 lety +1981

    The Holy Spirit is pulling on me to return to the Church. He is also working through you for people like me. I haven't been to confession or mass since 1984, but, am going today. Venemos adoremos ad altare Dei. Dominus vobis cum.

  • @1985wvufan
    @1985wvufan Před 2 lety +1129

    My parish was dying. We were dying in attendance and financially. Early in 2020 during the shutdown, we got a new pastor. A very young orthodox priest. When we returned to attending Mass we discovered he was a very reverent priest. He added a Saturday morning Mass, which we had not had in years, and it is the Extraordinary Form. Recently he added another TLM on Sunday at 1pm. Our parish is thriving! Attendance is up, many young families, lots of kids, and college students, and we are improving financially. All due to a priest who preaches the truth, has an hour of confession time every day, and most of all he is extremely reverent.

    • @marynadononeill
      @marynadononeill Před 2 lety +26

      great story!

    • @lisamartini6457
      @lisamartini6457 Před 2 lety +28

      You are so very lucky our priests are very quiet they don't offer anything especially to the elderly that only watch on TV for fear of covid. It would be great for them to go to their homes offer them the Eucharistic and confession ....maybe I'll just have to say it to one of them but it's a pity I have too ...

    • @mirmir8005
      @mirmir8005 Před 2 lety +12

      Mark G. Thank you for sharing thus, please this is enough submission to your Bishop.Great! God bless this young Minister after God's own heart.

    • @1985wvufan
      @1985wvufan Před 2 lety +37

      @@lisamartini6457 Thank you, but we are not lucky, we are blessed. I prayed for years, on my knees and even laying face down in the center aisle of the church for our priest to have a conversion or for us to get a different priest. For God's Will to be done in our parish, for our parish to prosper. I know other people who did this also. It took time, prayer, and fasting and of course faith/

    • @anthonyiannone8766
      @anthonyiannone8766 Před 2 lety +8

      Sounds like Epiphany of Our Lord in Tampa! Thanks for sharing.

  • @FatimaRose1917
    @FatimaRose1917 Před 2 lety +876

    TLM for 3 years, wish I had not been robbed of the beauty of tradition for 47 years of my life but I thank God and am humbled to recognize it now. The remnant are standing firm! We will go to the catacombs if need be. God bless you, Father. I will write 3 lines to my bishop, who has persecuted good priests and turned a blind eye to wicked priests.

    • @rmuller366
      @rmuller366 Před 2 lety +33

      These are the bishops that terrify me Linda! Their numbers are growing as satan prowls around them. That monster is working to destroy everything. Praise God! God’s Word is the final say and He will be victorious. Blessings!

    • @mariepaukowits1709
      @mariepaukowits1709 Před 2 lety +27

      Same here! I’m almost 45 and I wish I had the tlm growing up! I will write to our bishop. But they say he is a modernist…

    • @jennybioche4699
      @jennybioche4699 Před 2 lety +15

      Same here Linda, in the space of time verses eternity, I would say those 47 years of your life still count as blessed. Nice post.

    • @toynoob2051
      @toynoob2051 Před 2 lety +29

      I was literally telling my cousin this 2 days ago! I feel robbed my entire 38 years of my life!! Novas ordo IS A JOKE, ITS WATERED DOWN PROTESTANTISM, WE WANT THE MASS OF AGES THAT CHRIST HIMSELF HELPED ORGANIZE!

    • @elizabethvalenzuela7379
      @elizabethvalenzuela7379 Před 2 lety +12

      Hello Linda Rose!! I too, attend TLM. Heaven on earth.🙏🙏

  • @chasedudek3136
    @chasedudek3136 Před rokem +100

    I was raised Catholic and went to novus ordo Mass my whole life. I went to my first Latin Mass a month ago, and I can honestly say if I would have attended THAT Mass my whole life, I would have never left the Catholic Church.

    • @jaxfernandez3684
      @jaxfernandez3684 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Why? What did it do that the novus ordo couldn’t do? Seriously, people blame the new mass FORMAT because that’s all it is. It’s a new FORMAT. The content and faith and creed and prayers are mostly the same. If you are talking about being in awe or something… I remember the first time I went to the novus ordo mass I was in awe too… who wouldn’t be in awe if you were 5 years old and you went to any mass at any church? Never left the Catholic Church. Had a good priest. As long as the homily adheres to the traditional teachings of the church, that mass is a “traditional” mass in my opinion. The addition of the word “traditional” to Latin Mass is extremely insidious and discrediting to the good that the new format has done for the church. Most of the die-hard Catholics I know who believe in the fundamental teachings of the church, who struggle with evil and tackle it day after day after day better than I, a cradle Catholic, can were all converts who had their start in the novus ordo mass… I seriously don’t understand why people bash the new format. For those who say it’s heretical… what do you bloody mean? The Bible verses… come from the Bible, the congregation is participatory and engaged in the dialogue of the priest. If anything, the only problem is when the priest abuses the homily to espouse some false teaching… in that case, discipline the priest. Whip them back into shape (correct their attitude and behavior) and square them away. Man, people just don’t have common sense. Blaming an entire format for a problem that only occurs on a case-to-case basis. TLDR nothing wrong with the new mass, keep these young priests in line.

    • @chasedudek3136
      @chasedudek3136 Před 5 měsíci +3

      Discovering a Mass to worship God that has its roots in ancient Christianity, rather than one in the innovations and ignorant zeitgeist of the 1960s is a spiritual experience that has to be felt to be understood. You clearly aren't interested in doing that, but there's no need to bash people who are. It seems as though you'd almost rather have TLM'ers out of the church than in, because it destroys your modernist paradigm and makes it hard to continue on pretending that things looked just as bright in the Church and world now as they did in the 1960s. When the TLM is back as the ordinary form (it's a question of 'if' not 'when') it's people like you who you exit the Church in droves, I have no doubt.

    • @jaxfernandez3684
      @jaxfernandez3684 Před 5 měsíci

      @@chasedudek3136 nice. I’m a testament in contradiction to what you just said here today. I’m still a member of the church. People who leave the church are those who don’t attend mass. But sure believe as you like. Your little format doesn’t even come close to fixing the big problems in the church. Keep on believing that one thing like the order of the mass or the procedure is the center of all the rape, embezzlement, molestation, and corruption in the church. That will totally stand up to scrutiny. The fact of the matter is the church is seen as corrupt and people leave. No mass will affect how people see this. It won’t change the fact that some people within the church have hurt a lot of people. It won’t change the fact that maybe, just maybe a lot of people leave the church because of the abuses. Ask anyone who left the church and I guarantee that the “order of the mass” is not even close to the top of their head as to why they left, it’s the corruption. But sure, keep on believing as you do. IGNORE the bigger problems by using the mysique and the awesomeness of the TLM as a way to soothe your wounds and make you forget about the problems of the church. Because the fact of the matter is that if anything people who love the awesomeness of the TLM are basically using it as a drug to distract them from the bigger problems in the church that are the actual reasons why people leave. This is coming from someone who still believes in the church and has never left, btw but sure straw man me and say I’m a non-believer when my actions say otherwise.
      - [ ] I am a Catholic born in 2002. I have always followed the novus ordo and never saw anything wrong with it. My faith is as strong as any person who attends the TLM. I had many good priests who preached the values of Jesus. None of the people that went to my Church espoused anything that was contrary to the core beliefs of the Catholic Church. Translation: We fall in line with every single Conservative, Catholic, Christian value that many who go to the "Traditional Latin Mass," claim that we have abandoned. I know many converts, one of which I have sponsored through RCIA, who had their start in the Novus Ordo mass. It genuinely isn’t more or less “powerful” than the TLM, and the mystery isn’t of the mass, but the transubstantiation, and receiving of the Eucharist which is the center of Catholicism as we know it. Not the mass, the EUCHARIST. The other sacraments are also important, and as long as those are kept, and the laypeople have access to them, the Church will be fine in performing its duties in bringing more people to Christ. From what I understand, people believe that after Vatican II the church became less holy… whatever that means. I don’t think the pope was attacking the Traditional Latin Mass itself, but the people out there who believe that it is the ONLY way to truly “remedy” all the problems of the Church. First off, there are many problems within the church that are not related to the mass: rape, abortion, false teaching, pedophilia, homosexuality, and other abuses… but guess what people? All of this bad stuff happened even before Vatican II. It’s only now with the advent of technology and the media that it’s being HIGHLIGHTED. And from the public’s perspective, all these bad things only happened after Vatican II so it must have been caused by Vatican II, right? Vatican II Like all other ecumenical councils was designed to reinforce teaching that was already there, not to add anything NEW to the doctrine or canon. For the millionth time, we had to reiterate the trinity, the creed, the meaning of everything because that is the Church’s job, and for some reason people can’t discipline themselves to just remember BASIC THEOLOGY. The fact that they needed an ecumenical council meant that somewhere someone was teaching something false. That isn’t a mass problem… that is a teaching problem. So the actual solution… is to get better teachers. What a concept: getting people who are better trained in church teaching into the priesthood. The mass doesn’t deceive people… people deceive people. To blame a format of the service for the problems of the Church is misguided at best, and malicious at worst. It is misguided because the solution is to actually get better taught priests into the priesthood. It is malicious because the priests, deacons, nuns, bishops, and Popes who have committed these heinous acts don’t need theological correction, they need corporate correction. They need to go to prison for their crimes. I think that the pope doesn’t want the traditional Latin mass to become a “band aid” fix for the problems of the church. He doesn’t want us to abuse the traditional Latin mass as a way for ignoring other issues. Because if people genuinely believe that going to a different kind of service is all it takes to fix the problems within the church instead of addressing the problems directly, that is what they’re doing with the mass. They are abusing the mass to make themselves feel better. Using the mass like… a drug quite frankly. The pope has a responsibility to fix any problems within the church because we are the beacon for the world. He can’t do it on his own, and when we practice religious escapism by going to retreats or attending a different kind of mass, we are complicit in complacency and not addressing the issues we have. In a time where the world is pressuring us to change, we don’t need distractions. We don’t need a new service or a new this that or the other. We need to focus on the problems and fix them. He is directing us to get out of our shells, out of the safe haven of the Church to see and fix the problems of the world, and of course to fix the problems of the Church. If we are banded together, we can overcome any problems within the church and otherwise, but if we cower in our confession booths, if we hide in our pews, nothing will get fixed and that’s a fact. Of course people won’t understand this, because it’s so many words, so the apparent solution is to take away the distraction. Think of it this way: you have a fat kid who eats a lot, sits on the couch all day playing video games. Of course, all he has to do is get up, exercise, and eat less. But the fact of the matter is: he’s not gonna do that. He’s gonna keep on sitting there eating his lays and playing Halo. You can explain to him all day long that he needs to stop doing this and why he must stop, and he won’t. Why? Because he’s distracted. Distracted from the problem by the pleasures of the games and the chips. So, as a parent, the best thing is to really take away the chips and the video games. Sure, the child will cry and throw a hissy fit at first, but he will eventually calm down. After the distraction is taken away, the child will have time to reflect, and correct the behavior, so they can stop being fat and unhealthy. That is similar to how a lot of people treat the mass (TLM and novus ordo) retreats, etc… they go to just feel good instead of looking outwards and fixing the real problems. Pope Francis is an older gentleman. I don’t know if he had kids but he must at least know a thing or two about human nature, because he realizes that like anything humans can get their hands on, the mass can and will be abused. The same thing applies to the Traditional Latin Mass that the youth today so proudly love. He just doesn’t want us abusing the mass to escape our real duty as Catholics. I’ll give you a hint: nobody gets converted by a Catholic who never goes anywhere except Mass. abortion doesn’t get fixed by people who just attend service and do their sacraments. Battles are never won in basic training. You have to go out there and fight. You have to realize the human element in the church and fight that too. Whatever you do, if you’re a Catholic who goes to traditional Latin mass or the novus ordo, don’t be complacent, and don’t use the traditions to escape your duties that you received at confirmation.

