Signs of Jesus' Return

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • What is the significance of the Mount of Olives, the Temple Mount, Israel? What are the signs of Jesus' return? Rabbi Schneider shares how connected God is to Israel, how the signs of Jesus' return are already happening, and how Jesus confirmed the signs of the end of the age. Learn what our response should be and what it means to us today as the rabbi unpacks biblical prophecy spoken by Jesus himself.
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    Series: The Holy Land Season 1
    Episode 1 of 4: Jesus' Return (Signs of Jesus' Return)
    ***** Click here to order this series-
    ***** Access Rabbi's Teaching Notes for this episode:
    Episode 2 of 4 • The Final Battle is Co...
    Episode 3 of 4 • Direct Access to God
    Episode 4 of 4 • Lessons from the Holy ...

Komentáře • 901

  • @1965gracebug
    @1965gracebug Před 5 lety +36

    Jesus is coming back for me!!! Thank you for this wonderful and encouraging message of truth!!

  • @soniaramos91
    @soniaramos91 Před 5 lety +14

    "God did not put in us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." About 365 times does the Bible instruct us on not to be afraid, He is with us. So do not be afraid beloveds Jesus is coming and we will be going home soon enough. Keep your focus on Jesus only.

    • @glendajames6230
      @glendajames6230 Před 3 lety

      Yes. Dont lose not take the mark of the beast 666.praise God and believe in jesus christ he is coming sooner than you think. I love you jesus

    • @zanecialenriquez9726
      @zanecialenriquez9726 Před 3 lety

  • @maryjoyce7310
    @maryjoyce7310 Před 5 lety +9

    Dear Rabi,
    Thanks n praise to the Lord in hevan who gave the power of Holy spirit for u to,teach word of gd so clearly for us..I felt like I was there in Mount OLIVET with Jesus
    So nice to look the area ,n think of Jesus.That sort of preaching is very valuble to us , as I have no money to visit Holy land ,the places where Jesus had being walking n preaching I seen now . I feel so blessed n so worthy .some grate feeling which I can't express ,I only can feel. I still wish if I can visit before I die ,How lucky I am.? Nothing is imposible with Jesus.May gd bl ur family n ministry with mighty blessings from Hevan.
    Lov n prayers from Sri Lanka

  • @sunilamonteiro2514
    @sunilamonteiro2514 Před 4 lety +2

    I am watching from INDIA via amazon fire stick ,even I follow you always in u tube too.i loved to heared how Almighty lord blessed you with his greatness.

  • @filipinasphil.1840
    @filipinasphil.1840 Před 5 lety +19

    Exciting Our Lord God Jesus Christ Our Saviour is coming back Praise the Lord forever.

  • @mariescarbro2621
    @mariescarbro2621 Před 5 lety +9

    I'll fight all the way with you Lord!! I love our God so much!

  • @Christ_died_for_your_sins_777.

    I owe Jesus my life

  • @charmedone711
    @charmedone711 Před 5 lety +10

    Thank you for this reminder teaching Rabbi Schneider. God bless you and your family. Jesus is coming back for me. Jesus is coming back for all of us. What a wonderful blessing to look forward to. Have a blessed day everyone and walk in peace and love with one another.

  • @japanimesekai3985
    @japanimesekai3985 Před 5 lety +41

    God bless you, Rabbi Schneider!!

  • @stevenbrown7852
    @stevenbrown7852 Před 5 lety +7

    I have been in many frighting situations,PRAISE GOD,only his powerful love could bring peace even comfort in my bad situation.Any unsaved person would have cracked in my situations.He keeps me hole.

    • @graj22754
      @graj22754 Před 4 lety

      Blessings to you. Yes, I must agree that without the Hope of Jesus, I dont know where I would be.

  • @jacobshank7336
    @jacobshank7336 Před 5 lety +109

    Jesus is amazing!

  • @deborahalcock2629
    @deborahalcock2629 Před 4 lety +5

    Jahovah in Jesus name. I love you and I know the way and the truth. Please forgive me of my sins and help me to be the person that you want me to be. For I fear you. And I know the end is near. In Jesus name AMEN

  • @ilovejesusshorpe8176
    @ilovejesusshorpe8176 Před 5 lety +17

    Wow! This is so uplifting! Thank you, Brother Rabbi Schneider.

  • @estherlee369
    @estherlee369 Před 5 lety +32

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ forever ever.
    Thank you for sharing. May Lord God bless Pastor Rabbi everywhere you go.
    Yes, Jesus Christ is coming soon. Lets get ready repent pray together daily.
    I miss Father God so much. Can't wait to see Jesus face to face. Thank you so much Jesus Christ forever ever.

