Katie Hopkins: Ban teachers striking! - This Morning 01/10/13 HD

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Katie Hopkins is arguing on This Morning again.
    This time, it's about teachers.
    Aired on 1st October 2013.
    (Watch in 720p for best quality.)

Komentáře • 595

  • @MrOnionterror
    @MrOnionterror Před 10 lety +44

    Katie's job- Go to work, do some work, go home
    Teacher's job- Write a list of the work you're going to do, go to work, do your work, come home, write about the work you've done today

    • @katieaddlestone426
      @katieaddlestone426 Před 10 lety +1

      and also mark students work!

    • @MrOnionterror
      @MrOnionterror Před 10 lety

      And plan the next day's lessons...

    • @elizabethtimperley1168
      @elizabethtimperley1168 Před 10 lety +5

      MrOnionterror you forgot filling in analysis grids, writing individual education plans for children, monitoring your colleagues subject teaching, writing reports, setting individual pupil targets, managing one or two or even three subjects across the curriculum, liasing with parents, keeping up with the latest thinking, going on courses and..........despite this ..... caring deeply about the children you teach both academically and emotionally.
      You could probably add to this list

    • @MrOnionterror
      @MrOnionterror Před 10 lety +1

      I come from a long line of teachers and I've been told many times I should do it too. But although I'd be good at it, I just can't face all the other bollocks that goes with it. The kids don't care about the stats, they just have to be churned out to satisfy targets someone's pulled out of their arse. Slices of time are taken away from actual teaching to go to meetings for something that could just be stuck on the noticeboard. I just can't be doing with it.

    • @elizabethtimperley1168
      @elizabethtimperley1168 Před 10 lety +2

      MrOnionterror I couldn't agree more.. I was a full time teacher for 15 years, I never begrudged the time it took to benefit the children but... it meant I had no life, I was in school for 7:30 a.m. I never left before 5:45 ( and that was only due to the care takers leaving time) I always took 2 hrs worth of marking/reports/etc home as well . I also worked in a school where due to their backgrounds , the children were always challenging, they were always worth the extra comittment that such children need , but it takes a serious toll on your nerves and health. When I got to the point of crying when i went home on Friday and being physically sick at the thought of going in on a Monday, a kind friend pointed out, was the job worth feeling so ill. I now work as a supply teacher , which I greatly enjoy because I can concentrate on teaching well , without the mountain of paperwork.

  • @gracecole3730
    @gracecole3730 Před 3 lety +17

    Actually agree with Katie for once! Parents get a fine if they take their child out of school but teachers can go on strike!

  • @Matty3Mite3
    @Matty3Mite3 Před 9 lety +46

    For once, I completely agree with Katie. If you don't like your circumstances at your work place, you change jobs, you don't go through life neglecting your work until you get your own way. Anybody else does this outside of the public sector and it would be instant dismissal, to decide you should get special treatment is beyond arrogant. I'm not saying they don't have a rough deal, the conditions teachers get are extremely unfair, but at the end of the day nobody forced you to be a teacher, you chose the career so what other than overwhelming arrogance would make you think you could impact a child's education because your career that you chose is not going your way?

    • @PureChiefness
      @PureChiefness Před 9 lety

      100% agree. Don't like it, either get out or suck it up. It's the same across the whole public sector but teachers think they are extra special. I work in the NHS, not great pay and lots of extra unpaid hours of work. I went into healthcare because I like working with people, not because of a the pay and pension. These people going out on strike need to look at why they went into the profession in the first place.

    • @mylopop7517
      @mylopop7517 Před 9 lety +1

      Do you understand how hard it is to get a job nowadays? You can't just walk into your office, or whatever, say you quit and walk out. And if you do find a job, it'll be five months later while your surviving on the dolg and close to living on the streets.

    • @TF1Akrata
      @TF1Akrata Před 9 lety +1

      i don't think its arrogance. they're striking because they believe all the bureaucracy is detrimental to the children's education, and want better rules. and believe me, i'd rather miss a whole year of school and come back to it when it was being ran well, than go through my entire career hampered and held back by frivolous issues. and lastly, people who choose to teach usually do so out of the interest of children. if you worked a soup line, and they cut back on the amount of soup given out because they thought they were spoiling the homeless, would you quit and let that shit go on, or would you make a stink and maybe disrupt it for a little bit so the over all future is better?

    • @doctorsocrates4413
      @doctorsocrates4413 Před rokem

      100% agree with you matty..Everyone can be replaced now within hours..If you don't like the job then simply leave it.

  • @harrycraggs6666
    @harrycraggs6666 Před 8 lety +7

    Go, Katie, teachers need to learn that it the children's education that should take priority not their pay or pension.

  • @SquizzMe
    @SquizzMe Před 10 lety +7

    I'm training to be a teacher and saying that all teachers choose the profession to serve the children is BULLSHIT. A HUGE amount of teachers are teaching because it's a secure job and it pays decently. Children are NOT at the heart of the strike, they are an excuse for the strike.

  • @georgiahill6694
    @georgiahill6694 Před 9 lety +6

    The woman speaks the complete truth teachers need to get a grip!

  • @victoriachubb572
    @victoriachubb572 Před 8 lety +4

    I am a teacher and I would never strike. It is immoral. A child is only five once and should never suffer because of the Government. Pick the right school and find a supportive Headteacher and you're looking at the best career in the world. A day in the office with nasty competitive adults or a room full of kids who are fun, witty and mischievous? Its a no brainer.................

    • @victoriachubb572
      @victoriachubb572 Před 8 lety

      Tis true! My fab Headteacher left as did I shortly after so now I am a Youth Fitness Instructor! Keeping fit and teaching kids. Best of both worlds!

    • @victoriachubb572
      @victoriachubb572 Před 8 lety

      Too true and is the reason why I left that and the fact you can only be positive not negative with kids....the all are winners mentality!

    • @victoriachubb572
      @victoriachubb572 Před 8 lety

      No never strike no matter what. If its that bad and you are being asked to do things that you disagree with leave. No one is asking you to remain in teaching.

  • @meerutpat
    @meerutpat Před 9 lety +5

    Well done Katie. You say what we all think. This morning programme use Katie to get into arguments to get their rating figures up. They use her.

  • @ethanbrews
    @ethanbrews Před 8 lety +5

    If I was a teacher, Katie would be staying behind at lunch.

  • @YellawayHD
    @YellawayHD Před 10 lety +6

    As the son of a teacher in Ireland, I just lost all respect for her. My dad works incredibly hard for a school with steadily decreasing funds and gets constantly reduced wages in return. She should be put in the position of a teacher with cut wages. Then lets see what she thinks.