    • @randywatts6969
      @randywatts6969 Před 4 měsíci

      You seem to be somewhat shallow…

    • @eldwinlimbong9194
      @eldwinlimbong9194 Před 3 měsíci +1

      From.covid i found tlm and my faith transform again

  • @valverdearts
    @valverdearts Před 2 lety +184

    As a born and raised Baptist who has been going to mass with his girlfriend for several months, I can 100% agree that I find the Latin mass more meaningful than anything the watered-down, English version of mass gives. I may not understand it all, but man...I recognize beauty, and it's beautiful.

    • @tastybeetz1511
      @tastybeetz1511 Před rokem +8

      Meaningful? You don’t know what’s going on, where is the meaning in that. You step inside a mosque or a Buddhist temple you will say the same thing cuz it tickles your fancy for something new and mysterious.

    • @giovillalobos2273
      @giovillalobos2273 Před rokem +18

      Fellow Baptist here who has been attending TLM for a few weeks and it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. Our ancestors attended this mass for centuries and prayed the same Latin prayers, you feel a visceral connection to the history of the Church.

    • @jameswoodard4304
      @jameswoodard4304 Před rokem +3

      "I don't understand it, but I like it because it's pretty and it gives me the warm fuzzies." Your logic sounds like that of people on the opposite end of the spectrum who sway to shallow Praise and Worship choruses that say next to nothing but make them feel good and get them whipped up.
      No, let's not have serious discussion of the Word of God and theologically-rich hymns in the language we know and speak. They don't provide enough warm-fuzzies.
      You are a member of the royal priesthood of God with no one between you and the Almighty but our one High Priest Jesus whose sacrifice gives all us sons and daughters direct access to the Most Holy (read Hebrews again). Please don't insult the work of Christ by going to mere men who claim to have a special intercessory position between you and the grace of God and who tell you they have to parse the infinite and already-bought-and-paid-for grace of God out to you bit by bit by reenacting the sacrifice of Christ over and over and over again to keep you from hellfire and Purgatory.
      We have one High Priest who performed one sacrifice that is good for all men for all time. If you have accepted this, you have no need of a religious middle-man to dole the free grace of God out to you like an installment plan. Jesus is our middle man and the grace He won for us has no serving sizes or expiration dates.
      Grace is a certain state of relationship with God (look up the literal definition of the word in English and the original language of biblical Koine Greek), not some magic resource to be parsed out, or to be lost and restored over time. Imagine if your state of loving sonship with your parents was treated the way the Roman Church treats the Grace in which you stand before the Heavenly Father. "Well son, you did get some loving sonship when you were born to us, but you've use a bit of it up since then. You'd better do such-and-such on a regular basis so we can authorize your brother to give you your regular allotment of loving sonship just in case you keep using up too much of it.
      Do you have such a small view of God?! Please don't let things like worship style lead you into such a ridiculous system. Believe and trust in Christ, follow and obey His Word. Let modern day Pharisees play their own games.

    • @bethq1703
      @bethq1703 Před rokem

      @@tastybeetz1511 Wow. This is a Catholic channel. So please don't compare our faith to that of non-Christian ones. Catholicism is the Apostolic Faith. There is no Salvation outside the Catholic Church. I can say that the TLM that i attend has mass books with 1 side Latin and the other in English. And you do follow it with practice if the will is there. I feel both robbed as someone brought up in NO who partly due to the liturgical abuses and shows by well meaning priests at last few masses stopped going to CC. As a Catholic revert who returned last year, God blessed me that by chance discovered TLM that i can attend. It is worth the extra travel. Is Jesus not worth staying with his Catholic teachings and tradition handed down by the early Church and TLM, Mass of the Ages which honours him? You will feel closer to Christ and have the prayer time and not be distracted by priests trying to put on a show or be horrified at liturgical and Eucharistic abuses of most NO masses (in my experience).

    • @bethq1703
      @bethq1703 Před rokem +3

      @@giovillalobos2273 Lovely to hear. We have number of converts at our TLM. I am relearning my Faith so i often like to hear their experiences. Got to admit that some Protestants who converted to Catholicism know the Catholic Faith better than some Catholics (myself included) have met from experience. As a Catholic revert, brought up in NO, I had quite experience at my 1st TLM. I nearly cried at it. It finally felt like I was home. I look forward more to going to mass as know i can leave the stress of what Eucharistic/Liturgical abuses going to see today behind. I still go to mass NO odd time but honestly if could prefer to go TLM all the time even if it means travelling longer distances. There is also a real community feel at the TLM mass at Church i go to. People look out for each other plus more variety of ages too.

  • @phucdo7413
    @phucdo7413 Před 2 lety +557

    Dear Bishop _____,
    Here's my discernment for the "Synod On Synodality." I would like to see traditional Catholicism, the Latin Mass, and orthodox teachings in The Catholic Church.
    In Christo Rege,

  • @evienelson7202
    @evienelson7202 Před 2 lety +239

    I’m 91, raised in the Latin Mass. I believe Vatican ll changed the flock “not for the good”. I cannot get to a Latin Mass anymore, my transportation is a scooter 🛵 but I long to return to tradition 😢

    • @gerloyd6098
      @gerloyd6098 Před 2 lety +4


    • @noelyanes2455
      @noelyanes2455 Před 2 lety +8

      Interesting. Every person over the age of 72 I’ve met says they prefer the new mass over the Latin mass.

    • @evienelson7202
      @evienelson7202 Před 2 lety +15

      @@noelyanes2455 that’s because they were raised in the Vatican ll Mass and teachings. Attend a traditional Latin Mass, then tell me what you think???

    • @noelyanes2455
      @noelyanes2455 Před 2 lety +8

      @@evienelson7202 you aren’t 91 years old and they were raised in the traditional Latin mass. Their main complaint was that they could not understand the mass.

    • @evienelson7202
      @evienelson7202 Před 2 lety +30

      @@noelyanes2455 yes I am 91 years old!!! We had missals that had Latin on one side of the page and English on the other.

  • @ramonhikes
    @ramonhikes Před 2 lety +218

    From Spain, you are a true priest. No compromises when is abouth Truth and Faith. In my land, just few withstands the Modernism chilly winds but these few are solid rocks. Viva Cristo Rey!!!

    • @jenss.3613
      @jenss.3613 Před 2 lety +3

      Spain once was Catholic. But today Spaniards are the wirst. Hostia (host) is used by spanish to mean slap somebody (dar una hostia). Or just as expletive (hostias!). And they are very ignorant and of very bad language.

    • @paxvobiscum9859
      @paxvobiscum9859 Před 2 lety +8

      @@jenss.3613 I agree. And the Spanish people need to take a stand against the widespread sexual depravity that encompasses their country... pornography on public television, vending machines with "sex toys" lining ordinary streets, big billboards advertising the hundreds of brothels in every city (brothels are everywhere, including remote villages and highways between villages and cities), prostitutes on almost every roundabout, flyers and cards with pornographic photos advertising brothels littering city streets and put on parked cars... Spain itself is really just one big brothel these days. No wonder they have the 2nd highest divorce rate in the world...

    • @maryrankin9869
      @maryrankin9869 Před 2 lety +4

      @@paxvobiscum9859 OMG. Cant believe what I just read.