    • @michelemcguire8995
      @michelemcguire8995 Před 5 lety +2

      Rabbi..means teacher

    • @SVP884
      @SVP884 Před 5 lety +1

      In Bible, the Lord God Jesus Christ himself says about the signs of End Days:
      In Daniel 12:4. But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."
      It's says in end days knowledge will increase and People will travel from one place to another. This is happening now, People are travel in air ways very fastly.
      Matthew 24:9-13
      9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
      Humble explaination from me, any mistakes Lord God Eshu Mashaiah plz forgive me and also you readers plz forgive. (Holy Spirit God can use even a donkey to prophesy, here he used me! Thank u Holy Spirit God!)
      1. Many will turn away from faith(All Americans and British are becoming Hindus now-a-days) and many more signs are coming true! Matthew 24:10
      2. Many false prophets will appear and deceive many (Sadu, John Jebaraj, Pope, etc many have raised). In Matthew 24:11
      3. Love of family members grown cold (because of mobiles and internet all are busy in their own world). In Matthew 24:12
      4. Pregnant women and nursing mothers will have difficulties. (this is happening now because of Csections and Mothers going to job, they are not able to nurse their children). In Matthew 24:19.
      5. 1/3 of the waters would become Wormwood ie bitter.(This happened because of pollution through soaps, cosmetics, chemicals and plastic ). In Revelation 8:11
      6. Trees will be cut. (They are uprooting trees for roads, buildings, to plant Hybrids/GMOs). In Revelation 8:7

    • @ann.galendez
      @ann.galendez Před 3 lety

      Yahshua is coming soon.

  • @dollypadilla7767
    @dollypadilla7767 Před 3 lety +4

    JESUS is my way of my Life,Amen HALLELUAH😭😘🙆

  • @jenetchosen1399
    @jenetchosen1399 Před 5 lety +7

    This teaching Rabbi is outstanding, I feel as if Iam in Israel listening to you .Praise God ! Thank you Jesus! Love the beautiful scenic views

  • @bleuheavenco.7382
    @bleuheavenco.7382 Před 5 lety +19


    • @naomilazaro153
      @naomilazaro153 Před 3 lety

      Thank you too for the very. great messages in bless

  • @MegaAlhaqiqa
    @MegaAlhaqiqa Před 4 lety +2

    Can’t wait!! We need Jesus to come!

  • @dotosmelucio
    @dotosmelucio Před 3 lety +4

    This is an anointed message of the Lord to us, that we should be prepared always for Jesus comes in a time that we are not expecting for. It is just like a thief in the night

    • @dianajean8600
      @dianajean8600 Před 2 lety +1

      if you are a true believer and a doer of , a true follower of YAHWEH AND HIS BELOVED SON, you will always be expecting His return.

  • @KevTvlogs
    @KevTvlogs Před 4 lety +2

    iloveyou jesus.. jesus is coming back for me

  • @jerrysawe5537
    @jerrysawe5537 Před 5 lety +14

    Glory be to God, we thank you Jesus For wonderful message

  • @richardfreeman7884
    @richardfreeman7884 Před 5 lety +3

    Rabbi a long time listener and a supporter of your ministry I’ve learned and gleaned a lot of revelation, especially on how to walk in victory and a closeness to Messiah. The Holy Spirit is using your ministry in my life please keep up the Good Fight fixing your eyes on Him. I love that you seek to Preach Truth but I have to say that you todays teaching is partly true. When you say the graves outside the Temple Mount are the first to meet Messiah I imagine you’re referring to 1Thessalonians 4:16,17 nasb:
    For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a fnshout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
    V.17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
    Notice v.17 the specific language “we are caught up in the clouds to meet Messiah in the air not clearly speaking of the end of His 2nd coming as you are clearly referring too. I’m of the opinion that Messiah 2nd coming is in stages. To me it becomes clearer when comparing Messiahs Teaching in John14:2.3
    "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
    "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
    I’m of the opinion that Jesus Promise is too His First Fruits as no leaven was allowed in the ceremony of the Barley Harvest. I also believe that not everyone who says Lord Lord is of an equal caliber and I believe Messiah Himself makes this clear in His 7 letters to His 7 Churches. Maybe the biggest error being made today from Satan himself as the “Tares” or bad seed in Messiah’s Parables Matthew 13. This particular references hear is for the Over Comers those whose walk by obedient in Faith and action to Messiah having robes of ,Righteousness (Revelation 3:4,5,18, 4:4;6:2,11,7:9,14.19:14). After all isn’t that the goal of Father God via His Spirit to provide a Bride for His Son with out spot or wrinkle.
    To make the assertion that all the dead in Messiah will rise at the time He sets His feet on the Mount of Olives is sloppy grace or just inaccurate. Be it far from me to judge and I’m not I Love your commitment to teach the Fathers Love that the Kingdom Coming is The Fathers in which He entrusted to the Son and all of us who are “Over Comers and Joint Heirs.
    Love to hear your take on this important distinction

  • @Cheere
    @Cheere Před 5 lety +14

    If they don t believe Jesus returns as a only Living God, King and Saver with a holy spirit, they never can go to God/The creator

  • @StevePhillips777
    @StevePhillips777 Před rokem +2

    Excellent sermon regarding past prophecy and eschatology (prophecy to come). Rabbi Schneider has accurate knowledge of the word of God which is very rare to find these days.