    • @xragdoll5662
      @xragdoll5662 Před rokem +2

      As a woman who moved to Ireland from England as a young girl, I can safely say teachers in Ireland should NOT EVER have a pay rise. The teachers are biased and will take any chance to let you know there’s an English girl in class and just how bad England is. Seriously, I learned about the potato famine in different schools for TEN YEARS! And I had to move multiple times because they didn’t care I was being bullied. One teacher even told me when I said my spine was in pain from kids in my class beating up that my spine isn’t in my back. Irish teachers are biased if you’re English and 90% have no right teaching children when they don’t even know the basics of a human body themselves. And teachers that have you read aloud in class only if you stop reading whenweo w question, you’ll find the teacher wasn’t paying attention. Or telling your parents it’s advised your child should go through speech and language therapy because they couldn’t stand my accent. Which, btw, screwed up my pronunciations of words with double l’s or t’s. Yeah, Irish teachers are the best 😅

    • @sportscommentaries4396
      @sportscommentaries4396 Před měsícem

      Yes, but why should they strike? It Jeopardises children’s education. Nobody forced them to pick the career, all of them should get a grip

  • @TheMaterialFix
    @TheMaterialFix Před 10 lety +3

    Teachers get 6 weeks off in the summer every year! They need to get a grip and realise that they're probably better off than most!

  • @thedarknesscallingme
    @thedarknesscallingme Před 10 lety +9

    whilst i disagree with the strike action that took place, mainly because the Unions are always looking to capitalise on issues and cause trouble, teachers do have a very difficult job. teaching in the UK is not a good or respectable job as it once was. it used to be the case that to be a teacher meant you were a symbol of authority for society, someone deserving of respect. these days you're put in charge of a horde of thuggish little cretins who go on and on about their rights whilst spitting at, assaulting and in some cases stabbing their teachers. and god help them if they try and impose some sort of order in the classroom, they're hauled in front of a committee, treated like a criminal and suspended from their job, usually without pay, whilst an "investigation" is launched which will find no evidence but to keep up appearances at the school the teacher will be sacked regardless. all because of the baseless accusations of violent prepubescent thug who wanted revenge on the teacher for probably getting a bad mark in his last piece of homework.

    • @MrOnionterror
      @MrOnionterror Před 10 lety

      Some revolting little chav boy punched my mum and broke her hand. It was a deliberate act, some of the other kids confirmed it, and he was laughing about it with his friends. So what was the punishment? Half a day in the 'chill out' room, and a going-through-the-motions forced apology which meant nothing to anyone involved. So obviously he learned that you can hit an authority figure and basically get away with it, even if you say sorry with a sneer on your face. He's probably in prison.

    • @keysersoze6284
      @keysersoze6284 Před 10 lety

      How did he break her hand, out of interest?

    • @MrOnionterror
      @MrOnionterror Před 10 lety

      He punched it.

  • @DesmoDreams
    @DesmoDreams Před 8 lety +10

    The teachers at my son's school work bloody hard. It's a very demanding job and many are leaving the profession due to stress. Its utterly risible for Hopkins to point a finger at them. Unlike teachers she contributes nothing to society. Quite the opposite. She's paid (no doubt handsomely) to propagate negativity and hatred. Her children must be so proud to have a professional shit stirrer for a mother.

    • @GingerDaemon
      @GingerDaemon Před 8 lety

      +himnextdoor You're clearly not a teacher if you believe that.

    • @GingerDaemon
      @GingerDaemon Před 8 lety

      himnextdoor I don't know which country you're from, but in the Netherlands, we actually get some creative freedom in the way we teach to ensure our kids get the best education they possibly can. And teachers who lack conviction don't last long. Any good teacher can tell you that.
      But by all means, keep living in your ignorance bubble.

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      That's the world we live in I'm afraid. The two presenters are
      are both millionaires for doing nothing more than sitting on the sofa and being nice and agreeing with whatever attitudes are currently trending at least Katie gives things another perspective

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      They're probably proud that their mum earns more than their teacher most kids would be. Children can be very selfish

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      ​@@GingerDaemonbecause that's how it is in the Netherlands don't meanit's the same everywhere keep living in YOUR bubble

  • @katiemurphy4199
    @katiemurphy4199 Před 10 lety +8

    For once I'm actually in agreement with Katie Hopkins - she's right staging a collective strop is not the way to stand up against unfair pay

    • @samuelrobson1208
      @samuelrobson1208 Před 10 lety +2

      So how do you suggest they stand up for what they consider immoral? Gove is an idiot, I can't blame teachers for striking when they have such an incompetent boss.

    • @stevencooper3513
      @stevencooper3513 Před 10 lety

      Samuel Robson so gove is an idiot for wanting to reform education. Yet 1 in 10 don't know what planet we live on. 7 in 10 don't know when either world war started. 5% of schools don't speak English as their first language and 8 in 10 know who Simon Cowell is. Teachers have failed! Parents have failed! My kids will have been all over Europe seeing the mass graves of our old heroes before they leave school. Its time for change. Teachers should get a grip or get out!

  • @r.3802
    @r.3802 Před 10 lety +6

    katie says 'everybody works hard, john!'. i think teachers work a lot harder than you katie, and they're making far less for shaping our world, than you are for running your mouth. teachers are the people who create the leaders of tomorrow, the doctors and surgeons of tomorrow, the lawyers of tomorrow, the einsteins and graham bells and dickens' of tomorrow, and if theyre not gonna get paid for that, and we lose our teachers, tomorrow, we'll be in quite the crisis. Whilst doctors and surgeons, etc, do extremely amazing work, they have the salary to match, and i think the creators of those doctors are entitled to that too, if not more.

    • @sharcherry
      @sharcherry Před 10 lety +1

      Thank you for that comment.

  • @JMcomments
    @JMcomments Před 9 lety +6

    It always pisses me off when teachers ditch my lessons in exam period

  • @TheTeacherMuse
    @TheTeacherMuse Před 9 lety +3

    You know, I am glad that parents have to stay home and take care of their kids... instead of complaining about the unions they should realize how important it is to support the teachers who are helping raise their children... Teachers in America will be doing the same soon!

  • @CASPER215676
    @CASPER215676 Před 10 lety +1

    My other half is a teacher and i think the pay is fair and the unions are just greedy! We all feel we deserve more but the fact is we probably don't.

  • @albaproductions9602
    @albaproductions9602 Před 10 lety +7

    Go on any search engine and type in the most hated woman in Britain and Katie pops up all the time.

  • @nashrathyasmin1486
    @nashrathyasmin1486 Před 10 lety +3

    As a student, strikes used to be awesome; it was a day off. But now with exams coming, strikes are annoying. I need all the teaching I can get. A loss of a few days can mount to so much.

  • @Maverick-re3zp
    @Maverick-re3zp Před 8 lety +5

    I find it hard to believe that Katie has any right to advocate the argument that she's "concerned about the children" and having a go at strikers for "being too concerned about money" when this lady refused to celebrate her childrens' birthdays because it conflicted with her work and thus she made then share a birthday. That massive flaw gives her no right to sit on that sofa preaching what she preaches

    • @xCoNxKarMa
      @xCoNxKarMa Před 8 lety +1

      Have you even worked a day in your life? Serious question; you look about 12. It's disgusting how people actually believe it is acceptable to just miss work whenever they fancy it.

    • @xCoNxKarMa
      @xCoNxKarMa Před 8 lety

      Have you even worked a day in your life? Serious question; you look about 12. It's disgusting how people actually believe it is acceptable to just miss work whenever they fancy it.

