Doctor Who The Church On Ruby Road Review | 2023 Christmas Special Reaction


Komentáře • 139

  • @YasserUM
    @YasserUM Před 8 měsíci +5

    For a new first-doctor episode this Christmas special is an appetizer that leaves you wanting more especially with the interesting Ruby companion dynamic and chemistry

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      It is an appetiser, but it also needs to be satisfying in its own right. Interesting thing about appetisers, if you don't create an appetiser that is somewhat bland or that doesn't fulfil the promise of the main meal, they won't want more in the first place.

  • @notunremarkable
    @notunremarkable Před 8 měsíci +3

    Great analysis. Followed.
    Seeing Ncuti as the Doctor 'learning the ropes' was so enjoyable.
    For me the best part was setting up Ruby's family, especially the bleakness when she had been taken compared to the previous colour and joy.
    I am curious about Mrs Flood but on a second watch her earlier surprise seems inconsistent with recognising a TARDIS. Perhaps she just hadn't seen this TARDIS before?

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      Thank you ever so much for following.
      I agree, seeing the change in Ruby's family was probably the best part of the episode. As for Mrs Flood, it is entirely possible that she only realised it was a Tardis on its materialisation and that's why she was arguing with her neighbour before. I think we'll probably get more on this as the series progresses.

  • @zocialix
    @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +10

    The Chekhov's Gun with the gravity gloves and how it brought down the ship Hot Fuzz style onto the church spire was amazing cause it's not immediately clear if Doctor is trying to get back up until you realise he's dragging the ship down. Russell excels at stuff like that.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yes, I liked that. It's nice to have that sort of setup and payoff going on.

  • @Kingskyn
    @Kingskyn Před 8 měsíci +5

    Really happy to have found your channel boss. This is what a fair review looks like. Free of any toxic discourse, fear of change, or even flat out prejudice. Thank you for talking about the writing, plotting and character development, and thanks for keeping it about the show, and not about bashing the humans making it.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Much appreciated! I’m really pleased you enjoyed the review and I hope you’ll enjoy the other content in the new year.

  • @andrewheyes7736
    @andrewheyes7736 Před 8 měsíci +3

    I have to admit that I came to this episode with really, really, REALLY low expectations but I have to say that, for the most part, I enjoyed it.
    The song was three minutes of ‘meh’ for me. It didn’t seem to drive the story forward at all, and all the time it was running I kept thinking that I was suppose to recognize something … was it referencing something? Was it paying homage? And then - finally - it was over.
    I saw the goblins as parasites that feed on disaster and mayhem. The ‘head’ of the goblins was the only one that would actually eat, but each goblin would somehow still be taking part in the feast. Perhaps vicariously, or perhaps as a ‘colony’ - like a reef or a glowing squid.
    Oh … is it referencing ‘Gremlins’??? (That song’s distraction has outlived its [un]welcome!)
    And was it a coincidence that the head of the goblins was skewered by a church spire, on Christmas Eve, an evening and day when we are encouraged to think of peace and goodwill - the opposite of the goblin’s agenda?
    I thought there was some really fine writing and acting, especially in the alternate timeline when Ruby didn’t exist. That scene evoked pathos and self-reflection as to what it means for us - ME - to be alive.
    And just a few minutes earlier we felt the pain of Ruby as she was being told that there were no records of her parents. Even though she’d been adopted we felt her hope of being anchored to something concrete evaporate.
    And I liked the enigmatic ending with that lady’s knowing wink.
    I also came away thinking, “I’ve just watched an episode of Dr Who” - something I’ve not felt in quite a while.
    Apart from the ‘song’ the only other thing that distracted me was the on-going music. Sometimes less is more but, in this episode at least, it seemed that Murray Gold was in a ‘more is more’ mood!
    Anyhow, as always, I love your thoughtful commentary of this episode and I look forward to your videos in 2024!
    Thank you for all the hard work you put into your videos. :)

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci

      I'm glad you mostly enjoyed the episode. I think I enjoyed all of the elements, but don't think they all fit together as well as they should. But, you can still have a lot of fun with it.
      I know the song has been hit and miss. I've got a bit of a background in musical theatre, so I quite enjoy stuff like that, but pacing wise, it did drag the episode down.
      I do think the music is a problem with the show, and this was something that was levelled at RTD's first run as well. I think there's a video in this somewhere, because why these things happen is a genuinely interesting topic.
      Thank you for watching my videos. I hope 2024 is going to be a great year for Doctor Who. I'm taking a short break this week before starting up again, but I already have a few videos planned and I'd like to get out of the house and do something on location as well... If at all possible.
      I'm also doing more digital art over at as that seems to have gone down well so far, and I might do some breakdowns of how that art was put together too. We'll see.