  • @obarnwon
    @obarnwon Před 5 lety +7

    Lord Jesus, I pray for strength in your word through these difficult times. Help us Christians to overcome trials and tribulations in this troubled world. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @maryndolo5902
    @maryndolo5902 Před 3 lety +3


  • @rhondaadams1904
    @rhondaadams1904 Před 5 lety +5

    What a beautiful place. I would love to visit that place. Thank you Jesus so much for loving me and forgiving me for all I've done and loving me

  • @BethB-ep4fs
    @BethB-ep4fs Před 2 lety

    This is two yrs old..but look at the world means so much more! So glad i found this..Thank you for this post!

  • @maggieshamon5217
    @maggieshamon5217 Před 4 lety +4

    Lord Jesus have mercy on us and the whole world🙏🙏❤️

  • @aghatsh3478
    @aghatsh3478 Před 5 lety +6

    Jesus come

  • @mms5664
    @mms5664 Před 5 lety +8

    Scripture tells us Jesus will come in the clouds in great glory and the dead in Christ shall rise first and his other saints will then meet him in the air (rapture). By persevering til the end (end of tribulation) without denying Christ those will be saved. Once Jesus takes up his church there is no longer a way to salvation other than persevering until the end. By doing this you will endure much hardship and it will be terrible. Ask God to save your soul....ask for forgiveness for all of your sins and tell him you believe Jesus died for you, rose on the 3rd day and that he is Lord. You will know when he accepts you, not the other way around. God bless ❤️

    • @judyshives2405
      @judyshives2405 Před 4 lety +1

      @lary Snw 1 Thessalonians 4:17, KJV: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Harpazo means rapture, take, snatch, force, pull, catch, catch away, catch up - Put differently, the Greek, Latin, and English words used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 all describe exactly how quickly the living Bride of Christ’s fleshly Body will be removed from this Earth and how fast that fleshly Body will be changed into a spirit Body, so it doesn’t matter if one particular English word is or isn’t in the English version of the Holy Bible someone is using. What should matter most is whether the concept of a Rapture is in the Word of God. Based on the words used in the ORIGINAL language of the New Testament, which is Greek, the concept of a Rapture most definitely is in the Word of God.
      Also, the church is the bride of Christ, so why would he leave his bride all tattered, torn and bloody, before the marriage ceremony?

    • @aglasigh
      @aglasigh Před 3 lety

      That's not what the bible pay attention the scripture says at the last Trumpet which means at the last minute before tribulations

  • @iseeuprayer2110
    @iseeuprayer2110 Před 3 lety +2


  • @savedbygrace2439
    @savedbygrace2439 Před 5 lety +16

    Amen 🙏

  • @tommybrannon6099
    @tommybrannon6099 Před 3 lety +1

    Jesus is coming back for me amen

  • @Onyinye20ish
    @Onyinye20ish Před 5 lety +23

    The first coming his feet touched the Mount of Olives (Old Testament) His second coming He will come on a cloud (New Testament) where his feet will not touch the ground. He will be riding on a white horse and with his children riding behind Him. Jesus said everyone will see Him ascending from Heaven riding on a cloud... All, not one single place yet every single place will see Him, however, this happens after He calls His elect up to be with Him so they will come back with Him.

  • @tommybrannon6099
    @tommybrannon6099 Před 3 lety +1

    We all come to gather with God and praying for you me tommy I love you all pray for me

  • @arlenemcdonald8105
    @arlenemcdonald8105 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you dear Rabbi for speaking the absolute truth of GOD'S HOLY WORD. Please keep on with your teachings for the kingdom of God.

