A tribute to a feathered friend ~ The Story of FLIGHT, the Yellow-sided Conure

  • čas přidán 20. 10. 2014
  • Homage to Flight
    Flight flew into Guru’s heart and ensured to never depart
    Flight slept under Guru’s beard chanting divine names in his ear
    Lost a leg, didn't lose hope, flew like a jet, with infinite scope
    Faith steadfast, friendship peerless, held its ground with greatest finesse
    Took off to reach mighty Hanuman to bring back for Guru a talisman
    Ended its flight with incredible flair offering a bloom dropping it from air
    Right on the Bindu of sacred Sri Chakra, infusing Shuka Vana with its own great aura.

Komentáře • 537

  • @HaripriyaPramod
    @HaripriyaPramod Před 9 lety +29

    After all who can dream of sleeping inside the sacred beard of Gurudeva
    or get massaged from His sacred hands
    or offer a Hanuman Raksha to Sri Swamiji
    or offer flowers to the Saligramas and Sri Chakra in Sri Swamiji's personal Puja altar
    or eat from His hand almost everyday of your life
    or sit attached to his throat inside His beard while He is singing Bhajans
    or which being can get it’s last rites done by Gurudeva
    The spiritual connection between Sri Swamiji and this parrot can never be understood by us. The way it behaved and interacted with Him was very very different from other birds.
    A divine soul indeed….