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      I doubt if any child was ever traumatised because their mum wasn't with them on their birthday.Mums love to think that their presence is indispensable to their child's happiness though most children would rather be with their mates

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      You talk as if sitting on a sofa on a rubbish daytime TV Programme is like sitting in the house of parliament making laws instead of just keeping mums and the unemployed entertained while the brats are at school

  • @danielcarr9822
    @danielcarr9822 Před 8 lety +10

    Katie Hopkins you are such a legend :D

    • @jasoncooper1189
      @jasoncooper1189 Před 8 lety

      katie hopkins fuckoff

    • @amitvikram292
      @amitvikram292 Před 8 lety

      Right mate

    • @mrremodiy4112
      @mrremodiy4112 Před 8 lety +1

      Katie is a great woman..she got guts to say things in their faces..she is honest,i think she is right too. An ultimate woman
      Love you Katie...

    • @mrremodiy4112
      @mrremodiy4112 Před 8 lety

      no lagend

  • @jenholder376
    @jenholder376 Před 8 lety +4

    This is the first time I've agreed with Katie Hopkins...

    • @WarrenKirkpatrick
      @WarrenKirkpatrick Před 8 lety

      Omg, I just recited the very same literally seconds before I seen yours!! Geez, miracles do seem to happen. Lol

    • @MaryAmroliwala
      @MaryAmroliwala Před 8 lety


  • @CHARLmca
    @CHARLmca Před 9 lety +2

    I agree with Katie, parents shouldn't be fined £60 for unauthorised absences when teachers are just going to walk out and strike. Ridiculous.

  • @stevenpaddybwoy
    @stevenpaddybwoy Před 10 lety +2

    I LOVE KATIE ! Sticking up for the producing class (private sector) vs the leech (public) class .

    • @samuelrobson1208
      @samuelrobson1208 Před 10 lety +1

      Is this sarcasm? This better be fucking sarcasm.

    • @stevenpaddybwoy
      @stevenpaddybwoy Před 10 lety

      Samuel Robson Its not "fucking sarcasm" , im sick of the public sector sucking us producers dry. I dont want 60% of my money going to socialist wankers.

  • @hexmaniacciaran
    @hexmaniacciaran Před 10 lety +3

    The pay is abysmal, they have the right to strike; doing 4-5 lessons daily with lesson plans on top of marking as well as mountains of paperwork dealing with classroom politics and discipline with less power than the previous generation of teachers and trying to work under the pressure of meeting targets and admin tasks like meetings and added tasks based on rank that's a lot of work to handle for such an average wage when with their degrees they could be making double what they do in another industry. I left school in 2010 and budgets were so squeezed that several of my teachers had to pay for extra supplies and even then I had to pay for extra things myself especially for art & design

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      Maybe you should have worked on a building site during your twelve weeks holiday

  • @ShezzLuvsShadow
    @ShezzLuvsShadow Před 8 lety +3

    I agree with Katie and my father is a teacher. Let's not forget they get the longest holidays haha

  • @ahawkins628
    @ahawkins628 Před 10 lety +14

    Why is this woman allowed on TV cause all she does is offend so many people. Ok everybody is entitled to there opinion but not when it upsets others

    • @lightoflife8220
      @lightoflife8220 Před 10 lety +33

      Your comment offended me so by your own logic you aren't entitled to it....

    • @jamstrings100
      @jamstrings100 Před 10 lety +3

      Freedom of speech, even if you don't like it. That's why.

    • @emmabaker6359
      @emmabaker6359 Před 9 lety +1

      I agree but it's because she wants atention and publicity

    • @AnonP2X3YZ
      @AnonP2X3YZ Před 9 lety

      Anthony Hawkins Free speech does not rely on if something is offensive. Go to fucking north korea.

    • @longmemory1620
      @longmemory1620 Před 9 lety

      Anthony Hawkins she is hypnotic

  • @alexndg5260
    @alexndg5260 Před 10 lety +1

    Teachers get 6 weeks off a year and tenure. The fact that they can't get fired (how many other jobs have that?) and basically know that they can hold our children hostage with fairly limited education (bachelors degree and a diploma) means that it's absolutely ridiculous that they strike. No other profession in the private sector have these privileges therefore they should get back to work and understand that they need to be adults and move on without just striking.

    • @alexndg5260
      @alexndg5260 Před 10 lety

      I'm coming from a Canadian perspective so it may be different than in Scotland, I have friends who are teachers here and it's different for my generation (I'm 27) but current teachers work shorter hours, get higher pay, have MUCH more vacation time and better pensions (not to mention tenure which is absurd for non post-secondary educators) than almost all other jobs that have comparable working and academic requirements. Almost every other industry is tightening the belt but public employees (including transit and government workers etc.) know that they can go on strike and face no chance of losing their jobs. When you can't get fired due to the fact that you are the only institution in town, there's something out of wack. Any type of Monopoly, be it private or public implies a lack of negotiation power on one side. Think of Exxon mobile and gas prices, when you're the only game in town no one can look elsewhere. This is also coming from someone who's on his way to becoming a professor so it's something I've put a great deal of thought into.

  • @ilovemydoggiexxx
    @ilovemydoggiexxx Před 9 lety +2

    I agree totally with Katie Hopkins. Teachers jobs are to educate the younger generation, not to have a paddy that they're not getting the money they want. It disrupts the children's education and it's wrong. They chose to be become a teacher, if they don't like it they should get a new job in my opinion.

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      Right if they wanted to earn more money they should have worked harder at UNI and got more than the minimum qualifications needed to get into teaching

  • @Skar200
    @Skar200 Před 9 lety +1

    I think if you went to school you would realise being a teacher in Britain is a high stress job and teachers are rewarded with significantly less. In Finland it is a respected job given to highly qualified people and as a result they have one of the best educations in the world.

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      They choose to do it maybe they should educate themselves better then they would qualify to teach in Finland. Many British University students spend most of the time drinking and socialising and when they graduate teaching is the only profession they can get into. I don't doubt that our teachers work hard but they aren't necessarily the cleverest people. My daughter's teacher recently sent me a letter the spelling punctuation and grammar was so bad I wondered how she even qualified fo r a place in University. Most of our MPs are University graduates but are embarrassingly dumb struggling to work ou primary school sums without a calculator

  • @caitparker3114
    @caitparker3114 Před 8 lety +1

    katie has got a point.some brilliant points made here.completely wins this argument

  • @tigertigger5
    @tigertigger5 Před 10 lety

    teachers are setting an example by showing pupils to stand up for what they believe in and what they feel is right to reinforce positive change

  • @irk45554
    @irk45554 Před 10 lety +1

    As a teacher myself, Katie Hopkins needs to shut up. She is a lawyer who may work hard but is paid a darn more than a teacher.

  • @TheBubbleOne
    @TheBubbleOne Před 10 lety +1

    I had a teacher that use to go ballistic if we missed a lesson, even if we were ill, and she went on strike... three times, once just before our A2 exam. Such a double standard - sure they should stick up for their pay and pension, but I don't think strikes before students exams is acceptable

  • @diggerpete9334
    @diggerpete9334 Před 8 lety +3

    Funny how Katie criticises teachers are being only focused on pay in their pocket and their pension then goes on about parents taking a day off work probably unpaid. So parents caring only about the money in their pocket is fine to her. Teachers are not babysitters. If British parents want the best teachers hired for their kids then teaching salaries and working conditions need to be competitive to what is out there on the free market. Why would highly qualified and talented people be attracted to a job in teaching other people's kids and being paid less, appreciated less and swung around the neck by an interfering political system more interested in targets than inspiring education when industry bosses would give these people good pay with lucrative perks and good working conditions. It's a no brainier.