    • @vaquero7x
      @vaquero7x Před 2 lety +5

      Que viva hermano!

    • @vaquero7x
      @vaquero7x Před 2 lety +3

      @@jenss.3613 Very good point, thank you

  • @beatricec9238
    @beatricec9238 Před 2 lety +120

    TLM is truly a glimpse of heaven on earth

    • @thefremddingeguy6058
      @thefremddingeguy6058 Před rokem +10

      It is a true reflection of the heavenly reality of mass. Saint John Chrysostom says, "When Mass is being celebrated, the Sanctuary is filled with countless Angels who adore the Divine Victim immolated on the altar."

  • @bellabell737
    @bellabell737 Před 2 lety +253

    Both of my sons, late 20s go to Latin Mass. I was gobsmacked when they told me. I remember going to Latin mass and wearing a mantilla as a child. Then it all changed and Mass became a disco.

    • @connordrake5713
      @connordrake5713 Před 2 lety +15

      The Mass become Protestant, not a disco. 😂
      I can attest that I can't feel the real connection of the NO Mass to Jesus Christ and I can see a lot of irreverence towards the Eucharist every single Mass I attended.
      How I hope my city had TLM anywhere but unfortunately we don't have any.

    • @nildarodriguez3974
      @nildarodriguez3974 Před 2 lety +4

      Yes, and a Mardi Gras in some me parishes.🙏

    • @marinalina6348
      @marinalina6348 Před 2 lety +6

      Yall haven't been to a pentecostal service if you think the novis ordo is a disco lol

    • @bellabell737
      @bellabell737 Před 2 lety +6

      @@marinalina6348 😂Actualky, I have. Fantastic fun and great music. It's just not for me.

    • @BK-yo5zg
      @BK-yo5zg Před rokem +4

      We were robbed of our birth right. My family fell away and in HS I went to RCIA. Felt good, but there was something missing until I attended my first TLM.

  • @room2327
    @room2327 Před 2 lety +148

    Dear Father Goring,
    You are absolutely correct regarding letting our bishops know what we need from them. If the Latin Mass faithful do not speak up, it could easily be construed that we do not care, or are choosing to be divisive. Thank you for your encouragement and direction!

    • @deluge848
      @deluge848 Před 2 lety +2

      Or maybe they know this is a farce, just like the last survey the Pope sent to the bishops, he lied about the response and so did his minions. These men do not care what we think!!! I have proof of the lies if anyone's interested in reading the document.

    • @room2327
      @room2327 Před 2 lety +6

      Somehow this survey/Synod stuff reminds me of what my previous Novus Ordo tried to accomplish. Sunday after Sunday, we were required to pass out surveys, collect the surveys, go over responses, etc., etc. Long story short, nothing changed, decisions were made by a few chosen people, "The Parish Leadership Team." Chances are, it's done the same way at the Vatican.

    • @soph8164
      @soph8164 Před 2 lety

      With this Pope in control NOTHING will change!

    • @Cojo910
      @Cojo910 Před 2 lety +2

      Difficult to get some bishops, including mine, to listen. No response to letters, ignored during a "ask the bishop anything" meeting (the TLM people had a significant turnout), and to top it all, he has never attended a Latin mass. Thankfully he has not shut us down completely as in other dioceses, so we do have that.

    • @greggrimer1428
      @greggrimer1428 Před rokem

      You are naive in the extreme. Bishops ignored sexual abuse for decades. They are going to file away and faithfully report on the strength of feeling for the Latin Mass and Traditional Catuolic morals. Don't make me laugh.

  • @andrewrsanchez
    @andrewrsanchez Před 2 lety +75

    Traditional Catholics will NEVER lose our faith, because we know it is the one and only true faith given directly to us from our beloved Savior. We stand with the martyrs and saints.

    • @a.r.4093
      @a.r.4093 Před 2 lety +5

      I'm currently very new to the TLM, I've been watching the low mass online and trying to follow along with a PDF Missal...Just a question--are we supposed to read along with everything the priest is whispering? I always find that he goes way to fast, to the point where I can barely read at his pace and am always behind! Any advice on how to approach the TLM and what to do during it would really help if you're willing! God bless.

    • @ACatholicWife
      @ACatholicWife Před 2 lety +2

      @@a.r.4093 I have several videos on my channel for people who are new to the TLM, if you’re interested.

    • @a.r.4093
      @a.r.4093 Před 2 lety +3

      @@ACatholicWife Awesome! Thank you I will definitely check out the channel!

    • @a.r.4093
      @a.r.4093 Před 2 lety +1

      @@gracieobunny9916 Ahh ok that makes a lot more sense lol. Thank you, I appreciate the help!

    • @andrewrsanchez
      @andrewrsanchez Před 2 lety

      @@a.r.4093 Make the Mass and the Holy Eucharist the anchor in your life.

  • @user-fd8hv2uq2t
    @user-fd8hv2uq2t Před 2 lety +169

    Father, you are so blessed by the Lord. It's incredible how the Holy Spirit talk through your mouth.
    God Bless Father and God Bless you all
    In Christo Rege per Mariam 🙏

  • @cafecomescrita
    @cafecomescrita Před 2 lety +67

    I can't see myself without TLM anymore, it is something I didn't know I needed until I attended one. We must face this crisis with joy and reverence, we know Our Lord will win in the end, and we will be with Him! Salve Maria!

    • @Mitzi73
      @Mitzi73 Před rokem

      Please help me understand why the Latin Mass literally puts a statue of Mary on the altar and worships her. I do not understand this.

    • @martybarry2395
      @martybarry2395 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Catholics don’t worship Mary. We venerate her because her Son asked us to. We also pray to her. The original meaning of pray is ask as in “The defendant prays that the court gives him leniency”
      There were two times that Jesus was at His most vulnerable, being at his birth and at his death, when He died on the cross for all our sins. Only one human being was there for both occasions and that was His Blessed mother who is now Our Blessed Mother.
      When you die, Jesus will ask you why you did not venerate His beloved mother as he requested.
      Next you’ll want to tell Catholics kneeling at a Nativity scene, that they worship a sheep because a clay sheep is there.
      Wake up and pray to Our Lady and if you are genuine, Grace will come from Jesus who is at one with God, thru His Holy Mother, who was a creation, meaning one of us. We all know, God chose Mary and gave her special graces so she was born without original sin, and also never committed sin. Jesus and Mary, make up for Adam and Eve who sinned. It’s no problem that They are Son and mother. In nobility, most important was the King, second was the King’s mother, not His wife as some had many wives.

  • @smitrotti
    @smitrotti Před měsícem +2

    The TLM finally made it to my country a few years ago. Now we have it a week per month. I cannot thank Our Good Lord enough for this grace. I was struggling with sin and I am awestruck by how it swiftly went away with the TLM.

  • @johncampbell3377
    @johncampbell3377 Před 2 lety +239

    We tried to be a good influence to our N.O. home parish for the past 22 years and it always felt frustrating to be at mass every Sunday (talking, pop music, immodest dress, all forms of disrespect and distractions). We finally started going to an FSSP Latin mass parish a few months ago and we now leave with a sense of pease and grace. We officially transferred to this wonderful parish last week. Even something as simple as offering confession before every single mass makes such a difference to your soul. The silence before mass if wonderful for your prayer life. The first sung Latin mass we attended on All Saints Day was the most beautiful service I have ever been to in 54 years as a Catholic. It just feels right. I don’t feel I’m superior to anyone going to the new mass, but I sure feel sorry for the good Catholics that are missing out on the extra graces for participating in the full reverent sacrifice of the traditional mass.

    • @charliedoherty5965
      @charliedoherty5965 Před 2 lety +5

      Good man your self Mr Campbell.

    • @Marco-qe5zw
      @Marco-qe5zw Před 2 lety +9

      True head of the house! God bless

    • @alexbakale2553
      @alexbakale2553 Před 2 lety +17

      Well said, Mr Campbell. My experience is similar. My priest offers a reverent NO alongside daily low mass. But if I go outside my church, unless it’s the cathedral, I’ve seen women wearing the same albs as priests in the sanctuary (altar server/pseudo-deaconess?), guitar mass, drums and blaring trumpets, speakers turned to “11”, I’m talking total irreverence-all of this stemming, I presume, from a total lack of understanding as to what is occurring in the Mass. at best it’s a misunderstanding, at worst it’s like a twisted desire to force God to bend the knee to mankind rather than mankind genuflecting to God.
      At the heart of it, we all have to admit that the NO has made all this possible. It’s painful to say, because I want to believe the Church didn’t let me down growing up. Don’t we? It introduced so many modernist elements that diminished reverence for the priest (EMs, profane music-yes, I even heard Adam Levine performed in Mass once-, etc etc) and reduced reverence for the Eucharist (Communion in hand, no adoration offered, rare confession scheduled).
      Whatever, CZcams comments. I love God, love Mass, love the Catholic Church. Want things to get better. But why ban the Latin Mass???

    • @Benjolino5
      @Benjolino5 Před 2 lety +6

      Ditto! Same experience here, when we found the FSSP four years ago. Wait for the Christmas Vigil Mass…candle lit. I cried through half of it. And the Easter Triduum! It is simply the most beautiful and profound liturgy. God bless!

    • @a.t.c.3862
      @a.t.c.3862 Před 2 lety +2

      Ah, the heresies of the Ladin Messers. : ^ )

  • @MarysNest
    @MarysNest Před 2 lety +250

    Hi Father, This such an important issue that you have shared here. Thank you so much for being brave to discuss this and for instructing us on how we can make our voice heard. God bless, Mary

    • @andrejgrebenc3235
      @andrejgrebenc3235 Před 2 lety

      He is not father, he is brother in Christ.