  • @sabinamolinelli3618
    @sabinamolinelli3618 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I liked this episode a lot. The entire episode: The song, the doctor and Ruby singing and dancing. But you're right. The quality that makes the doctor someone special was missing. Solve a big problem. The final story does not have that dilemma nor does it show that the doctor's superpower is to get out of difficult situations with his intelligence. The resolution of the end of the Globings was very easy. I would say it didn't exist. That's why the episode feels like something important was missing.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I think we'll see it again. I have a lot of faith that we have a showrunner who has done a lot of this before and usually pulls it out of the bag. The big thing, for me, was how different this episode felt to the 60th specials. I think I was expecting something a little more like that and the shift in tone was a little jarring. But, I still have great hope for when the series returns.

    • @sabinamolinelli3618
      @sabinamolinelli3618 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@BeyondTheSofa oh, i do have faith too.

  • @brentbrooks3
    @brentbrooks3 Před 8 měsíci +4

    So glad I found your channel. Lovely review. Fair minded, well spoken. Well done. Also, RIP Richard. Yates was and remains a great character.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Thank you ever so much, that's very kind of you. I hope you enjoy the other videos I have coming.

  • @anthonykeefe971
    @anthonykeefe971 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I agree with the person who wrote that there are more important things in life than light entertainment. Also, everything comes down to personal taste, and everyone is entitled to form their own view. I have to confess that it wasn't to my taste. It struck me as just another Disney programme, with the Doctor as a super hero (running along rooftops and telling a policeman's fortune) a horde of CGI goblins, with one of them doing a cabaret act. After half an hour, I couldn't take any more, and switched off. I first watched Dr. Who as a thirteen year old in January 1964, so I am probably just out of touch with modern tastes. I have all of classic Who and nuWho to re-watch so I will settle for that. Best wishes for the programme's future and to the fans and your good self and thanks for a thoughtful assessment.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      I would be careful of arguments like "there are more important things in life than..." It's an example of what's called a Relative Privation Fallacy. The fallacy lies in the fact that it attempts to dismiss or diminish an issue by comparing it to something else, without addressing the merits of the issue itself. Just because there are more significant problems in the world does not mean that lesser problems are not worth considering. Each issue should be evaluated on its own terms, and the existence of more severe problems does not negate the importance or the impact of smaller ones.
      When I said in the review that the episode felt front-heavy (or front-loaded, I can't remember the actual words) what you're describing here is kind of what I meant. You lasted about half an hour. Well, 20 minutes of that was just character introduction and 10 minutes would have been the song. It's the main problem with the episode, it's front-loaded with the sort of stuff that can drag an episode down. I can see why it wouldn't be to everyone's tastes and that is something that worries me. Obviously, I want Doctor Who to do well, but I also don't want to sugar coat problems with the series. I am hoping that much of this will be resolved by the time the actual series comes out and I do think Christmas Specials are their own worst enemy at times.
      Ironically, for a show that has been very heavy on themes over the last few years, I felt this episode was somewhat too light and theme-less.
      But I would still suggest you give the show another chance, perhaps after the series has aired and there is less buzz around the whole thing?
      I appreciate your comments though. I know it's hard letting go of stuff that you really care about, even if it's because times have moved on. I'm glad you still have the classic series. When I fell out of love with the series, I didn't want to even watch that. It's taken a lot to get me back into watching, but I'm really glad I have done.
      Thanks for the comment and I hope I can produce some content about subjects you enjoy more in the future.

  • @purplecelery7380
    @purplecelery7380 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Nice analysis. I thought the pacing was ok (and had no issues with the snowman scene!), but there were too many unanswered questions. Like, were the goblins aliens? How did they time travel? Why did they get so excited about the prospect of eating a tiny baby - it's hardly enough food to go around!

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      I should make it clear, I actually liked the snowman scene, but it does slow the pacing down. When I was script editing, this was the sort of thing you'd see in scripts all the time. A writer would get so interested in one of their characters that it would unbalance the whole thing, and to me it felt like this was a similar... Although, I'm not sure that it's quite for the same reasons here.
      I agree, there were a lot of things that didn't make much sense, or that weren't explained properly. I think it's a fine line between leaving questions in people's minds and confusing people... Hitchcock said that an audience who was asking too many questions wasn't emoting, and I think this might fall into that trap at times.
      Thanks ever so much for the comment. I have subscribed to your channel and I'm looking forward to seeing some of your stuff.

  • @ZanderMoone
    @ZanderMoone Před 8 měsíci +1

    Amazing review. Subscribed.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Welcome aboard! THANK YOU ever so much for subscribing and I’m thrilled you liked it.

  • @corringhamdepot4434
    @corringhamdepot4434 Před 8 měsíci +2

    First time watching I found it jarring that for the 35 minutes Ruby was playing it as if she was having so much fun on the "best day" of her life. Like some 1980s fantasy movie. Then all of a sudden it flips around to Ruby saying that this was the "worst day" of her life? I was also distracted by trying to figure how her Tardis flat was apparently so much bigger on the inside, than it looked from the outside? I guess we are now pandering to the American market's Chocolate Box view of London. Rather than the more believable background of Rose. Did we ever find out what Ruby was doing in her day to day normal life before The Doctor arrived?