  • @cliffordwilson2739
    @cliffordwilson2739 Před 5 lety +1

    Shalom! I am an American citizen who is 58 years of age. It took me that long to realize my life was like a curse. I got serious about finding the truth and am quite green in it but good teachers are very much loved. I believe in the atoning sacrifice of Yeshuah and keeping the sov law or instructions

    • @cliffordwilson2739
      @cliffordwilson2739 Před 5 lety

      I am on my phone please read on. It sometimes does things I did not tell it to do. Continuing.... The Spirit of the law of YeHoVaH. Not man mad ... Bull... Worship! Or traditions taught as doctrine. Not the ... Orthadox jewish laws or the orthodox twisted scriptures and rules and traditions of Christian faith. I shall overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the TORAH of my testimony! I remember the Sabbath now to keep it holy. Special. And I am learning the feasts and His appointed times. I am green but what a treasure hunt! I choose blessing and life through the WORKS OF THE TOTAH OF MY FAITH IN YESHUAH! AS YEHOVAH LIVES! Amen! and Amen!

  • @Achoti7
    @Achoti7 Před 5 lety +19

    Amen!! ✝️✝️

    • @chriswalter3060
      @chriswalter3060 Před 3 lety

      Hello how're you doing

    • @thomaswashington6419
      @thomaswashington6419 Před 2 lety

      Malachi 1:1 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi.
      Malachi 1:2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
      Malachi 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
      Malachi 1:4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.

  • @rakshanaanandmaanukonda2692

    100% right 👍🏼
    Our faith in JESUS is unique on this earth,
    { JESUS } 👈 is the name above all names.
    { Please pray for INDIA 🇮🇳 }

  • @marymundy-jones5663
    @marymundy-jones5663 Před 5 lety +37

    God bless you and your ministry Rabbi Schneider! You are so appreciated in these terrible (yet wonderful) times

    • @shlomoivry1673
      @shlomoivry1673 Před 4 lety +1

      hes not a rabbi

    • @ryanflanagan9624
      @ryanflanagan9624 Před 4 lety

      blessed by God not lucky amen do not use The Lord's Name in vain
      come into The Kingdom of Light accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today amen amen
      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son john 3:16-18 come to know Jesus today He died on the cross for our sins and rose again, so we can live with Him forever because He loves us, by His blood He has victory over sin, death and hell amen. God Jesus The Holy Spirit love you amen God bless amen :)

    • @StonkSlay3r
      @StonkSlay3r Před 3 lety

      Lies hes telling lies its not jesus whos coming but the antichrist

    • @archangeljesus4369
      @archangeljesus4369 Před 3 lety

      Jehovah's Witnesses are the true worshippers, not these jews who turned their back on Christ

    • @archangeljesus4369
      @archangeljesus4369 Před 3 lety

      Hosea 1:9

  • @bootsy70
    @bootsy70 Před 4 lety +1

    Beloved Rabbi Schneider: Thank You For Such Holy Spirit TRUTHFUL Preaching!! BLESSED You BE!! BLESSED ALL The Worldwide Flock Of The Children Of THE MOST HIGH NOW BE!! Amen!! Hallelujah!!

  • @TheWomanofyahweh
    @TheWomanofyahweh Před 5 lety +3

    HalleluYah Father is coming back!!! Shabbat shalom Yah ppl .may Yeshua bless you all 🕊 ❤ 🍷 🍞 👪

  • @paullyriseabove
    @paullyriseabove Před 3 lety +2

    Fantastic message. So relevant for our times.

  • @noracharles9366
    @noracharles9366 Před 5 lety +25

    Thank you for sharing the truth 💙 I got the chills.

  • @barrymohammed6446
    @barrymohammed6446 Před 5 lety +2

    Jesus is lord ...Jesus loves you

  • @mamaJmama
    @mamaJmama Před 5 lety +8

    I am praying for clarity. I read the Bible and cannot get peace about rapture and being here during tribulation. I guess I will know as it unfolding..

    • @darylwilliams6497
      @darylwilliams6497 Před 5 lety +5

      The rapture will happen before the tribulation years. Just be sure to live for God. Study your word, pray and fast and hate the appearance of sin. Love thy neighbor and hold not onto grudges or malice. Be without spot or blemish. It seems impossible yes with man but with God all things are possible. 😊
      Take time to reflect and see what it is in you life that’s keeping the peace from finding you and eliminate it. It maybe friends, family, secret thoughts or just fear. Ask and he’ll show you the answer. Love you sis be blessed

    • @annmuita6257
      @annmuita6257 Před 5 lety +3

      You are wrong the great tribulation will happen first you know the antichrist and his angels will be marking those they deceive with 666 mark,and then wont trade or buy goods without the 666 mark on your hand,us without the 666 marks will be hungry,we will wish to die but there will be no death.those who will be persistent to the end will get eternal life.after the tribulation then the rapture will happen

    • @darylwilliams6497
      @darylwilliams6497 Před 5 lety +1

      y k I disagree. Those who are left behind while endure those things because at the time the Holy Spirit will not be on the earth. If you have the Kjv version of the Bible dig a little further 😊.