    • @michaelmcinerney7754
      @michaelmcinerney7754 Před 2 lety +2

      The only issue is as a catholic you don’t know the bible. Jesus said. No one on earth is to be called father. Matthew 23:9.
      Did you know they changed the second commandment. Read a bible and see for yourself. The bible says. No one is to add to or take a way from the word. Yet the Catholics do. Please consider being yourself here. There’s a wonderful world of real biblical godly praise and thanks and strength and worship out there. You won’t find it at the RCC. I know as I was once a blind catholic.

    • @christenrians4366
      @christenrians4366 Před 2 lety +9

      Hi Mary! I subscribe to your channel! So glad to see you here ❤️ Fr. Mark is great! Prayers and blessings to your lovely family 🙏

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest Před 2 lety +7

      @@christenrians4366 - So Glad to see you here too! 🤗 Father Mark is the best! Love, Mary

    • @kimberlyriddell8574
      @kimberlyriddell8574 Před 2 lety +6

      Mary!!!!! I watch you on CZcams. I love you. I knew you were Catholic after seeing your little statue. God bless you from Canada. We attend the sspx here.

  • @AWKN7777
    @AWKN7777 Před 2 lety +80

    Amen Fr. Mark. I am drawn back to tradition during this pandemic, I thank the Catholic Life in the Spirit Seminar because when I attended that 30 years ago I developed an intimate relationship with Jesus. I have never been to a Latin Mass before but I remember as a little girl I wore a veil going to church and kneeling down to receive Holy Communion.

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 Před 2 lety +6

      Find one

    • @TriciaRP
      @TriciaRP Před 2 lety +8

      Pray for me......I grieved the spirit and did bad....I was so deceived and need help.

    • @Loveyouangle
      @Loveyouangle Před 2 lety +4

      🙌🏼 AMEN 🙌🏼 I remember the same thing ❤️‍🔥

    • @dianao4486
      @dianao4486 Před 2 lety +7

      @@TriciaRP I have prayed an Ave Maria for you. Take courage, go to confession, make reparation and go to Holy Mass with reverence and devotion. If you can, find a Holy Latin Mass. Pray the Holy Rosary daily and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Jesus is merciful. God bless you. 🙏❤🌹👑✝️

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 Před 2 lety +2

      @@TriciaRP go to confession

  • @LambofGodKnock
    @LambofGodKnock Před rokem +29

    Finding a TLM has saved me. I was very unhappy with my NO parish. Now I’m part of a real community.

  • @shaunsteele8244
    @shaunsteele8244 Před 2 lety +8

    I'm a lifelong Protestant but this guy makes me want to be Catholic lol

  • @juneclairepavese7537
    @juneclairepavese7537 Před 2 lety +160

    I will definitely write a letter to our bishop. Never realized how much I love my Catholic faith/church until the realization of loosing Her precious teachings to the spirit of the age. Have a blessed day Father Mark 🙏🏻❤️🔥

    • @westernaustralia9442
      @westernaustralia9442 Před 2 lety +1

      It would be great if all our comments both here and elsewhere, could be sent to the bishops and the pope.
      Catholics and non. are speaking of their true feelings in these columns

    • @westernaustralia9442
      @westernaustralia9442 Před 2 lety

      and non.catholics ...

  • @mariemiller8740
    @mariemiller8740 Před 2 lety +78

    I have to say I found out more of my faith when I found traditional Latin mass.Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @themoderncatholicwarrior7216
      @themoderncatholicwarrior7216 Před 2 lety +1

      Do the research this movement is a scam. For example, the church teaches to commit the sin of idolatry you must proclaim something to be a god or have an attribution that only belongs to God. With this in mind, the traditional Catholic movement spread the Pachamama story. But when you examine the evidence, all the people who were involved in the Amazon synod, no one claims that anyone is a god of any kind other than Jesus. No one mentions Pachamama in the video or any of the documents. The worship of Pachamama came from the traditional movement that made it up. So-called educated traditional Catholics so easily fell for fake news. Modern Catholics don't make a big deal about bec they know the faith and don't spend all their time bragging about it. You have been taken in by a scam.

  • @pambesley9910
    @pambesley9910 Před 2 lety +53

    Discovering the TLM is the best thing that has ever happened to my family and I. It has literally changed our lives, our faith, and our relationship with God. We will never look back and will never go back to the Novus Ordo. Our life is now God centered and our mission is to become saints. Praise be to God. Thank you Father for your very wise words.

    • @connordrake5713
      @connordrake5713 Před 2 lety

      Novus Ordo is kind of Mass no Catholics asked for.
      It's only the Liberals and Protestants who shape it and any Conservative and Traditional Catholics that dared to criticize is always silence most of the time.

    • @pamela6197
      @pamela6197 Před 2 lety +2

      True for my family, too! I will not go back to Novus Ordo, even if we have to go ‘underground’ with persecution from Francis.

    • @pambesley9910
      @pambesley9910 Před 2 lety +1

      @@pamela6197 This 💯

    • @pamela6197
      @pamela6197 Před 2 lety +1

      @@pambesley9910 Greetings, my sister in Christ. We have found a great pearl which we shall never give up.

    • @pambesley9910
      @pambesley9910 Před 2 lety

      @@pamela6197 That is for sure!!!!! A true treasure!

  • @soniapereira9444
    @soniapereira9444 Před 2 lety +19

    Thank you Father. Mark Goring. .God Bless you always from Goa., India.

  • @thedeuce1374
    @thedeuce1374 Před 2 lety +6

    I feel very blessed to have been born into the Ukrainian Rite Catholic Church. Our Liturgy was largely untouched by the VII reforms and it shows.

  • @Nell3810
    @Nell3810 Před 2 lety +221

    I’m a traditional Latin mass convert ( from being a pagan!). It’s necessary in this day and age. Thank you, Father, for your advice.

    • @theraputika
      @theraputika Před 2 lety +10

      I am so happy you are a convert! Welcome! Don't worry about capitalization errors when you are so new, it's all a learning curve. S G is trying to be helpful and keep you close to the fold. :)

    • @loreforone924
      @loreforone924 Před 2 lety +4

      TLM is the BEST

    • @loreforone924
      @loreforone924 Před 2 lety +3

      @Caroline Rose Me too 🌹
      TLM is fifty miles away 💕

    • @loreforone924
      @loreforone924 Před 2 lety

      @Lord Raglan obviously, you are not Catholic.

    • @ltmltm4945
      @ltmltm4945 Před 2 lety

      Why do Catholics call these man father when the only one we’re supposed to call father is our father in heaven…

  • @kathleenkane1112
    @kathleenkane1112 Před 2 lety +108

    The Latin Mass is the most beautiful thing on earth. Part of that beauty is it is the same at every Mass. Every gesture, every movement of the priest has a meaning. For first timers I suggest you just watch. You don’t have to follow along in the missal. The quiet will draw you in. You can’t help but feel the holiness and the miracle that is happening. I love the Latin Mass. It’s like getting a little taste of what Heaven will be like.

  • @bolapromatoqueejogodecampe8718

    Our Lord said, "My kingdom is not of this world." The Traditional Latin Mass makes us keenly aware of this. That is why the devil hates it and is working hard to extinguish it.

  • @Blacksheep03
    @Blacksheep03 Před 2 lety +2

    Let's go back to the Tradition the Mass of ages , present and Future and for ever. I love FSSP we Love the church , pope, tradition, magistery, All Catholic roman apostolic teaching.

  • @maxcactus7
    @maxcactus7 Před 2 lety +22

    I've been blessed to attend the TLM with the FSSP for the past 25 years. I learned more about the faith in my first YEAR attending the TLM with FSSP priests than I had in the first 25 years of my life! If you have never attended a TLM, try it for a month or two. You will be amazed how much MORE you will learn, and learn to love within the Church. Thank you for this wonderful video of confidence and support, Father Mark!

  • @marilynBgood
    @marilynBgood Před 2 lety +57

    Here ya go:
    “Dear Bishop __________,
    Here is my discernment for the synodal Synod of synods.
    I would like to see traditional Catholicism, the Latin Mass, Orthodox teaching In the Catholic Church.
    I want to see the Latin Mass; orthodox, uncompromised Catholicism.
    Respectfully yours,
    -your name”

    • @rebn8346
      @rebn8346 Před 2 lety +6

      Add, "pray for us as we pray for you, the Clergy, and the Holy Father.
      God bless, "

    • @volkssuj8604
      @volkssuj8604 Před 2 lety +3

      Thank you!

    • @billiedangler4554
      @billiedangler4554 Před 2 lety +1


    • @NeptunzNepenthe
      @NeptunzNepenthe Před 2 lety +1

      Be sure to specify the Tridentine Latin Mass or you might just get the NO with some sparse Latin thrown in.

    • @barbaravollick1058
      @barbaravollick1058 Před 3 měsíci

      Actually the only way they will ever respond to our request is to threaten to stop all finances!

  • @joyt.4336
    @joyt.4336 Před 2 lety +31

    Good morning Father Mark 😃. During the pandemic our Bishop in New Mexico shut down our churches and severely restricted them when they did open back up. My son and I found our way to the SSPX and the TLM during this time. It was the best thing that has ever happened to us. The beauty of the traditional Latin mass brings tears to my eyes every time I attend. I just can’t understand the hatred and contempt that some people have towards something so wonderful and beautiful. I will write to the Bishop and keep it short like you said. Thank you Father and God bless.