    • @cliffordbuttle4529
      @cliffordbuttle4529 Před rokem

      Parents Hague to work to pay for there kids gear and to feed them😅😅😅😅😅

  • @ktthe90sgirl88
    @ktthe90sgirl88 Před 9 lety +2

    I agree with Katie again on this one, especially as I am a student

  • @TheHasa13
    @TheHasa13 Před 10 lety +10

    this has been the only time i agree with Katie Hopkins haha

  • @deecaine6726
    @deecaine6726 Před 8 lety +13

    she's not a teacher! what does she know???

    • @deecaine6726
      @deecaine6726 Před 8 lety

      Don't abuse me!!
      How dare you!!!!
      I am neither ignorant or a cunt!!!!
      My sister is a teacher!!!!!
      And I have friends that are teachers!!!
      Next comment had better be an apology!!!

    • @lolaa5645
      @lolaa5645 Před 8 lety

      Dee, Don't listen to that asshole, he's got serious mental issues. Katie is not a teacher, she just on this program because she is fun to watch.

    • @lolaa5645
      @lolaa5645 Před 8 lety

      You uneducated pot-stirrers are tiresome. You're ignorant and arrogant at the same time, worst possible personality mix... I know your type well.

  • @lewangillard9701
    @lewangillard9701 Před 8 lety +7

    I actually think she's right because teachers get enough money to worry about getting any more

    • @brainboy109
      @brainboy109 Před 8 lety

      +lewan gillard , just curious, what are they paid in the UK typically?

    • @lewangillard9701
      @lewangillard9701 Před 8 lety

      +Mr. Gabe it can range from £15,000 - £65,000 if you're a great teacher so it's quite a lot

    • @brainboy109
      @brainboy109 Před 8 lety

      lewan gillard
      Well that's not too bad

    • @lewangillard9701
      @lewangillard9701 Před 8 lety

      +Mr. Gabe Yeah, that's why I agree with her in this situation

    • @brainboy109
      @brainboy109 Před 8 lety

      lewan gillard
      well £15 a year doesn't sound too great. And I would imagine living in London that might not be enough. But 65? sounds fine to me. Especially when you have state run health care

  • @charlotteliversidge2606
    @charlotteliversidge2606 Před 8 lety +3

    And tbh, most children complain because they don't know how to pay bills or sort out their financial place in life after education but nothing is argued there with Katie so missing lessons that they may not even use is acceptable considering they aren't being taught how to survive (aside from the education/qualification side).

    • @poopoomcpoo9411
      @poopoomcpoo9411 Před 8 lety +1

      +Charlotte Liversidge As a child myself currently "experiencing" the education system, I find school completely efficient; issues like coping with your financial situation in adult life do not have to be taught directly, as the skills required can be extracted from other subjects such as maths and applied into the more realistic context of adult life. In my opinion, we don't have to be hand-fed exactly what to do as part of a process - if you have the mathematical ability, you can piece it together and go from there, which is a foundation that every institution provides, therefore it is not a case that schools are inadequate for modern expectations or they simply aren't educating the pupils; we all leave with the tools needed to survive in life.
      What I have concluded from your comment, or at least by putting your idea into a similar perspective, is that if the lesson does not hold any personal value to the individual, it is acceptable to deliberately miss it, which is OK under no terms - even if it does not appeal to you (for instance, geography, if you have no interest in becoming a geographer). The education system enables kids to flourish, and such a change would be detrimental and hinder the learning of thousands of students within the country.

    • @charlotteliversidge2606
      @charlotteliversidge2606 Před 8 lety

      +Poopoo McPoo I do agree with you however it would be nice to have a little introduction into the adult world and what they'll have to deal with - some children may not have the support in their own lives or know what to ask

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      Right how many people outside the sciences actually have any use for algebra, logarithms or quadratic equations? I know people who left school at fifteen with no qualifications but can build a house from the foundations to the roof tiles doing all the trades themselves I have an Irish friend who left home and school at fourteen he's now worth between 15 and thirty million hevhas homes in England, Ireland and Spain. I also have friends with University degrees who struggle to earn a decent living there's more to life than academic qualifications

  • @phoebefletcher356
    @phoebefletcher356 Před 10 lety +1

    I remember this strike happening when i was in school, and while it wasn't ideal my year was given some homework to complete and we could ask questions the next day as you would in lessons! But it didn't stop me from learning. What made education confusing was when i had to do half my English GCSE exam in the november before all of my other exams so i was rushed to finish a load of work which i could have learned a lot better if the system wasn't changed for my year! Teachers striking helps to stop this from happening and children will therefore get a better education and not be rushed to finish work when they should have more time to learn it!!!!

  • @SuperMoonwalker1997
    @SuperMoonwalker1997 Před 8 lety +1

    I agree with Katie on this one. Seriously, I don't get why teacher's are complaining about their wage. There're people having a much bigger workload, getting much less money. Teachers seem to have their blinders on, they're having many privileges other people can't even think of.

  • @MsHollybabes
    @MsHollybabes Před 10 lety +16

    Is it bad I actually agree with her for once!! hahaa

    • @charleighemilylambert2901
      @charleighemilylambert2901 Před 10 lety +1

      Don't worry I thought the same thing !!! Xxx

    • @namenoth
      @namenoth Před 10 lety +3

      You agree because you are ignorant and have no idea what teachers go through daily all for the love of educating children and building a better future for them.

    • @charleighemilylambert2901
      @charleighemilylambert2901 Před 10 lety +2

      No !! Aha I agree because in my opinion she is right from what I know and have exprienced so how about you stop the name calling and leave. Aha love there job and the kids interest so much they leave for the day stop the kids education and have a strop over money !!! When people that work harder and longer hours don't even get what they get !!! Good one mate !!!! ;) all they want is money !!!!!

    • @namenoth
      @namenoth Před 10 lety +5

      Oh here comes another ignorant fool, how about you do some research before you comment. There is a tremendous amount of pressure on teachers, its not just a job its a lifestyle choice, youre deluded if you think people go into teaching for the money.

    • @jamstrings100
      @jamstrings100 Před 10 lety +2

      namenotshannah An argument/issue is more than one sided, so you need to accept that. People are entitled to agree with Katie.

  • @thisizwar1
    @thisizwar1 Před 9 lety +2

    Totally agree with Katie on this one.

