  • čas přidán 15. 11. 2020
  • Did Jesus declare all foods clean when he said what goes into a person does not defile them?
    Jesus says, “It is not what goes into the mouth that makes a person unclean. It is what comes out of the mouth that makes a person unclean” (Matthew 15:11; Mark 7:15).
    Looking at these verses in context, Jesus is responding to the Pharisees accusing his disciples of being defiled because they ate with unwashed hands (Mark 7:1-4). There was never a divine instruction to wash hands before eating, but the Pharisees practiced hand washing before meals because it was a tradition of their elders (Mark 7:5). The passage has nothing to do with Jesus permitting all forms of animal cruelty or saying anything about what should or should not be eaten. Instead it has to do with the manmade tradition of washing hands before eating and he uses the opportunity to teach about the importance of having our heart set first and foremost on following God rather than on keeping human traditions.
    After his exchange with the Pharisees, Jesus explains to his disciples what he meant: “those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man” (Matthew 15:18-20). Jesus thus makes it clear that he is talking specifically about handwashing, not food, and that he is highlighting the relative unimportance of handwashing compared to having the heart set on following God. Jesus further elaborates on this point of the heart and mouth being connected when he says: “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45).
    Furthermore, Jesus does not say every act is justified as long as the dead bodies that result from the act are eaten. Instead he says what comes out of a person defiles them. So ask yourself this: When it comes to how you treat God’s beloved animals (Psalm 147:9, Psalm 104:27) that have been entrusted to humanity’s care (Matthew 24:45, Isaiah 11:6), do you exhibit the fruit of the spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23)?
    Or is what comes out of you instead: cruelty (Proverbs 12:10), indifference to the suffering of your animal neighbors (Luke 10:36-37), unconcern for the distress caused to others by your food choices (Romans 14:15), neglect of divinely ordained responsibility of earthly stewardship (Genesis 2:15), tightening yokes rather than loosening them (Isaiah 58:6), and uncontrollable desire to consume flesh (Philippians 3:19), causing animals to live in fear (Habakkuk 2:17, Genesis 9:2)?
    There were still plenty of food prohibitions among his followers after Jesus made this statement. For instance, Paul says in The Book of Acts to stay away from consuming the flesh of strangled animals, from blood, and from food offered to idols (Acts 15:29). And in Revelation it says false teachings mislead the church into eating food offered to idols (Revelation 2:20). And nobody, I hope, is trying to justify cannibalism or consumption of deadly poisons based on what Jesus says about not being defiled by what goes into you. So clearly it is not referring to all things that can fit down the throat, and certainly not permission to murder someone to eat their dead body since murder is specifically mentioned as one of the things coming out of a person that defiles them (Mark 7:21). So how then can it be reasonably interpreted to mean Jesus was changing the law (Deuteronomy 14:8) to, for instance, permit killing pigs to eat their bodies?
    Even though it had nothing to do with justifying which kinds of food are acceptable to eat, let’s assume for the sake of argument that we can derive some underlying principle from the exchange to base our dietary decisions on. What logical conclusion would that lead us to? If you say you do everything in love, as it says to do in 1 Corinthians 16:14, yet your attitude and actions toward animals suggest anything but love, then what is coming out of your mouth are hypocritical lies and it is those lies that defile you.
    Since God is love (1 John 4:8;16), we should be very careful not to forsake love in favor of violence and serving the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:17). And since God’s word is truth (John 17:17) and the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44), we should likewise be just as careful not to cover up what we are doing with lies. Instead we should confess our mistakes (James 5:16) and turn away from them (Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 1:9). We should love mercy (Micah 6:8) rather than the bloodthirsty appetites of the flesh (Galatians 5:24).
    Videography by Keven Whang

Komentáře • 36

  • @therealsugarking
    @therealsugarking Před měsícem +1

    Jesus was an amazing guru

  • @andreasedenekendahl1770
    @andreasedenekendahl1770 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you for this video. If God says it's ok to eat clean animals then it's ok and I think we should not make anyone feel bad about eating clean animals. Seams like Isaiah 66:17 prophecies about the "end times" so if people don't care about eating pig meat then it's between them and God, cause to me it sounds like a very clear warning and all though out the Bible God tests His people. All we can do it point people to scripture, but after that it's up to them. Blessings

    • @raditian2
      @raditian2 Před 4 měsíci

      (1)Question is what is the "biblical" definition of CLEAN? not "carnal" definition!!
      (2) Math 4:4 man should live by EVERY WORD of God .
      He didn't list any exceptions !!
      (3) "Its up to them" to interpret the bible correctly , if they don't, they will lean to their carnal mind.