    • @marthawanjiru9865
      @marthawanjiru9865 Před 2 lety +11

      Many discovered the sspx during the pandemic. Praise be to God!

    • @G-MIP
      @G-MIP Před 2 lety +3

      Sspx is not in union with Rome.

    • @madgiemadgie9128
      @madgiemadgie9128 Před 2 lety +3

      SSPX?? What? They are not in communion with Rome. Find the FSSP instead.

    • @hiuszenoom809
      @hiuszenoom809 Před 2 lety +2

      @@madgiemadgie9128 Rome accept confessions and communion from SSPX. There are not consistently communicated with Rome doesn't mean being excommunicated at all. Please do some research.

    • @madgiemadgie9128
      @madgiemadgie9128 Před 2 lety

      @@hiuszenoom809 excerpt taken from Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and sacramental theology response on EWTN's website in 2020:
      Therefore, although some progress might have been made, and the Holy See desires a reconciliation, I believe that what I wrote above in 2011 regarding attending Masses of the society is still sound.
      A Catholic who desires to attend a Mass in the extraordinary form should seek the nearest one available. First of all, he should check with the diocese which often publishes this information. There are also many private initiatives with similar notifications. If there is none available, then he or she should attend an ordinary form Mass or even any Eastern Catholic celebration so as to remain in full Catholic communion.
      Only if there is objectively no alternative should one attend the Mass celebrated by a priest from the Society of St. Pius X. If one has to do so, then I would say that one may go in good conscience and receive Communion at such a Mass. It would also fulfill the Sunday obligation.
      At the same time, it is our ardent prayer and desire, as it should be for all Catholics, that the doctrinal issues with the Society of St. Pius X will be resolved as soon as possible so that these priests may return to full communion and canonical good standing within the Church.
      @HiuSze Noom, Pope Francis granted the concessions for Confession and Marriage. However attendance is only if there is NO OTHER alternative. And unless one lives in the middle of the Rain Forest, you can always find Mass! Look dont get me wrong, I would personally prefer every Mass to be Ad Orientem, and filled with Latin, but we must not make our preferred style of worship into an idol.We are there for Our Lord in The Eucharist. Infact we should strive more to attend the Mass that we find distasteful because Christ needs our presence there the most to make reparations.

  • @conservativenation1776
    @conservativenation1776 Před 2 lety +39

    Amen,Amen,Amen! All Catholics should send a letter!

  • @MsDormy
    @MsDormy Před 2 lety +21

    My mother recently gave me her 1952 Roman Missal. It is so beautiful - full of stories of saints, and exquisite illustrations by Rene de Cramer. I have found a traditional church some 50 miles from me - I’m staying faithful to my local church, but also attending some traditional services at St Winefrides.... so excited! ❤️🙏❤️

    • @rol2377
      @rol2377 Před rokem

      happy as i am for you that you are discovering a love for the extraordinary form, i also encourage you to look into the creation of the novus ordo liturgy and perhaps you will see that your church has not been faithful to its roots in tradition, nor to you and the fullness of your faith.

  • @mommyseastar5776
    @mommyseastar5776 Před 2 lety +15

    The Latin Mass was the Mass my husband and I had for our marriage. We’re registered at a Carmelite parish, so the Novus Ordo there is beautiful and reverent as well. I’m so glad my now husband introduced me to the beautiful Latin Mass. Studying and memorizing the ordinary of the Mass in Latin has helped me contemplate the prayers more deeply and teach them to my children.

    • @DieParusie
      @DieParusie Před rokem

      Since the refugee crisis in 2015 I am waiting for the inflation we are in right now. At the moment I expect a revolution in Germany, a Russian attack and the RETURN OF CHRIST! However, all these years it was not clear to me why Russia should attack us. This question is clarified these days. But how could I know that at that time?
      "Girl, you are experiencing the great upheaval that is coming.
      1) "First comes prosperity like never before." (Economic miracle 50s/60s, fulfilled).
      2) "Then follows an apostasy like never before." (fulfilled)
      3) "Then comes an unprecedented corruption of morals" (sex everywhere, fulfilled).
      4) "Then a great number of foreign people come into the country." (Refugee crisis 2015, fulfilled)
      5) "There is high inflation. Money is losing more and more of its value." (Inflation 2022, fulfilled)
      6) "Soon after, the revolution [in Germany] follows."
      7) "Then the Russians invade the West overnight.""
      This was prophesied by a Bavarian named Alois Irlmaier some 70 years ago. He has been the best seer there ever was. During the war, he was able to tell people if their relatives had fallen, or if and when they would come home. He warned people about bomb hits and much, much more. Word spread quickly and people gathered in front of Irlmaier's house to seek advice. This did not go unnoticed, so he was accused of jugglery and he was put on trial. The judge wanted proof of his seer gifts and Irlmaier answered that the judge's wife was at that moment drinking coffee with a strange man at home and was wearing a red dress.
      The bailiff was sent to check this. It was true and Irlmaier was acquitted. What a lasting impression the man left on the judiciary can be seen in the reasons for the verdict. (Screenshot see website), quote:
      [...] The defendant continued to pursue his professional work, only on weekends he devoted himself to those seeking information, but then literally succumbed to the onslaught. Accordingly, the appearance of the accused does not give any indication that he was a juggler. On the contrary, he helped many people during the war to get through the nervous strain of the air war. He unselfishly soothed their souls in the most difficult hours by accurately predicting which times would bring special dangers, which areas, even which houses, were particularly endangered, and how those seeking advice should behave. The questioning of the witnesses has produced such astonishing testimonies for the seer gift of the accused, which can hardly be explained with the natural forces known so far, that he cannot be called a juggler ( = fraudulent clairvoyant). [...]
      If he prophesies a great war above, he also says how it would end, and at this point he confirms the Christian prophecy in relation to the apocalyptic return of our Lord:
      Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959)
      "Darkness will come on a day under war. Then a hailstorm will break out with thunder and lightning and an earthquake will shake the earth. Then do not go out of the house. The lights do not burn, except candlelight. The electricity stops. If you snort the dust, you get a cramp and die. Don't open the windows, cover them with black paper. Outside the dust death goes around, a lot of people die. After 72 hours, everything will be over. But again I say it: don't go out. Do not look out the window. Keep the consecrated candle or the wax stick burning. And pray. More people die overnight than in the two world wars. Don't open a window during the 72 hours."
      Josef Stockert (1947)
      "Thus I saw angels of death go forth and empty their poison bowls over all mankind. Whole nations will die ... The great catastrophe will begin naturally and end supernaturally. Think of what that means, NATURALLY AND SURPRISONATURALLY! GOD HIMSELF WILL INTERVENE. The earth will be thrown out of its orbit and the sun will give it no more light. Darkness will be on the whole globe for 72 hours. In this darkness no light will burn, except the light of faith and consecrated candles, which will be preserved for everyone who has faithfully fulfilled the request of Our Lady. The true Christians will close and cover windows and doors in this time and gather around the cross and the image of the Blessed Virgin in prayer ... Do not look out and do not be curious about what is going on outside, otherwise you will have to die! ... Two-thirds of mankind will have been taken from the earth ...It will now be a fruitful time of peace." The epilogue of the seer reads: "When I had seen the terrible judgment of God, I was broken inside. Days, weeks, and years passed, and as often as I thought of that terrible night, I was broken anew."
      Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837)
      "The other judgment proceeds from heaven. There will come over the whole earth a dense darkness that will last three days and three nights. This darkness will make it quite impossible to see anything. Furthermore, the darkness will be connected with pestilence of the air, which, though not exclusively, will mainly carry off the enemies of religion ( ! ). As long as the darkness lasts, it will be impossible to make light. Only consecrated candles will be able to be lit and give their light. Whoever will open the window out of curiosity and look out or go out of the house during this darkness will fall down dead on the spot. Rather, during these three days, people should remain in their homes, praying the rosary and imploring God for mercy."
      Jesus to Padre Pio (1887 - 1968)
      "From the clouds, hurricanes of fiery streams will spread to the earth. Storms and tempests, thunderclaps and earthquakes will ceaselessly follow each other, ceaselessly the rain of fire will fall. It will begin on a very cold night. Thunder and earthquakes will shake the earth for two days. This will prove that God is above everything. They who hope in Me (Jesus) and believe in Me have nothing to fear, because I will not abandon them... In order for you to prepare for this event, I give you the following sign. The night is very cold, the wind is roaring and after some time the thunder will begin. Then close all doors and windows and do not speak to anyone outside the house. Kneel down in spirit before the cross and repent of all your sins. Ask God and Me (=Jesus) for My protection. While the earth is shaking, do not look out, for the wrath of God must be viewed with fear and trembling. Whoever does not follow this advice will perish instantly. On the third night, earthquake and fire will cease, and the following day the sun will shine again. One third of mankind will perish. "
      This eclipse was prophesied over 50 times through all the centuries, on the website are more warnings of it.
      He saw the Second Coming of Christ:
      "During or at the end of the war I see in the sky the sign, the crucified with the stigmata, and all will see it. I've seen it three times already, it's coming for sure."
      "At that event I see a great cross standing in the sky and there will be an earthquake with thunder and lightning, that everything will be frightened and the whole world will cry out.
      'There is one God"
      And it come to pass: Extract about prophecies about the Third World War from the website. "The annihilation of Britain: Russia unleashes a nuclear tsunami...."
      […] The Russians, cut off from supplies, are now cutting off NATO supplies in return, which are going overseas. Neither the Russians nor the Americans have any regard for civilians, and Europe is the battlefield:
      "Then a single plane comes from the east and throws an object into the big water - near England. Then the water rises like a single piece as high as a tower and falls down again. There is an earthquake, and everything is flooded, almost all of England and the European coasts as far as Berlin." Alois Irlmaier
      "From the east, over the North Sea, an airplane flew toward the west. As it approached England, I thought it was falling into the sea, because it sank all at once. As it did so, I saw something being dropped from the plane. The plane continued to fly at great speed. Immediately after that, there was a terrible detonation. The water of the sea was thrown high into the air and I saw only spray and foaming, steaming water below me. It was carried far into the land and buried everything under it. Of land I saw no more trace; I believed it had sunk." Josef Stockert
      During his dying experience, Helmut Lungenschmidt also saw that England had disappeared. But did not know why. We have now three showings to the disappearance of England.... And also this prophecy is caught up by reality:
      Is Putin developing a super weapon?
      The blueprint of a nuclear torpedo is "accidentally" shown on Russian television.
      May 2022:
      Russian TV openly threatens to sink England in the sea with the nuclear Poseidon drone:
      "500 meter high tsunami wave"
      Russian TV simulates nuclear strike on Britain Propagandist Kiselyov blatantly threatens Britain on state TV with a nuclear attack by the underwater drone "Poseidon," which would trigger a huge, radioactive tsunami wave. n-tv
      "Ten weeks after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Russian state television turned threatening toward the British: Effortlessly, Moscow could, if it wanted, make the entire British Isles disappear into the sea." Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland
      "Russian TV threatens 'UK's nuclear annihilation with giant radioactive tsunami & Satan-2 missiles"
      Link to video (English subtitled, 1:47 min)
      Visit the website if you want to live ! Everything on the war, the darkness and what to do is there. Money is not asked for anywhere…