    • @darylwilliams6497
      @darylwilliams6497 Před 5 lety

      y k check out read the whole chapter but vs 7 explains when the Holy Spirit leaving the earth. “ until he be taken” refers to the Holy Ghost. Once he is taken out of the way then the Antichrist will be revealed and use his powers given to him by Satan.
      “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” 😊
      ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @Christ_died_for_your_sins_777.
      @Christ_died_for_your_sins_777. Před 5 lety +1

      Rapture, Antichrist, tribulation, 2nd coming, millennium

  • @freespeech4all723
    @freespeech4all723 Před 4 lety

    I love to hear preaching...without personality, without guile, without sugar coating!
    Thank you sir!
    This little lamb hears the good Shepard's voice through you.
    The Lord bless you and yours!

  • @dremacarnathan1451
    @dremacarnathan1451 Před 5 lety +4

    Maranatha!!! 🙌✝️🙌

  • @mohamedrifai8877
    @mohamedrifai8877 Před 5 lety +2

    JESUS is the only way to save the humanity and world.
    I am eagerly waiting to my dad JESUS.

  • @annmuita6257
    @annmuita6257 Před 5 lety +41

    First here to comment,please rabbi I am from Africa kenya.please teach us about the end of the age and what will happen during the rapture....thank you!

    • @chosenone7928
      @chosenone7928 Před 5 lety +8

      Read your bible 4 r self & the lord will teach you, he szs that n the bible. Ask & seek & he will reveal him self.

    • @olivia-livali5905
      @olivia-livali5905 Před 5 lety +9

      Theres no pre trib rapture brother ..Yeshua said "immediately after those tribulation Matthews 24vs29

    • @olivia-livali5905
      @olivia-livali5905 Před 5 lety +4

      @John powers..we will go through the great tribulation brother.Yehovah will protect us Still..Either you agree or not we should prepare even if we wont go through it or not.

    • @olivia-livali5905
      @olivia-livali5905 Před 5 lety +2

      Vs 4 of Colossians says When Christ who is our life shall appear,then ye also apper with him in glory..dont be afraid of the tribulation..he will deliver us ..keep your cellar still really trying to see the Rapture..cant see it..anyways time will tell

    • @kkcwl
      @kkcwl Před 5 lety +5

      Just hold on to the believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of GOD, He died for us, His broken body took all our illness, sickness, diseases and curses, His blood took away all our sins and on the third day, Jesus was resurrected by the father conquered death victoriously. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior will come for His church soon, be prepared and get ready. Toda Raba YESHUA.

  • @vanessaford7406
    @vanessaford7406 Před 2 lety

    Thank you for this message. God is warning us daily about the rapture..Amen...2/18/2022.

  • @johnbear6145
    @johnbear6145 Před 5 lety +3

    Thanks Rabbi Schneider blessed

  • @YongamaLove
    @YongamaLove Před 4 lety +1

    Yeshua....We Love YOU always.

  • @nanacapri50
    @nanacapri50 Před 5 lety +7

    A beautiful inspiring teaching thank you

  • @JoJo-nv8jy
    @JoJo-nv8jy Před 5 lety +1

    Jesus, please hurry. Don't know how much longer I can hold on.

  • @f.margaretellisonmabe1817

    Thank you Rabbi for your teachings daughter of the Tribe of Judah.

  • @mamaruthsvlog8019
    @mamaruthsvlog8019 Před 4 lety

    May YEHOVAH our Elohiym bless you abundantly Rabbi Schneider.

  • @Maggie-em3ew
    @Maggie-em3ew Před 5 lety +14

    Thank you Rabbi, this message give me hope🕊️.

    • @yeisychirinos753
      @yeisychirinos753 Před 4 lety


    • @ameliasaldate4375
      @ameliasaldate4375 Před 4 lety

      00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000 00000000000000000 0000 000000000 0 0 0000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000 00000000000000000 0000 000000000 0 0 0000000 0 q

    • @bidziilalex146
      @bidziilalex146 Před 3 lety

      Yeah indeed

    • @bidziilalex146
      @bidziilalex146 Před 3 lety

      how are you doing

    • @chriswalter3060
      @chriswalter3060 Před 3 lety

      Hello how're you

  • @necoford4386
    @necoford4386 Před 3 lety +1

    Jesus is coming back to every one,Jesus is God,Jesus is the Messiah,the Savior He loves us soo much‼️ REPENT✝️🙏🌹🌼💖💚

    • @rubendan6898
      @rubendan6898 Před 3 lety

      Hello Nicole, God bless you, How are you doing?