  • @PrasadPrasad
    @PrasadPrasad Před 9 lety +6

    Flight - Tribute to a remarkable bird.
    When the planets are in its most fortuitous position, best of the destinies smile at you - whether a human or a bird or a deer or an ant. We all witnessed such an amazing soul’s journey from birth to passing away right in front of our eyes and in a short span of about two years. This is the moving story of a yellow-sided conure bird, named as “Flight” by Appaji.
    Appaji has said in his speeches several times, that as God willed, Appaji has been sending much of the time in airplanes - flying to different parts of the world - as a divine mission to interact with destined souls. Appaji must have taken thousands of flights crisscrossing the globe. Flights too must be part of Appaji’s Ashrama like living area for Appaji.
    Deeply impressed by Appaji’s love for birds needing care, Sanjay, a Chennai devotee brought some yellow-sided conure birds for Appaji. The Shukavana (the earlier one - in front of Saptasrshi Sarovara pond) was in it’s infancy when these chicks were brought. A well known bird enthusiast from Chennai, Mr.Siva accompanied Sanjay to know about Appaji’s love for birds. Of the several chicks of yellow-sided conures that were brought, Appaji initially held two chicks deciding which one to keep near His Guru Nilayam. After some moments, Appaji zeroed in on one particular chick and named it flight. How does the selection happen? It surely cannot be random. Both chicks looked the same and Appaji chose one. This young bird must be a remarkable one. Appaji immediately named the selected bird as “Flight”, I thought Appaji must be remembering the several airplane flights he takes every year. We have seen Appaji give uncommon names to His pets. Beagle dogs were named as Bone & Nerve. Flight too is such a uncommon name.
    The barely living tiny creature was very very lucky to receive daily dose of infant feeding from Pujya Sri Swamiji’s sacred hands for many months. As the months passed, it’s tiny form started to gather shape and action. Flight - true to it’s name was very active and was flying around Appaji’s Guru Nilayam. When Appaji had to leave on a month long tour, Appaji gave the bird to the care of Sri.Siva, the bird enthusiast from Chennai. Appaji was sure of Siva’s affection towards birds. Upon Appaji’s return to Mysore, Flight too returned to Appaji’s arms.
    As months rolled, Flight apportioned a generous portion of Appaji’s heart and attention. How can one fathom the rare & gripping attention, a 200 grams weighing bundle of joy, would garner from Appaji? Of the many birds, that reached Appaji for care and refuge, Flight was lucky to be a part of the few birds that are selected by Appaji to be kept near Guru Nilaya. It was ultra lucky to be “the bird” to get special attention from Appaji. Whether Appaji gave Flight special attention or Flight fought for special attention is a debatable point. But what was certain was Flight’s constant company with Appaji. Many a times a day when I met Appaji, discussions would get derailed as I would be at wits end when Flight peeked out of Appaji’s beard. It’s size was perfect to hide behind Appaji’s beard. What a place to live - I thought. Lucky lucky Flight. It would come out of Appaji’s beard during Bhiksha to get a rice or two which would have fallen on the beard. How lucky could a “Jeevi” get? Another amazing feature was - Flight would spend much time inside Appaji’s beard or inside the Dhoti around chest area. Once when Flight emerged from Appaji’s Dhoti, it had sandal wood paste marks on many parts of it’s body. Appaji explained that while Flight rolled around Appaji’s chest, the Puja Gandham (sandal paste) on Appaji’s chest would get on Flight’s body. Flight would constantly chat with Appaji. Who knows what this Shuka’s envoy would be conveying to Appaji?
    Most importantly, Flight would never soil when on or around Appaji. It would fly out of Guru Nilaya to the bird area for soiling. Remarkable indeed.
    During the construction of Hanuman Murti in Mysore Ashrama, Appaji would visit the project site often. He would leave the reluctant Flight back in Guru Nilaya, assuring, He would take it for Hanuman Darshan after the consecration. As Appaji started walking from Guru Nilayam, we could hear the shouts of Flight - as if saying….”I am coming too”. The Hanuman consecration festival started in December 2012. Appaji got busier and Flight was having less of Appaji’s company. Appaji one day assured Flight that he would be taken for Hanuman Darshan soon. During the weeklong consecration, disaster struck on the night of third day of consecration.
    As darkness descends, Ashrama gets nocturnal visitors from Chamundi hill. They are wild Civet cats, which live in Chamundi Hill and sneak into Ashrama at nights for some food. Flight was unsuspecting prey to the evil designs of a dastardly Civet cat. On that night, while flight perched on the large cage that was it’s home, a Civet cat chewed it’s right claw. The wild shrieks of Flight woke up the bird care giver, Rama Krishna and he was devastated to find it’s right leg missing. Doctor was summoned in the middle of that night. The caring doctor tried his best to save the bird. The bleeding stopped and the life was saved. Flight had lost it’s precious right leg. How could flight balance itself as it perched on the wooden bar in it’s cage? Here we find most amazing incidence of brotherhood that exists in the avian world. Flight’s another friend in it’s cage, a Sun Conure bird - “Air” - by name showed amazing nursing care for Flight. As Flight struggled to gain balance on it’s only leg, Air snuggled up next to the injured Flight and firmly stood next to it to give support and Flight would lean on Air and sleep. What a graceful and act of love and care!! Flight was a “yellow sided conure” and Air was a “sun conure”. Two birds with amazing relationship. Veteran bird keepers were surprised to find the bonhomie of the two who belonged to different sub-species.
    Some days later, as Appaji started for the Hanuman temple to listen to Pundit.Jasraj’s concert, Flight started making loud noises. Appaji strongly felt like taking Flight for the concert. But then decided against it.
    As days melted to weeks and months, Flight regained it’s original strength and became even more active than it’s pre accident days. Appaji too gave it special attention for being “differently abled bird” (not handicapped bird). After Flight’s accident Appaji resolved to build a better aviary than the one that existed in front of Saptarshi Sarovara. It was this singular event of Flight losing it’s right leg that caused the modern aviary to be built in Ashrama. Flight suffered to give extra protection to the birds in Shukavana. The Shukavana development made us sense Appaji’s seriousness about the bird refuge project. Appaji had the plan to build a modern aviary for the birds that needed care and refuge. Appaji had travelled to several aviaries in Australia, US, South Africa, Brazil & Europe. Appaji had a particular design in mind, which allowed free flying for birds. As Appaji gently shepherded different and at times conflicting design suggestions from designers, bird enthusiasts, the Shukavana started to get form. In the 15 months of it’s construction, I feel, this project received most attention from Pujya Appaji. Appaji would visit the construction site more than once a day whenever He was in Mysore. An unfortunate incident to Flight made Appaji changed the venue of the Shukavana aviary. to a much larger and spacious place. Appaji got an extra layer of mesh put on entire Shukavana to prevent mishap Flight had suffered. Contractors were constantly followed up for faster completion of the Project. Appaji tried his best to stay in Mysore as long as possible to ensure project’s early completion.
    Sometimes Appaji goes for walk in Ashrama’s Bonsai garden in the evenings. He would take Flight too. Hidden behind Appaji’s beard - a natural nest - flight would enjoy the outdoor activity. On one such walk, Flight took a peek from the beard. Unbelievably, flight simply flew away. Those around Appaji were mortified to see the little disappear. A search operation was in full swing in the next minutes. Entire Shuka van staff scoured each and every tree, plant in the Bonsai garden and it’s vicinity. No sight of Flight. It got dark and the search party was aghast as to how to convey the news of “Flight - not found” - to Appaji. As they prepared to convey this saddest of news, Pt.Srinivasachary, priest of Hanuman temple came near my office carrying a plastic basket. He called Rama Krishna and opened the plastic basket to show a remarkable visitor to Hanuman temple. Ramakrishna’s grim and sad face instantly glowed with great happiness to find Flight happily snuggled inside the Hanuman Tora (Raksha) basket. He ran to Appaji with the basket. Appaji peered in to the basket and Flight flew to Appaji’s hand and gently laid a Hanuman Tora on Appaji’s right wrist. Flight had gone for Hanuman Darshan which Appaji had promised months before. Not only did he go for Darshan, he even brought his care giver a Raksha from Hanuman. How sweet can the story get ? The joy of Flight’s return and the “Tora” story was super joyous of times retold many times over.
    Many times when Appaji gave Darshana at “Vishnu Darshan” spot in prayer hall, none of the devotees could make out that a bird was nestled inside Appaji’s beard. Happy times indeed.
    Appaji’s dream project - Shukavana was finally ready for inauguration in mid September. Appaji gave detailed instructions about the Shukavana inauguration procedure. Dignitaries from Singapore & US were invited to be chief guests. Mr.Raja Segaran - a veteran avian expert and founder director of the famed Jurong bird park of Singapore arrived in Mysore for Shukavana inauguration. Mr.Ronald Johnson came from Augusta, USA. Ramana Dikshitulu, chief priest of Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Devasthanams too came. Devotees from across the world and India had come for this two hour program. It was a momentous occasion.
    21st September 2014 - Day of Shukavana inauguration. It was bound to be a happy and historic day.
    Early in the morning Appaji went to swim in His pool. As was the practice - Flight too accompanied Appaji to the pool area. It would watch Appaji swim in circles in the pool and constantly talked “bird language”. After the swim, Appaji told Rama Krishna to carefully take care of Flight. He assumed Appaji’s caution imagining Flight would fly away and said - no worries Appaji. Appaji came back to Guru Nilaya and performed Archana to the deities in His personal Puja room. As Appaji put a flower on Salagramam, Flight peaked out of Appaji’s beard. Inquiring if it wanted to do Puja too, Appaji gave Flight a jasmine flower. It caught the flower in the beak and gently laid the jasmine flower on the Salagramam. Appaji smiled happily remarked that Flight finally started doing Puja. Appaji proceeded to the personal bird keeping area of Guru Nilayam and gave the bird to Rama Krishna and asked him to be careful. Ramakrishna was nonplussed. How to take care? Will it fly away again?
    As Appaji got ready for the happy occasion of Shukavana inauguration, Sri.Bala Swamiji came to Guru Nilayam to receive Appaji and accompany Him to Prayer hall. The dignitaries had arrived and Appaji was eager to come and preside over the inauguration. Appaji happily told Bala Swami about the Puja which Flight performed with Him.
    As Appaji walked towards door, Neela came running to Appaji. The three Kannada words Neela spoke was a thunder bolt of sad news - “Appaji - Flight innilla” - meaning - Appaji - flight is no more. A happy faced Appaji suddenly turned grim. He turned to Neela and asked what he meant by that. Neela explained that Flight fell off it’s perch to the ground and there seemed to be lifeless.. Appaji walked to the personal bird area and Rama Krishna was holding Flight in his palm. Flight was on it’s back and it’s belly was on top. The generally exuberant and active bird lay motionless. With shaky hands Appaji gently picked it up and said “Flight… Flight….. Did you have to leave me on such a happy day?”. There was no answer. Appaji brought the bird to the personal Puja room and placed a Tulasi on the bird. Appaji’s eyes were laced with tears. It was one of the most heart breaking moment in my life. Why? why? Why? Every living being has to die one day or the other. But, why on this particular day of happiness ? The day when Appaji’s dream project - Shukavana had to be inaugurated - and Flight leaves us. Appaji was silent for some minutes. Saying “It is all Datta Leela” - Appaji then took his ochre colored handkerchief and placed Flight’s mortal coil in it. He gave it to Rama Krishna to take the bird to it’s cage and await further instructions.
    With this devastatingly sad event, Appaji walked down to prayer hall for Shukavana inauguration function. Not displaying any emotion from this depressing news, Appaji showed great happiness and eagerness in the inauguration function. My mind was in turmoil. Appaji was calm and happy on the exterior. Was He a volcano of sadness inside ? My questions had no answers. The inauguration program took three hours. After all the events had concluded, and dignitaries had left, Appaji walked to Shuka Maharshi statue in Shukavana. Standing there in silence for a while, Appaji asked the body of Flight to be brought there. As per instructions from Appaji, a small pit was dug behind the sage’s statue. Appaji held Flight’s tiny but motionless form in His palms and closed eyes. Some minutes later, Appaji gently laid Flight’s mortal coil in the pit. Some rituals later, the pit was closed. What a day of mind bogglingly conflicting emotions. A tiny conure bird which gave great happiness to all around, regaled audiences world over through it’s youtube videos, ensured shifting, re-engineering and re-strengthening of the aviary because of it’s personal injury - a dear bird to Appaji - was no more. Merged with the five elements. All that remained were the great and mirthful memories of Flight. Probably it died on the day of aviary inauguration to prove a philosophical point. Nothing is permanent. In the short blip of life we have on this pale blue dot called earth - we should try to live a life of positivity and happiness. Personal injury and loss happen to all beings. How we collect ourselves and proceed further in life is all that matters.
    A week later, Appaji asked Pramodi to make a movie about Flight. Appaji gave some ideas how he wants it to be. Pramod started the film project and showed the “rough version” to Appaji on the second day of Navaratri festival. The movie was so moving that it left Appaji and me in tears. The sound track comprising of - a soaring and haunting flute play, Appaji’s Shivaranjani Raga from the Sarasangi Raga Sagara in Los Angeles perfectly fitted with the visuals of Flight. Appaji saw the video and gave ideas for some changes. They were carried out quickly. After seeing the final version, Appaji seemed satisfied. But the grief was palpable. It was Navaratri time and to see Appaji in such feeling was difficult. After viewing it couple of times and tears coming every time, Appaji wanted the film to be screened in Nada Mantapa. Looking at Appaji who was getting tearful at every view of the film, I was worried about Appaji getting teary eyed in Nada Mantapa. For some reason, Appaji delayed the public screening by a day. The film was screened in the last days of Navaratri. As the lights were dimmed and two large video screens showed the short film on the story of Flight, the atmosphere in Nada Mantapa seemed to be engulfed in grief.
    Air, the partner of Flight became acutely depressed at the shocking and sudden loss of it’s friend. After weeks of being quiet and non-communicative, it gradually recovered and even today is little cranky. But its recovery is quite remarkable.
    In the beginning of this story, I had told that Appaji held two chicks in his hands and selected one and named it Flight? The other chick which was in Shukavana was brought to Guru Nilaya some days ago. It looks exactly like Flight. Yesterday morning when Appaji went to it’s cage, It was standing with only one leg. Just like one legged Flight. Appaji gently took it to His hand. Hopefully we have Flight’s twin brother in this bird.
    Flight also can claim as the only living thing close to Appaji's heart. Because it spent much time on Appji's chest and found refuge there.
    Appaji has said to me - " flight would be inside my beard during many public Bhajan sessions. Even accompanying musicians would not have a clue of its presence. Flight would keep its head on my throat and and shake its head to the rhythm of the Bhajan. When I had to sing in higher pitch, it would sense and lift its head to help my vocal chords expand. Such was it's musical ingenuity".
    Flight - a small bundle of flying joy that gave happiness to Gurudeva in every moment of it’s existence.
    We miss you Flight. Thanks for coming.