  • @jeannetteelizabeth144
    @jeannetteelizabeth144 Před 2 lety +94

    Oh my goodness, Fr. Mark--you had me worried with that title today!🙄I actually came back to the Catholic Church recently, and the Lord LED me to the TLM! He knew I was not going to go back to what I was brought up in, and I wanted a more serious, Biblical approach to the Mass; the TLM has just that! I most certainly do not want the TLM to be snubbed--I and so many others love it! You made an excellent point about writing the letters to our Bishops, and when I get to church tomorrow, I will bring up in conversation with the others so that we do it in the manner you spoke of. Thank you again for your advice! 🥰🙏

    • @caro1ns
      @caro1ns Před 2 lety

      I was worried there for a second too! I guess our dear Father isn't above a little click-baiting! :)

  • @FirefighterKWann
    @FirefighterKWann Před 2 lety +47

    Amen Father.
    If we don’t tell people the truth (NOT BE RUDE WHEN DOING IT)
    It can be done in a respectful way but without taking things away and adding our own words to be a “feel good message”
    Blessings to you Father and all who hold the message of Christ true.

    • @charlesmartel3995
      @charlesmartel3995 Před 2 lety +7

      Was St. John the Baptist rude when he called out King Herod for adultery?

    • @DF-ei9kc
      @DF-ei9kc Před 2 lety +3

      @@charlesmartel3995 was about to comment something similar but you did it for me

  • @robertligas250
    @robertligas250 Před 2 lety +33

    I have been going to TLM since Nov 2020 Love it. The reverence it’s so much more than the regular mass I am 62 years old I think the last time I went to Latin mass was when I was three or four years old ,for now the traditional Latin mass is my home Praise be Jesus Christ thank you father.

  • @helenemuller2092
    @helenemuller2092 Před 2 lety +2

    Father Mark Goring the Latin Mass is the Mass that GOD Loves!

  • @CynthiaSe-o9g
    @CynthiaSe-o9g Před 4 dny

    Thank you for being honest and frank. The message of Christ cannot be changed.

  • @jcisar
    @jcisar Před 2 lety +52

    Always looking forward to hearing from you Father Mark! I believe your call is being heard and drawing wayward Catholics back to the sacraments and mass.

  • @rubenmartinez4346
    @rubenmartinez4346 Před 2 lety +16

    My family and I have attended the TLM for 4 years now. Best decision I have made as the head of my household. Saint Joseph Ora pro Nobis!

  • @MariaMater
    @MariaMater Před 2 lety +27

    The 1962 St Joseph Catholic Missal, a gift for my 9th birthday, saved my life, including through the circus of my Catholic Schools in the midst and subsequent fallout of Vat 2. The return to TLM is a breath of fresh holy air.

  • @kinnish5267
    @kinnish5267 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Thank God for you Fr. Mark Goring

  • @bluschke52
    @bluschke52 Před rokem +5

    I go to the Latin Mass it makes me feel closer to our Lord. I was away from the church and this Mass led me back.

  • @TheDove212
    @TheDove212 Před 2 lety +27

    I needed to see this father. I'm 59 years old and my childhood knows only Latin masses. My soul misses the Latin masses terribly. Even singing in Latin. Thank you for your loving advice.💜🕊

  • @PLA5207
    @PLA5207 Před 2 lety +41

    TLM helps impress the glory of our Lord's presence upon the congregants. The piety and respect for the Eucharist is profound and necessary. TLM is imperative. To ALL "bishops:" ABIDE the TLM!

  • @conniegomez7800
    @conniegomez7800 Před 2 lety +15

    TLM since January, Love it . Drive thirty minutes, but it's so worthy! Praise be the Lord!

  • @eileenarnold4144
    @eileenarnold4144 Před 2 lety +6

    I left the church about 5 years ago, I was angry about the direction of the church with regards to gay priests like Father Martin, divorce and a weak stance on abortion. I started craving the Eucharist and went in search of a Marian priest and church. I was fortunate to find one. We have a low and high Latin masses. We also have daily confession. We also celebrate first Saturday mass for the Holy Mother who brought me back to the Eucharist. We receive the Eucharist on our tongues while kneeling. That’s the mass I loved as a child and am grateful that’s has returned. Taking my grandchildren to experience the real mass

  • @sandralosasso5657
    @sandralosasso5657 Před 2 lety +6

    I am attracted to Tradition, I remember Mass as a child Traditional Latin Masses, it is Closer to God , written word from the Lord . So Beautiful ♥️

  • @mariaj.escamilla7934
    @mariaj.escamilla7934 Před 2 lety +26

    Thank you father for advising our brothers and sisters to write a letter to the Pope. I love the Latin mass. God bless you. 🙏🏼✝️❤️

  • @321voices-kimberlysunderma7

    We Love Visiting The Latin Mass!
    Shout out to FSSP and to
    Fr. John Kodet! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
    We Are Catholic Charismatic And We Thank You Fr. Mark Goring 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼and Your Conservative Order, The Companions Of The Cross ✝️❤️✝️ For Shepherding Us at The Catholic Charismatic Center-
    The Companions of the Cross
    4 Key Points-
    1. Following the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
    2.Marianist- To Jesus Through Mary.
    3. Evangelization- Tell the Good News of Jesus Everywhere.
    4. Charismatic- Laying on Hands, Healing others Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually,
    Praise the Lord!

    • @juneclairepavese7537
      @juneclairepavese7537 Před 2 lety +3

      Amen. Oh how I pray there was a Charismatic Church in my area. I believe that is why I love St. Mary’s. 🙏🏻❤️🔥🕊

    • @321voices-kimberlysunderma7
      @321voices-kimberlysunderma7 Před 2 lety +1

      June, Praise the Lord! ❤️🙏🏼👏🏼
      Pray About This and Ask the Holy Spirit but maybe start a Charismatic Prayer Group online or in person at your parish…you never know what the Lord has in store for you. However I know all things are in God’s Timing!

  • @thecorbern4446
    @thecorbern4446 Před 2 lety +18

    Thank you, Father, for your guidance again! I will write a simple letter and so will my husband! We have attended TLM for many years with good, holy priests and good, holy, relevant homilies. Nothing watered down! 🙏

  • @deniseturra3603
    @deniseturra3603 Před 2 lety +2

    The TLM saved my life..

  • @loraoffer4713
    @loraoffer4713 Před 2 lety +7

    We have been attending the Traditional Latin Mass since 2009. I pray that more families will find it and be as blessed by it as ours has been!

  • @Alexa-kb7fl
    @Alexa-kb7fl Před 2 lety +14

    Thank you Fr. Mark - I value your helpful advice and will take it. I thank God for priests like you - you are invaluable and precious to our Catholic faith especially when we need guidance in these troubled times with confusing directives/watering down of the Catholic faith from Rome which is reckless and only encourages resistance from us Traditional Catholics. God bless and protect you.

  • @catherineholmes2254
    @catherineholmes2254 Před 2 lety +14

    The Novas Ordo Mass is and can be a beautiful form of Mass when there is a Faithful Holy Orthodox Priest.
    Being True to The Word of God and Speaking Truth to The Church is a key factor. No watering down sin.
    We need to hear truth about heaven, hell and salvation.
    Praying for Our Priests Daily and having prayer devotions is something of a forgotten art in most Parishes.
    Evangelization starts with the Priests feeding and leading his flock.
    God bless you all and thank you Fr Mark🙏🏻🕊🕯🙇🏻‍♀️

  • @marilynencarnacionenciso4592

    From Las Vegas - Thank you Fr. Goring, I love Latin Mass.

  • @zoo22u
    @zoo22u Před 2 lety +7

    Father, This has needed to be said for so long. God bless you for your courage.

  • @billjudge6021
    @billjudge6021 Před rokem +1

    I will write my archbishop and support the Latin mass. I actually prefer the English mass but I am respectful of the desire that my fellow Catholics have for a Latin mass. I also appreciate and am thankful for their fervency. We need them in our Church. God bless you, Father.