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      I can see why that moment was jarring. I don't think it's unrealistic, though, although perhaps not as well realised as it could have been. I suffered through some depression in the past and yet people didn't know. It wasn't until I was able to tell them that they said to me how they'd have never realised because I seemed to happy all the time. Perhaps that experience has tinted my view of that scene, so it kind of worked for me, but I can see that it might not have for everyone.
      The set for the flat is a bit big. I know they've done that for technical reasons and I also know it's not an American thing, it's to accommodate the cameras in an otherwise small space. I appreciate that can cause problems for the suspension of disbelief.

    • @corringhamdepot4434
      @corringhamdepot4434 Před 8 měsíci +1

      The exteriors were filmed at Frederick Place, Clifton, Bristol. A terrace that has been converted into 1 and 2 bedroomed apartments. They would have had to knock through 3 of them to make up Ruby's family home.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@corringhamdepot4434 Sure, but it’s set in London, so it’s not meant to be that actual street.

    • @corringhamdepot4434
      @corringhamdepot4434 Před 8 měsíci

      I was only pointing out that the exterior shots were of a terrace of buildings that could in no way contain the interior size and layout of their apartment. If you watch them running across the roof, each individual building/apartment is only 2 windows wide. @@BeyondTheSofa

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Ah, sorry I see what you mean. I thought you were saying that it wasn't realistic because those specific flats were renovated. I take your point.

  • @typeviic1
    @typeviic1 Před 8 měsíci +3

    After the high bar set by matt Smith's 2010 'A Christmas Carol' special, it was a fair episode IMO

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yes, I agree.

    • @elgroucho
      @elgroucho Před 8 měsíci +1

      'A Christmas Carol' and 'Last Christmas' are my two favorite of the Christmas specials.

  • @amymorgan886
    @amymorgan886 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I quite enjoyed this alot more than the anniversary specials. Where was this raw fun doctor who energy in those? Its not perfect but its sold me on this new era.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I think I'm sold on the Doctor/Ruby relationship and enough has been set up now to make me excited to see where things go :)

  • @linkjourney422
    @linkjourney422 Před 8 měsíci +9

    I really enjoyed this episode. Sure the plot was thin and the pacing could be off from time to time. But I think this episode was more concerned about establishing the characters of the 15th Doctor and the Companion Ruby. And I think they absolutely nailed it. I immediately buy Ncuti Gatwa as The Doctor. He’s fun, and energetic, but also has the emotional range to be serious when the script calls for it. Him being devastated when he sees a world in which Ruby Sunday was eaten by the Goblins was superb acting by Ncuti Gatwa. You really root for The Doctor as he runs to save Ruby and the other children’s lives that might not exist if Ruby doesn’t live. You could argue that this moment for Ncuti could be his “Doctor Moment”.
    Ruby is a great character as well, and the mystery surrounding her parents is intriguing. She’s very likable and the chemistry she has with The Doctor is infectious in a great way. We’re only one episode in and I buy her as a companion more than the companions of the Chibnall era of Doctor Who.
    Ultimately if you go into this episode wanting an epic Christmas Doctor Who plot you’re gonna be disappointed. However if you go into this episode knowing that it’s mainly set up for the 15th Doctor and Ruby Sunday as characters . Then you’re gonna find real enjoyment with this episode.

    • @stephaniepage4334
      @stephaniepage4334 Před 8 měsíci +1


    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      I think Ncuti has had a few good "Doctor Moments" in the last few episodes, and I think he's felt like The Doctor right from the off, which is nice.
      As I said in the video, any script needs balance and I think this script was unbalanced. You could still do the setup and have an episode which is much tighter. You shouldn't be spending a third of an episode just setting up one character. There are some features that don't spend that long on character and yet have become classics.
      But, don't forget, this is meant to be an episode that draws new people into the series, and you need to have a good balance between character and plot to do that well.
      Having said that, I am still pretty excited by the episode and I did enjoy it. I'm really looking forward to the series.

  • @AREA-jp8vb
    @AREA-jp8vb Před 8 měsíci +3

    I’m so excited for this Doctor! He’s extremely charismatic and intoxicating. I thought It was a great introduction.
    I will say that the casting, for the doctor has always been perfect. They always seem to pick actors who are unique and engaging to the audience, While also just being stand up humans Who understand and appreciate the magnitude of the role and what I means to so many people.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I think he's going to be amazing and one of the things I am pleased to hear is how much he has embraced the history of the show, even though he wasn't a fan to begin with.

  • @rivwilson9330
    @rivwilson9330 Před 8 měsíci +1

    The doctor at one point said the gloves had three percent battery left. I was surprised that didn't lead to them failing a bit in the last climax

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      There was a blink-and-you-miss-it moment where the gloves appeared to be struggling, but it would have been nice to have a further hiccup at that point.

    • @rivwilson9330
      @rivwilson9330 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@BeyondTheSofa well I definitely blinked 😂

    • @hotdog1214
      @hotdog1214 Před 8 měsíci +1

      They did fizzle a bit and to my mind that was why he leapt off the roof, because the gloves were no longer working at full efficiency so he used a bit of mavity to help it along.