  • @nandini61
    @nandini61 Před 9 lety +15

    Dear flight, You are not just one ordinary bird. You are a blessed soul to have a holy life time association with Sadguru.
    Seeing You hiding in Appaji's beard surprised me many times.
    I still wonder recollecting the boundless joy Appaji had in your companionship.
    You were amazing and successful in obtaining Appaji's complete and undivided attention till your final twitch.
    Unlike humans, you strove in all possible ways to keep your Master happy every moment and succeeded in every aspect.
    Our thinking has to upgrade to higher levels of spirituality to understand your divine relation with Sadguru.
    You never leave our hearts and we never stop missing you. My heartfelt tributes to you dear feathered friend.

  • @BalaRamanaKumari
    @BalaRamanaKumari Před 9 lety +8

    Dear Flight, it's been a month without you physically but your love, your willpower and every aspect of your behaviour keeps you in our hearts for ever, ever and ever. This video results in un-controlable emotions.

    • @manimurty
      @manimurty Před 9 lety +3

      Dear Flight ! We miss you a lot in SHUKA Vana and Guru Bhavana ! Especially the Navaratna MALA and the most attractive shining beard of Pujya Appaji are searching for your tender touch Flight. That is the most liked act of yours by all of us ! Your us fathomable love for Appaji and undaunted courage are the two lessons that we are supposed to learn from you dear !! You are in spirit with all of us and yet we miss you physically !!

    • @rvreddyandassociates
      @rvreddyandassociates Před 9 lety +1

      jaya guru datta deva
      what a love swamiji showed on his creatures.................
      wonderful love and mercy............

  • @BalaRamanaKumari
    @BalaRamanaKumari Před 9 lety +4

    Love is a divine bird and it is free to fly into whatever nest of a heart is seeking it. We see such divine love from the heart of Pujya Appaji for this lovely bird. Indeed compassion personified ! A heart touching video !

  • @sgsbirds
    @sgsbirds  Před 9 lety +40

    • @devprasadkode
      @devprasadkode Před 9 lety

      Jaya Guru Datta.
      A mesmerizing video depicting True Pure Love that a soul should have for its Master.
      Silent Bhakti, Modest Love, Steadfast Seva, Unfaltering and Constant attachment to Sadguru....so many lessons
      Thank You Appaji
      Thank You Flight

    • @MDVegan
      @MDVegan Před 9 lety

      Jaya Guru Datta Thank YOU so much, beloved Apaji, for blessing us with the most wonderful and amazing story about Flight. We all know this blessed and loving soul has embarqued on the most auspicious journey. Sri Guru Datta

    • @terlapu1
      @terlapu1 Před 9 lety

      Jaya Guru Datta, What beautiful pure love Flight had towards Guru...Flight teaches us how to love Guru without expecting anything in return...Even after loosing its leg it held onto Appaji's lotus feet...Nothing could stop it from loving Guru....May we all be inspired and try to love Appaji like flight did....Om namo hanumate namaha

    • @MrBiswa89
      @MrBiswa89 Před 9 lety

      Really Heart Touching. True Love and We Should love every living being.

    • @nirmalachowdary1269
      @nirmalachowdary1269 Před 9 lety

      Jai guru Datt

  • @ranupind1
    @ranupind1 Před 9 lety +2

    This is a touching and very emotional saga of a little bird. The way FLIGHT came to Sri Swamiji, the determination and willpower demonstrated by FLIGHT to be with Sri Swamiji is exceptional! The way Sri Swamiji cared for the bird and His emotional homage to the bird is a glimpse of Sri Swamiji's infinite compassion towards all creatures!

  • @aparnaseetharam
    @aparnaseetharam Před 9 lety +6

    Very very heart touching n inspiring video..flight a great bird it has won so many hearts with its friendly sweet nature it's bravery is real inspiration to one..we miss u flight

  • @ShivaPanchakshari
    @ShivaPanchakshari Před 9 lety +3

    Jaya Guru Datta !! Heard the story of Flight from H H Sri Swamiji himself during navratri 2014. Touching, moving and actually ringing certain chords at an esoteric level. That flight is no ordinary bird is so evident from the video.......who knows what soul it was and where it will be going forward. That birds are capable of this.........I could not believe earlier....only possible for H H Sri Swamiji and His love, compassion and absolute divinity pouring from all sides, all places and at all times. If birds can respond to it, are evolved creation like homo sapiens waiting for something else !! Challenge yourself and see if you can feel the spiritual magnetism of H H Sri Swamiji !!

  • @gracegasse7892
    @gracegasse7892 Před 9 lety +6

    Flight you showed how me how strong you became in your disability. You became close to your loving master he was your security blanket.He treats all his birds the same with gentleness and love.He teaches them to speak and learn tricks.Peace My Little Friend.I think of my own Parakeet JayJay!May He Rest In Peace!