  • @Denkono
    @Denkono Před 3 lety +3

    If unclean flesh can be defined as any flesh that involved a bowel movement in as a property of its own existence, then I can get behind this message

    • @Christ_AlphaOmega
      @Christ_AlphaOmega Před 6 měsíci

      I have no idea what this statement even means.
      Unclean flesh= flesh involved in bowel movement= property of its own existence.
      How high were you when you wrote this and who are the 3 nutcases in 3 years that gave it a thumbs up????

    • @Christ_AlphaOmega
      @Christ_AlphaOmega Před 6 měsíci

      If unclean flesh’s own byproduct was its reason for its own existence you could get behind it?? How are you able to operate a computer or a cellular phone to even post this comment???

  • @NextGenerationHealth
    @NextGenerationHealth Před rokem +4

    All true, but another thing to consider is that in GOD'S EYES (and that is all that matters), pig is NOT "food". Neither is rabbit, or shellfish or cats or dogs.
    I quit eating the unclean foods 40 years ago. God never said unclean foods are okay nowadays. God TOLERATES eating certain animal flesh, but I don't believe that is his will for those of us who care subjects of His Kingdom
    So the statement is true. All FOOD is good, but unclean animals were NEVER "Food"

  • @henkdachief
    @henkdachief Před 3 lety

    we shall all strive to be hypocrites

  • @CovMixMultofIsrael
    @CovMixMultofIsrael Před 2 lety

    Religion has the 'knack' for reading INTO a text things which are not there, they exist only in their fleshly desires. There has been, is and ever will only the Hebraic Scriptural Emunah ('faith') for the children of YHWH, those who trust in the Works of His Son Yahshua. Rabbinic Judaism (House of Judah, Southern kingdom, etc...) and Christianity (House of Israel, Ephraim, Northern kingdom) are two sides of the same corrupt coin. Judah piles on the words of men as to be higher than the Word of YHWH. Ephraim, excises and severs the Word of YHWH and replaces it with their own. Both doing great violence to His Word.
    Seek as to why YHWH 'divorced' Ephraim (and Manasseh a double portion of inheritance), to be sifted through the nations, to be grafted back INTO the WHOLE House of Israel (Jacob's tent). Yet, Judah, having done worse than her Harlot sister, was not 'divorced'? Only because of the irrevocable promises and covenants made to OUR fathers (Abraham, Issac, Jacob, David).
    This is but a mustard seed of the Truth of His Word. Seek and ye WILL find!

  • @peteholms9298
    @peteholms9298 Před 3 lety +4

    agreed. mark 7 is not about eating unclean, neither is peters vision.

    • @danieleriksson1657
      @danieleriksson1657 Před 4 měsíci

      Yes, Peter vision was about heathens that Peter considered unclean, not food.

  • @LoganFraley
    @LoganFraley Před rokem +2

    You can't exclude that Mark was written to gentiles, and he added the " Thus he declared all foods clean" to make it clear to the gentiles. Peter was also eating with gentiles, and when Jews came he went to eat with them, but then Paul rebuked him for it because that isn't the truth of the Gospel. It's important to note that Paul ate with gentiles when he was with them, and ate with jews when he was with them out of respect (romans 14 paints the picture). It wouldn't be loving to eat a burger in front of a jew, therefor he abstained with them. He makes this point clear in Colossians 2:16-17 as well. DONT FORGET, if you are attempting to still follow torah, you are REQUIRED to uphold ALL of it, you can't pick and choose. Torah points to Jesus, the fulfillment of the law, it was only a shadow of things to come. Isaiah 66 also doesn't seem to be about the end times but the exile, make sure you read the ENTIRE chapter to properly understand.

    • @raditian2
      @raditian2 Před 4 měsíci

      The bible defines difference between CLEAN and UNCLEAN.
      GOD so loved the WORLD , everyone!!!! Jesus spoke sinners as well.

    • @terryp12345
      @terryp12345 Před 4 měsíci

      "this he declared all foods clean" is not found in the original language... That was added by translators and it's not even found in all transactions.