  • @starshimmerministries
    @starshimmerministries Před 5 lety +5

    Love that you are doing this series. All glory to Avinu.🙌💜

  • @lloydjanney2613
    @lloydjanney2613 Před 5 lety +1

    God bless you sir. Thank you for your message and teaching. I would say that I stumbled upon this video by accident. But it would not be true. God our Heavenly Father directed me to this video so I may know his truth. I was saved and baptism at the age of 13. Now in my early 50s I believe in Jesus Christ in our heavenly father and his holy word. And I've been seeing the sign of his return all around us . However I Have not always been on the path of faith there have been times when I have wonder off the path. But always return to to my first love in Christ Jesus. As even now I struggle in my walk of faith. It seem that Lucifer is always one step ahead of is a difficulty season for my family and I. But my faith remain that God will deliver us out of our troubles. Please pray for me and my family well being, health thank and may Our heavenly Father bless you and your family always amen

  • @shanemarlow4844
    @shanemarlow4844 Před 5 lety +3

    Ahhhhh brother bless you and bless YISRAEL and Jerusalem Yeshua hamashiach Jesus Christ bless the apple of Yahweh eye praise the son of david I'm a Gentile and I love the Lord with all of my heart all of my soul and with all of my mind Hey my neighbor as well I need prayer in that area sometimes I'm a bitter man but the Lord keeps picking me up he won't give up on me I don't want to give up on him please pray for me brother

    • @shanemarlow4844
      @shanemarlow4844 Před 5 lety +1

      @@RabbiSchneider SHALOM thank you for praying for me every day I feel that we our some close till yeshua return I know the first one's a fake he will deceive the world but the second one will come just as yeshua says in the hole chapter of Matthew 24 as in the days that Noah was when you see the lightning shining to the east to the West he told us how do you return the world will shake like a staggered drunk and he will save YISRAEL from her enemies it's good to be your brother I love yahushua hamashiach Jesus Christ I love you guys I love YISRAEL and Jerusalem and my neighbors I feel so happy hey my eyes are open still got a lot of work to do but I believe in faith that yeshua hamashiach Jesus Christ will help us threw it all and soon we will be one big happy rejoyceful family in our Lord yeshua as are father and Lord and till then Shalom

  • @yourmomisrellyfatsrhorts
    @yourmomisrellyfatsrhorts Před 4 lety +1

    Shalom my brothers in YESHUA...

  • @Vashthestampedeo
    @Vashthestampedeo Před 5 lety +10

    And so begins the great cleansing of this heinous world, for I am inevitable. I will set the stage for the arrival of the son of David, for his time is near.
    He was a man whose tongue held no lies,
    For he was the direct descendant of our father in the heavenly skies.
    Born to a body of fleshy sin,
    Though what laid beneath was unlike the rest of his kin.
    Jesus had the utmost grace,
    Never being wavered by evils face.
    He was wise beyond any years,
    Performing miracles that would bring crowds to tears.
    A beacon of light on top of a starless mountain,
    Where words of wisdom poured out of him as if there ran a cosmic fountain.
    His eyes pierced through you with a single glance,
    Leaving even the most hardened individuals in quite the trance.
    The holy spirit so ever majestically flowed inside this man,
    Naturally people caught notice and became a fan.
    Students began showing up from every mold,
    When they heard his words their hearts were sold.
    Wicked men put a price on Jesus's head,
    He was wanted alive or dead.
    Despite this he and his disciples continued their teachings,
    Where on occasion they endured terrible beatings.
    One of the twelve apostles turned to black,
    No longer having Jesus's back.
    Judas Iscariot had done Satan's bidding,
    And it is in hell where he now is sitting.
    Jesus died on the cross to pay for our shortcoming,
    However don't be saddened for if you believe in him you will see him at your homecoming.
    There he sits at the right hand of God's throne,
    Being the voice of truth and love that we all have known.
    Wobbling on the edge of utter desolation,
    Where thoughts of death become a fascination.
    I take a step backwards and continue to sway,
    Is this the final hand that I will play?
    While what lays behind me is probably eternal rest,
    Is this decision the very best?
    Death is certain and that much I know,
    However there is still life in me left to flow.
    Perhaps this anguish can evolve,
    Maybe this question isn't impossible to solve.
    If I pay a visit to the abyss,
    There are so many things here that I will miss.
    Some things good and some things bad,
    Joyful events and those which are sad.
    When will this perspective shift?
    I desperately need my spirits to lift.
    I look in the mirror and remember every scar,
    The result of my despair I need not look far.
    Thoughts race through me, shackles tighten,
    I scream and then peculiarly my sense of awareness begins to heighten.
    A new thought washes through my being,
    I take a second glance in the mirror unsure of what I'm seeing.
    The burden within me feels far lighter,
    A winning result for this righteous fighter.
    The ground stops shaking and I gain some composure,
    Taking a step towards what was once an enclosure.
    Shadows fade away revealing what they left in the dark,
    Being pulled forward my soul begins to embark.