  • @manimurty
    @manimurty Před 9 lety +2

    Jaya Guru Datta . As we watch the You tube of " A Tribute to a feathered friend " time and again , we are realizing its significant existence in the Ashrama and SHUKA Vana. Flight is such a loving bird and led an exemplary life , showing what devotion is , what Guru BHAKTI is and what commitment is !! to every devotee ! It taught us many lessons and reminds us to behave as it behaved with Pujya Sadguru Deva ! Every time we watch the video, the part of it where Pujya Appaji performed the last rites of Flight , is making us highly emotional and grieved ! What a Flight Appaji ! The one which stole Your heart !! Pranams at the lotus feet !

  • @Teacher9mys
    @Teacher9mys Před 9 lety +7

    Flight must have been definitely attached with Sri Swamiji for many births! What a lucky soul! It is very heart touching to see Sri Swamiji showing his divine compassion towards this beautiful cute affectionate lovely bird! I was very fortunate to have interacted with Flight... Thanks SGS Birds channel for uploading such a touching video. This reminds the relation of Rama and Jatayu. Jai Sri Ram and Jai Sri Swamiji

  • @Bujj1kutt1
    @Bujj1kutt1 Před 9 lety +2

    Your colors are so radiant Flight. You are so beautiful in body, mind, and spirit. A true inspiration.

  • @srichittabalroop9402
    @srichittabalroop9402 Před 9 lety +2

    Jaya Guru Datta, Much to learn from Flight! As little as he was...so many big lessons he taught. I was blessed to see him interact with Appaji and to interact with him myself! Very loving angel...was no ordinary bird for sure.. Lucky angel and devotee of Appaji. No matter your mood, good or bad, flight would uplift and brighten your day!! Surely will be missed and always remembered!! Om Namo Hanumate Namah

  • @AnnessaR1
    @AnnessaR1 Před 9 lety +3

    This video really is touching!
    The life of Flight was truly one which I am to learn from. Do good, be good, say good and silently follow the Master.
    Thank you Flight for reiterating the Guru's life lessons and teachings!
    You are a true example of this, you silent and beautiful friend!

  • @abdahagam
    @abdahagam Před 9 lety +1

    Flight was an amazing bird his love towards Sri Swamiji is amazing. May he rest in peace and forever be in the protection of Guru Deva! It is a truly heart melting his love for Guru Deva is unexplainable in words. We will miss you Flight, rest in peace! Jai Guru Datta!

  • @venkatpydimarri
    @venkatpydimarri Před 9 lety +2

    Flight is the rarest and fondest bird of Shukavana. It not only had all the attention of everyone but the rarest association with His Holiness as a cute little bird. It used to sleep under the beard of Sri Swamiji in its coziest form. It not only had been a great parrot, but also taught all of us, all the visitors the importance of focus, devotion and higher learning of a soul. the kind of dedication Flight had displayed is etched for ever in the memory of everyone who knows Flight. Thanks a lot for sharing this video.

  • @shankarprasad999
    @shankarprasad999 Před 9 lety +6

    Compassion and love for living beings at its best. Very sad to see the bird departing from its form. Its difficult for anyone to understand the intricate attachment this bird or for that matter any living being has with Sri Swamiji. It surely is a relation of many births that is beyond human comprehension. Blessed to be associated with Sri Swamiji. Jaya Guru Datta.

  • @rajmarella143
    @rajmarella143 Před 9 lety +6

    The life and the story of Flight is very very close to our hearts. In its short but remarkable life Flight has taught us so much. He will forever remain in our hearts as the blessed birdie who won Sadguru's complete grace and love.
    Shuka Vana has many such wonderful tales to tell.
    Humble Pranams to Dear Appaji who eternally showers same unbiased love on all the beings. Sgd

  • @MuraliKrishna69
    @MuraliKrishna69 Před 9 lety +4

    చిలుకవో, సద్గురు హృదయానురాగపు మొలకవో, దత్తుని ఒడిలో వయ్యారాల కులుకువో ఓ దేవ విహంగమా ( ఫ్లైట్) నీకిదే భాష్పాంజలి

  • @rajkiranmravi2010
    @rajkiranmravi2010 Před 9 lety +2

    Flight set a benchmark for all of us on serving Sadguru. This is a also teaching of our beloved Appaji ...... thank you SGS birds for sharing this video.

  • @kavithaburra7893
    @kavithaburra7893 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta . What a wonderful strory of Flight . The love and devotion it has for Shree Swamiji is amazing.........

  • @JGDKamala3
    @JGDKamala3 Před 9 lety +1

    Flight is our great inspiring example. This little yellow-sided Conure was the inspiration for the wonderful Shuka Vana Birds paradise in Mysore Datta Peetham Ashram. Its braveness and dedication towards Sri Swamiji and the holy places and celebrations in the Ashrama is admirable. Although it lived with one leg after an accident it didn´t lose courage and tried its best to be with Appaji as much as possible. His beard was Flight´s most beloved place. We all learned that holy Saints can hide in little birds-bodies and fulfill their task without any fail. In addition to it they are admirable models for all of us in many aspects. Thank You Flight!

  • @saikakkap
    @saikakkap Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta. What touching tribute. A great story of love and compassion. What a blessed soul flight was! Swamiji, please shower all the souls with your love and compassion.

  • @kishoredola7467
    @kishoredola7467 Před 9 lety +7

    Jgd. Its divine sanklpa. FLIGHT visited ashram and joined back to God. But left the great memories to remind the true love and devotion towards Gurudeva Pujya Appaji. Praying Appaji for the Flight soul rest in peace.. Jgd.

  • @kumarmsk4
    @kumarmsk4 Před 9 lety +5

    Definitely a special soul to have such a wonderful journey.

  • @Bujj1kutt1
    @Bujj1kutt1 Před 9 lety +10

    Jaya Guru Datta. What an inspiration to us all from our tiny feathered hero. He was friends with other birds but kept his focus on Guru. He chirped like the other parrots and yet, spoke divine names like a human and whispered them in Guru's ear. He preferred the company of Guru over all his other feather-mates. His instinct told him what the purpose of his birth was. He made his abode wrapping his feathers around Guru. His inner voice told him when his time was up. He chose the day of the inauguration of Shuka Vana to breathe his last whisper of a divine name and make his last gesture of worship. That a bird that fits in the fist has more sense than the rest of us is indeed a wonder to reckon with. Thank you Flight for coming into our lives with your stunningly powerful message of love, faith, courage, hope, and vision. Sri Guru Datta

  • @seshudeva
    @seshudeva Před 9 lety +1

    This little conure “Flight” video makes me believe true compassion has no limitations - it can be shown and seen by all beings. Flight certainly has overcome hardships and has been with high spirits because such love and care were provided by Sri Swamiji and it felt safe, protected. What a great example to learn from to be always positive, believe and be devoted to your Master no matter what difficulties you come across.