  • @daemonartursson5952
    @daemonartursson5952 Před 8 měsíci +3

    In my opinion it was an entertaining episode for Christmas Day. I was Entertained. No it wasn't the greatest episode ever, but it did it's job. Now got to wait till May. . And talking of May, next door neighbour Mrs Flood played by Anita Dobson-May - kept hoping might see her husband, Sir Brian 😂😂. Who was she ??😮😮

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      I'm glad you enjoyed it. As I said in the video, there is a lot to like about it. But MAY!!! How the hell are we meant to wait that long ;)

  • @jayar91
    @jayar91 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Why do they keep referring to Gravity as Mavity? If something in time changed when Donna and the Doctor met Issac Newton, does that mean they will need to revisit in order to fix it?

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      That really does annoy me. I think they will have to resolve it somehow later on, but it should never have been a thing in the first place.

    • @jayar91
      @jayar91 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@BeyondTheSofa I completely agree.

  • @fleason771
    @fleason771 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I love Doctor Who & I think Ncuti was great but the direction of this episode was all over the place!! So much thrown at a wall & see what sticks. The pacing was like an express train!! The Goblins can time travel, why & how? They are impaled on a church spire & seemingly burst into flames and vanish, no reasoning & somehow Ruby survives & Anita Dobson breaking the fourth wall to probably come out as "The one who waits.."/red herring was too much. I can't lie for my enjoyment theres a lot of improvement needed, theres a great episode in here somewhere. I'm in shock 🤯

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yes, I don't disagree with a lot of what you're saying. There are also contradictions in the episode, that the Doctor says they don't/can't time travel but they clearly can. I agree, there is a lot of improvement needed. I hope we see that when the episodes start proper. As it was, this episode had a lot to do and I think we're at a point where we could now just jump into an episode without the preamble. Hopefully that's where we end up in May.

  • @xzempty_8387
    @xzempty_8387 Před 8 měsíci +2

    A great cast with good music and lots of funny moments a little bit brought down by a weak plot. I loved the goblin song, and I thought they managed to weave The Doctor and Ruby singing into the moment perfectly and I have zero worries moving forward, with RTD saying he'd never do the same with Daleks or Cybermen. It's probably my least favourite Doctor introduction, but I've mostly loved every first episode of a Doctor in the past. I still liked it. It's a 7/10 for me. I preferred it to The Star Beast at least. It's fresh.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      I think Star Beast was a little better. I agree about the singing, it didn’t feel out of place. I have to say, I’m fairly confident about the new season. Thanks for your comment 😊

  • @kevinblower3426
    @kevinblower3426 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Yes, the plot was thin and I'd have liked more threat and confrontation with the Goblins ( a scene between Ruby and the King had to be cut apparently) but it was still very enjoyable. To introduce a Doctor, companion, a family and make it relatively disposable xmas fun is tricky. The two leads are really luminous with instant chemistry

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      It did have a lot of very nice elements in it. I think that's why I think this slots somewhere in the middle of the pack for episodes. It's not awful, but it also has that plot problem that can make it unsatisfying.
      But, I agree, the two leads are incredible and I expect we have a lot better to come in the new year, now the introductions are over.

  • @zocialix
    @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +2

    Yeah, Russell is just in the beginning stages of setting things up going foward at this point in his second run.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      He is, but that's not an excuse for pacing issues and thin plots.

    • @zocialix
      @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@BeyondTheSofa Agreed, however it was about as thin as say Rose was in 2005, only difference is there isn't an actual invasion The Goblins are a consequence of circumstance due to how the universe is changed. They pose a threat to some babies, but they're not meant to be presented as some big bad and I think that's clearly conveyed. Agreed with the pacing though needs to be ironed out. I don't think this episode is a masterpiece or anything, I'd also only give it a 7, but that's my reasonings for what the episode was trying to do.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I don't agree. Rose wasn't a thin plot at all. The plot of Rose is not about the Nestene invasion, it's about Rose discovering who The Doctor is. There's a lot of that in the episode and a really solid through-line that leads Rose from a character we meet to the new companion. We see her growth because that growth is an important part of the story.
      This is different, the plot of Church on Ruby Road is about the goblins stealing children. There's no through-line with Ruby or the Doctor, no character growth as such (I'm not saying that's a bad thing, by the way, just noting that is not what's happening in the narrative). Right from the start, we are told to look for the Goblins. Beyond that what we are getting is character stuff, not plot stuff...
      So, while Rose meeting The Doctor has a lot of character elements, they serve to forward the plot of Rose getting to know The Doctor. But here, the character stuff is setting so much up at the expense of advancing any actual narrative. Most of the episode is telling us stuff that actually doesn't matter. If you cut it, you would still be able to follow the story.