    • @lindseyb421
      @lindseyb421 Před 5 lety +3

      david lewis that’s beautiful

    • @ydw8405
      @ydw8405 Před 5 lety

      Was Jesus the son of God or the son of king David ?? how come his mother was a virgin and his father the God and yet at the same time claiming he was the son of king David ? its problematic !

    • @lindseyb421
      @lindseyb421 Před 5 lety

      Y Dw he was both God and man. He came from the lineage of David

  • @MalistaChristy
    @MalistaChristy Před 5 lety

    Thank you Rabbi! Yes I agree, a lot of Christian preacher afraid to say that Jesus is the only way to life.. God bless you, love from Indonesia!

  • @ninjamachete
    @ninjamachete Před 5 lety +3

    Brothers and sisters, I want to request that you pray for healing for my wife to be healthy again. God bless you

    • @ninjamachete
      @ninjamachete Před 5 lety

      Thank you and God bless your ministry

  • @westernbwoy1
    @westernbwoy1 Před 4 lety +1

    For God so love the world and us is only begotten son for who so ever believ in him should not perish but have everlasting life

  • @raymondfaron85
    @raymondfaron85 Před 4 lety +4

    I ask for mercy from the Lord Jesus Christ.
    My struggles are rather severe and I fall so often that I find it almost impossible to carry on.

  • @El-sr1id
    @El-sr1id Před 3 lety

    And also wow, someone who agrees Jesus wasn't just one guy who lived 2000 years ago. He is eternal. He is a Great Spirit. Immortal and immeasurable. He comes around here and there when needed. God Bless everyone. Shalom.

  • @counselor1295
    @counselor1295 Před 5 lety +6

    I have only one disagreement with Rabbi, and that is concerning the timing of the Rapture. I do not consider it an easy expect His soon return for the church before the Tribulation. If we are His, however, this issue will work itself out......

    • @judyshives2405
      @judyshives2405 Před 4 lety +1

      1 Thessalonians 4:17, KJV: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Harpazo means rapture, take, snatch, force, pull, catch, catch away, catch up - Put differently, the Greek, Latin, and English words used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 all describe exactly how quickly the living Bride of Christ’s fleshly Body will be removed from this Earth and how fast that fleshly Body will be changed into a spirit Body, so it doesn’t matter if one particular English word is or isn’t in the English version of the Holy Bible someone is using. What should matter most is whether the concept of a Rapture is in the Word of God. Based on the words used in the ORIGINAL language of the New Testament, which is Greek, the concept of a Rapture most definitely is in the Word of God.
      Also, the church is the bride of Christ, so why would he leave his bride all tattered, torn and bloody, before the marriage ceremony?

  • @romanphoto1196
    @romanphoto1196 Před 5 lety +1

    Shalom Rabbi may God bless you in Yeshua Name

    • @romanphoto1196
      @romanphoto1196 Před 3 lety

      It was NOT God who show you me but satan him self , i have see your ceremoni its terible what you are doining there thats why i believe that God can't talk trough you to me , do REPENT in your live or who ever write to me

  • @kimmycagle4098
    @kimmycagle4098 Před 5 lety +3

    do you believe in the Rature of the Church??!! Jesus Christ is Coming for His Bride, before the tribulation!!!!!

  • @monaattianese662
    @monaattianese662 Před 3 lety +1

    Come quickly Lord Jesus...
    There is no Name under heaven where y man can be saved♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @rowenadapang9112
    @rowenadapang9112 Před 5 lety +2

    Amen! Halleluja thank you Lord Jesus for your message ❤

  • @mysterioustravels4305
    @mysterioustravels4305 Před 5 lety +1

    Yahusha is coming very soon and he will restore the land of his people in Jerusalem...... Hallelujah Yahweh!!!!

  • @valerieescabi6104
    @valerieescabi6104 Před 5 lety +23

    Shalom shalom 💖

  • @madelanetiburcio6591
    @madelanetiburcio6591 Před 4 lety +1

    I love the way you talk, but I’m very surprised and very happy that u believe in Jesus ,amen

  • @stevejeffries1603
    @stevejeffries1603 Před 4 lety +3

    Great vid many thanks

  • @MostPowerfulPMofIndia
    @MostPowerfulPMofIndia Před 4 lety +2

    Sir can u pls explain the entire Book of Revelation. I am a hindu brahmin from India but I cannot live without The Christ. Sir can u pls make a video series of the Revelation and the Third World War and the Apocalypse. Evil is too much to bear on this earth. I need help from Jesus for all my life. Kindly help me sir. I want to travel to Israel.