  • @sudhashankar999
    @sudhashankar999 Před 9 lety +4

    Jaya Guru Datta!! Truly heart touching video with mesmerizing music. Mind is full of feelings and Heart is in utter silence. That is the state I experienced watching the video. Many stories from our epics always tell us that, in all Gods acts there lies some reasoning and learning. Similarly even in the Epic story of FLIGHT there is lot of reasoning and learning involved. Which proves that Sadguru melts to Unconditional love and Sturdy Devotion from any one .Here lies the perfect proof. "Flight" the cute little bird showed it all directly to Appaji and indirectly to all mankind. Her devotion to Appaji did not shatter when she lost her leg in spite she always showed the same true love constantly. Appaji being the reflection of purity reciprocated. Appaji and Flight both have Pure hearts which bonded them perfectly. Heart felt tribute to the little one. Blessed soul Flight ever remains the star of our Shuka Vana. Thank you Flight and Thank you Appaji. Jaya Guru Datta.

  • @terlapu1
    @terlapu1 Před 9 lety +2

    Jaya Guru Datta, With Love and Faith as its wings Flight flew directly into the heart of Sri Swamiji. 'Flight' teaches us many things from its name:
    Light --> Flight's life always revolved around the Supreme Light (Sri Swamiji); It also kept its needs to minimal.
    Fight --> fought with its karma bravely till the end by holding onto Swamiji's lotus feet tightly (like Kapi Musti)
    Thank you Flight for showing us the way into Swamiji's heart...

  • @devendranathchoudary
    @devendranathchoudary Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta Datta Prabhu - "Sadguru's love for all living beings is evident with "Flight's" story of inspiration,toughness & strength. My humble Pranams to our compassionate Guru and prayers for our humble devotee "Flight's" soul to rest in peace - Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama - Om Namo Hanumatee Namaha - Sri Guru Datta.

  • @diannelisapersad8820
    @diannelisapersad8820 Před 9 lety +1

    Flight has showed us the dedication, strength and love we all must serve our Guru. Dont matter what he was faced with, his spirit wasn't dampened.

  • @yashesvini1
    @yashesvini1 Před 9 lety +1

    Namah Shivaya and Jaya Guru Datta Appaji. I am so inspired by Flight's dedication and attachment to Appaji. No matter what hardships came his way, his faith only became stronger and he became more dedicated to Appaji. His life revolved around Sadguru. He lived in the temple of Guru's heart, slept in Guru's beard, and ate from Guru's hand.
    He makes our Guru happy. We should all strive to live our lives the way Flight lived his.

  • @umabonnie
    @umabonnie Před 9 lety +1

    A beautiful soul in a tiny body. A life so well spent. He knew the purpose for which he was here and did his job given to him and surrendered himself to his Guru, no matter what his pain was. A soul so blessed to offer a flower to Sri Chakram and breath his last and to be given all the last rites by his Guru Himself. A perfect student example set here. Beating all the odds, no wonder Swamiji was Himself in tears.

  • @gunnarjohannen7708
    @gunnarjohannen7708 Před 9 lety +1

    It's heart warming and very touching to feel the relationship between Flight and Sri Swamiji. What a role model Flight is, not bothering at all after losing one leg! Happy with whatever comes.

  • @AnnessaR1
    @AnnessaR1 Před 9 lety +2

    Jaya Guru Datta
    Such a touching video about the life of such a simple creation from God.
    Simple life, simple duties yet big memories, big presence, big lessons.
    Flight's life lesson I will hold dearly.
    Thank you for sharing!

  • @vamsi2vk
    @vamsi2vk Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta. Flight was a great inspirational bird. It was a sad departure for all of us. Appaji's association with Flight had been so deep that cannot be explained in words. He was full of courage, love and Hope. Flight's true Purpose of Life was clearly accomplished by getting associated with Appaji . He was everything a devotee, a child, a friend. He will be in our Hearts forever.

  • @terlapu1
    @terlapu1 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta, What beautiful pure love towards Guru...Flight teaches us how to love Guru without expecting anything in return...Even after loosing its leg it held onto Appaji's lotus feet...Nothing could stop it from loving Guru....May we all be inspired and try to love Appaji like flight did....Om namo hanumate namaha

  • @sitapragg4147
    @sitapragg4147 Před 9 lety +2

    This tribute to flight is very touching and has moved us to tears! JGD!

  • @paranjyothisripada
    @paranjyothisripada Před 9 lety +1

    Flight is indeed a rare phenomenon that occurred in the history of Datta Peetham. It taught devotion, courage, love, way of living and also purpose of living of a true devotee. Flight left behind a path for us all to follow to reach Sadguru's heart. Thank you Datta Peetham for sharing this video. Jaya guru Datta.

  • @padmagosala
    @padmagosala Před 9 lety +1

    Dear darling Flight, you are so adorable. You have beautiful eyes and lovely coloured feathers. You have shown us how to serve a Guru. You have given lot of love to us. Flight is so blessed to be with HH in the best nest all through. Video is so touching and could not stop tears. You are blessed to serve Appaji. We miss you and love you a lot.

  • @gfrew554
    @gfrew554 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya guru datta - A moral lesson, one can never forget from Flight. Just with pure love, affection and chanting divine names Flight made a special place in Swamiji's heart. With Swamiji's Grace - if we can practice the qualities of Flight in our daily life, Swamiji will be happy to see the special characteristics of Flight back in all the devotees. Sri Guru Datta.

  • @Catherinedana
    @Catherinedana Před 9 lety +1

    I share my home with 13 rescued parrots now, and have had many others over the years in my home and in my heart. Their spirits never leave you. . .they are such beautiful, intellegent and loving beings. This tribute was so moving. . .Guruji, thank you for sharing the love that you and Flight have with all of us.

  • @pragava27
    @pragava27 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta
    We are lucky to even have shared this planet with this more revered bird, this divine soul - Flight. How can we say anything more.. Such a strong spirit, such a determined life - Flight has taught us all a superb lesson in how to live life. The dedication to Sri Appaji, the determination after losing a leg, the devotion and love of Hanumantha...I am unable to tell anymore.
    Jaya Guru Datta Flight. I will remember you every day in the morning when I wake up. Thank you for teaching us and setting an example of how a devotee and disciple should be!
    Sri Guru Datta

  • @Dasharatha73
    @Dasharatha73 Před 9 lety +1

    I have tears in my eyes every time I watch this video. Flight is a very special bird and a role model.

  • @duggamura5527
    @duggamura5527 Před 9 lety +1

    Truly a blessed soul to get so much of Sri Swamiji's affection. wonderfully done video Jaya Guru Datta

  • @OO7RX7
    @OO7RX7 Před 9 lety +1

    What an amazing man! His face lights up with kindness. May god bless you. We as humans should respect every animal on earth.

  • @SusheenDutt
    @SusheenDutt Před 9 lety +1

    This video depicts the rare and very pure relationship between the supreme soul APPAJI and the little bird. The little bird braved all obstacles to be with Appaji! He just would not let go of his master. We learn a great deal about how we, as disciples of sadguru should always think and be with the MASTER mentally at all times in our short lifespan!
    Thank you Appaji!

  • @keerthanagosala
    @keerthanagosala Před 9 lety +4

    Flight taught us how to love Guru without expecting anything in return. Flight showed us that Sadgurudeva melts for unconditional love and devotion. This cute little bird even brought a Hanuman Raksha for Appaji. Appaji took time out to perform the last rites of flight with utmost love. Flights spirit soars in love and faith towards the Supreme light. We miss you a lot flight!!