  • @alcudiababe1
    @alcudiababe1 Před 8 lety +2

    but i do think its funny that Phil has to hold his hand up and say "Katie," to get her to wait her turn and calm it. lol. He is learning to handle her... 😆

  • @leahsimonini6445
    @leahsimonini6445 Před 10 lety +3

    For once I agree with Katie because in my school the teachers are pretty bad and then go on strike it's not right that they get to do that

  • @danieljackson6009
    @danieljackson6009 Před 9 lety +1

    I don't believe in getting rid of unions ❤️but she speaks sense I love her

  • @lucyroberts9561
    @lucyroberts9561 Před 9 lety +1

    I completely agree with Katie

  • @joniwatso
    @joniwatso Před 10 lety +1

    To the person who is saying that people aren't going into teaching for money well they are because I am a teacher of maths and I have been given a large sum of money when I signed up!

  • @1oldgit
    @1oldgit Před 8 lety +1

    Mate of mine is a primary teacher and he readily admits he became a teacher because of the time off, good pay and pension....the time off being his main reason. Nothing to do with interests of children and desire to teach.

    • @BM-qw8hy
      @BM-qw8hy Před 8 lety

      +Justa Rider This is true. I know a girl who is a Mentor at a high school, and I know two other girls who are Primary school teachers, and they are in the job because they get long holidays, no weekend or bank holiday work, and early finishes. They are never stressed and have plenty leisure time, and are all getting by financially just fine. If I wasn't self-employed I would think about training to be a teacher purely for the reasons I mentioned.

    • @1oldgit
      @1oldgit Před 8 lety

      Best part tiome job going Ben ;)

    • @lolaa5645
      @lolaa5645 Před 8 lety

      +ben nevis I guarantee you don't know these people well if you think they never get stressed.

  • @kennysandra1
    @kennysandra1 Před 9 lety +2

    Well done Katey, you are the best at brining down those pompous buffoons

  • @beautifulpippa
    @beautifulpippa Před 10 lety +1

    The problem is that society has gone soft and teachers and childcare services are getting walked over!! Today's young can get away with anything!!

  • @Nuron666
    @Nuron666 Před 8 lety +1

    I dont really believe a days strike will make any difference to children.
    When I was in school most kids were either day dreaming or chatting with their mates about football and films.
    I was one of these day dreamers, I would spend most of my school days watching the clock and counting the days to my next holiday break.
    For me, being locked up with other horrible little children was my idea of hell.
    I couldn't wait to get the hell out of school.

  • @Phillthy59
    @Phillthy59 Před 10 lety +1

    Why should unions hold the country to ransom? Pay us more money or we will stop teaching your kids, putting out fires etc. Do the Armed forces go on strike? No. Do they do the striking fire fighters jobs when they're on strike? Yes. For a lot less money.

    • @thisizwar1
      @thisizwar1 Před 9 lety

      Thank you. Finally someone's who's speaking sense.

  • @TF1Akrata
    @TF1Akrata Před 9 lety +1

    i agree with katie. why pay someone more for handling my child at a delicate age? and why treat them like humans when we could just impose more and more rules on them rather than revamping the old ones. i mean, i feel as though the oil companies need more tax breaks and less regulation, not schools. what are teachers doing for me anyway?
    but seriously. around the 4 minute mark i love how he can see her working up to shout down his logic and stops her before he even finishes. such a clean cut off

  • @MummaSayWhat
    @MummaSayWhat Před 10 lety +2

    I think this is the only debate where I find myself siding with Katie

  • @bellestablet853
    @bellestablet853 Před 9 lety +1

    this is the closest I have ever been to even thinking about agreeing with her. teachers and nurses alike need to be treated better, but, you cant fine parents for not sending their kids to a school, when teachers cn strike without receiving the same fine.

  • @ISayLoveLaughLive
    @ISayLoveLaughLive Před 10 lety +2

    Jeez, it is one day off I can guarantee that day is not going to make a difference in your child's education for that year. I am currently a post 16 student and my teachers work extremely hard, and all my previous teachers have done the same. When they work so hard, during school and out of school, should they not be able to have the right to strike? Like he said it is a last resort. Stop ranting about teachers having a day off, because it is not for that reason. It is about being able to give children the education they deserve, if they increase work hours (which has been mentioned) children will be tired, and the teachers will have less time to plan lessons, meaning a poorer quality of teaching. Lastly, if you mention GSCE's and your worrying about your child losing time due to being taken out, why not make them revise during this time, or send them to after school sessions to make up for the time you think they have lost. Stop complaining.

  • @hjshkjasfgjfsa
    @hjshkjasfgjfsa Před 9 lety +1

    First time I agree with her on anything I've seen her saying.

  • @123mellymoo
    @123mellymoo Před 10 lety +1

    I completely agree with Katie on this one. My mum last year was sent a threatening letter because we went on holiday. However its ok for teachers to go on strike and set a bad example!?

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      True your parents can't take you on holiday during term time because it saves them money but teachers can go on strike because they want more money Every body wants more money shorter hours longer holidays, better conditions, better pensions etc,etc etc

  • @FinalFantasyAerith
    @FinalFantasyAerith Před 10 lety +1

    I would agree with teachers striking except that parents are not allowed to take children out of schools for holidays but teachers can strike whenever.... It's double standards.

  • @johntheyiddo
    @johntheyiddo Před 10 lety +1

    Hopkins obviously believes the whole world revolves around the children. Teachers have lives too. They work hard to earn this amount of money.

    • @AGNC
      @AGNC Před 10 lety

      but they get the whole summer off aswell

    • @r.3802
      @r.3802 Před 10 lety

      agncgames but they spend most of it planning for september

  • @adamislam672
    @adamislam672 Před 8 lety +1

    One thing I do agree with Katie is that teachers fine students for 60 pounds when they can take a day off also not being rude if you love being a teacher you should understand they average salary they receive by being a teacher and the limit of salary it gets up to

  • @tigereyes5
    @tigereyes5 Před 10 lety +1

    Is our country so PC that teachers aren't allowed to say that part of the strike is about their pay and pensions? Why shouldn't it be? No matter what job you have, even one done out of passion, you will want fair pay for what you do and your pension guaranteed. If that isn't the case you do something about it. Yes it is sad that it impacts on children but that shouldn't be a clear cut reason to ban teachers from striking. People in the private sector use their own methods to get what they want from their employers as well.
    Katie clearly isn't an expert on this topic.

    • @bighands69
      @bighands69 Před 10 lety +1

      Is it really about pay and pensions or is it about unions flexing their muscles.
      Union had in past tried to destroy the UK when things were really bad. My father lost his job because the unions striked so much that it destroyed the company he worked for.
      When teachers strike children are left out in the cold.

    • @bighands69
      @bighands69 Před 10 lety

      The one bad experience.
      My whole community was destroyed by it. Unemployment went through the roof. This in turn just create slums were violence and drugs cultures were the norm.
      Now my point is are the unions really about pay and pension or are they about politics. My experience and my communities experience is that they are just another political party no different from Labour, Conservatives or Lib dems.
      They promise the world while they do not mean it.
      The collective federations of the likes Germany are a far better system that what the UK unions are. There is something wrong when the heads of unions earn hundreds of thousands while the workers earn £6 per hour.

  • @rachelperkins4522
    @rachelperkins4522 Před 11 lety +4

    I agree teachers get enough benefits

  • @joshuac6657
    @joshuac6657 Před 10 lety

    22% and 85%?
    My Katie, that's some great mathematical logic you have there.