    • @zocialix
      @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@BeyondTheSofa I don't think it was thin in the same way no and I'm more referring the standpoint of the antagonist being there to drive two characters together, but it's similarly setting things up using the invasion as a backdrop, so that The Doctor & Rose meet. Instead of the plot this time round being the focus on who The Doctor's character is avoiding retreading old ground too much, it's more about how the universe has changed around him and how the old conventions The Doctor thought he knew have ceased in tandem with his loss of identity as a Time-Lord, having shared relatability with orphen Ruby Sunday in this specific regard cause of the events in Timeless Children. Feel's like Russell is using it as the new: 'Last of x.' Doctor's lack of identity is Time War all over again. (A touch of familar, but different.)
      Similar to Rose the plot of this isn't about simply Goblins appearing to steal babies, but The Doctor having to relearn everything he considered to be: 'science.' I think this festive romp will age well the more we learn of the significance of how myth and reality are blurring due to what The Doctor caused at the end of the universe assuming that was the cause, I'm unconvinced it was just that and that they'll be something bigger at play, but of course speculation of future episode's has little bearing on what this episode does. Just explaining my reasoning.
      Glad I stumbled onto this channel you provide such brilliant commentary and media analysis. Criminally underated.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      That's the thing, the invasion in Rose was not the plot. The Goblins in TCORR are the plot. They don't fit into the narrative in the same way to be comparable.
      A focus on a character is not a plot, which is the point I've been making. There is no actual theme stated here. It might be what you're reading into it (which is a fine thing to do) but character work is not plot.
      Think of it like this. A story has scenes and sequels. The scenes are where the action happens. Action in this instance is comparable to plot. The sequels are where the audience and characters take a pause to breathe. This is where the character development happens (some revelations might happen but nothing moves the story on too much). Typically, a script will switch between scenes and sequels to help build pacing. In TCORR, we get a lot of sequels up front and they don't feel balanced with scenes. That's why a lot of people are saying the plot was a bit thin.
      The plot here isn't about The Doctor having to relearn everything. That is a function of the plot. You can't hang the whole episode on that as a premise because it doesn't happen for 99% of the episode. The plot here is that Goblins are taking babies and The Doctor has tracked them down to stop them.
      If you think about it, you'll find there are a bunch of stories already where The Doctor lands in an unfamiliar situation and has to figure out what's going on... but that figuring out is not the plot. Tooth & Claw is an example of that, in fact.

  • @WhitneyAllisonGG
    @WhitneyAllisonGG Před 8 měsíci +1

    I wasn't fond of the Goblins as a villains but if I hope they just be one shot. As villians go they don't really present why are they a threat and didn't feel like any stakes. My Christmas Special favorite is the Husbands of River Song. I mean the plot is interesting. There's a certain feeling that there stakes in it life or death. With the Goblins well the problem is you don't know what they can do. It was even established Why the Doctor is after them. I mean that a line saying that the Doctor and Tardis pick temporal anonmyly
    I didn't mind wearable technology in the Gloves. As for the Sonic Screwdriver I am not crazy about it.
    As for the plot I thought that it was saving the series groundwork will be seasons. This episode act like an intro more like a tease

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      It shouldn't be a tease though, it should be a self-contained episode. You can do both.. In fact, Doctor Who has done both in the past, to great applause. I don't think we'll see the Goblins again, somehow.

    • @WhitneyAllisonGG
      @WhitneyAllisonGG Před 8 měsíci +1

      ​@@BeyondTheSofaThank you for replying. I did like Dr and Ruby dynamics in the show. I don't think actress is all that bad just that script didn't have much for her to work with.
      As for Mrs. Flood I think she had been either a companion or worked with the Doctor in the past. I don't think she is the Master or another Time Lord. Perhaps she is Ramona. LOL

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@WhitneyAllisonGG I think the Doctor and Ruby are going to be a great team :)

  • @pooman2
    @pooman2 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Class act reviewer

  • @stephaniepage4334
    @stephaniepage4334 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Could ruby be rose daughter ?

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      I hadn't thought of that. It would be interesting if she is... But, I'm a little worried that if I get something stuck in my head, the actual reveal will never be good enough ;)

  • @earth2006
    @earth2006 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I didn't care for the Goblin thing. I don't really enjoy a child, even a TV child, to be put into any kind of trouble. As for the rest, a singing doctor is not so bad. The new guy is very athletic. It's not too bad . I'll be watching in the spring. At least until the "messages" first start showing up.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I can understand that, it can be very emotive. I expect we'll see a mix of episodes going forward.

  • @paulmorris5166
    @paulmorris5166 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Thanks for review but I had to cut it short - so glad I cancelled my TV Licence and did not contribute to its production. Have a like though for posting.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Sorry to hear that, but I appreciate it's not going to be for everyone. And thank you for the like.

  • @elgroucho
    @elgroucho Před 8 měsíci +1

    Storyline-wise, this one didn't do it fer me. However, i havent seen an actor seamlessly step into the role of the Doctor since David Tennant's first run.
    (To me, Smith and Capaldi took a bit to find their footing with how they would eventually play their interations.)
    The biggest thing this special left me with is the endless chemistry between Ncuti and Millie - and, mostly, had me excited fer Spring 2024.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Yes, I agree about Ncuti and Millie, they were excellent. I want to see so much more of that right now.

    • @elgroucho
      @elgroucho Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@BeyondTheSofa Their chemistry seemed effortless. I think their bond will really be the sell of the series.
      I'm psyched fer this Ms Flood mystery!

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@elgroucho I'm a bit worried about Mrs Flood. I have an idea who I would like it to be. I don't think it will be.