  • @truthseekerlana9871
    @truthseekerlana9871 Před 2 lety +44

    I’m going to write a short 3 sentence letter to our bishop. I love the Latin mass. There is an abbey in my area called St Michaels Abbey, they celebrate the Latin mass there. It must never stop it’s so beautiful🙏

    • @cmont5636
      @cmont5636 Před 2 lety

      I have been to St Michael's Abbey in Silverado, CA

  • @miviaje.myjourney
    @miviaje.myjourney Před 2 lety +34

    There is so much that the Church needs today. I love your message Fr. Mark but we need so much more than possibly bringing the Latin Mass back. We need to pray for those who are in error, for those who continue to divide the Church, for those who hold themselves like the Pharisees of old. We need Holy people, we need Catholics who want to be saints, we need reverence back in our churches, and we need priests such as yourself who are leaders by example not just word. May God continue to bless you and all that you do for His Kingdom.

    • @joanne4120
      @joanne4120 Před 2 lety +13

      True sir ...But the Latin mass is such a pure beautiful grace filled place to pray for all the help we need!!! God bless

    • @katdunn7934
      @katdunn7934 Před 2 lety +4

      You can believe he already knows these things. His message here is short and to the point. He already has many messages that relate to what you've stated, in his past videos. This is just what he's chosen for this video.

    • @dianao4486
      @dianao4486 Před 2 lety +2

      "The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross." St Thomas Aquinas.

    • @mathieuconklin3146
      @mathieuconklin3146 Před 2 lety +6

      Returning to the TLM will fix many of those problems on a large scale. As you worship, so you believe

  • @Bergoglios_Bad_Lung
    @Bergoglios_Bad_Lung Před 2 lety +27

    Thank you for your kind words toward us in the Latin Mass community. We love Holy Mother Church, Pope Francis and our brothers and sisters throughout the Church.
    We pray fervently for the Pope as a family every night, and it absolutely breaks our hearts that he has attacked us almost from the very start of his pontificate.
    God help us all. Padre Pio, Ora pro Nobis!

  • @catcar9157
    @catcar9157 Před 2 lety +9

    My young nephews love to serve the TLM, they tell their mom, ‘hurry up, we’ll be late!’ It’s so cute.

  • @texasitf
    @texasitf Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you Fr Goring

  • @PeterWorrell
    @PeterWorrell Před 2 lety +15

    Amen, amen Fr. Mark! Thank you so much for speaking on this. May Our Father richly bless you and your intentions!

  • @moriahmorgan5983
    @moriahmorgan5983 Před 2 lety +46

    I so wish I could attend the TLM again. It’s been almost 11 years. They are very hard to find now that I’m in FL. If you do find one, it is over two hours away. I pray they will be more available soon enough. ❤️

    • @lindabergmann4151
      @lindabergmann4151 Před 2 lety +5

      Where in Florida are you?? My son is the music director for the TLM in Tampa. There's one in Ft Myers area, Palm Bay and Vero Beach. I know there are others.

    • @Romans1.24-27
      @Romans1.24-27 Před 2 lety +4

      Sarasota, Christ the King church, Ft Meyers, SSPX

    • @lindabergmann4151
      @lindabergmann4151 Před 2 lety +2

      Epiphany of Our Lord, Tampa
      St Joseph, Palm Bay (1st and 3rd Sundays)

    • @davidmerola3311
      @davidmerola3311 Před 2 lety +2

      Yes some great TLM gems are in FL

    • @relaxatsagespa783
      @relaxatsagespa783 Před 2 lety +2

      TLM said first and third Saturdays in Tallahassee at the Sacred Heart of Mary Mission. The Bishop or father take turns saying the mass drive from Orlando. JMJ✝️🙏

  • @greatestever6738
    @greatestever6738 Před 2 lety +20

    Good advice, Father Mark.

  • @FreedomEagle1776
    @FreedomEagle1776 Před rokem +24

    I’m 24. I have been attending NO for around 7 weeks now. Me and my Wife attended TLM in Rome 2 weeks ago on our vacation. Incredible. Almost brought me to tears. The Lord prefers that mass for sure! Just beautiful.

    • @karlheven8328
      @karlheven8328 Před 7 měsíci

      I am also 24, and will be going to Rome too during Holy week, I attend sometimes NO sometimes TLM (FSSPX). Which church did you attend?

  • @AegirBaldr
    @AegirBaldr Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you father, may God our Lord bless you abundantly for be a good shepherd Viva Cristo Rey!!

  • @davesmietanski5988
    @davesmietanski5988 Před 2 lety +17

    Jesus, Praise your Church and the Eucharist.

  • @FatherJMarcelPortelli
    @FatherJMarcelPortelli Před 2 lety +36

    Thank you for this meditation, Fr. Mark Goring. I didn't grow up with the TLM, so for me, it's not a matter of nostalgia (by definition). I discovered the TLM in my adulthood, and I love it for its own merits which I believe are numerous and self-evident. Nowadays, I celebrate both the TLM and the Novus Ordo.

  • @catholiclife9304
    @catholiclife9304 Před 2 lety +19

    Thank you Father....this is true!! We love the Church and we need to let the bishop know!!!!

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 Před 2 lety

      let the bishop know this I have been hearing much about the controversy regarding the Latin mass. Really! There is so much pain, suffering, child abuse & injustice in the world, yet petty bureaucrats spend their time on this made-up insignificant problem! I understand people ‘s concern about religious matters & just listen; let them have their say, but I cannot be silent on this. This is one big crock of crap. You think an Almighty Being is concerned about which language & customs holy men use as they prance around chanting dribble? As these old useless holy men sit around & engage in their mental masturbation meetings, people are starving for help. This entire fiasco is trivia. You let this occupies your time with so many urgent needs to be addressed. Shame! The upside to all this nonsensical bickering is that people can see what a farce religion is & find it easy to leave it behind. All polls show people are leaving this mythological excrement behind. Peace

  • @dawnsmith3362
    @dawnsmith3362 Před 2 lety +6

    Thank you, Fr. Mark. The tradition and sacredness is what has drawn me to convert. I am currently in RCIA and so happy about my decision.

  • @juliegonzalez9843
    @juliegonzalez9843 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you Father for speaking truth to God’s people. We need more faithful priests like you!🙏

  • @ACatholicWife
    @ACatholicWife Před 2 lety +35

    Thanks be to God for faithful priests like you, Fr. Goring.
    Even though you don’t celebrate the Usus Antiquior (🤫 I pray that you will one day) you appreciate the multitude of reasons why the TLM is so incredibly important to the faithful.
    I truly appreciate that even though you’re a priest who only celebrates the Novus Ordo Missae you are *UNAFRAID* to speak out to unapologetically defend the Tridentine Mass and faithful Catholics like me who continue to practice Traditional Catholicism despite the vitriol many of us are experiencing.
    🙏🏽O Holy Mother of God, pray for the priests Your Son has chosen to serve His Church. Help them, by your intercession, to be holy, zealous, and chaste. Make them models of virtue in the service of God’s people. Help them be pious in meditation, efficacious in preaching, and zealous in the daily offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Help them administer the Sacraments with love and joy. Amen.
    (Prayer by St. Charles Borromeo)
    Pax Christi ~

  • @ShelaghDonnellyMinist7567
    @ShelaghDonnellyMinist7567 Před 2 lety +10

    Thank you Fr. Mark for this Wonderful Message❤️🕊️
    The Latin Mass is Traditional and very Reverent and Powerful🕊️ and
    Viva Cristo Rey🕊️

  • @dennisdole1764
    @dennisdole1764 Před 2 lety +4

    Simple thought. Yes the traditional Mass is great for those who are inspired by it! Myself, the most inspirational Mass I’ve ever attended was in a Tent at Franciscan University in Stubbensville, Ohio. The Holy Spirit is alive everywhere in every Mass where two or three are together!
    Love you Father and Love the Mass no matter where and how it’s celebrated 🌹❤️‍🔥🌹

  • @Maccabee444
    @Maccabee444 Před 2 lety +10

    God bless you father. During the first part of church lock downs you're videos kept me sustained. I also re discovered my love for the traditional Latin mass during covid. I've noticed that traditional Catholics like me refuse to wear masks in church or get vaxxed.

  • @ramonaem
    @ramonaem Před rokem +9

    I’ve been in both forms of mass, I love them both ❤️‍🔥

    • @jamesszalla4274
      @jamesszalla4274 Před rokem

      I love the beauty and reverence of the Latin Mass, but I think it would be more meaningful if the form were retained but it was celebrated in the vernacular. I went to a Latin Mass recently. The celebrant’s been doing them for a few years, and it was obvious that he’s not fluent. Latin became the liturgical language by default. It was in common usage with the Church was forming. That’s not the case today.

    • @twoody9760
      @twoody9760 Před 9 měsíci

      @@jamesszalla4274 The Latin Mass was not said for the first four centuries of Catholicism. The apostles aid the Mass in Aramaic.

  • @MaryJordon1
    @MaryJordon1 Před 2 lety +16

    Thank you Father! I attend the Traditional Latin Mass sometimes in one of our churches. Very holy and reverent prayers and traditions which awakens the soul to the presence of God truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.

  • @cbass2755
    @cbass2755 Před 2 lety +72

    I’m not Catholic but I’m going to write to the Church in support to all….I attend this Church at times and enjoy it very much. But as a Christian, I can see changes that I’m not happy about at all. And I’m not happy with the Pope either, not one bit! My friend of 22 years is a ex nun and has taught me much, and I support her and all Catholic’s, anyone who believes Our Lord Jesus Christ is the King! Our creator……..has my support! ✝️

    • @truthseekerlana9871
      @truthseekerlana9871 Před 2 lety +13

      I’m curious why not become a Catholic?