  • @sriramcheruvu4938
    @sriramcheruvu4938 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta, I was fortunate to watch this video live in Mysore Ashrama. I was very much moved and could not talk for few minutes. What an example FLIGHT has given us - patience, perseverance, seva bhavana.. the list goes on. FLIGHT must have to done wonderful seva in its last birth that our sadguru spent his valuable time in nurturing it back to health. FLIGHT continued to serve the Holy Master despite all its physical problems. FLIGHT is a jewel of sevaka. Hope we all can learn from FLIGHT to chant the names of god no matter where we are and what we are doing...May his sweet soul rest in the supreme!

  • @sudhashankar999
    @sudhashankar999 Před 9 lety +1

    Short time spent with the cute little bird "Flight" through this video had tremendous impact on me..The same fact shows how special the bird is , which perfectly landed in the right hands of Pujya Appaji and lasted there till last breath. In the short life span, Flight lived a complete life, supremely and stood as an example how one should get along with life serving Sadguru. Jaya Guru Datta!!

  • @bhethanabhotla
    @bhethanabhotla Před 9 lety +5

    Flight teaches us many lessons. 1. Within short association of only 2years its has made a remarkable place in the heart of Gurudeva. When we came is not important, what we have done is to be considered. How can you capture His heart is very imp. 2. Name flight suits to it. It flies like an aeroplane, irrespective of its disability. Shows bold, courage, determination and zeal to achieve anything. 3. The love and bond of Flight made Gurudeva to shed tears to grant liberation (which had not happened during loss of own parents). Shows Flight has achieved the ultimate love of Sadgurudeva only by its pure heart 4. Flight got Hanumanta Raksha shows its unconditional relationship it shared. 5. Last but not the least the safest place it has choosen to be under the beard of Swamiji for hours chanting divine names. Also during its last journey obeyed Swamiji's words and worshipped the divine mother with a flower. Flight is just so special soul. Love you Flight forever and ever.. JGD

  • @sirit9000
    @sirit9000 Před 9 lety +1

    Flight loves Appaji so much. It teaches us how to love Guru. Even though its handicapped, it bought the raksha to Appaji.

  • @aparnakothapalli4716
    @aparnakothapalli4716 Před 9 lety +6

    It was a very emotional video that brought tears to my eyes.Flight has taught us all how to
    live life happily despite all odds .This is a great moral for us all that u can be chirpy & cheeful even though life can be challenging at times.we salute to u Flight and Sri Swamiji for giving us a great message through this video.

  • @bonecutie3456
    @bonecutie3456 Před 9 lety

    The courage this great bird showed is uncommon. Getting back to normalcy with one leg so soon is commendable. Hats off.

  • @kicked2011
    @kicked2011 Před 9 lety +1

    What a wonderful tribute. Very sad to see Swamiji so upset.

  • @shivv9
    @shivv9 Před 9 lety +2

    Beautiful story of this blessed soul, such a small form yet so much of energy and divine love :)

  • @poojakhosla9805
    @poojakhosla9805 Před 9 lety +1

    Flight is example of unconditional love and devotion for Sadgurudeva

  • @vrraman9
    @vrraman9 Před 9 lety +1

    Only the love of a Sadgurudeva can bring creatures large and small to Him. Flight is a lucky being to be in the company of His Holiness. Magnificent, professional video! Om Namasivaya Jai Guru Datta

  • @Savatapa
    @Savatapa Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta. A beautiful tribute and depiction of FLIGHT's life and deep love, affection and personal association with Appaji. Merely watching for a few minutes, I was touched by FLIGHT. Though FLIGHT is with the Supreme Lord, the hearts of those living on this earthly plane are filled with wonder & love at FLIGHT's devotion. Thank you for showing us that love and oneness with God can be achieved so simply and in a non-human form.
    Rest in peace, dear FLIGHT. Sri Guru Datta.

  • @sri3336
    @sri3336 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta
    My heart is filled with grief unspeakable. Flight was a beautiful bird inside and out. Only very few have the fortune of being so close to Appaji. Flight was the lucky one. It lived in the presence of a great soul and has breathed his last in the presence of the great soul it adored and loved. In Kannada we say, Dhanyaradaru. Flight has reached the utmost Moksha ever to have lived and breathed his last in the greatest of the soul's arms. Flight will be remembered with love and warmth.
    Sri Guru Datta

  • @lalithamarella5432
    @lalithamarella5432 Před 9 lety +6

    Truly heartwarming Story🙏
    Flight's Devotion - Appaji's Compassion .. Really very touching. Have to learn so much from Flight's devotion to Sadguru Deva. Thank you for sharing Sgs Birds
    Shuka Vana Aviary is home to many such blessed souls. Jgd

  • @teekahramnauth1411
    @teekahramnauth1411 Před 9 lety +1

    A soulful story of love, simplicity, and courage to forge ahead even in the face of difficulties. Complete faith and surrender to our master Sri Swamiji. Very lucky bird. My hope is that this video will inspire all of us face our enemies within in this journey to unite our souls with that "infinity" energy which is known by many names.

  • @devprasadkode
    @devprasadkode Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta. Lessons to be learnt from this small bird on how steadfastly one must cling to Sadguru. Appaji through this soul has so openly demonstrated what the fruit of true single minded Love and Attachment only to Sadguru is.
    Thank You Appaji. Thank You Flight.

  • @75swamy
    @75swamy Před 9 lety +1

    A big salute to Devotion!! Amazing Sadguru- Disciple bondage!!! Form does not matter!!! A squrell brought sand for Lord Sri Rama and Flight brought Hanuman Raksha to his/her Lord!!! "SEVA " Peacock's feather is fortunate to stand proudly giving beauty to Lord Krishna and Flight with all his feathers nestled under his Lord's beard to find a solitude place for chanting purpose. Very heart touching clipping . My heart became heavy to see Appaji's sad face. Like the bird 'Jatayu' breathed his last in his Lord Sri Rama's hands and was fortunate to receive his last rituals done by His Lord, Flight was also fortunate enough to breath his/her last in the hands of Appaji and received his last rituals done by Sadguru. What else a soul can expect than to get liberated!!! A Spider, a Snake and an elephant served Lord Shiva! Now "Flight" the small bird served his Lord!!!! Form does not matter!!! Let us pray to our compassionate Pujya Sadguru deva to bless us all with deep devotion in all our coming lives no matter in what ever form we may be!! Jaya guru datta Appaji!!!

  • @srutisgs
    @srutisgs Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta, Flight taught us what true pure devotion to Sadguru is..it's inspiring to see his undivided focus towards and implicit faith in Appaji! Through adversity, Flight never lost sight of his goal and concentrated solely on Gurudeva: he truly made the most of his rare association with Appaji! Seeing Appaji and Flight together in the last half of the video brought to mind Lord Rama and Jataayu. Rest in peace, Flight!