    • @LoganFraley
      @LoganFraley Před 4 měsíci

      @@terryp12345 That’s false information. It’s in every Greek New Testament I have read, also in the Septuagint, nice try. And let’s see that verse was gone, well what Jesus said was still true, and the book of Galatians and Hebrews both exist just for people like YOU

    • @raditian2
      @raditian2 Před 4 měsíci

      @@LoganFraley I would Highly recommend reading the greek instead of the English in ROMAN 14 . ROM 14 is not a free pass to eat UNCLEAN. The word unclean is actually koinos which is common Ref :Acts 10:14 . UNCLEAN is Akathartos (unclean) not koinos (common).
      Common is clean that has been contaminated by something profane/unclean.

    • @LoganFraley
      @LoganFraley Před 4 měsíci

      Romans 14 is exactly what it says it is, as someone who studies greek at seminary level, the translation is spot on. 2839. κοινός kŏinŏs, koy-nos´; prob. from 4862; common, i.e. (lit.) shared by all or several, or (cer.) profane:-common, defiled, unclean, unholy. After briefly studying this word in all its locations in the NT, it's primary use is "defiled" "unclean" "unholy", so yes the translation is proper.
      It seems you also forget about the entire book of Hebrews, Galatians, Romans, and especially Acts 15, which all make it clear that all things are clean, the Jerusalem council was LITERALLY over this matter of the law of Moses, and their conclusions "28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements: 29 that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.” Paul makes it very clear in Rom 14:14 "I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean". Jesus's point in mark 7 is also so abundantly clear that Mark really doesn't even need to tell us the point in parenthesis. Food does not touch the heart, therefor it cannot make it unclean, and only what comes OUT of a man can defile him. 1 Tim 4 makes it clear as well, and v17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit", this is Paul's point in Romans 14. There is now no distinction between clean and unclean, the law of Moses served it's intended purpose until John, as said by Jesus, "The law and the prophets were until John".

  • @Christ_AlphaOmega
    @Christ_AlphaOmega Před 6 měsíci +1

    This is a pathetic argument, look at Mark 7:14-20, first of all the book of mark is the OLDEST DATED GOSPEL and JESUS SAID: it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? (Purifying)
    Now do their unwashed hands enter their belly’s or is it FOOD!?
    FOOD GOES IN BELLYS!! The end.

    • @s2p-org
      @s2p-org  Před 6 měsíci

      So you admit that Jesus isn't declaring all foods clean but instead is saying food is eliminated from the body after being digested?
      Also Mark is the oldest of the Greek canonical gospels, but the Gospel of the Hebrews (also sometimes called Hebrew Matthew) pre-dates Mark.

    • @Christ_AlphaOmega
      @Christ_AlphaOmega Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@s2p-org what part of Jesus telling you it isn’t what goes into a man that defiles him (cause it goes to the belly) but what comes out of a man that defiles him (murder, envy, adultery etc.) that you’re having trouble with!?!?

    • @Christ_AlphaOmega
      @Christ_AlphaOmega Před 6 měsíci

      @@s2p-org do the “clean meats” that you eat not get purged from your body or something!? That might mean you’re constipated then and I’d suggest going to the hospital for help.
      This concept of what Jesus is saying really shouldn’t be this hard for you man 🙄
      A dark heart defiles a man not the freakin food he eats.. like come on dude it’s REALLY simple to understand this scripture!

    • @s2p-org
      @s2p-org  Před 6 měsíci

      @@Christ_AlphaOmega I'm having trouble with the part where you ignore that murdering animals to eat their flesh is what defiles you.

    • @Christ_AlphaOmega
      @Christ_AlphaOmega Před 6 měsíci

      @@s2p-org exactly, you’re hung up on your own personal hangups over being a peta member and not what Christ was actually saying.
      Mark 7:15
      15 THERE IS NOTHING from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.
      NOTHING, not meat, not vegetables nor bugs can defile a man cause it all gets purged from the body! It’s what’s inside a darkened heart that defiles a man.
      Idk how to make this any clearer to you.
      This isn’t about semantics, clean or unclean he’s saying IT DOESN’T MATTER ANYMORE. The old law ON FOOD is OVER! ITS ALL ELIMINATED FROM THE BODY REGARDLESS.