  • @stevealdous2043
    @stevealdous2043 Před 8 měsíci +3

    My thoughts are totally in line with you on this one. The individual set pieces were good, but the plot didn't really hang together. Ncuti's take on the Doctor is certainly a step in a new direction and his interplay with Millie was wonderful. If RTD can offer some stronger plots and (for me) a bit more drama and tension and less of the fantastical magic and reliance on 'Get Out of Jail Free' cards, then the new season should be a winner.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yes, I agree with that. I'm glad we didn't see too much of the sonic in this episode for exactly that reason.

  • @allygurl1970
    @allygurl1970 Před 8 měsíci +1

    It didnt feel like a doctor who episode when they introduced goblins...the actors were good for what they had to work with but the story very plod like. Dull, and nothing like stories russell t davis has done before...

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yes, it's not like his earlier stuff... Or the previous specials... I expect this is going to change in the series proper.

  • @SaintGermain79
    @SaintGermain79 Před 8 měsíci +3

    Did we watch the same show? I've read stereo instructions that were more gripping. And there will ever be only one Goblin King and the was Jareth

    • @daemonartursson5952
      @daemonartursson5952 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Agree about Jareth, but overall I enjoyed it

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Jareth is the Goblin King of my childhood as well. The thing is, the episode does play into the mythos of Goblins (and particularly Goblins at Christmas) stealing children and causing mischief and even death to those unfortunate to encounter them. Like I said in the video, the pacing issue is mostly in the first 20 minutes. Change that and you will change the whole episode.

  • @RichardTLDR
    @RichardTLDR Před 8 měsíci +8

    I didn’t like this episode. Compare it to Capaldi on an average day and it is still outclassed.
    I found this episode boring and I certainly didn’t see anything in the trailer for series mid next year that got me interested.
    Epic fail.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I'm sorry you feel like that and I can see this might not be for everyone. I do agree that Capaldi's run is mostly a lot better than we had last night, but it's a bit unfair to compare a whole series to a single Christmas Special. For me, this isn't going to make it to the top of the classic episodes list, in fact it's quite a way down, but it's also not the worst thing out there.

  • @joshtiley3460
    @joshtiley3460 Před 8 měsíci +1

    This episode reminded me quite a bit of the Eleventh Hour. Like that episode I feel it perfectly established both the new doctor and Ruby and characterised them really well. I loved Ncuti from the start and was left feeling excited about the new series to come. While yes it felt a bit cheesy at times for sure, It felt to me like a return to form and a breath of fresh air to the show.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I'm excited for the new series too :) I'm not sure the biggest argument about the episode is that it's cheesy, rather that there are some inconsistencies and it has a flimsy plot... But, I found it, overall, enjoyable.

  • @sallyharford603
    @sallyharford603 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Hello. I am new to your channel, and I think I am going to be a regular watcerr. This young, new actor in this role, claimed the character as soon as he appeared on screen. He is confident, warm, affable and a wise choice to continue our hero's evolution. Thankfully, he is not as neurotic as David Tennant's character, nor forever dashing around. I liked that. I also enjoyed the soap-opera elements, performed by more realistic actors. Millie Gibson is fine choice as the new companion, and they seem to a good duo. However, I am not keen on the musical numbers, or the CGI of the monsters themselves - too twee and cartoony. I know this is because of Disney. I was pleasantly pleased with this new start for the show.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Thank you so much for your comment and I'm thrilled to have you along for the ride :)
      I too enjoyed Ncuti in the roll. I can see exactly why he was chosen. I am aware, of course, that musical numbers aren't for everyone. We'll have to see if that plays out anymore as the series progresses. What I actually liked about the monsters is that they really do link back to legend. There are a lot of stories about goblins at Christmas and they got that element right. They did steal babies, they did cause mischief and in some cases death by misfortune. I thought it was nice to see something from our shared mythos being brought to life.

  • @davidharris9200
    @davidharris9200 Před 8 měsíci +2

    It was a decent episode. I feel some people take doctor who far to seriously. It's just light hearted family entertainment. There is more more important things in life to worry about. See doctor who for what it is. Just light hearted family entertainment.

    • @SpikeyMikey341
      @SpikeyMikey341 Před 8 měsíci +1

      And getting lighter all the time ....

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      I'm afraid you may have used a false dichotomy here. Just because something is "light hearted family entertainment" does not mean it can't be taken seriously. Moreso, by suggesting there are "more important things in life to worry about," you've fallen into the red herring fallacy as well. There are no more important things for a Doctor Who channel to worry about than Doctor Who.