  • @justinodowd4182
    @justinodowd4182 Před 8 lety +1

    what a wonderful woman

  • @TCt83067695
    @TCt83067695 Před 10 lety +1

    so someone pls update me. did the teachers get "what they wanted"?

  • @codecrt321
    @codecrt321 Před 10 lety +5

    Don't like Alex Jones but i would love to see him go at Katie Hopkins

  • @sarah123annie
    @sarah123annie Před 10 lety

    Reading through some of the comments on here actually upsets me. I consider myself a teacher. I teach trampolining at a club ranging from 4 up to adults. I do not get paid for this, it is strictly voluntary because of the length of time I have been at the club and my commitment to the sport. I do this on a part time basis for a few hours a night. When I think about how much it takes out of me just to teach for three hours straight, when I am on my feet for the entire time, dealing with children, some who are disabled, some who are not, some who are over enthusiastic, some who for whatever reason, do not want to be there because they have had a bad day, or whatever else might be going on in their lives, whether it be struggles at home, struggling with school work, or dealing with bullies, because for many of these children it is the end of a long day for them, we get tantrums, and tears. I look at the amount of work my teachers put in when I was going through my GCSEs and A-levels to help me through them, I am glad that I did not make the decision to go into teaching professionally straight away. At least at the end of the sessions that I teach, I can go home put my feet up, have a cup of tea and get some uni work done. Full time professional teachers cannot do this. When I was at school, our teachers would usually hold some sort of after school session, whether it be a revision class for exams, which usually involves teaching, at least in my classes it did, nearly half of the people taking that subject, especially for biology, chemistry and physics. History was also a popular revision class as well, it got to the point that we had to move into the performance hall so that we could have revision sessions. The sessions would be an hour to two hours depending on the subject matter, and even after that people would hang around waiting to get individual questions answered, essays looked at and practice papers marked. This is after a full day of teaching 8:30 til 3. Many teachers would stay on longer than that, we were lucky that our school was open in the evenings until late because there were and still are many community run classes in the evenings. Teachers would go home after that and plan sessions at home and mark work, write reports, create spreadsheets and databases on how well you were doing, then parent evenings would come along, and parents would go in to be told how well or awfully their little darlings have been doing, and behaving throughout the last year. They set up trips to places for individual year groups, they set subject related trips, there were language exchanges and they set up trips around the world, to name some places we went/were offered included China, South Africa, Peru, Russia, France, Spain, Belgium, France, Mozambique, and Germany. So when you tell me teachers do not deserved to get paid a very good salary, because let's not get started on the frightful behaviour of children nowadays, you can bloody well piss off, because unless you are a teacher you have no idea what it is like to teach your little darlings for one hour let alone 6-7 hours a day. Ohhh and my school was a public school not a private school, and it managed to offer me an amazing education about the UK, the world in general, and as myself as a person. Maybe Katie Hopkins would like to try living on the wage that teachers get at the time this was filmed, and then work and produce as much effort as the teachers do, though I would draw the line at letting her teach, I for one would not let her near anyone's children with some of the shit that is spewed out of her useless gob. Teaching is often a thankless job from parents, but the reward of seeing someone grow and develop and learn a new skill, or a new way of looking at something, is why I would, in the future like to teach. It outweighs the negatives so much more.

    • @supahdupahguy81
      @supahdupahguy81 Před 9 lety

      Paragraphs are your friend..

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      If the satisfaction outweighs the negatives stop moaning because it doesn't make you rich

  • @elliemalone964
    @elliemalone964 Před 10 lety +1

    Although I do not agree with all of Katie's views and comments, I do believe some parts of what she is often saying is common feelings and views shared by many. She is right, we are too politically correct, nobody would dare to admit they sometimes agree with her!

  • @MDOY79
    @MDOY79 Před 10 lety +3

    Sorry Katie, workers can and will strike if they so desire.. they should ramp it up and demand a decent wage, it's an important Job unlike being a nobody rent a gob on some celebrity bulshit tv.

  • @PureChiefness
    @PureChiefness Před 10 lety +1

    I'm reading these comments and wondering what all the uproar is about. Planning, documenting, hitting targets, bureaucracy...welcome to the public sector folks! I have no doubt teachers have a hard job, but it's no different in the NHS or most public sector jobs.
    Times are changing and everything needs to be put on paper/documented. Don't like it? Don't become a teacher! Or go somewhere else!

  • @xXshotgunnxX
    @xXshotgunnxX Před 11 lety

    At my collage if the teacher strike they fit it around our learning so they don't disrupt our learning, they don't have to do during school hours most of the time :(

  • @mollyebrown02
    @mollyebrown02 Před 10 lety +11

    Katie u don't no how hard teachers work (my dad's one!) also yh parents might need to take the day off to look after their kids and it seems u have. the day off and look why u are no where near ur kids

    • @mollyebrown02
      @mollyebrown02 Před 10 lety +1

      said the probs unsuccessful person commenting who doesn't probs bright future or a job and Is so judgemental they don't even no what they are talking About. Also my dad is a amazing teacher and put his heart and soul into his job working on his weekends in his spare time a don his holidays he works iguana have a job (which is surpizing) u probs go to work do your job that's it. Teachers are working all the time planning lesson marking work e.g

    • @bighands69
      @bighands69 Před 10 lety +1

      Molly Brown
      You look quite young so I must give you some truths.
      The UK at present has a national debt of 1.3 trillion and the government is also in deficit that means they are spending more than they bring in.
      This is only leading in one direction.
      There is no room at present for strikes even for teachers we either shut up and put up or we are in for a massive depression.
      I am not only picking on teachers but neither is Hopkins. Teachers pay and other pay needs to be massively cut for the UK to survive.
      This is the reality. Since you are young I would advise that you start to research where the future jobs actually are if you want a good future. And do not listen to nonsense about doing what you like.

    • @jennypei0403
      @jennypei0403 Před 10 lety

      bighands69 Teachers pay should not be cut! What is our purpose, in fact what is any species purpose? To survive and go on to reproduce so that their can be a generation to carry on and do the same afterwards, so the species can survive; so humanity can survive.
      Teachers are responsible to mold and shape the minds of the future generation which is essentially, what we are changing and evolving for! Teachers are the only way that your children are going to learn knowledge and become a successful person and contribute to the future generation, which is essentially what these strikes are for. They are the absolute last resort in response to unfair treatment for their hard work! Without teachers, then there would be no future generation for us to change and evolve for.
      Hopkins might have some good ideas, but with this topic she is just being a complete cow! She might have done her research, but she doesn't understand what its like to be a teacher and she should not be judging them without truly understanding their position! I might have liked some of her statements in the past, but after watching this I absolutely loath her! What a cow..

    • @BenAltonmusic
      @BenAltonmusic Před 10 lety

      Jenny Pei I'm sorry but teachers are not the only way children are going to learn knowledge and become a successful person. That is a very narrow view of the variety of ways people become successful and make a positive contribution to society. It's one way, not the only way ...