    • @RabbiSchneider
      @RabbiSchneider  Před 4 lety

      Shalom Archana,
      We want to encourage you to visit our web page: where you will find answers to your question and much more. This subject is briefly discussed in the FAQ (Frequently ASKED Questions) section that is located under the “About” tab. Additionally, under the “Store” tab you will find resources available for purchase that discuss this subject in detail, such as “The Book of Revelation Decoded” and teaching series entitled “Decrypting the Book of Revelation”. You can also watch this in-depth teaching series by clicking this link:
      Blessings, The Discovering The Jewish Jesus Ministry Team

  • @Bella73437
    @Bella73437 Před 5 lety +3

    Amen ❤

  • @rianatheron3338
    @rianatheron3338 Před 3 lety

    Everything is happening more and more intensely .. Be ready for Yeshua ha Messiach

  • @budekins542
    @budekins542 Před 5 lety +43

    On That Day Islam finally meets its doom.

    • @amel6206
      @amel6206 Před 5 lety +8

      God be merciful so that millions of souls trapped by Islam will be reached.

    • @RoarT19
      @RoarT19 Před 5 lety +6

      Islam is Babylon.

    • @mercysa3382
      @mercysa3382 Před 5 lety +2

      @@RoarT19 yes.. you are right, brother!

    • @andrewh9384
      @andrewh9384 Před 5 lety +2

      Why should I follow Christianity and not Islam? How do I know which one is true?

    • @sabuj9381
      @sabuj9381 Před 4 lety +4

      @@andrewh9384 in Islam Jesus is a prophet of the Almighty. He will come and will fight the Antichrist. The Antichrist is the Jesus of the Jews.

  • @frederickaquino1449
    @frederickaquino1449 Před 3 lety +1

    Jesus worldwide

  • @ruthgraff2064
    @ruthgraff2064 Před 5 lety +75

    2 weeks ago the Lord said look for the signs .of His coming an end times prophecy

  • @mikeinocencio9516
    @mikeinocencio9516 Před 5 lety

    Guys. Brothers and sisters in Christ. Please my name is Mike and I'm asking if you guys would all lift me up in prayer please. I been fighting with a demon or demons of filth and perversion, and I basically live alone and have nobody to pray with at home. Please ask the Lord to help me guys. Please. Thank you all and GOD bless and keep you.

  • @leacastori1138
    @leacastori1138 Před 5 lety +17

    Signs of The Netchetef aka harpazo aka rapture of the church is soon!!! Talk of the temple being rebuilt, animal sacrifices, some already happening and hi voltage earthquakes happening daily! Ve ready!

  • @karenotte5420
    @karenotte5420 Před 4 lety +1

    i love you too my brother thank you for all you do

  • @Cheere
    @Cheere Před 5 lety +8

    You right!

  • @iai6701
    @iai6701 Před 5 lety +1

    Amazing thank you Ribbi Schneider

  • @yampytaq
    @yampytaq Před 4 lety +3

    And Jesus said to the Jews of his day:
    John 5:43
    I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if ANOTHER shall come in HIS OWN NAME , him ye will receive.
    this is the Antichrist. One name comes to my mind that the Jews of Israel will receive him “like the King of Israel” like “the second coming of God”.

  • @carolinaalvez3874
    @carolinaalvez3874 Před 3 lety

    May God bless you more,Rabbi Schneider.

  • @natashajohnoson2286
    @natashajohnoson2286 Před 5 lety +8

    Jesus is the only way. With His Spirit/Holy Ghost...we have to have it

  • @savannahrobinson131
    @savannahrobinson131 Před 3 lety

    Yes!"Jesus" coming!Amem...

  • @amo5583
    @amo5583 Před 5 lety +4

    I support you 100% some deceives others that they will be snatched called rapture before tribula tions. Hiiiii .no no no

  • @wendee9750
    @wendee9750 Před 5 lety

    When I hear people in the streets of my neighborhood saying the end times are coming I must admit I get scared but the way you say it while referencing from the bible it makes me feel at ease. We just have to believe in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. We must have faith in him and do good to others, this is the only way. May God bless you all seeking the truth.

  • @JuniorLewingKoo
    @JuniorLewingKoo Před 5 lety +2

    I believe that Jesus is the Christ. The King of Kings an Lord of Lords.

  • @petergayban9390
    @petergayban9390 Před 4 lety +1

    God bless you pastor! Jesus bless you I'm very bless in your preaching about Jesus coming! Jesus cares you always!

  • @snelson2418
    @snelson2418 Před 5 lety +6

    Looking forward to the fulfillment of John 14:1-3 : THE RAPTURE!

  • @bobg525
    @bobg525 Před 5 lety

    Seek ye first...His Kingdom..Looking unto HIM alone