    • @markpostgate2551
      @markpostgate2551 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Why does Doctor Who matter to people and why do they feel emotional pain walking away from it if it is something they no longer like or enjoy? It is an interesting question; I have asked myself the same, but taking the question seriously, not trivializing it. After all Game of Thrones had a massive following but the last season was a massive disappointment and no one cares. It is just a joke to quip about the last season being bad. Lots of tv series change and shed viewers when they do and people just let go. But Doctor Who has this sense of identity and community that is unique to it.
      Here are some thoughts:
      For a very long time, throughout the 80s and 90s, Doctor Who fans were figures of ridicule, and at the same time the atypicality of the hero means he was a comfort figure to figures of ridicule because he was a hero that was eccentric, intelligent, avoided violence or violent solutions (or at least 9 times out of 10), was separated from society by his atypicality hence a misfit or outsider - he was a nerd hero, when nerd-characteristics are genuinely considered unheroic characteristics, in a show for nerds who face separation/alienation for being nerds and in addition faced separation/alienation for being fans of that show. And this created a very strong bond of identification and community because Doctor Who fandom was a way these socially awkward people would recognise commonality with each other. Maybe a tv show should never become part of somebody's sense of identity or self-esteem and maybe that is the lesson of the last 50 years of pop culture, because Doctor Who wasn't alone in creating that - Star Trek had that too. I don't really understand why Star Wars is such a big deal to people - it was never a niche thing - queues for Star Wars stretched around the block; no one ever felt marginalised by being a Star Wars fan, nor are any of the hero characters in it atypical - don't get me wrong: I like some Star Wars - but I don't understand why it is so meaningful to people - it's just a bunch of escapist films some of which are good; some of which aren't - I don't see why you would feel a sense of identity around it; no one was ever ridiculed for liking Star Wars because the majority always liked Star Wars; no one had to hide it away to avoid loss of social status.
      The other thing that generated a sense of community (and I imagine this was true for Star Trek fans too) was the vast mythology so that the more you knew the more you shared culturally with other fans and not with other people who could be very close to you in terms of familial ties or daily routine. This seems to be a factor in what makes some franchises develop a kind of cultural gravity is the mass of specialist (and useless) knowledge you can have about it increases cultural commonality you have with other fans whilst decreasing the commonality you have with your immediate community (i.e. family, or peers in your place of work or education); they are effectively accidentally cultlike. And the attraction of cults is they give a sense of belonging to people who feel they don't belong anywhere.
      Seriously, I do ask myself why do I care and why did I keep watching during periods when it was no longer worth watching? Most shows only have to be a little less interesting for me to stop tuning in; a little less funny or no longer at a convenient time slot, but Doctor Who can actually be embarassingly bad - I am not even talking about the Chibnall era; I am talking about season 24 - Sylvester McCoy's debut: we kept tuning in whilst every casual viewer had already switched off. Watch the footage of juvenile Chibnall himself on TV being interviewed about his disgruntlement. Why did fans not just simply stop watching the same way as I stopped drinking Doctor Pepper when they started putting aspartame in it - if it stops being fun just stop, surely. Why cling to something you no longer enjoy?

  • @KarateWerewolf
    @KarateWerewolf Před 8 měsíci +1

    Doctor Who had 50 years of amazing content.... and then it died.
    RIP Doctor Who 2015....

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +1

      There was some pretty shonky content over those 50 years, and there’s a lot of good stuff in the Capaldi era, so I can’t agree with anything you’ve said there.

  • @WilloftheFans
    @WilloftheFans Před 8 měsíci +8

    This episode was like a more boring 'Rose'. So boring in fact, that my TV shat the bed and refused to play anymore after 15 minutes and I had to watch the rest on my computer. Pure, unadulterated cancer. Also why does every episode have to force a bunch of trans stuff? It's not that common!

    • @guyziecrue
      @guyziecrue Před 8 měsíci +2

      What trans stuff was forced? I missed that

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Will, I've seen your videos. You went into this not wanting to like it. I know, because... Well, I've seen your videos. There is no "bunch of trans stuff" that was forced on people. I expect most people wouldn't have even realised there was a trans actor in it at all. You can find the episodes as boring as you like, but the fact you're having to resort to hyperbole to support your views weakens any argument you may have.

    • @guyziecrue
      @guyziecrue Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@BeyondTheSofa well put. It’s a bit sad that people waste their lives watching something they hate just to write and negative reviews.

  • @aliservan7188
    @aliservan7188 Před 8 měsíci +6

    It was garbage. Like a cross between Queer as Folk and The Labyrinth, and once again, the companion is going to be "special". Millie Gibson is a dreadful actress, terribly wooden, hopefully she gets some lessons. Ncuti was a lot of fun, ad the supporting cast were mostly great, but the writing, OMFGG, it was just shite. Dr Who is great when it's silly, but this was just stupid. Hopefully the actual series will be better

    • @zocialix
      @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +3

      You don't know what: 'wooden' means then cause it's quite the opposite from emovitve...

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      It was nothing like Queer as Folk. Millie Gibson is not a dreadful actress at all. I would contest that she didn't have the best of material to work with here, but it was still better than what we have had for the last few years. The writing itself wasn't bad, but the pacing and plot let it down. Those are two distinct things, the difference between dialogue and concept.

    • @aliservan7188
      @aliservan7188 Před 8 měsíci

      @@BeyondTheSofa Can't argue with that it would have been more accurate to say she was wooden in this. Hopefully with better material she'll have a chance to flex those acting chops

    • @aliservan7188
      @aliservan7188 Před 8 měsíci

      @@zocialix Perhaps I misspoke, I should have said she acted like a local children's TV presenter

  • @heatherqualy9143
    @heatherqualy9143 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Yeah, no. Peace out, Doctor Who.