    • @bethbinns3966
      @bethbinns3966 Před 10 lety +4

      I hope he is not a teacher of English, your spelling is atrocious! 😕

  • @darkbunglex
    @darkbunglex Před 9 lety +2

    Anyone that is against the strike might as well just admit they are child abusers. The sticks are to help insure a long term competent education system. If you only care about a glorified babysitter then oppose thes tricks and admit your are a terrible parent. If instead you care about encouraging the best people to work as teachers so your children have a great education then support the teachers strike and even more!

    • @Emzo99
      @Emzo99 Před 9 lety


    • @thisizwar1
      @thisizwar1 Před 9 lety

      Okay so I'm a child abuser because I oppose the 'sticks'?

    • @Emzo99
      @Emzo99 Před 9 lety


    • @darkbunglex
      @darkbunglex Před 9 lety +1

      Sherlocked Whovian Yes, autocomplete can make for some funny mistakes but this one was not really worth pointing out

  • @andrewbooth4776
    @andrewbooth4776 Před 3 lety

    At a job interview dont tell them if your in a union , it will greatly reduce your chances of getting the job.

  • @katieaddlestone426
    @katieaddlestone426 Před 10 lety +5

    katie is so level headed, she has such a sensible approach and opinion on everything, she's always so down to earth, empathetic, kind and considerate...... said no one ever

    • @kilroyishere6190
      @kilroyishere6190 Před 3 lety

      How prophetic Katie was,,..Look at the”Beloved Teachers” today…REFUSING to teach children out of fear of an absolute LIE…In America…since the teachers here turnout the Dumbest kids in the Semi Civilized world ….Its No Loss…at least they can’t Teach Hatred of America setting on their dead butts….and getting paid to do nothing…no change there..

  • @Artbag1
    @Artbag1 Před 8 lety

    I like Katie Hopkins, she stands for freedom although I don't always agree with her opinion.
    The balance of wealth is killing this country, I don't see the super rich having to make sacrifices.
    Unless you think a billionaire not being able to become a multi billionaire is worthy of pity.
    The 95% who pay the taxes are working for less and less, this reduces tax revenue and therefore public services.
    mean while the 5% who don't pay taxes are getting more and more.
    If you don't want public schools
    if you don't want national health
    If you don't want any public services
    in fact if you want everything to be privatised
    then support Katie Hopkins.

  • @TheTeacherMuse
    @TheTeacherMuse Před 9 lety +4

    I just can't believe people are allowed to make crazy arguments without any form of logic. This woman simply pouts and says that teachers are walking out for the money, that all they care about is the money! She wants to ban teachers from their civil rights!!!!! Lady, how in the world are children supposed to learn if the teachers are not treated as professionals and with respect! It is because of people like her that wonderful teachers with passion and creativity end up tired and grumpy!

  • @rhyfelwrDuw
    @rhyfelwrDuw Před 10 lety +4

    Parents just want a free babysitting service out of schools. They want teachers to raise their children - that's not the teachers' job! A teacher's job is to teach subjects NOT raise lazy parents' kids!

  • @joet8862
    @joet8862 Před 9 lety +1

    She's right, teachers should not be holding a child's future to ransom, it's completely unethical! They don't realise how much freedom they have with their jobs, teachers can be late to class and never have to answer to anyone for it or be punished, (unlike the students) they can not turn up at all and still there are no consequences, and they can do an overall shit job and they will still get away with it for years. Can anyone else in any other job do this? No!

    • @annamoore7925
      @annamoore7925 Před 9 lety +1

      Are you serious? Teachers work evenings and weekends to plan, assess and complete paperwork, so working over 60 hours a week, for 38 hour wages. And the idea that they have complete freedom, are unaccountable is a joke. Have you heard of Ofsted? The more hours teachers have to work on tasks that do not directly improve their teaching of the children, the less energy they have to improve the learning of their pupils. That is what teachers strike for. Why else would someone chose a job where 20+ unpaid overtime is expected?

    • @joet8862
      @joet8862 Před 9 lety

      Anna Moore I realise i was wrong in saying that teachers have a lot of freedom in their jobs and it can be very demanding. I suppose i just have a bit of a chip on my shoulder as i've had many problems with teachers when i was younger, i didn't mean to but i've developed a biased opinion of them. When i was in high school one of my teachers would sleep, they wouldn't try and help you if you needed help, they would mock you if you didn't know something, they wouldn't care if you understood what they were saying or not as they went at lightning speed with the topics, my polish maths teacher could barely speak English and my english teacher had no knowledge of the subject, he was forced to do it as he's really a drama teacher, so he would put on the simpsons every lesson. I would like to say i rose above all this, but i didn't, i gave up after experiencing all this and failed my gcse's. I'm doing better now though.

    • @annamoore7925
      @annamoore7925 Před 9 lety

      I'm sorry you had such bad teachers. I guess I was lucky that mine were pretty good. Training to be a Primary teacher has given me massive respect for teachers in general. It's not an easy job. Most people who commit to the profession do so out of love for the job, but there are always exceptions.

  • @TGreyhair
    @TGreyhair Před 10 lety

    Strikes are meant to cause havoc, if the government are going around changing things such as pensions and other issues without thinking of the consequences of course people are going to start strike action.

  • @landrovervideos1182
    @landrovervideos1182 Před rokem

    For all the controversial comments Hopkins has uttered this tops them all, every worker should have the right to strike

  • @baybeejune
    @baybeejune Před 10 lety

    "Not once did they mention children, it should be about the children not the money". Says the woman who shifts her children's birthday to fit around her work schedule to a time to suit her, just so she can earn money.

  • @stuartrossy2
    @stuartrossy2 Před 11 lety

    Listening and reading ! My gosh can't we tell what you were like as pupils.

  • @angelofretribution2161
    @angelofretribution2161 Před 10 lety +1

    Katie doesn't know what it's like to be in their (teacher/person not paid as much as she) position.
    As a parent, I'd be upset too. There's got to be a better way to do it.
    At the same time. missing one day of kiddie school is NOTHING compared to missing one day of College. We missed nearly a week in grade school due to teacher protest/striking and it hardly effected our curriculum/course of events. Whereas in College, when I missed one day, we had gone over vital information in biochemistry, nearly completed Anatomy and Physiology, and had a bunch of projects to start (where I missed the instructions for). So....it's not entirely the same. None the less, parents have to rearrange their schedule for their small children at the bat of an eye, so this is where Katie's "blunt talk" isn't appreciated because she has no clue what she's talking about.

  •  Před 10 lety

    One who has such an incredible view about her children and about whom they should or shouldn´t relate to, upon their name´s origins... Jesus!!!

  • @imjustacookiemonster
    @imjustacookiemonster Před 10 lety +1

    I think teachers should have more of a pay rise along with soldiers because all doctors, lawyers, GP's, scientists and many other higher paid jobs have to get an education from somewhere, because we'd be nowhere without teachers.

    • @imjustacookiemonster
      @imjustacookiemonster Před 10 lety

      i agree with you on that

    • @samuelrobson1208
      @samuelrobson1208 Před 10 lety

      ***** I'm in my last year at a public school, 5/6 of my alevel teachers are brilliant! Who told you teachers are abysmal? They're either misinformed or have been very unlucky.

