  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
    Formerly "even faster ride". / Nekadašnja "još brža vožnja"
    1994 Ikar(b)us IK-161 ("Subotica-trans #94)
    MAN D2866 UM + FAMOS (ZF) 6MS-80 + RABA 118 (assumption / pretpostavka)
    PHOTO / FOTO: "Subotica-trans 1897-1997" monography / monografija
    Recorded on 24th November 2022 on route 6, using Samsung Galaxy A13. / Snimljeno 24. 11. 2022. na liniji 6, korišćen Samsung Galaxy A13.
    ENG: The 1994-96 series of Ikar(b)us Zemun IK-161 basically saved the public transportation of entire Serbia, during the sanctions caused by poor politics, that, sadly, led to war in former Yugoslavia. Ikarbus had a bunch of parts in stock and could immediately deliver a large number of IK-161's to their byers. All of them had the same configuration, and all of them were red, no matter the city they were ordered for. "Subotica-trans" was, for example, always using blue buses, until they purchased 8 units of these. The buses from this series also ended up in: Novi Sad (5 units), Kragujevac, Pančevo, Kraljevo, Niš, Sremska Mitrovica, Kruševac etc. Two of them even ended up in GSP Belgrade, if I'm not wrong.
    The new generation of Ikarbus models was introduced, but the byers thought that the old generation is a better solution at given circumstances, and, therefore, these IK-161's were a good refreshment to their fleets in difficult times. The series were of solid quality, and one of them is still in service today - "Subotica-trans' " #94, which we are listening to in this video. Of course, all the photos are illustrative, but, we can see that exact bus on 1:04, when it was around 3 years old. This ride, driven in old school style, surely could bring some nice memories back to those who remember these buses. Write your memories in the comments.
    SRB: Serija IK-161-ica iz 1994-96 je, na neki način, spasila javni prevoz u Srbiji tokom sankcija zbog loše politike, koja je, na žalost, dovela do rata u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Ikarbus je imao gomilu delova na stanju i mogao odmah da isporuči veliki broj 161-ica kupcima. Svi su imali istu konfiguraciju i bili crveni, bez obzira na grad u koji su išli. "Subotica-trans" je, na primer, uvek koristio plave autobuse, dok nije kupio 8 ovakvih. Autobusi iz ove serije završili su i u: Novom Sadu (5 komada), Kragujevcu, Pančevu, Kraljevu, Nišu, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Kruševcu itd. Dva su čak završila i u GSP-u Beograd, ako ne grešim.
    Nova generacija Ikarbusovih modela je predstavljena, ali su kupci smatrali staru generaciju boljim rešenjem u datim okolnostima, pa su, prema tome, ove 161-ice bile dobro osveženje za vozne parkove u teškim vremenima. Bile su solidnog kvaliteta i jedan od njih je i danas u radu - "Subotica-transov" #94 koga slušamo u ovom videu. Naravno, sve fotografije su ilustartivne, ali, na 1:04 vidimo pomenuti autobus kada je bio oko 3 godine star. Ova vožnja u stilu stare škole, sigurno može probuditi sećanja onih koji pamte ove autobuse. Pišite sećanja u komentarima.

Komentáře • 13