  • @physicscrr
    @physicscrr Před 9 lety +1

    The story of the bird Flight, leaving its mortal body is heart breaking Appaji.Tears rill and blurred the vision, left me in a sad, depressed mood, a feel of someone who is very near and dear is lost.I never witnessed Sriswamiji in such a sad mood under the grit of pain and anguish, tears dripping down.I noticed many times in Guru Gita videos the bird lurking in the safe nest of Appaji' s beard. What an unconditional love it showered on Appaji, the incident of getting raksha to Appaji on its lost day, offering a flower to Mother Goddess.The confidence with which it lead its life even after physical ailment, is an inspiration to us.Your love is pure Swamiji. It can never be guaged.It is on all whether animate or inanimate. My voice choked with emotion and pain when I described to my kids the incident of Swamiji performing the last rituals to the bird in Sukavana. Appaji, we don't want to see you in mood of pain like this.

  • @poojakhosla9805
    @poojakhosla9805 Před 9 lety +1

    So much to learn from you dear Flight, the permanent place you created in Sadgurudeva's heart ,inspires us to be like you . Physical disability didn't deter you to serve Appaji

  • @suryatirumallasetti2774
    @suryatirumallasetti2774 Před 9 lety +1

    The story of flight is very inspiring. It left everyone in tears. This story should be an inspiration to all. May flight REST IN PEACE.

  • @AvanishThanawala
    @AvanishThanawala Před 9 lety +1

    Dear SGS team, many thanks for making this heart-touching video. Poojya Swamiji looks so bright with the birds, particularly this Flight!! The bright bird is looking bright as well as being bright. If we were not pre-informed, we would have missed the fact that it had lost its leg. It moves so perfectly!! With poise and balance. I HAVE LEARNT A LOT!! And what intuition - to have offered a flower to Poojya Swamiji's Sri Chakra before breathing its last!! Tears were rolling continuously from my eyes, but particularly when I saw Poojya Swamiji's grief while holding Flight after the soul left the body. He gave such a warm farewell - indeed a special Soul!!

  • @hajjarap
    @hajjarap Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta a very beautiful and humble tribute to the Featherly friend FLIGHT, being heard all the stories of the flight, its struggle with one leg and its devotion towards Sri Swamiji, its determination and finally its departure all this story can be credited only to a divine Soul that reaches the earth with a purpose to serve Sadguru. The final rituals done by Sri Swamiji to the flight reminds us of the Ramayana in which the Lord Rama cries so much for the bird Jatayu and performed its Rituals. Finally, the video is very great and thanks for sharing with super Music in the background.

  • @madhury121
    @madhury121 Před 9 lety +1

    Jays Guru Datta. Flight's story is really thought provoking story. It teaches us how pure and true love should be towards our Gurudeva. Flight is such a great soul. She getting the Raksha from Hanuman temple to give it to Appaji is very touching. Very touching video And lot of lessons to be learnt from this video.

  • @srinichundu
    @srinichundu Před 9 lety +7

    What a remarkable soul, Flight was! While its life was short, it taught volumes by every of its actions. There is a lot that one can from its life. It's an exemplary life. What is taught in Sastras and Vedas and hard fought by Sadhakas to practice in real life was effortlessly followed by Flight in its life. Being always cheerful, going on with life with steadfast determination with WHATEVER it had, being content, serving its Master with love, grace, elegance and utmost devotion.....wow...so genuine and inspiring for any aspirant! It is lives like these that inspire MANY for generations to come! The way it left its mortal body is also so divinely special....that one can only wish for a life like that! Whatelse one can wish for in one's life?! While it is very saddening to watch, it is a very comforting feeling to think that wherever Flight is going to be born, it is going to take a superior life form to do the same things that it did, but in much bigger scale benefiting the whole Creation. Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.

  • @sandeepgoud6637
    @sandeepgoud6637 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta, we miss you Flight..you showed us the way to serve Guru by offering small small seva to Guru Deva by showing an example to give the Hanuman Raksha to Appaji.
    Thank you for sharing this video which reminds us the relation of Sri Rama and Jatayu

  • @radhakrishna-bc7ui
    @radhakrishna-bc7ui Před 9 lety

    i have seen many birds park around, but this the first ever time i get to the see the most compassionate and loving owner. hats off worlds best birds lover.

  • @sahithikc
    @sahithikc Před 9 lety +1

    JGD..FLIGHT such a beautiful small bird...It stayed with Appaji all the time.....I learnt a lot from FLIGHT....Its love and devotion towards swamiji i s amazing...It never left Swamiji ....Today we really miss you FLIGHT...I see the vedio almost every day...It remembers and teaches us every second how we should develop love and devotion towards swamiji ...Follow your Master every second and remember Swamiji every second of your life ...Utilize this birth as much as possible and follow the master.....May Appaji bless its soul ...

  • @vindatta1
    @vindatta1 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya guru datta appaji.. Nothing but tears when i watch the video.. Its so touching appaji.. Even though i see flight only in This video. I miss him.. Jaya guru datta appaji

  • @sriramcheruvu4938
    @sriramcheruvu4938 Před 9 lety

    Great example of Guru-Shishya. What a wonderful bird!! No matter what obstacles one faces don't leave your guru - very well demonstrated by Flight. Thank you Flight.

  • @vandanaKJ
    @vandanaKJ Před 9 lety +1

    It is tears rolling down the cheeks when we think of Flight. not sure, how many times I stopped the video to ensure that I am able to see it wiping my tears.
    In Appaji's discourse, His Holiness had stated how an important concept of devotion, dedication and focused attention are shown by Flight.
    Flight!!! you are dearly missed and it is very unfortunate to note that !! you had been through a lot in your life and the rehabilitation has helped you a lot. It also helped all us, the devotees, to understand the importance of your teachings... Thanks a lot Flight for coming into Shukavana and our lives through His Holiness

  • @TheSandhyadatta
    @TheSandhyadatta Před 9 lety +4

    Jgd! Thank you for posting for such a wonderful video.Definitely, the story of Flight is a great message to mankind, a message of strong bond with guru and ultimate love for him. Despite the odds of life, flight stood as a example to yet again say, believe is guru, the ultimate happiness just strikes your way. Thank you appaji for introducing us this great soul and also teaching us focus, decication and devotion! Jgd!

  • @DeviSingh-cl8uv
    @DeviSingh-cl8uv Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta, the video symbolizes the many attributes and qualities of life.I can see the genuine aspects of life like love,happiness,sorrow.the relationship displayed between Sadguru and flight is one that can be related to a mother and child. One of the most selfless relationships. It also teaches me that even with obstacles nothing can keep us down and we should persist and allow our dreams ,our heart and soul fly free just as flight did.

  • @soumyalathask5330
    @soumyalathask5330 Před 9 lety +1

    Flight is a divine soul,which has taught us to be strong always,come what may!! The unconditional love Flight has for The Trinity, Appaji, is something we all have to learn. Our main aim in life is to follow Sadguru at all times always.one should serve Sadguru selflessly and only meditate on HIM.Thank You Flight for being a role model for us.

  • @amithdatta
    @amithdatta Před 9 lety +1

    'Flight', your story captured in this memorable video brings out tears(depart). To see you, to think about you, to talk about you and to feel about you, this video is truly 'A Tribute' You being from the Parrot Kingdom. Love you forever 'Flight'. JGD!!!