    • @samuelrobson1208
      @samuelrobson1208 Před 10 lety +1

      ***** So rather than having a discussion with me you're just going to insult me and my generation on a topic I now realize you know nothing about, and yet you call me immature? Take a second to step out of your own arse. You think I'm naive, brainwashed and can't think for myself just because I think my teachers are good at their jobs? You are literally the most over presumptuous disgusting excuse for a human being I've ever spoken too.

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      Doctors Doctors, lawyers GPs scientists etc are taught by university professors the very best teachers who aren't the ones striking many of whom graduated with the bare minimum of qualifications

    • @michaelharrison3602
      @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

      ​@@samuelrobson1208most of us were unlucky we didn't go to public schools because mummy and daddy weren't rich enough to send us to them and I don't think it's mainly public school teachers who are complaining about their jobs and remuneration

  • @alexandercox3452
    @alexandercox3452 Před 10 lety +3

    Katie Hopkins seems to forget that teachers are also people, that have to earn a salary big enough to live, whilst working and then whilst retired. Better one day off to make a real stand to Mr. Gove than teachers leaving the profession left right and centre because they cannot afford their own childcare. Ridiculously underrated and respected as a profession, too.

  • @selinacat1745
    @selinacat1745 Před 8 lety

    and so if banning teachers from striking over their personal welfare is detrimental to the childrfen, then people should be banned from having children if they can't look after them when their teacher (not their childminder) is not in school, but giving plenty of time to arrange childcare. She says it's all about teachers worried about their pay packets however she suggests that parents will have to have a day off without pay. Is that not someone worried about their finances?

  • @SplendidlySarcastic
    @SplendidlySarcastic Před 11 lety

    Teachers strikes always annoyed me. There are so many teachers around, but how many are actually good enough for our students in state schools? Not many. Fewer teachers with a better application to their job is what we need. Who cares about their pay? Commitment to working for children? Oh please, not all of them.

  • @Artbag1
    @Artbag1 Před 8 lety

    why should life be good when it can be crap?
    What are we teaching our children, that you shouldn't stand up for yourself, that protesting is wrong, to just put up and shut up?
    Quash the spirit of the people, because the people don't matter, we need spiritless people who believe in hopelessness.

  • @petrucci15
    @petrucci15 Před 10 lety

    to be honest...after working in china for almost 2 years, we have it sooooo easy in england!! we are all wrapped up in bubblewrap, spoilt....in developing countries there arent unions! there is no fair or unfair....there is just put ur head down and work! I kinda agree with Katie on this one. We are all working harder, in more unfair circumstances, and the only thing we have is education for our future generations. I was a teacher in China, and we had no fucking help like they do here!!
    Man up and do your job!

  • @zahraassayr1701
    @zahraassayr1701 Před 10 lety +1

    My teachers are on strike and you know what teachers have it hard they mark24/7 they write reports and the reason they actually go on strike is that the government is making them work longer and get less pension!!!!!!!!

    • @frasersymon5739
      @frasersymon5739 Před 10 lety

      They finish early every day, they get the same holidays as children. How have they got it hard? Marking is part of the job that they signed for.

    • @zahraassayr1701
      @zahraassayr1701 Před 10 lety

      you that teachers have to work 5 days a week plus plan lessons

    • @zahraassayr1701
      @zahraassayr1701 Před 10 lety

      Fraser Symon. Plus they are being made to work till they are 68 , do you understand how long that is?

    • @ryanredman8678
      @ryanredman8678 Před 10 lety

      Fraser Symon Teachers dont finish early! Meetings at schools dont even finish till 6;30 and then they bring marking and laminating home!

    • @frasersymon5739
      @frasersymon5739 Před 10 lety

      Isn't everyone going to be working till 68 then? Laminating Bahahahaha! Every teacher doesn't finish at 6:30

  • @michaelharrison3602
    @michaelharrison3602 Před rokem

    As a child i always went on holiday with my parents outside the school holidays i learnt more in
    Those weeks than i ever learnt in class i learnt about Geography, history, foreign cultures exchange rates and languages i learnt more French and Spanish being in those countries than i ever did conjugating verbs in the classroom. I learnt more about maths figuring how many pesetas or francs id get for my money than i ever did memorising algebra which i have never once needed to know in my adult life as I've never found knowing about dines cosine and tangent of any use whatsoever

  • @calvin9999999999
    @calvin9999999999 Před 9 lety +1

    I agree with teachers. No one else is allowed to strike because they want more money.

    • @fantastischfish
      @fantastischfish Před 8 lety

      +calvin9999999999 Teachers didn't strike about pay. They went on strike to challenge the linking of that pay to children's performance in exams. This will only results in the best teachers staying in affluent areas where results are high, since poorly performing children in deprived areas will results in lower wages for the teachers. That's what the strikes are about. We don't want more money. We want our pay to reflect OUR dedication and skill, rather than the socio-economic background of our students dictating that pay.

    • @calvin9999999999
      @calvin9999999999 Před 8 lety

      fantastischfish It's only ever about money and pensions. If you become a teacher, doctor etc. it's a vocational job, and you shouldn't be in it for the money. You might be in a minority, but the teachers I know did not strike for the reasons you give. Let's not also forget the 13 weeks paid holiday a year.

    • @fantastischfish
      @fantastischfish Před 8 lety

      +calvin9999999999 first of all, you're wrong. We don't get paid for the holidays. Our contract states we are paid for "1265 directed hours, plus any additional hours required to discharge of their duties". Holidays are not paid.
      Second, the strike called by the unions was not about the amount we are paid but the denationalisation of the pay structure and the linking of pay to student performance. I'm afraid you are just wrong on that score, regardless of what your friends may have said.

    • @calvin9999999999
      @calvin9999999999 Před 8 lety

      fantastischfish Well the people I know striked for the pensions. I'm pretty sure they knew they were striking for that, too. I've never heard anything about student performance being linked to striking, I don't believe that.
      Striking should be banned. Parents get fined and a potential criminal record for taking children on holiday in term time. What does it teach students if teachers say "I'm not coming in today" for whatever reason and that is acceptable? Striking helps no one and causes disruption.

    • @fantastischfish
      @fantastischfish Před 8 lety

      +calvin9999999999 it doesn't really matter if you believe it because it's the truth. You can find the manifesto online. Performance related pay. It's a fact.

  • @charlotteliversidge2606

    Strikes are actually sophisticated and aren't when teachers want it. Coming from a family of teachers who have worked in some of the hardest, roughest schools in my area, I know the hatred for Michael Gove and that the pensions that teachers will receive at shit as for a half decent pension, they'll have to work till they're 68-70 years old!! One day out of school will hardly effect a child's education and why didn't Katie argue when the emergency services take a strike!! That day, some freak accident could have occurred and no immediate help was there but 5 hours out of a child's 10+ year education was an outrage.
    It would be greatly appreciated if she could mind her manners, research the area of which is being debated, stop acting like a child who wants their word in and the last word and try to see the other side of the story. Peoples retirement may end up in them hardly surviving, putting more pressure on the state because they don't have enough money to live and so forth.

  • @robertuk2006
    @robertuk2006 Před 9 lety

    Teachers shouldn't be allowed to strike IMO!