    • @KMF3
      @KMF3 Před 2 lety +8

      Try the Latin Mass

    • @karingibeau1022
      @karingibeau1022 Před 2 lety +4

      Chass, What are you waiting for? Listen to your heart. I think the time is now. 🙏🏼
      Thank you for your support

    • @bolapromatoqueejogodecampe8718
      @bolapromatoqueejogodecampe8718 Před 2 lety +10

      Great advice from KMF. Try the Latin Mass. It is totally God centered and makes you very aware of the supernatural world. Jesse Romero, a Catholic evangelist who assists in exorcisms, said that demons can't stand the consecration during the new Mass but they can't stand almost the entire Traditional Latin Mass (they force the possessed person to leave the church right from the introit - a beginning prayer).

    • @tdexter4959
      @tdexter4959 Před 2 lety +5

      I'm deeply humbled by your support. Thank you! Please be aware that there have always been wicked men in high positions in the Church. (Think of Judas!) Don't let them keep you from the sacraments. Despite the many difficulties, this could be one of the most exciting times in all of human history to be a Catholic.

  • @joecardone4887
    @joecardone4887 Před 2 lety +19

    Amen! I keep saying we need truth more than unity. I trust in God but I worry that the Church is caring more about unity and being nice than truth and saving souls.

    • @MatthewEllis41
      @MatthewEllis41 Před 2 lety +5

      Nailed it! But to develop just a little bit further...
      Objective Truth unites when the faithful unite with it. Unfortunately, much of what we are hearing today from many leaders (secular and religious) is that we need to unite with each other, which includes uniting with each other's "personal truths." We should be uniting with objective Truth, which then results in unity with each other. It's all backwards, upside-down, and inside-out nowadays.

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Před 2 lety

      Jod Cardone You Catholics have been fooled They have converted you lot to Protestantism Novus Ordo Church is a Counterfeit Anglican and Lutheran trash. The Jewish Passover prayers that were said in the Temple can't be changed. Read my comment on the origins of the Mass.

    • @joecardone4887
      @joecardone4887 Před 2 lety

      @@janettedavis6627 Ok saying that you prefer the TLM and that it’s the more perfect version of the Mass is fine. I can’t make it on Sundays to a TLM because unfortunately I work part of the day. Throwing the Novus Ordo out with the bath water is terribly wrong. Whether you like the mass or not in comparison to the TLM, that is still Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist. It’s without a doubt a legitimate Mass. It’s not as reverent, or beautiful, or perfect if you will as the TLM but that’s still Jesus in the Eucharist. Even Padre Pio celebrated the Novus Ordo for a little while before he died.

    • @joecardone4887
      @joecardone4887 Před 2 lety +1

      @@MatthewEllis41 Indeed! Relativism is an evil thing. We need objective truth.

  • @glennhennessy7243
    @glennhennessy7243 Před 2 lety +5

    TLM is beautiful, I am fortunate to be able to attend this mass in my diocese !

  • @LA44713
    @LA44713 Před rokem +1

    I cannot go back to NO mass. TLM has changed my life and I’m very grateful for this beautiful grace our lord revealed to me a year ago. Now traditional Catholics are being persecuted. My Latin mass community is full of young people and big families it’s beautiful! So much faith!

  • @williamcurrie4482
    @williamcurrie4482 Před 2 lety +6

    Father, I attended the Latin Mass for the first time six years ago. I have been going to the Novus Ordo Mass for my whole life.
    I absolutely love the Latin Mass.... reverent, beautiful and theologically sound.
    I have written to my Bishop and the Pope.
    I received a reply from my Bishop who is very supportive of the Latin Mass in His diocese. I don't expect a reply from the Pope....but maybe someone in the Vatican!
    The congregation where I attend the Latin Mass in England has grown three fold in that time.
    Thank you Father for your words of wisdom.

  • @ktnsteve
    @ktnsteve Před 2 lety +11

    Fr. Mark: at this time our Archbishop has allowed a TLM parish along side all the parishes in the vernacular. It is wonderful for us to be able to attend either. I will write to him and thank him for this and implore him to continue this practice within his archdiocese. Thank-you for your counsel. God bless you! We remember you in a nightly Hail Mary. 🙏🏽✝️💙

  • @keats27
    @keats27 Před 2 lety +104

    There was a time when a Catholic could go to any Catholic church on earth and hear the Mass said just like it was in his hometown. I miss those times. We should not abandon the Latin Mass and orthodox Catholicism. Deo volente,

    • @PeterTvonK
      @PeterTvonK Před 2 lety +8

      There was a time where Catholic could go to any Catholic church and not understand a word, even in his hometown.

    • @NeptunzNepenthe
      @NeptunzNepenthe Před 2 lety +6

      Latin is one of the 3 sacred languages which hung above Christ's head on the Cross & was widely in use at that time. Since Jesus was a teacher of many, he most likely was familiar with the Latin language.
      Think if it this way... With Mass offered in Latin, anywhere you go in the world, with the Latin Rite one could walk into any RCC & feel right at home. The same doesn't hold true for the opposite. Also, the Gospels are always said in both Latin & the vernacular.
      The Missal has both Latin & English printed side by side so it's easy to follow along. After a while you don't need the Missal to follow along.
      Pax Christi!

    • @PeterTvonK
      @PeterTvonK Před 2 lety +5

      @@NeptunzNepentheyou almost make it sounds like Jesus himself would celebrate mass in Latin xD Jokes aside - I think that latin rite is a nice thing, but it seems to me that some people fail to realise, that Tridentine mass is no more traditional than the one before it, and the one before it. Nevertheless, I come from a region where Latin missionaries existed and people didn't understand mass for centuries. Then saint Cyril and Methodius came in, started translating the Bible and mass to the language of locals. The pope authorized them to celebrate lithurgy in Slavonic language of the locals. This was 9th century, so it is more traditional than Tridentine mass, right? I repeat, I like the latin mass, but it is wrong to tell anyone that it is in any way superior to any other authorized mass.

    • @a.t.c.3862
      @a.t.c.3862 Před 2 lety

      @@PeterTvonK That was great, we should go back to it👍😉

    • @Penny-bt4gc
      @Penny-bt4gc Před 2 lety

      @@PeterTvonK but you still understood what was going on. I went to Mass in Montreal Quebec everything was in French., I don’t speak French. You know what? I still knew what was going.

  • @JacGBoots1
    @JacGBoots1 Před 2 lety

    yes! Let us Not stray from the narrow Way... "NO compromise" on God's Truth!! ~ Thankful!!!
    God Be Praised ~ " All Glory, Laud and Honour to Thee ~ Redeemer King!..." Amen!

  • @feaokautai7354
    @feaokautai7354 Před 2 lety +1

    Absolutely JESUSCHRIST cannot be compromised. Latin Mass is holy and changing hearts to Jesus Christ ♥.

  • @annroman4561
    @annroman4561 Před 2 lety +8

    Thank you Father Mark! I am 71 and grew up with the Latin Mass. I was not really aware of what the faith was till later in life. I studied and returned to the Church. I do enjoy the new rite but I also Love the LM. Tradition is wonderful and novenas etc. have also been a new rebirth for me.

  • @eman2382
    @eman2382 Před 2 lety +5

    Amen Fr! Thank you for the advice. Faithful Catholics- it’s our turn! Let us unite and make our voices heard. You heard what Fr. Said- now let’s do it! May the Holy Spirit guide your hands at this task! Letters to bishops everywhere! Viva Christo Rey!

  • @dandelouise3992
    @dandelouise3992 Před 2 lety +6

    So Proud of you Fr. Goring !!!!! Abundant Blessings!

  • @teriellis9487
    @teriellis9487 Před rokem +1

    TLM is the fullest, non edited, non watered down celebration of the Eucharist & the passion of our Lord. Nothing wrong with our english mass these days but TLM seems to show more of the holiness of the holy mass

  • @ginniej48
    @ginniej48 Před 2 lety +11

    I love the traditional mass, incense burning, the processions, so beautiful, so FULFILLING♥️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🙏📿✝️.
    I will write that letter to the Bishop!,

  • @RafaEl-ne5ip
    @RafaEl-ne5ip Před 2 lety +12

    Thank you for your online ministry father, watching from Germany. Praised be Jesus Christ.

  • @nicolejenkins2609
    @nicolejenkins2609 Před 2 lety +12

    I love my TLM Carmelite Church, it's growing, and even though I cantor now for the Novus Ordo masses, I save the Extraordinary Rite to enjoy immersion in reverent love for Jesus. I invite anyone like me, who was raised in the new rite to TRY it. It has reignited my faith, it's part of our heritage and it's allowed me to have a deeper relationship with the Holy Trinity, and Blessed Mary Our Mother. By the way, going to the Latin Mass doesn't ban you from going to Novus Ordo, like me, you can do both. Don't be surprised if you have a preference for the Old Rite, because you may, like me, fall in love.

  • @karinabrucker2297
    @karinabrucker2297 Před 2 lety +7

    COVID and the closing of Churches brought me back to the Latin Mass. So beautiful. Thank you Fr.Goring for your words done so diplomatically.

  • @ronedee
    @ronedee Před 2 lety +2

    “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. John 15:18

  • @mistyviolet3825
    @mistyviolet3825 Před 2 lety +1

    THANK YOU 🙏🏻 FATHER MARK GORING….. once again you are absolutely correct & speak the TRUTH…..🕊