  • @Bujj1kutt1
    @Bujj1kutt1 Před 9 lety +1

    This video makes me sad Appaji. It is so sad to lose a good and trusted friend. Jaya Guru Datta

  • @Lakshmichaganti
    @Lakshmichaganti Před 9 lety +5

    Heart touching Video.
    It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a lifetime. We miss you so much dear flight.

  • @bhagyavijay5445
    @bhagyavijay5445 Před 9 lety +1

    JGD Appaji! Very Heart Touching Video of Flight. Lucky bird with appaji what a lovely bird and how much of the love it was showing on Appaji with Guru. It struggle with one leg and but it was very confidence. Very Lucky Soul. Sri Guru Datta

  • @saratca
    @saratca Před 9 lety +3

    The Flight and the video melts the heart,Flight stands as a symbol of Love,affection,determination to one and all,
    With Unconditional love towards Appaji it showed us the path to reach and stay forever in the Heart of HIS HOLINESS

  • @sindhuradatta
    @sindhuradatta Před 9 lety

    No words to describe this beautiful birds unlimited devotion.Lot to learn from this beautiful bird.
    Jai Guru Datta.....Jai Sukha Maharshi

  • @AdityaMadduri63
    @AdityaMadduri63 Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya Guru Datta, As per my understanding its not just story of Flight but its story of every devotee and every being in and around this world, this is the same attention and care that Almighty gives us, to show the kind of attention he is paying towards us Sri Swamiji have shared this video with us and we should learn from attributes of FLIGHT!
    Sri Guru Datta.

  • @premalathahegde
    @premalathahegde Před 9 lety +3

    ಜಯ ಗುರು ದತ್ತ . ಈ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ನೋಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದರೆ ಕಣ್ಣಿನಿಂದ ಕಣ್ಣೀರು ಸುರಿಯುತ್ತಿರುತ್ತೆ ಅಷ್ಟೇ. ತುಂಬಾ ದುಃಖ ಆಗುತ್ತೆ, ನೋಡಲಿಕ್ಕೆ ಆಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಮಾತುಗಳೇ ಬರಲ್ಲ. ಹೃದಯ ದ್ರವಿಸುವಂತಹದ್ದು. ಪೂಜ್ಯ ಸ್ವಾಮೀಜಿಯವರ ಜೊತೆ ಅಷ್ಟೊಂದು ಪ್ರೀತಿಯಿಂದ ಇದ್ದು, ಸ್ವತಹ ಅವರ ಕೈಯಿಂದನೇ ಅಂತ್ಯಸಂಸ್ಕಾರ ಮಾಡಿಸಿಕೊಂಡ ಪುಣ್ಯ ಜೀವಿ. ಯಾವ ಜನುಮದ, ಯಾವ ತರಹದ ಸಂಬಂಧನೋ ನಮಗೆ ಅರ್ಥವಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಆಶ್ರಮದಲ್ಲಿ "ಫ್ಲೈಟ್ " ಕಾಣುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ, ಹಾರಿಹೋಗಿದೆ ಎಂದ ತಕ್ಷಣ ಎಲ್ಲರೂ ಆತಂಕಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು. ಹುಡುಕಲು ಹೋಗುತ್ತಿದ್ದೆವು. ಇನ್ನು ನಮ್ಮ ಕಣ್ಣಿಗೆ ಶಾಶ್ವತವಾಗಿ ಕಾಣದೆ ಇರುವ ಲೋಕಕ್ಕೆ ಹೊರಟು ಹೋಯಿತು! ಆದರೆ ಅದರ ನೆನಪು ಮಾತ್ರ ನಮಗೆ ಶಾಶ್ವತವಾಗಿ ಉಳಿಯುವ ಹಾಗೆ ಮಾಡಿ ಹೋದ ಧನ್ಯಜೀವಿ!
    Really very touching video! Thanks for sharing.

  • @AngelPrathima
    @AngelPrathima Před 9 lety +1

    Very Emotional.... What is that bond appaji shares with everyone in the universe...!

  • @asritdatta4580
    @asritdatta4580 Před 9 lety

    Pujya Swamiji is enjoying the tickles made by Flight under the beautiful beard. In that joy, Swamiji throws away mesmerizing wide smiles as a boon to all of us. Thank you Flight for the divine Darshan !

  • @Bujj1kutt1
    @Bujj1kutt1 Před 9 lety +19

    Hello Flight. I love you. Please teach me to understand you and be like you. Jaya Guru Datta

    • @75swamy
      @75swamy Před 9 lety +1

      The most blessed bird of Kaliyuga!
      Heart full salutations to you.
      Jaya guru datta!

  • @chandraprakash-kr1od
    @chandraprakash-kr1od Před 9 lety

    Flight is an example for all the followers of Guru. The love towards Guru is clearly seen in its eyes and also deeds. So touching. May the great soul RIP…..

  • @ramamohanaraodavuluri530

    It has taught me many lessons between a Guru and Disciple. It showed me once the devotee surrenders fully to the Guru that the all merciful and compassionate Guru takes care of him totally. Jaya Guru Datta

  • @kalanjalig4719
    @kalanjalig4719 Před 9 lety +1

    jgd... wonderful video swamiji..with in no time flight became very near and dear to appaji..FLIGHT is an inspiration to the humans..in showing love and devotion towards GURU... oh 'flight' u left ur body,but u always leave in our hearts....thank you 'sgs birds' for sharing such a wonderful and inspirational video....

  • @cvpani
    @cvpani Před 9 lety +1

    Jaya guru datta. FLIGHT video shows us all the cycle of devotion between guru and deciple. As Sri Samiji says some souls get attracted to him and souls are choosen. I think Filght is choosen one. Flught also has shown the dedication and followed the path shown. For a bird to understand spirituality and follow with relization is amazing. I think its a relized soul as its offered its prayers even before leaving this mortal world. We do not follow what Sri Swamis tell us Flight showed how to do it and showed how many more times Our Guru showers his compassion. Hope I do a little what Flight has achieved.

  • @rohanreddy3536
    @rohanreddy3536 Před 9 lety

    Flight is such a loving bird and led an exemplary life , showing what devotion is , what Guru BHAKTI is and what commitment is !! to every devotee ! It taught us many lessons and reminds us to behave as it behaved with Pujya Sadguru Deva !

  • @manikrishnaj
    @manikrishnaj Před 9 lety +1

    The video is very touching and the music is moving. Like Lord Rama shed tears for valiant bird Jatayuvu and liberated its soul, Appaji shed tears for the brave and devoted bird Flight and elevated its soul.
    We miss you Dear Flight, you will always be our inspiration.
    Jaya Guru Datta

  • @diannelisapersad8820
    @diannelisapersad8820 Před 9 lety

    Flight you have lived a life that every devotee have longed for. Your love, devotion and bond you had for His Holiness was out of this world. Although you are no more my beautiful feathered friend you hold a very special place in his heart. you were fortunate to sleep for hours on His Holiness chest and chant mantras in his ear every devotees dream.