  • @joshua11beau95
    @joshua11beau95 Před 8 měsíci +15

    It was crap and boring the Goblins did nothing and were defeated by a glove, with the state of the series over the last few years this along with the specials should have all have been 10 out of 10 episodes which they weren't, people are saying is silly fun becasue of xmas but in my opinion they can do silly fun episodes when the fan base is back on board, they might as well have all stood in the room and talked about their past and it would have made no difference to the story, if this is the quality of the rest of the series i will stop watching i wouldn't be surpised if the show gets cancelled or put on hiatus if this sort of quality continues into the series, it says something that you probably won't need to watch this episode again to understand the arc in the series as it will probably be brought up again the Ruby is adopted and was left outside the church so this will end up being a pointless episode

    • @RichardTLDR
      @RichardTLDR Před 8 měsíci +9

      Yep it was terrible.

    • @zocialix
      @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +3

      The Goblins weren't meant to be a big bad, but a victim of circumstance due to myth and reality becoming interwined. The gravity gloves are explained earlier on and the first scene with the ladder with Doctor along with Ruby climbing up is inversed with instead Doctor reversing the weight of the gloves to take into account the ship which dragged it down on the church. It's your opinion, but no it's not bad writing when you think about it. Every piece in the special has a purpose whether it be the conenction of Goblins going after adopted children and how they're tied to coincidences, the chekhov's gun being the gloves which gives you the solution before it's even showed to you. Between that and setting up Ruby's character and contrasting that with how in universe currently The Doctor is also adopted you've a great set-up for why these characters are so relatable to one another. The Orphen detail is not just some throw away thing. It's a theme.

    • @joshua11beau95
      @joshua11beau95 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @zocialix i never meant it was a throw away detail about the orphans im saying the episode is pointless the goblins added nothing to the story, the characters could have just stood in the room talking about their lives and the story wouldn't have changed runy being adopted will be bought up in another episode therefore you wouldn't have needed to see this to understand the arc, the episode was pointless and boring, all the goblins died at the end because their leader died its cliche and boring they didnt even need villians in this episode its clear as they're under developed and all they really did was sing and due to the state of the show over the last few years and this is meant to be a soft reboot i expect better even the series trailer looks crap i do hope it gets better i want the show to be good this episodes in my opinion was bad and boring, thank you for being respectful about your opinion and explanation and not leaving a stupid comment

    • @zocialix
      @zocialix Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@joshua11beau95 You were meant to reply to me there. Also, nope how was it: 'pointless' The Goblins are meant to be a menace of echoes pertaining to a greater danger on the horizon. We've smaller stakes now for bigger implications going foward. Story's primary focus is on how myth and reality are becomin blured, introducing a new kind of: 'science' as Doctor describes via a explicit fantasy creature like Goblin's suited for the festive season. With this in mind I'm going to have to disagree. This and Wild Blue Yonder as well as The Giggle are very important regarding how The Doctor has changed the universe to where the aformentioned has become possible. Also their leader was litterally a fat guy on a throne. It's not as if either the church spire or gloves come out from nowhere and it all happens too fast for him to get out of the way.
      As for the connection of orphens, how Ruby and The Doctor specifically relate to each-other in addition to fleshing out Ruby's foster family it was anything, but under-developed. (You're not going to learn everything about a Russell T. Davies character right there on the spot. His characters are built up during multiple episodes. This was the same for his previous run of Doctor Who.)

    • @joshua11beau95
      @joshua11beau95 Před 8 měsíci

      @@zocialix okay we disagree as you're not reading what I'm actually putting i never said the family was under developed i said the villains were and i said the goblins all died when their leader did which is clichie writing but from now i cant be bothered replying to you and arguing over a show i won't reply to someone who doesn't read what I'm actaully putting with have different opinions and its fine

  • @Awelbeckk
    @Awelbeckk Před 8 měsíci

    Sometime i fell to fake new.
    Like when i heard milkie gibson was trans.

    • @BeyondTheSofa
      @BeyondTheSofa  Před 8 měsíci +3

      Ruby Sunday is a woman, played by a woman.

    • @Awelbeckk
      @Awelbeckk Před 8 měsíci

      @@BeyondTheSofa really ... that is great.
      I thought i heard RTD wanted a trans woman for companion.
      I fell into a fake news. Thanks for clarity !

    • @WhitneyAllisonGG
      @WhitneyAllisonGG Před 8 měsíci +2

      ​@@AwelbeckkI think your confusing Ruby with Rose the one is Donna's daughter from the Earlier Specials.

    • @Awelbeckk
      @Awelbeckk Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@WhitneyAllisonGG Now you say it, it is very probable that is what happened.

    • @ManiacMike
      @ManiacMike Před 8 měsíci

      ​@@AwelbeckkDona nobles supposed daughter was the trans

  • @rubitbetter
    @rubitbetter Před 8 měsíci

    Total garbage and a waste of time